Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 18, 1869, Image 1

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Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Trler ami r-1lrn t l mr!r will flm-
1'lncril In fitt cU iirnVr sinl til i ri'ty
Wsy supi-rnir In utijr In llil icllmi, aiut
itiiii'.l liy niiy in I lie Slulc
And plentiful iipily of liu-l-l ntfriry
Iblng lh liurkit ntriml. still t nil
littiiett lir
ii e n
t a x r, e.
.X ttonlilnl will ! "p-Unl In irrrv lit i(l
rnn)tr of tin' Irn vtlliijt i- it lln i..i,n
ant commsnlly.
Jck(mlllc M n rcli nirlsKi:, ir
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
JACKStlX 17..:. VHI.VOX.
Oartos do Vislto
ww: .v r: .v:.vr stvi.k or Mir
IMc.iirc Itriliirril
o; :.v. i ;: t i.m: wci:
.11. A. isni:;vrAo
IVi tt t.'rj'ir :thi OIk'H ntttill tut linml
701, Mm lot Cor. Kearny Sis.
S.tN I'ltANt UCIt, C'.Mm
D! Mr I.MTUU. i.l 1 1,, ..It. H lit.
all ,1.11 k-.'M ill I. I Ilia- Hi .lllfl
t x 'i'il II iilliml lii n'l in.ii.i.i. Iii I.l h.
II till Jill" mitre nf Iim in I.m llllll
I iimu jU Hi' r luiiin. til ili. .i..r.
Physician & Surgeon,
J.V'KSOX 17..'. ni.'l.iiu V.
Iltloiitllil li'n.l.lir.' In III.' 1 1. 1 Hi.tl
ll'i"Hlll. mi Oli'tfiill Slit I
OFFICE-Corner or California ami Fiftl
Street, Jacksonville, Oijii.
Mr will pritrtlri' In .l.ti'k-nn un iuIm
cmirillr", and ulliinl promptly In pmfi
Cll. Ifl'.'tl
Xa ta Ovorbeck Hospital,
nit. i.kwis isxr,c;,
W 1 1. 1. Hi-nil In miy wlio mnv ntiilri' In
mice Oftlco nl It K lin-fil' nilli"
on llio Ent oleic 3i Strit'l. JiuKhiihiII.'. ih.i;'i
, ,. Jttrkwiiinr, IIitkiiii.
DIt. L. T. DAVItS,
Ol9X3pttO ttX Olcl
JicktonvllU'. Ori'Kon.
.-. - . ,
Warren Lodue No. 10. A. F, & A. M...
A HOI. n ili"lr r-i'iiliir ciiiiiiiiiiu'ciiiI'i j
jrnn iIim WViliifnliiy i;iiiii! or pcf"'
VNIiik ihv full niomi. In Jomv i.lk m
tnnv A. M.UTIS. W. M.
C W. Savior, Sta'v,
NOTICE 1 In-rv ty ktcm l hlpi"'r ml "y
Mkci lonr from Cnrci'iil CHj, Hml '
Crtcuut Oily ,hilii'rCinipitiiy tll mi lie r
poiulliln for miy iliiiniti.i In j!"'"l "i (!
rnm ud aliur IhN -III-
AKfuU'tiCCIty l.ljhlit.
fWfnl City, Uy Jijlh, Jjkfi!), i)i.
oiiM.uA mm
V.wry Snliirilav Mo nil 113 ljjr
own. lvuxl'i: c k tmud srnm:rs. j
TI'.llMS III' slIlsclllt'llllNl
IVr mil Ti'iir. In it'ltiinci'. fniir ilnlUr: If
.tut 'h'i ttlltiln Hi-III ! l iiiikiIIi til Hi.-mh r.
It' ilull in J If 'iil pil. I until the rxpli.ttliiii
'I I lie tr.lr. 'It il.illtf.
TK11MH ()!' Al)Vl;ltTISI.NUl
Om- "rjiiitm (In llni" tr 1i"0. (lrl lni rlliin.
