Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 25, 1869, Image 1

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oitositi: Tin:
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville1) Oregon.
Ti.tielcrsnml rcllcut tonrders will lino
I'lactil III firl fl.i-nVfT nml lit rvrry
Way rufxTinr to rtiiy In llil m-ciiwi, nml
iiiut'iil dy mi) In I lie Sinn
her noons are m:ly itrmsiid,
Anil a lf tttiTitl lliilv nr lln lil nf fiery
tbiliK llic inn kit nllnlil-. Mill In; nli-
Unictl lor
No Irnalilril villi ! mm1 In ili-M'tte Iln- pit.
mine nf tin- trni'lniii ll n llie 'rim
snt community
Jckiinvlll.' M iri-l. :tl ! i. II
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
J.trh:s' 17..;. oiiusn.y
Carton do Vis 1 to
vns'i: v fin: .v..sr srvi.i: nr .hit
IMi lure Heilnrutl
.' I 7 iKM'h 7 IIPI'
ii t ii 1 1 1' , "i 'i i, a 'i ri v
li i i ii i J i J 1 1!.' l
mi, Aa nm)?;wAW
I' ' 'ior rtnil Cljnl nl on I11111I
l' CM'TS.
UK'S lit Ml & JlcAM.STI.K,
"Ill, Mm ltd Ci', vc:ii ii y .St".
Sis l"i:si l-iki, I'.tt..
D'S V l I-: II: . 1 i!i 1.1 u tlnn will
V Hi I . . I Hi .tl'.l''
. . I. II ,M. 1 il I.. ..'I I 11 in II' III"
III. I u I ..ll,.' I l.f- , il I " I III l
I 11,.', Ii , , I . I ' .. (. ,, I.
Physician & Surgeon,
J U'Ksti.xvii.r. ai:i:i:n.:
i i1ii. r. I 11 Hi" i I ",.
ll.ilill, iillOr. .... '!
-., 1.
OFl'IOE-Cornorof California r.ml Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
Ho will pmctlcn lii Jaik-i-i ami r.'lj.i'- n'
miulics, unil nlli-ml iiriiiiill) In Hiir-Miiiil
cull.. I"'.'"
Zn the Gvoruocli Hospital,
I)l(. I.KW1S GANl'NG,
Wil.I, nU.'liil In , iv x'l'i IIH m,illi- li -inlv
nm" nl II y Ii.iiwU'-Uli'
on I In l!nl "lilc Id I .tiril. .nrl.Miitiilli'. mil .'I'
II F HOWI.1.1.,
i: II tv VTON
Tin IkiiIi, llll, lllllMlll.
DK. fi, T. DAVIS,
Oppoulto tlio Old
I.ickMiuvilti. Diignii,
Strayed or Stolon.
IIIOM M. HAM.I'.VS it x.snii Altoir i-
I An:' lnili.iiiir lmy Imi'i-, flw "ir n'.l.
" ut li Iminl lilsli. nlmqjn liiU'lnml. wlilii
ii'lillc nmil,, 01111 ttlillii liiml fnnl. A lllu'l .il
t nul will lio ulil fer Ui ncnvi'iy.
J.,1 CltTiirK,
VfOTK'r. In liip'l'V : vmii 1.1 lilpii'inRiii rim
j. iljiui'is, i., or frniii C, .cihl Clly Unit III
'rici.iii(My Mfliiii Umiii-uit will mil In' ri
liiiillili fni nnv ilniiHiiu In jpimll nr fll'ljrli
ro;n unil ultvr llil ilni.
Agent lor 0. Olty iJRblor.
frMfunl City, SUy Jdth, 19. jnflw4.
"" S.,Jsi;j
1 111; oitiiiiON mmm,
Ilvory Satttntav Morning by
Tini.MH oi suit('tuirtiii
I'nr line trnr. In nilr-itici. Tnitr ilnllnr If
in I jviiti rillini lln- lii-t ix iiKinili' 01 IIh yi-nr
Hi" ilnlliii ; if mil iiiil until tlm i.xpirnliuii
f lii" .til. lx ittillnr.
