Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 02, 1869, Image 2

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hiibui iiwuiinu vij-ii
inn. iinn.iiiiiv AiiiHiivii.il
iiiii viiuuvii uuiiuiiuiii
as -rr- -r - -ttr
Hatuhday Morniko, Oct. U, 1800.
. With this issuo my connection with
tho SESTiNRf. expires. It, during my
career, I have given ofll-nso to any it
has been without malice mid from a do
niro to discharge a public duty consci
entiously. If I have touched a soft
ipot in a singlo heart, or awakened a
single kindly emotion, I ant compen
sated. If any thinkjlio editorial pro
fcsslon Ik a bed ol thornlcss roses, let
them try it. For tho present I take
leave of journalism. I fear no censure
lor my course, nor do I ask any praise.
To allay curiosity, I will stnto that my
retirement! voluntary, the must friend
ly and confidential relation existing
between tho publisher and myscll, and
my reasons lor so doing do not concern
tho public. Thanking tho press for its
Amenities, and my friends for their
kindly and cheering encouragement, I
bid you all good bye.
Wt. M. Trnsi:iu
Crala Prospects-
Tho demand for wheat in this valley
at tho present timo is not very brisk.
Farmers arc holding at seventy-five
cents per bushel, and wo understand
that the miller have purchased some
at that figure. Kvcn il tho sale wen
ready, this rate is not remunerative.
To bo in proportion with tho wage ol
labor and other cost ol production in
(his locality, farmers should have at
least ono dollar for every buihel of
wheat they raise, and it seems strange
that they will continuo to sow and reap,
year after year, at ruinous rates. Our
farmers sco in tho prospective building
of n railroad through this valley n
market for gram, but they miscalculate.
Tho companies that build the road arc
allowed until lS7f to finish it, and it is
reasonable to presume, that, as wo arc
About mid-way, wo will derivo little
benefit from it until it is completed.
This then, gives no encouragement for
lho production of grain, and it would
-teem ihrowd in us to pay nioro alien
tion to tho raising of beef, which is
easy of transportation and always in
demand. Tho complaints that grain is
-dull, aro not confined to this locality.
In northern Oregon there Is littlo salo
for it at filly cents, and in California
-.thorn is a very light demand. If far.
mors would act on thuso hints for one
nsnson, thoy could command a fair
prieo for their grain, and not bo con
tinually depending on n glutted market.
"A Mew Seal-1
" Well," remarked an old line Demo
crat a low days ago, as ho stepped into
our ofllco, "what aro you Ilcpubs going
to do next spring." Wo answered that
it was too soon to say yot, and asked
him how Democratic prospects were?
".Well," replied ho, u thepeoplo aro bo
ginning to enquire whether they or the
professional politicians aro going to run
tho ' machiuo ', thoy havo made up their
minds for a now and squaro deal, or
they will break tho gomo up in a row.
Top stocks,"' continued he, "wont
win, chili have been trump long
enough, and packed conventions are
played out. As far as my observation
.goes, tho people aro going tq seek for
cleconoy mid sobriety for their next
ileket, and if wo cannot find it in tho
DemocraUo party wo will have to look
ito tko other for it that'a all."
flregon Abroad.
Wo give tlio following extract from
j letter of Capt, Sprague, from Sunbu
ry, Ohio, to Mr. Langell, of this place,
which shows how link-Oregon is known
abroad. "Oregon rnly wants to bo
known to bo appreciated. Numbers of
intelligent people think it a cold dc
sort, somo do not ovon know that it is
o State, nor where it U. It would pay
tho Stato to nppropriato money to send
n good leoturer tnrough tho Kastorn
States. Hundreds of thousands nro
going to Kansas, Colorado," and other
Western places, many of whom would
go to Oregon if thoy wcro properly in
structed, Tho papers aro filled with
Calitornlo, slnco tho road was finished,
all visitors are in raptures over it, yet
Oregon is tho best of tho two. Pcoplo
will crowd around mo to hear mo talk
abomoiegon, and many havo expressed
n desire to go there. Stiok to It you
will bo sorry if you over leave It."
