Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 17, 1869, Image 2

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Nil I'
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t'4 '
'S.,VVni,..V'jMilN'iAjnf)' ft, fmu."
. - Ho-sfTiwii.?b HeV'-In
jiarpmM wk-khj oiiiuiy. mi, win or
jmntu lAiWmtyaic.mW''l lrv'ard
ftmntquwlifg Vi trifcOharle'KtV6r','as
.LoarSSSt o ; wiiici.;j;i"c,ji8 ih-il,,llu ;1h,e, ,,u,y ,;rll,,,l;
, ' I State to educate ill chi ilren. and that
.1 to TheTof!:vnftic'Tfl3rhM In" 'Aim,
'ttiCTti,llcNfi'dorWeiwmen li S
it W IW(fr,Jf)otiglaacouiAf',b5y,Vho
: -tffj t c1 t"hoI nt Wut5& in fiTs conn
' iiy,lJfid libsurpnfents nor reside near
Itcrtffby'tnrTarVSrdboysto test tho
rnJlflAinV! endurance o Hie Kngiish
rtt. n?id1finreprewnlcd'a'n a finished
oh'rslntfi.'1 Ricr Mj poor'b-oy Vho lias
1 orkeiTlil vravitiV fo distinction in
.n... k . '
' hc JiHlt'r6Hie"jn the country ny nicer
fcMevrran'e, having frCtpieiitly lakcn
iilVbcbUi ont with him while plowing,
'htfd frfr'nls'o.hVwcli a for tliclum-
frbtlhc'Sta"t'cf uTS'hope he may come
W'MctWiiftV Thc'crL'w untied lor
Knglind on the Hllli. ami will tram
llj.ro jfyyci jv.tsjn before the race.
t'fia one of thiiUongreMonal Districts
oLAc'irginia a eolnrtd tit in. Xortou, in
iltcuXbyh handiome ili.ijorlty. lie
' owill lako-liln tout in the next Congroit,
t (wHiapf next to hi conervuti c broth,
'.nr, Sipith, from I hi State. What will
brutaer Smith, fcho wmh ihoeked by
tho partiiif-atioii'df "niggci" hi a pub
lieruiei;ling In Viiginla, 'ii yen or o
4'icr, Jo 5 Will ho iniagjin;, that the
(tfadilionl "(Ueiit1 ihas bevtt changed to
-nttnr ill rpfeA 'iilk forward and wel
come Ifld uorifv-rvntU e friend n a brotll
WJji'JJriffU,'iji(fIi,wfio was elected a
)ju yltitu lepjcvnintivool Oregon 1
V .wiH;lm.4.ll.i.y N'ollie will wrap hU
"( eloik aVont'hhn rirf th'eehiValry once
;lJ.ffiMl fvlw,-jii;tj at, m.oii m ' liin
'' .tuiui exp.tjiit, 4U)d,l(iy lait dollar" of liio
'; penUc'i,dd milviige in .eiurc hi his
, wWlie i : i '
Xm WairxKR'i-'Vic. 'Itrevitt ol
, tkA DallA, hw buHvjpolnfYllhy Wen.
iijtA, Cfook, i) .noil ill Uitvrrium'ht
1niUdlnrff t CaiiTWitf-nor.- CnlinlM.
1 NVltf rVrf n.:u-Ofi.eral Crook, couM
" wAW ,UM ,,ul "
ctfuiiiipiiblucvpiierjifil ,ho mado
' ' iJtilllUkuhiua..4ijr ihtcodiicing a
;' billhiliHv JtI.iglidiUUrd to rtuvimj
. jiVifuVf oACfrinir 16 the ftiur-
tWitlAiUfmlinil tojliejfjlo'uii.itulioii ?
r '" lYJojJ IWtlmt tli.efe ilnwa.wlioiiirc
puiitlvin tlioirt homillty, u the Oov
cftlml'nt'iirVrfo cbmtcd nhd pettcil by
ririn'oicor ,nw fienc'raT Crook n
W JJJUfyMwW if'ui f tho
hiii'a hrr fl.'1 J Znx
4 nitl"yAtT'ut.ynKnoi'tniuooTnf
',' iifcriAkwLirtnu. had .much to inv
-W. 'UJ-'IJI. 'li' - I .
numH(iTH7mii-ni mi vrp Hirers', uin since
,iu6tlssrlviWMia WTClifur
f v uiitlw'MlHfitiiiiodil'Mtcil'ia'r'' Oovei nor
, TlHiliiftJls!Wf)ervqiiiet. "Vhy do
tii mTftmmtf or'thl Slate
' tt,i1Uir'f'Jlr s''ftcf-'" f Ohio' to
lisMMcratie.-csvipbl'tiick, and otnehtirsi
VfiiutsrrAr.r)Rii;,- We-ldahi'that
lam kiikd.llrtlbi Jhicot tlio -lliiiunna
a14f'V lWgbi Koad, Im tlie
VU11 vai.isi;,..i r-n:
t-piil MiiUvdnigoiBjilhitorstruok him on
I tlrilflldniiiiifit'iifiAi-mirv.
