V t ;m(sv. IV . it it M i ' t. il m -.v ' fiSSSSSSBSj ! ( "" I I - - S Khh.1. r iisii.awBssssssMSMsMasMssiisMi mmm .. ihthil lATOtrUT Morsihu, Aug. 7, 1800. The CretcentCity Road- It is na!i by f vataitcn and others, that the Toll ".load between Waldo ami Crescent City, over which all the Jacksonville freight in hauled, i, this season, in a very rough condition. It appears that tho tolls .am colloetcd with gcat regularity, but that the lload Company havo paid but little attention to koeping tho road in a pass able condition. There is much talk among our teamsters and merchants regarding this matter, and il the road is not repaired there is every probabil ity that the freighting will next season be done by way of lied Mufls. They claim that there are advantages of trade oiuhat routo that will mora than com. pensate for n slight difference in freight, nd thaUt can bo traveled mtioh uarll cr thaa tho Crescent City road can. If tho freighting of Jacksonville goods by way of Crescmt City is nny advantage to tliaiflaoe, its merchants had bolter see that tho road is kept in good con dition, a the tcatnstora cannot well af ford to keep (tin repair and pay heavy toll besides. "A word to the wlso is sufficient." Tub ( Verier. -Senator Casierly'a staterinn: tint the Chineso are the "mo: ruga; and industrious people on llu I;.. e of tb v irtb" ius had thu affect of j,i ii.f, r. new impetus to Chinese im-mi;- i"c , iid j.ucetl tho aristocratic 'Oe er. ol tho Kaiton tbosideof t'.i 'i. i.npoiters, we give tho fob li'i .,: eftim-t from that orthodox T . i c"i..io crgan, the Now- York An r j'irilou like this, (mm a source so intelligent, will only confirm the South' crn phiutfM It their Impend estimate of the advantages of employing' Chi nese laborers. Tfwre is no law to pro vent their coining ; and if thenegrora should object, tike the California mi tiers, they Imvo no power to prohibit tho owners of plantations from consult ing their own interests.. Considering the vier taken of this subject by the Ko'uth, we doubt whether Senator Car. serly will succeed in making opposition to Chinese immigration a Democratic issue. If our Domocratiu friends are slm-oro t" their out-cry against Cliho.o labor lepeal of ta Income Tax. Tho repeal of the odious Tax, known as the "Income Tax," which originated during the war, is now being deman ded by tho pcoplo all over tho country, without respect to party, and it will be the duty ol members of Congress, at tho next session, to comply with tho almost unanimeus wishes of their con stituents In this particular. It is im possible t enforce its provisions equally, as is apparent Irom tho books of the revenue officers. This makes the law dctostable to all right-minded men. Wo shall, in common with all our country-men, be glad when this tax is altogether abolished. Its inquisitorial character has made it narticulailv ob noxious to tho people atcl it is indeed at entlro varianco with tho whole spirit ol our institution. In all tho older countries of tho world, where oven the most tyrannical nnd burdauiomo form of gorcrnment prevail, it has in the uourso of yean, undergone many and important amelioration. In copying the system of taxation from such sour ces, wo have taken steps backward nt last A hiuidred years. Whilo a devast ating w:r hsted, on the success of which not only tho destinies of our country, bat the liberties