Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 28, 1869, Image 1

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ori'oaiTi: tiik
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jitcksnntille, Orrxfln.
TnvcK-rr ntnl roIlcitl hjimlen mill line
I'luccil In (lrt clM order, and In every
Way ntp'rlctr In any In this accllon, and
urpaeil by (Mijf In the State.
AnH i plentiful mipply of I be brt tit ever
tnlBg iii inntKci annrus mil i) oo
I til n ml for
II 13 It vTA13IjK.
No troubled will lo iparrd to ilcrrv the pat
ronise of I be traveling ai sell a the perms
ami commanlty.
Jacksonville. March ni.iaiifi. tf
?eter Brittr
Photographic Artist,
Pho tographi,
Cartes de Viiilte
ihks'k ix mi: n.'i:sr stvi.k or auk
Pit-litre Itciltitnl
Ckn'itf ,liiiir and Clem alwayp nn Intnl.
1:2 OKNTS.
701, .Market Cor. Keiiriiy Slav
r San Fham im, Cau
nfi; Mr VI.ISTi:it. i.f Hie atmi, Dim. nlll
vWl J-kiintlllv H-imllnt.- In Aiiu'ii'
i"U, ih wilt nllt ml IhhII IiiiIih In lil llni
ll will Kit nnllrfiif iln' limit ir liU irliiiii
( ht nn j(h llicroliuaiia ill (liU paper.
. i -
Physician & Surgeon,
' JAOKmyi'tt.w. oim.'ox.
ilftifi'MhWrivMiiirr. In Ihe Old Oviberk
f liiiilul, mi (Iri'itnn HtriN-l,
OFFICE-Corueror California, mid Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
lie will pmc-tlcr In Jaektun awl adjacent
ohullf. ml attend l-ruiiinllr In iiiiifViiii.il
-lla. feli.'lf
Za tk Ovrbck Mospital,
' '
Wll.l, altemt to any who may rnintti liU
wrvlcea. Offleo nt II. K. llnwi-IIV onlci'.
on the Kt able W .Street. JackMinrllln. nnv'JIf
. r DOWKU, K. I. WATiWX.
JnrbMiiivlllt, Orfgmi,
Onnoalto tlxo Old
Jackronvlllc, OriRon.
Wurren Lodge No. wf A. F, & A. M.,
a 1101.1 tlu'lr reRiilar commiiiileali.ini.
Won the WoilnMilay Kvenloga or pri-cca-VNlng-tho
Ml moon, In JrKK4KViM.K on
,. A. HMKTIN, W. M.
0. W. SAVioe, ro'r.
lHR .bovB Mllli, formerly tho Valley Mill,
1 nt I'liernl. Oregon, baylo bcn imrchM
tj by tl.o imderlniJ, ami thoroughly repair
nl, lh a No. 1 Improved Woodward iSmutler,
ami lo Improved Shaker, ltli n inllraly
uw liiiltlnK Cloth, la uow ready grind
wlut on vxchange. at the rnnfal rate;, to-wll :
M IIm. Klour 8 lb, llran and 2 lb. Uoiti sir
Inohel for cood merchantable wheat. And
lll rurr.Uh Hoar with dlpatch and f arwnt It
the tame ciiual to that ofW ! In Hie world.
JaikroQTe,Q;tlA4,ylf'. Wlf,
Krcry Snturitnv Alnrnltu by
omen, vouxkn 'C riuiio snn:i.rs
For one
or on year, n ndvance, fottr dollars ; If
Hl.l within tlici llrrt .Ix in.mlb. or (he y.-ar.
dollars f t.nl paid until lbi ciplrstlnn
of Ihdjcnr, lt dollar
Oneninv(tn llnM or IrM). flrl Insertion.
Ihrre ilullr encli ulir)mnt liKcrllnn. imp
ilniur. A i irennnt nt Hny nor cenl. kill bf
in.llothobi.NiL'.i.ii:.;.;.. "'
Kl Titnlcra recelvril atcnrrrnl rale.