' ,
-Jiteuntkigiliu- and Veimtfht, which
: 'In'rtUl'rf;jo',rat!f' the 'Kjlteeulh
AM.ifrtk-o?r "hiW mo l)veiy.liv
ikiB( C4itltS JlVtjhnunt, with jtfiotlo
,',,' llalifl,,j.aOhio,- Virginia Mississippi,
y tdrgfa MiaTvxaH-td ntimdy " the ro
'' '""J'i'nO-'to f-vcu'io-'iid'-,
,lJ3l?r4V'J'l,cit'1 - fiVrt.
, . 'Hfi IHfifbe Biuoiidujeiil is already
' a vfrtkalK'.aniurcd.
i , i "hi ' - -.
v fcCtiqasfDAif ano Umi'QI'a Waoon
ItOAii.-We are informed by Hon. H.
iWrman, of Oakland, Hit a preiiminarv
HW.ftl'RIWf l'u!".'l o" thlu rowl.
'-OlHVfliMH'iiy jiayp noLyet deoidod on
.tho route, and ii in doubtful if in ofli.
.' ' iyJlyaVj M wSSg Tl.U .mumer:
. "WS'SttsPWtti c?i'.,- the Jtepubli.
t lATsj'UvBsalcft'Uhf fastest-time overrun
v intttittfinitaiV -
J, ' etir ainjiirX-i!
i 'iWJil-i ft.wVt Olympic ,, (1()
' l"?Mf..A'l!itt,(rT","4 '
iwi'm i
Albmryrai'dhert'silth'siot V,ni TwJ
twenty ton of height:
J . " "T - w .IIH
': B'VVWfethcbWvyoris arid
l4iV8''itiboyt hsdiijhrougb,- .hgu it
The School -System ami lta De'ccts. ' Indian Offleer. Letter From Jas. TwoKood
The wise men of our State liavu been Wc le-trii fiotn a perfectly reliable ', Wu give u lew extiacts Irom u pri
nt woik many ycnii deiisiiii: a svstcm source, that there ii much dancer of ! vnte letter Irom Mr. Twogood foruicr-
of Common .School that will instiro the'
...i ... -t .. ..i . ..
iMiiiuiiniioii oi ine mases wituoui re
gard to their financial condition in lite,
Public opinion is advancing rnpidly,
and society begins to recognize the
I " " f "
property, as a wise mcaurc ol protec
iiou to itself, should bo made to do it.! The Indians in the Klamath. .Lake
Our legislators have not yet reached country arc muclij dlgtistid and dissat
this point, seeming to forget that the iafied, and it is no childs play to ntan
"rato bill" keeps tho children of many j age them. The cavalry, the only efll
poor parents from the School room, oicnt kind of ti oops againu Indians, arc
In some instances, people who arc am
ply nblc to spare their children nnd to frontier is lilled with unsuspecting set-1 go, Denver Cheyenne, Salt Lake Ac
pay for their education manifest n tleis. Theie are over one hundred i There must ben good dealoftheFieneh
shatniful indiflerence, and to Midi the Snakis of Old Pnuliua's band, on the 'man's llee about you-yoit take some
attention of our law makers should be
We hope our next legislature will
pass a law n quiring every child to be
sent to sehool nt least six months in
each enr, if health will permit, espec -
ially all who aiu between the age of
six and fourteen yenis, and make it a
penal offence lo ioiate the same with-
out a good and sullleient season. We
hojie also that the school law will be
so loised that rate bill will be en-
tiiely discaidid, nnd t'lat property
shall be made to educate the children
ol the people. In our opinion the verv
Ircqucnt change in teachers is one of
the inot seiioiu difiil in nnr ai-Ikmi!
sslem. The facility with which in-
competent teaehers piocuie situations
is another. Teaching should be made
a profesion commi tiding equal respect
with nnv other. The tiainini' and ed-
ucallou of our chihlicu is no light res -
ponsibilily. It requiie character, learn -
ing, inc. mid n good knowledge ol
human nature and how many of our
teaehcis combine all iIi.-m. i-'Miilinls
Incomct pionuneiation on the part ol
a liacher is but pooily compenated by
an application of the dry and turgid
rules ol uriHiimar. Peevishness nnd
1(1 temper in a teacher is not hull rec -
oiiiivnst(l by exhausting everv text
that ad
monishes gentle behavior and
itmc. The one Is remembered
le force of example the other
good u.itui
Irom th
(orgolteu nsn thesomelask. Teaching
miMflc made a pioftssion, honored
and compensated necordhmly. Just so
1 ' "-"
oug us school arc regarded a a means
ol livelihood by young men too luea
pablu or too lincy to engage in anything
else, or who aio piepaiing for some
other occupation, or as a mean of pro-
curing pin money and gewgaws, byjwhuia black man gets betwein the
young nib.-H'N whoso highest aim is to'
shine in u ball loom, or who iwu their
iin.ti:,i. ..w.... I. .......... 1 l!.l...
