Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 24, 1869, Image 1

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t'U A NCO-A 31 Kit IC A N
oi'I'opiti: tiu:
Odd Fellow's Hall,
.IntUsonyllle, Oregon.
Trler anil resident Innrdcrs will ilni
placed III fifi-t elan fitJcr, ninl In ccry
Kny m-nTier to rtny In llil- M-cllon, nnd
' o.p."cd liy nny In Ito Slate.
And pUiillful MMljr of llio lM of evry
lbla' llis nmtkrl rilnnli will Ini ut-
tsliiril for
II K K T A T? L 33.
Nu ttuiiMi-il "HI " prnl to ilcn-rre the pl
foiiRf of ttir Hauling at nell ft lie perms
nftit community.
JKVwnm'f.Miireli8l,lRl!. if
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
VICV-.HVr7.U', VIlKtitlX.
Ambroty po b,
Carton do Vislto
nosh ix Tinrmzr ww or .u:r.
IN rimes Hciluccd
ok i vukokp m .in: sr.i:
n;UT,rio.An saloon
i.'Ii')cl .jinf jmI CIpurmlrtKyr i'i IijmJ
"mrs Btsii" TsipAMSTEn,""
701, .Mm kit Cur. Ki-nrny Si.
SlN I-'rUNCISt'O, C.Mm
D'l VrM.l8Tr.lt -if ll. nl.uvi Il.ni -nlll
ii Jtik-nhvltli- timllitiu III A "I. ii"
' i i. d mil Mind In nil li.lm- In lil Hm
,i j, ii'il.r.' ..fllif Mil" (if M Iftllill
I irrneh i!ih ridnmii il llii papi-r.
' Physician & Surgeon,
jv:kmx'u, o,f.v.(iv
octc- tM. rid nc- j'i n Out OwtUti.
I' 4ii.i mi tlri
OIFICE-Corner of California and Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
HfHlll prctlcfl In Jartonn nml mtjnri ill
intlei. ftiiil ntlt-nd promptly I" tn.fliin,l
,!,, Mr-Mf
la th Ovrbck Hospital,
"t r"
Oil. LKWIf OANl'N,
Wrif.t. nilrnd n tiny who miv rrnnlr" M'
KTlei (Iffled tl K. Pivn-ir nnici.
IU i:.,t ldp 3d Sin c I, Jscknjiiillle. noi itf
r tiowiat.. :. "- watso.n.
.TncfcMiivlllr, OifRon.
Offlse, No 01 Front Street, t
'V)K JtCCpJ,SW, AND AM. 0l CA,IMffi
Vlllbemadca ifrlalllyondpfoiUilljTolltdrdi
Warren I.oilitn No. 10. A. F, & A, VI
HOLD tlielr eirnlnr wmmimloutloiir-
ii lliu Wvdni-iBv KvnlnirM or linvod-
luz tbt full innnn. In jAeicnKVIM K. on-
-. !- ..,... .- ..!.... .. . .
". A. MAIUI.N, W. l.
CW HkA(ij-,Sco'y.
XT" rJ
'nplw; y, Coos Coim'y, fH.
fLy k J v 44
? fiCAffMtav
this mm
Cvrry Snttirrinv Mori. It,-; by
dmt'K. MttXKi! -v x Tttnin vivifii.-
' ' "' ""'"I'D.
TKitMt ok sfAifUii'Tio.ti
not ri.Mffl'il," nnM monih' of" a",1
nroilnllarx i ir imi pild until llio explrailoa
(if lbv p.u, nl do Uri.
TKitMt or ,Mvi:iiriii.Mii J
n ,, ...... .,
nm"iiiiMc(IO Hum or U). tirt In.uttloii. I
ilnrcdoll.irKi mcIi mWqutni ltior Hon. tun.'
dollar. A ill-cnnnt n nny jr cent, will Ii'
nudi' IiHLiim- who ftdviTtifo hy lliojim.
rUg TnHer. f-eelrr.1 at cnrrcnl tJlf.
Trip Lightly.
Tnii llil.ily nvrr tro Mi.
-Trip lljliili inir wtiiiik'.
UVimlr iiMki crl.f iloiitilc
II r iluvllliu on II Iiiiik
Wliv cUi mi'V IiiimI lU-lill) ?
