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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1869)
"" .. r i. -..' r.'..n . . jjii 'in n-i slim LLbbHbv ni Mm SBKTINRL Si-rtrr.nAT Morniho, Jut Hi, 1800. ' "" "Tho Groat EI5Wt!,r Will' tleorgo Francis' Train 'has coins :md gone. He passed us free lo hi show We VIII rccrprocato nd not charge hi in a cent for this notice, and v ill criticise him fairly. Train, in "on'r ptrtinti. is tint a natural orator, bot'a'n artlfleiafoiic. He is a mlictiireol ae'nso and noneuc, of nutted of fact and cp thnslssrn. His "IcotiirV" is a conglom eration of stale jokes and dry 1atittt1et of other men's idea on religion, poll tic, hygiene, tmd other subjects, pre xn!cd in such n way thnt they aro In teresting ami somewhat attractive., a The only thing original in Iho lecture ic Train's style, nnd really, wo never nu n pcroui who could givc.-situfi in finite .el" to nthur men's witticisms as Mr Train rati. HJJ ,no fool not much! Iff paroles hl great moral .ir.iji hi-lori th. audience; tolls Hum tit M hi' In Mi only living inin hravo mmu'Ii t. "ali thV world hy the ' while ill the time fir Ins got t 'h '. 1.j li:ttiN in the world' pockets. '.Vilji , . hi' worth .,0(IO,OIM) ' vvy p-irdonahlc hit nf rgilism and d.m'f I'tjri'i J; f.r money. If that be 're .-...-In-iuiht afford to give (rcc le-tti-c.. He ny ho I not an Amen Ivi'i. ami yet strangely enough, ho in going to hu President in 1X7'... Mr. Train' iduisynrraeics arc all very harm less etvrpt hs Keuinnism. . lii, apv s to the passion anil preljudico ol our adopted Irish population srtj, un wise, and it would be more sensible if ho. would bIioa- them how to .behave nnl Americanlic themselves, instead of eveiting their hostility against a csuntry with which we arc at peace. He .pitches into everybody who haa a hobby, and lilcu a circus performer, rides half a dmen himself at the same' time, A a cbwn,- Train would have been a prince In hi prolrsslon; an a lecturer, ho i only a clown. George Francl however, always pleiscs the audience; they pny their money, laugh at, they kh w 'not what, como nway Hatisfe.'d tliat they have been badly hold, but wquld buy aomc mow on, the next night at the came price- We be 11l" Train i Miiccro in all his profess !Mi, but bin "lucerily is acipiircd, just :. a wan who has told a lie so often thai be actually believes it to be the truth, acfitilrt (ult)i , In hlmsell that nobody o'.ne ha. A (Jdiin Ciiisavav. . Tniin IIukV , C'ji iiimii merehant of this city' fty that ho nndo Iho last payment of r.'.i,417.nt, oniii, for duties on China goods iiiiorted by hie fiouso last sum mer in Friiuli slip Jeannle Alice from Hong Kong. This same merchant doch not iiieludus duties paid by other t'hiiri inerebnnts nn gwods brought ovi'r in same 4ii at the same! time. Hiilly lor Tong Dusk; Chung; he's a good Chinaman. Oftjon Herald. . W.Jiy in thuuiKr doe the Jftralil nol lUmaud that this "Tong Duck l-'liuiigr'' to hooUxl out of rortlaud. He it standing In iho way of somu Cau cudiun utvrcliaul, you ce,-Maktaf the bicad'uiitot ihd umuth of some whiu upitulU. llvcunso "Tong Duck Uiuny"'U a wealthy Chinuiiuu, 4n4 the JltrnU Uiwh to "Mammon," cvtu if lin Is disguised with the skin ol a "rat eatfng 'iiifldel." Whort- oh wherg. nro the 1'rioinls vi the down ,troddeuCau eujiiill 't CttUa Uk4r lrtlt fkttl. .A Democratic paptrjat Albany in this State is juhttant over the prooscd introduction of.C1inVso Coolies in the Siulhem Slatqs. 