Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 18, 1869, Image 2

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" "V
SiOKtV .Mmtvtvn, Pcpt. IS, ISO".
Reform at the Ballot Box.
Tliu Sail 1'rnnclico Timet and oilier
inline-Mini journal in California can
' loudly demanding poiiic system tliat
will itiMiro llio utmost independence
nt tin liallot box. The Times re
marks ;, ,. At preieift there in really
no ar-creey fn tlio ballot. Parties take
fji"'cial can- o lo print their ticket-" ns
that they shall he c.isily reeogniralile,
mill thousand of men nru consequently
driven either to vote nuaiiikt their con
viction, or lo hae rotoiirsi1 to mtificu
"to eontHal the title nature of their
The Solano County Ailcn'tinr. in
commending upon this matter, .:iv
In our judgment, it is the duty of
i iw. ini.i .it i 'aI.Ij. ... ... a-..ir...... ..........
tut; a't.iiu in v,ia.a.u. ....a tir.i ajlll'l V t t VI t
one ol it citizen limn this idavcry in
vliifh despotic patronage, butli pulilic
mid private, holds many voter. A
cecret lullot law is a neec.ity of the
If lhee complaints he-well loundcd
lit a Male wlieru 1 lie "ballot." Is in uo
what miwt lie said id Micron when
nil election1) nre lv Ihe i'Vi vwr ev
tout iiml every mail's ticket i read
aloud hy the clerk? What is ohjco
tionahlo m Cnliforuia is nlmnst unhcar
nlilo in Oregon. Th.it system in com
pirion with ours is complete inde
pendence. What will Culillirui.int
rny When we tell tlicm dial III this
State wc havu seen creditors lead debt
ors to the polls listen till their ticket
was lead, or place them in charge of a
N'" niid,tlieu jo oil for another ic
loin. 'i'tfey will probably toll us thai
wuaie white nigger to ubmit to, or
uoutiiiuo such n ytom, mid they will
no' judge us hutlily. (!ic tit die bal
lot in tin Mate it is nil wo nk tw
work refmm '.villi at present. Let the
voters be tree to ex pi c.s their choice
mill tlu'V will noon shake nil' the wire
pullers mid placediuiitcis that are too
ln.y lo woik tor mi lionet liiug, mid
only iek their own ud milage in po
litical turmoil mid dientiin. IVr
hap ll cm ho done by our present
i-y.sU'in, mid our people nre just jet
ting in tliu temper to try it,
r.s'iiiii: what inliuiiriM ration did the
I'hlui'M' pour into Culifoiiiia?
That ol 1'ivitiKTlii Pierce!
Who was it tlnit welcomcil tliu llrel
batch ol Cliim t-o cnilmsradori to the
White I Inline?
Iiiiiiis ISuchaiiaii and member ol
his C.ibimi, in 157, an wo nil remem
ber! Who conliolKd this Slate m the .
ft.'HW g
cmniueiicemiiit of the Chinese influx,
X'wid 'r xcam iiflerwnrd, without nt-
icuiiniiic 10 iiueounige ineir comliiL', i
or passing laws for ihe preservation
and piotcolionof the placer mines for
the use mid hem lit ol white mineis?
The Democratic party !
AVI10 wn elected on a special pledge
ol hostility lo the Chiuofo, nud n few
months alter election coolly sit ibiwu
and ale afid drank at the. kudo table
with Murlingamo's opiuni-smikiug
lat-eatlnv; troupe ot Celestials?