H 'if iii ii'. r li)nfi'in il'idj
V.'liy cllint In f nn iin.ijjlilh T
Miy nut ftik J'iy lnivMil 1'
Ti li I'jtMIy on r .orrn i ,
'IIio'ixIi nil i hil jj KmIuW,
J lit.' Mill III') llil'lf It. L'li.lllllt.
.Vml )i.' ) fl' tli" '" I
J'.nr - ''M Im'uiihI ilipiri'd,
Tli m r!i rn amy Imr" il d,
IUcii limn li"ii,li",il'l1
Uui IwK frjy iiijl
lilpliyliily v.r tiitwt,
Mmid nut in nil rti do mi ,
UVtvpvilr to .trii'fj or uUdfecif.
On Hi f -IiVmiI tli, tiitnli;
Wiieii rt.ir ii ro M:tiily 'Idnlinr,
And Hi - liiiivi-n i uuilitMJ,
I' limit A-;', lint lt'ilitllf.
lint lonk lot j'iy lnttud.
Treatment of Americans in China
fH -- I
Until chilizcd niti-uis loieed thIr il they Imi po;-er.i'd it knowledge of
nay into Chlni thu people ol that eotin- the natural nUaiilnge ol the Nateand
try wero li'ingiu .eduion Irom the' there had he u .my lailma I ciinm-mi
iihi ol the wiuld nn 1 icJus'-d all inter c.i'.ion such ."iUm lie' wol-ii tlie"Jiaie
co'n-ie with f.ireiguci'. Hut civilized in the Mlanrul'ipi V.ille1 end tliM
n itlntis, cou'I'iiijj the tlcli .ip..!I, broke a'oug the Aihiiiiiosealn.t.i 1 Very ti
inlu the bny hive, and now tho p"p loii'-ous iilon of Oregon prevail in the
ulatinii C'Hiivi swarming out. We, Kasi, cvci among the boil informed
sought iiiteicouivo with China; Chini ' clacses,. Tim bcliel U almost univral
lid nut oi els inteicoiuse with us. J he th.it Oregon i. n very linibsiriiiK, uiiii
tiillux ol Chineie in this country, of ilWed country, full of Indians and ft
whii-h aoiiie ol our people conij lain, icio'i wild lieats, whie no perron l-
lhiif''io our own fault. It began tin- e tm Iioiii thelonnliawk:iii'l'aIpiiig
let a Deuioer.it io AdmlnlMratiuii and, kulle. They also tldnl: that tho eli
h it (.uitiiiii.il on to thlii linn'. Amoi-' incite is cMiciuely eold, and pop!c iu
Je.ui in Clnni enjuv pecial piiiilegea ' the l.tiiltido ol New ,Tiey, Soulheru
lull piohible the.i- will be continued1
unh--- the biiitulitv with wltio'i Chinese
iiiv liiateii iu Auiinie.1 is .tft.pid iiltii-
goiln.i!' When Auicrluain .inuiggriev-''
ed in China tlmy can appu.il to the!
the consul iroourls with n leinonablo
ur-sur.iuco that jutitu will bo done
thutn. It Auieiicau-i Imxe goods to
take into (he inteiior, theiinperiil iei
inn lawn dlciinnniitu iu their Invor.
Thuempiie wahes its juiisdietl hi at
Hlmnghai in favor of our laws ami logu
lalioiih. Ilutintht'ieoiintryCliiuoohavo
neither courts of their own nor rights
iu ours. This unliiuiidly disci iiiiiua
tion agaiutt tlu m haw heen borne with
singular patience; but can we nupposo
that special pi i lieges will always bo
granted to our jicople iu China if wo
allow Chinese iu this cmni-i'V to ho
treated with injustice mid bintaliiyV From theto local papeis they will learn
Oregon, 'wo mo glad to fay, has not j mom about thu weather, ciop, bui
been disgraced by outrage, upon this uor-n, nnd ginnral icioureefol thoSluto
inolVeiidiiig people as are cont.intly than from all tho private Icttoi-t that
nn.ii.nl.i.r in California : vet there mo I can bo written. Tho cost is tiilliug,
'- n -" . - i
ilcinagogues hero who, lor polltie.il ci
teet, mo encouraging tho idea that tho
Chinehi. aie the enemies ol tho white,
woi king chimes, and thus inculcating u i
feeling that i' ay huineliino ure.iK loitn
in itileiios'.-ftrf:'0i.