Ilini1 ilnll ir J fiti'li iili-iii.iil Iiim illnfi. mil'
ilnllitr. A iIkpihIiiI "I IIHj l' f I'l'Ul. lll U
mull1 In Inn' tlin itivi'ttli' I'.V I In" "nil.
I.i'litl Ttlni'i til'i'Unl ill I'ltttt'lil tiilrt.
I'lrk mill click
(I.m. III.' Il" In I ln nick,
Ai tin' . ilnli r tliiml lit Ii' ("'
III I wlitlll'l' l I'ck. Hill III. Illllifft i'ck
Hi- it ." 1 it ninl .iJ" ;
Ami 11 if lit 11111'. iImi li'lii r !i.
Vinil mi' pll'il up .li'inly Mini uw
Sl fil.tr ii". I l.i.
H111 illl ili"y li'iH',
Ami win. I nl lire liny nn trill jtlntr:
U'tunl rlul oi.ril II11I ttilli'.iil miiii.l,
I'riti."'.' Il"' in rili l.t lt nliii. il Ihiiii.iI ;
Wi.r.l- llnl tlmll iiiukv
II." lIMIltllAtl'.
i.i lli I. II. r i.ru pit I lull liritk
Wi.iil" Hit ut. i ciiiinl.K' it. i Htm) a mijlil.
ir ii' ill.' Ii ihuifili In it iiIiiii.ii Unlit ;
Vi t lli" I) ." ill y l.i.ik lull liinl. Ii iiml ilunili.
, In1 (iiit ii" hi In i itcc mill HiiKir Hi.il
lliiiltili s
Cm ill. I'llnur mi I.".
.tnl In 'ti.i I. It'iiuili
II) di t.itl.i j h i i .t lit I itcrt Ii p )'.
Willi nck iiml tt ck..
I, k..li" hii M' tliiin.i M. llA! I ck
11 hIiiT" I III' nun 'villi 'Mi'i "linib liiil
i!iii tsufirii lli" tt'irl I I !
nli .t pel till,! p"". n 1 irn 1 llvk.
,... it I til" I .! - .Ii".
iili iii"mf tv ni'v 't 1 1 "ik 'if iilitfk.
I .iiiiii.. n ill Id. lil ml Hi Vi i tli.ick
ty. ttli' i" I if. t 'i mi) '1 '
flitl ci 1 rlt tl Hi pi .nl' 1 ' tif
I'u ll't ill 1 tllC'l I'ltl "VJ I ii' 1 1 I ilillll Ii
iiiv i
lli"'r m j l.t't ..nli .1 1 ln'iir ;
iVln'ln lit. pu .1 r 'lill 4"it4 inl ISntm't
Win 11 hi iiiulii liit'l c.i" Li Init'it
1'iiACilct: v.h. I'iii!i:i:i'i'. l'"ilT linn
iiliU'i ill'' M iiyvilh' Ajtwil iru h-
Lilly NIVNT" "Di'llllHTltrl, mi all Hl.lt P,
.tlm I'Iilc. tu act with ihu .u ty In-
t'.iui' it i oi; 'I to t'lu in .tc l.ilmr,
irt'fiitini -itMily i'iiii!ny mi til tn tin
u.itiiiii. Tlii'y I' el ntiil I'lnt liu China
111 -ii ini'l nun a-i'.iy uhitf iii"ii Ir-mi
tli'ir tlour. Tln-y uitu tic iriltri'iM'i' 1
10 John (Jliinaiiiiii,. il ln will wnik
it.ie:ii, ralhiir ihait-tlin iiilive nr 1 it I
11 nlieil white cltieii. Till N ill"
l nili, ami mi Dcinoerat cm ilcnt it.