Oni-flir (III llilr nr i"V Tft In'ctllnii
ilirn ilnllur ; inrti itlmiiii'iit lii-cillmi. inn
lnllir. , ilircmlilt nl lltly i-r Ci'ill. will lit'
iii.tilc In I ln" wlin mhrrli.- liy lln)viti.
!. tf.il Ti'inli'M 11 elk nl ill rmti'iit tnli'i
Ill" lliil.li't inrn l.imvv nil I (Mill,
An inrn itliifv ImmN iMvl'iiin mi loll 1
U U ImcI. il Iiv mi tiu!."lliil crntii,
M n ilimn ill" umil. nml till id, to I,
il iln I-1.) 1, 1 ri.tiii t f imu
llun lu.luw K.iig .r wnlimi' untn.
Ili. Hi'ik'nft nun. nlial.ii ilili it'll,
1 e irre tli l.mc nr l nr III" IimI
I In,, ui' iim tin it Inim-'l lifim
1 h" Hiyiil ft mii mill mil nl fi,l S
iiil liritfbli'r mi1 tU ilmp nf Mitat
Hi 11, ii iiikii.iI' 111 n cuionit !
(,h l, .'k tintH" ivntkl'i; mn.
IVlmlmi tin' vlliw it! Ihr plnln -W
In 1 ill iIm niiiH" mil UilM tin lilw.
Anl lrii iff f"MWia- nl ill- in tin
r.. lili'.n iIcm ; Ihi ihi m.Mllii liiiinl,
ll.iir winujilit lk' elnry ir nilr l,iml.
Willi. 1: lltii nliior nl llie Ifnvtrf is
willing luiiiii'iiilviis Milk-lei ngiiiist the
Cliiiu'Si' nml rlniip l.ilmr, innl curin
iln- "iitliin "1 I'liidii l.t'itijiu'' Inr itllow'
iitjr tin "mt-i'iiii 1; liiiitlit'ii" in t'diiii'
intii 0'iiiiiitiiit'ii uilli "liutllliy C'niie.i
i ink," ui timii'ti 11 ltiiii nl tliU'i'ii.inii
' Ml-iulii", foul li'prM, unil li'lon- Iniiii
C'liinti," lilliij; ut our iloor unriyin
uniiil intn tin- IhnihP iH' romii In
iimliu iti urn t iiiiil limn' iiy cilitor
ItN. TI1111 i.ini' li.ilniimlly ciiiiln
tl'o l.ilmr ol "iH",t:ii-iiii lii'iitlifii,"
imply llU'.llliil' llll'V will UOllv (hi 1i-h
itiniuy 1I11111 uhiiv linn. I lio I'llitur
wmi'rt 11 -mIiii t Miln'il liy 11 Cliiii.'itiiiin,
i'ti a iliiiiH'f voukfil hy : Clilii.iiiimi,
MitrniH liim'plt with wotiii ciwci liy 11
Cliinnnt m, nml iIhmi fi'ntsliini'.cll ruin
(i.riiililylii lii- lii'ir, Willi- n M-ivani'
i'i;' lea lor nir.iinM CI iiicst' labor, nml
mimU it to lio iiinli'il mi a pi . li i t ti
liy Itii'l Mtiilii'il liy a Cliiiiamm. We
i'ini lliinl; iiiiiu'tiiiii'hlHMii the InoKt'ii,
I'jiinlatory Mli' of t lio IhruhV otli
loti.tln llmt tin' tluai lilmr ol 11 China
man who liuxjiixt lii'uu Ii!h eiltiu.ilion
in KnvrlNh, is oiiaMotitlly 1 uiilnyril in
uurkiiiK ilif-'Oi tti, ttlo. (irtyoiu'wi.
Tin: C'ahi: or iiii: iMi'iiiso.vr.n Xin.
Tin' Known corri ioiulriit of tin
l.'.inlott 7!f, a Human Catholio
j'liiuinl, wiiti: "I.t'ltri have htcn ic
tc'iviil I10111 Cnii'ov f.vjil.iiiiint; In a
io it vMvnt 1 hi iitituii'iy i'ao. Xo
1 f iMji'pal Kit lia'l taken (ilai'ii lor many
yi'iii., Inn tho imiliiiil iii.iii lirt'I hi-vciiiI
linns vi-iti'il liinliara Uluyk, ami loiunl
110 lanlt wiih Iit tiinlimnt. Sin wii1
Mill'i'iiuji limn a piciili naml ino-t pain.