Tin: Duu-iiman'h AuTOiiiocti.vriiV.
I peso a pachelorinit a frow unt more
us n tozzen ohildren. Two udder frows
VOt I got living peso icu, .. !, .-
about flf', thirty, elevui,
mi tittklt,
" V -- i
somowhere iibwg der, vich account-
l0'm? .TW.-:"e.M..?".. Zl
iiior teet, i ioiko maw
co fee nut goes to church 'eept It, pu
1 " . ..'1 J- 1.. .o
Soouty, vi n I sthayo lo
III' in i iii-wi i
Laiien. I never swoari py
lam. nut I
always did. I goes ou walking overy
alieiiioou peforoMrciktast mil a horhO
Unt Piilrvy. "' sink ajiod all rtho
lie Inltgood Jiubilli. 1 I"-'"0 BC"1
nlliiililm: .Atde'ltwt voith of July.
"' . . . . ..-.ii- n.ti.i
w ,1 T ..Ad InM llltr Tf-'lITIIIll Itk ri 1ST
1 V"Ull uioi1 " ""
road for president,
Veil I gets, rnar-J
filedil vant- liverybody tO(goinb'to derl , Qht said Mr. Irving. ''Tlt f
'luiliJhil? "Nb"?. Pndegimlcia'tliccase. JfiligkDn'w r"" in
r pmJ ' nvlx Icpmmcnd you f-autlon.1
mtyVWw ,
Immigration - Bnllronds
The greatest need ol Oregon is moie
lopulation. The State is huge enough
! ami has Miflicii'iit nuiblu land to stis-
tn!n a million ol pcHiK', nnd thou ilot
iuu us tniiuli cioutlcd as Connecticut,
! Massachusetts, nml tntmy other Eastern
.. .............. '
anno-, yet, wiin tnw ric.u nreool nc't
laud, n climate miMirpaj-vd in the
U'nrltl. nriil llttllitir Unlitl lintl'm- itt1
ll,J"ura, f homAvd wiallh, c have
i population oulr nbout ciiual to nn or -
v . i .i i . .
ilinnry county in the hnst An in
cic.'iRv ol )iouitulioii w ill, of cour?c in-
cre.ipc bu-inc43 ol everv l.iud, and add
, ,. . , ,
lo the wealth and piopcnty ol the
State. How to induce lininlJrnlioii Is'
, , " .
one of the mot iinporlnut ipn-'tioni
.,,,,, ca 11g ,,. l(u Ini1,,Hof l0 ,..
i pie. Two thinus are nceiur': liil.'lv thev have nifun on their -ide.
I to dbseininMc n coriocl know lede in I
iregaid lo the climate, Mill and iiatiii.il1
iOMitiu-ei ol Oregon, nui-nifj the pi-ople cd the Cuiwlord County 1'Jati. It has nenco has ileiiiniittr.itcd just the io
nt the Hn-tcrn SlntiM: and, sucotMllv.Miecti tnud.niiil Iti Mveinl counties oflvurtc. While no ol Kistvin Oieion
I to Mcuie iailro.i'1 vouiiuuuleatioii with thu State has bieu nuauialily sucmn -
'the Kat, so thaV peiruiis 'who hivelul. It i, however, Minuwlia'l crude,
fornitil a favor.ible oilnlun of this!