II. II, Knight, Frank .Mcltoppin, and
other Democratic officials ('nlifnr
11 la )ii j m
ioisi: Lmi:. Hy miiihi panics
I mill that locality who passed through
here 011 .Sunday, wo aie informed that
ii very heavy frost had fallen at the
upper cud ol the valley. Means, pota
toes, and all hind, of vines weie cut
down, mid thoe who havo Hied to
inise gardens in thai end of the valley
nre quite diicniuagcd, Those who
H"" i""ni.- nnu
went Ihe.e with ,,e intention ol MWk
are satislled, and a large
. , , .
amount of hay has !, out to provide
against a seveie wi.Uer. Some land I
liuntew-ivereletvingaudpushinL' Mr-1
ther South. ' ' (
J.N Diimvxp. dipt. MeCaM. of the
Ashland Woolen Mill, iulorius us that
there is considerable demand for ito
labile. He has leccnlly letiliucd
liom Siskiyou County, Cab, where ho
1 cc cited orders lo a eoiihideiable
amount. Wo hope our own people
will patronize it liberally, nud o keep
much of our mom-v nt home,
I. ... ... t I
11 mi.Mi iMinmt. e are inform-,
cl by Mr. Calwoll, of tho Waldo
, ..... 1 .
Mage line, that Mr, Dickenson, of
uescout City, nml n San Fraucieo
gentleman, are examining tlio sugar
pine lands on lioguo liter. If they
find plenty of timber, thev intend cut-
ting and lading il to the Coast, when
I'K'peily K'usoned,
fcot.o - Mm. Nho,,, ol the Vieka
Jom-mil, han just l,t', vietiml.ed by
"ll aeiostlo. You have our sympathy,
l!ob . bin you nill piobabiy leply in
Ihi kiut'iingu ol the aero tie'ltuclf.
' ""omKlamth Agency
.. ,.. i......i !.... ,mi or i oitiniiii.i tenierence,
il seems notxssn.y underthe circum-, w" ' '.'"""J '""', ' ' llimFr' ... . , . ,.,,.. i.KWNViir
' stances, lo say a few words in regard . -' ' ' " "V"" , n " ' " W Sr v. V K
I to the Srniko Indians east of us. ' cr Colf .l wife, cx-Govcrnor Win. ,h " ; ' " : j "V '!" Q.,..
Col. Otis say, "no Indian, could be , '"B'' Sam'l Howies, iCi kh'
inoiepeneeable" It is true that theV ! j)
nre not engaged in hostility now, and "' 'M,M n"l, n,lll,5,r' " tw ,rk jnon ..
thatlhoyn.emorcpoaccablclhanthey -C l.oun a.r.red by stage in .lack- i ' Chr Ci 3t-K C Ma.lin
have been heretofore, for until .his """" '"'he people were m.xious lo l.cno Cily timi.t K. t. Waitui.
Buiniiier thev h ive been ciiLairii! in i...
tivc hostilitv. Xow the point is thisi
There me now some 1,'JOO Snakes nt
large in their old rnnges, and if they
are not taken charge of, is it to be sup-
po,cd that they have Miflii-icntlr ro -
pen ted of their past acTs to make it
nfe for ileftncel,' families loseiili. in
their country? If so, Inm inkaken in
Indian character, although I have been
acquainted with it for thel.isl twenty
- - ' - - - - -
five yean.
Althoui'lisouth.easleniOrel'on should
be settled up. I do not consider it right
to encourage uimi.iKctiiig families to
. . . .
cxiiose thMiMcIves. II thev understand
or unit until some pmvisioii I made to
take the Snakes in chaige, which, it is
booed. Iiv the hcnitv and efficient en-
iiliir:ilinii nr tin. iiiiIiI iiv ..! ..I.tl ..
thoiilie. will not he lone. Sui.erin
tendeiit .Mencluiii, I haje no doubt,
... ..." ! .
will net in this nntler ns non as he i.
furnished the neecniy iueau.
A. J). Ilelmiii, of vour vallev.
iv.nched here on the llth with his
throhing niaehlnc, totliroli the Agcn-
cy grain.
" Miickncr, cleik in .VuiuV miler
stoient the I'orl, ilied on the cxcniiiL'
of the llth, after a lingering illiie of
seeinl mouths. He was n man ol some
IS or .ri() years of nge.
During tin thunderstorm lately, an
Indian woman in Sprague Kiwr Valley
was "struck by Hlititltij; mid in
stantly killed.
