i ju:Mmi 'ffgav.tw.aij.'waa.i: jur I?: Hi if i.' fV NIB IIKRSOA 8BATI.MCL. Draining Wet Land. JtUltUAV MuHNI.MI, Sept. II, 1S00. 0 . -t. -it - - r t i Matters and Things. Wei., Cnlilornin has cone lMnociatic and as a majoiity of lior i.cplu so! Hilcicstinjj questions have licipienl willed we niiiKt accept tlic.ii verdict. '.v arisen as to flic iliuiniu; of wet or No fane person expected the micccm ' 'aniji lauds. Tlio owner of such of tho Hepublieaii ticket in that State. Iwul, at common law, may drain the i.tLLm.xiwTtmaamiU!mAi3- " j"j- i Water Eights and Irrigation No. 0. b.in If.iTdo foi a livens, hut lv om ' . .... i ! i nintute in jtiicii a ease, lie in.iv, at anv . time, uiihiii foin months thereof, cut er upon the pieniisti vihere such prop- eity.uuy he lodged, and take hi piop IIV HOW KM. it WA.SO.V, Al-l'vs Al LAW. Jiri.-tnwi.t.ic, unxuus ZXJ 4UKX'Xi?. lh. w v. v u . Wil'cmtttr Vi Walrmtt- The -m K..i hImii !t,-t,il deal? - the kll-niii.; ci usher to lui.v nln i Mr. Miulo of the Wilhimtlte thi'mtr me endeavoring to get up a ivlijiiou thus ilUim of flu vexed nuclioii re- i.nne. on a-eount ol the liilluv of . :... ..I !.... .. i'i.. : crty ; and if the owner of the chatties and tlit" owner ol the land dis.iiice, provision is mule for an arbitration to nettle, the rights of the partie-, and lor the real owner of the ehattlc to gel hit is ..-.i ..i... ,.i n. ,.....' heathens into a i iiiitmn country: Utllillll HIV III tllw.il il rii ... -" - M-'" " ...i I . II . I ..I " . . ... , " e hear a ternbleoiUervabiiiii th most heautiliil Micatu: ,i ,.,., :.:ii.,i :. i "Ina dissertation on the orthography , ,a. -miUK , .(j,jmM, iKii ol the name ol Mir bcautilul liver, our then.' Now, we have for a r'HAM-U-AMKUICAX : HOTEL AND RESTAURANT OI'I'OSITK mi- Very many of our own party have mine into a stream on his own land, J pioperly uilhout being guilty ol a been influenced bv the specious armi without being liable therefor thougl meats against Chinca- hnllr.ige and , it increase the ipianlity of water in .have been made to belieu that it was tlio stream to the injury of the owner confcriol by the loth Amendment. In I'eloic. Hut he could not-thus throw consequence many Hepublic.tns refused Hie water upon laud below hiai by an to vote and the Democracy mule near- , artificial ditch; nor could hu without ly a clean sweep. Not so however in j authority, enter his neighbor's land to ran Fiancisco. In that city there was . ''"I tn-tich to diuin bin land. Thus hu uprising against a corrupt ling of i wet ami swamp lands wlilcli could earned friend of thu Tort and Coin- .rfnaiiV v, ears liccu sen. ling inLMoiiaiics ;imvfsavs: "Whether He spell the I Ul'"'i liugf i-..iMi.f, to comet . ,,...: ., ... , , . ... thesj Mienthui. Ought we nut to ic- word illamette or Wnla.net, is only yrtvv nhvH lhvv wu umong ,, ,, a 'lilcraiy eoineutionabty.' I-orme.ly, M, h.lXt. , t10 u-0,,1,1,. .,m ctwl f ,K. the latter mode was entiicly in vogue, missionary business ? If we are bold Throughout Thornton's History ol enough to" grapple with I'agauiMiii in n'jiii.- ,. , ........ i . . iih Mill lll'llillll. lllliriiL l ! In I tlii-ll ll'nlll ..r.i... ...... . . . wrciMii. nc s c lis u n inost invnnaoiv1 ,.......... "i uiain.igu niiii waste, is somewnai. , , . ... . i tne cneounicr wneu it co.tits into our tresspas, Xolwitlisttnding Oiegon is in her iiiiancy, nor iioetnne on the suhjceis K Odd Fellow's O" '" """'I " ".?!. i i . inv viii;miiii until it iillVD III it IF I Ml I vniie.l from thu Kngli,!, law, and the I ,,e ln"r nV. ;U,ir "'.?, ". ,n ou'i camp, where we hate cte.y ad- i fitiiiii film liiiiiul lliiii I... Iniu liillnii tlil it ..... . .. . . Hall, .lai'kMiniillii, Otrpon. Tr.i-ltr- nml rolilcnl li iarKr w II f,,. MADAME D" ROBOAffS DUD3 AND EEDDINq t'liinst in Hifl ftii null t politicians who had bren robbing the people under the name of liberty ami have been easily tlraincd, have remain id wet and woithless for vcar.. be- i)t'iiiiicr.it'y and their moht proininciit ."st thu owner has a neighbor below cindidate was beaten: Il is a good ! who is so ignorant ami selfMi, that he I omen and if the signs ol thu timer, in refuses to allow him to cut the ditch this county be correct, a siuwlar revy nltliontli it would be ol iucilcunh'lc lution is commencing Jit-re. Abstr.iet benefit to both paitlos. The waters political i'MHM fall to cm ate the excite- j from wet ccllais and swamp lands, me incut they ut:ce ilid IVt.j.le me lit- j lii.maiit places good ami useful fcilel. ginning to nek; il honest v, illlcitiif v and j kern for t'ie poms, dry gtxiuiid helow , i in. i .... ..iI.S....oj !.. ...: . .in.) l..... I....... 1. 1 ..il.. nam ..,.,ltn. ......tn ri , iltv ,....,.- ,. ."" "" .,... ,,,w ...-.,i.l ...l,... not prcfiiable to attachment t any I e impioed as thi- fiom such iniga- ,.mrJ.0 of inanllv. Vrv little cvi (.!! !.t .1 .........1 l...fl. . .. .i. !.-.. ... ....... ..-.. I... i I !.. . it . . riiirtsl hi Itf flii mill t- n. i i. aw of iimnv of li.M. .il.l..r mui.iis. .mil '"""." ,l"" ""1 NV "-" ' taiuagu 01 Mieugui :lli. null is: ....',.,.,: .:.''rtJ, moroenl.uired. and better accommo. n B"'V)ii nor. v have waded ! IWt I his panic about the Shmger U, rn,.hr t.t..v I., il.-su,, ''" 1.. nil i ,, t . r .1.. In! through Thointons- llistorv, but fail 1'hnM.ani.y an. citil..,t..,.,...,,ewhai , I ! "OWitolidwherel,eus,.s.l,owod"Vla. I'i? ' "M hold ..... I HCII mS M M II !!MMI(, ntiu if ro w iiuf ciitiniri. I iu it (Liiii tint iii.iMi it. mi . .. . . . -1 i Ml1'1" '" a 'i"',o :",'",,-, " lh vott- PO..M...S, the irc-u!ii..i,.i, woiiM s.-t-iu l''"1 ' ' nt "" '" "f -mr A t AKiiUKiv.i l'lii.sr.-.Mr. Walter Iran, "Williauiettt'is the oilhogiaphv to he that wJ iiiiim i... wn.n.r." "'"1K ""' """M1 ,Vl"nl" Wl" " ''' , i iniii-ii ir StitltAi, fiir the past year foieinan ofladoptu 1.'' I I K this olhee, left on Tln.r..l.iy inoiningj Si:.:i. Wn.:. .Mr. .I..lm N Mc- , ;VU,N 1"''.,'I1-Xl"1l,,,m;,' p.-"-,N II K TAIU.r,. . to seek hi, mrtmieh, the northern p.,,, , t ,-11 ,nOr,.H V,. ,.,,.... , olthehtate. Mr. Mitton 11 an ecel. ((..t m ,,, ; l(l wlllllU..il.cmu call lor it. TIu'h number cuimm-! ZT,Z u'lW !w'bni ' n'" " 'hr ,,"u' cut young unit, moral and steady, nml j,. J piooN to show th ,t t. ., tK. ri..,,.. -"..m...Ii l.fltllllllltlililtl llllll lit f ll.t .IH.tft 11.1 .1.1.1. I - . IlllV.I . vt.l...l f.. ..'