Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 28, 1869, Image 2

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f p.
Trip to Crater Lake
STOntAY Mim.NtNU, All;
out Irom the Fort for the purpose, and. on reaching the road he pulled oft his Koit tub Kast. Mrs. 1 .1. Kyan
had a very plea-ant sail for mi lioui or boots and started barefoot two and a -lult tor Indiana on Thursday night with
... . ti itr i ....
I will venture to her mile cmiu. e near 01 severm
:Z. -- . I'-fl. SlTS'TIVIM tll nntlnlltfc.iifi nl .,..
"8 lfirto t. .. . . i .i i . . s- During our sail olil Sol was over hall miles to camp
-ISIBOO. i mjperfect communication Inst week, I . . . .... .. .... '
taken by tho groat eclipse, which ron-l say that if he will go on tho stage and more Indies who intend starting over
-"-" ... II ..'. . j i .
m . t . . b. & iiii'iiiiiiinn w iiuini iiiiimb i ii i ru i
worictng Aasnu tno interest or uregon. ' . " " dered one boat tido almost equivacnti gil thiough tho same performance lie lantlin a iw (lays.
will probably .bo of interest to eoinool ,, .... . . -i ..i i .u n... .i f u. ' - .
Juit at ibis time, Democrats are mak- voiir readers. I " n ",00,"K,,t Mcursion. o return- i u.d at tho end o the first rod of his ,jAWTMIC,ij!M. I)t Fity left for
ir,gloudprolciious nl interest In ll.o ' lleforo quitting Crater Like, alias I";1 l l ' .I',ort '" the n.,lor,,0". .ll ( lure-foot tratel liw iUbi, w: .llboansn. gall.m Uilcnay t0 prt-jwrMur Hie Su
welfare or Oregon. Tho leading Dem- Deep Lake, Mine Lake, Sunken Lake V"' t.re sucees,, and he will be greeted Wl aNVU week all thu ri.,t
ocratie paper is particularly zealous.' I will supply one item omitted in my I N ; l' h''"''")' very pleaiantly at, with the app .mso of tho -'ol ' t 'wm foInw aM,, wt. ,, clljof ,n6Tl
Tt.,n. H.t,iH M ......i u.i W..1.-.11 i...t :- ...? i",p I,,)r'- " Snud burs was the cause, but I .
. . ...VW ct ...... .....IV ....V. W I . Mn.. TI U ll.ltl IlliUIIUVII IU VIIClllllll.l. I" I
of Oregon l'rogicss."
"advocate them ? liy
suit and vilification of Senator v ill-, of our boat, and strong wind blowing
lapit, mainly because no is not a Demo , at tho time, wo wore compelled to for
crat ana incidentally because Ins intlu-, go this desirable object. We, howcy
How does it gntb the lako and sound it at different . ,!' V ' '
rape.si.teut pur-, points, but owinj. to tho frail nature T S T '"V
of Senator Will-. of our boat, and strong wind blowing MJ V"? "
MoikIhv wn Mtinnt in fiihini and shrill not even nttcmot to irivo tlie !ht
- - . - i .... .
success. One lormance. On nrriving at camp we 1 hanks. vt o arc untie.- joiigawons
rtunatoa. to' learned that we should have went p to t'lareneo ftnngu. lormcriy t nw
ll.t lfxrttn ilfirr fr.1lft.ft- llinm fl,l li,l a ttialiieil ttrilf.&li llin nviil I fl fillil lint . .
. " j- ""to "' " " " - - "" v ..... " - f ifl ,ii iii rr.-i .
p ..... . . ... . -"."-' .--..
J great taste lor dabbling in the water,
CV IIM.!. . II I.. II. . . ' .
enco a- a Itoi.ablicun is so meat at the , er. ,,! ,, .!!. ,. ' M t'u ,.",! "'"" "B. 7 '" rcn em un next morning we l.iui nciier sue
..at of Government as to overshadow mile from the. Island, and found it f.o,. JfJ " !?! JX ' , J , ! "al thC' f t',,, "S re,,,!,, W
il... .I...I.. Pn..tfln .i..in.i: I. .l.i.1.... .1..... fi....,i ... ,,., I would not lutein that iciuity. hour. Woweiei
Ore ion o d.lol n. .H . S n ' I I" ,, , . TT .Un'llw r" " !.
