Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 14, 1869, Image 2

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whim wmmi.
Hatmoay MoMJOVo, AugU, 1800.
4Spc WT't" -tr -J. - utriat
,Af Kmi'iiatic Hkhi'ossk. A sliorl
dime since, a Camp Meeting won held
'at Myrtle Creek !n Douglas County.
The brethren wen) waxing inthuMastic
in the Lord'a catuo and one or them
was raising hi voice in an eloquent
j."iyir. Appropratc roipon-cs wcie
frequent but oil- dt iiit- brother, at a
very fori en. point in the, piaycr, lor
getting tin nppi-oprhte language, ex
"cliiiincd in n leop FCpn'chral voice
"V-n u II i'-t" n -I hit iot y was com-
- Id by i v . r.il out-bunt ol n li-
lc ' r i,o. i tin' congregation.
.' :it the lurid- nt in a splr
.. ' vMuybut to how tin ridi-
'. .Uuctot ali.xei'iici1 ol ininil on
i. ' s occasions.
lViii"Ttlie vleioiioi "r. thin sum-
med uj Iit th" Clitc.mo Time, a Dem
ocratic, no -npor : "Here i tin l)i in
ocratlc part in the Studs of Virginia,
Misislppi.aii.l r x'n, ntiiiiinatimr He
publican cmi' i 1 tn on HcpMhliean
platf-rm, ai' u e ,:ng t!i:it, so larus
;. ...'il .ii:lit . ' .livi'cfcs nre con
rip' ', ' no r i n man ninl. i broth.
' .r- i.,. a'l eMeiics ol 'change
u' mid thuMUgh' rii'iin'tnuti'ii'
hl rlo demanded by ih in ft !
Heme Ksdlcals.a prnn' ot '- ynl -"
The Vniouiit rcper! ih it
tulip'., it" a magiiitlccnl
re it
The State Finaioe
The Hrrald has a commercial editor,
and yet given no market quotation of
State warrant. Do miv of theiui wnr.
rant reach Portland, dr are they all
gobbled up in the Treasury building
at the Capitol, where the facilities for
buying them are so good? Albany
An tire Herald ban not yet answered
we will do no lor it. The item contain
a vile insinuation against our State
Treasurer, which earning from a Demo
emtio source In unworthy t mi answer.
The Herald does give the quotations
frequently, at "85 cents, none offered "
The figures arc undoubtedly fictitious,
but the statement that no warrants arc
nth-red is probildy true. A great out
cry has In in made about the deprecia
tion ol State warr-uile, by the Dctno
Malic p-ipcr, when the (act i there is
really tin deptcciatioti at nil. It was
dune of cmr-ic to bring odium on the
lb puhlic.ui p.uty, and to make the
people believe that tlul patty had in
juied the Sta'c ortdit. There is so
much confidence in the State credit
tint its warrant arc tf jmr, and we
e.iu nroie it. If the commercial re
p.nts tire correct, money) is worth 1
per cent, in Portland for short loans;
State warrant are drawing only ten
per cent iutcroM, tnd rapitnlUts are
buying up all thev can purchase at
jnii fiiitugh dicount to mike the rate
ipilwil- in. Thi i tho re.isou why no
rmiaits an oUmd. If it i doubted.
wo will gii.mnli-e that n purchaser for
SlO.Oeo ot State warrants can be louud
n ' Mown at Iroin )i to IM cents, and
u Hnlctiiig that, wo nte so lar rrnvitcd
Ipiiu the Statu Capitol a to.be trcitcd
iik nlmo't out ol the Slate it speak
well for the publlo cn'tilldencc in State
securities. The howl about the ainouut
d capital locked up idly in tho vault
ol the StUe Treisuiy is likewise all
bosh. True it is tin re. It bus been
Wi'thibawu from circubtthn, but It has
In en replaced by money drawn from
the vaults ol capitalist whoare always
willing to buy State pspir at par, and
i oHect'y deliuhied to got it it a small
lUcoiin ; and to-d iv there is just as
much money in cin'tilaiinn as tl there
was not n collar ol publie indebtedness.