Inl fmin ol iniiliiii-H, which ri'iiiloi ol il
ui iiiinlis,ili!o to 1'niihiii her to mv
it'itip, ami ih' iinrn ihuit'lnru kept her
in 1 In- ciivoiit, ami, il is to ! Ifannl,
luiiinl li- r c.iM' Inyniiilihcir conttol. A
hiimlniMaMi nii'itii'il miiiiii yciir hinci'
in li'inm, lull tin nun wan at oni'o ic
iiiruuil in hoi liiuiily in ilmipulnr hah.
it, ami, iik lliry leliiKtil to ititivi' her,
-h" u-p'aci'.l in nu asvluiii, Mirhara
I'liiyk i w fll. in 1ois not now com.
il;i!i nl any ill'lnCr mi-Hi, nml at. Cra
cow il N j-niiniilun-il a 'gel up' nfl'alr
nninii'rJ llii'.Iiw poi'iil-nloii, to a jjioit
lyliMil. Tin' p'lnr wi-imu'n ililutmi
ran on hot -limine: 1'iokiii her ows.
iiuil lhii, aiil nlhi't- liiriiniKlam-es ol
Iter f"rm of iuailiiri'8 ral-til I he i-nlntm
nious ri'poii iiKninst ilm nuns. Nt-p'
li-.'im-i' ami juiioranco of tlm proper
in. nil- ol iriaMuciit may ho nrgi-il
nciitiKt tho nun-', 'hut neither cruelty
urn- immorality."
Pah no Iti.Ain:. W. A. McPIipikoii,
Km., will clt-Hijn' Ihe iiftinc ol IiIh re
ci nt piinhnKo, ihe McMinnvillo CV
ritr, to llie Vm-fa Jilude,
Tiik rnnRiimplion ol nlcoltoliod links
in ItiiMla has Increased over a hundred
per cent In sir Jreara.
wir........i........,Ja,uijjii. 1 jiirr-j -r-r-rfcui niHWaM nnaffimTlragj:-itfHagt . w.,.....
CorrcRnouilciicc. j
KniTon Skxiixki- .Ik-licving that'
thinus wnu in tins pail of the " Grent ,lMC Chinnintii tliat hent llw Rrpiihli-; inert bosh." Ami Henry A. Wise,
valley ol the Willamette," I have jc:,nN nll'l ""I l'" IlUviiith nmeniltpciil.j l't I'ii' "I Virginia lebel chivnlry,
iletermineil to sei.e my pen' nml .end , tli.ni-Ii ihuy matlo mon holieve the" llmnkwl God that then, were no Iree
von thu ncwii, which ii not inuuli lean ' '"Isohoml that this ameiMiiient was de- fclmols in Virginia" Tho Cativllc
iiav tnithlitlly in nil wo have. 1 8'S"1' to Suu nflVnc to tho Chlncfv. 7Wtfffopit an ndvornto ol tho extrcmo
Just at this time there U nti"Orei:oti l"lit? Deinocmtn ulio know nnvthing, ( Ant I Amenean doctrines olthu present
mUt" coming doun, nuieh alter ti,u Iri-dy coiiC-m ilw fact, iln tiny d- n'l ! Dcmoeroiiu party, fnysi "It will bo
Mtyle ol lainshoivets "in thu .Siatij- " u0'vo ll thu iutuhtion of iho Mtp- n slorimw dav lor Catholics when, tin
miieli to the iletiinunt ol Borne ol the Jl""1"! "f tho flttei-iiih nnifiiilmi nt in dor tho blows of justice nml moilnlily,
fitriners who have laloeiop, and tothc 'lo.vor Chlni-w Mtffmgc. In Sni-ia-iour euinmon tehool nyMrnt will be
eiv gtcat iIiM'omlott ol many of the'immo al l',e lJ,nvemtiu jollillmtion flifitteicil to iloco.'' Those arc the
plr'miro H-cki'M, who arc nt present i I '" their foloiy, Cuffioth, CuilN mid rcntimi-titi of tlj niptt w'io mnnagc
great uiiiiibeis on thu coat, near the
iimutli ol Silmoii ami .Silclr. rlverii,
liittiiing to the "fomiiling sea," ami
looking al thu loam ciested billows ol
the "briny deep;" unity of them for
tho litKl time.