of mankind If ponded, the government therefore letter Freai Pilot Sock. A multitude of business perplexities, and tho painful condition of my sprain ed wrist, have combined to prevent mo from giving an account of my pcregrui ations and observations during thu past three weeks, and now I can only make a brief rccotinoisaiicc on what could be made to appear by a more efficient wri ter quite an interesting field. Tilt: TRIP lO ll'lB COI.fMIU.V. On tho morning of tho 13th lust., I had the honor to leave Portland in com pany with our Congressional visitors, and a multitudo ol Generals. Judges nnd other distinguished characters, for an excursion as for up the Columbia as Cclilo. Having lull Portland on tho steamer C'ttscudtf, we soon reached the Columbia, and at about ten o'clock ar rived at Port Vancouver. At that place wo onlj 1 layed sufficiently long to disch irpi' a .mull pirt of the cargo, and then Mcitncd onward toward the Cacndo chain. Hcforo twoihours had clnped lofty crags, on either hand, nnx unit oc.irpmenti of vast altitude, and fir covered peiks, rearing their sum mits t'l is in Is nl feet nbove tho river, told in. that ue.woro in the verv midst of thu Cueido mountain', where, by some great convulsion of nature, that great chain has been torn asunder to , Wliiif narrow and immensely ' Water Rights and Irrigation No. 3 deep, alter which we continued on our mvKM. & watso.v, ait'ys at law, waV to Dalles City, where wo remnin- J MTOtlMJ,t 0K, uot) ...i ..i.i iMorninif. The moHt notniito Lttter FreaYta Hex," Kt ''AIM 111111 A ,n .. . . 1 leather mM I, Enc. -yagcon the j Thoro , ennr in a;tloo ,. ber ! -' , -- .h. ,1 onsuimr day was our meeting with the :2 l.no . Imm the lop, water rf.rml.rf, ,, . ' " "t i, Dpon Iron, its natura. channe. -I.onl.1 rend iwrtcr . ,,, JV J. divot. j.. ... l m i are dj. v -" "'! uniiiie ami r.il, irrepressible Oeo. Pianeis Train nt the Lower C.iscai'es on h'n way to distiu guish himself as the champion salmon j A subscriber last week enquired into the grain JL. ,v 'j,. ''liB fisher of tho Columbia. Of course "what do you mean by ri,,,l,m ,.. cln u.an,slvn' " ,lUc '"a both steamboat and tntin had to re- rerorV and this week another inquires (jiUl n ,,B, , (j , main until George Fmncl, with char-'what do you mean by riparian ,,rf IIt.r- frm your t ,u , , "tn ol nctciiitic vehemence of language and t,temtntV Heforo proceeding further ' rMfileallnir Alex M i U.' U" a. I... l..w i.niMin nl' lii.H let us define theso terms no the must ' i "' . . . . "ilCr anlrCoL ui-nuiiv, jji..v ..-. ... -w - , .... . . itossnnnr.ir in in. n.n UlllL'lillU "in iiiKicmiuuu ll varimiHliotiire, skipping from one to another wnh mi 'i rip, l.ty that it was an fficirl to I -llnw turn with the mimLJ .. ... . I.... -i ..:.Tn Jie accilk(MI "il' v iiij;i i:.iniiiiii . -.- tors of having '"U. captured by the lhiik ol California, piiuted a glorious pictuic of Otegniv's Intuie, but malign ed hef iieoide, represented American women as in a state of abject slavery, renounced his allegiance to the l'n"l States, det'lared himself leader J V celfr. mint AMif:. ... "ni. nr ,nn , ..... " J Klparlat, proprietorls defined to bo ..;, .W3amon'''olf , A I . ' ...