count i y, but nru deterred tiom m.ikin
thu tedintw jnurney acnes the plains
with wagons, 01 tho Mill niorodi-'agier
ahlo voyag.i by tteamer, will be able to
i-tachherein a WliI;. lwo huudied
thiius.tiid emigrants have milled in
Miiomi ciiieo the war, f'Oin tho Ka
tern States and liuiope .1 Irge pur
tlou ol them Geinrui', the verv bet'
I'itij'tis tlmt nc have. All the dlhcr
Wei. am States iu the .MNsis-ippi Vab
ley have alno reeeited great nci clous
to (huir popul.t'.i ui. .Many of t'iere
peoido would havu xttle I in Otegou
Now York nnd I'oiii .ylvunia, who'o
tho ilvtri me hloeknded with ice em on
inontlii. in tho ,inr, t-hudder nt t'r
idea of going in-fur' north nn Orog-ui,
tor with ihein the nnly .rlieilou fur
temp1 ratine i luitude, and tn-rth
means cold and Miut'i wtrm. o have
oltin been asked by New Knghnul pe--pie
fi om "nwny down iu Muliio" wheio
tho ilverti fueze to tho hotioui and ve
main solid leo live nnintln in tho vcat,
if Oregon wim not a good deal eoldci
than their cmiuuy. No bettor means
of corn cling these IiiImi impicisioiiH
and fpreading a correct knowlodgu ol
the St ito cm bo adopted than for ov
eiy pel rou who feels nu iuteic&t in the
country to ond a fevvcopie-iol Oregon
nuwfpupcrs rogularly to fiicnda or ac
juai nances in vailouspaitsof thu hsst
nml c.ioh individual nhould act for him
hell without waiting forutheia. In nd
dition to this, uitteles i elating to ore-
gon might he sent to the leading pa.
I i.nt-j in tlm rnifil citii'R nl thu K:i!-t. end
,.,,., ... ...- 0 -. ,
wo heai tily agree with a col. mporary
tliat money hhould bo used if necessary
to proeuro tho publication ol such ar
tiulcs. .Vffc Journal.
AriiAio or Lioiitnino. Washing
- - i
-i.LMll 11 I1IU sllllt rfVitj Miito'M ,..,...
i imi miii-iif nni i in- ti i inviiirii .nn i. .
f- w 1
weic ovcitakuii by a stoim ; theru was
ngieattl.uudvringand lightning, and
Mr Irviiitr took ?e.go under a tree,
asu.ng n.s,co,p3nm ;
IIVVM,.. .li.n'i vnn inr
L-omu iu heio and
. bo as iftmfoitably liousod as I urn?"
i ' ' .-'-
"I daren't do it, my dear fiir," replied
Mr. Claik. "I am afraid of ligjitping,
My jthe'r win onco nca;ly Hilluil by il
(fhiiu hiundjiig, under a tico in a thuu
der tftort", nl h always qnjoluvd ii
upon ls twin boys never to do tho
SATURDAY. JULY 24. 1809. .
!. f ', .-
!?. Wrh iiit .
Pnrty Nomlnatloni.
lr people, we Lflluvc, ' apart Irom
that small bul rnh-chiuvotts class who
make a living by coriupting politics,
nrc lu fiior ol continuing the oul svs
torn or part v nominations which bus
wmi been proved, in a thousand doc-
ttotm to lie tliu mot Jaeilc ttmtuimnt
. . ....
i'veim'ity and dishonesty that a cn-
llilmf llitill.. n,i .i..l..titlf n1 I.. Vt. ml
cd by. The .;hicf dfflicnlty ittint Hmi
1 stood in the wnv ol' a chnmxe hitlieito
i i i " i i . ii
bai been the cumbrous and unwieldy
character ol neatly every itubtituto
' Buuticited. .Tin rente many who, nl-
I . , . ., ,, ,
tor xiewin thu iinpraetieahk' 5chemeiJ
pinpoiinded, eone'tide that thev will
I; ! . . ' ,
'lalhefbiar the illiilicvhnvo than lly to
olIu.r3 tll(.y J.10W ot 0 nlld c-'ltnlll-
I3ut there nre two plain which present
lew nucli dilllcultiet. The lirnt in call
and dos not ultonttlur pieveiit the
inaohiintimis of tiiekrtoif. The sec
oud plan i that proposed by the Tuti'i,
nnd known as thu Council Plan, Tho
piiueiples tipi'ii which it ii liaud nic,
that none hut iickuowledg'.'d members
ol a pnitv shall t.iko part in tho nomi
nations ; that council slit II be formed
iu every ward or ditiiet, iu which nil
active memher-i of the party tdiall be
i 'Hulled. That nouo hut theso rhall
vot-- . ' primirles, which aro elcct
uallv gi.''in1eil axatiist tho operation of
sehi'miiig p'di'ici.iu'. Kury party.uc-c-rdln
to thin lilanehouldliavoa wilt
ton ( reed. This -.'wod could bu modi,
lied lioiu time lo tlmi, us ho interests
ol the paiiy dictated : but it fliouhl lie
alwayi. the fiaml-itd n'jcl tho tot ol
party dlfiulpllue, and jio-ie.but those
nltoubserlbd to it, mid wuro iiicni
ben. Ol tin o Councils, would huo n
righ; to paitioipilu in the maklotr of
inn. In iltniid Tim ('iillllfll tilllll IS
b'isod on the uosumpUuii that tho3e
who identify tl.cmii.drs with their
paily, who woik fix it and with it, who
keep up 1th orgjiiizathm and devoto
.1.. ......1. .... a I . I..f rt..i.l i.i. ilir. nfilt I
llll lll'U. 1. IV IHkVilV. HI-' HI. ......