Vcsteiday, u remgnde Spokane In
ill in, called "Spoknnu Ike," wa, on the
requisition of the agent, piomptlv nr-
rclid by ('apt. (Somlnle, and eonlined
at I'oit ICIaiuaih, for tuhiMiig the In-
.expose tliMiMclves. II ihey unilerslaud n IMlmllr"1 oiirciuwnsui mm, nun iiiv
the situation, then they will go in suf-1 pmty reliicd. We acknowledge the lion
lioient liunibeis to protect t.M.Ve, 'i'f n nhorl cull Iniin the Vice Pri
ilians here toxiolatetrinlytipulatiou btbonis, nud that science has hem
and attempting to produce, u general ,u'" "''lt chauMed in puixidiug
bad feeling iituong the Indians on this , !K!iiit the unnvoidable necidenls in
l!eeration. eident lo deep milling. It Mems tluit
Last night the Miioko lilted from tliela,'u,rm a'"""'t "' human irtitul.tl
valley, and today tliu atmosphere i
cliar, and everything is Itnclv.
Ix'lnmntli, Oregon, Sept. If, Ie00.
j piMiiKssiNu AoiitK.vr. Wo nre
1 oiry to 1 coord a terrible accident that
occurred nt Stcilingville nu Saturday
i.ii-ii uilivil iillllllll II. XOIIIhlOCK
was almost instantly killed. Il appears
... 1... .. 1.:.. 1. I-!... 1 1. , . ;
that .Mr. Cmnstock was out with n
'""iting party, one of which was his
li .1 1 1 , I
biotherin law, Josi.ih llurieil, mid that
.... ,.,v r.iun.j; ,mi-u.iis eauiiou wa
given to all the patty, necidenls in the
brush having been the ul.jeet of con-,
vei.nion. Kaily in tho morning the'
parly sepcrated, and lluircll soon j
jumped up a deer at about 70 yards
distance. Firing nt the deer he inod
it mill iliili nit.l1.111 iitti.. ..
". '""' '-""hk i kci an
other hhol, he found that Couih.ock had
been in lauge ami hnd bcin 11101 tally
wounded. Comstock had evidently
been trying to get a shot at the sam'o
deer and holding his gun closu to his !
side, us the hummer was knocked oil'
by the hall liom lluiiell's rille, beloie I
11 pashcii tinougii linn. Mien llurrcll 1
louinlliiin, ho said; "you have shot me," .
nun those weie tliu lal woids of the
unloilunatc man, as he cxpiiod inn
hoittlme ilier. .Mr. Comstock was
11 1. ,, ,
C'' , ! V " 'I1."
" " "'" l "IIU I llllll. ,l
ouu feels more distiessed at the
shocking necident lliau Mr. Muriell, ami '
' '"" tlier wu.ning
,1,,I,,J"K rtic- touse ovtraordiuury
cat 0 ngalnsl such orciinenecs,
AxoriiKit Pioxi:i:it(iosi;. On .Mon
day last, Mr. Aaron Chaiubern, one ot
thu old pioneois of tho valley, died
after a lingering illness. Up 0 Satur
day, ho ippeared to bo improving; but
from Saturday morning. to tliu time ot
his death, he sank gradually away
Mr. Chambera canio hero in IBM, am)
tvns much respected. Hi funeral was ,
one ol the largest that htA If.en nlnco I
--' f --- , j
for many vears. His widow- eei tnlnlv
: .-.. v ,
lias liati her lull nharo of ntlliatioti.
Shu b.iw her first husband, Mr. Harris,
murdered by tho Indians, in this vnl-1
ley. On tho same dieadful night, her j
little son disappeared and was never
hoard of. Two years ago, her son-iiw (
law, John I.ove, died; and Inst winter, 1
her only daughter, Mis. Love, ami 0110 I
of her grand-children woio carried oil '
Iiy the Miinll-po.x, Sho Is now left
alono with tho three loinuining grand-
children, and it is to bo hoped that
she may bo loug upared to guard over
The Colfax Party
8m' iM lliiiKicil visitors a .sinta
M1'0 recclltiM) ''"t '' ''"l " n"'!