So far from thee warrants being "gob
bled up at the State Treasury" thev
have parsed into the binds of mrn ;(
all panic, and so farasour knowb-ilc
cxtenl- our Democratic fin ml' have
the liou'i share nlrc.vlv
Dtttkf Jndfa Tamer.
Fortlaaa" CnntpiHtnet.
Poimlanii, AujV2d, 1809
On Thur.xdnv the 5th Inst.. Hon. Win
11. Turner, a man uidelr known1 K. Skntinki.: Hitvin
ll.ioujho.it Culiloriili. died at Wnldo. ly nrrivc.I at tho "hub"
in JoMi.I.inu Louiitv, in this Slate. "y'i"t,' .'" I growing Statei" nnilNL
a native of Maryland "' ,l0"' " """ uirtnoU of Su
Judgo Turner was:
Water Rights aid Irrif tl No. 4.
nv now km it WATsoit, Arr'va at law
I Professor Washbornc in his work on
, Hasements, hiiiiis up the eases and lays
in these
I ilnu'n irnfiil trinnl-ftl ruin
nml. w Iii.II.ivp. .inii;...l l.iw wiib r.,1.1 cm Oregon, it miy Hot be amiss to I , '
McClanjc of Mississippi. Henry Clay 'l ;' ti k- "d ser.ption" ol the uj&t(h J)r0i,rittor mtke .
and Andrew Jackson were his early Mrip which I . hive jt.H complctwl t0Me ute othe te(tUr uponl!l,1.fm,
friends, and he received from the latter rough the valley-that is from f (osc f .(ft( (h no( ,At wfH,
a good position ia the Lnnd Office at J "R po.nt-sec.ng ihe country f . of ;;,r,r - ( ,,.,,,,,, thf
n...l at (nltlH.. .. ..i. ..... K..f ' ' -
1 1IIIM CHJUtlll IIIU 11111. 4IIVI illl I.-...
Washington. He emigmted to Cali
fornia in 1849 and at the first State
election was elected Judge of the
Marysvllle district. He will be remem
bered as the Judge who committed
Fiold. (now on the sunrcmc bench)
Million! and several others to jtil lor , wi,n a symetrical
ouiimpt ol Court, and who was after
wards mobbed by the sitne pi riles.
He was subsequently elected Judge !
the 8th Judicial District, composed of
the counties of Del-N'oite Humboldt
and Khimath, which position ho held
fur nearly three term, resigning on P
tAilT in iifiiiiii l a.i ! m... t !. I
vji mii iivuiiiik vi iiii iivhvillirb III Illl
eighteen miles rido we found ourselves
tity or corrupt the quality of miter in
the ftrtttm, to as to deprive other pro-
at Oakland a lively little town ol the i . , , , - . ,,
.. mi. . I. lrutors of ttfitir una reasonable ptr.
Lmpqiia. Then prssmg on throuijli'. . .,. . ,t . , Jt ., , ,,,,
., ', ii iit ii t tieipatton in the (enefits thenof. ihe
the Lmpqua val ley which val y is a ' . , ., . , ,. ,
..,.,,, . , ;,. ,, uses to which water miy be applie I are
succession ol hills adorned beautifully ....... .. i .i ' , .(
l VarinlK. Ullll IIih linilln.liilini a nl llui
co.it of oaks"- . ,.,.. ... .,
,.,. I.I .. "Viviiil v.ini.n Tilllic illll i lu IIU IllfllV
nuoiu iniri)- inues. me ncxi imnoriani i ... , ,
i ci i . i .i .i nre so divcise, that no more d finite
town, Is Slabiuwn, loc.ited on the , j, ... , , . , , . ,
,,..,,,.. . .nt rule than this can be laid down. wnd
toast rork, in Line count v, this is' , . . , .,
quite a piotnisiug looking pl.ice, and'. . n .
1 - n CI I I li if.i liii. ill ..ndnlifll.lii t- i.iI...mu.!u
I...V Willi llllllIIMUIV ii, VI 111'! V. Iv.