, , , , ,. .,.
one who have a tight to make tioini
nnti'iuv It it i. nou lo nil uieu to aiv
otiirc thin iLd.t It is the iuteiest ol
all nun to uci'tiiru ft. It is the duly
of every good clli-eii to quality himself
tor its exvielse, The plan is perfectly
simple, and at the s.ituo timu perfectly
a.ite. It uflords no opportunities to
wlrupulleis. It hold out no induce
ments to professional politicians. It is
fiamed by citizen for citizens, and wo
believe il will be lound to answer all
the requirements ot the ilmo. In view
of the '.icl-thal the llopiiblic.111 State
Convention is tthout to meet, and that
thu question of direct nomination will
be brought befoie itwelinvo thought
it well to commend this (ysteui onco
moie to the attention of th'iiking men.
S. Times,
Sintr.i: Att. The Goveiuor General
of India lately made a great military
display iu honor of Sin-re All, tho Afil
e.iu chief, whose liiendshlp is impor-
1 nit to Gre.it Britain lor the retention
ol the Indian Empire. Ten thotiund
troops weio on paiade, and the sccnu
was enlivened by thu musie of nunier-
ouh bauds and thu thundering ot artil
lery. Presents valued at $50,000 were
madovto the Ameer. Tho oriental
ehiettaiu is described as having a Jow
ish face, the peculiar featnro of which
is tho eyes, cold and cruel as poet over
described or painter over reproduced.
His past lifo confirms tho iiuprestiou
nitylo hy tlu-m. The Ameer expiesed
l.Ufli.llr.lit will, the "lerrlflu" dress of
.-.....- .,.-, --.. .
'' im.w', - - "; "
it... Ti:..l.l.1A. hut f.iiuiii.bA1 ah ifra
wnoccnuy. iw was eua.m.-u, hko
true ,.,nu..tAWlwltl. .iho bagpipes q
tho Scotch, mid -considers .hi'Hi tjio
finest o solijiprs. But tie It jsh seemed
moro i) his taMo, (9r, ybvp ,told that
people mo so fond of fighting they
will fight with each other why,n they
can gv-t no other weidy, 'lie shouted,
"Tlmt is n.pltnl that isjllkef my peo
plo; that is after tny own liear'
' i4 f
4,,Is your house a warm ofio'V askod
a gent )f man in senioh of a residence.
"It ought to bu," was tho reply; "tho
puintor gave it two coats rccbhtiy."
.,-..'; i.
Settlers vs. Monopolies
Without going into an elaborate discus
aion of the injurious cflcct9,nnd retarda
tion oftho Settling up of n nuw coun
try, wo tucd but call the attention of
nu obseivinj; public- to the untold trou.-,
bli;i that havu arisen iujiao$tyf';tWo
.oiiiersmi-'s in conspqnfnce
........ . .
t IT -.J
lions laud grant ttmt.liaia
uni'ti their mo4t nnJiflo an d vu)
foil. will cite hlaWRJMfd th Vuu
Hcnualcr and Dutch .inuilfi nnd, Johu
Teiiiieiisee; nnd more recently to the
SpiuMi giant) iu Cdiforuiii nnd the
sections homestcadod iu Web-loot all
ol which were uivcti under the bcliel
I that they would mimtilatu iininigriition
Juud ettlo up the eountry. Hut c.xpe-
) have Irid nothiti; to fear on this head,
i we have some serious npprcheusionii
'th.U h great injustice is nbout tobe th-r-
. . .
petiated uiion us, to sav nothing of
! tho wholesale fraud that ha bei n at
! tempted upon the Gciicial Govirnmeut.
