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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1869)
HUSI.NKSS NOTICES. FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, OPPOSITE THE Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Trareleri and reeident b)ardcrt will line MADAME IT ROBOAM'S BIDS AND BSDDOfO Placed la lirl el&M order. and In every Way superior to any In this section, and uipaMed by any In the Slate. Ml RM HB JEWIY FIRMSHED, Ana a plentiful anpply of th lt of erery thlagthe aarkel affords will be ob tained for HER TABLE. Vo troubled will I spared to dcrta the pal rtsage of "" traveling ai well M tbt perin atal eommanlly. Jtckaonrllle. tf Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, jacksoxviur, onmos. Vaotegr apha, O .la Vl.l ,., .Together alih the r lulr-pd k -i.-r M'VS arte de Vinltoli.oincitr.TiiK lion civ!i-::rt-M:. -v. ro.NT .v nE fisrst style or art Picture. Hrtlticeil HR KSV.AKGKP to ufrsizk K:lLfiOAT) SALOON M. A. BRKXTAXO COiSTDUOTOrJ, Cki tt f. qii'ir and Ciara aln ay oi bind THROUGH TICKETS UK'S DISH A Mc.lLISTER, HKNTISTS. 701, .tlaikt-t Car. Krnriir Sl. S: Fiuni'Immi, Cu Dn We.l.l?TKI"iirilir al.vr llrm. will r .an Jjcliiii,rillr Mimllnie in AiiK'i' i-x and II altriid In all Imi.iii. In I. a llm )" ill e o.itlrr of llii- litnt nf bit return lliruujb thr cnlnmii nl llil paprr. DR. A. B. OVErtBECH Phv sician& Surgeon, JACKSOS'l'll.U:, OHt.V0X. Oflteo at hl rt-aM'iirr. In tin (ld Orrrbecl. llplial, on f Irrirnii Stnl. DH EL H. 6REENN1N, I'llYSICIAK AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Corner of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. Hie will practice In Jsrkon and adjacent on n lira, and attend promptly to profi-'limal alia. it-K.ii DR. A, B, OVERBECK'S BATH ROOMS, la ta OrMlMck H.pitl, WARM, COLD at SHOWER BATHS, SUMDATS AND WEDNESDAYS. DR. LB WIS UANl'NG, I'HYSICIAN & SURGEON AND Otoastrtxiolasa, 1 WILL altand to any who may require hit ere Ices. 0e at II. K. Dowell'a oftlce. ,'s tbt Eal aide S.1 .Street. Jadovfirllle. noTZIf . 1 --- , S r. DOWILli, t. B. WATSOX , DOWELL 1 WATSON, ATTWMIEiS AT LAW, , JatkaaavllU, Orr' DR. L. T. DAVIS; OFFICEON PINE STREET, OjpFoaxto :io Old ARKANSAS L1VERV STABLE- tfttoiTlli Oregon. - A. F. ft A. "wrws Muap pv ". '".'-iT.niMU.hs A H Von I Ariog wuv'mtr r'" , :: --. :,a. ttinruw ,ru'"' ' i" - . ika Ull moon. In JACiannriM-a on- . vi JUTIV W. U. C. W, Bavaoi, 5m't. BLDORADO BULLS. rrHE above mils, fcrawrtf ba VriWIJHI' 1 at fhanls. Oregon, baring been PmJm i by tbeanamlgn, nAn!??)liyr M. wltb aKa.,1 Isipro'? Woodj4 MW; and atao Improvsd 6bakfT. wiV"i- ivTnl siw Bolting' Clolb, Is now ready U gjlnd hl oa .iebange. at tba uiua rat". ;w"; lb.. I'loor 8 lbs. Bran aad lb. short par ho.halfor too merebaBtabU h'A 7. ill faralak-aajr wllb dispatch aajt "" JitkicBvlllt Oi'xen.Ang ! I"5- fe00ti VOL. XIV. -US iLl.jLlii jl- WILSON'S GREAT WORLD GIRGDS ! And Exhibition of PERFORMS MltlCiNLK Will Exhibit at J ACKSOXVIM,!:, .SATURDAY F.VENINd, 8EPIEMBER 4th. 1869. Performance to commence at H o'clock r. M. The Mantger'of tbl, lllganlic KtUbtlil.ment encoonuH by the r-ry etlenelre nnd liberal rMtnnatfKiib breh hi effort f-r a. number ol ycaraha,e be-n rewaulnl and wilb th tlw r prehtinir to th public on thi- Pacific (.it n Klhllilllnn of rpala; Ktrtllritre, hat tnrnl the hlgliMt Annie TaUnl In the Marlill From .(II ptrl ol Kirnpi and Am-rie, and m alditmn ha, tnml the grratMl ,tiiMlion ol the ag a dn tl ptrfir.ulng AFRICAN LION8! S I at each r rrnriititlon Mil.r ih.