I think, how-over, but little dain.ve o.tl the Slate, iiid it wa tlw iiitintinti
1 '""is "owi nr, inn mm oautapc n-mfl1B,.v ,n ,n. ,. fi,: ,.
will be done tho g.ai.i crops Imm the'"' "" m 'cm t .Imo il..-Cl.i .-
tain, nstlii' ptospect now Is that the """ ""l '" ,,,r ""' - -'eh.itds
ol mist" lmo aboul wlll l miu-IillU pr. n-.m.' ' oii'..
tholr lu.y, and that " old h.I " will mkii ' " "i, l (,'"", M' ' ' '!'p,"1' '" -k
again enliven tu with ItN braining I il 'npi:m. titirv t.. n 1 rr- . 1 ...i
stnllv.'.. I U"' ' ' m - x,v '' ' ' ''' '" " ' " '"
This Ageney i located nt (nr rather
in) Hie ctiMtrii fool ol tlieCon-l .Mutiti
inin, near the headwaters of tho Ymn
hill liter, and aluitit thittyllvo miles
west ol nl 111, ami is at this (ihk- tin.
iter tie.' eharg'i ol C.tpt. Charles !
lallot. It is thu Mime one lor neventl
yeai'i befmu the war, ami at the com
uietiieuient thereol, umhr the etiarge
ol Capt. John F. .Miller; at piuseitt uv
piranl lor thu poitiuu of Demoeiatio
lioveiuur of this .State.
Theru are about twelve hundred lit'
1 inns on this MiM-italiou. luelmliii-
ll,.,... Inn, 11. 1. 1 fi..,n i.ml ..I , l,n
..1.-V ... W.U.II ,,M, I l.l.l I'.lll. ... IIIV
n.iiK.i.i. nu. i I,... .i.i.i,!.. ,.,ii..,ii. ti,....
.,... 'i . ,..... .'r vv ll. .
ate m.tkiti injiid ti nles toward civil
i.illnn, coiiMilciiiig thu iimntier ot
years they h.ive bi-uu reeeiting iustruc
lions I nun thu tiotciumciit. The gialit
uropilnre, as well as thioiighoiit the
country roiiml about hetu are not n
good this tear as tiittal; piiucipally on
account of thu eUrunu dry weaiher
liiee tho uiiildlo ol May last, ami this
is another warning to iariner.s to t-ow
their wheat in the l.tll icason, ami the
hooucr the belter. Times hate been
hard this summer, but yol all through
the valley n great ol improvement l
going on, both in town and eotiutiy,
ami thy valley is r.iphlly iiicreatJng in
wealth mid population, ami to home
exlent "apeiiig" tho older Slates ol
thu "Inr Wcit." Wuhdct hate come
to tho conclusion nt Inst (hat Oicgonu
hound to heenmu n gii'iil State, whether
lieu Ilulladay builils our r.tilroails or
not, and ot thN, lor one, I h-tvii no
duiiht. What thu Statu ol Oiugoii
needs at this time, to unable it to mount
up in tiiu t-ciilii of gieat States, mure
nidiii'triims ami economical nicii and
women, to make a pioper use of tliu
many natural facilities wilt which the
God r I nattiiu lias mi bountifully Hip
plied us in almost every potthui ol the
State. t. Ii. U.
Grandu ltmde lmlinn Agency,
Oregon, August 'JOth, l-00,
A Xovi:i. l'lioToiiitAi'iiicOi'mt.tiiox.
A young lady ru-idliig near Karlville,
Canada, wearing a highly polMied !!
ver pin, watt looking al lhu(c1ipu uun
Milerahly ihiongh iheonliii.try Miinkeil
glas, during the time ol thu Hau-ii,
nlierwaid d'covered that thv cclipo
ha-l dagiieiiTOlyped itsull upon - Imt
pin at the time that tho sin. was about
hall oliMJured. The iinpieMImi remains
thcio pormaneiilly, KUtlng the action
if nibbing as well as exposure to ihu
Tin: I-'ni'iii: or Oiti:uox, Alaska,
and Wakiiimwov TimutioKVi In his
Portltnd, Oregon, aildrcss on the Olh
imt. Mr. Seward said: "In ti-itina
gon I hat-o Been thu future granary and
workshop of tho PacWiu Coast."