" D '" -.. .. v...nv.. , IM.VU .vfiiiii. it. ...rvu .'I .ilivu ll-UI. tlllir. T (. I ..,.
... , .... I .WHIM, t'lll
Illl Inn mniiiiiilr ( n- itii u'n nor.
ted company with Mr. Linn and family,
Col. Kim nud Mr. Isli, who tetuttietl )
to Jaeksoiiville, and the remaiutlcr of
I'cull a
who bus more power to advance the
Mtbstaiitial inlonst of the Stale than
the wholu united Democrntiu parly '!
Leaviug itolities ami olitio.l abstrac
tions out .it the question, it htetns not. our pafty started for Kort Klamath un-
wagons ropairetl nntl our
I horses supi!iotl with shoes when miss,
iug. All things being ready wo bid
igood bye and turned our course home-wnid.
T. t..,l.ll .1 ..... ...I..I ... t it
tri . 1. .r..... ftl1 irll.11. 11 .nil ..II II' Illl IV I iVUUIII
lVli.ll. U'n !1hV lin Mr .titaiinli mi! I. I .1..- . I... .... i ..I r .... rt. I lt i .'"""
' . , .' ",, , ; ; , 'v " "" ' ''"' ; say that through the kindness and bos-
accomplish.., ;-;M.?l doi-1 -he expvet had much dust timing the day.nnd the pi(alitv of Cl(.lti ,,, ,, Um
toacoompliHh? lie rs at tho loot ol air was loaded with smoke, yet we Thorburn , our three .1 ay. st ay at Fort
he Congress onal Commit on Ilevo- were enabled to enjoy many grand Kn,na,, wn, lll0 rronllip ,,cnMlrc
...v.u, ..,, ,, . ,, UIWIIU8 ,. ,,,,; , mg , uanK, 01 -Anna s , 011. r1 n(, vviM ovcr ,C roI10n,w
I.W 111. BllUil VHIHII9 II.I.U LICVII r.llll
guished, and in his own language "he
might as well be in tho gallery as the
.body oftho House, so far as his uselubj road. 'Ihe caiivon throuch which An
A linn named Tayl.tr llnrilr " '
. .1.. I. in. t ... j.l -. ..-.!... ...
1 ii... rll .i ... .,nr). siamiy khich hi oaiemyemi'iuii mi
I the (alls al an carlj . .i .,.,.,, ,,,,,., l.-ifj,,- r
amply paid for nil ol . .,.., (.-...... sawmill.
our tiouble, for no finer a sight can be I - - - -
I'ATKNT KOtt.lAtKhO.V l.Dt.N rV, 11 V
see bv the Mliiimj ami tiiuoitiic Vt'.i
that V. M. Mlekcleoii ol Ashland has
obtained a patent lor hi Tiuek plow.
Tmk IIaI! Aim Cukvv IIkat. The In
ten alional lo.il lace wns won by the
Oxloul crow uy iniee boat lengins f
limu .'III minutes.
I. (h. . . . .
v-rceK. jo an iuvois Ol mo iieniil u I. ' ,.i i.
vii tin ai ii
thp giand or the wild, wo would rceo-' 0
mend a trin over this ..onto,, l l11P ..''"'". t.m. wc stopped near th
-....i i-i" .!....'... ........ . I Koguc Icivcr brntire for the nnriiosn uf
seen in tliii country, llcie the south,
fork of tlw ricr poms ocr a pel pen
tlieiilar bank 1 II feet striking on the
bar ol the river below. Tho eoursu of'
the falling rhir s almtut at light
angles lo the presciplce, thus (onniiig i
an I'X-pceiliugly graceful curve, funis I
of spras are driven oil in every direc
tion. On tho opposite side ol the riv- J
er at a di$nuco of two bundled arils
mound, ii covered with hips' to a thick
ness of fi inches, and one would imag" '
iue themelrs walking on leather bds
an v where in the vicinity. We Mieet ed
And Ksctii1iltitivcf'
Will Kxhibitat
li?TEaBER 4tb, 1869.