..!... .' .. ........... I ..... ... HI.. tt...t. Ml I.... coininciidiiig him to the emit, we wish him succes.. Ai.i.i.iii:i Insamiv. A colored man named Mat It.iuks, loimeilya Imrhcr was arreitcil tcstenlav on a Have i.i.lcd lor ; milHiiin 'tur, ' JirVimi!li. Mnrrli III Mm Sui.vvivii I'ijai iiiis. The lollowiiig We had not Mippnsul mic.Ii hhI pos gJlod hint in I10111 the San 1'iaiieisco ''. but llie'l'uftur iritis it in a shape Jfi'iiiii; unit Meiitili' .. W have seen it tried succivstullv : "The skin should never be it 1 11 1 veil political creed. call iv.iteiuber that tion; yd, men can be found in our deuce wan adduced toprotethechargo j from peaches by p.uing: 11 Ltii-r wnv nn Assessor was ele.tcdin thiscountv, midst, so cm ions that thev- would re- ml .Imlge Duncan, iry propcily feci- H l0 ukt. a weak Ive-siv bv a.l lin' simply because he was a Demoeiat. j ' to allow a ditch to bedug through J!! ," " '", "''""M tli-nlvwl ol , umicio h.ur ou-iits l The people tf, this county fed very U,ir Innd, t.iough they well knew the K keenly now that he should havo had wuter from the ditch ol their neighbor other i)uabliuat'uius mid not long im-e would make their own land more pio we heard a prominent ollicial cvpriss ductitc. hven in towns and ciliesi the hope that he might icsign. The evpeiience has hliowu. there are mm, citizens of this county are beginning to erous liting. selli.h. Ignorant, lo.my consider whet hi r their well paid cm . beings, in human shape, so lost to all ployecs should not be men of xdinrae- !-H0'l duty that they would see their ler and fobiivty and to feel that the neighbors languish and die with dip. nloref mint of the law, the peace ol ; thcrl.i. cmighs, consumptions, typhoid, the community, and the eipninlde co-! inteimitteiit and chills and lever, cans b tion of taes aie of nunc moment' cd by damp and wet cellars, before than the icward ol 1. v luditiduals they would allow llieir nearest neigh because they aio good paitlsans. No bor thus sltinlid, ti cut a blind ditch one can deny thai' the people, hate a thioiigh their 'oN. A low liting c.. tight to demand the highist grade ol Jainplcs of this chiracler c.iu new be crt ice just a much an Tfiditldiial has, , found in the town ol Jacksonville. To and the lesvii taught bv the h,.t lew avoid thee dillieulties. tlu. Truste.M or ii.nain iiii.-nm' mm POIIlieai COI'IIIIi.'m i ii ... iou in .s,u l-Vaueiso' must hit', its -Ml'Vr, .ri.l ahle.,.n ol .neorpniMte. which seems iiidispiii.ttiiii. I lis wittie- ti-nis liiiw long made his lio.ik a-ceiit-..1.1... I.- 1? 1 1 . .. ' nine, ins iiienieii ii'itiee iniUi-i 11 in-. dispensable to laiuibf. ami uw he a his the iiui.i taiiliu; proliit'iiis of' ' iib.ti.u't fjicinc ti its ntira. tins. ' TIicSkmimi. wit 1h.1t ii ,i Dtnii.i.j .fllti S. fl'llni l ..I... .I.i.l l.i. ....1. .... I and briiitr inn ln.il Wl.lt.. il... II. ...i. I .... .. .1,1... . i. . ' 1 , . . fc ,, ,. I B " ".' i......i ill, U". H III III- III IIKI'KI'l . I) i 1 ins. Ko:: niiiMfii: K.tiu. OM .Mr. Sut u k,:ii 1 1 1 :.. ..1 1 ..... i .i..i ' .1.1 1... 1 '.... ...... j - '- .! 'i.i- iiii'i nil iiiri.it UflAVII " ' "'"i""i n miii t9' irvill'l 111(111 ll kiii, .urs. .i. .,1. .-siuiou ami (till. 1. mm pen,.!,,, m, ,, ,,m , n, ,.-wy 'iI i K.hIumI luck wh.. wuld p... k te . . .. .... ..... 