A. !,'.. .liuli Inrnwll' cllfisn Ill4 M'lwl
California I hnvo foou the onmiuercial ' ,,th"r piwui-s. u ipivs that ol iiniiiilliiig mitt' o on I'm nice. Aimui n jeai ni;
conire- in vlsliin Wimliliitsnm Terr!- ' tho wills ol hi- Hiii.jcois. The sou nl lervv.ii.N its Chairman, Senator Sher
loiiiu , in imi m ta ii . , ii ni , mi.edp...p.ieloiomnpliim-d iian.iepo,ted back Irom the Co.nmilteo
lory and Alaska I havT seen iho p.o- VIiIb llii'iii.M Uiat U iitlivr had ho-l to the Nmato tho bill above lelo.red
siiectivo shipyards, and in vi-dtuig Ore- I,,,,,.,,!,.,.! i,..it i ,i f.uiniu. or' fori v-' to. and hitimi known as iho "Sheinnn
wheat will, such eaio, and cultivated it account ol religious u.vtmtv, a 1 opted I
, i i ,i i ,,! t..n.n..,l ! nnolher pan. I o went himself, al
will, such skill, that his heads increased IJ;"',; , , theohurol. lu u-timi and
inlencllfionfonrtni'lglitiiu-lii'5thoi.0('cljrj,u, ,IU jj,. ,ll8. u(, t,UH
i...r?.. imm .l.-i to l'J4 in a head ! and I .,t,i iiu. (.nt v ihomaiid frtiiie-. tvliivh
,w. nnmimr of stalks from a iced from
10 to fta.
AtknowlcdRctl ' )
The Drmoerot, now that the clv?-
tioniovr, niknouicilao that il w ,'
iiiiiit.', ncvouiiiig to 1110 Raerjmvuio
UnivH, io!d their hinrii. tl, il the
Chinaman must he promt."! I., al l-U
,. ,. , . .,,.,. . ,
light, which u xrydl.U,,t "'"
their pnlioy pre ion to i'.eeti..n, when
.,1'ti.l t )uill.tA ll it ,1, ,tl 1 ,..'?! f t.lilil ,ll
. .. ........... ...V. . . ... .,.-.. ....
iy Hint 'niiiy cnv. ir.l wi'i ui. ..- llie
ivink niid illm'li" Ciiii .-.hh-ii." Sin-
nlor Curtis in his fpiich fmlliii nil, n'n.r li nths l the people o( hill the
thv CMniiiiiaii do i nt n. v 1 lh l..ill..i ' M ;- "' ''',' AmrtMii I'tiloii nttd
,. .. . , . . . t ltu"li.ni ol Hpeceh and Iraedmn of thu
1,1 1 ", M"" u- u"' l'""cl .,""1 ,n p..i wi.; tmi tiih-tnled. Theru n.o
nil his liiihtK." Iho UmiiVjiij aie ,m,tin tin; patty who do not hhare
deteiinliHil t-i nionopiMg (ho Ihimiii' tluo m-ntiiiii'iiti. put they do not be-
ol priit.-cMiuChliuiiu.n. nd li c t .'" llon ml will otentiially be
1 ., 7 ,.. . , . i di veti out. Iiv the iirosuriiititu intoUT'
uiMto idea ... .,.v....t...tftl..n". ml-iiWi. .- nIli' ,,., 0, t)lc
grntiit lb hi ll.'t .:. l-..ii..;c.ot Iii.mi. ,t.UtfRneH' wl0 nilotheoiganintion,
gnu luti. We th'.iight mini. id . a'nnd live by pltindeilng tho f.irmors
pl.-i'f thilt lint iflln-1 pinl. -iou-'lnmi Inlioriiiu cl.tsi whilu hypociit-
in.. iai t'3. umI i la .-1 liimu i r. .!,.. " milus.i.S to be th lir Itieiids.-
. ! rt , . I Vtj JtHti'Uilt.
tl.l. ll'.Kt Ktllllj'' III I'l tilt I' 11 It Ml' II I .
