Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 14, 1869, Image 1

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. i
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville, OreKOH.
Trstflers snd rcridtnt Warders will flue
IMscnt In ArM cl onb-r. tnl III urry
1fy Fiipunor to iny ' i tlil M-ctlnn, and
urtttd by -ny In Ihe Stale. '
And plmttfnl Mippljr of tlic lift of every
Ihlnj Ilia liuirl slt'onl. will In) ob
tained for 1
II 12 It T A B T. 13.
No trmililrd will mrrd lo di-m Ihe pt
rng of thti IratcltuK ft nrll lli perns
tent cnwmiiilty.
Jek.Mnvlll-. Murcli SI. lsr.fi. if
"Peter" BrittT
Photographic Artist,
Oartos de Vialte
pose is the fisest style of m:t
Picture Iteiliucil
or ESi.AKnEhm urr.si.i:
Cliotc I. i'ior snd CI(r ftl) isti-f
701, MHrltft Cor. Krii- Sis.
San Fuvncinco, Cau
D't Hrl.llTr.U ir lite nlHiir nun. will
.11 Jm'V-iii.vUli- MiiMl'ini' In Ani'ii.
mi (l, mill will nllri.il in nil I iciiii In M- II...
jl lll iiiro milli r lli- tun i'l lil tctiif ii
iKriMiKli ili rnliiiiin il iliit pyr.
Physician & Surgeon,
jaokshy 17..;. tiitxmis
onici l lil n.iil'iK tie I lir Old tiit-U,i
If KSf.linl. nu (Irt'tn'i Hl.wt.
OFFICE-Corner of California and Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
II wilt pruetlfr In JkcW'on '-l sdjurrtu
mnllM, m Mkml promptly to t t.r liii
Iwik'6Trbck Hospital,
1)11. liRWIS OANl'NG,
WII.I. tlnd In miT wlin nm n-nnlr lit
.i-rvlrn OnirVslJI V. I))""l, ullli-i-.
n Ihe Ekt kMi- Sd WrM. lrKniiiIlli.iiovlf
n, rTnowixT., - n- wawom.
JncttMiitlllr, OrRn.
lIt. I.. T. DAVIS,
OppoHlto to Old
Jek nnvllK Ori'tinn.
Wimn Loae No 10. A. F, & A-JI ,
a III... . tinir ruittUr coniiniiiilciili'i
VV"". Ih WVUitwilsv Kvi-nings "f preceil.
VNlug ihe lull niouii. In Jacsm inv i.i.k oh-
ok A. M.1UTIN, W. M,
0. . Svio. .Sto'r.
AdminUtrator'a Notio.
r.Utf nf .S.milHl M. IUII lloctfll'.ll.
Tim umltirnigiirii hvlti Ix-en' ppolnti'd, tiy
ibeCnaniTlIourtof Jckun (.'uniily Oregon,
'Uinliil.lrtor of ibo aIiovm mtsto, all p.-r.nri?
htvlnuclftlnxiiitiiliiit 'I" nlslw r ncnoy.
imiingd In prM in ttm nmu.umv vrriiiui, mi uir
undtrilKiiiit hi hi. ri-fldertoe In JUu wlu pno't,
lo ulil coiiuly, within ilx munllis from lluiUle
reo, Anil .ill prrinni Indntiteil lo tho itte
i reiiuumi;.! 10 muku linnieii. puyintni.
.. A.U.XUUIiJOy, Adm'r.
Ditiil July llili, loci,
Kvcrv Snturitnv Mom Inn by
orrns, coiixeh 'C tf mini) streets
Per on trnr, In mh-ancj. four dollars; If
mil 1i within the I1M lx nmiilh (if lh jfir,
nv..j1..IUr5 if ii.it pM until iliu xp1rtlon
,,f .In.,,-,,,..., dollar..
Oni iiiri (lit ll'n- nr !). (!rt lncrlim
.,,...,.,,,-, .r,, ,,.,., .!,........