'The" is announced as one of th6 great events ol the ago? Ho' il is. Just snch an ovent as was needed to pulMhe scales from ti.t i-yos ol worlilng men, and show .I.uu.MiHt the Demoentlo, 'tirTr am l he friends and advocates oi chu labor. With all their professed, H&sti I ity to "inferior" races, and -with their hollow friendship for tho "nfcor white they propose to flood the 8eulh7r.n. States with the race of pcoplo hal they object loin Oregon. If s claim ed that they will not compete with whit 'labor. Why? Becaue the culture of rice and cotton will not bo performed by whiles. Hut yel, we are told in the same breath that those " eating barbarians" will drive the nig. fvt to the, North to cheapen and com pclo with white labor there. This Is nice doctrine from the white tyl Not content with tho immense negro population and 4he steady flow ol Asiatin iinmigratipn,they wrfuld In-, viie Chinese labor by tens of thousands. tilllabor.Jsoohiunpenpd that one of the great inducements for Kuropcan immigration U taken away. And has the great Dcmocrjitie party como to this ? Haa tho organisation pretending to bo the special reository of "white men's" rights oome'dowa at last to a eheap labor platform! Ojien yonr eyes, yu bally deceived srerkiug men; tee what the great. Democratic party is doing for you, and try and emancipate yourselves from your sla vory to It, We do"nl object (o labor ol any kind. Our party claims that the country rrqulres'labor 'to do veUpjlt, come lron where it may, and we hold to the principle, that the cheap er labor is, the cheaper food an'd clotV ing must be. We only make tha fore going remarks to show how fiotlow and false the pretences ol Dcmoeraoy are. From Pilot Reck I nMsHtmtf Ttatiay. We have to ehroniele'iho most singular ( .. 1 .-. .... .. .. ..- ... .....n.i 1 anu csirucuve oiorni iiiav cTcr f.nvu 1 ( . - i.l over this portion of prefon, whiohc, ,Wl, ;. 10 ora. o . ylast. Tho day liail lor piesumiiig, m - ... i,ihu tut b .- iel in the mcntinki.. o. ASttt.ANO ANI UAI.I.AH. n..i 1'olk County Timet of the 17th iter lights aaa Irrifttlsa .! by no ill A watson, ait'ts AT I.W, iietsoviu.a, asoo. The Oregon Statue ol limiuioa bars actions for the recovery of at property in twenty years; hence, wWa water is directed from its natural elsa. nsl and used for twenty years it Mil raise a legal presumption of a grnt ogainit nil jieiaons, except the Unitd States. 1'nder the head of diiputal !,,.. .L !. s.i.1.... -. irrMiniiiiJiii iihj 7iHiuv vApri'Psir il er.'Atw. On tai Wrfwrf,. . n..,b.t,Mno.e.wHtoo'.W "theibenli,fn,,MU,w ' K. it originathl j., ,llf V,M r1( flf crthercsrfA.l,Ml,lllll.;r, , loon and .WlH;,,d),j,Ucl,l.tlJ.tlo work of B Imiurr, u ocv,(rt4 ood alter the noutV lK tmti. women and children vi.c .... iionm. wrn. lerror , ,u,t J!irch ,im. WffC f.ft , . stricken in every .l.rccUon. J..t he , .... iM ;,,., . ,. , h1.. , ' r- ':'"t - "InrOBMATION W'ANTKI.