,n,,lc''i "J Udegrapb, that it was im-
I'0"-!'"-1 'or them to lay over, nnd it
wns tno"l tlinl n l '''" ict
' ,v"u''1 ,,c ,,t,l,l'r al,I,ri'l'i-,,l'' than n
"o'y 1t'inoiistrntuu. A largo number
' 'tieiis, howeer, had aembled,
" . .. .. .i
n,lU l,,e x llT l "dcnt came lor . aid
!,,", '"'wl l,,,' 'r tlii-lr nltuitlnn.
c " t!'1"'-''"''.
l0 "u 'xcni'd fi'm making a lengthy
' celi. Gov. Ilross made n few ic-
. "ai"i d -Mr. Lew. Zigler, w ho is an
"',l i,"' "' "" Cllii, intrtitliifcd
. i . .... -. . . . ...
. . .
a numueroi ourciii.ensio niin.nmniie
idi'iit, nml iniiit iy thai lie i the very
t'-m itetif itl u republican inter. Hi
is ,lii''''. without being ostoiitiiti-
OlIS ! illl.tble, bllt lllU tOO fft'C. Ill fits
' l',,ll,,l,i "" f'coml olhcer of this gieat
I 1.11.. !....! I .. IS.... I
'I"dU, lie in tliu f.pi.il ot king, and
- u, "l nt'ur ")rKi,',t "" no only
a" Aiiiciiciii ciIimii. M , were proud
' "Imko li:in.l5 xxitli liiin; not lii-i-iinsr
'' "' Mi'-' 'rcidenl. but bicauo he
'" n lmJ'r I"1"1'1, "y, the koIc support
"' n widowed mother, who ha by lion
j ,raW,, ,,,':ri"K !",l industry ne.nly
ri'acn"1 ,m m0 exulted posilimi In
"lir l'0,l,l,r.v- ''r ietini; iiK-w bonis
' ,,"' l,ar,.v ll'11 """'" "' ' ':,,H'k "
nml pm-licd otinight on for Sail
A Plnce for Chinese
The press thrnughoui the counliy
are In ginning lo deuiand giealer pro. City and Caueiiiah is linished ami llio
tecliou lor laboicrs. ispeiinl lor unsons hao icnioveil to the Claeka
those eiigiiged in under giound iniu-' mas river to lav the ithutnieiiU lor the
It is well known that there is a
limit to the ptiitiriiiiu ot tint chm of
""' 'p woin out jp.nly in pioiiiug
lor the world' necessities mid in view
id' this fuel it would be wlc to ills
place white labnrcis In ilangeinns or
unhcalthx cinploynienls, by ihe lower
urade of labor lint is pouring in fiom
Asia. Ceilniiily the siibjnt is wnith
sciiotis ciuikidoraiiiiiis by our political
Iv Conn. Tin. September term ol
I ..n- -' iiri-u
yeterday. Chief .liistlc I!. P. IoIm,
Hie Mipreine ( nun was cunnm need
ami As.0ei.1le Jiisiini ,. (S Wil-un
W. W. Cpto, 1 John Kelsiv. wire
preenl. nud Associate Jiu-iice P. P
Pi im wn-. nbhcul. In the ioicuoou
nolhiug was done except to call the
docket. In the nflciuo.,11 lwo ,.
tious to dismiss cacs I,,. in the FiiM
ixf . ...
iMsuici weie nmueil am miiiii tied.
Tho Court notitie.l all applicant Sir
ndiuiion to the bar to tile the ne
ccfsaiy papers, and be in nadiiies lor
examination on Wedmsday eveuing,
On motion of K. I). Shnttuck, J. C. N.
.Morcland was admitted lo piaetice 'in
the eotiits of Oicgon. The Court ad-
journcd until iiiuu o'clock this 11
nlug. ri iiuV, nr( hist.