. IIPlll i'll ill I'l'' 1.11 !'
... I
iluie, (
Hi d'.n
' bo nxtin i - -i "' I ii
I lie ChiiHM' Ui on. Si n.il 'i Cintis,
In hi leuiark', lint'n ri. : "Tho thh
n.im in do. inl wini th' liiiinl. He
line lint I'l'IIU-hi I'' l" M.it. lie olllt
cuiiien tn gntlier hU liule lull one innl
lutnril. lie Intend" tu o linuu belnle
ho dien, or il it"l li I"' I ' '!' , Hn'i
alter. Hi eni,ie is m:i. . ' r tin' m-.;
li'f il is put o hi- n'.ui.'ll that bis
bullet hiillM ii p ' e in l'e I lll'i" "I hi
niio.'.toi-K. The Cliii mi hi di'i- n I
wnnt t m'.i', i'Ar ! i' in tin with us
p. rm.ni'tiily " Tii H m i-i.-uie in-
olis then n 1 nit l'. a' they do not intend
to ihut out John (')ilnannu, but .viil
proteet him in hi ri-jrhis, a Tiianiuteed
in thoCniftltnlintiol the XTiitt-l Stales
and this Statu, townt-iU al! (in'granls
ol any r.jo.', and uiKuottte.lgn that Mr.
Chinamiii ilnu'l want to tote. wiluh
tittths they dotii.'l bo'or- the cleviimi.
Xo piifim wisliis to f.ii-i o the China
men to vote, an 1 oti n il they could be
natural!.'. "I, nnv in in nf or.liniry fdise
kiin'is lull well that th.y c-uild 1h de-
nied hv Jtito fe.tih'iion tho n-itt of
u!ri-.i:o, Imm auy other eiu"o, oswpt
th it nl imeC'try or "color. Alter flitch
favorable di ol.trtiiioiu limn Di'inoerntle
leaders, thu (liliiO"C may fie! eiioour.
aged to gin' nnnthor grnn I hampiei
in-lit vwnter dining tliv "iioi ol our
h "Mature, innl i. vpi-ot lio- ntt puliation
ngiin ol Gov. Ilalght ami oihor dlgni-toil-.
Theliitifct P.inoiratlcHpicuhi.
lion, wo also imile , i i" ( -. t . Oili, ,i clnMeimg lamps ol peace through
a pi-mniiiuat I), on. r.v, u-t havi"jr the Nml hem sky, and Aieturus stands
S.lilFr.Hiel.ooloril.lii.i.in'iri.iigi.f.iH'nlli huu.lid Imvv, In eod uplcmlor,
, . .. , ..ii i .. ,i, . lover thu Xntthcin pole, tuny the
the i...p.i.i.iH..n nl t him e l.n- H"1!-. Iir,hl 0llsU.iia,loll 0 ,10 A.nerieai.
ton Stale-', no ili-iiM emmuiuod tp i ',)iau Mj i,ti,.' i i hmizon of na
giealcr ucei-i by the pi m.ieintic vie . tions, and h t lieedom bo esinblished.'
tm-v in thi- Slate', though wo fear lliej L'cUtre fl a'vin II. MofJciviM.
Conmi ionnI law nuaiuH Loolli) im
puliation will render ITIm liiihlp lb de
lenti'in ai.'d oiiinmul piosicutinii'liv tho
l-'idurd Colli clor nt S.vi l-'r tin iei, or
Midi pmt ill I'io United Stit.s as he
m it uirltu at Im-ill" i'iii''si' o intio
din-log a noivtystiiinil l-iwry.-- Yrr
kn iiiiniut- ' ,
Tin: folloiviuj nneifloio of Pope Pi-
i.u rv-rr,-. I ,til in ii Fnm'li nan t : ,
"' -.. ii.,i.. . , i.iri
Tin. S.ivi rotjrn I'outill. imtno'' lus.
. x -" c1. .. . . A . i
thousand f'.iuc, to tho ptiect wh,bil." It onihodiet the leading lev
on a particular dnv, and in a ehiirch tnrea conlained tu thu bill of Mr. Cor-
t- m "', Bhmild s iy Hm irt mass, rue i
i not il.iiinu-to oitieel the will on
! he thuu handed over to thu grateful
Oppofctl to Frco Schools.
