Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 02, 1869, Image 1

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    I'll A NCO--A M Kit I CAN
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Trarelcrs ""J rcfliltnt lonrilgrs will flno
Placed In firtl ela-- older mill In every
Way fiiriur In nny In llil' fee l Ion, and
uip.tn-d by nuy In I lie Stale.
And a plentiful mpply nf Hc l-M nfevc-y
Ibm: tlie market nlTonl Mill be ob-
tallied lor
So troubled will I" 'pared to itecrre itic pat
roMB" "f the Iniicllnf ns well in the pcrma
ttol commnnlly.
Jack'ontllle. Msrclini-lMiC tf
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Ambro typos,
rhotogr a p h s,
Carton do Vislto
vosi: or Tiw rixusr styi.i: of .nr.
Picture Iteituceil
on rxt. .tun Kit Tit t.nr. atr.K
31. A. BlttiXTAKO
CVi4 1 ior inl Clgiri nlwr.. on ti.tn.1
Illt'S III'SH i SlC'AliiSTEK,
7UI, .Mm kit Cor. Keiiriiy Sis..
s.,v I'livM ism, Cm-
DfJ Mr.l.l!li:U. of (lie nlimr film, will
mil Jnrkuiiillf m'ii-iMi.i' in . in: ni
iit stnl will nllt'inl in nil I iiiiiif In lii-tliu
II" ill fix-iinil.'i'of ilu- i in- nr bin iitiiin
Ihroiljll li- fiiliiliini i 1.1- p4prr.
Physician & Surgeon,
nfl,-f nt III-ti-'I'l-nri'. Ill tint OM Owibrrl,
llpll.tl, on (rcniili .Stticl.
OFFICE-Corncr of California rind Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
Hi will prAcllce In Jurknn ftml nitjiinul
(omillri. ami Alteui) pri)inptly to ptnri'"luiitil
Hlli. ri-b2ll
Za th Ovorbocli Hospital,
... .Tir -."ir-n . r-nnmi'll lllinlie
t .,- . J,J. . i . i
WriMinlletnl In nny wlm wst rrijnlro ln
M i-ervlcfs. Offlco nlll I'. Ibiwi'llV niTlcf.
. tlm Kan sltlo 3d Slrift. Jncl.MUvllb'. mivXIf
n r D0ivnr.v " i:. ti. wathon.
Inrbinnilllr, OrrRnn.
Oppoito tho Old,
'"k'onrllle, Oregon.
Strayed or Stolon.
Aiif. inili, one bsy linrro, II vn yrnt nil,
'"'it 1,1 J Iminh liitih, stnr on forcliesd, white
'Uo nurk, ono wlill.o bind foot. A llbcrnl
"ri will be paid (Whin recovery,
OTfCi; f" licrcliy jjlvcn lo iMpporsnin enn
Hkhi'ik in nr from Urvirriit (Jlly. tlmt tli
"ci-iit City M,.,ti-rCompAiiy will not bu rc
"HiW for nny lUmsbo to goods or frekli
' d alter tbli dal-.
yil.UAM RAVIbbB.
r Aijvnt for C. City Llchltrs.
cat City, May 2fltb, 18(9. Jniwi.
i hi; oiii:iio, m;.mii;i
Kvrrv Hntiinlnv Morning by
I'nr fin t-e.ir. In fi-lt-nnr.. fm- .-.1tn If
' nfil Irtlil utllilii Ibi- llr.l lt innntli. nf lli imp.
uvc ikimmi-; ii urn i.iui uiiiii me expiration
of Hie Jem. tx iLIIm.
Ono iiirc (10 line nr lcs). flr-l ln. tlluii.
Itin-e ilollt i-.vcli riili-Mpienl In-etllon. one
dnllir. A ill-count nl fifty p--r cent, will be
limb- In ltm! who Uilw-rtl-e by llioyrnr.
I.ej-.il Tender rto-lvid nl current rain.
- ;. :" . .: " - ",' .iv---
over THE WAV.
(imiiiln litr elillil ptitltv.