-Of Jhn .Smith, Peter Jones, ltichard Itoo 'or any other man.' II he van iound by gratuitous advertising he will rn something to his idvantage. State'pa pern p'lcaso copy!'1 Wo also w i'itit a lit tlo information. ,We waivt to know who will pay th printer for his work. John Smith is fmd) r.Vrts hlihsi-lf and learns, perhaps, that hs has ftjleu heir to a fortune, hut never think' of paying lor the advertisement that was wic miMns ni nnuin ntm. We want, no Binre ol this kind ol patronage; typo slicking, paper and ink eost mon. ey, and II people want to use tho press let thcBi pay fork . , ' - - 1' UO TO TIIK El-'DoKAIKJ. Ifyoit HBBt liquid refreshment. That Inntitutlon hw been reopened by Mr. Wra. C'irll and is now flid-up in tuo.nii-csr kind ol stylo. Ililly's patrons will fiud him justashntidj with tht toddv stick at ho was uiih thi ribbom, and can cet a good iijuarc dwuk ami Idts'ol fun fbr ft fore the rain as.d, a trembling of the earth was fell and an immense body el water t-aae . tMiurimr down Jackson crrck "in a breast probably tell qr twelve feet in bight. The breakwater, constructed at nu cxjicimoof over $1,100 was inslantly swept away. Kowlders, logs, stumps, tailings, sluices, aud.sev cr al head of c'attlu were earned along with the flood. Thu bridge across the creek lasted but a mouwut, and in less .time thanjt lakes te write it. ihe watlr liml surroundiil four dwelling houses in that part ol the town, ptscing their in mates in a very ilauernus Hiiution, rortuualely the stream had a chance t ber of otir,rs hayo remorei( there. A to the "oleyen ennnjpg limbs o'f 'the law," hiy explanation 'cannot but bs ratUfartory to an unpredjudicwd mind. I'ri'Wtji) tcgeiog lo I)..JIns I was in formed that Ijiere were eleven lawyers there, and as JoiiY Mr) thinl man to whom I waViritroduced w an al torney, I had no rrason to dispute with my informant. As to the "ardent in. fluencc," I candidly admit that! nm of .nn anient leinMr.imeut, but every man in the St:il whh whom I am hvnillar eau tpstify to my tuetotnlim. Ashlnml sprval at this point, or miiiic liws has Mtty'famllies, one ibvuleian, one niiuiii 11 -Mi lit. 1. 1 lull. .ifrnkUh' Iniliiiv !...-. Isi.Il.l.s.a, si 1.H. I J' i " ' -. ".. sis iiiiiu! through the flue orchafd and gar e " m : "" "'"" ' ' Mr. ifiill, and Ivuvia-gi it tfifomVsit'! h" ''M'f tl.w. ".-",l0 ',","'i 'wreck, it swept dawnhrouV the-W nu'al WW l stores, one si wn nicn tnireii in a tvirrlul terreilt. swept away a jargc a,mjbiiut of cord kJ and lumber tor Howard Jc Smiih, 11I the bridge on CalilorniA street ley, but did litllu damage iK'youd thu town limits. .Meanwhile, al the other nl ot town, thu water was iKmriui! down Kicll tiuMi In a fvirrliil terreill. II swept WOOiI rals innn its outwent-, and' made' a clean sweep through Hsekman's lot, and 011 through the firm ol Mr. Cardwcll, which is damaged prbbuUly, rl,iK)i). It is dillleult "to -estimate thu ilaiu ago by thin ternblo storm. Many cs. tlaiatu it at over lOoe, and it I. Vafs to iilaco it at that amount. The orelt anis