"ii'tn. V. extract the follnu!ng do
ivduviiptmii: 'Dinnei wa guieitilli
eatoii in ,'cnce aii I s.ss. on ts "lii-nr
day i-pi I'.i. liiip n-' o', lit peiiile
t yK'ii . itulil have bn-i, en mi fin t,
inn' en ilu hnuM-iops. buhling wilh tln
t iltt hind i.iHtiil'y suuik-d ulacs,
while thw left Iriud wiw. elapp'd vigor
ously over tho lell eve. One old lad
buttled up the stor) nl .lorlim inak'in
the fcini stun 1 Mill, and n .id it carefully,
usl wt hear (lint a delegition ol Dem
ocrats from Pol It county, beariui! there
was to be an eclipse in Salem, camr
over to me the nhow, it the price.nl ad
mission was only rrasntiable, II. II. i
said to have been scared, lor the in'
miit, out of all rtmi mbrairtT6of the
Kitteeiith Amendment", and to have
ast a look of humane kindness upon a
Ovr.ni.ANi Momtiii.y.- We have re
s-ived the Augunt iiumbci of this val
able periodical. This number is near
ly filled with bistoiical rrccollectious of
the Pacific Coat and i full of interest.
The Overland is doing much to cnlight
en tho world as to tho beauliand ml
Mintages of the Pacifin Slop- and
should hso a liberal support. Its al
uablo table of contents is as follows:
In Yosemile Shadows; Hold Dick Don.
ahne ; South-Western Slang ; Crowm d ;
Alter Dark A Cloud-Hurst on the Des
fiti; Trinita di Monte ; Mauilcst destiny
in the West; Portnla's Cioss; Occult
Bcienco in the Chlnesu (Quarter ; To
flimcoe; Tho Coming; Madellene,
Vernon, or Mulberry Leaves ; Current
I.ittrAture. A. Hnman it Co , Publish
rs, 417 an-l 110, Montgomery St., San
WosjuiMsri'i. CiUMir. N Khvpt.
v T)k ground mi hich stands Ismailia,
.Egypt, a town visit 0,000 people was,
. only n .iw ca. i ign, a suudy derert.
A.l m ii.ia tr 'isuirined. Theolddiied
) ' . : T.ako Timali Ins been
yn .l. d with water from the Nile
hi a tr -i-li' water canal. Tree, hruh
' Mini pi mis of all dcsctipliou intv nip
idly wherever th" soil in injgited, mnl
the artificial oasis widens lat. Un'il
two years Ago rain was unknown, but
in twflvo ;n n 'i, ending in April last,
there syix tn'j ,n''y kuirtein days on
which rain fe n I .ti-lv tlvro fell a
truiendiMis i ! ta'n, a plieiiiTii'-
no w' iih tl ;,.r.ili had never
..... ' '.inn-el. II tin ceases to
.' dej rivod ol it- foiests,
. 1 Imis li; violent sioniH. Hco
wu rain returning t tin (cut in
restoring the trees.
rromuie umonmi: Jdo i n w s
A the State Auriqultural Societ. h ne
di-1 .' -. n contract lor an nrithvi
wl on t" i F.iir OriMiiuIs this se.ison.
Only oil' bid .im.i!. lor the j d, the
Id Jcr pr( jn.slng to !nk .i well StOO
fiet i'e p, v U h wale, eou'd be pro
mr. .1 a' i o dirtain e, for 82,500.
I'liti an; umt tho man'ijjers think they
chimot ail'ord tills year, but it is the in
tention to liavo a well sunk another
year i tho mnni y pmcceds of the State
Fair thlu (all .rove sufflcient. Hie So
'ty will probably purchase the ncces.
sary tools, mid have the work done to
111 li(tt. nn.u'il.U ...1......
' h ' Mjiiwriiit TJiitmilfi Ttriiivu Will Umitnv
tienoralHoH'cians has declined the James A. Abbott, Hawkins O. Shook,
Ut'inouratln uuuiiuatioa tor Governor Julius K. Fosa, Thomas Callan, Jacob
4 O.hl'sgoo. for Host ' ' pMW, Jatnea W. Hums
.1. .i.l.ll.... I.,.. .. I..... II !'...
IIUIUllllHl lli.l .1I.IIIV. IllVllll I . .,, . . . ..