-......ru... iiti jiBi
.Ami JMiilMtiim of I
PBRF0R1IIAB IFIIICIil LIOiS!,"f,B-?1-- A ? lT fr"
viii ijiviiij 0ov.,j,ni.l.0ni,l0ft,0 cllillU ol
Will Jhlill.it at
J A OK SON VI 1. 1, B,
SEPTEMBER 4th, 1809.
rcrlormaiioo to coiniiionue at H o'clouL
' "
Tic Maniter nfibl, (i(nii. Kuiillbm-ni
n.ilrit!il-fcu,i,i "V'l":' '"' 'J'"""1
ptlrmiacp with wblehlilrvlfaro fur at omnltrr til
ycartlitve ixvi'riMranlil ami w.ih h vl"r l
SfiTiw".' '" J -" ,",,,,l'. "" "" V'flne ''"", "
KtlllWIIIltK Of MrMIlH tlHM, ll
f arwl thr hlghitl Arlr ToUnt lit
Krom .(II ,.,rl ..I Km...p. ...4 America, ami In
jMlihiu da aitMl iln Krrir. umIIoii nl
- --,.w-:: . :
Tncathrr nllli lliclr liilrrpl.l lwier. MOSS
i..iMiir.iiT.Tin;i.iiiN i.'uvgi'Kitou. b
will l mdi r..rri.fiillluii inirr llin itt-n an. I
liv ili rircli itl in t -tf n i ir i"ifuna
iiinnbrr nr
Willi iIik MniarelK or Hi.' r'l.
ThoelltrntAriliU pU4n, vleluliy m-iv
Vpiit I'll I'll llii( a
Ami Ikal tliw 1,'nin n fnir In nnmUr aail
"U'liiiK I iOO.anil ! ..llrr; n.ir.l H-n
nf iffnrmlm , nevi I, Inn. In ihe wnibl.
Tf ixrlnriiMiiro will lm mnr.tl. Inlerlliu
n. rlllli. Tin- liuilt;riiiii Iimto lii en.
ikciIuii. (JallfiirnU', Krtiurilu J.cr.
N rfarl at rtvlrv o . iinir I'lii laik a
wiak xi'il Imlirec'iMl p rnvniuliii'i i.i hr
(.'nut WurMCiieii'uii.l Amlmat KiliUiIiLm.
ISfiifral !ilnr Ag'nl.
A Large Assortment
imv goods, iit((;r.itii:s,
Link River.
Acrou Mnk Itlver l film complete, aail the
travelling public can now cro at lh follow
lug liberal rat)a, Wacom Ml j llorwinrn 2i ;
Sleep per on bumlrrd lirad All I Cattle per
finJiuiiilrii ead SI no. (JKOIUIH NOdltSi;.
Illi; oopartneralilp berclofure exlMliiR on
. tier the ianii) and atylo of (Jlenn, Uriim
,V Co., la Hill day illMolvrd by mutual
content. Kllber purl la aulliorlxed lo ue
the liamu ol the linn In rettlewent.
aa:x maiitjn.
si a 11
II. II h I
JackKonvllle, Ausii't ITlh, IMb'J.
Till'. uuderlKned having purcnaaed Ihe
liiltruit of HUiira.Jlrum and Martin, will
eoiithum tliu liimlneia of General Merehaudlilug
al Ihe old rtaml, where ho will l nlvl to meet
bla formtr.pairons , ,.?. .KNN.
In tht matter of the Batata of l 0. 0'Regan.
Nolloa l hereby given that thtra will b a
Final 8ltleinnl made with deblora aodcredl
Dora of the wld eatata, on tht JOlh day of dap
temUr, 1809. preparatory to a llnal aetllement
with the 1'rolrtUr Court of Joaapliliia WNinty
Oregon. M partlea having elalma agalnM
aaM VitotoiwIU rIkmo coma forward, , Md all
pwMea owhtg W"l to.comc
etgm Smtiml
For the Sentinel.
My Treasure.
I found me treasure om frrlunalcday,
As aside from my pathway I chanced t" stray,
t.rft thereby mme Seraph m mltoiua ol uu,
Or iltn'Hi hi hln flight through tin' lira in,
burp ;
Mum prrcluua than India's rt trc.irnri'n Ibrlco
than gold, belter ifaan gold I
Who'll tempt me wllh honors, nppUmo or re
ni I luhh
m V-
' iW im-nti
A Kriir, curunet, lr ur n enmn S
itn lo morn ulillv lhl Irm-iirc i
Tor nurnttlilr ill'tlncllijii or lionnr I tlne--TI
inure in-cluiH limn oiver or n ImiIIj
lltlUr iban fme, Iwttir than fame I
What ! Ihero on rnrth thai I, I'ltrr. prur Irll!
Ulinl U Ili-rvcoiilciiU irur iniiilnU n well !