and vineyards of Messrs. Ilritt, Neuberand Dr. Davis aru seriouslyu jurcd. Tho-grapo crop is coihpleietv dektr.iytildiy the hail, tho leaves uit'l fruit being riddlfd as compleitlv m If they had lHen struck with buoljsh'i.l. riyinaU 4c Manning are heavy lowers juuge vvaaesuneriltoth utent of some hundreds ol dollars. Mr Hull'h place, that cost years'.ol patience und labor, is nearly valueless. Dunlsi.'s oreusru m nuiult n ureiL J. V. n !. ' ..." .. . ... Tt ojie s-iddlc 1. t .It .' . a I'crxon cuts n iiiieu on uie isnu 01 di laighlxir atl(runs water 'through It, ;m.d uses the. water for Ui-nly ywirs without nmiesiatioii, lie tbrtebv ac1 iuires a good and 'eiileict rigid to thu furred on Tuesday last. 'Tho day liAnn AsfttfiAa'tte..at1t9-s.miit attrt tit !l tl. a-vii vtviisiisj jrr sss tassvsi f , f . a-few light thunder clouds-wcrc Jn in 'Sik'U..piew,I . o 7iiw hy,) sight but the baromeWimlicate,.. to eouipa.c Dallas with Ashland, Jack-.-j -v..- 1- it,., AS....I son county .. H "ball be answered in a biuuvii uuaiiuu ill ftiiv Ttmivn ... . -i.. .,,. .. . . tiMI n. thron . bo-i.v blark elowd had . siiiiit of kii.tiiio!, although' thccirenm- - ..' ... . . 1 '.lijl . 1.1 .I..1...1 Inxlilf tiirsliUfM I gauiurea iiireriiy over nean ami some Maiici: "..; 'jvvy -- thunder w.ireanl to tho westward. "In In the first place he fommits a breach . .- 1 1 t. -i ia..j. ..ti.Mn lit rifiti. t tit. nil if ..l.ii.iLi 'ili-i) iri itntiitisrrutAfjt.l .I ..! . .' n aitnrr 1 tirtfi tutitftf taiiiii khbi nitiir ni nirrnri utinui'itu ! lli -wi ijitsir 1 ( ,,. . a w-ips i.i. 11 iiiivi viiiiv o 111.W r linn -. -,. - .....- - j i , 1 1 IfvllIrP m VlHmaBmT lilt It im from thn o.i-twanl hccommnlcd I nfrmiisioti. the name of ' tieiseii !. ' imswioti of real property for twenty-Mi . '.71. - ltnLlMi,,. ......... . .. , . . 1 " t 'I i'i "e 1 Willi quite n heavy mm aua coBsmer 1 presumes to 00 "ino- . v i-v u,ip"i mm., n--ww.n.i pursiMse nlVrc thunder. nn3 lightning. This I i..l besn guilty 01 . in ijnlici' , to ;i urilteli conyeanee." So If m muriii cuiiiiui-i nooui an miuiut-i, mu uiun a course mi)in ort-n .iw"" wind increasing in vioienrc nnd doing il,c; but I diselaim having cotii.niiti'l considerable damage w b 'im mid uvthiug of.lhe kind, licilly, tho.clv fruit trees. At shout o ' I the ,. us of Dallas should be proud to have wind died a way and -then 4.ij't'y' Wirfhietseld up in comparison with rountvtotlu) westward, ' bW n; irom'in. m m llourishinir town 111 Ninthern that ipiarter about twenty ie imuutei Ou ;. If the ijuetioii of natural nd; and contiiiumg to inerensi in strength viuit . .- hould he argued, I am iiuto till it was"aperfcettoru.MiV Till. sec .nu tlmi Dallas would sutler by com- oqdstorm-Vrought rain in blinding Un" i'ith the otfter plaec, but ; ftihtsaiid'di'iituh.ninnth'siitrfiy.mVifce M..m y. ,P the ptiitit in queMiwn. IIm.1 110 pirson could sland fur a mo Ashland is not as largo as Dallas, which ment out aide ol Jiiiildiiic. Ktir a Cut I.s.bnilled.inihu. article re-fcrre.l short time the scene was frightful; roofs ,. ,,, ,rt fl-cdlttir-waa in Ashland ol sheds, limbs of trees and shingles lna. lhw ,,, ,)o(l,C) it. ., ,, were flying like (JhaiT through I he air, population, andvis'h-adilv iucreasiug Avolumnoof water at luasi two feet ,,,, muoh a,,fr( , my 0 ,ni1( deip was rushing through tho pnnrl ,mn i)aHa,. He says "two' wars a- pal streets, buildings were shaking, ... ..,, onKi ..,,,,.. . ,. .,,. serenining and at1..1i.'A A.Aii,..P.sllii , .:,.. " - v".'s IVM..