Kti'it while I ili'Hiii-' mm. who i ill
jtfoMo villi' thf Di'imiir.iliti. tiekei
Iic.miim' DiinncKiit iirniM tn I'tf np
iiitnl 10 Chim m l.ilmr, kniiwn what
,n iihM'lt In lie 1 1 III'. Ami wl'ill
.tti"iiaer eti'li me tin micIi men nivil
toK.ilily tlicm that llulr Jiaity hil'i-
011 are ilnyiiij ilii'ilcmnjoiie? Thu
.ihito ini'ii it low theiiiM'lveit to In
niinliii'.'pil I'criiiU themsi'lic to lie
im'iI by men wli. -inly M'i'k lor vi.t
o 1'li't'ntetln'in In olllei'. How Ioiij;
lie llio iiiniii iiiniaiit cl.ih'Pt to he
liiliiilni'4iruil ami ileeeivi'il hy the ilc-
iniiiH il m if-oi-iiet who pull llio
.vires nml catch nil the lat iilliccH V"
. - -
A "plain lilitnt man" Moppdl tit in
the Hlii'i't llio other ilny, nml niM :
'All panics miplit to' bo natihlltil m
ii'cinjj ami licnriiirf Scwaitl." "Wliv
mJ'1 "liceaiikii Uepnlilioiu conlil
ii'iir him mnl lm Ki'Mii'ilt ami Dcinn.
rats fnnhl m'c him ami iccnj-nizo
heir maik on him; l.nlh i-ilc
shnnhl havu liepit willinj; tn nluim
',m." That fihl I'cllnw'n wit wan
' ij al lo hio Injjic. (fnhitht.
Tiikkk is, in Alaska, a graml liver,
no ol thu four groat rivets of the
Iii1o. It is tin' Kwicli'ioek or Yukon.
In IciiKth nml voliimo ol water, it ox-
jci'ilH thu Nile or llio Gauge, the Vo
;. or tho Aiivxiri Only the Amazon,
he Mi!risjppi, nn'l'pt'ihap I'lata, are
iiior. Ctmpnrol with river tliAt
hnv into it, tho Kblno and. tho IU10110
.are but brookp.
Pnjutlico Agalnit Color.
If niiy one nippuM1 that wlintisrnll
cil tlio nogio (jut titiin Is finally hcmIi-iI
nr, in 01 lior w (inN, tlmt a liliuk man'
ilylit In In.' lii'Mit'il llko n wliilo man i
ihmv ut jji'iiiiiilly ncknou lidyiil nn to
iiml mi linilu'r iitii'iil In ioinl.ir
ctiii.iiliy lit him icntl llio hillouiiiu
uomU I'min Mr. l'li'iltrick DoiiIum,
toiioiiiiiiij; U Mm I.tiiiiit' vnin n.
Illll.b logit 11 tliMlCC to woik III hit
"Tlifio 11 ii(MligiiMngthi'f.U't ItU'iipoii lrcniis.lntiff!i mIiiu tln-y lo;
tniiu vm his ftilnr. It t hit i'oMr
in Dciitoi, it was hit color in U, idiot
ti', mill it i hin t'nr in Wiiihiiijfioi,
lo-liy. In ciitijcctiiiii it'i lM ulf
ji'ct, 1 have iinw a Html to Kay nl' the
V'omlly city ill which I have liu'il I'm
the lat I Hi-lily yi'iiru, mill uhciv I lill
ii'siilf a tily than wliich tint out! in
tin' iniinliy it iiioiu vSvillxi'il. iuIIiiimI
iiinl i'iiltitiiit''l. It ahiiiiinlt in hoth
I'lltlratiuntil ami nliimit liittiuiiiiuiy.