H.Nr. Ail'cniiiil 1. llliyp.r Mill, will li
IhrrPiliillir" 1 rufli nilrMiiiiMit In-crtlnn hiii
l.i,i;l Tfinlci" nci'lviil nlditir
Sprauue River Va'Uy.
" Ai..iiANr, July 20, 1800.
Kniio i Wii.i.sMiniK I-'aiimkii:
l-r..m. l.n.1 u-viT we pai over inns
wiiiieiviuii Mony, nu i iiuiiny inn ...-...!......, ....vn ...-
Iienil on the suuili -itlc, to a small val-, wilh th eiall i.m yo ir- p -l ; we re-
ley betw on L.i.i ltlv.r ami Spi-apm. ;r I" W. A. .M. I.-i.n. liiu ol the
It.vvi t.illf, wliteli, lor muck iiiMii. Am vrniin lu.uuut, ami I at .M ilonc,
Ii.i4 Mie in Iiic 'iwiiiH, ami liom llil, tinitily ol iheAlbi.iy ),Mntt, llwn
v.illey lo Spr.igue liver valley the tin. jiilllio Vo rulth I iui, ilti.ing the ,
In r is g.io.1 ami il.-ulilul. 'r, .....1 Mili-ei,... inly ol a Ke,ul.lic..n
Spr.ijuu Uier valley has
a length f
....Imps lor. v miles ami lies in an i,t
m I w...L..lv .lireetio... The western
.onion Mil the Klamath rwruitiun,
. . . I
I1.1-1. la il... !... .... f.,ri.,.mi...,
mm .. it .. i ... - ...:.. i
purpuS'H. lho v.illuv has a wnlth ot
liom olio to five miles, is i.iut illy
... ... .. ,
UlIMI .I'll If Ultll I III I'llU'VI "Ml IMV " "!
-&. tm . .11 t (! I Hi. IIII1IIVIIII I lilt I I 11 11
erly viil.-, ai.it on the north but little it.
a eonveiiicnt ili-innvv. Small eroek
an I good spiin.'s ol water are fteijueu?
.....I ..H.ua la I.1....I ...il Lull, tiniifili tun
Ul.li" I' .. - .
I i. v. .1... i.sii.. 1 .1... .1.... I ... I '
i m.iri.. tin inu iiiiin iiimi tin' . i
, , , ,. '
........ v;i n" l
le.is ftiuml. I liere
l eoTiKi.ieinoi
unrli liiiul in this xallev, with lin
Imv-trrMM gmwim: iu il. Wild 11 ix is
si-, n a'l ier the valley, and is of good
ginw it. Ttm growth ol everything
i.i-li. au- ih it the o'.l is good and pro
line he. cTliu rlvciMiiid creeks have
bin a mo'lcraio u irrei.t, ami abound
with fi-.li. As a gem r.il lliiliv'. their i
. o .i.niii-r in. on thin e.e pt willow,
in I lh.it tp'.re.
The wh de ol this iill.'V i quite lex
A near the liver and cvi ks, ee pt at
.1... 1.. .!. tl.. int. I. II. ti In r.i (tin
,H" ' .""".. ', . ' ,
eatiTi. line (.1 me rucivniiou is mei
lo c.O'H, there is lor adi-caueuol about
t mi miles mi the ilur what is called a
ea iy.ui, the hill coudiii; down to the
river, tho' loiming nu obta lo to trav.
cl. TheO. C. M ma I, as Hi.rveyed,
iiiiih tlnniigh till" valley Us i lit ire
length, yet no work ha I been done on
this pail by the. u'inpauy when wu
were there. ,
l'lmn iufnnnati ui un'cived (m the
main', from Inlitns), the winters nro
not ici ere, though considerable K'.
may lall, yet jt d ies n a get' ciydccp
or lav long at n time on the grotiml,
and the M-asnus mu.t be ipiile as early
as in tho Williiinette valley, as Indicv
ted by vegolat'ol. The Indians were
nbout eluding tloir oimas digging
when we passed through on the lot'i
of June.