Out lnm tli" u'Oil-n il.iy
' rmlliik nwn. In tli Ittflit id kwtrl,
, U'li.ir (li'Ullwr (Iiim uinl tlie nirlbjnmi meet,
I Coiiic n unr (or Inr n.non fi'il,
I Mid tbvrlliMil wny. ,
j 0cr tlii" v., in triiilrity
i llii' pi'iiil ubl. i' lunJ tine prccJ ;
1 lie U'lii-n nil III- i'Iim li I til II ,
U'liiTf tlii- Millr't Mii-Ii 'f llit1 101 lift been,
lnitlln;lll Mill' nt Imtijc wltlilii
1li piitt'lllnctuHil III K'l.
Ot'ir lbT,-rl biDW lulngty
j Tiunnelli lirr 'iniii) lull i. ,
SIii; uim rulnill Hut Lou- icnl ilo'.x n.
4 I'liiiu lili l.mrinlt rin. tlmt rufi brlilitcruwn,
I To Imi' livt linn wild III umvi in broviu,
l.lplit it. ilu' .1 iiipbiiK u'r.
, (.line In ibt'p with tlio IriuK'i smite
j Cnit'ii mi In-r. lip'.
' II v Hi- Ijit'ni II tf uf Inr ib'ny bnatli,
I UhM In IN il i'p r Hi' nn.'il I'.-nlli,
i l.'Ko ihv l.nt In r Ii'mI nr j fiiilliu wmlli
U'iik' l.li". in tlio white liuil nipt.
Itn- tiii-l m.'li r your !i uly U-f
II, il irmn tliu uuiiy il.iy,
j Ho y mUn llie (jlm.c In. in Hit) eye in brlgM
Wlin'i- bine w.i liwvm In 3iiir I'm'il night t
,..,, ... .I... ...... i.i ..rn.i..
Oixr llii iturry wny.
i II utttk wlur- tlieilirrnu" liil litli lln,
' Hi I.I by l.iu-'.il.lnliij my.
j llii y i kiinii llii,- 1'iuj'li uf Inr pen 1 1 y li.iu.l
limb liiLbi'ii llii li.iip In III- unknown Uml ?
(). ".In- iWl-riii u Willi llit uiigil l4i:il
Our llil.irry wny.
- ... .. ...
Supremo Court.
I ImjMiilniit l)n liliin('iiii trill tl c lllrngr
l),i.iil or.
S.m.km, Sept. 21, lSiH.
L. Iloivr, nppellnut,' fc. Doiihrt
eiiiiutv, iifpoiidrut. Appeal tioui
Diutitla coituiy.
Tin plnliitirt', nppi'llanl, ns Sliciifl'ol
Doiiglai eoiiiily, Iroin August f, 1800.
to .Inly I, IS1I8, nveried that he per
formed eerlnin mtvIcch for which that
county weiQ liable to pay him, and But
forth his elaiuis thus!
Wrllliiit Rl notice! fnrcnllccllon liuncli
pirriiiit. Inr lhu ytur leiiii-7 i 21 mi
IICHII4 "I" ''ll" ""
Mi'ea-M to nnd rimii. ini-lliiir lliiuaiii-. 4J SO
Mlb-.ttft' In uml limn inch piiclncl. lo
. col'i-ci isxi-siorilioyiwi isci 7... 14.' 00
lOililHK tiir 1H III" (tlll'M ! JtllUI
! r... i.. .... !-... .! i ..., Ikt.ij
r.tr Mny Icim Clniili i;.iurl iMiri,.., 4- OH
Wrltlnj mitlccs ul' tliu taiiio.,,,,. , . 7 "A
Vlltrau mi ininu , f7 fill
He'nni on nunc 7 7 i
Hlli'ftRofiir -urvliiKnilijti'iiii on 'M vil-1
ni-)-t In I'mii criind jui.v P3 40
Mlb'rtH III rt'lvlilK I'i liul.trii on jndsen '
nl t-licllnn. nt lhu Jiiiiri-K'lliiii. m:8 331 00
Milrnptf In pii-tini i ihiIii'ih ol rlic
lion fur June tlccllon. IM.S 331 0
Tolal ,
,$,.vn; i)'i
, sal co
And nOiiilitul u payment of,
t t
Tho answer denied nny services for
tho county, except ns etnled in.iuisvTer,
tints putting in insno ench nverment of
tho complaint. It admitted service of
veniio ol otiu panel ol jurois, nud nl-
leeil iinyment therefore in tlio sum of
.$.15. For serving said venire for .May
Itcrnrof court Jb08, wtititig iioticcs o
J same, icturn and inilctgu'tlic defendant
paid jiliilnlill nil no was eutiiio'i io,
Sf0 2u. Kor siibpenaing 02 witnesses
for grand jury lull payment is' averred
in the sum of $13. For serving -12 no
liccH upon judges for Juno election,
1608, a payment is hvcrred in tho sum
of $1)8 80, which defendant nlleges wns
nccrptedin satlslaetiou of servieu" by
plainl.ill',.ii I -.