C01 ki.k Hr 1111. It is said thai in ome
distncts, the load .Supervisois have
il Cl . I 1114 nr l.i ....,. .! ,.l.l. .1...
i,.u- ." Z ... ".". "' ' 7
' I 'Kllil llll! is.ii'i'cr I IHIK r
ilurr." Thev had belli
statute- nnd 'if ih.-v .1.. ... ' J,l i"'
'!'!,' ' , ,"
, " ' ' n1"1 t'l;,,lu,'l, ''u
dangorous weed, as they are directed
r I'xamine tin
to, wo hope they will bu complained o
and prosecuted that's all!
llAiutoAii Iiion. We nolo in thu
dispatches the ni rival in San Fraieifeo
Sept, Ith, of the hip Xorwav, 1f7
days fiom CanlitV, Scotland. ' This
ship brings iion for ten miles ol the
Kast-sidc road, being the first install-
incut of tho t!,000 toim puichascd bv
Hen. Holl.-nliiv .( rv. ...... r..i...'
..... ... ..w,, ...ii.i V.IIUCII.
Tim rsi ! ... ,ii,.. ...,..i 1
,...,,,,, , tirm-i jinn im
duo 111 thirty days, if tlio vessel makes
an average trip.'
- --
I'kiis?ixai.. AVo see Hint an old eiti-
wn ol Sterlingville, Mr. -Geo. Yaudi,
nas returned froio "tlio States," where
ho has been on a visit. Ho is lookin"
well, and piefer Oicgou to any place
ho saw 011 his tiavels.
Fi.ao Stakk. Mr, Home, of the V,
s. Hotel, Is going to raise a fine ting
polo, about seventy led in higluh, in
front of his piomisc, to day.
Tub following nru tho appointments
- .Mr. Kahler has returneii hoiilo froltl
- ' the .Supreme Court. Ho is in hlgl
feather, having heatled olf some of the
old lawyers who depended more oil
piestigo than points, lie rtpoits Sal-
em full of limbs of tin! law, nnd the
peopled that quiet place with thoir
pockets full of fuh-liook, to guard
against accidents.
,,,r,,,i .t,.
., , ""'"'.I ,"
aie felicitating
tlninselvrs on the c.vpecteii nisit of
Many Jackson, with the "(iioat
Worbl Ciicus." They will be badly
'iiiiLnii nu i iiii iiiiii'ii ni i inn iiiiii iiiiiiiui
."""" - " ..""
is niilv n li!ilin-!il. v ho mi!:ikcs Milcur.
, "...' . . . . i"
I iiv lur mi. i l ill IV .i;iLhiMi i ill ,iimv
Vork and the Oicgou public me being
impoocd on.
I'iiiim .Mr. A. Tenbrook, who loll
(Souse Lake nbuiil two weeks ago, we
li'Mlli ttiil iiinnt- .i,I..ii,1I,I ti .ili.r.nu.l
0us were raised llieiu this summer, nnd
I . . ...
that no frot fell, except in I he upper
portion ot the valley. The heirs had
commenced depredation auionir the
ho; enoiii-h h.iv had been cut to Iced
nil the cattle there
through the hardest
kind ot i winter.
biiMinvivu. We nre ghol to Hate
that (Seorge Jackson, whoe arm wn
biokcn on the night of the lib inst,, is
rapidly improving. For I lie llrt wick
he Milli'ieil intense pain, but the hone
has commenced lo knit, nnd he i
Umi.ijiiaI) Woiir. .Mr. ColeiulbiiuH
us that the rock wall between Oniron
hridgo ncio.-u that stream. 7;.
I'm: remains of .Mrs Chambcis who
died in IHiMi, were removed 011 Tliut
iluy fiom the luim to the Cemctary on
the hill. Ilwnsiloue, we believe, at
the icqiicst of her son, Mr West Man
ning, of tliis place-
Tin: Pool will case has hi en decided
by the Supicino (Vim in later ot W.
(!. ItiiU'iiiii the Court holding thai a
mark is sufficient ngnatiiie to a will,
whole tho iiiteiilii.ii in clear.