As a wlin'c, ill's vall-y is ouo of the
most desirable 1 'r.ilili-tf wu vWted,
either fur fiiinttii or stock raising, and
willi'oubiles.. at no distant day bo set
tied, and the ovidimcs of n goodly
laud witm-Hsed and icalized,
Having r.mv reaelied tho western
boumlarv ol tlio "Uovua winnm,
will tany n week.
J. II. D.
Goon Mii.k. The following "l5,
were unanimously adopted by the Illi
n its and Viseousli. D.iirymn' Aso
tiition,toii.Biirutho delhery of pure
wcet milk :
1, That no milk is good which is
made Irom fllihy, stlnkiug water, of
sloughs and Irog p-nds.
2. That no milk is good that comos
from cows dogged, or overdriven in
hot weather, from tho pasture! to thu
stable.. '
U. That wo milk is good that conic
from cowh pounded or kicked by bru
tal men
J. Vo milk Is tto-pd'that .comes from
dl.ea.ed cowa-ow. t Jw vo ,sore
feg0E mtitteL..
Donslas County Correspondence.
Oakiasii O.is., Aug. 3d, 180n. -
FitiKMi Skntinki, or nil town' in
Soutlu'iu Ongon, Oakl.iinl ranks iro
vnnticiit in MiliTpriMis ami uimiovu I
, .
m.-iit. At tl.o pnvnt in mipiit ei'tiinl
argo nti.Uub.tiuli.il W.l.li.igi arc ni.,emH,M 5l rn, ) .K.,- t.a,t by
proacliiu;4 cotnpli'tion; Aniuiii thii-f
may be uoticcil an vxtetnivi tncrcliaii
tile liouso by Abraliani A Bio., with
an in iting .1 welling for Solumoii Abrw
Iiaiii K-q., ol tliis linn, ami also n cot-
trtge rcM.lene for Charley Vnll K.i . '
...i.;i.. ...i.. .:v i.... ..- ;........ i.rin
n iiiiu uiiii i vivniinu uic in wiHviii urn-
tion. Ininlilttion to thi'so inaiks of
.. , ., .. , . I
iiniKii.intv nml tin. rnntiniii'il iintirnvo.
1, , -,. ,
....,,,... . ,1... .,, ...;...,. ....i ,j,f
"un h t.l tin just uiu ci nn.t niiing,
7 . T 7 . -ry
-. -'" "j "r" l";' ,
iii.iiiiiiiKiiHiu u uiu iuii, .in.i
1 niii'i
1 in.i- in iik- ij.m.ii.iiiii,.
....! .. ..1 41... ............:
pro.nm-nt men.iie.s ..( Urn e-litonal
1. ! .. ... f .1 I ..
.niie.-m..n m wici.i.i, ui.Muii unu '
. ik I I I
J"""'-" '," .r. ji-i ner,on
ta,m to ","r 1s;:c,;" , ,,,,lir0.ve '!
l";aItl'. n,", Wik' U ,"l'',in hw
M'!lc '" U" M"f-'" ,lu,u",1 ,!W I
lit il ttur ir.iiit Iintwii mill ftlllt lliiiN Milt i
inning gei.tle.n:..., ami mujliieeils sue
eeeil In Wii'i', a it u.tt be eonceiled
Ins il nit., in journalism. During
,1'u - in
i'!r wur, one ol the titlest voice
h a .1 iu ileletisc of Hiiiublieau inlilu-
linns', in our State, was that ot W. A.
Mcl'heison. I'a .Maloue on the eon
!m;jitrary,.INc..ieie.lhinmlltolw one
most liltler opno.ienis m inu an-
, , ... . i i.i
ministration ol Lincoln, at.il one ol the
. , . , ...