ami itt itnilf aiv t'lii'i-.illy an lilicrnt
ninl liiiiiilly In the t'nlurcil lace ns any
nihil' in ihit .Siutc. lluic tin v,oiiiiiinii
mjIiiihI Ii 1 vc ht'iii nicn In all cI.isl
nliku I'U' :i iIhiii yt'.iit, ami inlninl
ninl whilf L'tiihlnii I11 vi' M.tl mi the
aiiii' lit'iii'his, mill il:it cil in 1I10 raini'
pc'iiiiiI taiil, ninl at thu r.iiuu h"iit
ami ii'iii't. an I they h ivc ihtiiu no in
.i'.ii'i'. I can h iv many j.'iinl ihint ul
Koi'lii'tiir. Tlio t''nj:ith i .Shic hill
iicM r tout; n fhw nut ol tin limit.-,
though mm r.il aitiin,itit ivcif iiu'lc in
tin mi. Win 11 t'lilornl irti)ili' wt-rc
iin.lil i'i mnl It 11 in 0 I like w ilil In au in
ntlu'i' t'iliit, ami iiihlic Inry wax hiini
cil a:iint tin in hy a iiialiii.int pi
rl.itt'ix irixt, tlm ctilmcil man at nl
ttnvK mil' nii'l well irnlui'ii'il in It nli
mlcr; mnl yii I hive Mniiitli;ii
nj;iiiil. it. On.-nl I tic Mi'tilfpl Hjiff
incli't ih il cvi'i' n-f.iilnl my fi' nr
1 1 tin I my hunt, hii jm siiilnl ill I lint
en ; ami nii will iii'.lnii inc lor
m.iklii.' mciitimi nl it, thniih it i
clearly utmimiiI. The mine niti
mm wlio it nntv at wink at the piv
I'tiiiiiiiit r iiilln' nlliee in 'iiitliinj,'t..ii,
ninl aniiht uIiumi i'iiiilntnit'iil m
iiineii lc lnu li.it liet'M nliiiwii uiip I lie
tiil'jecl. lie li.nl Jiit nl 111 lit tl finui
IliC it.ir; lll'l htllO.I mi ilu- w.ill nl
I'm! W.incr with Cnlniitl Sliiu';li;nl
limiie liiiifell I'ke a mm mi the . lil
out eilje ol liillh'5 nml, mm" llinl the
itni wilt ii'.ir'y ovt'i, he hml iciiiiiiul
In ISni'liihli r, hninetthiii I in ken in
licilih, hut 'till nl'Iu ami willing In
wnik at hi liailo. Mill, nlal he
"Kn"' '" w,'n "' ''' 'cllnwwnil.iiuiii
1 ,vi' liiiu Ifiitu tn Inil. I My niter
il.it.week litter week, mill month niter
nii'inh lie Minuht work; Ininnl nmie,
.mil mini' hi'ine wtl nml ilejicto.1. I
li.nl ti II 1 he im 1 nl nein hntn lielme,
hilt (he ".it'ii ol this xmiiig 111 ill g.itf It
.1 ihepcr 1 iitrnnct' into my mil than
cwi hilnie. I'm1 hixlt't 11 yeiiii I ii it I
piinii'l a public j miinl in Uiii'ielor;
I li.ul empiiiyiil while men ami whin
.ippiviilifiK timing nil thin lime; nml
hml pti'l nut, in mioiiN wnts, in while
men in that city, little Iih than i? 1 00,
(il)i). Ami yet heie was my miii, who
mi'l li'iiiiel his trnile in my ofliee. a
miiig man nl gonil cliaincter, nml tel
1111.1I lc in Iiml wmk in Ins triule, he
ciiihc ol his cnlnr mi'l ince."
CiiMi'i.iix riiriiMAcr. A ciuiiiiiy
lapotliioiiy was nlisertol by a fiicinl
10 he in 1:111 habit nrilrnining all incili
cine plii.ilsr. tiiineil In him by pnliint,
into 0110 huge bottle which htonil up
mi his counter. Wontk-iiug wliat
coulil be his object in accumulating
litis Minngi' mixture, tho liieml one
ilay iuteiiogatcil liim on the point.
".Surely," hi' M!lit 'J'"" ' l'ftVl' n"
use lor 11 mens like that V ".My , dear
lell.MV," replied '.ho apothecary, "that
is the muni eeli'iilillu meilieiuo I'te got
in my shop. Simple medie.lncH me
very well lor simple complaints; but
that's tho muff for it patient with 11
complication ol disorder."
Lay Di:i.i'.atiw. Tho vote, in Ore
gnu, on the question ol Liy Uelega
lion. Is about -1.000. It resulted as
- ,
billows: For Lay Uclcgntmii, toi'i
a'iiiust,452; majority lor Lay D.dc-
gition, 37, , '
u t
The Doctois-A Composition'
DiictniA uqiiiro patient., anil tliuy
n Inilly en ii'iriiiicliiii! it IniUiilc;
tliy ( xci'l in that ii'ifft; llii'y bial
liu silont tnail nl "inii'f.t" nil hollow.