Ilellfflliu em'li mriiif, ani;m.nlliiK facli Joy,''
'r . ""'"1" -"". - .h......... -v.
. Wl.it i-. Il.cr more (MIH..', mur Irro Irom
TIip ueallb untie Angel In Heaven uliove--'
Heller than nri. In'tierlliati luc? II.
How flail Uoyi nro Ke'ormed lu New
'I'liu Now .Icnoy Stsilo Ki'lorm
Si'lioul. nl Jniiiclitirtr. Iimh Mxlv hovs
the iiiMiOition:
"'HlO M-Iiool !wh
t fiinn nf .'too ncron
niniH'oUil wild it. TIip lioyit lima
liavi' nn oiMrttiiiily to ciipyu in nil
Mini ol f.trm work plow inj, jirfp.tr
iiit iikiuhp1. fitliiiL' thu 51'il fur rcvil.
' plant ni;, hyii etc. Tin- Mimllor of
;tliu iiinuiten nru mainly i n.ii'il in
planting, wootlin', nml training tlui
',':'" l"iila-a work in whirl, thov
, ... . .
M'i'in to taKi jroat natiauctiiiit. II la
'''iwl I turn tliu farm into n pnrclr
, . , ..."
I Irillt l.irttl, ami t II t Mt K.1 111 I ft III pi-acll,
lMr n,, 0,,,,T ,M'l',, 0,l'' nr" n(,w '
lnj plantcil. Inat yoar llio wlinlo pro
w n.o f
nn nmoiinlril to jj.ri,ni '',
' ill, ol uliicli llicru waa coiiiittiiwl liy
the tamilii", pruilnrlH ol tliu vnlnt ol
In the pchn'il tint lioyn nru tliviilml
into two gr.vlrn, ncroriliiijj lotlu'lrpn
licii'iicy, Oho ii in tht lohnol In thu
l'iri'iiiioii ami tin1 ollur in the tiller
noon. Thrv arc tnnuht nil the
mon Knliah lirniH'hca, nml hare gen
erally mailo c'oinmeinlnlilo pmfleiuiicy
Mnny who eonhl not nay their Irttcru
nln ii they entered, now read ipiito lln
ently, nml am imprnxiiif; in other Html
itn. .Int now, when tho yrowin; or
lipennl eropa make irui.ain dcinamlH
fir Inlior to cultlvnte or aeenre them,
the rxt'retM'H of Ihu 'lioorooni tire
tiniporniily aiipcinleil. Thenf liar
ual nml other vacation are, liower
er, maile np to tho htinli'iilc. When
mio iv eoera tho grotinil, or tho weath
er i inclement, tho pehnol lionrx are
iliiiilik'il. In iiimmur tho lioyx riso nt
fit c o'clock, anil after wnihing, porlorm
tho I ask it nuigncil them, nanemhllng nl
prajera at a quarter to seven, this he
iii lolloweil liy lireakfnat aeil tho ile
parliiro of all to tiiuir various point ol
l.ilioi'. At half past 1 1 nil eonto In,
nml a al Ii! have dinner. An hour in
then allowed them to play ; and at half
o.int onu tl.ev return L, work-, at which
they remain until hnlf pant live. In
thu evening li.tvu various uxrrciseN, an
other hour for play, etc., and nl halt
pant ejght retire lor tho night. In win
ter ijlo order ol tho day is somewhat
ditlcrunt, tho timo being given rather
to study than to work.
A careful vxaminatlnn into tho ex
pcuacM ot tho institution during tho
past year shows that tho cost of n pupil
averages thrco drllars per week for
board and clothing, fuel lights, salaries
mid incidentals. Tito oost to tho Stato
per pupil Is about M 20 put weok,
tho proceeds of tho larnt equaling about
(I 80 each week to every intnato of
tho school.
It is confidently believed that nstho
farm becomes developed, tho institu
tion ''can be sell-sustaining. Tho addi
tion to tho building nulhorized liy tho
Icgislaturo is iiqw in courso of erection,
mid will very materially enlarge the
capacity of tho institution, which linn
hitherto been entirely too small for
tho purpose designed.
Win, M. Springer, ol Springfiojd, III.
now in Europe, lias Invented an instru
ment for voting in legislative bodies
,by telegraph or electricity. Tho mem
ber lias two buttons in front of b!m,
fixed in bis desk, ouu for "nyo, and tho
other Ibr "no," and by touohing either
of thf lii vote is rcgisUred on tile
Clerk's 'desk instantly.