- .. ...I uill'PI. I lie owner ui muu uuuniuug upon a Wa ter course. The term tttttMtut has been various ly defined by different authors. Hon vier in his l.aw Uictionarv :is "An was largely excusiblc or electing to ullow tho mighty Oregon to rush on . ifltllO. . w carry the war to a triumphal),' iftio. Out of the uecesity for raising a .'uill' in of dollars daily, to meot life daifv duruands of the republic, grew this ob noxious law. It had no other reason for its existence, and notliiug.else could have palliated in operation, which turned the great army of revenue in spectors into special detectives with every man's homo lor thw field of their inquisitorial exploits. Tho urgent need of tho measure has hapily passed away, and iu Us absence the tax also should pass away. Iu 1811'.', when the original law w.t framed, tho fact was distinctly understood and so announced bjr the frnmors of tho act, that it was rcly and altogether a war measure. Hut now tho story is changed ; our statesmen havo adopted new views, nnd there Is every prospect tint this harsh nnd burdeusomu tati&s to continue in definitely. .Section 110 of thu amen ded act ot March I, 1807 illsttnctlv fixes a date for its termination Ifay Ion. McKay arrived here launbtt direct ,om camp Warner. A U -Mcintosh lea Warner seine time i ( nnd us it was not known uUr I,. t ici in in nun wii-iiiiiiurv ti.s "All ,,..,, .1 , " easement is defined to bo u 'liberty, ' "c rcl',011 wcame gmml that privilege or iiriviiutmic, which onu man i "L M'1" C,UK """ the mountains sit I, may lisvi- in the Itiud of another, with- the Snake Indian-). The muim,,t i it r.ilit ; 11 m.iy arise by deed or tire-'. was int. imc atnom- ilm .lit ' es, det'Iared himself leader . J t' . riiin ti. nl .Melvii wis I il I , Kl" ic ritee, preached nn orthod s.-f- "I ni nil ino irpor.il hcredimont, ,.' , ,. ..' "'" "' "' ,,,L' m" , and then a discurse in the Vn. -v.d '!..: spm.ds nearly to ; the -r-i-1 '?"",, U'1' l-'lLo,v",,',yt fct- " "V -'"roiiiitii'ii ailUciMufpl by a pa. y of ritlre,,... wf, Wi(,.,. .1. .. ... .......- ..ri !..ii i t ncso tongue, cave an .-.ceount of luh ft-r- . " V v' ' . " ' ",v un " "wv -- '"... ! .1. .-..,. n-.i, :.. i.: nv n iinnv- m ii:...... ..i . ... ..i.i.. -i.i .. i).:.!. I. .i i.! 1I....1 ii- ' MiniiHiiu iii ins irru.il i .- 'vii. hi hi iifiiMti.. iiiiiu lain on jiriiinu i4)iiiiiiin.i, iiruu uu . f- . . . , ,, , -...v. ,, some sulpliuriu e..iCrain. deel-ired t!eo. wo' k " ' wni MV- wscmeiu I,,,,M. ,0. W' Ml"'-h. "fi-.i.l .Kltrraia- ilo.lgo tint onu neighbor hath -''' ,0 h.vg him right ii why do they employ It ? I M place -'that the taxes on incomes heiein " im- re can namuadoxencoo 1 constitution nl Dimoemts who havo Chinese cooks and dish washers and wo naturally con cludo that the whole question in con- rniicu oy doiiats aii-l e.-nts. Pom I.AMI Ac. incur ami Kkuack Skni.vahy. We li-ivo received tho cat nloguu of this seat ol Icirningfor 18u. it comprises, males llU, females 111: posed shall bu levied on thu first day of March, and bo due and payable on or befora the thirtieth day of April, iu inch year, until and Including tho year uigiiWrn liundro I and seventy, and no longer:" That, wo think, should fin.illv l rvuiu uiu uiaiicr, p.irucuiariy wnen we consider tho character of thu tax its many objectionable features and tho total 2."3. Tho 1st quarter Ix-trius "igency that called it lorth, which no fifcpt. dth, and ends Nov. loth ISco. ,0"Sor cxIt- 1,ut B"ch bt not tho de- ard to the km. No American that has not pascd thiougli this wonderful chnstn, with its