., -,., iri. .nu in tin, rt'lii'lllon.
Mich an extent did hu exhibit hi run-
ir thai It bectnie mcecs.iry lor th ftM, Bl,,.rival,l4 L,vc H.IM0 , tl(. coun.
Ib.vernn.ei.t to suppress Ids Corvallis n (J rhv, f ,a53 mo Wft
ptpirt.oin the mail. Not lismiiyu.l i Krtfal ,.,,1, t0 tlo mines on Althousu
in the le.ift hu wuployed a pony I'X'jtVeck, whieh lis.s in the Siskiyou
pus-i and iu tl.-n ui.iun-r convey-'d his ifo,, m,a runs in a m.rtl.eily direc
tieas.in.ibiit utterances to the chivalry tion, iiiiitin with other tributaries
ol the t'mpqui valley, lor.sune lowlj,,,,,,!,, i,js rivcr. Thu diggings
uiiuilhs. Not iceehlng the revvaid lmJoll ,miVusu were very rich, tliu bed ol
iniigined himsell ciililud ,t at tlic thu fliciin, paying not only heavily
hand ol the paity, hed liabn.'iianout.',t quit,, uniformily. At one time
spoken organ ol, he iloliveiid his vale' Adam & Co's. books had a tliousaml
Idielorv, and Ic't i he Oregon Democra.',,,,,, H to obtain letters lor iu tho d ill-
A few vousMibhCtpient,
however, to the atonIshmenl ol nil, viously roided. Sailor digging was
.Mfclou:' was heard from in I luho, k re- thou a laiunus locality, a ditch was dug
eoiiMniilcl Democrat, and the leading hoiiiu tilecn iiiilef long at a cost of
editor ol a Uepuhbc.iH piper. Duri-ig hhuu scvculy llvo or eighty thoufaud
the lat Cox years hu ha been employ. doXiis to biiog w titer to the rich phi.
ud in thu -llh Ju lieinl Di-lriet Couitol'tnia ol this vicinity, and when fairly
California as Plmnoginjililo Uepoilorumb.r way piid lor iWcll the Hist year,
until in an civil hour, Judge Sawyer o It p.(id lu'avy dividend to its stock
that Court, appeared before a San fiohle.s for ten or twelve years, and
Kianei-C'i (Jr.ind Jury, ami made some many parties who live sumptuously
iinpluui-aiit rovelaii. ns, which resulted every day vivo their lorlunulo their
in the nin-H ol 31". M iloue, lor lorgory.' connection to tho Sailor Diggings
The imliit.iMit was ibiinur.ed to, and Ditch Company,
the demunvr Misiiiiucd, and Mftlone( sHcker Creek, a Iribiitarr ol UHnoU
diM-li.il ged to go without day, tl.o,rjvor .irg0tuibulent mountain stream,
com truling that Hie oflense a olmrgo 1 1 wnB uxtviinlvuly mined from I8M to
l.iihdto c.'ii.titiito tho tcclmical j ibuO. hut iliw diggings are dcop, the
p.ii. It I Malone's opinion, wliicli i4, 0iil.lit-H are large and unwieldy, the
not without inueii truth, thnt with ii.ntri'aiii an unmin.igcablo one, audi
libels went lho bra'ns of thu Deiiiii-thiiik never made nu ndequato return
eratio jiaity, leaving with lew oveop. .for tho labor expended, but Sucker
lions, a lenutaiit ot piiileinnal bum- Crck has never had its day, and with
mors, and ignor mt whiskey guzzlers. .c.api.r ,,b,(r and better facilities, it
It is nu therm lie )s, that naught but w yCt yield a guidon harvest to lho
the body is left the reason, tho b.ntu m,l ol adventure,
i gonj-consecpiently lie finds little j CnnVllI, Creui( Illinois Itlvcr nnd
power lull in them to npni relate tho q dleo Creek were mined during these
situntiou, They want hw power tojyMr!)i a gencii.lly with an adequate
irohcmUheneccfSitlesoi ini iiiih-ii.