'erfoimmce tc coraineiivc at S oVuj,
Tlie MAMfttet l&fn MlRmfc i,(,,lV
pstroiisitt! rillh nblch hi tfottr,,rsZn&
ynribirt ls!ea,MW,.i.l.,.BIHt w.lbl,i..2
iirix.nlltw. In ll. ...III. i .. . .' 'r"
.i,iu :-:. " : cns
mil i concerned." hat woulil bolhtii nas creek leaps along is in places huiu
influeuco if .Mr. Sinith in thu Senate r" i dretls of feet deep enclosed between
Literally nothing! What would it perpendicular walls Irom which occas.
avail if J. Iv. Kelly or the bet man in Ion.it spring! break out in stiowv
thu Democratic party in Oregon weie curve ant lose themselves on tho tops
to be. the successor of .Mr. Williams in i of the trees or ate broken on the rocks
tho Snitir? Ho might havo tho pi iv- below. The eerelianglug scenes along
icgo of telling an uiiappivciative nu the road are of the most animating na"
djenee that tho Douiour.ioy of Oregon I ture. Smooth and dusty road, alter
wero.opposed to tho 15th ameiiduiunt. ualo with rough and rocky; dense
long after it hud been accepted or rH ,... of tre..n t:,l,..r ., .m i
jected. IIw ulislil, in thoSemlo chain-, iii,enelml.l.. mn m l .I....I ll...l.l...u
ed in getting pliotogr.ipliH ol tho lalls
xisiting the great Kogiic Itiver Kails, iilthough not in the perfection that Mr.
located about file half mite below tho' Ilrit t could have done it himnell, vet
bridge in n deep and almost lnaeccs".v they will e,ive a very good idcanl thuir
ber,tltiounco Chinese immigration and
explain that men of both parlies in Or
cgpji wero foi and against it. His
words would fall oil liilloiaeuri; while
hit constituents in Oregon, legarding
tho question lit a puroly industrial one,
would settle it to suit tin msolvcs. Un
doubtedly a Senator's chair would baa
nice thing for some Oregon Democrat,
individually, but could his follower!
reasonably expect any cinolumuntt?
No I not a crumb, not a minnow
would thoy get as ho would havo no
voice whatever in tho distribution of
patroaigo. Tfiote, then, who are la
beriag lo displace Senator Williams,
ar. not uvikl'igln the intcratt ol the
people ol Oiegon but agulmit it and
Imply lor tho advancement of some
individual demigoguo. Weighed
agilnH our railroad interest, our mail
facilities, our land surveys and tho gen
eral prosp rity of the State, political
question areas nothing; and whenever
tho people of Oiegou recall their best
friend from Washington aud replace
him by a man whoso only usefulness
w be to pocket his pay, without tho
power to atslit his friends, thsy will do
u very unwise act.
TnoroiiKnCifAxciK im tiik Koau.
Last wiek Mr. Howard surveyed a now
road rivur tho hill bctwrrn hero aud
Applegate. He found that by grading
tlircu quarters of a mile an excellent
road could be built having a grade of
onlvfiflfon inches In tin. mil wklli.
.. - -! "....v
and barkless trees, falling and standing,
on tho other, with here a grassy lawn
and there it half frozen brook, is a gen
eral descripl ion ol clir trip to Wood
Ilivor valley. Arriving at this valley
the scene changes. A largo pra'rte,
perfectly level, covered with prait from
one to two feet liluh, with boautlful
skirts of willow, pluo and quaking nsp
marking the coursos of tho many flno
streams that pass throuch on their way
to the great Klamath Lake.
We arrived at Wood Iliver where
wo camped for tho night. This is ' no
doubt the flnosl stream in Oregon for
angling. Salmon trout is abundant,
weighing Irom one to eight pounds. I
Auu. oth. On account of the dusty memiiK thinkets through which wo hail
iii.l .Hl...!.l...l .....If. i I.. .
.iin.iiin'ii ciinuiiwu oi our ward
nu canyon.
wn iue morning niter our arrival at,
this place .Mr. Fay nut myself shoul
dered the photographic instrument and
set out lo v isit the falls. Aftersealoh
ing for sometime wo found n place
where in the l.vngung.t of llicgre.il c
poliuuVgiiMr,i1rH'Ciit was "barely poss
ible.' Jiowover1allersundrymihap1inhi
step, and never mining n slip, wr suc
ceeded in ariiving at the river sound ol
limb but somewhat scratched. We
turned our course down the rirer in
search of thu falls. Formally miles
through this canyon the river is
one continual rapid, falling and foam
ing ever immense boulders' and dash
ing through narrow channels, keeping
up n continual toai4 that is deafening.