Note of Travel In Southern Oregon.
From the A. F. Tlmei Aiir. 21.
Frtim an occiHimiM onrrrrpnndctit 1
llainglitely made the trip overland
fiont Portland, Oregon, to Oroville,
California, on the Oregon niul l?alifor-
nia stage line, which, ol lalef in lavored
with a material inerease ol travel, at the
reipiest of rt Iricnd I herewith npiond
a ennory rkcleh of soino of the town
nml pl.-tcvn tn Southern Oregon, not hut
that Central nml Northern Oregon, or
Northern California, linvo a many
Mint of intereit lo thu trnvelor or
tourist nlong .the line, hut Southern
Oregon 1m tlie acutiou of which lent
li.m heon aulil. i will take tliu privilege
ol tracing my nkeleh lflrkwanl. From
Orovillu northward, then, we omil the
devription of all the interesting towm
on Ihu line, Ur.: Chieo, lied ltlull,
Shaila, Yreka, Cottonwood, tic, villi
all thu vailed nccnerylietween Orovllln
ami the Slate line. Thic, ly tho lato
nnrvcy, was located three utiles farther
Miuth, nml ii npitarently 'coinideraldy
south ol tho summit ol the Siskiyou
Mountain, which nru eroded on n fine
loll road ol eniy grado ; in (act, at thia
cnou, all tho loadrt nru Hue, and thu
lielda nnd foresla aro 111 their xmiliug
iiiooiIk. Counting northward Irom tho
lino the lirxl place you reach In Oregon
Which, ieponing in tlio valley of Anli
land ereek, during tho jiaat year ha
tnki'ii n new Mart on tho road to pro-
grcxa and liuilt a rino woolen fnctory
which ii thu nucleiia of a new develop,
incut, m well m thu renter of much lo
cal attraction. You hnve nn cxtenalve
lew notttli and eastward front nn ele
vation near KineryV I Intel, far n way up
the gently idopiug, oak-fringed prairie
of Hear cr;ck to the utoep liases of tho
('asctulei 011 the east, mid tho Sinkiyoti
mountains on tho ninth, whoio ever
green RUinmilH nceni to join At right an-
a lata I liai t trial III I alllll III ft III lH 1 1 XV .tril 111
" " ' H-"'
ward Alakti, while tliu latter pitnh
weitwnrd toward t'tu Hea. Hold thu
nhovo rnugit were aurvcyed for rail
roada Ihe past nousun, nml found prac
tical over two or threo pawe. Tho
hoII from tho northern declivity ol the
Si.kiyou luoiintniii for over a hundred
inllci northward la (geologically upeak.
iug) n granite lormattiiu, thu xurl'.ico
heiuu a mixture ol deeavvd grauitu and
Hoil, and cniirlitiitcri nn elegant mater
ial lor rind or railroad, liccomlnghard
and compact liy use, mid it dotn not
rice during drouth nml ldow away.
Having fcrtilo noil, thchc vnlleya pro
iluce lioiitililully ofcmeala anil veguta
Idea. Some eighteen milci further on
you 1 each
which la tliu comity acnt, and center of
a largo trade. Onu ol thu first thingH
to lit) r-aid hero is that tho leading mer-
dmm" ,mvo n'"VmSly largo atocka of
iK00" - rt "V '" K" "w,r l'l
in Sau Francisco, unit bring uvcry thing
via Ciescont City (which is ninety
miles nway) economy and thu rates of
freight require them to lay in n year's
stock in autumn, heucu firms fill two
stores at onu purchase. This town is
on thu border ot tho lloguu and Hear
Kiver Valleys (which hero is some fif
teen milos by suven.) It is norconed
from thv coast winds by a low oak
fringed ridge in tho rear, with a mild
nml vory hoallhy climate nnd dry soil,
on which tlowors nro said to bloom
every month in tho year. Aa yet thoy
have no railroad nt Jacksonville, but It
Is tho center of several stngo and ex
press lines. Jlcsidos tho daily express
mid passenger lino of tho Oregon and
California Stago Co. (tho favorito of
the people,) they lmvo cross lines to
Josephine county nnd tho coast, and
express to Klamath, nnd other branches,
all centering here, which foreshadow
tho business that would bo immodiutoly
trlbutarr to a railroad whan built.