Soiiiilliiict it ili'nin1t i.n tin' uontl
lnokit iifilii- iluftur ulii'io thu iaiimt
iia3 the iHi'ai' i huatfil. 1 haVf
j kt'own a ilnctor wlio wat V.rci'iliiil
hoimly, hiiiij: tulil tlu iliiaL' wnt in
1I11 ht'iiil whin 11 unit ii t, Alter n
tloi'tor cil to tin hi'il-iilo, it tlc'iciiil
Uitteiallv thi'V ui'.e' '.lit1 Minw-whili
ur'm, tiek a linger on it, haul out a
wnich mnl iiinke thuir lips go tin 11
tiny make the pall il connti nance open
lit palli'l uiniith, nml Mick out ii.t jiil
lid tongue tn lar I lint In can mi- the
wnilsuiiiwiii'' im the wiiutpipf. Then
he will iiuikc 11 mliiiite's tutesiig.itimi
nl thu en itiug upon tho tongue, lint
!nok like il mi!:lit be gmwiiiL' hnir tn
iiinke n inbl'il pin ciihiini Im a Indies'
lair. Then the nhl cutt will blow hit
uiim', 11 piulcviiimil blow, shake hi
he nl, and av :
"llmt Imig has thit been thus"
The dnctor will theli haul nut bit
book' nml cliaige the pallid cnuuli'ii
urn e luiir ilollaif, tin 11 Iiml; nut ol the
wimlniv, mnl siting his Imuc bat uue
to sleep, mid likclr In tall ilnwu, he
will sing nut to his black ei:ibuted
hniti'-holilt r:
".lini! 1I1 it hois" it in rcMlve, youM
belli rthite him 101111 1 11 Mpiate."
Then he will wiito smueihing 011 a
piece Ol paper that Villi cnll'l tell
whither il I mi tinier Inr a glas nl
mbi water or a putty blower, mid
enit it arniiiiil tnthenpnlhci'iiy sl.np,
wh'Ti be it oilcnt iartmr, nml the
iipoihi-ciry iniiu will stiik iiiimbei
Ui.i.Dil.'i (tn make ymi ihink lie is do
ing a l'lg buMiieh) mi il, uml churge
M.ii M'tcntylitc cents lor iliing o.
i).'Ctm-t 1, cm I" stop calling nl lour tlob
l.n a 0 ill ituiil the patient is nblu to
tin hii'iucs ttithoul llicir !is'llai ce.
.M.iMMi lli;i:. Ycstciilny uioiuiug
II geiiiliiiiiin implntcil a drat iniiu -wlni
twix ifi lii'liinin, by the w tit 1
III tte a hitei'l bet tn the llppel poi
Hull nl tin e'uy, nml Insleinl ol 'Iinw
1114 tlic iilnreMiiil liishmiu Imw 10
mi.ti ih. in, lie turned tn nttiinl to
ntliir butiim st. The Ji.iyniaii innlti
rnudt Imw tn niovu.iny nnliiiaiy m
itcli'iis well at any .iihcr in in; but
handling 11 lilvi- nl bees is nilliir nut ol
lilt line, fen, ititte.nl nl pioetiiiug n
fhi't'l .Hid I'Mciiing up the mniilli nl
ihe hive with it, lit ho biiiiiild hate
tlniie, liu picked the hive up, dumped
11 mi the niaj just n he wmthl a Imx
nlappl's or biUler. .Seizing llio ti'ino
he rial lud oil' ul a buck lint; and
ihmigh the Icis wi re im liucil at Hut
in be stupid, owing In I lie cnul Hinili
iug, yit 1 Im lough jolting ilicy goi
wliile ptitsing nter M'ine p minus nl
the unite, u iim-iI llicir iie, mid they
came mil 111 single til', at flici; linn
in Mpi.uls ami battnlinus, mid Ii null V in
leuimis They were osecediiigly lies
1 lid and buzzed around his cms al an
al.iiuiiug 1 ate. Kiually thoy began to
light 011 his bend, ami facr, mnl bicai,
uml sling him; r, ns he ulicrwards
etpiesMil It, Itilr him 111 a tciy imgiy
niaiimr. The I1ihhuii.11 ciiiluicd jt
liiatcly lor awhile, inemitiine diiving
liko.lchu, in nitlcr to "gel the eratli
ill's home," as soon as possible; but
finally when liny hml gathered 011 hit
hcnl until it looked us black as n hat,
uml he cniilil scaioely sen his horse, liu
reined up, hurriedly seized I lie bite
uml set il down near the new hall ol
the Odd l-Vllows; mid niter withdraw
iug 11 rcrpi ollul ilitiauce liu ciiipliivcd
himself vigorously in gluing tin
.usury little divils." Jusl ut this crit
ical ju'iictuic the Street Cmnmissimicr
ciinu along (Hid Imjiilrol uho ''pul
ihcsebecsJieroV" "1 did," d Tat.