- ln i nl I by tl.ii t T'i'i my t r. i p ...j rfmin iiunirr ir THMLLINO AND DARlIf 0 FEATS 5 Wlib thr Md lareli of Hi- FrMi. ' Tbc't;x'nif lbi p'.is-Mil rleliiily depvnd un tSIa l?lns a FIRST CLAS3 ENTERTAINMENT, ! And that lbei l.tufi. are four In , , , ., . . i . . - . - - h. U'line I -DO and pn-lllrrh the II1...1 ,f . of p-rl.irni ti A t cm Mm In iho world. niim'tr n.j i 'i 1 iL '" ""r' ",,,r,,,ln imi null"! Ill- in.nn.Hi'lll IMT III Oin niclloii, Callfurula'. KarorlJ; Jter. IIAUHY JACKSON. No ffnrl alr't il'y en dun r that mil n wi-ak nd lliilTrcluil apppMHiiitiini til lh. lit' ax World Cireniand A'tolm! Kxblblllnn. J. It MUtMI.U., (Senrial l!iiiv AfnX, J AWL T. (!l.CN. AlJllAMiKS JlMll. H. MlRMX. ii.i - U'" filiNN, DRUM i CO., "DIUUM l GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAf.lFOllNIA STUKKT, Jacksonville;, oreqon. V. FIRM. EW liOODS . . . . 1 S l. . . NSVW PRICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN I 1 MIK AliOVB NA.MKI) FIRM Ukr hlraur In noillyiiitf Ihrlr nifBdi and tin I'ti lil lc iirin rally, Ibal Ihvy art now ; rrci-ielnv ami upMiilug a eery larg and i- lrnlre MiKK ui 8TAPLE DRY OOODS, READY MADE CLOTUINO, HATS AND CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, 1JLANKKT.H, ( ( HOOP SKIRTS F.T", ETC. I BOOTS AND SHOES j ' Ladles', Misses' an Children's Shoes. B& We have, aim, in cornet Han with -Sl Ibe ahnre, n rery lar and t jSaaV" exirniWf tnckof chnlre - a- (Jrocerlea. Hardware, - atBr Qiieeniware, a b- Ola.e. - Sr- ware. Cutlery, -fife SSf I'rtinU and Oils; alan, -t aSrWindow (JUn, Nails, Iron-t OQr and Biffl, Cast and Htrel &t 9$T Plow,, Wooden sad Willow ware, fit Wt are reade to mII anytWInc In oor lint at li LOWKSTCASU PltlCK. rtrtoaswIaMos 10 bn -owl'i "III find It greatly lo their ad eantano to tlimlne our Mock Mora purebai. Inc elsewhere, ai wr ro dtermlned not lo b underaold by anv bonaa la Jackoa coaoly. Give us a call, and then judge foryourwlf at to our capacllr lo fnrnlh good aa abort. GLENN, IJRUM.fcC. ;aek.OTllle. March 2. 1167. f NOTIOB. HxTOTICE It bertby flrtn ta hJPPnd," N lga. to or : fro- Crwat C y. tbM th Efl,tnX Oily Lighter Company rrtll not bt res MWiUe fcr any dagt to goo4t or -fralgh ro-an.Ulbl.luM SAVILLE , Agent fC. City Llglrf. Creawnt Cltr. M7 , M- a Xaat. rt. jja4.rrfr "" gfifcf, 7tjrr5. ,A WM KAHLM. , , fxtcurott. JACKSONVILLE. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1869. TUB OREGON ffiTIXEL PUBLISHED Every Sattsrttav Morning by B. F. DOWELL, OmCE, CORXKR C THIRD STREKTS. TKltMl UP StlHSCHIPTIOWl For on tear, In adrance, fonr dollar ; If not pi I'l wllliln the flrt fix month of the year, fire dollar? ; If not paid until the expiration of the rear. 'Ix dollar). TKIlJla UP ADVKRTIM.MIl One niir (10 line rr leu), first Insorlloo, t.irr- dollar- uTaVx ;' lcner,0wnmS:ll w.p.orc.1 pU.o-.1y. "I nm hungryj'ber ol people have been arrested, but aj lttotbokoad(rtlxii.Tibejear. . Ipitv mo, give me meal ; I will bo obe- large petition, has been sent up to tho JcnJe.i rtcehtd at cuttcnt ratw. j ,He't This dungeon, with its little ' Town Couucil to remove the Jesuits! dollar. mad Kl "Call Me When Breakfut is Ready ' 1 SOXU. I Call tnn nht breaifat li ready tl imillur ' dim't call ni'lrforel On tint i1 y iii' Ibe hi-aor !J()I nnnlirala rel. 1 licd're. Kuhl liniirt of iltrp art too llllli Kr d-d ci'f tn den like ma ; Dealer, by tt. Ittnr pillow Thin ftitiul theil!ntlrl tea. I Mnlbrr I Callllut rt.dlrr It 7bl tttiliii up rarly'a a bore 1 Call m xb'ii bnakfa.l It rrajy, lib ! p'c'c do not call ra bfute. II. i tall m wlirn lirrakiat ii rr'lr II mmbi-r ! nn't e m too moD , 1 lll'.tliri ...'.I. .Vail III" IU'1 ".ti , Jbnpulne f conr.-. wn aluntlun, 1 tul ,n, ( Aa, ifrtr, ,M,n, ralk ol Ihf fully of fblon, I tin not consider It o . I'allif. mu.t nut Uj ntlt ettl. .