Wli noticed ('apt. Gomlalo, of Fort
Klamath in town timing the week. Ho
is on his wav to Cnscenl Cilv to ie-
I eeiti' a number ol recruits lor his com
To Aniiit t.Sachs Hros. will hae
an elegant assortment ot tall goods
upeiied dining ue.xt wciL The styles
ar the very newest in the market.
I.v Ix'lamath county. Caliloruia , the
Deinoemts elected lluir entile ilekct.
Hiimbohlt county has elected the en
tile Republican ticket except Sheiill.
Hot. Thos. Fia.er, ot Poiilaud, is
expected here to-morrow. As.
Assr. Wliittclrey will bo heio 011 Mon
day. Mil. Thompson, the Siiporindent, in
(onus us that Sunday-school will com
mence again to-moirow alteruooii.
!n tliu Owen & McMauuus ease the
appeal was denied lor want ol suffi
ciency in thu certificate,
"Mahajik Hi mob" says that there
is a show to como oil" ibis evening.
t o give thuiopoit for what it is woith.
Aiiinr.NT. Thero was an explosion
in Doct, Ayer's Laboitory, ycMciday,
which cause some o.xeitomeul mi the
vicinity. Ayer's Pill aie inanulactuied
under an enormous pressure, in cylin
der, like cannon, which sometimes
piovc too weak lor tlio compressed for
cc, and bui'tt with teuitio violence,
Fortunately, tho pieces do not fly far,
so that no ouu has over been hint by
them. Tho action is moio like ico
than powder; but it makiH lig which
all the vvoild acknowledge arc 1'ii.ijj.
Daily Journal, Lowell.
"How List they build hotisi's now?"
said II. "Tlioy lii-gan that Luililiiif;
last wo. k, nml now Uioy are putting in
tlio lijjlits." Yii niuwonnl his
friend, "and m-xt week lliov will nut
in tho livt'r."
i.Midi.K-011 lloar crctk, on Ihe atb Inrt
o tho wim of John ll.inrlck, a 0.,. '
I.I.INS-Al Ibumaa' Mill, on the 111b lunt..
u the wife tif John Uolllm.a ,op. '
r 1 1: d.
tllAMHKII.S- AlliUlHitcnce. mar Jnikson
lll- Sfl 13ih. Aahos CiuMnrr.s; bh1 00
)uii", I mnnth ami I day.
Exhibit of the Receipts nnd Expendi
ture of Jotephino Couniy, Oregon, for
(ho yenrendine July ti'h, 186U.
iou.vtt no Mrcrirrs.
Hil. In ttewuiy Jul;. Isi.t 3r',S4 31
Clilnce lli-v.nur. (0 per tt.on 2.lll l.l4 no
Cniitily titdtufiy lav ( ss.iR f.
Clilm-w Toll Tar
Trial fcf."... ... .'
Wllni'U'- ri'lmriMt Ihu coilnty
I.liii(ir, bllliunli and ftlfj llccnn.
;.'.5 no
.2? OD
. Tt Hi)
t.'iii ml
$ii.;.v. v
I'ro'icullng CrlmlimN miit iXH'ntf itf
Conn. i.i:i; j
rKliciioii. 'i.t w
Komi mill lirlilgts l.n;i:i 211
Coroner' ln(imls Jl.X K
V ixM. tli-lil. nml Stiillonaiy V.'i .l
.v'licriirfii;. 2.ai; 3X
ClirkV ' 3l! 7
ulaiy of Count Juilc (on nn
Tna-urcr .MiiM)')
' ScImiiiI .s'lipciliittiiil.inl .2M .
Ami nr Uttl IKI
I'niiiiiy ('niiinil'sluiiir..-. 'J a imi
('(mil; llmpllil. '.....". 1.4,'iT SI
rrlnilii. . . ,h -. Hi no
Wotk oa IM Tii It)
11CI 1:1
OlTSTiMilMI WMI nl(luU,
I'rlnclril ."..ll"? 'J
liili-rt'-l on ranif 7:t US
.'S7J Uii
ll.il In Tiiamrj , I i nu
ThIhI lhii litnlnt'H nf I'oillilr. ...
rAtliifiM' of 3l.tte laililiUiliitm.