Tub Willamttie Farmtr has an able
establishment of a JHningKureauail(1
woro protection for miners.
Hon. Oeo. H. Williams.
It is cjuito amusing to observe the
spasms into which tho democratic
press ol Oregon is thrown at tho bare
mention of again electing this gentlu
man to tho U. S. senate. In their ner
vous excitement, lest ho s'lould bo re
elected, Rome of tho papers of this
Stato get into very ludicrous positions.
First thoy attack him as a friend of the
ISth amendment and in favol of Chi
nese suffrage. Next they denounco
tho loth amendment and prove that it
confers tho right to naturaIlr.ation on
Chinese ; because Senators Williams
and Corbctt usod their most strenuous
efforts to slmpo it so that Chinoso or
any other pagans could not become
citizens and setting the question entire
ly nt rest. Thus we prove by the
mouths of his enemies that their most
sorious charges against him Is false and
that as far as Chincso suflrago is con
cerned, ho represented his constituency
honestly. It is said that ho is a dema
gogue who has worked entirely for sel
fish end. The acknowledged anther
of the most itnpoitaul reconstruction
ncls; the cheerful ncmil'cuco of the
South in their provision, mid the satis
fied tone of the Southern pi ess prove
his widom and sagacity and mark him
as a statesman. It is said he has done
nothing for Oiegnn. Those who say
so do not speak truth. .Mr Williams
has done moro for the prosperity of
this Stato than any Democrat could
havo done, or any Dcmociatcan do.
The Custom House nt 1'ortluiid, mid
tho .Mint at the Dalles, both in braces
of erection, bear witness that he has
worked successfully. The amply ap
propriation for our land and boumlsiy
surveys and iho Indian service in Ore
gon, give tho lie to his accusers. Ills
own prominence, such as Is rarely reach
ed by a "demagogue," has glxen an
importance to Oregon perhaps beyond
her deserts and her people will commit
anactol egregious folly if theydipensa
with his services now. Tho traducers
and enemies ot this man may have tho
satisfaction of scuing his place tilled by
another; but thoy will never pull him
down from the proud eminence ho has
achieved; as tho statesman who was
first to solve tho problems entailed by
the rebellion and mako anarchy and
disorder subservient to peace and justice
Imi'oiitaxtto Ilr.ms, KxKcnor.s.Ar.
Under tho internal rovenuo law, all
property passing, by will or by the
intestate laws of any State, to heirs of
deceased persons, and all real estate
passing by gill, or in any manner what
over, without adequate consideration,
from ono person or corporation to anoth
er, is subject to n lax at a range from
ono to six per cent,, and tho law
makes it the duly of tho executor or
administrator to mako out and icndrr
to tho assistant, a complete, lint of all
legacies or distributive shercs held by
him, before the ramo shall bo delivered
or paid to lho heirs; and of any person
succeeding to real estato in any manner;
as above stated, to mako return thereof
to tho assistant assessor in tho manner
prescribed by law. Any neglect on
mo part 01 a successor 10 mak.t lira re
turn will subject tho property to an in
creased assessment, and himself to a
lino. It is also important to parties
purchasing property belonging to the
estate of a deceased person, ol whom
the purchase is made, to havo tho colhu
tor's receipt for tho government tax,
as tho government has a Hen upon such
property for all taxos due Wo are
informed that thisnmttcr has btcn neg
lected to a considerable extent in Ore
gon and wo deem it our duty to call
attention to It; so that innocent par
tics may not suffer.
Wkaiiy 1'ii.ouims. On Sunday last
four wagon loads ot pilgrims passed
thiough town for Oregon. Thoy had
loft this Stato in tho spring for Califor
uia, and had pushed south as far as tho
San Jnuquiu valley. Thoy wcro leav
ing California because it was too dry,
and next spring they will no doubt
leave Oregon becauso it is not dry
enough. Such is lifu I
Wr. H. Hick, of Rosoburg, has ob
tained a patent for an Kaglo (Jang
Plow, which has a lover which' enables
ono man to rido and drivo tho team,
and throw tho plow entirely out of tho
ground at tho same timo. Ho is now
having ono constructed at Portland,
which will bo exhibited nt tho Stato
Fair at Salora.