-Iiid atjl- I. ImfMiiUnl, yuu know. Mtilb- r 1 iImIi roe ntfTon. In think nl your Mrp at m) door : 'II ro- wilt 11 brraVlail l r.adr. Ok', pt.aicdn not call m Upirc. tit ! all me bn braVfa"! t ready - Mhtdmi'l ttl merarly. I pray. l.clora.l.elo la- f'llct. My p'ne I- anrciil, lO'y 'ay. ."I'f'p I-a xitriil rllur. And lirttrr tbandrusor Ihe knife ; Why much in a hurry. Mi ci' rl l lb xtlaec of life ! Vo'b-r. do bam anme ci"npon, Aid cbldc my lale rltlne no mora : Call m nbtn brrakfa-l I" rvady. Ob ! ptiatr do nut Call Ufore. IV. Call me whf n breilfa'l l ready 0 nmlberS I think I'rf lrn told, Mu1lltMdelm;icl for rlcho, And Inrlrr lhlr comfort for cold. HP'crilrMfin rlw tarly--"llnlr milviarirficily plain 5 ."uid lbr nlnaya lrei later, x " II civi'r liny hii- iinllilti; to jaln. M-iihrr! I cannot (inline ll, 1 bin rfi lllpu up arly' a bote Cll m nbrn brrakfal la fady, lint n'ai dn nv call ia before. AjitA wJ lht C K. f. Revelations of Convent Life. a Ti:nim.K talk op utkkbixo a .sirs iMpiiiNONKit r-ou twkstv-ox VRAM. r Vienna Ualr J8 corrcpondence Undon Timet While parsing in tho neighborhood of Cracow on I-riday last, I heard that iho whole town w.ia in a ferment, ow- mj,j Mie hn,j ,,ul j, JJarbara on the ing to the following shocking tory ,joctor'a rocoiutnendatlon In 1848. Tho that was just coming to light, and to J present doctor, who has held tho poai which further particulars are now ad-, tjon ,cvcu years, stated that bo had ded. The papers havo sinco been full never1 even seen llarbara once, of it: In tho evening tho poor creature be- A few days tgo an anonymous letter, J eamo wilder, and it was settled to apparently written by a woman's hand, move her next day to tho madhouse, reached tho Court of Correction, stat-.Qn Friday, therelore, the 23d, the com- jg ttirit in the Carmelilo Convent a nui1 named Hnrbara Abiyk had been' L-mi fnr ri'in walloil III) In a dark Cell. I 'Accordingly the Vice President of thej court placed the tniormation in trie hands ol an offiscr, who went to the bialion and rcouested an admission to 1I1. .inni'unl Tho hiahon renresented ' the convent. The bishop represented that it was suro to be all an invention, but that since tho court pressed it he would albw it, and thereupon handed over the officer to a priest. The nunnery of tho Carmelites stands nrettilr sitnated in a suburb of tho town' and close by are the botanical j gardens and tho promenade of the ob servatorya favorite resort of the in habitants of Cracow; and often and often on fine summer evenings havo tbey passed beneath these gloomy walls without ever dreaming of the aad and terrible tragedy that has ben silently pasing there lor. the last twenty-one years. Tho officer camo to the door with .v.- .nmmiaalon. knocked, and wa an- wercd by a jvortreM, to whom he said he had come there to tea and to apeak t the nun Barbara. TUe ponrew drew br breata wuii awwnwu-a..,., .- back a" atep or two. " ia w" ' poetiblesbut while the wan taming herself aboat to go away, the officer put bis hand on her and forbade ber, v JlPI I'JlJV'l I'JJI' in the name of the law. to stir from' thing was repeated, in spile of adjura tho spot. Tho party then entered and tions of the paper to the people to was shown through a long corridor wait calmly. By the.cvcnlng two de to the room of Sister Barbara. It was tachraent of soldiers had been called a cell eight by six lectin size, next the out, lor tlia mob, which had swelled to sink; the window had been walled up, 4,000 people, after doing what moro and a narrow chink luniishsd the on mischief it could to the Carmelite Con ly aperture through which, now and ' vent, went oft to attack that of the thon, a ray of light felt upon the' Jesuits and that of the Franciscans. It gloomy prison. I go on in the word was a critical hour