Down wants thiough such gorgo we
had to pass: Homctimcs clambei .'''g p
gigantic boulder ami sliding down on
llio opposite title aud at the immineu!
peril ol portions of our apparel ; ami
again wo were compelled to wado into
tho water not knowing whero wo
would come out. Add lo thU tin. mi
magnitude. I Ii0c desirous ol prtmur
icg copies can proeuiu them ol Mr.
Wo illumed to ea'iip and tint aler-'
noon slarted once in ore lor home,
where we arrived next day renewed in
bodv and niiud.
M.l'lKIA On lie itith mil U tb wife of 1'
I'llllljf II lull.
Y I K D.
l't).NSr.Si Al Us irsilttei. ncrix It'i'ltf
Itlict, August .m, Itiitn.s Cuiiitinl, s.il
jUiut ;ni
frlfk romtroy. Ilornrr liirtly, Tom Tlimnli
All ciimtt'lly pUr,l out la J.ckoiu 111. t
f, ot I Irtniitn il lijr
Tho Way that the Country It Going to the ' Mor Xlfll IQfXXXXXL,
Irom .III irti l.nto .ml Anicric, ,,..,
;Milli.ii I... -rin.lllH'tto.ilip Mli. '3
I'll- M' it ft i.f nrffi.f.,,, , .
Tosrlhrr will. Ilivir iiln-i.il k-m-, Uiw
UMIIKItT.TIfK f.lO.V fiiVni .!,. N?
( lll .1 melt ntriKwnuilim mler lfc J ,
Mimlwr..' ,n' ''" "wir M"is
Willi th M i mte i. ol lb - Xnrwi.,
Thfe'i,-n.n''ihN P!.etfu, .kmii, ww
iUhimI u.i i'i'. I...II2 4 ' "
An.lll.st tV. . lr.. riir , um, ,
w.-ltfMui; I ..Oil Hr.l I. ,..,, ., ,.a,M, .,
or filnriiiiiiic .1 run l.iniKlu 1 PI,
II... iN-rfiirntii.cf will l,,' r,N MtMt.
SM.I Mill. . I Till' IIMIMKM.1. 1,1 l(r m M.
itrellivit Calirnriiu'. Ksiorlle Jflrr
.N.inrriirl ui r dry e. i. . in.r- lint raiV'i
w.k i.n.1 Jii.lfin-iHl kM.ti.vmiti.1,1 , n,
lifal World CifM.mi j An m, Kflifhlth,
fl'iiirnl l.ui-iv Ajt-nl.
robe, (I speak for ho ladies), woncren-
ted with dlfUdcnco the prcfsing luvita
lion ofCapt. CJoodcll and Lieut. Thor
burn to accompany them to the Fort.
On arriving we found comfortable
rooms read)', and nruplc provisions
made for our whole party. And dur
ing our stay of three days, thanks to
tho gallant officers, we found our every
df sire anticipated that could add to
our comfort or pleasure. Wo found
Col. Elmer Otis, of tho 1st Cavalry,
Commander of the Division of the
Lakes, Mr. A. II. Miller, of Jackson
villi, and Judge Alexander, n gentle,
man traveling for his healt'i, at the
post when wo arrived. Col. Otis had
been with Areliey Molntosh, who was
JProtn llif I'invMi-ucrdt I.) Jtiurml J
Considering how tapidly, ureurdiug
to tho philosophers ol the weeping
schools, the country is going to the
bail, anui of the signs are propitious
lor n little greater hopo ol uatiouil
longuvily. First lite crop, the source
of plenty, tho best nsMiranccol prosper
ity, arc coming in well. Cheaper lood
or the abundant returns ot exportation
to Iced other nations may be ealcul.ited
.upon; moil likely the former, fur the
crops ahrnvl are promMiig abundant ly,
Immi'Tutiou is still llowlug in upon us,
nnJ II" c vwtcr is improving. Not
only the tutu labor tint subdues the
forests ami hri.'S I t!n co.nl and iron,
tli.it digs thu eannla T"I intcrl iret thr
country with railroad, sti.'l pour ils
steady title, but tkllleil labor, i.'eH in
to erawl; and every one can appreciate
tuo exelauiatinn
distress, more
-'' - 1-w IB 111! IB . BITMIimi I 1 . T .. :.. ....