Pktitio.v, A petition for tho pardon
of Collins, who was scntencod to tho
Penitentiary from this county in 1804
for Hfe, is being circulated hero and
generally signed. A former potition
was signed by Judge Prim and all the
jury who tried his case, but it was mis
laid by Got. Gibbs and consequently
never acted on.
Extra Session of the Legislature-
The State Journal says : "Tho Ore
gon Legislature- c.imo very near con
vening on the appointed day tho 20th.
Wilson's circus being in Salem that day
the few members present at the Capitol
desired seeing tho African "lions" per
form in order that tliey might bo better
qualified to lionize themselves when
they go, lho mavhino to running. Col.
Chapman, Col. Whito and Senator
Stout wcro all the members in attend
ance, and it is said they held a caucus
and adjourned till September 1st, 1870.
Tho Statennan says tho result of the
caucus is tho following: "For State
Secretary in 1870, on the Dcmocratiu
ticket, Col. W. I,. White; for t'. S.
Senator in 1870, Lansing Stout; for
Congress next spring, W. W. Chap
man." The reason why this body did
not come together and pas resolulions
requesting somo one to "pass in tlulr
checks," or icseinding somo act which
had pascd beyond its reach long ago,
is probably berauo (tilfry was not pres
ent, or because Cox, tho great stales.
man, imi to aueriu some serui) raern
out in tho rmpqua. This legislature
should have met, by nil means. Tlicro
is great danger of a comet shaking the
earth in a short time, and something
oiigh, to bo done immediately. (Silfry
ought to bo sent for. and Cox ought
to draw his bets and rmnu to duty.
Who would havo believed that thl
faithful body, after denouncing the
Uepublieajis for n signing and Icaxlng
their posts, would havo scattered and
foriakcn their constituents i i this per
ilous hour? A comet about to strlku
the earth, and any number of China
men liable to nriive on this coal nt any
time! Isn't it high timo something
was done ?
Tram on the West-
Tho following characteristic dispatrh
from Train is published In tho Omaha
Ilnrix.S(.l.2it, IM9.
To iht I'eiMe KicmiUtil-U from C noi.nill in
ruLtt Tor J'a i I'miicIh-u:
Welcome to the sae-bruth prairie,
two thousand miles ol mountain desert.
Look well at Omaha and the lands
along the I'latte. I camo to remain
four days, and hnwihccii lour mouths
on survey. This is the result: Alaska,
lives; llrltish Columbia, dead; Wash
ington Tqrrllm y, alive ; Oregon, sound ;
San Franeseo, exploded: California,
broko ; Nevada, "played ;" Idaho mid
.Montana, dying ; Pacific bubble, burst;
Utah, flourishing ; Pncillu States, a suck
ed orange San Franeisoo, tho sucker.
No emigrants should go west . All
Californians who can get out aro going
Fast. The Pacific Hallway will save
tho Kcpuhlio for Iho benefit of tho
people, but break tho capitalist. All
"dead-head" excursions are cnrralud
by tho bankers of California ; hence
sco nothing, .Mineral productions this
year, only 620,000,000. Tho miners
havo returned west of thu Missouri.
There arc not ono mllinn Snulh,
Head ponder, and inwardly d gost
this dispatch, and your iit will lesult
in profit to tho nation ; otherwise, in
loss. Nothing can savo us from repu
diation but tho issuo of 0,000,000,000
greenbacks and abolition of specie pay
ment forever. You will find tho Puclfie
States still a foreign country. General
Leo has not yet surrendered,
Gi:o. Fiiancis Thai.
outsido will bo found an important de
cision of tho Supremo Court of Oregon,
A Sheriff claimed mileage for I0,.'U0
miles; tho court allowed him mileage
for 1,1111 miles, and the decision was
affirmed. It will check a species of of
ficial filching too common, and lighten
tho burdens of tax payors. It is n
righteous judgment, and wo aro glad to
sco it.