While the Hcpuhllcan pirty is Impell
Inru-nrd on the tide ol progress and en
lightened reform, Duinoor.iey is lied
down to the "landniaik" of a century
ago. CoUMquenlly, while the ouo per
sonifies the progress, and eullihjen
mint ol tiu Ih public, the other is Him
embodiment ol stubborn prejudice and
national iilndriictimi, pi icing ita pollu
ted bo.1y on thu great highway of na'
tionul advancement, to hu ground to
po'vyder by w irresistible march of
progress and reform. Douglas.
Tho artesian well at tho Insano Asy
lum at St. Louis litis reach W a depth of
.j 060 f6ot, and is now to bo abandoned
, i, i10 rats"ed. The
t, a fe?l 00,k $2o6 per foot.
Joiephlne Coanty
rhoM statistics op ouKOo.v nr A.J,
- . i........ ...
I Iiircomiw l Bliuaici in iiic oouin-
- ,,. ,1ri.,MliKiB!i..iiii.l li..un I. d north
,..., - ... ,..-
by lho Ko .lle v,.r Mol, lUttt. w,i.h
Jackioii county, fouili by Calilornla,
ja,i WC!a ,y c.itry c-mniy, nnl cniuis
Rtl n,0i of nbi.ut '-ViOO nquarc miles,
I 'ilu- l.ico of tin- cmntrv U liiliv nn.l
ionie inrirt iniinntiiiiious,intiM8KTM-.l
witll V:.IIIh f ilch alluvial soil. Its
... . . .
.....In ,!,.,.l I-! nr... Imi'n lint II nli-nhlili
Lenlojii!iil l.ituiv!i hsvu both xokaiiio
, ..i,,,. .,... i il...iil, wttb
whiiiwi'iii I1H1.IHI- iiw.v . . w . '-
. . 11. ...11 !i.. ........ I
M'i;iri7. niill'H ui U"iu, ninur, umili, 1
' . . . , . ,. , ' '
j tlier milH.rJi dmlls, hliowlng to
lh1 exwili-iicc-cl miner iiilhtriel ol great
mineral wealth. Th.' huh ot tun cum.
properly ;
1.... . iiiteil.iiuil wel icmvitt luliu.iiaml. '
.. - ... . . .
m, ,1)r hi. toil. This county ha, be
,..,, R1 two thmiiiil InliiW.!
. . ... I
tft.,iN, with betwi-en livo nn-1 nix I !",
.iml nore ol laml uuiler euiuvaiiou,
., , ,, ...j,.,,!. property vnlu itlon of
1(,,oul e.j.vV)00. Ivetbyville, situ.ite.l
0u the Illinois Hiier, the hhln-towu of
thi c-iunly. is u 11 fly bti-Iiioii place.
wt, MI,tllffi. , ,,r,.,( meehanlc ilmii
,, oll(.r , ,. l,it. I l,.j-- eee-ary
,,or rtllrj,,lIng ,.lllllltl ,,.. The ,
other towns ol imp r. .me in iliUi-ouu.
,y atv I.,. I, Slulc Cr,-. fc. ami WnMo.
The lollowing Occn of till-
... i. i.Ij !.a...l...1u
c.iuutv lurni.heil tllo eoiiin.llee liy IJr.
Watkius, an eminent pr.icttri'iir hti
cian iu tint county lor ipi t a number
ol year, is a perfectly relijbl .it .te
mini il la t? :
Jii ) ' .ne county, in t'.e s .uthwcv
I..... ....rt. .u. ..I tin. St.iln fi' I riiiti.l fit.
fjUlloIl ns tfnry BO.S.W, ni n locality
- . . ,.i.i ...!..., 'ii... i;P.t ,.!...
iiiiiiji iki.i- i:iiiii ( imiii
lug of any imp irt.ii'ee was on .li.se.
phinc C.cek, which deiived its namu
fiii.i i .Innifliti.r ol (inn ot tlin miners.
erviit Inuilitios where iniii'-is hud pre
rt.tllri, for ,,bor expended.