I a hi iiiuir iiinusiry
le uatiounl wealth. The
,l'ei. o hailL'e. at Cast e Cnnl.-n. ..- VmL-
d just enle.ed a few rods of j n(U places for manv of them, nh thev
going' when he quietly laid .nm,. ,,, fi,r n futt. ,.:
s "i iiiv co illt.in oiu in i i i .... i.. .ii -i . i -
1 . ILIllLLIT I IIIL'Ull 111171. Ill nil Illll llllllll I
'm more especially when it is ...eut, of productive in-inMry, come to
n that oo had on a pair of strange a , llloJr ill(,tMlry to , (1.,,r,,Ml0 ol
i WliH c in, ait'l will, II ijimmIi clunp r llua any
! ui ilmu,
An.l Ibttik lie ln!o llitm mLiii lie ufl.li lib
b'il ptluU nl W ciiU n mi4-
MfC l liclli-c II wlt'-n lliiy limr t'isl 1 A t31
'Hi IIihv r Suits lr t.ti. a u i-hIi.i
1 1 oi h i in ijt4 ui setting s CuHseiuerc
i7iiii '.i. Eiin t.ii. mr ?in aim .-.'invrr
pun Is fn'iti J.'. i.$7.
W.Uiil lulu Id Bli.t-. Ill- ullirr Jsjf lorfiisoinr
.Vlnt-; .i'i n.L ti ilii- pr re t- u inti.iiniil
th. I II i 3 i. nl. h nr. Tlirmliu lint
Iti-r In i-l 'il rl"Uilii.K lii r)r4 ilie ficlmtl
nl I ' H'lij l.li-. nit mill! llu inii.i i-m m.ii
lr.k r', iii. Ib-i iill-t'. .. II. f.M tsll lr ! '
H ll't. IU HM.VINK.S .'lOciii! Uotiiiiiui.
l It'll' 20 run. ; Vlii.il. .j to Inc-iii.
lit ) li.il i' n i unlk-.
tKd present road bat tvveuty-fivo Inches recenlly reported at tho head of a lor.
to hip roatl. Tho tux ot tins road dis
trict for one season would probably bo
rnord tlfan aufticlvut to make tho new
road and at it would enable teamsters
to haul nearly doublo the load'they do
' at present, wo hope tho Commissioners
will givo the niitter a farorablo eon.
atdcratlon.t. '
1 sBou.vriAitv Couii.RTicii. Wo learn
that Ihe survey of the boundary lino
between this State and California hat
been flnithcd. The turvtyor, Mr. Ma-
Jor found at th ooast a difterencc of
sir miles betweeirhit survey and that
of Majbr Truax looming tho lino that
distance south of the former rurvoy,
thus slightly incresing the territory bo
Jonging to Oregon.
Crown, who sliot Adney some time
inoo was examined on Monday beforo
Jtioo Wnijo. So extenuating evi
dence cccpltbju.ef JJiovvo't wife wat
t'lieited and tho primmer wat remanded
to jail to await tho action of the Grand
Jury, Adnoy is still in a critical con
dition and his rtoovcryit by no mpant
Jf0Dj "ov-TIdly Carl walked into
... ....iue on 1 nurs.lay With a pMier of
of the PniiioM. you j gnd
Dora lo " t,mn lhe E-
initlalilc liatid of Snakes ready to carry
llro and tomahawks to all tho country
around. He had been with the Col,
sonic two months In tl(, capacity of"
guido and scout, aud thoreforo could
not have been or. tho war pa'.b, at re
On tho Vth our whole party accom
panied by Llout. Thorburn and Dr.
Toluian, visited Klamath distant nine
miles, passing on our way Klamath
Agenoy aud its fine farm. Wo found
hero about !I00 acres under cultivation.