"Well, tako 'cm away from hero im
.mediately." "I fill m't do it, bo j ibc;
it you want tho little ilitils tiiKeu
away, you can do i yourself, sure."
Tlio'ollicial ivas iiouplusted for onco in
hi Hie. Finally, tho owner uaino along,
ur.il comprohcnding tbo siumtioil at a
glance, he patiently waited until thoy
. .... .1. l.f .1.,... I...l..nlni.
gilllll'lOO lino Hie line; iiti-ti iih-h-hhh.
a nhiirt over Ihe iiioiitn 01 uie mvc,ne
finally cot railed and took tbviu to their
dcsJinntinn Orvgon ffrald
mrmu m wj bwi ty , w
A Balloon in a Maine Wlldcrnm
Mr. Samuel A. King, the Kronnut,
gives the I'lilliMviiiL' niiiusing aecoiiiit 0'
nu inhi ntiirstiii the iimtheiti wilds ol
.Maine : I had ha I .in unusually Imi'' nlr
voyage Irmu Ilangor, wiihsiteial emu
p.iiiiinis, nml wn patsing oter uimnt
nu unbroken wihleiuest ut tun si uml
like looking in tniu for a binding
place. Night wnt coming or, mid
I In tpiistlmi where to laud becalm' n
tirimit one. NoVouml nl civilizit'on
mil a gnu, or nu a", nnthiiu but primi
live soniilt n' uattiie. "Here l nu
iipeiiing," eiied one patienger, "why
tint land lieie?" Kn! buys, have ;i
little pitii'iice; we em do itmch bctl'.r
by tiiiiiitng down lo the coatl in the
cniintii' cm 11 lit iiht.te us. Dail.nc-s
hud tin.c in, liit tie-"A liglit ! a
djht!" This wat ihu t .xeluiuutiiiu ol
inie w linn mnuienl tu-lnrc though he
wnt iliii'inid In starve in the wildei-
ids. Miic iu ugh, tunc wnt a liclil;
but il wns a gteul wnv off, nn.l might
not be .1, ...ir curse; yet gradually ,.
iiipriiiielieil it. Al one time it fit ins
In be nil' tu the light, mid t'ui nwnv
tu the Iclt ; hut iieunr it cmnet till it
is Kill Mii'i ming In 111 n wiiiilow be
iieath it. Th ie it 11 ilnik, open space
In low? Is H laud ni vvnler V 1 see n
Iciict'. Uvt r with the miolmr, mid in 11
moment tnoi" tve Iiml miiselvis swing
iug by 1 lie uiichoi'-iiipi' over 11 new ly
eleiiicil lit Id, mining the kluiupt nml
lugs. We had lau'ltil'in the only in
habited spot within -l) miles, near a
siwiii.lliiiHlie Ornmucto llivor. Tho j
pi-iiple wbn run the mill lived nearby,
and il was from their window that we
taw the light. Wishing lor sumo usis'
tauce to it mote the baloon to siiiuolhei
grmtml, if possible, In fore Idling the
gnt nut, we ifiuuiucd in the car, and
Hiking up my speaking ti limpet I hal
looed, hut Ihe iiueaithly tiitiud was ml
diitgiciior In the already Irightciieil
iuhuhitiiulH. One man, however, 11
litlli- briivii" than ihe rest, tcntnrcd
nut aficrawhile, ami inipiired what it
it any Imw? lly dint ul c.pluintiuu
nml 'cruas!on, we succeedeil in git
ting liim to oino tn us.