1 ... 1 ... .II-- 1I.IIIIV .'IIIMIK, ii-n , I I-I,I to spend it fe.v weeks in tho Will.iiii cite Valley, and visit the Sit.it t Kair al Salem nctt montli. Cv Jif MuiniMi. A camp meeting commenced on llutttf creek yestciday. and will I'obtiiiUf for a week or more. IJishop Mirvin (M. I-:. S.,) will be one of the ollleiiting Ministers. as possible (using a skimmer) ... p ul.!!,ulv ,',H" '",? "l-wHmiM. j .1 . 1. .... .. ... I oe only mln.i Is uv cti-r hear, i it tun. ...to cold water. The sk, uii tt(Wi. H:hi ,, ttv). ,,,M1.is ,(1iI,i;kii 1 . I llt I clfli kll tiitl...i.f I.....1.I,. ...I ... Ill . t .... ' t --r " ;' inf.ifu-, urn j in 11 ni i .turn nr iiiuui iiv .i llioy litniM I iv lniiipt into nnotlu-r J 'inllal I)tiiim-rnK Sit1-? vessel ol clear, cold water, .0 ,,! ,, - - unti wiiitedtocu. up or can j either ,,, ,,. , (lll ,,,,;. ;';',;, ol which should be done as s.miii as yi'iir ia.ed mi his lium. nc.ir ihis ,.iv .. . . . -. .. - possiiiie alter thu skin bus been e-liioved." K..11 tin: Ktsi.-Mrs. b.wlev and' 'Si't,ak'":-' "'' ' dept-ivity of An Peter Britt, holographic Artist, J.lCKsnxi'H.u: iwt,;nx Ambrotypos, Photographs, Cartes do Vislto nnxK tx rut: nxtsr .nv.o iat IM tines Iteihunl OH KX I. Al.ni.lt T 1 1 IT sixr I I 111 t A 11 .1 A 1 y-v . . -r 1 , . ... 1 li.u.'i 1 1 , ' 1 .( ;; iiY m. m En:.flMf si acres of AiMraltaii e'ub wIum'i. which tiehlcd '.'TO bushels beiiiu ju ' AXrT'I"I ' Or I ',rT fiirtijlev f"tsii lo(,v iiw. This isj v-,' ' -- v ' V. l, the Inruesi yield vet icporttil in this .-1. in-uiiiiiig me puKe it tr.'ir. mihi. influence, in evcrv l'acillo Stale I towns and cities generally, throughout ,1 lit. .. - inu 1 linen mutes, tor several veir.s Hen. W D Kdly and the raclfle Ccrt J hive had power to puroliaso and 'hold Judge Kdly, of the Wuvs ami . u'nl ,'''l:ll,, wll"i nd beyond the The O1eg1.11 ! 1 ho Tib inst. 1 ... ... Mrs. .Ihn Wat.on start overland Inr , ' """"'"i '""I - ""t that it is com the 11.1 on M011d.1v. We wl.h thum m , ,"0!l lU!'l,, "b.indoiie.l leuialc.s stagger vcrv nleas.iui 1111,1' ...f.. i.,im...v 1 ,'" "'""H the streets In a statu ol in I hi.fie thev mav so'in iiturii ami ' lull..- "'titiou, the I'oiilatnl livening CW .i . tin- loll.Mtiug sig .ili.-aut 11 itie- othois with them. ,.! says with inueli truth : "This , ,;.l1'll,i.! ',u ' v u,ui '.m'1', "' ,ah,,. ecmnnreutaryou the piet- ning la , th.le" ,1 .J 7K alenee ol vice in all shapes in that city. ; ,.s, Al. Show 10 Miss Ah 0 111. Oin:.ti.i:of!-A seh.H.1 lor China- iiciiliasiieeiiMirte.ini 1'orlhiinl. It Snn IV,,,,.! I,,.. .. ... .....1 1. .ii.i .' 1 " Means Coininittee, who lately 'tisitod .eorpoiate limits of the tow this Coast, seems to have been a el ise ' inr the ,H,iin,.ti,... i-...,,.!,. , tsrrk t!::e!iy,c');X: r: ;' -r - gitcs his impressions and, is ethluully .'k'u,t' a"'1 n,,"l'1 ",.1 hUl' ' '" ,;""r". Ill- till l l ill" . .. ... ..I... "'n'n.ei as an aiieiupi to el-, semling. uieaiis and uibsioiiuics to iv , ',cva'e tli- "rat citing lieithuf ahote , vl atnl cleiu-! the deiiiocr.iev. ami mi iintrn.... mi 1'... , -. , m, .... , ,x cauuisian! So the woild wags. nwaieoltlieiiuinei.su and varied ic- icgulations and ordianees, eouueuted K-i.ices i. tin r.icillo slope, and foiuu with health and cleanliness ami im . 