. . 1,1.8'j or,
Cliim-i- l!-t i'iiii-. mi p:r cl oil il.lll
Miiii- Tj lor jr. nr lfr;rt 7.1...
Hi'liiii(iitiit in
Ilul In Twill)- Jul, .llli, I ii!
. .Usii ii
,.r, ki
, Inn ill
!.. 71
State TnsoirrrV Itrri-lpl".
Ibl. In Irmtniv....,
..I5D Ti
$l.:u a I
ll llniil. MM),
Am'i. In Triiur,v July. 10 ,
.stli.iul tax
.-..ilisol ilu .riiltle
1.17 W
.. t:is ti;
. ...ii.ii 11;
. . Ail oil
'.'.0l.l .'
Scliool fiup'i. (ir.lim, tor c;w ,:i
, IM u r.;i
Iniiii't on iium.-ii.iiii J-'clionl l'ui,.
''""il ,
l.nor In l.'I'ikV liiiika, jni , ,
II.I In TriMuty nu ;;
$.'.111.1 '.'
mil. Ttx,
Iti-Ci-Ipls sGS...
I. llhiUilll,,.. .
. via im
..ll.t i:s
.... a. .... ...
?:tsj ,;aj
lv .ui.. Tniiiiifrr'. Iticvl.l.
Iil l li.s.iin
,::U ii'i
,.U7 r
ad is1
I nilif.i llml lli- Inreu-olnir . iriii- (nr.
iiH-iil i.l lli- limn ciriil .inl I'l.iinh, fur llii
iai tiiillnx Jul Mb. A. II. IIU.
t'uii.i.is litmus Ciniiv Clfik.
In lliv
of tbr
Simon .McAMttir. I'lilnlltr.
i:H ttaflli 'McAIItr. IlriUl
i -ut of iir.-'nii
J for lli I'm 11 j
1.1 jh iinnr.
Suit in Fquity to Obtain a Divorce.
To Kllcibt'tii .XU-Allilir, tin- iiInu,. iium.,1
Dt-ifinliiii ;
Yon nn- rniilrnl lo npprsr In radl
Court, soil niimrr iln ii.ni.lslni r s.tl plain
lllllilri1uKillliliiii wllliln ..i.1iis In.in Ihi-
llinr of Hi.' nr-lc of tliU Miniiniiii. on ton if
m-miiI wllliln inlil conniy. nr irrrtu im rtn
wlllilu liny ollur rminlr In llil. SIiiIh. lini
nlllilii Itti uly liaji from Him lime ot Hie r
tier, or If urtulon joii mil nf Ida Slule of
llri-Bim, llim It Is onlrrul ly 1'. I' I'rlni.
Jmlr-i) nfrnlil Court, U1111 publication Im- m.tu
for l wi'iilt. In Hie (luiuiua ,SicNTr.i prior lo
lbi SUlk (lay lu OcIiiIht ISiI'I
Ami yon r nollllul Dial, If yon Tall lo
amwer alj compluliit m nl,ont riiinlnil. Ihs
plaltillrr apply in llio ('niirt for tliu rfllt-l
iluraniiiltd therein, lo wll. fur a ilrcr-e illso1v
IniC tho Ixinila of niatrininnv now rxUllnir ho.
twct-nynii anil llila plilnllll; ami for His ear
ami cuitoily ol lliu rlill.lrrii t-fi-nltl rnnrrliuv.
lilvtn unafrmy haqij lhl2UitUy 0f July.
A Da 1dB9i
OoHiiM. ,t WiTHiis, All'ya for rUlnlllT.
.1 of Ki-rliy vllle, blaiu of Oregon, Cunnly
of .lorephlnc. '
Frank lion VCItll notion lo n-envrr
Vi V
U.K. UhrUinll.) monry.
hereby nniilnil to upHnr H-roru Hie unOrr
lnn1, n JiiHlcr of lb.. ',.c. r H, pri0ci
iilore.al.1 on ih 2.MI. ilay nr Oclol.i-r. IHtlU.nl
I 0 clock In ih forenoon i.r rM ilay, nt tin.
olllco of ali j.MHe,,, , tM nreclnct, lo aiuw
er honbov.r.ineil,1niiiliTlii n civil action.