., - ., , .. ... ... , must, as win Oi! seen nerjatier, on hi-
miles firlher brings us to kugt-ticCilv, t ... . , ...
...i i -.i . .t... .;' i.anly be relcrrcd, as aque.t on o act,
at the head of the "great illamettc . ' , ' '
ii ii i . . 7 t. .i to a jurr.
xalli'T" dctinel to be i not already. . ,. ....
"-'"" V1. K,"i" " .. . ... ; me case ot noisimn v. lioil ntr
iieach h in in the LiMfislriiiire JinKru K'tgt'iiu wore a lutiuraldike asp'ct; 0 .,,.,., , .
piacn iiiiii in me i.igisiaturi. Jii-ige. , SpiiugCu.,1 ecu ed bv theSiipreineCnurl
Turnerwasatnan of strong prions cM ln '"''"ing, I think, for "Old I '
i . . .... Itn.iiiH.j ' mi, I .lp..i.i.itu- iv. ....I....:.... i '" ''"i,i "lay te cited as illustrat ng
and prejudices, and unfortunate v, ke uiii". '"' lreamilj womlenng . ' . ' ., . f
i in . wheih r 'Viii- ttM.liii..." ui i.nniSi... ,l11 Reif'ti' propositloiis aboil' stated,
tor many o our pubtb men was htcin-whcl"r .ei iiusiuess was coming ..... . . ... .,.,P ' . .. ... , , . . .
many ot our pu
perate. It is worthy ol remark that
the aubject of this notice, a man of
splendid faintly connections, thorough
e-iuca, on goo,, am.i.y ami worthy I ,,,;,,..",';;, ,?, V, VI. Mo r,,,,m,c4 ,,,wl ln lllt' tl.tii'l.i'rv and
to bf Ihcfr nnil nf nm. f il .., i 111 Wllicll to elljuy .1 Hill .III U IllklC , ... . .
v' "" ri,v" i ... ., . . .. .' Iliruwn into the streum. rorrntileii tli
them on ,oh.., to S..ri.,..nl.l it.iU "u P'ainiui nan a viuu ioic estnte an I
tonn three miles distant. Some tears AvMnn i",,l,,,, Ml,0 a ,,,,:1' "'.
ami tl... bn.b.r.. m,,., ,, ( .." ..,.' "I" w"'c'i the defend nit Inula bleach-
cured for the.:.. dve. green "p.c.aeles VT a,.'f ,,",1 MW tLs. The
1 ,i.ii ... .iit.. ... u'!..i.lr,l,'micnl "1"' n " bleacherv mid
Statemueu of die Uit if iii.nail in- iliml i"a i "nu ,,ow l,ll7 llro wnKing up to - --- -,
nVwS .t.T,m,d render., it Unlit lor th,
i, Sin While there I hear,! tho great success- " ''' il ' '' -Wl V
W I, al h felalfc il '" l'"'1 eorgo Francis Train tbo plaintilf. In settling the respective
IV. ' -' i" Jl " ' . -U: !" " ' ! deivi r one ol his impular lectures, and , " the ll- m-m ihe plain.ifl'.
ifnnnriiii itis
K""'" "M . t.- I ..- .1.. I. . ..!-. si
imfa.. .! m..l.i mu.i. vl... .will l.. 'i "o " niinwr ami iiraiun-i u-
ol his s.l .t.Mli with a sneor, have been , l! "',l' ol a l"!",nC l"ny, m.aT'V
the reelpionts of his noble ch.i, it y. To i!'0 ,,,M 1VT" '''' l,'B1M,nl,l
us he was eur a warm an I rulllalut "-. ' IIM' l nMwt" ,u"'
lrle.nl and we leaie to others the task ' " ' " l""" u -00 ' a "tt a' ? Jr",,,,
ol rL.e.ir.1 in. .. dull. V.. ..... ....Iw "v " "an-iim in. nis.n.
reuiunbir his virtues.
loard oi' Iru.tet.
a al tin hiiulislimut. I msni'.r the
NVil amette Hirer h-n, Wi p.issedilnnu
ih" iast ide, llirutigh soiue nl the tin
i rt agricultural country without etccp-
Regular session eoiitinii.d from .Id ,i""i ''' ,l"' H'orbl. Pr dries almost
Tuesday in July. Th,- Ho.ir.l met ,i ,el'l 'n eili-m lo the ' prairie ol
the usual hour. PreM-nt A. Mirtiu . ,OWB nn'1 '"'""'"i "il ' rM '"!