1 .'lint i.'ti.i ale l lis. geogiaphieil inporinnee. 110 imiv picilicts- that 111 course ol time, S.01 Krauei-co will jenic to be the gieat city of the l'aeif. ic Coast, and that our grialest city will have its location n I'ngets Sound He thinks that Oiegon will be wore" densely populated thn.s C.ililornia, and i.'f.iks in the highesl ttrms of itsnuii culiiirilautl climatica.lt milages. The f. .1. .. .... ... !..... .1 ill .mils.- (,1111. mio uio muicsc. qiichiion proteineut of the publiu health, proper Si.tnnis:i. r Citiisci.M'Cnr. Kiom Mr. W, II. Woodbuiy we Icain tint a man nai 1 Win. 'itieliinls.ni .i. bnily stab'icl hy (iiNiige '. .lulius.m tin Ironi bae Molativ the heathen ucriMs the oeean, to the sad ug'ict of hvr own spiritual growth. Ileltir id tain them within her own deprated pieeiiiets.'' ... ..... . .. . .....! I... " V .... y ami wenare 01 tne town or citv. as ' '" .leuuoii nn. ,.ine 01 im ciieitm . ......! ..... . '. .. II t they shall deem evpedicnt ; and to pass such laws and ordiauccs not re pugimnt to the laws of the State in which the town or city is- jltmtml, or the law of the are the express prov ciioftho towns of Jiiiiksonvillu and tance. ar git in. Johnson is hi jail, Si ir Si:iri.Kn. .Mr I'i osmiv. Kor lUitidiilicriitcd ecu. omy, eoiiHueii.l us to L. tbruiin I lite I1I111 n Milurv ol fnrtv cents a da v. C 'Ill-luck In. I '" ' .v,,l'' In will own a brick block. onus us that tin gnat suit .. llymnu ' u fat Inu-e, uitiu children, and a trow Mir.iliiiu V. Tne On-'oii Mii'. t'i. ! him Im- ti. ... .1... : 1.. 1 .. 1 . v.v .- -...,,...,, , .,...,........ , . . " ... , .- .". ....11;. HUM lis -,., , t'iihe.1 W. Such ! " :A " ' ;, ; ;, ' Z - , .. Uurvd as b I kitten. revision in thv ehai t !ri.s. ' l ' 5""v nt great length. Incidentally ad.u.tt-; l'o.tland. Wc prcnino shuilar pro nig that thev nut) becMludid bv tun. i 1 ,. . . . ' hlf.itioil. he'udt.uates llxilr In.n.l .,. !'" " lMI III every ilUpoit lion among us, shows their fr.i-afity, :,nt 'ii or city in tlio fiiltcl Slates. . i. .. 1 1 . . . urn 11 ami niuiisiery, ami tuges ilml liny receive uiiiple piotcttiou and justice, lie argiiis that tluir pies cm e among us is not n matter of taste with iiiirsvlves, bat the natural work i. ; out ol one ol the g.eat problems ' I the Almighty, which will mutual ly J Mitt in Chiisiianmng China. We 1 i-gr.i. that wc cannot publish all the distinguished tisitorV icmaiks, as we fetd assured that in him Oregon and tho whole Com, will liml a friend who underbtamU fully, its wauls ami ooinp.ir.itivu depoinleuee 011 thn goner. ;il goveitnncnt. Ass tti t ash lltrri:i;v. As there are several coiillieling leporls current, icgar.liiig the assault on (Jeorgo Jack xoii, on Siatiinlay night last, w glte .he .liitcuieut of .Mr. William Jlefnni, tho was a witm-hs to the whole all'air. it appeals Unit a few trouls had na ...1 1.. 