1 he crop this year it bald barley mid
oats, principally the former. In con
nection with this is a largo tract of hay
land under fence. Capt I. D. Apple
gate, under vihose cliaigt wo found tho
farm, informed us that bald barley was
hold in high repute among tho Indian.
. ..I. u.tiviu in won, ann inac 111 win
ter It was issued out to them in rations.
Wo rodo through oata nearly as high
an our hors backs. It Is thoroughly
demonstrated that most of tho staple
productioni of the farm may bo raised
In this region. Capt. Applegato also
informed us that some fifty Indian fam
illes had located on farmi of their own,
and built themselvei houses, with only
tho astistanoo of.tho Agent to haul the
logt to their places, and that a number
of tho Indians had done good tervico
on tho farm duriug tho tummer.
We arrived at tho Lake, ami our en
tiro party embarked in a ine White
Hall boat, wklpli had been brought
boots whloh had Unwed away at least tl
nup-nnii 01 me cuticle- from his
v o had just
down his carpet bag. sit down on a
boulder, pulled ofl his boot, and alter
looking at his mutilated font a few mo
ments, eiel limed: "This is what I
call pursuing the fine arts under dim.
cutty." We had began to look am.
iously for the great falls but could h
'n- tf'
Labor K.
of course, including but n
small part ol the skilled immigration
may indicato the propoiiion, ol itx tilt),
ercnt departments, in which it comes.
Those returns icporl : Tailors, l!",'i
shoemakers and cabinet-makers, about
car 200 each 5 weavera, 1 7' ; carpenter, IflC;
no sound from them which wo nttrib.coal miners, 1G0; bricklayers,
:" "T " ",0 PW '"' tons, 00; bakers, 05; gardeners, 100;
be. e gained n no nt w horn w .in I ...1 ... ' . . . ' '
, . ,.' , '" 1 """-mi miiis, -hi; maiciiiuaKei, :i(i
v w" w 1'iuiure, wucreiipon
ti.cli til') ' Tppi'tlliill.
we mounted n largo tlat-toimed bout
dor, set up our tripod and mounted our
camera, and aftor some consultation
drew our focut on tho most picturesquo
spot of the rushing rapids above. Un
fortunately, at this juiieturo my foot
came in contaot with 0110 ol tho lees' ii,,..,' ,, ' """" "."" ""''
...I t..i... ,, '"i them, our national finances are in aiuh
locksmiih, 40 iimchiuUts, :i,ri; pain
tcrs, 110 ; butchers, .'. ; coopers, 10 ; tin
smiths, 10; and musicians, 40.
While the crops are coining m so
well, aud men who can earn tlie money
to buy food and clothing itiu comiiiir
to help us to buy them and consume
of the tripod and down came our cam.'
condition thai foicign baukers are oiler-
t;. ,::,' ,i "riaiir -, v" SreMr f "-
a. 11 """ mo circtiog lreasury holies by eoonomv n exiien
o 7Zl nB U WK WMl ;!ri,,"inR '"" vlgllnuco in collect nj, '. "
,' M ?tu S" " . P-"--f by jUliici0U9 administration to able
. ' , , ""Muiwonie. vv nen 1 ,0 borrow at four
.. v u,.viu.iii v.i wipe 1110 water
tlio Ions wo found it
wo found it was past our
reach, being between the glasses. I)e.
peratlon overtook us and wo determin
ed to dissect the concern, tho inside of
which we know nothing. We becan
to unicrevv and ero long tho wholo'
face oftho boulder was strewed with 1
lit! liatttadlMl... .A 1.9. 1 a
.v..-, ....do iiiucn, cic, r.aon lens was
carefully wiped and laid right side up
in a particular placo; a fire wat built
and tho brast pistes mid tubes wero
toon dried. Tho procest of rouniting
wat completed and proved a success.
Wo took our picture, which proved to
bo tho Iwst executed one of tho trip.
Tlila wholo performance detained us
about two and a half honrt. Wo
started and traveled until about -Jtilo
p. m., whan wo determined to abandon
the purtuit for jtbo night and return
tho noxt day. Wo found a very good
passage out, and toon reached U road,
My companion! feet being very painful,
or four and a half
per cent. Ii ho can go on reducing tho
publiu debt at thu present rate, ho will
toon bo ablo to borrow at thu lowir
While, therefore, it is tiufortunatcly
truo that tome branohort ol production
aro do pressed, it would seem that on
the wholo tho country to which the la
bor of nil the rest of tho world it tend
ing, cannot bo worse than tho countries
which it leases to find employment
with us.