For serrlng 12 notices of clcctioji, a
similar payment of '803 80, nnd accept
ance Is livened, nud thu defimdout lo
clilicd tlmt nil the inilirigtf for serving
said notice of election, nud upon judges,
did not exceed 1,070 miles, nnd tlmt the
amount paid therefor fully discharged
tba s'ftmo. ,
No replication Was flletl.
Upon the tiial, tile issues tik'd were
submitted to tlic jury lor special find
ing, nnd tlielr verdict was as follows:
We, tlie jury, find that tlio plaintiff
actually traveled as follows:
lVrcfillictlnitlAwifor '.HI ,,
for 'crtliit notlcM upon JuJu- of rlic
Hon (tolul)
Fr H'iilii tinitcvi on oi.e punel jury,
Miiy li'tm. ISiiH ..
Polling notices (1st) IfeC
Totnt number of miles scinslly
trsftlnl In pirfornilnz nil th
abuvii uitutluiitd nrrlcrf
We, tho jury, find that tho plalnltir
traveled nctiially nnd constructively,
ns follows:
lor collrtllnjj ltt for the yr 1SC7.
ntnl r inn notlcn on jiiJg(i of dec
llniifnrr. 4, 4 SI
timing nollcis mi mil pain I of jury fur
Mny Irnn. IfcHS 1,112
Poilliii Ini nollitilor ISC? 4, W0
Tolsl iiiimbrr of in I lf nclnally
ainl C'uuirueiliilr linT' I. din lit-
foiiiitiii; ilw hIiiiw (.iiU'i 10.310
(Signed) Wm. Vickkiis, I'oicman.
Upon ibis U'tilitt the Court found
tho law to bu with thu di'feiidaiit, nud
gave ju'lgiiieut tigainsl the plaiutill lur
eots, etc.
I'lniiititr npprulvd from that judg
mei.t, "citing loith ns thu grounds of
error, in Ills' notiee ul nppenl
''I. The Court ened in relutng to
admit (he iiMinco olio red by thu
pl.iintill n In thu willing nud posting
ol notices lor the collei'tiim ol taxes,
as appears by tho bill of exceptions
filed and madu a part ol thu record in
-.aid eiiuse.
.. . m. ? ... ...., ?....
-. i lie wouri erren in reiKienii n
judgment against plaiulill, in favor ol
iteleiidaut, for its costs and disburse'
'n. The Court erred in not render
ing n judgment in f'a or of plaintiff,
n'.'aiust deleiidaut, t'or thu sum of 87 10
Willis nnd Wat eon lor appellant,
C...I.... r. II,., I I..I- r....,.i,l,,.il
.7II.III-III tv lflllliv. .'1 nniiwti'lili.l
i . ..... ......,.n .I .1 ,
ma i . a . . i n iiiii iimiii-ii.iiil iiia-im i
. .w ..j. .... ww-w m
no bill of exceptions, wu must confine
nur examination of this easo to the
i-ceoud nnd third ground alleged to
have been t nor; nud, in fact, fiom the
verdict ol thu juiy, il seems (hat thu
only If sue tried was whether thu appel
lant was or was not entitled to con
Mi in the mlbngo lor certain alleged
r-crvirc.. As In the cao nl Crawford
v. Ahial.:tm.2 Ogn., L03 this Court
is to give n cutiNtiuutloii to certain sec
tion in the code, nud thus establish a
corwiin inlc, which hall opvrntu nlike
in tho ililVeroiil counties In this State.