1 1 . ' lit many places out side of tint its and cities, large bodies of rich wet land exist, which cannot hu drained without digging ditches through the .adjoining tracts. Iguor nice, envy or avarice, in many instances, impels the owner 01 me lamt uelow to ask more for tho priviligo than the actual dam age; ami in other they relusu to al low the dilch to be cut through their land for any price. T. give relief in such cases, by an act ol the Legisla ture of Oregon, approved Jlth ol Oct., IMW, it is provided, if any person oaiih laml which requires draining, and if his neighbor objects to his cut ting a ditch 011 their land, he may 111:1k application to the County Courl ol hU county, lor tho right ol way to ed between (ieorgo Jackson, jw-nc cut a kiiJIMriu ditch to drain hi land, circus iieilonnauee, and thu Utter re- ll,R'" disinlciotcd hou.e-liolder.1 ol in.'iiked that he would see JaeUnn in tho miming. AlU-rtho perfoiminee, Jaeks.in waa passing along tho side walk in trout of Dr. tirouniu.in's ofllue, when Deputy Sh -rill Otven, accompa uiuil by a man named Ocoigo Kletch er, o 1 1 took him. Owen slapped Jiicksnii on the shoulder and i.aid: "here is the dd son of a b." Jack, sou stood ba-k and said! Owen 1 am iiu.iiiiiud, mill want at least a fair shyw." Owen replied by (.Hiking at Jaokson with a he ivy club, breaking Jackson's arm with tho Hist blow. Notwiihstanding Jaclison said ho was i'.ippled, the dejiuty hhenlV struck him live or six blows more, and then, in louipaiiy wilh KL-tchcr lelt him. Dr. Overbed. K'l tho wounded man's aim, vvhiih wa very badly injured; and on Nwdav inoriiing he was taken out to .101.11 Meiious for treatment, Such is (In htatiment of 1III.1111 Jleriou, or o''.itu by two other witnesses: ami :i tt.e pi-cheat Hjafo of feeling nmoug by higl ll.M llll.ll.ll. H ill f'.i . I. .. .. nv '''. 11 111 liiirti :i 1 11 i' nirii in-.... 1 . ..,'iijonhy.h. mum (Iran,! Jury, we mM l "" ol,,ur ',wr,n' t!, ow in il.c iioiivnluMits but leave thu pub coul11 llrtt -'tor the laud of his neigh.. " I-I..in Uuirowneoiichismns, j ,or , mimv ,,,s IM-0,lc..jy witI(tJtlt his county, as a couunifiloii to locate and 111:11 k out tho route ol the ditch to drain the laud, and to anion the daiu age aiihtained by tho person owning such lands, bin in -issessing tho dam age, the commission is wisely rcipiired to tako into consideration, the benefit hiioIi tieneh will bo to thu lauds through which il passes. This statute also expressly piohibits any person from tapping or biiiiging waicr inioiuiiteli alieady dug with out paying a lc.isoiahlo prico for tho privilege; but this aut does not inter iciuwith tho rights ol comnaiilcK r individuals, for milling mauufacliiriiig, or watering towns or cities. At common law, where the fenco rails or othur piuperty was roiuovcd by high water, an.) lodged 1111011 tho Afiitvii: 10 Mann .Miivkv. -Ceo. M. Seudder ol Klh-iislmr..' wauls ten million lut n ug in h7ii. Tho.e who sue iudustiioi.y inclined cmi nuke mnney by wiitiiiy to tii.11 u.. hh advertisement, r.NiM.i:., ,,iih, ix China. Sing Slung a celestial dclvcr in the soif, slung a rock into the4 coininissionarv depaitineiit of a fellow iitrvmau oil Wednesday. Kccoider Il.ivdeu lined nun ?.. Weekly U,rtiiltii Weekly I'm'im 41 and Uoscbuig :'ii,i!:ii please copy adveitiseinent ol (ieo. M. Seudder lor three months and send bill toiihn at Kllviisburg. We learn liom Mr. Hitter that Adnev, who was shot by lirown soinn tiuie since is evidently sinking. Ho has lost his nervo and now thinks that he cannot