President, I). I.iuii nn I. lo'iiiOrth, iih J nilttcllvi and in some place 1 no
Mi.t Neil and Jacobs. Th- minutes ol 'h""1 '" PtMn-a, nativo grass heavy
prcilousinecting read and approved, jvimugli to mow. Tho only .lisalv.iu
M.wiivk'. ollice bill for 8"! allowed and ,ar- ' ,',,, H'etion is the scarcity ol
o l. !t ! jtlmlwr. Alter it d.iv's ride on level
' n'ed, K. It. Owens', li,. bn I, tl r-niah Lim-aud pirl ol' I.iun
Indian Affairs.
In teferenco to our statement some-i
titn" i-lnce, that thcro was danger that I
the Indians east ol theCiscclcs would
again be troublesome, Maj r Otis fur
uishes the following iulormatUn. We
arc glad to give il publicity s
H'll. tj'lt's. DlSTItKT OK THK LaKRI,
Fort Klamath, Ogn., Aug. 8, '00.
F.ntTou Skktinki.: The enclosed
nillcle appeared in your papor of the
I7lii utt. Thw is an entire mistake. I
have been through nltnost the entire
country o the Piute Quakes as you
tall them) Indians, and no Indians
e.Mild be raore jieat.-blc The Klamath
Indians are peaotblo and appear per
lectly satisfied. No twelve hundred
ludiaus of any tiibe havo heen headed
by any desperate white mon, like Archy
Mcintosh; and the individual mined
is now with me as guidn am spoilt
and Iiiir been for some weeks.
I write this to diabuso tho public
mind ol tho talse impression that your
article mi-.'ht ere tie. He assured that
the Iudiuns tliioughoiit tho wlmlo
country were never more peaoib,
Ple.iM give this as much publicity as
possible. Kespectfully,
Kt.MKit Oris, Hvt. Col. U. S. A.
Maj 1st, Cavalry, Com. Dist. o I ho
l i M.i' . nl for service in. 1). C.
MiileiV.. ii.il fur icpiiilng Truck S7.
t. S. U-iydcn Recorder's lees tn March
Jat UH. Same for making Town
deeds and damps 810 fit). The bill
.lore laid over under the rules.
T.hpwr and MlLir I l'e mc were
grtinwd to II Pap Win'jeii fc Heine
and If Hieitbiith, .in 1 liquoi lio.ni
applieatimi (or nn injunction to h
Inutile; ol tho wnlcr by the deleiulant,
the ourl held I hut ewry liparun pro
prietor had a right to the natural Ibiw
ol tho water ol a Mrram, as .well in
quality as quantity. The right ol a
riparian proprietor to the us.' and en-
joyment( of n stream ol water in its nat
ural slate, is as sacred a the right ol
soil itself. II a mill has acquired a pre
seiiptivc right to foul the water in one
modi) or to a certain extrut, it will not
justify fouling it in another mode or to
agio Her extent. This does not ilc
p'lid iip-n 'vliat a ripiH.tn proprietor:
i .i ...'.... i
mi. ii. lie i-j r.miii upon HIS Ol.'l.c,
but npplien ti. liji.uiin estates univer
The following exteudel quotation
Irnm the opinion of Story, J., in the
c.iseol Tyler r. Wilkinson, rpoited
In four MasotiV Report, prcM-nt
nissesorer wis .nok-i inl ! 111- m I ,l,"H " "? I'" "l"'" tlti- subjocl
Lebanon, a place about ns litl"y as i w,,i,'n lmu' ,n,,t ,,M' "ppmbatloii of
Eugene. Within the noil one and a,Ain'rlcan couits, and Wen liberally
lull days' tr.n el we lound only tw- itiU aipl iouiiiieii.lcil by bu English
llhiLV.. Sublimit v an I Siheio:,. !.. '""K speetilly l. t' .-ry able
The Ortgimian savs : "Mi.Mr.iU
J. Frank and II. II. Oatinaii", 0f" thtl
city have -eivcdapatentlora com
bincd bar. wer and eultlTator. Mr,
James Walton, ol Hou-burg, Oregon'
lias also received a p tent r flve'
binding aparatus.