We are nwaru that great diuVrcnccs of
oiiiiiinii exist as to tho true meaning
uml operation of Mich sccltcu', nud that
thu different county com Is hnvo ap
plied tho law in tlielr varying iliscro
Tlii case exhibites but a few of tho
questions that have arisen in tho differ
ent dlstiielH uiidci lhu fee bill, nud no
i egret that we cannot now jivu a full
construction lo that law, which could
cover nil 0",5U liwttcts. The sections
mainly calling lor comttructioii hero
are tlicso: ,
See. 1 1, p. 738 : " Kvpry olllecr or
perron whoso feos nru pnsciihed in
tills net, who shall he requited to travel
in order to execute or perform nuy
puhliu duty, in addition lo thu fees
lierelnlieloro prescribed, shall bo en
titled to mileage nt tlm into of ten cents
per mlli', i" g'i"g n"1 reluming Iroin
tho place where tho service Is per
forinod." See. 15, p. 739. Mileage for nuy scr
vico by Sheriffs shall in all enseu be
computed fiom thu county scat or place
ol holding court, in thocounty in which
tho officer performing thu hervico re
rides, ifcc.
See. Jll, p. 00.1. That tho Sheriff ol
each county bhall bo tho lax collector
See. U'. p. 00lT-wroyt'o. The Slier-
riff, before enterini upon the duties of
collector of taxes, shall cxcculo nn nil--dilional
boifd in sucli sum ns'tho Coun
ty Court of llio county may 4llrect.i
See; 03, p. VQ-i. n hiiiiu do iiiu muy
of thi! Sherilt Itpolt' receipt of tho tax
roll from tho Coftlity Clerk, immediate-
ly thereaffer'to-givo iiillco,b,y posting
up rj,tttn r printed haidbils, tliree
iii each precinct within liU county, to
the effect that j0 or bin deputy, wjll
attend Hhe MBuaU-pJaop-qt voting io
cncli election precinct in Ids county
for the purpose of collecting taxes, ifcc.
Sou. 35, p. 005. The Sliciifl' shall be
allowed three pur centum on nil tnxe
collected by him, Ac, .vhleh percent
ago shall ha paid by the county.
It will bu teen that stctions If and
lu cited, undcilnku, to dectntu the per
sons to whom tnilengu shall bcnltowcd
and the rato thereof, nnd the manner
let comiiensntion thert'of ni tn I lid tin.
ginning ami ending of travel. There
is no treneral prorisiou found blscu here
in the Code niii.llcablo to the mileatic
of a pcV'on
i whoso fees nio not named
nnd fixed by chapter 18, fu wliieli two
xoi'lliinii nrn fmimt. Ollinr Iiiii-h ,illn,r
provide specially for such coinpens.v
tion, or by their hllcnco lead to the
coiulii'iim that none was to bu given.
Ily section 31, cited, n new duly Is
imposed on the person who may hap-
pen to bu Sheriff; hois madu tn col -
lector is compelled to glvo n new
bond, wholly different from his official
bond ns Sheriff nnd iinthin.. is s.il.t in
- -- r --- --
with the pn.'igu of thu feu bill, but
ninth' no reference to it, nud under said
section ill, ho Ins to perlorm certain
duties invoking (he nct'evily oT travel
ing. Thai duty, however, nbridgi's the
ncce-sily for far more extended jour
Keying in tlril, by posting siic'i notices
ns niu reipnied, tlio taxpayers me ob
liged to wait upon him in paying their
tnxes, instead ol his wailing upon them.