e can sre no renson why oer six
hundred thousand acres of the bed Ian I
in Kisturu Oregon should be dittoed
away, unle.i it I for tho aggiaudize
ment ol a few individual;. It ii a no
torious fact that not only the inembeis
ol the Oregon Legislature front Grant
but many more who voted for the act,
confirming the giant of Congrets to
the Dalles Military road, know tlmt
Nald giunt would cover n largo portion
of the ngi cultural and mineral laud of
Eastern Oiogon, and that, too, which
was iu the pofcsiou of the actual set
tler; and tho fact need not be dioguis
ed of the position of persons, iu the in
tcrest of tliN would bo monopoly, who
hnvebicu ititlueiitiii in hoodwinking
Congrc.!', who wm comp natively I
not wholly, iinor.int nst to tho utility
I of mirh n grant, or thu construction of
nuy road other than the on- that was
already built. Canyon City Journal.
.Siir..,M.N'tJ Account or tiii: M.'nrn
, ,-... T . I 1 11 . .1
ito tiik.Si.'a. In lilsaddtcM at tit
.. . . ...
l'oint the othrr day, Gen. Sheiman
thus alluded to his Inmous "march to
tho sei :"
I have oftentimes been nsked by
friends f.itnilinr wilh Xcnophou, Hume
and Joiuiiii, in whlcli ot those hooks I
had learned the secret ol leading armies
on long and diflkult, marches, mid they
seemed surpiined when I answered tint
I was not aw.no that IJiad been inllii
cured by any ot thi'm. I told them
what I now toll you in all simplicity
and truth, that .-.liml was a young
lieutenant ol artillery I had often hun
ted deer in the Hwamps of thu Edisto,
the Cooper, and the Santee, ami had
scon wiili my own oyes that they could
bu passed with wagons; that iu tho
spring of 1S-J4 I had ridden on hort.0
back Irom Marriett,a, Gu., to tho valley
of the Teuncoo, and back to August i.
pacing in my courso over tho very
fields of Alloona, oflseues.iw nnd At
lanta, wheio nltcrwanl it fell to my
Bharc to commaud armies and to utilize
p1'0 knowledgu thus casually gained,
' A....1.. !.. ian... I lord T .... (.. '..It.
jaui, in luiuMu luuv, na in viiu-
toruia, and saw nrri.o aciots that wild
oclt frf 2,0004 miles of unlnhabitalilc
country the caravans of emigrants,
composed of men, women and childi en,
who rcachod their destination in health
and strength ; and when wo Ubed to
stait on a journey ot 1,000 miles, with
a single blanket as a covering and a
sack of parched corn meal as food.
With this knowledge falily noquired,
in actual dxpoiicucc, was there any
need for mo to look back to Alexander
thu Great, tho Mailborough, for exam
Tho Internal KevouuoTDe.partment
bas received information ol the convic
tion at Wiiliaun-port, Pa., of Mm tin
Belliuiro and Sultman,. charged with
viohtion ot tho revenue law s in rela
tion to distilling. They aro two of tho
most wealthy 11101-. in that part of the
Stale, audiihu largest distillers. Both
wore oentciieed two years lu the Peni
tentiary, and aro now in confinement.
-"IMI ' I '' ' "I' '
-'I wish Sally,'1 saidMJ6natb,an, that
yau woto looked in my arms and tho
Urown unci In JHfw Yorjc ; fi X . v Ti ! " Jl in
grants in Ohio ; lr?o,Kraii In the VO.nJ w-e are heftrtlly
Western State., murMt.-volutlo.mrv ? W' fVlirnhlng from
ivnrtrrni.t-.il. Vlrlnl,,. KipL--, ..nil bU u.M.ded vietini. Ill none of thew
n - a -...--... ,
Mors Faliohood
The Call, for ed ft urn its old posi
tions In 'I'i'iitM to the outiaju upon
' Chinee, ulteuipH to make iu render
j believe that all the attaokr lm bocu
J made by children belonging to the pub- "
! lie Hchools, during their vacation. Thb)
'subterfuge will not pass muster Tho
I c.iis in which Chinaman are attacked
J by boys do not cover half of the out
rages reported, .nun, grown men,
great hulking brutal fellows, are by
far the moU frequent assailants of Chi
tinmen. It was not boyt who assem
bled last Monday on the comer of Com
mcrcial and Iveainy streets, and abu
sed Chinese men fT'iif tcomrn, too, for
Lhoms, almost under the windows of the
omYo of the Call. It way not a boy
w ho punned a Chinaman tho other day,
knocked liitiild'juuanil.thcii beat him
Juriiiusly with the club ho carried as a
custoilinii of the" peace. It was not a
case, w.e6 yj comei nod, nor are they
in hilt the om r.iges upon Chinamen.