Hkaw S.iLK.-TI,e Government
buildings al Camp Warner, lately 0J
by Vie Trevitt, the Copperhead am,,,!.,.
tee, brought the enoimonsiuinol -Jio.
Wonder if anybody made tutnetbtug v
JEl-TltlK-J I U.i ItnTstb Is.!, urtrltMk I'uffl
l.-.iiinl Ji-lTrl. s. .mi wl V. .M mil ritrak Jf ..
rics or '.ilk e lUnlr, agril ljut on ;ir.
Fmr Utnl nl prcim'n... irrcluu nnr,
Tli hn- earthly Uk mqiUckl i)a
So i-.tly nip-s lir iIi-aiV cbl'll it.,i
Tb ilrsrljr lurul sihI t,ij ..
No, lint lint. I,iit Kntii- btfotf.
Tuy rurni t rj.i. itiy iullnu Vr,
Trmifiliniri hum In jursd i
Tu lilicini unn rial qihkl-
Tf lisnl in .if ih-. tiri lopsrl.
Kriji 'ui.-h Hfn.iif in,r ncliln ti.rl,
A nl n I to r Ill I'i.'.iiI j ho,
And Tnl Hit- li"ii' il.p lunelltrM.
Clursp'rii IHM 'rmn esrlhty lbint
111 4lc'l lllf II hi bf .111.1 4,
Ami Itl'li p i. nl on ll,- l.ratMit; j it
Tu St..ip n.s iiur v'i r.i'i iMiy.
NjLW to-day.
paii KiLtisiir'
Family Medicine tr the Ap.
Taksn Internally, it Cares
ftitentery, Chofw, J)inrrhm,
Cramp, ami I'ain in the Stvmnch,
Jivieet Cuwpiiihih, Painters C'shc
Cieer Cuniphint, Dimhjhhi,
lndiijttwn. Sure Wirout,
HiiMtn fjotib, tfoughs,
il'ft, lc.
Used Estermlly, It Corn
IMh -roM, Cats trains, Sealts,
OUt Sons, Spraiai, Toothache,
'ilia ia the -1er Xrurataia,
hi aiaatisw, hiii'lul hat,
(v., ilv , fci'.
I I'ltllll !..
th- towii
It his .
t rv I.
lo HrowiiKiille, a lit
ill ol blidnels .in lilf.
iils and . woolen lac-
il iiw.iiiilli-. t!e L-roiinil
conNKit or
CMlUarnlM mhsI Orrgosi KlrettK
nn. II i. II 111, .III I ill lllll lll'i-IIV I w , , , ....
lo M A. "remains IIm.lv, Win. wM"T ol ' lr..Vvk'rS ani '-M" ";' I'-ut Cnrt ol hudi.
Csrll and Jai. Cwy, eich assc'ssed V tW3 " "Q""' 1." c- . ! ,,Hv" f ""'J t'V-ry proprieto.
for tl mouth. Deed grained mid or-, '' the satisrictton of paying the .eg-! ",' "; v,1l1' ,,p,K vi !l ruer '-,t.ti'lcl to
Soldier u a ua;y.
Wo publish the following tor thv in
formation ol tho Oregon Volunteers ;
TituAsiMtv Ukpahimknt,
Sijconii Auihtoh'h Okkick,
. May 10th. 1809.
Sms Tin eliimsol Cujit. Spraguo's
Company, 1st Qctrnn Vofuiiicers, lor
balance! ol bounty Is li.ilnweI. Thev
huve been piid 82U0 00 bounty, but
not having sened llio full term nl their
enlist mi'iitn are not i ntii led lo the re
maining iiistnllin.iitH ol 8100 00.
E H 1'IELD. Auditor.