Section :)., us cites, provides I ho com
pensation which thu tax collector is
lo have, niitl the net of which It Is n
pail undertakes lo fully dcliou thu ilu-
ties nud liabilities of such officer. Wu
think it was in'.cnded by tho Legisla
ture that the allowance of compena
tion should cover nil thu expenses nnd
labor hu might incur or perforin in col
lecting taxes. Ilu is not in such cana-
If. Iillf 1
ciiv. a person lueiuiicu in nun iroxuict
for In swu. 1 1, of Chap. 18. Thu Lcgls
hiluru provided that by a lets amount
of tinvel he could obviate thu necessi
ty of n greater, nud by a gross amount
of percentage indicated their intention
ol inaklue; that a full compensation.
Upon lb llrt nud Inil points in tho
special verdict we think tliu Court be
low found coucctly ns to thu law.
Thu question as to porting notices
of election does not seem Iq have been
submitted to the jury, probably fiom j
nadvertaiicuj for.it tliu duty of rerv
iug notices of appointment upon Jud
ges of election could carry mileage,
certainly that of posting notices ol
election in each pieeiiiel is equally pier
ritorious. Our decLjon, however, of
lhu ono will bo an indication of the
construction on that point, upon which
Couuty Com la may hereafter net.
Seo. II, giving tho right to mileage,
applies its privileges to wiluerses and
Sheriffs alike. Their fees arc contained
in the same net, and Miullar cases
oases should have similar allowances.
This Court held in if Ogn., 105, our
rule to bo thus; The claim for dis
bursements must bo for tho number of
miles actually traveled, nnd 'the num
ber of days in actnal ilteudanco ntr a
witness only," and as a rule Mill further
delineating the rights ol a witness, that
'In two or moro cases, between the
samo parlies, at tho same term, a wit
ness would bo allowed but single mile
ngo nnd attendance Ao." Tho full forcu
of theso rules does not apply here, bm
tho intention thcru manifested is plain,
that tlu claim must bo for thu number
of miles actually traveled, and curves
somq purppso in gujding our findings
here. '
Sec. 14 wo think means this il in
executing a public duty an officer, of
thai class of persons provided for. roust
nc'cersaiily travel any distance,, he is
to bu allowed ten cents per milo for
his actual going to and reluming from
the place whore he executes that duty.
And wo' think that section 10, read in
connection with section' M. provides
lu the ease of tho Sheriff, tlmt no mat
ter where ho may Ikj when a process
is, put Ipto his han;)s,ho min cstimati
(tig his mili-ago cqunt from tho conn'
ty scat. Thi evidently arisen from
the fact that his offico is thcro by law,
and ho is supposed to be preieut there
ready for any bullae connected wjth
chap. 18, coinmonly called the fecddll, I tbiuk the SheiilV could claim his mile
as to any foes ns such tax-collector, ng-' rur sen ing tlie notice b.-loiiging to
Ills office was created nttho samu lime , or "i'cc'ary to bo bened in each pre-
L..ij Mjjfj.'-a
I tlmt ollicc. Tlinl is his olliclal liutne,
' nnd tlio Legislature inlcndud hit official
, tinvel should begin there,
Applying this construct ion to Iho
case under consideration, the notice to
the judges in ench precinct is required.
It Is iiiiu net in which thu county is the
solu parly madu liable. In Jaot the
notice to b.o served is but a riuglu pa
Vron w'"cl' t,lc t"rus mujt be mado.
iillu in llie precinct the bhtrift l
where the thieu jiersons live who are
to be scivc'il. and it issupposed he exc
' cll,c8 's 'y 'wdlly and carefully.
i ' travels butonco, with a iiuglo pa-
per in hij poMCJsion, sent by but one
party nnd following tho epirit of out
i ruling, as cited, we think the law dots
j "ol '' to pay him for labor which
I,,u ,,oe!, "ol onn. lhu herviees of
. no 0l,e c:i" uo required without just
eompensation, but unlets plainly pro id-
' l'J ,or' l,,: which requires no service,
! lo outlay of labor or uxpeiise, is not n
cl,,,ln "I""1 wliioh we ought to givo nn
, uuustinl construction to thu law. We
. .