Williams Creek, tributary of Ap
pleg.ite Creek, has had for tho last lew
yc.rs a hardy milling population, who
have met with n moderate return.
Jnsephiiiu is a milling county, and lias
hml all tho vicissitijdes of such a county.
Her oitUuus loading a roving life, and
having little to bind them to tho soil
mostly left during tho Indian wnr in
1855-0. Hor rich Minerals brought
back to her a reiu'wo I population, how
ever but tho grtit Fhisier Klvcr ox
cltemutit nearly dopopulate.1 her, and
now hu is oply tlo shadow of her o
mer scIK But, her rich platers are far
frombvingexhausted, There are rich
vein ol copper running into her hills
Hie most notioeablo one, of brhnzo,
som right or ten feot iu tliicknesfc, in
lho hill Utweon'WuTdo and Althotiie,
i.n.-,,yiH Vl.rv prtMluutivo when proiieriyiA
NO. 30
i but lor goino if.inoii nttptnpls to work
il Imve fiiilcd nlthotigh it uiioarn to lie
of urcat iitrity ntnl inevliHii-tUile in
ounntitv. Hut tin1 conrnT inltU'H tlown
iymfa jv,.r, will yet make b lm-ul
....... i t. t i i.. .-..n
11V UIIII'MIS. lilt.- WUIIIK.'! U Hlllllll III inn
,,'- , ,,,. ,, 11Mn.ie.ii.. .....vinu,.
tl,i0. Tl. , ,t!,4l, , ol tran-n-r-
I'lattor tt Hinoli have bci-n runuinsr
n tunnel for llio last tlin-u yntM,
tlirotiili n hoivy (livMvflo turn tin1
waters ol Altlnyp, so n mtln-ly to
ilraln tho btd of Aliliuuc Crivk. lltm-
nii.i-a mm iiiit-n iiniin 1 1111 111111 111. nil
....... i .1 .1. . ......
-.,,. w v.., ..... ...V .-
...l...w ....I... n.t.l ... i..i. klrlblll.r It
"Hill I.VI..I, I..H. M.v .. nt..n...H ..
. . ' . '
r:.,i. TliPmi two nneriiliiitiH I111V1'
!" 1,'c',0 ,wo optrjiunin imt
0,H.m.a nilltrict ot ureal miner'
Ueilth, ami which will aw,ik,n the
J0, iiie in laccr gol.l mining mi
A,10IISP, Tho rctut in of t hu Mulaehi
,..it i. .. t ...
, v" .,'. ,,,.,.,' llllo ,iMUlJl,eH ih.i tl.l-
i ' i r..l...l W .,
llll'IIMtl I'll" IIVIH lllltll"M W M !
Kl:,cit.0 house, who nro pursuing
t,cjr micrpil.o with !gor.
'hriiiigh this county is chietly a mlif
!,,, vouMy U1 h fm llllHIV ,,ol
1HM,k mill t.lra-nut valloya nlikh gen-
enHly rcwnitl the limbniiiliiinii toll,
J i..llitH ihmt Wl. M nnv poi.
x,m o Qrotron. ami i.raehes .lo' much
,)Clu.r llial, in ,hu Wilh.mctw, valley.