(Sitting him a line tint was .Matched
In ihu car he was icqustcd tu make it
last In a cei'iaiu lug tn prevent thu b. 1
Inoii linin swaying abmiOtill wu cnuiil
yet iii"te help. Ibcniniug iinpicsscd
with thu hie 1 th it uur lives wcr in ilau
m'r, mid that niir stlity depeliilcd nu
liim, he Irn.e tu thai mpu in a wt nibr
lul uiuuiii 1. It was a little siuirl, ami,
llmiigh he Hied haul to make il fat'.
cm' iv lime the ballonli Would sttlle,
still he could imt gel it fastened,
Tlieit the balloon would iie, and up
he would go '20 teel or nunc, mid
down again to tiy thesiuno lliiug over,
but be s'lntl beg.HI to feel e.lulllteil,
ami, icmcuihciiiig, his companions,
broke, out w lib: "Say? you blalcil,
unlliluiueicl, cowaitlly sneaks, cmne
mil uml help mu; theil.iincd thing 'ill
kill mu!" This United them; somi
lltu otlieiH made their nppearauco uml
ns-i-ti d in moving tliu ballonn to a
hitler place. Thu first they knew ol
the balh'tiu was limn one ol thu women
who was jusl returning lrmn milking,
c'iiiglho luoiihler jiisliibnvu her, unit
lfhct ixlitiir. shu ilioiiud her nail and
lleil to the house, screaming in thu
linuliu manner; when asked thu mnl
ler, she couhl only reply' "Oh, it's a
laicruniiur ! I know it's lorcrunuer 1"
In Ibis backwoods plucu thoy hud
iietor bend nl a ballonn, and many
were the wonders mid smmises as to
tho meaning ol ourslrungo nppcainnco
aiming ihem Thcoldcsl mini nl them
all, however, seemed to have hit upon
ilie right idea, and coining up tn me,
in 11 joeuso Wiiy says he: "Ahlyeur
iki'dudlciH!"HjJ shook my bead, and,
pointing " ltrntl balloon, hu nskoil,
"Ilow many inoru Ih there up in tha'er?
1 1 didn't take so big a coach to bring
so lew of je?" Ho was induced lo
cbmigJ bit mind at last, tv lieu "big
conch" lay jirouo upon tbo ground.
A I.i'.siaiikauik Mi:TKon. Our car
rUr reports that on Sunday morning,
about ball past two, lio saw a meteor
ijsj in llio west, go across thu sky
with n nuiso liko a rocket, and disap
pear in tbo eastr It mndo every thing
ns light as day and It-It n red train fur
a tnluutp afterwards to maik its pans
ge Unionist.
Another Sad Nnnnery Ctm-
The Cracow convent cao nppftn to
all met cousidcrablu attention in Iulr.
Long nccouuts ol it appear in the pa
pi-is, mid these nic lollowcd by editor
inl comment. A correspondent of"
thu GitzzttUt tV Ilttlin now write, imh)
aserts that there is a nun at this sm
incut in the Caimi'lilo Convent ol Bo
logna whose comlftimi may perhaps be
timilar to that of llarbary L'bryk, auil
lie thcfi'forc c ills upon the nutliorllit
to iiivcstigato it. Some twenty year
ngo, lie s iys, two young ladies of good
lamily weru placed In this convent
nunititt iheir will, J'nr a liA"o nflair
w Inch their parents disapproved. The
ctc.ipcd from thu building, but wvr
lutecled and brmight back again.