A DeniPrratio paper in California
that to i.Oicnto tho voter is the
nini iinpi-ui" iiui-v ui mi' I'l-iiniuiiic
Th ey. "ppoe exerv nlniin, every
lhl"'r iof x,, nlvaneemil tif liiimnn-
iiv. eory net o leoNlatlen Ifitemled to
illtVup life poor niiiligimiant and make
,..!! a, U. nn,j ,,.M, Instond of
l.it...l i,lr In lll'it'l, kll.,1, l.tintllff.tf ill till,
. , ,...., . -0" ... .
mae ...i.-rv ol (..nermeni at will
Imm to the inteieiiU ol the people
t, if u ,.,,, ' ,,,' u.
01 ii.ivetiiieni at win con
lnifiiii'tits of thu ngc in which
we lit ," they 'liiioitiioe nil chang"fi as
liui'M' n.'d im OMtti'iti'i on the time
li- ti r il rin, iplen" nl 1 'cinocr.H'y, and
l.tini nl h cau-Hi tiny eniiniit stop the
v in Id in it pi'i'git , nml tettirr. to
the i!.it in tvhtcli si i very i tiled the
ii nl Km; whun I'lhlcntiim r.nd free
, Inn's were beyond thu touch ol
'Ihe Ntw Nation.
I.vt iicgivo thanks to' God that wo
have lived to hi-u our country in thu
vigor and i-pK'iiilnr nl her i-econd nge.
Tho (lag ol the I'nioii has been restored
to all lis might v empire, Hinging its
enlivening i-li.'nlow fiom the lakes nl
Mnino to the Gulf, fuuit the foundation
Mono ol Plyiuoiith to thu dUlntil tergu
ol Capo lllnm-o. Grim war has put
oil' his battered hcluut and thrown
away tho bntllo axe, giving place to
tin guttlu dies, with liertiiowy bhoith
doiK lailut tvitlt tu'leaicd corn. The
lull inlieil fun of I'tecdoin has lisett
ii'uii tliulaud, nml is mounting high in
iniilniiilid niltudnr; and everywhere
on tho c.iith thu freehold sons nf Lib
city arc lUing from their piostration,
lo dflhli Iho thrones of tyrants one
ttgaiust aiidthei-,
Hail! ilicn, ye inhabiianlH of the
New X.illoul fo'r at length "thu light
Ii;ih come, and the gloiy of the Lord
li ii, iimii upon in." IltttMyo millions
who wore in hcud! obdurate iron has
leh'iiiuil; and now, when tho trumpet
blows, il proclaims "Liberty tu nil tho
l.iii'l, .mil to all tho inhabitants there
nl!" Il.ul! yo nations who would
I'd; -wise be live! lor though n million
nl her sons have fallen, tho Great Re
public. Mauds In imperishable majesty
and jJory, holding nlofl its Haunting
tilui d ird, never lo hu withdinwu lio in
the lew id light ol tho miii, until the
gnat cat-ir.tt-t of tho Xorth shnll hare
Inrgotlun its subliiuu anthem, nml the
uulistieam ol tneSonili lost its, mys-in-on
wav. Ami whilu Oiion boats
Srvatou Coitnnn'K Gi'iirrxry
Pj..vs-. Smeo tvu alluded lo Senator
Cmhett'rt bill to crealo gold notes to
inkn fhe plieo of muonhaokfi, buveral
jtilu' paners of this Stnto have taken
iVMthi'Mtbj-oi.iuidill favor his plan.
Tiiu K nti in iiresi mo almost iinani'
in us in Invming the '-hherninn hill" as
t ii-y oil) ii.' A- wo before stated tho
bill wis ihvt intiodiiceil by Senator
Coibuli neitlv two yrnis nco, and on
His inniiiiu was reicrieii in mo uim
liett, nml nuvocaton in ui-s biicuoii im
lore thu Senate, which tvo oublUhed it:
n Mipplcnieni o tho .Tor nxM, , at tho
time. It had hecomo the leading flnan-
oial plan l.oforw Conaress, meets thu
nppiohiltiou of tho people oil ovor tho
count r v. and will urobahly ho adopted
at iho next semiou of Congress.