frowning c!ilh its ev ergreen groves clinging to volcanic mat'ses thousands ol fvel above tho wa ter's pJge, mid its water-falls, loig theniselvvs in spray alter one nst leap, only to gather again, pcihap, and plunge a yet gri-uer niMnnco towards thu Columbia, should uroi-t thu Atlsu tie .to enjoy thu natural beauties ol Old Kurope, and I coueeivti that no Orego- ni m who h is not bulked upon the mag nificence ol Columbia scenery should leave his own .Slate, oven to viit the grand gorge of Yoseinlte. At noon we were at (ho lower (' i cade, and ehaiigiug ft out the steam boat to the cars on the Cascade Hail road, we sped behind tho iron equine, in n period olwolvo minutes, to tho upper Cascades, a diifmee of abouj. seven miles. At the lait mentioned. 'll.T-'O WO wen oii u;.,:.!' '.'! Omontii, nnd ariivt-d at tho Dalles al a little pist two o'clock p. iu, Wrnt tin into tho town, which by thu nay is wellrit-fplii-hed physiciiu DontM fi- detr, in America, and .he onlv ', i ZZL .T l.l'u,rVhf,,.Cr,.,,lli0n' i ''u "I""' ,,,im lyl ..,.,.,., "Hlioiit prolll, nnd it U illiMt rated as to Cum p Warner, wln-rn d,. ui man h,t ciild reach thu IWIti.ti.il , Wrt) r k through b'sh.nd.orM.eh ' trouble in v.t S , ,,,.M chair in S7i This fearlul torrent of like. And. iu nnot.ar ,-..... I... ..nr. . "I,lt "l.M,",vil' them Hut ittr .v..r.i. .,.i..i.i...i :.. : i i in I'Kinir illnimil,,i,4 .,r,.i,, ,,:" ''"' lit I lie wruaL- h-iii.l.,.1 Mum.! riiiirnivM in .iit-ii. niiiiiii'i aim n n "- -'. mii. my nru- Sff i i '' a short time alter we we.e rapidly l"'M' "l,c? k.nt ri',,,?1 -V, iln JJ'-'"l'li.issliiU. turn , up t CW. I 1,1 It III... Il.sllt (i. a. ..II.. a.. ..... .. t IlilkilHii steaming doun the ri.er At Fort , 'MuuA Tl T Snake Indians ,rc , ,, ,, nncoiiriT a military band gave us a . find n, iwnr , ,(. ..rei.sed bv I r, J'" '.,,,, '',C'r "U Hjrenado alter which nothing of panic! "ne person over thu laud ol another, ""- M",IMU Uioms-ln. Tliry liar eonseqiienee occunrd until ue ' uhl ' The right acquired by time l'"'c '" ",0I""I ll'tf g-irri.e;, to Ue . I ... .. ....I 1 .. . a .1(1.1 .Mi.!.. I -1 to send noxious vimnis mir -i, mil, .,'. uud trade mini-dL-i,ni.. 1...1 i.. I,, , , - ........v. o -, --- r..n,v v.i'i nunc ; ''i:."".:: ter. ":'? inxnuvaum '.". --"'"' : v-i-eineiin , or les.S llituifnnr.i- u-.il. il.. r...i.. ' ' .ii'iimi-. I nnd St will be a y,nfv j,.,,,, .. .1. f . . reneiieii roruniiii nifi tiirneit our vim. tors oer to lieu llolliday, who iiniur uatoy gatlien-il tliem on board the i. -ire these! It. thev arc Inpornor,! - ",l Orlfommt and started with them lor I 'hey lire Imposed iileoinoreal mimrriv. I :. a '""tf "'""fi Puget Sound. (Sco letter bv C. in the u",, "ol "P011 'ho owner thereol ;,(. lK',' ' '" outbreak il ilm udUu im Sacramento L'nimi.) )m'i t"""-T no "'" to n p.u'.ieipalioii aowel l ramble arnuiid a, they rovi'l i-Hinv I i1 'l"'ll 'Vi MICf. pinpor- COMUMIO.N. v : lib, they an.' impoM-d for the blue- In fralein nothing ol espucial import Hit ol rot unreal iir.,i,.nit-. . a.i. has occurred lately, I believe, of more I'hero tnust b. two disiiiiit tenenients! jonsrquenre thiiii thu ehnngu of uwti r''lu ''"'M'lj-'nU. to which the light bo-' prisentatinn of a eauo nfnrtist u work- jary tint the dominant and servient' cs- !... I... .1... I . . iii.iiiniiip ii uiu iiiuiates oi the tieiiituu tiaiy to Marshal II, Woi ir.iyr. ..... ... .. ........ . . .. ' tnteshoiihl be in contiLM.it v uiil. rm-li other, A emu ran for a tight to pacs do. A vildidr belonging tiCait. UuaW eoinpiuy nt I'lannth, wa. drovrmd in Wi!liamnii rim l.vt u-ek while til ing to f.ir I the stream on hnrsrbirk We learn that a jiuty ol i!cnlurr eekor. from Kjigue Kiver ulley m now at Lake .Mnji-stv, cruising umn its iiiucnnu piniu Hai.rm a imat i.utlt ' over the It. UN nl mi.-il,..i- I. .... ...... . V I VV, w """NJ h"rt,,l""'."u I met extending ,,y to te. n.o.aiy , "' J1"'!'"''. , " h remirH-d .hit li . and he eon.meneennt euicisei disturbance of The owner's ... "' -Sf ! UV-"ir "' l'a,tl' ",nP ' ,f if i thv I niiers lv. I havt'ontov-...! ...... 'Tho . .rim.... i'.....i. '...' .. . ..' . ladies, von mav we I im.V'iiu- that il.. Iluxl.en.clv well. eoiiMder!,,,. ,lin, ' i !hu owner or occupant ot the .,,.,-' :''Jrc 10 w ami CT,.lorv Like Wajn-y ' Tie tnutees elulm that i is not sur .PMmkI by any suhool in Orogou as a i mvjuw ct nt quiring a thorough and practjaul (muIii education. Xixon of tht Yrtka Journal propo- sos to do tho Coualf printing: of fciski you oomity t so cr Joht less than it is.bei.ig douu byhU Ucuiocratiocotem- porary. The Domocratio board of supervisors ,hvo not yet decidod .wh.ther they hould .save a brtro 'itaOlllt ol nnnn I. ,1 I . ' I'eopie or loroc UieuUo.aupport a, (ensiouer because I runs -with tho,uiaj.,rity. Pullman, tho celebrated palaco eat ing and sleeping car man, is now build lug a grand church car to run on Sun day trains to run on tho Union Pacific Railroad. Wo suppose it will bo run by a high pressure preacher, and havo little "boll" iu ono corner for tho ton fit of thoio who are sportjngly Inclin Joski'iiixk Cou.ntv. Wo learn from Mr. Caldwell tho Waldo mail coillne .tor at times aro still very dull in Joso .phJne -county. Thero is oonsideruble sickness thero at present mostly chills nnd fever. An old man named John- son mio rid b.en it soldier under Gen eml Jack m .(led nt Wldo a.fowdays ainr". Ho was in his 74th year. WAMiisirox :.I...u-.Thomas Mc KfiwI-. .'.nd Ilnskilt Amy havo purcha-t-ju" tlta fine pi'coo of property from Mr. Ilopwood. Tlio brand of flour hereto fore munufaclurod at this mill has had uuuj.cclle.tt reputation but the now ,o'ni n,onij 0 m.,ko lt g(i, beUe.( tmvlllir ll.r......!.! I . .. , ... a ..,.-v-vjujy overnuuieu too ma termination of our law-givers. They propose to give this act a nuw exten sion of life. It is announced, on good authority, that thu bill of Mr. Schcnck, ol May II, 1608, will, during tho next session of Congress, become a law. If we may believe the statements of those who ara in tho best position to know anout it, the fact is already a foregone conclusion. Against tho ro-enaclmont of any such law tve. earnestly protest, as a measure unjust, mi-republican in every ono ol its provisions, And owl only on theso grounds, but because it is unnecessary. The public credit may to maintained without it ; thero aro other avenues of revenue less of, noxious to our citizens, less burdensome, Sf more benefit to thu people and tho country. Let thoguai. diaus of the country finsneos turn their attention to the capabilities ol tho uatcd and important, and alter Inspect ing thu machine shop, soinu other in i!utr':tl institutions, and :i taleuted and well educated monkey siisfreuded from n wire iu a beautiful and Well ui ranged garden, we