Tiik HitKAiiwATKit. Has anything ( Foit Klamath Ar..ov. Cnpi. O.
beeji dono towards repairing the bi oak- C. Knapp, the now Sub Indian Agent
wntor which was damaged by the for lho Klamath Agency, passed
August storm ? Tho work is a public through hero on Saturday night, ci
necessity concerning tho wholo town; route for his post. There will ptobably
as in ease of a flood the town buildings : but little change in tho policy towards
aro in danger of being washed away, (the Indians on that Reservation ns all
Since wo called attention to this mat-'tho old employees aro retained. Wu
ter several weeks ago wo havo learned jnro glad to hear this, as they arc all
that tho .County Commissioners are ' men of good moral character, and ate
well liked by the Indians.
willing to mako a small appropriation
and no doubt tho town authorities will
do so too, thus lightening tho burden
of tho property owners on tho Creek.
It is time some ono took the matter in
baud, ns tho rainy season is near.
Tiik Ashland Factory is now at
work on a largo blanket order for i gomcry street, San Francisco.
Klamath Agci cy. Wv aro glad to
McPiiKnfso.v'H new paper, the Pacific
IHadt, will appear next Thursday. Suc
cess to it, and may its edge be incisive.
J" If you wish the very best Cam
ivkt PiimooitAi'tiM, vou must call on
a tl f . I e
know this; as every dollars worth of "J v" K .""ciiino, or a m-
goods pntchased there Is adding just ( tcMte to AiwomiV MaiW.ini:. Per
so much to tho wealth of this valley. onR ,,ng ),nf club have the choice
People would do well to bear this In i of a set ot Silver Folks, Table or Tea
mind; and certainly lho fabrics made Spoons. Agents wanted, male and
., i , , . female. Largo wages paid, bend lor
there am good cough for any ono to u parllcllln . A,n,,
wear. Thoy ran now be found nt any FIIANCIS Jk CO.,
store in this place, lluy llieiii and keop care ol llox U02l,San Francisco, Cal.
your money at Isstne, nml some ol it sr
may find its way into your pocket
Onn Fi:u.om-x, Norm:. Mr. Fred
1). Stewnrt, Deputy Grand Sire, has
slartetl from San Francisco to vill tho
dillcrcut Lodges in Oregon, nnd is ex
pected in Jacksonville evtry day.
Itrethreu will please bo ready to attend
a special meeting to bo held upon his
Exhibit of the Receipt. ud ET
tares of Josephine Coumy. rwT'
the year ending July 6ih, iSp
roc.Nrr iiMmrnim,
list. In Tttnmrj Jnlj, Ims
i,miirc f venue. U per el. of, tiii,," !
County rnpriljr li; , ""lJli
Chines. 1'ss.l T .V.7.7.7.V.'M!:
WllntSS" ri-lllNlllt lb. rnn.i.'". H 1
t.lmior. tllllrl and f,.t nil''' i
IWfnilngCrlmtnsI, nd epeBM,tf
i ... .
Kiicnm ;:
lloml. an.l l.rMftr ,'Mf
C1. S ! (in,.. I lu
ofitin-rV lmpii-tt 'al'
V xl. llgliU nml Slsllons'fV.7 i;
Clerk's Wi
sstsiorcouniTju.ij:': ir.
At U'iiMk, Orrtfim. Sipl. 7, IM'.D, dr
M'lUMn, J. V., Mr. A. I. .(Jam to list
itimti I..
:r i is n.
.11 JsrliMifilllK Oct 2. Ml I o'rlm-lt, i". if
ir eniniiilln. J V. Ilntick, npcl 47 ;ft.
Riw.wvAV. On Wedmiday the six
iniilo team of T. Ilea! I tookn 'pin round
n block of this town, but lortuiiatcly
did very damage boforu they wcro
checked. It Is decidedly wioug to
Omrr, No. M WONT SyiKlir.
Adjoining Telegraph Ortlce , I'ortlsml, Oregon.
si'irui. couixnvn orcur.vs.