for the whole mon of a Vienna paper : astlc orders of Cracow. The Jesuit In a dark, slinking hole, on a heap rector was insulted, many Jesuits woun of straw, sat, or rather cowered, a na- ded with stones, and every pane of ked wild-grown, half wittcd woman, glass in the monastic house was broken who, at the unusual appearance of light to pieces. For these manifestations and human being, dropped her hand straw and much filth, and a dish of mouldy potatoes, withont fire, bed, ta - ! ble or even chair, which no sunstreak banco were still going on ; later in tho ll,nrn.1 nm f! ... 1.1.,... .,.. n.,1 l.a.l'.l... ll... I ..I.. C. ....! ...I I .!. .nvviiii vi Hiv uiiir.i; will i. ai.ii.., m. the inhuman "Sister" chosen as the dwelling place for thcirmuld-be com-) paniou; ttjerc had they rmrVisoned her, year alter year since HIS. For twen-, ty-onc ycaiM did those drcadlul Sitters pas that cell, and to noua of them had it over entered to tako compassion on their poor victim. And now, hall hu man, halthcait, with her body covered with dirt, with her legs shrunk and withered, with her head squalid, dis eased, year upon year long unwashed, 11 terrible Wing rcvoalcd herself, such as Dante himself, with all his powers, could not have depicted or imagined. So kneeled there that woful victim in the Convent of the Carmolites. The nllicer immediately ordered a uhcmiop to be given the wretched creat uro, and liimnolf went to letch the bish op. At the sight of tliu poor sufferer the llirliop was deeply moved, call til the nuns together, and, reproaching them violently for their inhnmau treat ments, said, "Is this yoiirslstcrly love? Is this tho tiny you think to come to 'hinven? Furies, not women." And when they would have excused them selvc, "silenre, miserable ones ! you who il'iKgraco religion, away from my sight." He suspended them, nnd then tho ConlrMor anil the Lady Superior talk ed of brcakim; up the nunnery, and sent llarbara to ho clothed and fed. While alio was being led away, she I asked, anxiously, ''Won't they take me I back ngain to my grave?,, and inquired why she was shut up there, I have broken xitv vow, but these these' dart- jj, wliy rotuiil, ami glaring furiously on the Sister, "are no nngelf." Then, I apringing at the Confessor, she shrieked, '.lyou beast!" Qn examination tho Lady Superior mission camo again to tako her away. On seeing the sunlight and green grass nftlm crfinlnn aim trna rnnvnlapd witts extreme joy, and when one of tho Sisters who accompanied nvr to the 'gate ran out, when tho others turned back, embraced and kissed her. she was an fnnnliml u-hli llio atrnnr'o irmi so touohed with the strango sympathy that she implored tho author of it to come away with her, and incessantly called for her afterwards on the road. The fresh air vas too much for her, and during the journey sho fainted. In her homo Sister Barbara was pro vyC(j wltn everything comfortable ; hot at first she kept frequently rising Irom her bed to lie on the bare floor, aa sho bad been used, Since being pro perly washed and dressed tho wildness has quieted down, and the doctors havo hopes of eventually restoring her to kcr senses. In the meanwhile", from the time ! the first visit of the officer, the knowl edge of this awful revelation began to spread abroad and create a sensation ol indignant horror throughout the wole town. On Friday morning hundred of people bad assemble before the convent, smashed ai the wladows, aad oiying, "Away witk ike bom," bad a- ready bcoVen Into the interior when a body of soldiers arrived, iq.tiraoto pro tect them. On Saturday1 the tame 33 'of their indignation an immense nu in ' and Carmelites out ol Crasow. ' Far into Sunday morning the