took I ho ears tiniu mid in mi nstonMiingly short hpace o time, were nt Culilo, a miiaH village fifteen intli-s nliovo Dalles City, nt tho montl ol tlio Uesehettes river. Hero wu I... spected thu warehouse of thu O. S. N. CcV., whioh is about nine hundred feet long and njqartiilly about twenty-five foot wide. Wo remained at Cclilo a half an hour, nnd tho members of thu party were usually occupied as they had generally been sinco wo left Port land. Somu were, disuniting tho grand eur of Orogou scenery, some the tiros- pout of government granting franuhiscs lor certain internal improvements, some making succcsslul attempts at wit, and soino mUcrablo failures in their cfWu to bo particularly bright, some clo quently discoursing on tho greatness of our nation, and some on tho Quo flavor of Columbia salmon, whilo Judge Ke. loy, of Peiiuiiyhauia, a fuw other notn blu Qoutlanioii and mywlt made a trca ty of poactt and amity with an impor taut re.l brother who stood nuar by with a fuw companions. During tho conference said Indian chief announced i tta . ... ""lima lijsA.tn'A it.lAiitA have a long while boon nllended bv a 0l c! WI"1'" "lv Wi' !l '"' n , r , X ,n,i r ,i.. j;. flirgeon.Jin.lcired for by an acom w lbs rjgliUol a rlpm hi. pn.piie- v ,.),!, ,l( ,,, i votir liitlr My I'm? is one that ' r " ,ilu" Umo l ,n,w' cl,vi ,f" t,,om ,0 camc ,,lt ',wi ' deal ol interest t J ing tre.un .f water, mc to use It for will be glad to do all in our limilhl ,,,,. ,0CKi ; any m all hiwlu. ,...r,.u,. , bile It is I M tS'! Salem. July SIM, ImW. , J' K, H "slum riirniui, over his I ,, nmw p rrmfltion, M, , ,, - . , I ' ,,", ,lllt 'h specific water that nny I hd,-. Cmno out and try It. Yiv.Vot Mmji-i.mi Ciii:. Ut heir that be thus i.a.slii' i not I.U .,niv v. . ' ibout thu h-t of July a young mail by lecpt iirniib its use! in.r li In. iri..l.t 1 MAUHIHU. HIS I'.IUSCII II goo this i-omuiuiiitv. llir iiiinn ol iruntor. ol llr.r.v.Kville, to detain it oJieiwi.e, since the lights ' kuk.n'CII .wii.i a. IU..7 "5J5. formerly ot Iloguo Iliver valley, .vhilu ol all ripmian proprietors t n nn Ti.ml.iy. Juljr sail., l.y f. TinkHsm J I. . driving ',u,p through I..M Kiver val- U.cani, i i.-pcei ..!, ho wateis thereof, UT11'"' '" ' e, got onu ot those largo green fi.e r,., i thi-eyt-of the law, equal and JJeVKII.-MATIIBiVS -.".n-". ,V. in h.s ear, and it being several hour- I, he ,-,,... T 1.11....1... ., L. .. ' . V",",t.r-,.,.. -.1:. '.'' ';. J': . TiA L'r. 1 - " .''w, mm, ,, .in. 1r.1v iir" MV.ll Ml umiiw Vll. ,v i- -- - tariff, or to nnv other sourco nnt so onerous o distasteful to tho publio as l,mt ho. was ready talehd'all thopow tho income tax. Hitherto thuv havo ors "! ''Is body and soul towards tlio htloio he could get it out, hb. ear be (Minu lly blown ami troubled him so much us to nearly drive him mad. llu started for Fort Khtuu'.li on toot ami nlone, traveling a distance ol (10 miles, in two days, to procure medical aid. I pon his arrival ho immediately called upon Dr. Tolnian, -Surgeon at the post, who succeeded iu a short time iu extra- calin-,' kuvural wormi threu-fourths ot an Inch in lu.igtli, which hid eaton in ... .I.... .. ...1 in. 11. updii using a Nyri.igu to wash out hit. uar, thu niediuino whioh was injomod into it, run out ot both his mouth nnd iiuac. Ho Seas hj far relieved that thu second day altur tho operation ho started for homo nearly Well. Tho operation was performed tho Nixth day. ot these to sutl'i-r k in llnu.