There aro many railroad men in South
ern Oregon, ready with all tho means
nt command to aid that enterprise, and
tho Skntinki. (a Hvo papor) is infusing
a healthy railroad spirit among Us read
ers. '
In places tho miners got "good pay"
in this and adjoining counties, and re
cently a San Francisco company have
opened a fino quart, ledgcon tho lilt
hols' river, Josephioo county. Aa wo
NO. 32
had no timo to visit tho mines by
conversation wo were convinced that
facts iudicatu a sticcesslul ftilur for
quart, operations in theso couulits.
lloguo ltivwr valley is very limited.
Aside from the space aliovs mentioned,
most of tho way below Jacksonville to
tho sea, there aru narrow bottoms -now
on ouo sidu and then tin othvr and
tho rest of the surface is hilly and bro
ken. Tho grain fields of this section
appeared unusually promising this sea
son. In a trip through this part ol
Oregon yon will notice that tho citi
zen do not aspiro to the honor of be
ing called 'wob-fecU" Citliona in
theso soul hern counties, in trade and
eommurco, and almost nil interests ox
eept polItie.nl, nru tributary to and are
identified mcYu closely with California
than with Oregon. Many ol tho early
H'ltlcr canto Irom Califoauia. Tho
Mniuci were first opened nnd settled by
pioneers Irom there, ami this part of
thu statu may bo tunned n child of Cal
ifornia. Theso valleys nro not nlHeted
in wiiitet with that abundance of hu
midity and mist which prevails In tho
Willmuettu alloy, where, alone they
claim tho name of web-feel.
Sixly-suven miles from Jacksonville.
Itcside tho usual appendages of n thrif
ty town, thcru nro several parties en
gaged in mining around Cnnyonville.
A mineral-bearing spur of thu Cascades,
reaching some tweuty-fivu miles from
tho main range, terminates near here,
nnd good limestone is abundant. Tim
ber, rock and liuio aru hero found in
inoxhatistiblM supply, and only wait
thu organisation ol enterprise and cap
ital to placo them in line. Tho tele
graph operator, from his weather re
ports, claims this valley (thu South
Uinpqtia) to bo thu mildest of any bo
twevn Portland mid Sacramento in
winter, nnd fine for corn.
Quito lately some stir was made in
this county (Douglas) over tho discov
ery of placer mines on Myrtle Creek,
eighteen miles north of Cnnyonville,
and about ouo hundred miners havo lo
cated claims there, with fair prospects
when water is in full supply.
Twenty-six miles further on wo reach
the county seat of Douglas county,
This town, being near thu railroad
survey, contains too County olnees
and olllcers, the United States Land
Office, an acadomy, churches, a now
Court houso (soon,) humanitarian so
cieties, a weekly paper (tho Jfntiyn),
stores, milling companies, and a Metrop
olitan Hotel, mid stago otticc. Hose
burg has D, 1. O. lor cross lines of
mails and expresses, etc.
Tho new road building to Coos Kay,
will bring Hosuburg wilhiu forty nilles
of tldo water, and lumber vessels from
Sau Francisco. On tho subject of rail
roads tho people of Douglas nru en
thusiailio, and ready to aid with all thu
moans in their hands, justly consider
ing it of vital importance to their fu
ture prosperity. Hundreds of families
may find cheap lands or Government
tracts in theso southern counties, which,
with railroad communication, would
become profitable homes.
Crossing tho North Umpqua wo
soon reach a slato formation, with still
a rolliug surface and heavy soil, sup
porting fino grazing with scattering
oak trees on tho hills. Making sovsu
teon miles from llosuburg northward,
you reach Calapooia Creek, on whose
shady banks stands tho rising town ol
Whioli, during tho past year, has ad
vanced finely in tho matter of now
dwellings, ii not in population. Oak
laud is in tho center of a fino stock
growing region, and only a short dis
tanco from th'o lato railroad survey.
Hero aro a number of mining compan
ies, with ledges in tho Uobcmiau dis
trict, yot undeveloped, Leaving thia
thriving town to realise hor high hope
for thu future, we pass on up Yoncalla,
via Pass Creek, near the railroad sur
vey, over tho Calapooia to Eugene City,-
on tho Willamctto,sixty miles Irpm Pk-
land, where, for the .present, J, will bid
you adieu
A Mystery Cleared Up'.
'ir'A'n twaih" Kir-f.Ai.Ns a knsat'iV!'