If you want a new ttylo collar, linen
finish, tho neatest ever brought to this
market, call at Damns, If you dout
want collars read his now advertise,
incut and nee what you do want. Ho
lays he will sell cheaper (or cash, than
you over purchased heio beforo.
Sachs Hro's have just received a
largo Invoice of sugar in packages of
CO to 00 lbs, just (he thing for small
Silk iii'l Son. 1.
I.iucs mil Tobu't'ii
Huts siM Cititill,,
C011I Oil vol Snen-.
Nulls nl Coffee,
.loots iul Swiss MmII,
AikI M.rjIli'iiK .l.ii In t!iot)') t.iiml ,0 roc iv
11 1 Cioikin Inn',
Aim- miii. tti.mm i.r clilM tloti'i U.io tip
u t- j ti cll sroiiuU ntid nv lur tour.flf
Nulhlm; lul siniiniiu'iii to
snow aoorjs.
Family Medicine or the Age.
Taken Internally, it Cures.
J)isrnttrit Cholera, JJitirriwa,
Cram, and J'atn in the Stomach,
UoSrtl Complaint, Valnttrt Colic
FAvtr Complaint, Jiynptpiia.
Jnlitftion, Sore Thr out,
Sutlden CoUU, Cough,
iC'c, fcc.
Used Externally. It Cnraa
voi(. rtiont,
Link River.
rrii. Un. llltrr I mm i-mhiji). if, aH iW
trii-lnif iili) r p, , mm T'i l lli ft.ll
ni ll-r nl). Wiu"-i-"; ll"rti- Ui
ll 1 i f r in- l iinltr.1 Hl !t'"l" s-r
i.u l.i. ilt. ib .1 Mi 1 (;K'i!K.VOL'ltJt
!ii- i..tti... "" Jims a. I'm
Ml.ttMlKIl M.RM.
p"ti.nj imC
C.U.irullN'1 V STKKKT,
- c
m Fiiui, m mm
f 1 .n n.
Cuts Jlrmstt, Scalih,
ior. frnramt. Toatharh
Pain in the Fact, Kturalgia,
. ..,, lIUMtil rttf, jjf
t,l,, HI-,, JVC,
No Mor FoolihnM!
Thnie Imlrbtri to m sro Informal that
primiws 10 psy dnnl 'go'" iiy longer. I'silrnoa
. ,. ,,..' "" mu" llvo niom-y, This Is
j.'.i1!10!?1 "'' expiration' of tlilrty
dsys I will Pm , un,e4 kcconnls In lbs
bands sf Iswjrcr for eollcctlon-mr I
JMksonTtlle, Mtrtb 101b IS69, i.r
of Km ia4trslCnta, n JMlniu "' wM
1 laku i.lrsiur I" iioiirlit ihlr ltiis
nU lb nubile grin wily, lost Ihsy sw
receirlng sntl ojwulnj rtrj lsrj tot
teuiive stock of
Ladies', MUsm' tndCkilirM'ilhH.
Wo have, ttso, la connection (lb "0
Hf lbs above, a veij Urge snd-p
Mr rxtrntive Hock of cholcei
(9- Urocerlrs.llardsrsre. " J
$Sf Qurrnswtre, "Wl
Olsss- -1
M ware, Cutler;, -fW
J PslntanJOilt;lvrWI
tOrVVlndow Ulsis, Naltt, IrtHi-W
Mi" tnd Sieel. Cstt and Stetl tll
MT Plewt, W000V0 and Willow wr. H
We tr Msdir to srll anvlhlnf '1s trl!fst
lb LOWEST CASH PRICE, Pfftoaiwljkls
buy good., will Ind ll gmlly te
ttniag 10 estnlnt our stock kfors rsrtita
Isgslsewlirrs.ti.wtsrs ifUrmU
undersold by anv bottss la aeksaa'ttafttf. u
Giro uiscsK,jM Ibta jadft ff MMStK
u ta our nanult to Htrabb M4s St
I iMk.,B.iiS!a!ii,J!,.i.' -;