- . .. . . mu nrsi niscottred. f Ja- J si . - " ""l"' jmmrhrgk Ihe roof, m 'Vhke grntrsUUfs,, tale, lh- flre1 was" tifl Jrfc. ful headway. kstma the building occuplwl by Mtt'omfcHS, Stew'i hnd (iumsky'a saloonsr ind til tW, Vurthtothe City Hotel and not is 1, ridier.s Sie puwf brick, on the tmt ilde of Main strret.nndthueMmUsfk 11 the east side, including HoMnV J easvment. .... , 1 Mnfkimllli !,.?, W. A. Well's ar4 ' , From th- mire id. its use, how imil . . ... , ,. ' .V ' . 1 .1 .1 . 1 , "'"ioiis AKiuers ivcrTt,nb.s.I)sn. ever, there must Iro eases 'were a slm ..i . jn ? ,, ylu,l.i'" 1 ..... . on s Mddlerhop, Hunt's srcessUs. pie of tho wnUr ot a stream i r..i,,i.. n 1 M. T Vr. .!......!.'. : - J..1......1.. .. ""' ('"'-,rds blai-ksniilh thou gives the proprietor'a right to' the tin diiluibed eujoyiiieut of il..w.iiliout nny stieb evidence of grant ni an. essemeijtj although by such viijoymetiL he depri vc-i another proprietor above or below linn ol (he right of a similar application of the water within his own prruiies, the mere priority of nn application to' uo of the wnter determining the prior ity ol light. Such would bo the cats where a stream, Mowing through th lauds of two or more persons, his a sufficient fatl in its current to opfralu a .mill by a dam erected upou the land ol either ol these proprietors, but only sufficient for a single. njlll privlteja tk powrr. !n such a case, tha fintsSl1 these proprietors who shall apprnprpt and occupy this fall for Ihe purra . mill, neiptSres thereby the fXcU.Un right to use thu ettent to whwh 1st hall have actually occupied and priattd the fall, though by an ifcstufd lip may prevent the proprietor alstHSt or below him from makinz a sisitts occupation and appropriation on bit Jaud. He would not, ho . In ever, livst appropriation, itcipiire any right ( i. 1....1. .1... ...-. 1 1 'ril inn UilUK nil.' nilllT Ol lllll SITVSin BM the laud of the proprietor above Wk or to divert -it Irom that ol the or and harness shop, ono saih nnd door tor below llini, whhbiit first in factory, vne grisunill. two. aw milN.j thU ns an easemoiiLbv irrant. or ann thu uoiilen inllbi, ime.eaKJnet shop,.one joyineiit for ihe njipiisito period of time. ungon tsrinp ili;jenilti,,yt Vino p!ioo J Tlio statutes ol -everal ol the Slatra Welling. The City Hotd, Misob'k btildiag, stage stable, (irav-s A ItoV ( insm'slarnilnrcshop, Kishrr's brick,' (Otupicd by I.. (."Kline, !outlicr A Au'n drug atnrr) 1). 0. V'l.rk A Cok. si me, and the rtMences of J. P. Ilsta- ill m. A. It. Mrl'onrklt, and Wta. Mstag.m, Here sand try-alsaoat eepar- ' liuimiu cirrtisns. Had the tire crown. Uw alrert, north or south, in all prohs 0H(akBo)e baslnrss, or thicWf HliHiMM e4 the town, would; (aa . IvMtWobctiU'VlKaslsri. hj KewfdaYfiwWoiml dellf rtatr M7-" trihutaaWtt entHeiy W Ae ,lsV' Btmsy m Mr sjntaw. a u. u. kBaBBaaLBttfd MftaB'aZaBBai aBHY Mfr Wd in VeJ sSfsile Uv lltA'vi MH0aMt',Mafs,F FHsTTV a U. t-a '-' wifcsk- V '. "-'. - - ar L fl atfliMV I autastee BBBrwiaft tajas1e,i sbbibi iinaia H.ll'il bajr lU' laiaraiii -A j . cn 'O&t: -NC sjpd ,n4SMiv I f"?Ml .Our DeinocratU IrUnds, for want of a beitcr hobby, aro beginning to ngl tain frco Iradu doolrini's;on the ground that fiev tnido and cheap commodities go.togoihor. Wlilln' doing this they pretend tu oppine Uliiuese labor in Orogon, forgetting that In'bjr is as roueJi a iiurki-tiibln commodity as any thing olio, Thero is 110 eoiinistency in tlio p'nscnt poiitlon of tho Democratic) pa.-iy on thic question any more than thciu U in thttir dislike U Ihe inferior ram's In Oregon nnd their now' fledged love for Coolies in South Carolina. Tlio Tope bin ordered one of his niin tsti rs to address a circular to the mem ber of the inedirui profession of Paris, nloining them tp refuso attendance to patients who ari dangerously ill and' who have not confessed within three days of their first visit. ThV question is, tartx is Iho loser, tho pntlsnt or the physician' iEbr. Or who tho winner; tho Pope or tho dc-ll? OvrRi.vrtFarks.--U js considered rrelty well settled now that tho through w for emigrants will soon ho placed fifty dftllurs from New York, and about tbirty.cght dollars Irom Omaha '-MIBIWH I'Milfl R.IImm.1. !,., aitrre.l m .. ,'T... 'I -- r r-1 n 1 in inn aBii " ' 'nvisinn, iiileii inv votudvtuly stripped. Many diloliM and fluiuvs nro telally destroy- III .ii.I.r 1.. .... ii lii tt riiil mil nr liv naAM mIIIj Mtll VI il ( f-- -,ll l-f .ifHM in 1- lIIP1III III HlSI Illlll 4m.; iCrbZSirni : K,Ji?V hri:!-? u:;,sl ,,u ' '" i;""; "' ar": .? tol,'l w,,w' " ,fr( hour cf lew perm.ii iwUij., , "'. ,, " "'.'"'.'W1"' " nK' ' n"""'- Ana it may Ih observed in will bn . ' K "'iiosu rm wno aro ij.. h-, ... -w. ... unnnt., air. tmeii , '""vuimniiioii, nisi auer 1110 proprie- tawiii " ' ivuoltli storm uppV ,1. ,l".r-"""eiini ills mm 1 nork low ' ol mill shall have onjoyed tho uso win to have been coulhled within .1 . A la'thu mil.'i ..1 ii. 1. ...1.1.1. ..1 nil !... . -.... . .. mme.u -of less that two miles. Vt lybcV ;V I, J h, .. , .1 . 'C .1 i 11 "" caw- o'cUX-- tbe north, n.l trth's form on t If. T lw rti " wml. '.tion. ,,f,,w ,n, '"y y. '" -..J. .... Honth, thoro s no ..1 !...,. i".n"1 "'"'.' stock hivo passed over npanan pniprutoi ol Iind bbovo tnav wind cnou "bit." Try him anr hour. t l ' . . , y "'.'f . Jwt itfiHi I.V nil his fruit crop Jacksonville has suflcred from (tr,- Wctieter a heavy Josur, Cardwull's ions calamities wtlhin tho tiast vaii ion m aico in aw orobablv the no it ltf .it..n .111 v.. mill ''' to'' Thi. !.. .i.n..i.i k at , ' Wl '" nni ..... r.- ..,...... mr, ngine,as d-:im vni th ! mwn isemrreiy wirnout proteetiotl. Will any of our public speriled citixem. make a movo towards gettjng one ? Till hcwr-iK, It ibiltWremoml tiiat.on tho 7th of AuausHhoro an celipso ol tho sun. Tho oelipi oe nmiosi total ami will oc about thirty minutes uller 0110 i'. m., and ooiitiuuo a little hours and a half.' Havimo Ar Warnkr. Wo learn that Win. K. Ish of .Portland startad during tho -wcuk with twenty hands lor Camp Warner. Ho has a contrnot. to furnish tho Army Department with .00 tons of bay at thai place. LUh Applegate suggested that Train was a deserter from n eomlo almanac. f amend by suEiresiinc that tho Al. raanac was, drun und conld'nt keep . ...... . nui-H-n. 'Hie Littto.Gorpaml, published by Alfred I. Sewulf A Co., Chicago is the bravest little soldier o,f tho rtsi. Ut, no family be without it. Oim d1r year in currency. A.tOIIKn"CABCTBAOOM.,,i,.iBrt Carlton Walker, the Govereleot of irj(niay is a New York "luraH bftg. ger" oy office beggr I Why doot. ie Domocratio btoso row tho stout howl f Hemoiocs. TheQuarterlrMUr theM. E. Church (South) wHIoomrnvnoe litthU place , today. Scrvlcea will bo held at 11 oclock by Ht-v. M,r. 8thlT graph g.illirv, nndmarblo work-, '-be. side other fealuics too numerous lit mintioii," in thelangna-gcnl the Ttnm. Wo haw, no saliMin, thaiHixl, neith er have wen iir.'-sMrr.Vhleli in uu doubt ildl a' bbV-Vig if its editor, in or dor to.'flll ilYc.rlmjn,Plilhould have to resort to such as mm? t,litr I . This is all I have to say Mr. 1 "i". -. . li,.T u,K.Ki s.Vi,, -n,!, J.l,, S(i. ' ,1"rI..'frcr.lro"nTViii-2loij. . ''' '",5! L"V . "sJf-'J.h. 1609. -ltei a sjlc,..,. ol niJny month I (ngaiu po,. 0 i'. (.i y.m a Uw items from, ibis pm . 1 W.'!! ( i,r,.j, with a party ol thirtv .men engaged in eonatruoiing the Orn. WfFn S t .! ... -... .v,itinr Jiuuury noail, re.tehed have so lar changed the common law as lo nulhorUc n riparian proprietor to erect n mill and dnm 011 his own land, and raise a head of water thereby for the working of the same, though by so doing he flows thu laud of a proprietor aliow, and in others, provision is made whereby the owner of Und upon one sideot a streaur mav extend Ida 'dam , upon tin; land upon the opposite side, .for tin pur'Mise of .working mill, and in such casos a mode ol assessing and I recovery of dantnges by the party in jured is prescribed in most of these States, which sursedcs the semmon law remedy for similar injuries. Hut these ststutes do not nuthoriae flowing back water upon an cuMlng mill, nor may nny one justify a diver -ion ol wa ter Iran air. cxi.tiiiL' mill, or iuinedc navy Hllgertnon'ttlnil. Klamath Marsh,- thirty' miles nbnm ihe working of it bv flowing back wa teil' ''Sv Ji ?-J "!??' r" ! ,W'dn3r" 'B' TI,W '"'", " tcr. " for tlic puVposu " wn$tt tJ,.k is Son ft :mp!r, fmm p (t i , i.,u itt mim mm ANDTHR Corvallis Fire. lt,Wp'es, KUmntlt V 1; Ii md is .,ij '".w; aciuiivd a nglil so to do by grant to bo a good rosd. I, nnd there was not erough rain 1 "s rn'1'' ,n'1' "P,lmR R"d summeras 'S'" divert iho wuterofsuuh stream gn 10 1 iv tin iiust, I'ho course 61 llu:' I m able to estimate, lift 000 er over os, in-ciiitiirVK 'tlieir1 rjtr0,'' . "d to. bo tho finest ""' iivniijr an at UIIOV. mill, on the right h creek, only a s icht 1 Hurlings', two mili-s for purimses of Irrigation, ii'l.v ... .In illn'i.u!. i... .1. ""'.' 7 : nnd ncarono bun-1 fi, " iT"ZtT.t?fI??r''Lm f-iuiliea. I rhd 1 ,,1 "."".. "STLi"" If I. v; " " i""jj 10 mo hit, is an mo. s""io ui uie uiiii-nwuer. I rri ...'.. . . moo. At theiiuart "'" nmso now open for settlement IhoveHcll .Ji!' ""'U" J"-i ""Hn,, on this no rain of uuy oouseuucwo! Tlio ii'ea'v-' !"a ,l,r,oy Ju,t ril'. 2o0 "cros U dceid! est wind eems to haw been n fowl v l,';'nost crop I ever saw in Oreiron Thusu remarks ns to strmt.ln.r n. .11. verting thu water of a stream, auidy. however, only to thoso eaaea wbere'tbo water nns lormeii tor ii-n i....vt and current along which it it Mowini. tit Uie time. A man, for in.Unce, may drain his swamp, asMinugh by to doiiis ... . j ...... v.. v.,v n.uvr W Hft v, Oregoa, July as, l6. ' To Hkiiukri Hint, Adjuster Pliirnli Ins. Co., srtf.rJ: Dkai: SiHAIIowmelotouleigi' the nteipt in U. 8. Oold Coin, 4 ib amouiit id my low by Ihe Ire el tks tilst instant. The payment ol a claim a th son ond day alter tht Ire, i proof thil llli', eonldence f lae o-l by the people of Of gon in the buslaess-like pii)iiitni:iul good faith ol the HmwiIj. ImwJW Company ol Hartford, and ill ap" tativea, ia wall tuerittd 5 and 1 1" opportunity of auuriBg you Jt wilHowards the Coiupaay, a4 '' in thmii the sarno aaiatkjW? thai Ins no far, attended tkV htsiam i hi this State. '" ( Tours, -trnly, . WIUlAMKtlBDMlH, ConuiHU Gtivltt, JHyilJ81- tf IMPORTANT TO FARM' CR1. "IACtIHDOWW.,, Having-juM roturnti ft.'j1 J lantio States, I would. rwpw-W " noiineo lo the fiiMrtkrt'l taffl ohised the Kignt to the "2 K.gUSoed Sower." ThU wJ- machine was Rtntt4 Oo . "Ji ifinu i. w ilTndJ. F. Mitektl'i." Mnoomb, Illinoit, mJ to J"! more rapidity Kt AJZ kind of grain front TTS, corn Wheat, ry.ajd )g2fc,, timothy and ofovormr,TMi JrTL ', will Is on iMWtkm W !' itaell. W.F.BWJV old Utui.k. .Llifc,,,.- J " "''? "oro" '. K.lloentHnothathws.odo1,, ifj 7irW''H.;,,,n,p . ? ,qtaetlw ' AojdJfosiii! Knoll lot ikuiidr-. . I- 'ft .in-thb bulMer. Mr. Me. rcara.wMHBWotedI4itiaaJll)r;.f"Ui.- . s.7. 1 hs-: lr.ri ss! j?r.r r- 4o TT-'"- ffw aiwiu BUKII BfBBllIBl. 1 (101 ISA IASSW SB ku . M I tlotML and oycry osm fw.l.ih.nvi..i .L'a I . .'. ""v """' nn "ro proat pest to a millaiMa... .,,ai. i". ""' " 1. ... t ":i:. ."""" I in tiottf Man and hi.-.. U! i-.i i.. " -i..- hsi way in ,. w--Tnmrn,v.HTo.inan-ivw . r , -r .r Juoy aueuw thu onewt ion n . m 1 A a - ' - , i on lime yiere wio, twieo tive amount ol wator in tho creek that of I8fl., and although thero was 'some very narrow escape. tri)n mjnn "" " :' "ay tnai no per- I son susUined any serious injure .1 r.K..J ..a, .1 J. . . '.'- .'HP iHg any del nile ehanneCtho owner he itto ayia- m uuy uenniie channel, the owi m.y u' ,ueh vwriioir. allhouah mi -.T P irtialng Tut ditoli tlirotgh wl,k,h it finds It? w.y More.or less disaffection cont lna-- thereon. Ilut If u rt- "" 'T J among the Indians on account of tho ' i 8rT"1 uw'' 0, N"'1 ii Hd unfiled state of tho Indian IWrt. unTnhoUn!iT. VX cham mint. ' YiA.Vn, KnJ n"0,M0frl'H .., Yia-Nox. ho apring ni.a,y, wol. V ThoO.7or,,w7r7t. yerv L&lS"?1 lb l- ,-ianeo in h& M?" XMj ol th. THE NEW SAW . PATTEBMN " ir. Bttlsr rput wJffi!i?! s.rk.t wTth f asssrtiM- l . AT TMWl IHrtl. "" OFT ECtOri'tllANOH, Cbesf fur osb er ! ti