-I., il,.. ... Ms. !. prictnr below is equally Mringei.t and ' imperative nc his tight uas to have it flow to hint fretiMhe projirietor aboe. These rights of" riparian pioprietors, though coming under thu head of what are called "Xutioi.al KaxcmcnlK," aro not, in fact, tho ie tilt of any supposed grant, evidenced by long acquiescence on the pan id a supeiior, of tho flow of the water from his Inm to the and be- .?' "' ftwr ttj'tsl J-. sur Is ii. low Tlw, r!l. 1 ,(. : .. fiirm-r. r,i nvilnl In Lrlii; IW " Ti ion. I lie right of enjoying this flow, r Uimiie4l.rcilm.. , ' -V ' uiuioui iiixiorii iiu-n ui. i, :.... 1... iiimi..h- - - " 1. illipilWII iiv any other proprietor, is awjurc ixitura'r mill is nu incident of property in tho laud, nt an appurtenance to' it, MU tho right ho lint to enjoy tho soil itself, iu its natural slate, unaffected by tho tortious nets of a neighboring land owner DIKP. , . FKIIU.V hi JnckM.iiTllU.tsliT.nrrjirJ Snr -lhrii.il. Calhsilnc fc hk, l H .r 7 inni.ilis anl 7 itji. t N BWWOiv " Tlonr! nirll TW ' I IIK.ii...crllr hsrlnxr""'fllu': I iMimv r llor.p Jfmi MiFt' u UiKK.N7ltJ Ws'liliiKlnw Mill. Awn " ' " ASHLAND MILLS NOTICK . Iierl.jr Blfn Ihst until rt'!'-1 nl fuDl.inbtr iirl.erUeioirr'' yielded to its operations, if not always ciiccrmiiy yet with patience; hereafter (boy will not yield to them except un der protest and dissatisfaction. This is ono of t.'.oso bad laws mentioned iu (rant's inaugural address, which should by its own want of merit work its owu repeat; .nrotii.iilnn ui i, a ....:.... 1.. . ... "" "" r nn.-ip.ee 01 univer sal liberty. Hu also declared diis in tentiona to do all poiwlblo towards wring mg an roaiiKinil to reallro thoii I.ran n4 iliorls ri.rum-J,pl"f, ci Trr- t .. ii-asl roM. pii.Mnft ur tnis ''""; Wh.ro IIih wl.ul U btuuk'ii iM'W'E I i I... U-lll tU Ml W n - 1... .. . '. . " i . tii'iir in pnnioriii.". .. . - oojii'mmkntahy to "Ln."I)i H0v 1 , ' '" r il luseparnlile i.icident to I '..U'.i ..I i.r!J. r..r k st well, resident physician nt the fSirotz , n-iiftiiiip ol land, mudo bv an in Ilesen-ation, says it would pay farmers I1)1'"''" rulu 0' iiW ai "bso'luto and on the, outside better to como and U;kyj,i",, rl8ll, u"1 t,ai h' 'Q lost by .vn-...ii 01 inc iiHiianH than to bo to a a "' ,,v-'"y years an verso pimsess- .".. .a.ih u cntni-rv. fciind. Aniiuxi. Mii.ti'i. MUnd Flouring Mill '"M until S, .'frturu too ruseni. nt They jyy ttqw re,dy t0 proijrjiHonf aro now wtit. ' ,;. "' excianeo tor 5!t Mii.ll Hopl. 20th. 'I'liol, ....... VltKKA JOUIIVA... "upuoi.can paper lias entered on jts soventeenth volunino with increa" prosperity. It is a very model of a eountry paper and Iro. Nixon richly deserves success for his energy and en-torpriso. A Telegraph Office Js soon to bo opened at Grants Pass with Mr. Ma gruder as chief oloutrician. It is intcn $4 for a repair station. auKrrr,-.We should havo credited nu article on tho outsido ol last iunn .entitled "Jackson County," to tho Sta- true relations towards tho Urpat Spirit and 0erior Wood. Started on re turn, aud a mils and a half below Celi lo tho oars woro broucrlit to a stand in porratt tho guests to visit tUo salmon -TIum excellent ",,,ey tn'4 reat Cascade, whore tho. waters of tho Columbia rush furi ously over nnd between immense ledg os of volcanic