And il the In-isaie brutal, it isbecauso
they copy ihr-biulnliiy ot their seniors.
Heeau-io tlu-y ic giown men abuse the
Chinese, and lac.iusc they delight,
aboxe nil things, to imitate their ciders.
Giuwu tin 11 ute .inswciuhlc for ihcso
things; mt (.hildrtn. Tho men Ml
the example; thu childieii do but fol
low it. As for tho Call, wo bara
censed to expect either truth or Justico
from it 5 but we do not propose wen'
though it b - glu-n overlomisrepreMD
tatiou, that its fal.-e testimony shall go
forth unquestioned oruuipfutcd is. F.
Times July 1 Tfi.
1 n
Fruits From California.
Last week 1 mentioned tbo fact
that n lady had Ii rived in Philadelphia
bringing with her delicious ripo npri
cots, apples and penis that she had pro
cured in California only a week before
These she had bought for refreshment
on the joutney just as she w-tustartlng.
Shu stopped at Salt Lake and other pla
ces ueaijy two djys, and yet the speci
mens she had preserved from her littU
supply was perfectly fresh and sound.
Iu this little incident may be seen th
begin nig or foreshadowing of a future
great su- ply, to the whole of tho Un
ion this side ot the Itocky Mountains,
ot tho superabundint nnd deluioaa
fruits of California the finest fruit
growing country iu thu world. When
the Paeitiu Ituilroad is wull-s'tockcd
and in pci feet opviation, and, moro em
phatically, when several railroads shall
have been built, it is to bo expected
that regular lines ol cars for tho car
riage ot fiuits nnd vegetables to tbt.
Eu.t will be established, The frrapw
alone, of which California prodocM
more and finer varieties than aro known
as open-air giapes on this sldo of tb
continent, will furnish a large business
to the railroad, nnd they will Hud a
icady market; for, in the season, they
are so cheap, that they would cost hero
little beyond the expeuae of their train
poi tatlon. All kinds of fruits and veg
etables grow in Culilomia most lux
uriantly, nnd generally thoy are (
much liner quality thau thoM wo, ar
accustomed to. Iu n little while it
may be expected that they will ail b
brought to tho Atlantic citiea io grot
iibundunce. J'hila, Mullttitu
"If My FatherHolds the Sop."
In a rcmoto part of Ross-shire there
is nn iuunenso mountain gorge. Tk
1 neks havu been rent in twain, nd set
apart twenty feet, forming two perpen
dicular wallstvvohunilred fectinneight.
On either side of these natural walla,
in crevices wheru earth has collected,
grow wild tlowers of rare quality ana
A company of tourists visiting that
pari of thu country, wero desirous to
)os"fis themsuh is of specimens of these
beaut il'u 1 mountain flowers ; but bow to
obtain them they kuew not. At length
they thought they might be gathered
by suspending a person over tho elinT
by a rope. They offerod a Highland
boy, who was nearby, a haudsowe sum
to undertake the difficult and danger
ous task. The boy looked down into
the nwtul abyss below and shrank froa
tho undertakingbut tho money wa
templing. Could he conldo w th
stmngeis? Could bo vuulure hia Uh
in their bauds ? Ho felt that ho could
not; but be '.bought of Uis father, and
lobklnir onco moie at thu cliff, and them'
nt tho protfured reward, Ida yo blight
ened, aud bo exclaimed "'tf go
my father hola lh top,
A beautiful Illustration of the satuM ,
ol faith, It the Highland boy oubj
only place tho strong band and lovlug
heart of his father at 'tho other end (
the rope, b-.woud deeead tho prcoi
dice wilh a tearless iud. Love aad
power would keep bU from falling,
aud bring him up again with bis prize,
n trophy of Ills, lather'-. afTcotiou aad
bu own faitb Ex, '
- wait A(tnrtlfil l 1 "1. . 1. .. . I.ak 1. &k
' T II
ffl 1