iwiiiminiuinii ua it iiiiuun ill iiisiiiav.
jiuisolong will ,he,v bo roon! for
tcry just complaint agatiiht our present
hen they too, lenl'ue the sacred
,.m.i .....:i . ii.in.!... ...- .i...i
"'KlllJ II 0 lUIIPIIIIIIUl'S 111 i loir
calling their usefulness will be inc.eased
iuiiiiij,uiiiriisiiiiiuiii win ouiiiLie.iscii
and .they be honored a valuable iiit-iu.
bers'ol soeietv bhould be.
Viiit of Bishop Morris
r.. c. i.l. , , '
On &itnday last many ol our people
i..,.iii,..iu..M. . ..!.. : .ii.
had the pleasure of witnessing the beau-'
Ui.i .....i i : . .. : i .i
tilul nnu Imprchsne services ol the
Kpiscopul Ciiurch, and of listening to ,
mi eloquent sermon by the Hight Hev.
Ulshop Morris, lately appom.cd to the
diocese ol Oregon. The Church was
, . , . . -iiini.il
crowded both morning and evening,
and many, who for the 111 sltlmu listen-
ed to the solemn nud devotional litur .
gy, nnd the grand old nullum of the
t..ii.,.. ..f ..ii i- . . . t i ,
Mother of all Protestant Chu.ches, '
went away bewildered and imp.essed
with thuir mingled grandeur nnd siiu.
plicity. It is not strange that it should
bo M. All men have, moro or less reli-'
..,, . ,., . "
gion. All have an inner life that be-,
long only to themselves. It may bo
by tho
and strange vitality. Not a lew had a
new light break upon them on that o...
easion, and to some o. us the beautif,,!
rutin . une iniiL'o.1 .ih nntt. ;.u
brought baok the hallowed memories
t-sitit ssj iiiii uiilllin iiniil'l IIII'M II I' "l I rwnn n.in i. iunt, lALllit l.iini-n it nil t-iii. ll 1 1 .1
bo hidden by the world's philoso- ',j;t',,'lJ f1''"'' '" ,!""' ! Wo have tho satisfaction, howev 'rVoi
itmaybu blinded an I .lLlM,, tl,,liy: that vvh'aJ
follies and vanities of the outer K. 1 1A -JSS:i "I "fi "1 "?' Fl ill :r ?,v"r tlluAUt',sl0l " ll'1', t'alifoniia and
u which all seen to live, but it I, Allof lW'.iunal'tovvn!.!,, !!!.' south " Z? V , ' " l.VV ' ' l! VUro
; and Ihcro are times whin sjim.., , Il.no 7, eaM, vxffiit Finrtliiinl School u.iti i, r(wi(i niiw- r. ,.".t, ' . ""
Tlul nuenov awaken it t ..... ' !5CL'"0 l ","1 ' tl 7.fM Wl Uhieo. fur it will nlno,. .1, .. '.:.."
' -- --- si itnufltl'V -- -. .-..- tint ii i; ti
oi tia-olileli time, anil gavo convincing I "ho can beat it V i as, lo.ui win no limit, Thi-su road
pioofthat tho religious impiessions of! , ' "" " ,. , iW" ""'. "V"0 "') oiiuol'th.) most
chlldluind. ..,., .... .. J.i... ": , ' Is,,u'v .'i-ii'NiKNi'nNT.-Major '-tvou.ed ami important in tho State.
fr, ,...',.. ,. " . ,.. " L ""?." ,,l'-y "'fe'1"-:"' U 8. Infmitry, hns , u....-,.
. , v." ;, . . "',"'". r f,M . lilo.l u Superintendent of In. U .;.,:,. i.'"?T "s""!?' . I1
Ol Mil'. IL IB LI1I1 llllflll tW llluhAn -. nini MMMI llint 111 11(1111 I IISI IV
Morris tn ....ml i. i. ',
n-ulergyman to star, choo,,andgat. I
r ogether tho scattered members I
nl his Clmrcli,
Wit do not dotibl that u talented min.