Accounts Notm, DnnjN. Drufif. nml Mrrcsn-
Icavo animals unhitched III the pilblio I IllcCUInn of rtrrr dcrcrlntlon llirnuahnut
streets. ! Oregon sn.l the Tcirltnrlr. WIM. UK MADE
Tiik Mai.i.atAhiii.ami was but poor
ly attended nil rfccouut of a funeral
thero on the same afternoon. The peo
ple of that place probably felt that ti
go from a scene ol sorrow mid distress
to ouu of riotous festivity was bad
taste, and if so, they wero right.
Sm,rcNii:i Lijii:. Mr .1. Davison
of Phoenix brought n spcciimnl ol
limo to this oflico Inst week which is
tho best artirlo wo havo over seen.
I.L'CTi:i. nrll m wllli mine rr-giri) lo eenn
otnj In nil lmtnrri msllei Inlni'tr.l . ,U
cure, slid lie pKcicdi rld urtr piuicluslljr.
1 ef Orrgon fur Ihc County of Jtckiun.
Nsacjr I.. Slow, I'Ulutllf.
A.J. Stow, llefditlsnt.
Hull In lenity fur s dlrnroe.
To A. J. Krmv :
Vou .ire rrriiilrnl In spiicnr In iM f.'nnri r.l
.. .. . i. ... . -. . ..... v . . " -:- "
Tho rock Is quarried on Anderson Creek .'l.,T ..i1. ." m:" l'la"""r- D''
and tho lime Is said, by parties who n-nln-uf tlii uuiitinus on ii. if mr nlili-
havo used t at Ashland, to be equal .:" ,. ."' n.i m.i V, ,,",? """ "
l '"'"reoiiilllr r lliUNlstv, thrn wllhlii inruir
to tho best Santa Crur. article. 'lays from ihr ilmt r xrtl.-c, tr ( nrrnl on
- ,)oiii-utof UjtfSinitfof or,...,,( then It I. or-
Wuliave received thu first number 'i'T ''f,,1'0,'' v ,1'- ,''.lm' Jl"' 'f M Conn
. ., r . ... i i. i i i thstpuhueslliiri U-mde fur frk lu Ilio
ol tho Mmoma Mirror, published by , On-gon Suntixsl prlur in the i:ih dr or No-
F. H. Cat tick, nt San Francisco. It is 'W;'"9'
' . ... Ami jru or not Aid iLit. r ton r. i, .-.
Uuvotod to tlio Interests of .Masonry on wcr mIi enmpUlut hUuv ropilrcd lU
the Paelliu Coast, and should bo rend l;i?lnf",rV1.1.1 I'M"0 '' mi for the r'elli-r
i .i .... . ... 'leias'id'd Iherrlii, lo t. luradttri-dlM.lr.
by tho craft. Subscription price 'J 50 lug ihu benj. nr m.trlmoni, I " i"n vourtrlf
per year.
a.1: ;.. '"""ii-
(.onniy CnmmlMion n ."
County ll,-,,lul 7, 7"
rloilug... ,
Work on Jill "
, "ti
.... IU
Iiittrvil un tunc
Hal. In TrusiurT
Totnl ImKlilrdnrM ()f County
cacIui.xu of aluto IndchlidneiV."
static i i'n nrccii-T'.
Chlurre Up
'-trnui. fin iifr-i r.-
.Slst Th fur r in:- "'" ' n
t.llnq.fllUM .I
Hal. iii Tn-mury July. Slh.'lHi.'
( ii
:ti r.
ti,t: ;i
Slnle Tfciurir' Jlecriftt....
list, la Tns.ury
....1.3 u
Am't. In Tresmry Jutf. ut
.HllOOl ISf.
Sali-iul uirjy caillr.,
.....US' id
" .mi
. .3 II
."diOol Silp't. OrdTI, ISM ;ii
. ," , " "m:
Intrrrit on ftm-imnl School r.j.
Juuuil I'll,
l.rwrlii(JpikVIHk. JH
Hal. In Trmury ui;j
:.. 'I.
HfeMpt IKS...