The whole rnimtj .s Well wooiled with
ll.e viitloiio lit.MiinI pine, the mo-.t no
table, fin injj -u, a wed us useful
mN, i the !i-itv .oi.arpiue. Uioveaof
o:ik ate M.itli.ed about over thu val-
leys, rest mbllug in thu distance, sonic
old orchard, and ncaur by furnlihing
the most deiightful resorts for a quiet
diivu or a brisk canter. To judge by
mv own Iccliugi-, I should s.iy that the
climate for pleajatitiiess ami s.t ub-it,
could not bu excelled. Thu quiet u.tliu
ol her valleys, tho graudness ot I er
valleys, thu grandncss of her pinuir
tains, thu healthful inlbi ticca of her
mountain streams, nil combine to make
Josephine county a desirable place for
residence, but, she lurks those attrac
tions which bind men to the soil. Shu
is isolated and shut in by. great moun
tain canyons. She is dependent for
supplies upon a slow, laborous ami
costly traiispoitation over tl.o coast
lango ot mountains.
Schools, churches, afsociatlons, do
not take kindly In such a community
us hen-, ami pel Imps abovo all she has
the inherent vice of nil mining com
munltiiH, that for every dollar taken
from her mini tA deposits sho is one
dollar poorer. Thoie is no accumula
tion, there is no heaping up by one
general ion lor the generation which Is
to follow. Shu tows that others may'
i i i 1 1 -.
Tiik Fai.lkn Son. Follow him home
fi urn the Mine ol his debauch. IIu is
an only son. On him thu hoies of the
family arc centered. Kvery norvo has
In uu strained to give him tho choicest
educ tllnii. Parents and sisters gloried
iu his talents ami looked forward to
his future fame. Alasl already those
.visions ure less bright, liutcr now
tho family circle. Parents currounded
by lovely daughters. Within the cir
cle reigns peace virtue and refinement.
The evening has bcoil spent in anima
ted conversation and the sweet uiUr
change ol affectionate eiidcanuct.
Hut there is ouo who used to share u 1
tlii, who was tho center of that cinle.
Il'liy is ho not hero? Tho hour ot do
votion has couio ? They kneel before
their Father and Ged. A vmco Unit
UM'd to mingle iu their prahes is want
ing, Au hour rolls away another
hoar has gone. Why has all cheerlul
ncs goner Why no those parouts
start at every footstep 1 The step of
the son and brother is heard. Tho
doof Is ope.ued he staggers iu before
them, and is stretched out at their feet
in tl.o loathsomeness of intoxication.
On who shall tell the sorrows of a homo
made dark with Bin ? r. Wayland,
A map in A'-M-i" W'.y. Iwa has
invented a cannon which lm claims will
throw a projectile fourteen miles, and
has gono to Washington to get a pat
ent. He proposes to offer it to tho
Governmanl for 1,000,000.
Many 61 the wavea of trouble liko
those ol tho ocean, will, ii wo awaty
them calmly, lii-tak at our fedt and dia-
appear, '
tf'rom Ow Samtnrnlu Tnlon, Jog. Clk.
Senator Willtaat.
The New Yoi'k WprUl feefs con-
strained to pass a high .eulogy upou-
Senator N illiams, and mljures tho Dim-
ociats olQrrgOu to"lnslir themselves
to see tlfavh'u is not his own successor."
Such a hich'ipimon li.-s the World ot
Senator Willi-itUH' abilities that ft inti
mates grave d-nibti wliOtlur the Ore
gon Democracy will or can find any
who can take his pl.ico without excit
ing iudividtious compatioou. It says:
"Senator Williams will be a hard man
to beat, and should be replaced by a'
Democrat who will be ot much sen Ice
to our party " It thinks "the Federal
Administration itself feels the necessity
of keeping in the man who lias helped
tin- l.iinn party dogs over more leghla
the stiles than any other Senator ot
their number." Nor docs the concess
ion ot eminence t Williams iu his own
parly satisfy tho ndmiiatiou of tub
1IVAA lis language imports that no
Democratic Sell itor surpasses him.
"The eonoriattvi' siireevoi of this
radical author of the Civil Uights bill,
tho Hvcoii-itnictioii laws, the Freed
men's Hurcni bill, and ihe prcunt and
former Teiiuiu ol Ollieu law ought to
be a in in nl abilities, and power to ma
them. ISe-ides, such a man will be re
qulicd to cquil nl. no-1 itny of the too
few but able Dcmocats in t lie Senate."