duet from thu cnuntv ttnt to thu resi
dence ol thu f.iithc-l oiio named in
such notice to bu served. No evidence
is here to idiow other than thu tru'.h of
the finding of the jury as to tho actual
number ol miles traveled by appellant,
nnd eeitnitily thu amount alleged to
have been pntd him by respondent
more than covers tho claim duu upon
Tho jury very propcily found that
the appellant served a unite of one
panel ol jutors, and found thu miles
nctunlly traveled in executing thnl
.ten leu, pud from that (hiding wo think
the com t paid nppellnut all he should
hu entitled to receive. The constitu
tion of the Matitto must bu madu in
Hiiboidliiatlou to thu rules ho long
known nud well vstnbl shed, nud to
than construction tho com I must bring
tin cxcrelsool common sense nud reason.
Suppoc the Sheriff lias a vunlro for a
panel of jtirurn, in a single process or
paper, nud il turns out, ns may happen,
(that ten jurois live in the same pnit of
thu county, t,ay fifty miles from the
county rent. At- furthest thieu days
nru Millieieut to servo them nnd make
return. Ilu may travel enough nddl
tion.nl miles ingoinu' to each juror to
make thu wholu distnncu traveled 120
miles. For this hu receives an nllow-
niieo under our construction ol twelve
dollars besides tlio serving of venire
on each jmnr. If ho were entitled to
n miloago for each man served, ns is
claimed in this case, the number ol
miles no claimed could not be Ium than
1000; nnd then Ids three days labor
would realize him nbnut 3$ dollars pur
day.- Wo know hardships may arise
on cither hand ; but w6 find uo analog
ous cio in the statutes in which nuy
other officer or person has such e.Men
hivo rights ns nrc claimed by .appellant.
On thu contrary thu constitution ol
Oregon nnd llio Legirlnturu have sought
to obtnin services in nlmost every other
officer nt low rates theicfor. Wcro vie
to glvo tho construction claimed by
appellant, tho counties of large territoiy
in lids Stato would hecomo hopelessly
Involved, nud s'leh result is manifest
in this o.i;e,
The jury found thnt the sheriff
aeually traveled, In executing the du
ties in items two and three, 61 1 nii'c,
which at o-dlnary rates, wo,tU! ca'l for
an n'lowanco of (-51 10, evc!usho of
tholej for serving. Wo may fair1)'
prciimo Hint thoso services cbtild have
been made within nico davs. Under
tho second part of thu verdict, upon
thu enmo cl-iinis and tho number of
mites is f,600, calling foi an allowance
of $069 00, exolusivu oi service in the
ono case about bix dollars per day, and
in tho other about sixty-six.
Tho Legislature has loft It to soino ex
tent uncertain ns to the proper eon
stiuctlon of sections fpurtcen npd .fif
teen taken together; but wo cnclino
to that view which is most in oonso
nauqo v)t!i equality and right, .and
with tho intention manifested III the
economical character of our constitution
and laws, II the Legislature had ex
pr.cssly provided for, or made it appais
cut, that tho better constriction hojild
bv beeu iq fvor of tho eenstriioUvs
mileago claimed by appellant, wo
should then have been constrained to
hold differently.
Under our construction we thiuk tfi
com l below was collect in its holding
the law to bu with the defendant, and
we affirm this judgement'
Imitating tho Chinese-
Tho Chicago TYibune thinks that
our Democratic Governor nnd Senator
are nil likely io increase the reputation
of Cnlifomi.i for sagacity or common
scne. bv their nolinv in nv-.nril in th
Cliinon-, nnd deals thrm nud their ad
herents the following heavy rap:
"Governor lialght, ol California, and
Senator Casserly, niu soojiposed to tho
Oiltiusc that they ))iopt)e to adopt tho
cardinal policy Of the Chlncso Govern
ment, viz: the e.velnfioii of foreigners.