Jlisilefeiiiliuit ulll tuku nolle.! Unit lr he
ifi ,ii,i"?"?,'ri,b." com",l'l bweln. the plain
III will Uku Juilgmeiu acHliirt him lur Ul
..'.'""n111"1"11"'' '"K"""' with 1,1.
bauil hU lb day of Sepleinlivr. 1K19.
J. II. Slffciis. Jmlut of Ihi .
111 IIIB IIUII1H II Mitt lnlj ill lla.i..n ....
lo J. 1. I'mlier, conlaliinK Notes nml Ac
touiiti. Any perron fltidliiK i returning it
t ni..sftiuii,Gi;, win im laiiBUca for luflr
Odd Fellow's Hall,
JiuiUsniivlllc, OrtRen.
Trarelcrs nml re,iUnl twordert will fine
risceel In (In I clflM nnlir. nml In rrj
Wnjr nipinnr In snjr In ihi. ,1-cilnn, 1,
fiiumv-nil Iiy kiit ill the Slalp.
Ami a tilciiliral frrfrj.1v of thp Utofrtfff
1LI113 Ihe tnsrKcl nlf.irif. will be oU.
Islncil lur
No Irntllili-tl will l- .rs lii)rarftPth-rit:
rnn.ip.- of Hi tfnXuUT n Afll s'rr prrti'
nrnl cominaiilly
.fnckviiirllK'. Murcli l. Isiii:.
Peter BrTtt,
Photographic Arti.stf
Cartes deYislttf
War; ix tiii: r.visr stvi.k or Anf
I'lctnrrs Itrilncril
on kxi.aiu;ki 7 uprsizr
n. m in:i i io
Ctiu'er ,'i inr .tin) l.'l.-si" sl.) m hinl
701, .tliirkrt Cor. Krnrn)- Ht
, .S.tN KiuMisio, Cau
DILMMl.tHTPt. of Hit- ali.rt- dim. till
ri.ll JslkaillltllK- H III) II1111- In .ttfvi
i.i.l, sin) mil nil. Ml In all lmlri In I.l-In'
i will L-Iri- n Ili'i-nr lln- lima of Mi rittu
ii.ront:li ili. ii.liiiniis ol 1I1U .sir.
Physician & Surgeon,
JACh'tftX 17..; OKMOX.
Iinli't-t hi- Mtlili'iir?. In III DM (li-rl
ll.llliil. 1.11 lli.'k'on "-Irn-I.
OFFICE-Comcrof CallforaU td Fifth
SlrecU, JacluonviJI, Ofi.
Ilf will pntcllre In Jk'"i J mljaeenl
nltes. ami ullelnl .roni.ll; lo '1'
.'.HI.. f,W,r
Zn tho Ovorbeck tti
I)lt. M'.VIS GANl'NG,
Iini.l. nlleml lo "r ",ho ""' ,s.u,"-,l"
V .i-rtlcva. Onicx nt 11. F. IhmellV ';
on Ihe L'n.t clilo M .Stnel, Jackoiit lilt, noi Ju
d, r. nowKi.r, e. b. watiox.
JarkMMTlIU, Orn .
Oppoalto tb OW
Jncluonrille, Oregon. r
trayail or aUala.
Aug. 101b, ont buy borat, It ytwi .
about IS) hand, high, alnr on fortktaJ, wWU
aildln ronrki, one while bind foot. A llbtrtV
reward will be paid for hla recortry.
NOTIOK la hereby glftn t ablpptrt
ilgneet in or from Creaeent City, rM
Crefceni City Lighter Company will aol W re
ponilble for any damage to geo4 or WJ
rom nnd niter (bit date.
Agent fni-O.CIIyUrttffK
CKtCltr,MyMA,lM. H