One expressed tcpoiiluucc for the
nU'eiicc she had committed, and gavt
mi many pinol's ol contrition that she
iitliiuately became abbess ol the con
H'lit. Tliu other could not ovcrcomn
lur ifpUL'iinucc lo a coutciitu.il life,
f.ir a ! ng time lelu-l'd food, and acted
with such violence that the iiuus tie
elaietl her insane, nml phiccd her In nu
hnlalci. pail of the establishment,
wheiu only the doctor occasiouslly
i-iliid her. Tlicie, according to tho
wi iter ol' the letter, .the still is, nml the
pel suns who livo near tho convent
ln'iir her wild eric. Thu Xmiont,
which icproiliiecs this couiiiiuuication,
"'"' ,""1 "0,,,lw vv'" ,lu,,v ,l "T"
I"";'1. '""' l"l"-" .! '"-' ambonliea
thinks thin noonu will dutiy its impoi
ttin iithv 1. ititti neiiinit vmisiui'iftiivu.
J.vitilvn Sunday 'J'imet, Aug. 15.
AN l'.M'l.ll.tSA.NT MiailM.'CKNCE.
I'he Nevada 7'iVHfcrfpt has cxauiiurd
the journals nl the .Semite nl 185:1, and
limit that the Dcinocr.itie I.egMature
ol that year was very decidedly In
(At or ol Chinese emigration to thus
coast. Tho Tntnivript says: "For
tho special iililicalinii of Ucmocrats,
uml tiishow voters nl hoth patties who
,0 t,i s,.(1 nill .l0 Mhored by
lavmeil the liitroiluctloii ol -liineo la
spec! il legislative nuts to bring about
the very result lot which they an
now furiously, but without n shadow
of icasiin, charging against the Repub
licans, wu publish thu preamble and
resolutions," Ami here arc thu results
limit: Wiii.tcas. Caliloinia is nearer the
Km pile ol Ciiina than any other State
in thu Cuinn, and many thousands ol
Chinese aie now icsidlug in Calilaruia
ami iuU'i-iiiluglfiL with our people iu
nil their uiiiployineiits ; and
U'iiTim', A valuable nml iiicrcnsing
ciunnieice nlro.uly eitis between Call
lorul.i uml China, which may hcrcaltcr
In iug 11 great aciesiiou to thu ttcnlth of
the whole American Uiiimi, through
ihe polls of California, and open the
w:iy.iu a Ireo iiilcicoiiisu with the st-u
Itidcd iiatimisot Asia : iherclori'.
JUnohud, that, in our opinion the
publiu itileri'tt would bo pioinoted by
the iiipointiucut ol a citizen or Call
Inrula to tho ollice ol "CoinniNiionor
to China."
tlftolvetl, that tho President ol'tlio
S'liate bu iiisiruclcd In forward a copy
ol ihe abovo preamble uml resolution
to Ihe 1'ri'siileiil ol'lbu United States.
The vote on the adoption ol tbo res
olution was as follow h:
Ayes Missis. Muird, Coflrotli, Den
ver, Do La (Jucrra (iruwell, linger,
Ilubbs, Umlspi'ili, Keone, Loll, Lyons,
.MeKibbin, l.oiii'b, Smith, Wade and
Wiiiiibough 1.
XiiVH .Messrs. Kalston, Sprngue
mid Wnlkiii-fl.
K.nkw Hi'.ii Hioiirs. The girls ol
Whiicluill, N. Y., mo plucky damselt
il tho heroine of thu billowing fact
is a lair specimen: A young man,
walking iiliuio with his immorala,
found 11 horso and buggy standing in
the street. Ho proposed n ride.
Proposition accepted. Owner ol bug
gy sued young man lor stcnliug.
Young man proposed compromise.
Owner refused. Young lady only
witness. Sho stood upmi her icsurvvd
rights refused to testify, and owner
was obligod ti eompiomUc. Young
man must marry that girl.
Dr. F. 1. Mason, n printer in the.
Joimi.vai. ofliee, was tjiitrrivd to Miss
Flora E. VOliiey nl Orej-ou City laft
Tiiisdiiy, ami relumed to Eugcic with
his bride on Thursday. We wish tbo
newly man led couplo much joy and
nil the happiness this world can affort.
State Journvl.
Wu did nut know that Isdics could
become masons.
.. I. ' .t 1
"M.MMA'h darling didn't hart hU
littlo cousin purposely," did he, deai?
It was nil un accident, to bo sure."
Yes, .minima, and all I want is a ehtnoft
to crsck hiin again.''