Stat Journal
Brick Fomeroy on the CUhw.
Urick Potneroy, in his Democrat, of
August 3d, has an editorial articlo en
titled, "Let God's Great Handiwork
ho for our Use. Each in its Place."
In this article the following rcmaiks
arc made respecting tho Chinese, wltfch
wo commend to the Democratic prints
of Oregon:
Concerning the Chtncso presenco in
San Francisco, there are not two opin
ions. Tho better class aro fuw, and
not, wo believe, objcctlonabto in per
gonal habits. Tho mass, however, are
filthy itfmind and, body, and give
grievous cause of offense to alt of our
civilization who coino in contact with
them. In the rural districts, however,
their peculiarities nr not 10 readily
noticed to tho point of grievous offense.
Thero they follow their various call
ings, Insulated Irom thoso to whom
they ate naturally oflonaive, and tho
result is a development ot California
icottrccs, which, without their pecu
liar aid, might have long remained un
yielding. With them some of tho necessities
to successful mining in peculiar dis
tricts nro found, their patient endurance
bringing gain where, with a more no
blu race in harness, tho result would
hu lo. In many fields they nro
found peculiarly and even uniquely
serviceable. In tho crow-th of craln
they nro moro tiicful than negroes, and
more easily managed ; and in ttio pro
duction ol olives, already approaching
commercial consequence, thoy havo
piovcu of rare value. ,
Ily their patient perseverance, fruit,
grain and wool havo been brought in
quantity, quality ami consequent profit,
where thoy would not havo been for
many years to come without the aid of
Cliincsu labor and oxporienco. And
uoV, In addition to these, wo hoar of
largo tracts of laud having boon doro
led to thu production of tea, through
impaction of tho plants nnd China
men and Japanese, who understand
and mo fitted for their growth and
care. Thu same is true of tho produc
tion of silk, which thoy nro now en
gaged in inisiug, and give promise of
nrolitablo results. Tn all thcte purtuits
they cm tiitturallt Jilted to tuccted
btttcr than our hardy and more noble
race. All they seem to rcquiro is
Amcilcan direction in tho leading fea
tures ol their work, and American
management of its commercial require
Tho work in theso fields work to
which, in tho climates best calculated
for productiveness, our people do not
incline to labor theso Chinamen and
women t-ecm born to perform. That
wo havo como to need theso products
is true, nml being no why is it not bet
ter, while wo havo land fitted for
their growth, to import tho beings fit
ted for their caro? Tho crops we
need. Thoy have become largely es
sential to our comfort hero; now we
import them from tho fields abroad.
Tlioso who do tho work of their cul
ture aro not men nnd women such as
wo nro hero if they tvero they would
not le fitted fur tho work wo have to
do. Why not import (htm, then,
Kith the Kid tee. need? Wo ean eare
for them better than they aro cared
for now, nnd improve their morals, too,'
as far us inn be found consistent with
their power to healthful change.
And if they do so woll in fruit and
tilk nnd tea, why not try them in cot
ton too ? Tho climates sailed to their
growth nro similar; tho pccular char
acteristics nnd surrounding conditions
of tho work required aro tho saruo;
they nro fittciltfor the work, and tho
work for thciu. Thoy aro moro do
cile, nioro industtious, nnd aro th,cre
foru moro reliable and more profitable
th in the negro. Why not, then, give
them a trial ? If they fail they can be
turned over In tho Radicals to "elevate,'
and kill otTas they aro doing with the
negro, now.
They nro not our equals as men
should militato against the experiment.
There is work to bo done that tho ox
and tho ass aro bettor fitted for than
wc. We do not refuse to employ and
also caro for them becauso they aro
not our equals. Why, thon, should
wo turn against thofo who aro nearer
our standard in creation's range?
Thoy wero created for sorap use, and
that thoy havo do velopod. Why. then
Kaste time and intuit the creator by
endeavouring to change, rather than
occupy what he hast viade, and or
our use.
Fast TiIie. Dcxtor must look to
his laurels. The Amorican Girl has
trotted a mile in 2:10 in harness.
Dexter's best time' was 2:17 tinder the
Mtllb,"' ' '