recover. Ilrowu is still m j.iil. We noticed Col. .Maury in town (Ids week Ho is looking we'll and icpoits that the miners on "Jump Oil" .loo" are nun inr want 01 water. W'o are glad to hear that Mr. Aaron . iinmueri. who him been dangerously ill of typhoid fever is slowly recovering. Wo learn by tho SaKtU fntftli,turcr that tho docket ol Judge Jacob's Court was a very heavy one. I lit Honor seems to havo made clean work of it. - . filcnn, Drum it Co. have a largo supply of Ashland flannel on hand. Il is a superior article, wariauted all wool, ami is tho cheapest in tho market. Xi:w Hoaii. Tho County Commis sioner havo accepted tho report of Surveyor Howard, and will direct that tho road bo graded over tho Apple gato Hill 011 the now Mirvoy. Our Hr.vrtNsn. Mr. Heekman and family left Sau Krauuisco 011 WeducH day, overland for Nuw York. Thuy vveru nil in good health. viso, 11:111 t ells (o .H.s Ali-l llllg. ( iii 1:11 v. Were ths,. -iMi siting in fnlulh" who iceiived the holv sacra 1. lent of mairiige from the hands ,i the p.lesty nilv the woild movir. Oln.'f- l.lijuir. .'.1 t'l?si slrt.sj. 1111 I. in.l, Democratic li.c'l'llje. As ihe paper iii which we liml the! above is aeeusiouied to say piecisely thu same thing about H-.publieiu of. Ilcials, and Iheu wind up by calling them thieves, it siiikes lis as a hC haulcd co.npllmeia to our (iciuuni eitizoni. An juci edible stoij is t.dd in the New York papers. A beaiitilul 0i111g ..urn. hi fun-leu a .suiet iar, ami a winking man, wlio.se countcnaii.v biro eti.leueo of a day ol toil, politely nllVr ed her a seat. "1'lease keep )iir seal, sir," was the icspoiisn, "Von 11:0 no doubt tired." Il is a sale giieM that lie was not a member of the "Sorosis," )IK1). JACOlIs-Uii l.a,.J., ,,,. Ttti. i.l cUoI.ra lufaul ui. huh- li..t. )oinutniu or 1,'l.iMii: itud Lit-i Jieuiit: u-.U t munlli-. p .5u!l 1 hull ilill.liui In unti-. unlu in", for wl uc'i Ii lliv L.u,Umn t.' IKj.ui " NKWTiHJAY. Summons. it'ST ici:i5 coritT 1 nit mi: piuxmnci 1' ni Ki'ilotillc. M.iIl. 11 f iiiHin.i 1 of JllM'.lll.llC I uul liuu- ) CUII uctltm In movii II i: I iiiUidi. ) in Jit. jr lull II I'luUiili.iL iilmieiliiii iliUfi-mUit! ' III III. I14.IU 11. Mate i.l llno.i. ti,u am L.ul.v i.im.uiI lu uhi.tr l,r.. il.u uinlfi niiui. h Ju.Hu 1,1 ilio lv.li;.- r ilu-irriluvi liils.l,il, 1111 IV iiil, i)at in (J, U.r, M,y. i to u vlnl. In l . futi-miua ufKi.1 il.ij. u thv iilll. ur u.. Ji.t Ct, I.l Mllll liliclllit. Ill HII.H 1 Iii"Iwmi.i.i.i,i lUliim: Iii i call in-Dun 1lii1ifi..iil.ii1t will U! imilii. tlmt II In.. 11 ,.''-',,w'' liitjiii.hliil li-uin. IIih ,Uh, Jill lll ...Lu JudmiKiii (4iii.t 1,1111 Inr '.'.'; Ull one lelMilmllU Oulluis. Inpiiiu with liU tu.is i,(iij il, Lin ii.. hu, i,,im uuiKr no liuU ttiu llli il ul .Vit.llln.r, Iftl.tf. J II Miti.i,..f(.f vfl.it I'net WANTEb7 Catiioi.io Ai-ADAMV. Wo learn that this institution h in a lloiiiishiug con ditiou, having forty m boarding and day scholars. 