I'lntSvl TKtKOttAK.
' In nr recent nuintSer ot tho Cleveland'
Ittratd Mark Twain says'. '
Kx-Secretnry Stanton hvMrl an inter
view with Sccrolary Fish' yesterday,
Sanation Tdcyntm 0 the Atniiattit
Ye 1.
I was present nt tnnl mfcrtrew. Tire'
subject of it wns warts.
Ex-Secretary Stanton sunl thwllWf'
he was a boy he had sixtcea e law
left hand, onu or two on his rrfjM
thumb, and 0110 on hie elbow. HV
said he tiicd to hunt for eM fceflow
stumps with rain water staaJir ft '
thcai to soak his warts in.
Secretary Fish said he had ammfow
of warts when hu was a boy, and -times
he split a bean and tied it dfeVaf
wart, and then took tho bean itsf
buried it at midnight in the cross t4s
in tho dark of the moon.
Kx-Secrotary Stanton said he tr!-'
that but it nercr worked. '
Secretary Fish said ho could not re
mcinlwr that it worked; ho remember
ed trying it a geod many times and in
the most umpiesl inning good faith.
Kx-Seerelary Stanton said hit at
plau was to run a needle- through HM
wnrl.nnd then hold thu end of ia
needle In the candle till it warmed tfctl
Jwntt to that degree that it would nuv
11 take an interest in thu world's fol
lies mid ynuities nny rnoru forever.
Secretary Fish said hu thought he
wai the wartlest boy that over
At this inopportune moment ex-Secretary
Stanton's earrisgo was annouvc
ed, and he nroso and took hie leave-.
Tho next Associated IVen dhrpefch
that distressed the jieoplo through the
columns of every uuwpapcr in AsMrie
read n follows :
"'Hie subject' of tho laterview be
tween ex-Sveretary Stanton uti Secre
tary Fish has not transpired. There
aru vajious rumors flying. It is eea
crnlly believed that it referred to the
AUibama question, aad wae very im
Krtant. And yet they were only Ulkinf
about warts.
Hereafter when I tee vague Associ
ated Press dispatches, statins: that
Jones called on the Secretary of the
interior last night, or Smith had m in
terview with the Attorney General, er
Ilrown waa closeted with the President
until a into hour yesterday evening , I
shall not be so terrified aa I used lobe.
I shall feel certain that they are eniy
talking about warts or something like
that. They can never fire my interest
again with one of those dispatches, un
less thoy state what tho interview waa
about. if ark Twatw.
The Leeei Paaer.
Tho following tribute to the local
paK.r from the Chicago Jttpuhljean,
contains so much truth that we tract.
fer it to our columns and commend it
to tho careful consideration of onr hnt
incss men aud thosu interested in our
"What tells us so readily the stan
dard of a town or a city at tan f pear
auee of its paper? And ita youth or ita
ago can as well bo defiued by the ob
serving as by a personal notice. The
enterprise ot its citlscas is depicted by
its advertisements, thoir liberality bj,
tho looks of lis paper. Some papent
show a good, solid, healthy foundation
plethorio purses, and a well-to-do-apt
pearnnco generally ; others shew a etrly.i
ing to contend with the grasping tkoar
sands around them, trying hard .ot
wrench out an existence front the cloe'
fisted community around them. An ,
occasional meteoric display la it col
umns pf telegraphic or local, or ot edi
torials, show what it can do ii H a)edj
the' meaas, but it cannot continue in
tho exponsivo work wntil eanaojrl
comes, which ought to be readily gran
ted. A newspaper is like a church; it
wants fostering from the oonmcaeci
ment, and for a lew years, then aa a
geuoral thing, it can walk alone, and
reflect credit upon iu leoatrtts.- 1We
your homo paper, it give yon paere,
news of immediate interest than New
York or other payer s it talka fer yam
when other looaVitlea belie yoa; it1
stands up for your rights; yoa alwaye
havo a champion in your home paper;.
and those who stand up for yoa sheaidi
certainly he well sustained. )Tenr , ia
tereate are kindred aad equal,-and yon.
mnet rise or fall together.. Tbawfef
it la to your interest to suppoH yew
Ivome paper, not grudgjalWlin. f
liberal spirit; at a, pleaanrn,' a4.A; av
disagreeable dirty; ant W aalaftaf r
ment that will amply payUw jlxfisV
; ... ' 'f'i" 'owj
W 1 i t 'i.i