.... ........... ..Jlifl
mm iim iKirr plalnlln. and fur Ihu dr. m.t
' "I!1' .'.,.Vr ."''' ,,l,,lrr' "f l'l murrlsgi-, lo-
ll-itloi- l.n ' . ' ' ,eJ.ane nl,J ,;l:" ,:lll'fl 5),,ln'i '"1 "c
llalley, w lio coii sud illliirs-m-uiii of ttil mil
i) isi'i' m ,m"U ",,, 27lh Ua' v,St'x-
.17 ii
Oiwsm. A VTSoy, AU'yi for I'lsloilir.
Tun Oregon JfrraM la forced to de
fend the employment ot Chincso labor
by tho argument: that if ono person
employs it, another must do so in soli
defence, A Democratic paper that re
sorts to such reasoning must bo in a
desporato strait, nnd may soon bo
found ondoavouring to provo that two
wrongs mako ono right,
Iupkovi.no. Tho friends of Mr O.
C. Applegatc, who is lying sick at Sa
lem, will bo glad to learn that ho is im
proving, lib symptoms aro now
favorable, and strong hopes aro enter
tained that ho will not lose his arm.
Jodok Dkadt has left for California
to hold a term of tho U. S. District
Tiik Portland Commercial predicts
that Ben Holladay will bo a candi
date for the U. S. senate.
Houmi Ovit. Chris
was brought in from Link river, last
week, charged with an ass.iult on n man
named Wright, was examined on Mon
day, before. I ustloo Wade, ami bound
,... I.. .1 -1- A.II,. . I
mr ... u.v ...... oi kuuu appear i,e-,TN Tc
Administrator's Notice.
My SlntoTrfniiirrrV Keerlpji illM
IUI. lu Tns-ury j?M
I crtllfy tti Mt the forrgnlnr It s trii Ul-
mnt of ll. llnancro( ld cowl;, (w IW
jmt vudlii Jul Mli, A. Ii. Ir
Cuthus III i.ii(i,Ugsi; Ok.
fore the next grand jury.
Aiirou ChamU-rs. dind
Tho undesigned bif Ing lrn duly sppolnled
Cnuai.Tr to Amhaijj. Thero aro n
number of half staived cows round
this town nnd their fiu-nom nnolii l
be ashamed ot themselves. Scare, ly a jEcl $fflf&V &'&&
gun, (In rroUleiltllntfl A,linii,l.i..i.'.r ..i.i
Si'' JJ,K!?.,r.,i ",,5?'r '."? Kiy. '
n,:.r: : ... '.'."' '. ,m". """. im-
night iiahscs that they do not break
into some enclosure in soareh of food.
Im aoon Co.voiTto.v. Wo arc glad
to noto the general good condition of
tho public streets. Commissioner Fehe
ly deserves credit for his energy, and
for tho Judicious manner in whioh he
has expended tho strot fund.
Painting. Mr. J. M. Sutton is en-
gaged on an oil painting ot tho beautl. 1 8- '"'KEKfcn MANAOER
fill mill llll-llll-i.anim (ll.. ..I It .
river, which bids f..lr. .. c.Aa Jl?7!ly:'QllilPilAtr ofih,
to bo n very creditable and artistic pro!
t.fi...u ... -- WWUI..V null oisio
IhLliTt , . " l,,ron". "lo clslms sgslml
tn slid l in art) rrfjulrrd In prtM-nt Ike i.inu
liV.!' S',,l),.,e. Jck.oiiTle, wllhln l
monlbi from date hereof.
Cawlkv it H ham Eh say that they
havo tijo nicest buggies and the fastest
stock in Southern Oregon. "Old Jake"
Is thero yet, and ho is specially recom
mended for sparking couples. Try him.
A LAitoKsalo of household and kitch
on furnituro will take pluce at tho lato
residence of Judge Jacobs, next Samr.
A laiioi: salo of perao'iml proporty
will tako placo at lho residenco of the
lato Aaron Chambers on Oct. 16th.
Wk had a visit from CapT. McCall
tho onergetio President of tho H, H
V. Mfg. Co. this week. Ho reports tho
prospects of the factory os very good,
H- It- KncAH.,'lJq7orilio State
Journal, has started overland for Wash
ington, to bo absent all winter.