This would indicate thnt Haight, Cas-n-rly
and tho Chincso, nro about on
the same level of political iuteligcncc,
and, then for, if thu Chincso weio ex
teiiMVely ndiuittod into the Slate, they
iniilht beat the Demoetncy in the racv
ol life. Hence their alarm. The Demo
cratic party always labored under A
chronic fear that tho negro, if left frco
lo run the race of life, would come out
aheiid of tho Democrat. Hut only the
rear nags in n drove of horses aro
afraid ol tlielr flanks being kicked In a
raeo with donkeys. However, the
Democratic parly lu California, as in
the South, nro tho best judge of their
own capacity," nndlf they think they
cannot earn :i livulyhnod in competi
tion with ihiMli.imonil-cyed worshipers
nl Ihjoilh nnd Josh, by nil means let
them prove tlielr lufirioiity to thu Chi
nese by both fiailug and coppying
them. Let them build a hiuh wall
around their Slnto for thu exclusion
nl Arlalic, nud let them inscribe on
this w nil, "Kteeted by tho Democracy
of California, in humble imitation ol
the Chinese."
..-- I,,
I'iipoiii'M i.v Nimiommx. The- lat
est story of progress in Hindoslan has
n eeitnlii grim pictiiresqiieuosi which
is nlmost humor. Tho grunt festival
of Jiigernntit was hold nl Scrampore,
in .Inly, Wo all know what this used
to be for is it not in all lhu missions
ry story-books and pictoiial geograph
ies ? tho pi ic.its upon tho platform of
the hugo cars dancing nud shouting,
hundreds of woitdilpcr pulling at tho
uipes, nud crazy devotees flinging
themselves beneath tlm wheels. This
yrnr the crowd ntti acted by the spec
tacle wan small. The cars were drag
ged a short distance, by hired men,
and then left hall in a muddy dituh,
with the idols still in them, nnd the
tlagf. flying. When the pilcstH urged
the pcnplu to pull, the Irreverent popu
lace ciied out, "Why don't you eomo -down
nnd pull youieelvenr" Nobody
wns criithcd, nobody wns hurt, nnd on
ly three men got drunk I
I'nimuuici: Wii.i.iam (ho Third, of
PniMln, was in tho habit of riding out
in tho streets of Uurlln in a very tin-o-tentnlinin
carriage. Ono day his
coachman drovo him through a very
narrow Mrert, in thu middle of which
they were met by thu splendid equi
page of a wealthy Jlecklonbiirg noble
man, Count Ilahn. The King's coach
inon, of course, refused to drive nsido,
sonstonllow tho Count's enningu to
pass on. Tho Count's coachman, who
did not know who wns seated in tho
plain little ouriaga before him, was
equally unwilling to givo way. Sud
denly Count If aim sprang to his fuct
nnd rlioulcd, indignantly, to tho
King's coachman, "Sirrah, do you
not know that I am the ileh Count
Ilnhnr'' Whereupon Iho King, on his
own part rose, too, and said, quietly,
" And you, sir, do you not know that
I am the poor King o! I'runi.i?"
At tlio Democratio 'Convention in
Appanoose cpunty, Iowa, tlio other
day, a resolution w'an introduced to.
havu tho proceedings published in tho
Loiul Citizen, the Di mocrats having
uo paper of their own. Ono zealous
delegation requested that lu deference
to tho rcnlimcnt of the convention,
tlio Zoynlhu left out of the Zoyul Citt
ztn. Notwo tho fact that Iiosccrans is
going to build a railroad froni the, city
of Mexico to Acapulco, on tho Pacjfia
coast, llio Detroit Tribune says that
Pendleton had belter follow his exam
ple and mako tracks too,'
A Miss. Lr.vvis,ot Pen Ynn, has been
oflVed -C!,uD0, by a London publishing
home, for tho advance Wheels of a new
story. , ' !l
Omr of tho punsters contends that
tho anti-ByroMo' thesis just broached
was not-written bv liuinaa Jingert but