'Siiiitii: inii (iuow K.vr." S.i sat-s thu Portland I'tiiwuwlul in iioticii'i" a tobacco dealing patron. Xow Haiti-' more, that won't do. Wo havo tried j to fatten on the weed for twenty years, ' and il tvo continue the experiment f twenty years longer, vvu won't miko a shaddow bigger thin ihe tail of 0110 of Pharaoh's Uau kino. T.iko it hack! An exchange says that "a son of the last Whig I 'resident of thu Halted States, and an ex-Confederato llriga-dier-Oeneral, lives in a dilapidated house- in Washington in a statu of mor al and physiual degradation, supported by a poor colored woman." Caucasia loaning upon Africa! Ibick I'ouiu.oy recommends all who havo had proporty stolon, to advcriiio lu tlioA.'Hiocrni'. Inasmuch as that paper has its largest circulation hiiioiil thieves, tho'hiiggeslioii is an excellent one. A Catholio priest in Mackinaw, Mich., declares all persons married outside thu church of Homo, adulterers. That announcement is ipiilocool.if not stiiutly true. ln.noo.ooo KKKTOK I.OflS, OF THE DEST QUALITY Of Sugar Pino. 1 WJiito and 11 od Codar, and Yollow Fir, To bo delivered between the uioiiths ofApiilui-4 Xnvember, IS70, to t lis ELLENSBURG MILL CO., AT THE MOUTH OF noouii ivi3. Kor particulars, empiiro of (!eo. M. Seunnmat Kllcnsburg, Cu.ry Conn ly, Oregon, Strayodor Stolon. piMIM M. llANIilIV'.S KAXOII. AIIOIIT J. Aug. ll)tli,uil p.iy Ihiim., 1U )tatH u,t nlioill 13 tiaiuts lilKh,Ur-in iMi'hwl, white 4i1illu niAtka, tmu lsltlttt liiinl fout. A liberal mwiul hIII be piM fur III. recovery. J. J. C'OMSTOCK. Iw. THHOUCfH TICKETS 1-2'. CKN M'S. DICS JSr.SU & UfAM.STt;it, DHXTISTS, 701, Mm ltd Cor. Ken rii y Sit, Svv KuiM'iMo, Cm, DK. Me M.ISTi:!.' f U ul nun hH t .ii J ii-NiiiivMti 'i tin Him' in Al.". iii-.M. nut n lli.ilu.il iii n'.l . in 'ii l.i-1' - h III l- ii iiii.i-i. ,i i In. i in.. n n ilium ll.riitf'i ii . r in' ul lhi ;isi r ' DIM. B. OVEttBEOK. Physician & Surgeon, JM'i.SiiWII.I.i:, OHIMiV IlltJ.-i- Il hi- f '.l ii.-. In Hi II, ,1 lir'-C l.i.ili ll ..ii III. i;i i. snsl DH, F, H. GBEENMAN, 1'IIVM' IW AND SI'IICKO.V, OFFICE-Corncrof Cnllfornfn and Fifth Strctf, Jackionvillc, Pfjn. Hu t i.tirilr.- In Jfis-i'ii sii'l i"IJ.icii niiill.-v. mill Alti-ml eroiiiitljr In '.rt.r-Ii"iitl Mil. M1 DR, AB. OVERBECK'S 33ATI-L .ROOMS, Zn tho Ovcrbeck Hospital, WAHM.COI.l) .VSIIOWKUHATIIS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. OH. I.I'.WIS (SAM'.NsJ, PHYSICIAN A .sruOKOX AND Obratoti'lolnu, 77"ll.l ".llvml to miv nlm my rniulrn In .rnti-i" onim-'Bt ii r. iini'iroiiif". mi tho LVl s!il :i.l .firul. Jncnntlu.iio:lf ii. r. now km., r.. n. vrATsov. DOWELL & WATSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Jniloontlllr, OrrHiMl. IK. Ii. T. DAVIS, OFFICE ON PINE STREET OppoMlto tl.o Old A II KANSAS LlVKllY STABI.K JneK'onvllle, Oregon. Warrtn Lodpe No. 10. A. F, & A- M., a J10l.li Hii-lr r-!iiUr coiniounlellij tyoii thu Wi'ihifHlay-Kvi'iihiR or prfced riip the full moon, In Jacksixvim.k " min.v. A. M.tllTIN, W.V. 0, V, Saviiik, .o'v. Lost. Am hi i ""MiliiKlon u Ihe Oth inst. I'0 J; l- I'mk.-r. coiilnluliiic Nok. nD, Ao-l loin iia alter Uil jli. ins iiiiicrui was one n t ic nut niiiOR. ' re ' ' .." '"""' 1,l" icturii iir I fug ev er witnessed in llwt city. ' u""'''"' w" '" 'u,l,lKa ,ur l,ulr NOTICE. NOTIOn U hereby rIvpii t hlpiwr-t.n'l ton ljnes o nr from Oreiecnt City, Ibtt tl Cwcenl City IilghterCoropsoy Mflll not be r Id gUUIH VT ..." WILLIAM 6AVILLB. A?nt fer (J. City Llmn. CrCKuut Clljr, My -Mb, mo, jul.