rock. Tho river appear od to bo just literally filled with fish, nnd tho manifestation of enthusiasm on tho part of our visitors wa wondorful, Nino 01 ineni, with gig and spear aud net, for an hoiir stood like spectres in tho mist of the fall and rolled out tho floundering salmon. Wetting tin der way again, we only paused to tako a look at tho Dallos, where tho waters of tho great river aro confined betwoou masses of atone scarcely a hundred vards inaj-t .ui l n. . . . f, -f-..twm, nWI HIH l-rOUmlMU .Usticsof Oregon!' '"Wo n,?w do , would actually sri-m to be iufndi!i Statu Fair. While tho Doctor is niiitu pompliaientary to Mr. Indian, itmrikes ui' that bo is very rough on thu Statu rair. Hkaud FnojciMr. " Wm. Clarko formerly telegraph operator hern I. ... agontofthoU. P. U.U. ftt Wahsaloh under a handsomo salary. Ho bu charco of tlUf ,nA -..il. . . ... 1 1 i . . "v,S'n uusiuoss and also of tho telegraph office at that point. NBWM.A,.1!,rc...u:8i7clai,d hu sold tho Oyon City EnttrprUe to partie,, who ,t i'beliovud will make it a Democratic sheot. fill ji Jjf.aUfaift ?r.. . a into tho hand, of S. A. Clark who has changed its name to tho Oregon Union. . ..i maKe 11 a live Hcpubli can Ue An.Ai Jt,utri U aooi. to be started at Corvalli., n, 0C U to gobble up the "inferior raoe.'S rT"l"i Tom ..leaning out Pemofirary. K " aiii tltc proprietor mav I.e..!.. tn eerciso his rights as to the water when ever ho pleases. Hi, right does not depend upon tho exercise ol it. Shaw .. .. Mm nnu auiu ju.lgoof Massachu setts in Johnson v. .Ionian, thus states iu a summary form, tho right of a laud propriotor to a natural b.i,,.. flowing through tho saino: "Every person through whoso land a natural watercoiu-so runs has a rlii .....-.. ln .u. 1. ' . , . " "" J ' V . . ni" ol "1 It Passes imougn .us land, to all the u,oli, pur Rosos to which it may bo applied j and no proprietor ol land 911 the same wa, torcourse, oithcr above or M.i 1... . right, unreasonably, to divert it from flowing int0 lli8 ,)rcmj8t.8( or obltnwt,t igil III! 1 ,. . a, il) Al.li.il Mills. Auit-aih. ! ""FaWicijxivbwitv," ; KOHr.'.TiOKOVr, OKBOOI. m;v s. 11 MAiuH,n, I),....... rn KKV. II. I.VMAN, A Mr V'?T. GKO.II,GOf.MF.It,A. M i'rtf of 'r,bJ" JO'S. W. MRjlf, A. M.ii.l'wr.'f UP A. J. ANPKHSIJN .M. IJInelpsU'ilfW; Mlt.V.t J. .4NORU80V.l...r,r;iTr FOUIt CUUIISKS OF STUV-JJJ22f Seltullfle. ColUglste ssd LsdlM WW"" Mualo tsuihl. . . .,-ji AUitmy Vts bClsi tbs Ui "J.fTi of J ny. Col lego year bf is th rl "' ol .Ji.giitl liet. For psr.lealsrs address! UlM n passing from thorn l x '-- . - - emsjs?s.fcsi -t TJ A nr tn .... d..r :. t. ,."-' - w. "P or tnVi . -, ,ttPParPV annexed o tho soil, and pusoa wltn UnotM; oanoment, noras an nnnurti.nl..- k..? "parcel. Use does not create it,' and -7' up7 or 8u,,Mj.,d il. Unity ot nosseastan ni .t- . L tha I iMd With JHU ftbove t SJZ Adminiartrator'si Kptiot- GttsU of Samuel ti, ifsll iu,w Ttis u..deniBacd bsTlns Utb .SrHiUWS lbs (aiily Cowl of Jwk Cousljr.WJC AilinlnUlratn or ika ahdra MlsUiSli " . bsvlnjrelslmssfslsst ssld MfejfKvSjS aoliRsd to irwai lbs mm, dulj f4n"f' " ' unuf rfijrm-u ui bis rriliuc" TT3iIai In tsld 8iilyKllMe lx-asisIiaWyjK brreof. And ll Prsoas 4K WZ.7Z: Ostrd JhU Uih. IW. , - -trme ' z-i nrtVwrR " " ,,tn pl"J?Uish it or suspend it," j.ooTiur, . , . . . ....f u.t..au. seieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieieie i