Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 24, 1869, Image 2

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    I T
thk mm mim,
r - 'K7 , 7- :
SAii'KDAy MobxVsw, July JM, 1800.
Who is'ReqiafwiiMafer Outrages
on Chi
Smc time since our. Democratic co-tPiiporay-mieina.cd,
Very justly,
:T:"TC,j: : V "
khtn itiil ma ..AHMiial iliii I klllnln lit.
.'. '"T'T r ' . :. ' '
l.e.ng iRtJjiH, remarked Hint outrages
... .; on racier m-i u K- ncrc8 , w, nt rft,K(, Jn ,,,, wnm
r,...! Demote teaching. The . lo amo8 ,.,,,, flouf ,,' ma
ITm 7 i : PT B depending largely ot, thec.portef that
imft holds tlmt .owdy.M,. I. not confin- J c r rf, wlj, b, row,r.
,,1 to any parly, fho W , wo hlnk, jj b p mlln,,ccn't Bum 0, 2a
i wrong in one respect, out right in ,r, , . , .
,h ... , , , " i The best and most numerous collection
throthft. Wo uoiil.l I,., sorry, -, 0, ngriehral ni.d gardening tooli ad
doe.1,.1 the whole nen.ocr.iti.. party ,mjlk.nu.ntl, mBllu.,aeture, ,M Oregon,
w-,i ; hand ..I cruel, riifllaii.. nn.l we w,,ic,,v f, , , ; t - ft ,
iin.n!uaTU'n.lytioril)ii.K-nilir ,, to c.,Horilla inanHacturer9
..i.pi credit when it . ends lor justice , lllllortcw ,0(.bI mioi, artit.,cl,t
nud Iiutiiiiiiiy lint how long it II ,,,, l.C(n,flin1 ,,.. ,h0 Iirlnci.Iy ,ioimlon
mi.oc I h'm.K'ratie papers have become (,r(mm $,V1to, The best span of
lhVi-li.niipii.imuf liiiiiwimy? I low long k 0Mot ukofl (() 10 S(Mc Knir at
sinec they were the avowed i'M,wlll.,rlMM,ll,p ,,y ,K,ir owncf, nn,i cl.
..hi myi.iI turn. ihatMlegisdnl lahor ' i))u,(,( w tlmxf l(J nicQm 0, ir,
nud rclnnlnl Ilic ilf.fli.tineiit ol the (. 6J0 K0p ttio finest exfilbll of flan
.'om.lry? llnu ini.yy.wilHit xliu-v )cN( lwcwicnM,ll0rci,n,i other kind
inv ii.Miio.TaiiiMinriypa-M-.iiiiuiiimiii-
nw law that im the hl(MMh..uml on
Hip ir.ick i.f the mother and her ehild,
living in terror Iron, the hell ol slavery?
How long Mi.ee the whole De.noerntu.
iri"" throuhoiil the html, with unaiii
. .
nnw t'iieiit. when mothers
Iomi from llicir otVpriutt or
u(io ImiI tlu nfitntnl ct-fitn'iice to io
I.. A 1 ........ .ll... Ml.t.,.Mtu l.lll..ltW.i1.
M Hi .1IIM I IIHll'IIIU iiimi-.iii lUUM .IIM-
iiiillce ami n'iioiis
I,;m.U weie laeerate. w ..I, the losing of $;, Jul
la.h. Mood ..lent!.,.- j.Mt.fied the cruel j JKJ . o
wrong? Mow I., ng allien Democracy', , , , 7 ,, . .
, iii .. x- .i . i .i tbe Hoard of Managcro! Ilrmg out
"Oriel In ! e Northern lints and the ....... . . ,., . . , ".
7 ...,. the ruiimiii,' and trolling stck! show
lort Pillow mn-'rtete- atrocities that i ,, .m ,. , .... .... . .
lo.liiv lipiuocrni'v
...c.M.:inp.H u....ugn .... p.e, i -
iifilliu.lli'f licit l.i.i l.lil 'lb tlllH llt'lll lllO I
ii .i . I
nil I
II . ill . in ;
HI Ht(
. .1 . . t I.. .....
......Ij ...... .... mniL. t'..r tin. I
. I- Ull.l II --!.. .IV
ink-iu-c ill the covaiill ...lllaui who
tulel all our cities. Ili'inoeruey may
not have taught httitalily and outra
ges, but it- deleiov ol wioug. and ci li
ly, and injustice, .-cttamly h.is iiiduced
its lolluncis to lo.get. to olU'i.. the
magnanimity thai should uluii) go
with streiiglh. Hill, thank (oid pub
lit! suiitiment i adauciug The Dem
..ccitiu prcsn ii cmuling slowly after,
while Thu Ucpiihhcnu prci- n leading
il : .iimI loi' sl.ame S'tke. -.onie ol the
Denioeraljc p.ipus luvu r:iied their
.... ay ..P.uocrncy Maims so..M,r .or , nn wmc J( ;, , ,,,1(l ,,, ;na 8!lll ,0.oon pa
..IIH...M. let ol the whipping I"'" l0 MV,.ar, ,.,.. ,0,,3n.o alld wl ,,, ".. .....1 wide. Already ! hae ad-
.....I the- Ia.li ,.. Nta! '"l!, .M.I.Htnuce.illhevhavoany.MUng at I . , J .V" V lll T !.'" mLaT
i'ic p.nlv il-al iiivite.l IhiueM' among ). ' ,. ... '' ,H I than you have in twenty years, and thu
.' , , , I horse niees, and the highest premium hall commences to ro. You hive n
u l.v a Milei.iu treaty ol comity and I ' .. "i"1 l'"n"'rr" " " ." 'nr n
voh'esagai,..t.,.llM.,iM,.toapca..able1ly.has l-,en cxhibhiug another f l.
nnd iuduitrirtui nice. I..I them con-
1 iniiu anil we w accord them the
- ... a
inci l ol hi.'.eslv . but lor the sake of
..-.ill. let ul.ea. .... urn... al t that ,
j. .'....... -.. . 1
11.11 tv beiiiL' the l.ic.id ol the ucak and 1
.---.--- r 1
Itvlplesi, and ll.e enemy ol lie oppri.
Accidkniai. Ki'i'.io.NV. The Oregon
"" .
t Herald relates that while the
editor I
was on a pleasure trip to tho Ci tvadvs,
a fall, hitherto without name, was chris
tened "Kmaisec," in honor ol 1. hcauti-1
li.l and distinguished lady who wa on '
hoard the steamer. A very priUy
ll'ilM.. ll.i.t- l.lll lintl' climiLini.l.- Iia'
r.. ....,, ,..:.,.n. ...v
euphony would Im destroyed, had the
lady's m.mu accidentally been Polly
Am. Wiggins, .lust think how il
would havo knocked the roiuatvco out
ot tin. beaiitilul watertall to have call
ed il Iho "Polly Ann Cataract" or the
" WiggiusWatcriair all ol which goes
to show how everything in this i-huil
hie is made up ol .iconleiilK. I
S1i1.01iNi.Ai InvioCrv.-Through .
piivjite soiiivei thu Ommilim le irna '
that on the Jl'i of.lu.y, a man named I
.1. A. Abbott, formorly of .losephino
oonntV. Oregon, sh-t, al Idaho City,
his w.le ami a man whoo iiatno wo did
not Jiviui. 'H ) letter by which ibo '
111-lin 1'illliu 11111 nut Pllliv I'.ll 1 11 lllill r.
This suite Abbott committed a cold
blooded iimnlcr in Josephine. County
in hui'J, bill wm. ac.piilted, probably
because his iciiiu was a black ...a...
Alter (he trial his attorney was ko con
v ii.cid ol his guilt that he win noil him
never to be. caught in nub a hcrapo
(icorgc Francis Train fays Oregon is,
' a mngniiiucnt country. Il has tho tab
Icst'trees, finest women and fattest ba-
hies, It'is tho onlycoantry known to
produce vnluntccjv crops of children,
an.l it. bound lo. succeed.
The ( ru ion imt informed that the 1
nicco appelated U. tho Indian service
in Oregon arc to lu rotained. The in
diligence is slated to have cemo from
Wahhington by private letter.
Wo iilLihiuI,..! 1 '. i.
Ileal fctat, tiemtte, published at 0,,k.
'.nd (ul.hv K. C Sessions. It is dc
vok-m euuieiv in ical ertalc malteii,
A Fait PeapW.
Tlic manager of tho State Fair cvi-
dently consider us a fast people. An
liailfkt tttie Ittvliti hPnmIitM eaavt tt tA
78'v" "" , "'" , ""
given id wio lasicsi ranmng ami iroi
ting horses. Tho belt abort horned
bull will Im! awarded $'M to 180. The
fitinftf mitfih hau liftnM it tain llml
' Hn. no inconsiderable
butler from California
w, $J6 2()
0 Hotll manufactured in ft State that
,M)))1 ,ome,(ay nmnufture for thj
,,, ,,,,, ,, (or KcnvUf (he ,,ukv
.,,,.,.,.,.., ,, .in.,ui....t i.l. il.n
, , 0, jr., For lllL. i,cn cock
""I1,!"'0 ,,l,n" ol ,orc,8n VBrlc.,!w 'J1'
.exhibitor will get i to W. 1-or the
I tiftu roiintl tin trnok nmid the rJiout
., i i , ., i i , .
fit nv.li'tl fiiiil lifill ilniiiLnii iniVivM
i ice im nv.'rnu r,i. iiiiw w uiiiiii'
mill tint liitiieli tml Aemima aI ii ail Sn.
a purse ol l."iO is yours. Xo matter if
(lllr,Mim.,BI)hlUK.llhe WirUo
tun in fit miii film itlait fill
..III ..I III Nil. f.ltl. .11.1.
1 .1... v.
J"" " " ' "i .int. tin
- ., . ,. .
s.tin. No
im. i.'iiiui'a un, lb . ill. inu
odds il the poor, elu.my dralt lmi.
cm. out-plow or out-draw him; no mat-
i..rsi'ii... .!...... i ,.ii. .
.. ... ..vTW.. ,,. ,.... v .....-
wm., ,,,,. on spec, win gne ouisiuer.
n iriniil nlivi i.f imr rnalnna ..a 11 n.im.l.f
" r "' !.!...,
Im points, symmetry and glossy co.t
that brings no income, will delight
.If! .-.! 1. .. I .
tile ming gciicraiinu, cxau ine.r nicai,
icne" ol tho Hoard and 'tis well 1" 1
o ,
Anoii.kkOaso IYow.-Vu nmleo
thai Mr. Y. B. Hice, ( Douglas cou;i
- - -- ..,--., 1
ent "gang" in town during the week.
var ... ...
weare noi auaro wnai its menu are
. . . . . . . . 1
uut presu.no it Is a rood plow. It
noticeable fact that Oregon produce!
more invtutors. in proportion to ita '
. ,
populatUn, than any other State in the
Union ; and that their genius is chiefly
direotcd with a view to enable people
Ii. .il .Inun nn.l l,.L. U n... T..I. t.
"w "" """" ""' ; . 7 " " " "
vrrr coauocouMi.c, out. we wouiu nae
to sgu aome oi. ac out as inveatio
or process ot aome kind, whereby tha
chronic laziness of a larfa pertioa af
our population wouU be atfactaallv
cured. That wou4'l raluabie in
deed !
"HckRTW Awn KoKit.,,We havu re
crivcdmveral eayiea of thie paper and
roust my that it tVa most desirable
fami1ypsptr we know of. Iu uhjeots
are varied ..nd elevating. Much ot ita
matter is intended for youth, and con-
tabling a large amount of really vl
ual,0 reading, it commends itmdf and
'nWjM ftnnU in every home that
pan Kditrd y Donald (.
.Mitchell nnd Harriet' Hcccher Stowo
published by Pettcngill Hates A Co.
37 Park How New York. Price (4 per
.. T
v"r' c"r"-nc.yv
Cin.iK. Jim Hell, for a long timo
driven of Leo &, Marshall's band wagon
and lately driving for the 0. A C, Stage
Company, has gono and gt n.arriad to
as nieo u pcico of crinoline as could be
found in Oregon. Jim haa exchanged
a life ol toil and exposure- for one of
cosy comfort, and hif "head is lovel."
We congratulate yon Jim and your
worthy bride; At laal you have pit
on the matrimonial "brake," and you
will .. w slide down the balance of lite
gr.ubt..'wy, to tho merry jingling of a
whole, itring of little Hells, 119 he ought
Hot. Wo notice Wy the Journal
'"at tbo people of Yrcka have been en
joying some nieo warm weather, thu
thermometer marking 100 several times
this week. Wo can beat that, ont it
"" " o u , h ours pORged
,WJvcrrliy thia waok, exoopt two,
'"1 then it went up to 106 l.iu us,
hiropul loL nfi-anarv liirtl. uhlcli never
f lllvli I lll'ISV lllill Villi IIIAKV (lit UVIl
A VtW Cotrt 1mm
Frequently we haw been anked by
utMngcra to point out the Court I Iouac
to them. When they pw the dingy
old building they would invariably turn
with MiirnriMe and auk. "la Jnckao.i
eounlv ao noor that it oahnot afford
....... i
if the old Court lions had about done
. ., ......
its duty. No ono can deny that lU ap
: ..... i... ,'
this prosperous county, but that it is
incommodious and ill adapted for pub
lic purposes at tho present time. Tins
county should have a substantial and
convenient building, largo enough to
onvenieni ouiiuing, inrKo riHMiy..
ontain the court room, Sheriffs, Clerk's
and other offices, and it can well iifl'ord
to build it. The present buildings will
bring a respectable sum for other pur
poses, and a very moderate lax disttib
uted through n peiiod of four or the
years would defray tho whole expense
and not be felt by any one, and ils
erection wruld give work to our me
chanics nnd laborers, and add just so
much wealth to tbo county.
Train on Adrertlilng.
'I'Iim Intl.ticin iivlfni.t Irttm ... Ii.ll.ir
j of eo. Francs Train to u eitixei. of
ort,ltl,i ontuiiK t.o iu.-1t troo.l hii.o
t come from a "lunatic." or a ''limn-bug-"
What Orrtfon wants is ndvertUiic'
For instance you spend $1,000 on the
Fourth of July and nobody hears ol
the grand celebration out of the State.
You should have paid '.',000 fomsoci
ated pre disnatrn and advertised it to
the world. 'Uien had short-liund re
porter Inking down oration and rail
g.eat future Seward is right. Ik'lore
our national century we shall tmve
..!.... ..:i......f !..!..!.... at... . 1 . .
li'.rcc r.niioaus join iij; 1 no u antic
' . . . .. ... .c- .......IV ,
..- .. ... . 1
with the facile, ami the li'.t-gou wil-.
. 1. ,,..,.,. a ...111 ...... 1. 1,. nu ,1... ... '
So 1111 will, vour wool-in fact nil's, in-
per-mills, iron Inuu'jries; on woh vour
railroads, east. west, norih aid - miii: '
...: ... !.. ... U. .IIJIJIU'I ....! ,, i...1..Mlrlnl rhilia .orll.o.l, ...... u.v ....,.. n,,.,.., ji...
.UCeeniOUrillOHlC "i'" "" ......." I r.t,,nit .I... nnnffrMnmon rn mind. ' ""."" u "ml
amount of to hear any reflections on ihonbility of is earned on by e.ghty or a minified j At.l.n..h ,mn n,n 11,c fl,,t r,,,c t0 "
ann i ... nnm, iu8C0umy to navo ns nntpum c dqiiq. "k .... ,w...8 ....... -e ..' vi.itora were among the ihost learned '" ' "" M f"rew' "'"'
J .1 .--. I... . . .. II 1...M t ll.... .. .-.,.. A .,.. II. til n. , llv ..... ........ ...... ..f-.. ........ ... , ,
, ine oeei ion inra as any in the State, witnmc same nousiy employe.. u.u ""- ..... r..M- ...... .!... . ...i ' ,7"ikw mi Me
asseaMDie wcaun. ana u aoei eecm m, unnmus nronn.i iiu-.r iinuninnmir, ....
.. ... . .. I - 1 I .!.! ...... l lU "'I" "' ",,m r; TO,m"
.,.,.,..,.,,... ,. ...iiii.'ii'iii.'.frfi me company.
,.api,. fmm ,. , -,
. . I
iuiiinsvounrtfiwei.lv one vc.i.h nM i
dM.arg-your wet nu.se al San Fran-!
cicn. i
"" ' ' m --.m n-i1
I'ltlC Til A I.N IS ('..MINK --Not
lroal tram, liut .o. hraiici, tho.
Kitilroa.1 train but ?. Knurl., Hie j
tiott nolitilrtr li'rtiirrr mill Hip ifrp'ili-.! :
i '. ...,... ... ?. ..
nraiiir.i'i. iraiiiiiB in vent u'lirui
"""" .nw ... .1V WII
..... 1... 1. i...
0fnnhnlUf wlt the ..orlhen.;
nil! IfU IIL'ir 111! .UUUIi;il L-irn.l' IlI'Vl.
pap.rr) huve said of him be true thu
Hi- Irmv IMi
...1. .. ...:n 1...... .....
it" " " j "in iii inu
1 TirnHDi iri'.M iiii'V i-iriniiiviii iir 1 r.iiii
1,1,., . .!...... ..,..i,......i ,.,,.!.. I
L n,,ln, uiLl
...-. ......
...a .u... .. ft. t
. . i .5 1 . 1
and as he is doing murh to wlvc-iise
ik. .j . .. .,, 1
aim nm'iii iuv uiw.iii iiii.i.u u. i.vuu...
c. . t 1 1 1. .
State, wo are in honor hound to go and '
near him. Lot evervoodv come, there
will lie room for all. Tickets.'..) cents.
e r v T!T . .1 t- 1
OiirrKT.-yBaralVlho hlko
lmtjndntxl (, M. Hanks, former-
?2?l ! J T T "P"
point1 Deputy Sheriff and policeman'
wr mm. i.anaa is insi me man lor 1
the place, and wilt
make a valuable
and efficient ofloer.
A Vai.daw.k Hook Ilecmed from
the fbnmrMc tha "Statistics ol Ore
gon," pabrWied by the Slate Agricul
tural aooiety. A valuable work. Ten
thousand, .copjt.of il should bocatter
cd over the Atlantic Stales so that their
overcrowded population could learn
t-omclhing about tho Star ot tho West.
Statu Fa tit.'
. , . ,
NNoaoknovvledgo tho
receipt of tho list of premiums for tho
Oregon htntc Fair tor 18011, from John
Miuto, thu corresponding Sccretaay,
lite timo of holding the Fair ban bovn
postponed to October I Ith.
Tho Willamette Farmer is publish,
ing Icttora descriptive of the Klamath
Lake region, by J. W. Doutholt. So
far thoy are very correct. The sa.nei
paper saya that parlies from New York I
will purchase combing wools iu this
State next year. , " ,
nn. vaJ .r. .-..I
-- -.-- .-.- . . tifwitti !. timt
the medicated soap, claimed to be in
valuable in removing grease spots, is a
"bilk" and that the fellow who is now
peddling it through thia Stato is
Marriott'a "Avitor" has proved a nn,-'H booii registered ns follows:
success. At a publie trial held in SantU0"' Swu''- Hooper, Mass,, Hon. Win.
Frauciaooon tha 2d imt. it was demon-, ,,! Kellay, Penn., Hon. Horace May!
Urate that the ihing" was a luocess. J nnrtl. Tomi., Hon. Austin Hlair, Mich.
In (attire we shaJI .navigkte the nir. ' ,,on' '1amc H.ool.s and daughter
Good bye railroads and steamboats. I Nfow Yo,'i Hon (le, ,,iiii ani
Senator Williams .turl.H !.... . .
1 Washington on thu 18th.
"" " vin
Letter From Filot lock.
Again, Mr. Editor, I come with an
ofliring which, though written with
. haute and cin-lramcm, I hofc may
be found not without nome interest,
a . In tho eaetcrn iwbiirbs of Salem
members of the company turn their nt
... .... i i l ,.i.
- 1 tciition principally towards brick mak
n i i-.i....j...i !-! .,!...
. . i . i i i -..., i...
that material, out of which many! im
ooitinir edifices arc beiiiL' eonstructcd
it., the capital. Thy seem lempvrafe,
moral and decidedly industriuit, never
niorai nun iieciut-mj i..i.piiiuh- !.
i.M.iiiii...ig..vW... "
( the city, although so near, lest perhaps
It..... ...I.rl.l I Ulnl.l ...It... I.V iHSOC
. ' .", ... . . . i'i...!
ting with outsidu barbarians. I heir
. i i , . : I
coMiune U peculiar, being ol plain hum
eoaiM' material, whith white stiipes al " ' f "' " " " "" .rent. net. oi us use, whirl, ,fnMl
ternating with l.ruivn. A lew. I.owcv ' ;n .l'. ''I" nnd Its enjoyment to give a v.llfte ,
. i :.i . ... , n.., 'hgh ... tided American clti.c.is. Night corporeal hereditament wMrwImU
er, dreised with i.toio elegaucp, nssiim , use l nmil ill Thus tl... t,...i.
ing airs of arrogance, ami diying ' o come on when on, vl.tors and J J -Pfj KriMteSl:
such a fondness lor lien, v rifle, as nev , Kr n'"f l""l,U'' vw ""') ..ing Alrcam, has a right fo C Ch
or to be without them, nntlnn.ll v n-!Urn t.occsty ,lrovo to i-ontinucrl to w derived from tfTo flow ol u,
hangaioundorsiteomlorlably in tl.'aoor, reum. ,o res., wm.e ,r, .King
shaile apparently l:i!ei.iale.l with the
cve.ni.esi ol tempci, peejless industry
and unprecedented sobriety ol the work
ing members of the coinp.iny If they
arc membei.1 of tha' linn lliey ccitain
ly deserve none ol the profits of the en
teiinl" for -mil a illusion ol the
In- ) im ,t li an eiieuuragcimnl to
haln. ' ' indole. ire. A line large gar
den p.'l.aps thu ...osl exteiisivo in the
State, is cultivated by the working
memheis, and we olacrvod a do.e.i ol
them hoeing . abhagu, side by side, like
brothers ol the same kith and kin, white
a hall'docn members ot the rifle corps
nang ia..iy nroumi on me top oi nit
flln. n il nlmii.l i...r.n-iil.nt In il.nillir.
libra uniform and b. ii.pi. ',m,
earning ll.eli living.'... n. ,h.i.i ol
llnnr liri.u'. 'I 1 1 iti i' .1 1.. 1 1 . . 1 11 .... in...
. it 11 , 1
ai,lll,,...ll.ia nil.. .....iiIjii-i . . II .1 I
.... ...."-. ... .
., , .
t-r tliini! alioiil Die idmm- inlicatii.L-
e;.r matueM ami tho 1110M mii passing
system and diieipliiie. .M .1 lien v. the
, .. ., ......'
p,rll!l, UT( , , ,..,,, ,,, ,.
. .. . ...-.i .,... 1 . . .
i.ici win. cKuveiiiiouai pu.piv in inung
the shopping ami .he like lr the linn.
appeal ouile i.n la.lilonublv .l.csned ns
drcs.s in a black hat. coat and uniiu.
.,., i.i,i. ... ...:.. "i ......
uirCf,a,,4, .,, a !, ,,',,, ni, yrv
.. ... . . . .
-...--.. ...I..
muci wm. ni.icii .-w over the m-s
"" ' " " "
I I 1
'C. V.T '"? " W' . T""
herol keys of vnii-r li.ipei ami sics.
. . . . ....
rinrriti 1. n.r riinii 1 1 11 nil iiiiii..ii
" -n
1 .;,.,- ,1 ,
" .' T ' "" "", """ I""'
rcss 0MI..1 .n.cuM.ng linn, Imt must
. now ofTc. our thanks lor the kiiiduen.
.... v
ami no-piiai iv exieiuie. to 11... wi e
.,., ' ' . . . . . ,
"Miig a very shor Imt interest iig
.... ..... .... ...
portion ol my career in he Ottaun
, .. .. "
'"' N'" ,N IWh mkiiioimmik.
the I Ith insi., in company with
, ,jlllllK Mu, ,,0 ,', j ,,
gr)( . () JnnM (.C) R h A .
U' m"1 nu...Slil or ten others the
more tho ,nt.rrifri ntwln) I
1 vit .jaiviii iui .11.' mri riiiiiiim. I ii.i r.iiii
.... 1 r.. ....... .... .
haiao often been described that another
description would hardly pay for tho
wear of my pen. Casually, however, I
might mention tho broad prairies north
of Salem nnd around Waconda and
Helpassi, Aurora or Dutel.town, situa
tod hall way between Portland and Sa
lem, whieh is the headquarters of a set
tlement of intelligent and moral (5er
mans. Oregon ('it v. tho oldest town
,--... . ........
ll I lilt vnllut lii.ttttiwi.l in I.. xt ......... t...
" ' '! J I il MllllVlf III lU II I'lTII IUU
Willamette .iver and a lol.v l.:.Miltl
wall; the heautilul falls ol the Willa.u
etto at that place. .Milvvuukiu, a thriv
ing village within siv miles ot Port
land, whore we cross the river, and all
along between Portland and Oregon
City, occasioned glimpses ol Hen Holi
day's railroad grade. At about five p,
in., woar.ived in the metropolis and
to,'k Hl 0,lr nbodu nt the .Metropolitan
""i1''' B0 ihe Urylamme whistled
w,ln l,('l''iur shrillness, and repairing
i'"' wharf vvo met the ( 'digression-
'' 'M' J-' . whiol. was expected. No
roa ingot cannon, brass band serenades,
01 other Mich demonstration alterna
ud the conluscd hum of a thosand
mingled voices, as tho distinguished
visiiorsca.no aBhoro and ...ado their
way to tho Metropolitan, where their
' V. 7. .""" " v,' nd
niece. 1 a itom .1 u.i..
- 1 ".
. Jiaslell. IU
"l'lI. firriiiii'i'iiiiiiil. fin. I wm .11. ... 1.L.1
l-'ranci." H i Smith (Reporter Hounc
Heprcacntativea) Wm. H. Smllhi (!.!
brnrian lfouc of IfcprcKeMtrttlveo)
Wnnhinglon I). V. Soon many impor
tant and unimportant gentlemen arriv
ed to take a look at kowc of the men
who rule the destiniea ol thin great na
tion, and the impression rapidly gained
to appreciate the true spirit of our free
i insiiiimons, nun none o. inai nrrogaiu
- !',: ., lu ,,,,.
' domineering manner whieh men
loreiinylng high poiitions olten mani-
KZMM,m ,l... ..,.
l " """ w -"-v...- ...v.... . .
sons who had fixed in their mil d an
i exalted rtandard for American slntes-
. .. , . . , , .
. j : i .i..,....i..u i ....... ..i
b .,.,
-.. . I I. !!!... l.. . .....
- "" " -" "" -'-v-
and manner that would indicate tit onco
,.,... . .
Iv i"ii i i" ...it-, ill I... nuiuriMuv i"
i . . , .... ,
I. I .".... ..I!. ..,.,..
aiutiun tiini uvn m uiiitiii in iiiiHurv
every name and charaettr, until day
again, conspired to degrade and bru
talize that being (rsliioncl alter the in.
age of Ills' make r
Last night there was a slight fall of
rain nn.l a I look out of mv window
early this nior.iing, water is dripping
Iron thy eves, nnd manes ol cloud arc
stretched .iIm.vu the evergreen loreHs
back of the City. . I'.i.oi Uo k.
I'oitland, OregiAi, July I 'Jilt. IH'.!
Under the Hill Where the B'ntbt'rrie
I nm llili.liliie ol b.iuiii Jo, in) ilrsr nM Vuif.
II. ft lll.lr Krrt-s tll7 .hi M,T w. kimw
I ll" Jn.l fc Ibo timik ll Hi f.Uin III'
, ,,lir 11,hlH nhru- it Murbrnlts grow,
, ,illrly , nU mj lh(ll(M. wl rrll(ril
. T.. Ih.it .. .r... ...il frl.Bil. Iliftl ... Li.miv Iaiii.
. . - -.-..-..-.-..,,.-..- -...........
Ami l'i-.iiit i- umitil Iijvo ntivi. I'iv
, " ' ttI""'"'
In' Miiru r l"
' llMI1 ' nm l"hiK ml Or - i-tlmp-.
ll.ti ilmi'i .. Mle ""'': ' J'1".
. lu , n.n,..,a, M,rh .H... .. .....Iiiimh
; -m .
i. ""
' cum:
.,, ,. j,, ,ui INn e.ll.4 m.
L-...... . ...II ..... . ..... I lll .. nil. ...I
. l'"'l r Ai Mil v,i rr .In- ..iVku.iii.'a.o.r.
rtimii i t 1. u...... .u. ..
I II11W11. iliii' till' U'.ir.l ili.ri.if.ilnrv l
..I...... .. .i.i.ii.i.i. ..I. ....... .....
1 . :.-. .'.. - '"
II.O M.uJI llioit-inl.iil II IiIIm mini (..La.k.il
i.'r II be Ih ih'n.larv Idrd ora
Mirumvv in in inniiiiii 111 mi. inrni. i.ti.
disgince tnclviliration in any form, but
. .. 1 .
wuai some ; op pern, an iiiiht will i ck
i. , ,- i..?i ........ 1
.. -. . .. '. . .
'.'. "r ' c "" ,;,l'"' .'gsmsi iuv
'; !'"" 7 l"r"! ""
K-'a. uarge aga.nsi w.r vv n.iir wine
I rnrp. Nii flnriltfiinr ir -ten..riinii i.iiIiap
...... ... ..raKK IIHIVIMI1 lll.vii
will deny that liter. are low and .1.
graded while men in their different
countries, nnd they don't consider Ihe
rrspectnblo portion responsible for such
degradation, as Iho Copjici heads try to
make out, when a Itepnhlrean states
the truth about there Ileitis such white
pinen in the country.- Yreka Journal.
The Corvallid Gazette has the follow
ing remarks on the subject ol the in
eonio tax :
In glancing over tho income list it
seems a little strango that cbrks, journ
eymen and persons receiving stated
salaries, in some oases nito lim
ited, have to pay an income lax, while
some of our wealthy (spners, owning
their sections ol land, teams, wagons,
cattle, ehren hogs, etc., make no income
returns. 'Ibis looks a little queer lo
"hirelings," but perhaps it's all right.
A little information 011 the subject from
son.o of tho "knowing ones," might not
ho amiss,
Coits. Walla Walla county. W. T..
hays the Herald, contains l.iau acres of
corn, lliom.al iua..ulai'lreil out ol
...!.. wiiaii iiiiiiiiiiiii ii na iti 4B'iar
Walla Walla eorj is claimed t.t be lhii--Jiiriit may be acquired like other
best on the coast. For our pan, 'we rtmenia, by grantor byanawwrajwlr
arc not yet ready lo ad.uirtho supery went ao long continued at to rss
uinj in 11 mm 11 aiovcorn, over tl.ategai presaaiption o.
Brown .11 iougias ana Jackson coun
ties. Ciihaht.'
Dkmithh. Tho Idaho Statedtaan
sneaks out very emphatically against
the late, change in tho management ol
Iho Indians, It thinks there are thieves
in militaiy n well ns civil circles, nnd
imu 1 no expense 01 tho Indian Depart
ment will not bo lessened by the
In HiwiMKM. Sol Farren, formerly
of tho Kl Dorado, has gono into tha
aaloon business at Fort Jonos. Sol ia
a nlco fellow, can mix a splendid bev
orage, nnd will no doubt do wall.
Thifltcpubllcan candidate for tber
iff of Siskiyou county, Cal., la Jaa. IJ.
Vogan. He ia running againat Jakji
C Burgees, but his frienda arceoi4M
of electing him.
MIA,P"lMnlim lor an election in
Mississippi, on tho fanrtli Tuesday 'a
Wtttr fatoaHhrt:1
There are great comphj,,,, y
water privileges, so .epoUfub.
lish a few well prepared atlirl.. J ..
aubjwt from the Iwat of author. ioJ
.tlifntia ran In..- lk!- ... . lv.
r "gnu.
oWrredU thk
ftrtniit 1...
tqutil right$, noUtithttnudinif th,;r u
trir amlyntnU ,ire o iHf,m,t,l!'t
Hut in Mineral dittrictt, Mr ,,,,, ,
rirtt appropriated the rater hat tht ,:
or and bedt right to a much voUr p,
he appropriated.
"When the use of water ii MMMM
ed, the distinction should lie lfn,
mind which is familiar"to the Itv bf
tween the right to enjoy the ,
water in ils natural state, aid U,
which ornws out itf in ani.lUiU. u
artificial means. Property In t &
connection with leal eMate, ran onlt'u
........... .. ............. iilkiviii ioni t
tntry nnd no one- may lawfully ,,M
the same against his consent. SV
this right be cnicidrrrd as an raro.rtL
iiieo it belongi to the estate ol tlj
laiiibowner through which the nut
flows, m fi.ri.ilng onroftlic clcmcrt.
of w hich this estate is cntnpostil. Xv
does It make any difference tint tlei
lent to whieh ho tnnvi-nl.it- il,!. :.l
llisitjifif nat iiMteieiMl t...l...a a. t
may be nviisildy aflecled by the ft'ff.
cle of a similar noht by ot'l.. r Hmiiu
1 nru i.i.i.irv urn: woicii 1 srrrMni
owner along the it ream mo v
uiuugii uv pu uoinj neimi t, I vm
extent, the enjoy meats by t4rn ol
the liill flow ol the water, prorsrJ a
be done in a reasonable nunm, jH
not so ns thereby to drstror or nuter
iully diminish the aupply ol the water.
or render useless ita applieatioa jr ikr
other riparian propr.rtors, ritW It
the ipiantity eoiisuimil or by curb
ing its quality, by throwing it Ink
upon I he lands of others above,. in
verting and stopping its flow so nt
aflcvt Mich lauds below his oh jrm
lies. Kaeh c;.c must deiwnd m-nin
1 own circumstance, but among IIimm
! to which a riparian proprietor nurk
ran. iu nm r n uaiurai ngni i'j if.
thu waters ol a stream, to the rittit
already indicated, are such actirullinl
and domestic purposes, a Iruti.'gN
laud, watering bis rattle, nm thrlib.
And to make a ririan proprjrlor.jU
for the diversion oj water, in sajr tv,
il must be done to such an extent mIo
cause a perceptible damage tWrrhr l
the party who conijilalna ol ml. TW
test in such a raea brins a rrMiUe
use of the water id the slrrsm ia rw
ol irrigation, which drpenda nj-o. tU
uaiitlty ol watrr, the nature el tie
soil to be affected by its appNnliot,
and Ibo like. No one jimiirM-ler, is
such a case, haa u right to spj'nfriiH
ao much mt the sin am, as i-sMruliwrl
deprive a profivtor below ol iLrkew
fit ol the Ntmr. Net may a preprkt
ot 1 ind npon a atrram, far psrpasw t-f
irrigation, Map Ike Haw af Ike walrr
by a 4am across Ik atrram Am
though a land proprietor May, lor tin
puriHtae, cat slubws ia Ike kaaki of
stream ia tho Uah4 (Matv ke mj
not oven do thU in Kaglaaa in or'
thereby to di.ert ike water oa lo im
land intemled to U Uaewtew ky W
cation. In maaj eaarf, ktwerer.oH
buid-owner maj nea.irt a rifkt le aa
ply tha nae ofwatrtavanakusrafaaf,
ao aa eaatntially ! H" .'", "".tl7
other proprietors, above er Wow kw,
and even ta iatertm nWtVyjk tkt
enjoyment ol tka land at iaataerju.
for iastaaee, by atoMtaf w.a
a etream ia Ma owaUa3,M4 fewiM
back lo the aaaae npon llie laaa
proprietor above him, mS
aata wMtte it, or piaveat M ""
the land of a proprietor kfUw klaiia
ita natural and nanal f1
right tkna ta iaterftrt wn k,
right to make nat af water Mwrt
to another, whera il k eonaected f
the occupation ol land, woald eoan
tutu an easement ia lavor ol tlie-Wl7
as the dominant estate. Sacl. aa rs
al lau reslecBO ef . - PeH.J tfgl
vlllt.byiUr.M. A. WHIlMsS,
T.'ul.rtKik 10 Mrs. HatMe fkej
L-JOSK1-.il Klaaatk Wft I,
, Io'Mii. M. A. IwtMl&i"
Il IHlb
WutT 0ckle Sam
iN iMwraeeauHJwurJoairilMf
wbeM awSiH aay m. Ceckk. IJff
a. vnvtAfl L k.uL ..:.. 1 i, ruiraOIll
aUifea a eat l a.at ta aeaei 5
mmm mm mmm mmmmwammm
...aaatirM.. JajyWT ,
new ana aiaua TTZTk
ay are reaav "'"
rotary Com, on Ways ad Means,)
:vyxt " ons wen iigie uy mo Tree
rrr---T- i ' . .t . .- .
MlM of lan)r ea nje iafw
ar geea mm.
yane." rrf es
7?Ta' '