distur m iliu liaui .2Ulf?llul mill llll I19SI3 taut were taken under a military escort to be kept in ward, in order to appcaso the people. Soldiers, however, still patrol the town. The Vienna pajxr asks, "And is this the nineteenth ccutuiy?" Modifying the Income Tax. From tbt S.F.TImtf. A scheme is on foot looking toward a modification of the income tax by increasing tho taxes on whisky, tobac co, licences and fermented liquors, and providing for a levy of no more than fifteen millions of dollars annually in tho shape of income tax. Half of this fifteen millions, or nearly half, it is pro posed to raise by taxing tho interest due on the national debt, deducting five per cent. When the interest is paid, and the remainder is to be obtain ed by-taxing income derived from in vestment in corporations, and from the Interest paid on the bonds of thoso corporations. Thero i no doubt that tho incomo tax is ono of the most dis agreeable forms of taxation, and it is al so ono of tho most unequal iu its bear ings, and tho most difficult to collect. It is, moreover, as certainly established as anything can Ik that it is a tax which, from tho naturo of things, roust bo almost entirely borne, not by the rich and middle class and poor propor tionally, but by tho middle class alone. Tho very rich, with a few exceptions, escape tho tax, and it is seldom that oven thoso who pay it, pay in just pro portion to their incomes. The multi farious mades of investment, the var ious shapes which capital and property take, thu complications introduced by temporary conditions, such as that of lender and borrower, the impossibility of ascertaining save by lengthy and la borious investigation, the truo condi tion of any man's affairs render it al most impossiblo that tho law sbunld bo carried out, or that the tax should be collected, fully and fairly. It is, be sides, a very serious objection to this impost, that it involves that inquisi tion into private matters which ia al ways resented by free men, and which is one of tho most odious features of such a law. Whether a man bo pros perous or tho reverse, ho ia sure to ob ject to the interference of Government in his business arrangements, and this antipathy to examination is certainly not lessened by tho practice, adopted by certain journals, of publishing the income returns. It may be affirmed as a certainly that more time is consumed in collecting this tax, proportionally to the amount collected, than in any other levy, and cortainly more ill feel ing and discontent is engendered. And wo believe that if the time and labor now employed in collecting the income tax were devoted to a stricter aaseas ment of the revenue arising from the whisky and tobacco taxes, tbn result would be such an increavtj in the amount! collected from thtee latter taxes that the inline tax ooald be di penscd with Altogether H.aerto the wbUky aud tobaccol itxes have oeen au parusuv cuueww. . . .... .t-ll W'L'a" The Income tax can never be bat par tlally collected, from the nature of Ha provisions, and for these reasons any scheme which looks to the abolitioa ot the latter aad a stricter collectiea ol tbe former, is likely to bestefit the Government and the people alike. NO. Tkt "CMcT Bunt" r Itvaae, Residents in the Great Bssia freowctv tly speak ofelond bursts" very remar kable sudden rain storms accompanied by thunder and lightning which take place in the smnrasT tinfr, anil which seem, therefore, to have their origin in the Gulf of Mexleo. The rainy season of dioaloa, Dunuv go, Sonora, and partly of Arixona, takes place precisely at the height of our dry season, and the storms come invariably from the Gulf. Standing oa the peninsula of Lower California, and