Ir you want a delicious bunch of
grapes or an article of tho finost jewel
ry, just call round at Neubcrs.
H,"Mri iiiiinnii iiriiiisa in si... . it ! . ..
(r. nnd Mr. Cbi. Slrsttoo.)
.Son!r,,l'fl1?.1,,i', Pfrr:'r"" eonslstinV of
Monday, October 4, 1869.
o-eTSvKW:.'' A?NOON, at tkree
, ... ....,.,, Uj v,gU o-jlotl,.
tlio croud nt nigh
At Ahl.Luiu, Oct. Sd, 1800.
At Uocky Pol.,, Oct, 5th,,1800.
NED DAVI3, Agent.
Notice or Fli.nl Settltmemt,
INth"u0l?0t?yjfrTrCO.HllT IN AND FOR
In th nsatLr r.ri Jo,Ph'M. 8UU of Oregon,
UM noiiUfc e,.Ut0.of l'- ' '"e
ld nine hiJ i.jr ' Xutor ol
Cuas. HwnV; c7,X " .?'.V" A' D -,86:
, ...... H j(HI U I IOC He
.e,nd!,d4.uuii!'i,,,,r,fn", PwMeularl recom
h cl. uru.n!.. . ,bV ,u"'n perffiruisucs.
, fa Ibi Clrti'l
Simon McAll.ter, I'lilntlir, I Cwrl ef U.
ti. SUte of 0rn
i:i!iibeth MeAllrtir, DeiW ff.-ellit Cm;
I of Jottphltt.
Suit in tqally to Ostsia a If raror.
To KHmUIIi JlcAIIilrr, Ike store oiatJ
Di-feiidsut : , ,.
Vnu sre rehired lo prr Is M
Court, snd snis-rr Ike esiWl of uld slsli
titr nivtl attcaln-t yoa. wllhlo U ij Irom tki
lime of lh wlc of 1M1 mswiost on jo. II
rred ltbln mM county, oe Vwnfj V
wllhln sny vW coumy . . ";:"
wllhln Iwrniydjyifrom lie J ".".."!,
vice. or If imrd oa ;o ' ' J1'.,"
Ori-ann. tli'S II h "rdfrtd .ty .? K ' "?'
J. die of U Court. 11 puwtesnon o. nn.
for ill wsiis i Cssons 3sTl priori
tho SIMS d Is OctoU-r. IBM.
.? ."A. .,ntis.-d Kill. If oa fll t
nlnllir"lllppl;-"0'l4 t'ouilfor the nW
CllrLllo wit. fur . teree -;
InBlheUinJiof RUtfimony now eM !
KSiSl lMs.UJnilfft d. or lbs t
and cuitody or Ibe emwrca 01 '' """'"r,,
n... ,.Ltt mi hand tbU IUI U of ''.
Sill "- 0
A. ). MM. . ... ...... . pi.iuf
DOWSIX TIO, All ;...--
g smaii.
. K. Uhrlsndl. monry. .,jAa:
To lt.E.Ubrlnd .t'Viwlslcs'"
In tbo tisme of Ibe SUti o f O
bireby rroulrnl lo sppjsr '7I.,JW
Igned. ' Juillce of the Pwee" ffi U
sforfsId. on the Mlb d.y of OcktoWfc
IU o CI0CK II. me iorrvw ,,-;. .,if-
offlce of uld Juttlc. 'igfi,J,"iVi mU
ih lmv r.imcd oUlnllff In '!." 'iikj
- '" -T'- .1. . .
VQiw, County Clerk.
jp.&?rsz 'iii iw w
! uc.ruunu. -r .V...l IMPW'-
fall, to answer the eompUInt sMilMr
lift-wilt take Judgment sfslsrt ' ' y,
Ofly one-buBdredlh dollsre, " J, ;
coiti sod dl.turKinenU. I.I,M"
lo J. 1'. J'srker, conUUIofW '",,11
counli. WW'W&HJMlotP
10 IDS BSITTISSfc""' "
trouble. .
AAiB us run "aSSSB. "'