B. E. Dowki.i., Jaukkouville, Ogn.
The following discharges of persons
serriug m thoOregvi Inlanlry ol 18(17,
hare been returned to H. V. Dowell
and are subject to tho order ol tho
James Wooley, John W. Heed, Ira
1. Chandler, Simon Smcad, James W.
Mee. Charles Williams, Ueason T.
deicl to isue lor Ihe Arkansas Stable
lot, mid or ler passed directing the
Street In tie ;. it or lo cover the hole
or shall at the corner of Third and C
Strsets, the same beiijg now in a dan
gerous condition. Also directing the
attention of (he Street Commissioner
lo the condition ol the bridge on Cali
fornia Street, requiring the same to .
No further business coming" before
the Hoard, the Hoard adjourned.
A. MARTIN, President.
Cimp Varnnr.
'In answer tn our enquiry, why Gen
eral Crook appointed Vio Trevitt to
sell llio piihlin building at Camp War
ner, the IliMcoiivr Register m ikes the
following pointed remarks. They may
seem severe, but it is iiotuiiousthat the
louder a man howls against,! he govern,
ment, the more petting ho receives at
head quaitera tm tho same principle
that tho man acted mi, who tried to
choke his dog with duller ;
"Wo have understood from reliable
authority Vic. Trevitt wished to tear
down tho American flag at tho Dalles,
and trample it in the dust, in 1801.
That is right, General, give him t u
opportunity to mak 50,OOO or 100,
000 out of Uncle Sam. Ho may be able
to ncip nan nnoinei u.'iiciiiori on tin
uiirroun.i price tor II. rustling on
tliiii'Uh a iery p or, uninviting tra-t
of I tv i I'ing hill be.studiled with
scrub'-i et.igxy lir, and thick heajy
set o:i!: g.iiblis; .ii1 where the laud is
cleircd nr cIcm, it pr.xlueod but poor
crops ol fern which article wepn sumo
does not yield imnumsi' profits for the
culturcr. At Ut w are relieved of
the monotony of this seen by riding
right nut ol the forest into Main Street,
Oregon City. This place presents ail
the feat in cs of a much larger city; and
has the best water pi i lieges in the
State, for driving her millsj factories,
machine-shops Jce. .to. Everything
here i noisy with life and business.
K.illroad hands are at woik on both
sides the oily, and in (act all along
Iron) theic to 1'oilUud; they are actu
ally making the "dirt rly" in earnest,
and soon will the track bo laid; it Ih
ald that coming events cast their
shadows before them, and I think that
the t-hadow of a railroad has certainly
lallcn on the Willamette, Umpqu.iaud
Hogitc Hirer valleys. The cams thread '
ol iuteresl binds all these valleys, nod
a railroad through them and at no far
distant time is a thing inevitable, and
not to be disputed. A few minutes
run on boat from Oregon City, brought
us to this tho Metropolis., the city ol
net jew' inn on th '. , . ." '. ' "
coast. Here, in Vancouver, we. hive ,,"""u, "' BJ ''. ' m tact ami in
CopHTliead employees and Copperhead
oftleers who do all thev can against the
Government. They show ed their co
nrs here when a H public in was shot
down in tho streets. In-tcal ol wear
ing the blue, they bad better don tho
Confederate Gray. The Regular Army,
when tho Republican broke nut. was
lortunately small, It needs purging
yet. When we seo an Olllcer a Demo
crat, we ahvnys think he couldn't gut
his living il h) were out of the Army,
asjhe best 'thing lie can do. Thev, of
couise, tlon'l like the lleyister. If we
published a little, sickly rebel sheet,
they would hang round tho oflice like
flies round a molussc jug. Wo havo
many loyal ofllrers, but some of tho
'doubtful" kind. If we were speaking
of store (in military language) we
should 111 them 'damaged.
truth Ihe illy ol all Oregon.
Yours again,
Dispatch FroM Sales.
Sai.i:ji, Aug. 7.Thursday lftHt a
mm named C. Morris was tnurdired in
iainlull county. Five men waylaid
and shot him on the roid, The' fivo
aie now under air. Ml and lodged in jail ;
four aro named Ilea and one Dean.