We hi Hove tin ie s t:t. Ice cm dit lor
autliolsliip given here, but Senator
Williams has Uinpi stimiably been om
ul thu most logical, camel an 1 cfllciunt ,,
ndvoc lies nf every one ol those grqai
ineaures which liave reconstructed or
rather readjusted our republic upon ita
true had ot equal rights. And we
agiee wl It the World that a worthy
succesrrof lilm must bu competent to
stand iu the front rank of thu Demo
cratic Suiiatnrt. Compaied with any
oT them .Willlam-i wa ea-ily first.
Uevcrdy Joliusoii was accounted their
ablest lawyer. We huvo seen what
slutl hu was made of. Their most con
slant and failhlhl advocate of Demo
emtio dogmas is Garret Davis, whose'
loquacity nuildllluieneis havo by com
mon consent changed his preuumen in
to "Garrulous," nnd who excels any
other Svuator in ability to empty tho
ilc 'i mi I ..illerys ot the Senate Cham
hit It is hard, Indeed to find among
the Democratic Senators a man of first,
clans ability, though wo may admit
they have had n very poor chance to
exhibit ability iu such a causo as they
h.ivasuppoitrd. Huckalow Is lugciil
ous, but not enough m to make any.
thing of Mich n fuse. Hendricks was
one ol the ablost, but ho was not appre
ciated at home, nnd his scat is taken by
a better man. Yiukers and Hamilton,
of .Maryland are said to show some
ab.llty ; and the H.iyards, of Delaware,'
t'm ig't "a hundred years behind tho
ft e,". are mqro Miltablo Senator,
though no better Democrats than the
sol oil Saulsbary. The weak lallaclua
and antediluvian statesmanship of
Ctssurly represent the parly as fitly aa(
any. We submit to tho Oregonlam
that tlivy had better note well tho
WvrliVs admission of their pi esent Sen
ator's high fitness, nnd seu to it that he
and no othor, 'hall bo Ills own succes--sor,"
Asldo Irom thu great faet of hi a
being abreast with tho progress of tljo
age, wlto can more honoi ably represent
or-intluonltally advance tho iiitorcHa
of tho l'aeiliu coast 5"
Young Mm You Are Wanted-
A lady writer under this heading
hits oil the men as follows: ,
A woman wants you. Don't forget .
hor. Don't wait to bo rich ; if you do ,
ten to one, you are not fit to bo mar
ried. Marry while you are young, and
struggle up togethor. Hut milk you,
man, thu woman don't w nt you If sho
has to divide hor iitnsclioiia with a ci
gar spittoon, or whisky jug. Neither
docs she want you il you don't taka
caio of llerandlholiltJo, after-thoughts
which are sure to tpllow, Neither
does sho want you simpy because you
are a mini, the definition 'f which is
too nptto bo-au iiiiiiniil that woar
bifurcated guimcuu on his lower limbs,
a quarter-acel ion of a stovepipe on his
lifiul. Hwenrs like a nirate nnd is given
to filthy practices generally. Sho wunta
you for a emniMiiiou, a helpmate she
wants yon to have learned to regulate
your appetite and passions; the linage
of God, not tho likeness ot a beast.
It you are strong in a good purpose,
film in resistance of evil, pure in
thought and action, as you require her
to be; and without which inward
purity, neither, of you are lit to be hus
band und wlfo ; if you loye virtue and
abhor vice, if you are" geutleraanly, for.
bearing and kind, and not loud-talking,
exciting and brutal, young man, that '
u-.tmun wnnts vou marrv her wbea
you like, whether she poor or richV
we'll truit you botli'uu the abOveeJwii
we'll truit you botM'ou thu
j dilions, without any further
security. .
i. .51