looking across the Gulf of California, there ts frequently to be seen ia mid summer a great wall of black rain aad thunder cloud which has been heaped and rolfed up by the counter cu.Tenta of tho atmosphere, hanging for days, or weeks, withont bciug able to makeaay farther advance westward. This bin coming from the Gulf of Mexico, drawa northward into Arixona and Nevada; furnishing the moisture for some heavy interior forests, such as those on taa Uintah Mountiaus, iu sivht from the "uVZI'he Mou , ' g,ou cva". that the name cai cloud bursts" of can scarcely be said to be a misnomer. A canyon f .mad so perfectly dry, by tho traveler, that he would not suspect it ol having bceo reioiccd with water for m.tny a year, may, iu thu space of a few minutes, pour down upon him such a boiling flood as well make tho locality, if nar row and confined, absolutely danger ous to vehicles or horsemen. Wood--men with teams, wc are told, aro not unircqucntty obliged to make a "run for it" in order to escape intact with their tools and belongings. The peculiar feature of these "eload bursts" is that they are local. Some cause, or causes combined embraced under electricity and temperature, ef fect tho very sudden condensatioa ot cloud vapor over ono locality. Min imj at 8itntiflc Prtu. Chlnaavta Voters ia Lealaiaaa- At least ono hundred and f fly Chi namen are already permanently settled in Louisiana. A doxca are working for a share of the crop on a plantatioa netr Natchitoches. Some thirty or forty are located on Rayon Lafoarcht, and gavo great satisfaction to their em ployers. Mr. Tye Kim Orr, aa educa ted Christian Chinaman, who is teach ing a large colored school at Donald sonvillo the only colored school ia tho parish, we believe says his coun trymen are very desiroas of parches ing land and scttlng'up for themselves, Chinese laborers are also employed oa two or three plantations below New Orleans. In the Parish of St. Bernard there are two celoniea of Chinamen oae oa the Bayoa Marangouin, the other oa Sl Malo. Several of the former have squatted on the Lake Borgae eaaal property. They live la comfortable) cabins, havo thrifty gardens aad patch es of cotton, com and rice, bat sabcist mainly by fishing for-tee-Near Orleans markcL Some of them have Irish wives. They are of the Catholio reUg? ion, and came from the Phillipalac Islands. Although they have lived ia the parish many years, I am told by the clerk of the court that aot oae ot their number has ever been arraigaed for offending against the 'aws. Aa ta their light of franchise in Louisiana, that would appear to have been already settled by tbe registration of sevea ol them and permitting them to vote several occasions. Wiibrb tii Sun Stands Still. Mr. Seward, at San Francisco, expressed tho greatest interest in viewing, for tbe first time, the broad Pacific. But at Sitka, for which ho has set out, be will find a far more interesting novolty one which not a doxen persons ia the old States have seen. He will see the sun "standing still," as It did in tba days of Joshua. South Alaska is ia the latitude of sixty, very aearly the same as .that ol soatbsrmost Oreealaa'd, In that 'utitude the saa does aot set t all ia summer. It remains aboat twenty degrees above the horiaoa at the hour wo call midnight. Tbe aa! mode of knowing there that it is mid night is to watch the sb wka it be gins to ascead. FowIagaUreeeialT o'clock ia the aftcraooa, aad rejeeaaa. , tilth san Is wU ap. Ia wmAer.saf, arse, it is tbe reverse, as ia hadsat lskHadee taTaaa'araot eeea far aUr It aaed Jo be the boast of Jtag- thaa oa iu empire the saa aarar Wall, wa hat aa emafcajfa which the sun only sets ocsaelea'eltf'. wcjeks. - ;.l I i&i