They are said to bo bad characters. A
, man near by wituened tho murder.
llio crops are reported good. A
million moro bushels of wheat will bo
harvested this year than, any former
year in this valley.
i' hn 1 t m r .1 with water in front ot
his I in V t the middle thread ol the
stieini. In virtue of this ownership,
he h.ts a right to tho use of the water
lowing over it, in its iiatmal ciureiit,
without diminution or obstruction.
Hut, strictly speaking, he his no pro
perty in the water ilsell, bit', the sim
ple uc of it while it passes along.
Ihe couse.quoiico of this principle is,
that no proprietor has a right to use
llio water to the prejudice of another.
It is wholly immaterial whether thr
parly be a propri. tor above or below
in tho course ol the riier, the right be
ing common to nil the proprietois on
the ilvcr, no one has a right to diminish
the quantity which will, according to
the natural current, How tn a propri.-
IIIH ... .... ll. i. s
.... uviun, ur in llirilW II IIIICK Upon II
pn.pl ietor above. This is the necessary
result from the perfect equality of right
nmong all tho proprietors of that which
it common to all. The natural stream,
existing by the bounty of Providence
lor the benefit of tho laud through
winch il flows, is an incident annexed,
by operation nt lar, to the land itsi-II,
hen I speak of this common right, I
do not mean to bo understood as hold
ing the doctrine that then, can bo no
diminution whatsoever, andnoohtruo
lion or impediment whateier, by the
riparian propiiotnr, in the use ol tho
water m it flows, for that would bo to
dony any valuable use of it. Thcro
may be, and there must be allowed, of
that which ia common to all. a reason.
able ime, The true lest of theprliiciple
and extent of use is, whether it it to
Ihe injury ol the other proprietors or
not. 1 he maxim is applied, Sic uter
tuo ut allenum non laedas,"
Valley Miix. This piece of prop
erty at Phoenix hat been purchased by
J. T. Glenn. Repairs have been com
menced on it, and it will toon bo in at
good order as any in tho valley.
Ilsre os hsait
The smoke still continues ia this val.
ley and see mi to be more intense than
All of which will be told
JnckMiirlllc June :.Mh. W. JantT-Sf
IS tin. Circuit Court nr lliu SUle of Orffsa
fur llii- Ooiiuly nf Jnckmn.
(.-orgv IM,'e plnluilffM Jsim 0s4c,
Irnil oil
.VhIi lurqully lo dlswlrs lbs narrUit rs
I rite .
To Jsnr Dixla I
You !-) rivmlri-J In anaMr in Ik mU Coiri.
Hint Ninwi-r lliMCMiaiUiiil est mitt Bltlstiff. Ms
sksIii'I von, wllhlu wit stays from the llws ,
Him rvicn nl Dili rammnui on yoa. (f '
illiriimtilnuiiljr,arirsiiVf4 en IN !(
any elliir ci.unly in III' Kll. Ibrn wllkls
iwinly dsyvlrma tbeservlc, or If strvsl t,
you mil or Ihe rfllenf Orvito'l, thus II It sr
ilrrdt llnu V I' Prim, Jud ofssM Cwirl.
Hist niliIciliui U- msilf fur sirrn wHs It
ih Ori-ami rfuvrisM,. prior lo tbo M-eond s-
dsylaNuirpnlrr.A- It"1- Aim! y.si srs
iniilM ilii, Ifyon (sil t nmmrr ssM t
iihklni m alfir.- rreihrl. ill- pUlnllf will sf
iily to Hn- Cuurl MMse relclf m-wsiMlH lrt;
In lowli ; for 4-Sjrt- dissolving tkr wrr!sM
coiiirsel now ciUWn ta-twesa yorlf tee
tiUliiiltr. (Jien under iw ktuds Itls Tit etf
ul July, A. I. ISI9. .
" " '
NOTICB Is h'ltfhi gl rw l tlpers tad tea
niiro-vs to nr rYow Crwwal City, lift M
Orifcsul City LlghWrOostatay will K
ixviflWs for any daaMit f fod t
rom sud allsr this . '.
rTW vtf kmNfj
tMlb, imskHM.
'jB'.v.g :vjt:yCT,'y-"yj'-
K. -