. ... ........ut i -iriis .li... ..ll. I... I "k
ister might awaken'a new religious , ovw montli, joly as over I wi80bHl nu Z?Zu , . , 'Tou,t,,
IHb her; nnd it is tho Impression of . ImxM like the Grand Turk. I gcther ' wC.cve, Z SidlScS
jelidous people that this is excel- 1'i.t M-ln"tT"of delicious rioo n:,"'l'a nmo"K H"' on tho reservation
IctUfieldforamlssionary. temnb,mX! wUSw w---y filing into
trouble with ; the Indians oaSt ol the
. . . . .i. i. .!....
- tacaies, on account oi uic coiuusiun
incident to the late proponed change, in
the Indian Dcpaitmcnt.
Twelve hundred ".Snake.'1 from Camp
Hari,uy' )V!,,,,cr:n,, c; 'Vr;1" hr
mmn m ilm numm-im hpailed bv some
.iw ... ..,...- -rf
- desperate whites like Arehy Mcintosh.
- takcn'lrnm Fort Klamath and the whole
Klamath reservation, nnd it recpihes .big nnd sudden hop,
the greatest .'gilancu n the part ol j And so you are back among the Ueb-
the sub-agent to keep them quiet. The, loot nttioii. Well I nlmoit wish I
mnuVal ol the ennlry Irom that point was llu-ie with you, for 1 c.tii'l some-
and the Mibstitntion ot iufiutiy was an (how icconcile myself to always Ine
, aol 0( (0yf ns u ,auof need.'liifaulry Iit-t ol the mountain. You ol course
against mounteil Indians in an cxten- jhme been to Salt Like City whit do
tVt! pmiie count rynru worse than use- , you think of that country. Please
j,.8 huing only the laughing stock of 'give us the lesult ol your conclusion
xlv "Ijiavc." The pteseiiee ol a cav-, in leganl lo the people, climate, conn-
airy force in the Lake countiy is abso- try, and chance for in iking uior but
lately necessary to control the Indian; 'honest Inhig. How would u hotel do
and an Inlantiy company I of no more itheie n liltlu out ol town, as n suit ol
use there thin it would be in Jackson-j private u-soit for iitoi and thoe
villi. ' ' tnn cling for pleasuie. I should think
. 7"p , .
Virginia tC
The election in the StaU of Virgin-
la, held on thu Gib Inst., hns icsiilted
... ...... i . ..i. . i
in thu complete success of the n nlkvr
or conservative party. J heir ilistinc-
live policy wauniveisal sullragc nnd
1 the complete ihlianchiscinent of the
! whites dialiniichiml by participation
in the rebellion. The result i well,
i In our opinion it is unwise to longer
' debar so miny whites Irom a share in
I the government of their own State.
Time is healing the wounds oi tue war
rapidly. Virginia ha reengnied the
equalil of all nun beloie the law, she
,' has aceepled all the conditions hnpos-
, ed on her by Congies, ami only asked
that mil.owal polili.nl auimsiy and
universal sullr.ige go together. The
' election proves coiiuhisUely tint the
negio can, and will, use his new pnw
iloge uudcrdnndingly, nnu that the ni
' gio lace .-.nnot bo diivcn like sheep by
e ...
any faction or pa.lv. A ueglo na.m-,
Norton i elected to Congress, nided
bv IK'mi'cratie votv, anl i a mattei
of emiohity, how the icllned mhniiity
ol that bod v, who mike such a Ium.
wind nud ihcir uohility, will sluud hi
iiieseiice. The 1ft I Ii Amendment w!1!
In. nil. .l.t.i.l liV till. Illal I llllllilllllll
, ii
"' ...-'.- -
, nnd her afbdr in , ho hand o.
0,VI' peop'e cann.iMi.il lo prosper.
, c.. t-j. cm v
State Lands Subject to Entcry
Fii'iiui'iil I'liniilrv ha been made as
-- i I-".
' l'-' " ,,'Sl,," hwU '" 'i.th-
J " (Jw8". " U) "hilhiT thu se-
' h-elions are purchasable or not. Through
the kindness of lion. I. 1(. Moore, thu
Secretary ol the Hoard ol State Land
it i..: . 1.1...1 . i...
v.uiiiiMii.'Miiiiui!-, - iiiu i-uiiuiuii in iiii
... . , i
tho iiilormatnm before our readers,
, . , . , ,..,.,
roowh.g will be found n list ol tho
, , " ,. , , ,
" w'l, $m I'tiichnsed at
Uo1',nl l,aiH ''f wrv am UM l,il'a,',fl
nt l " mV -
., hl, V1,"'"1R,,il,.a0 Tu''.' U,"JP 7 l'a,t
(0 mving Iractional scytions are
selected: si, 2:i, !, .:., 'U, '27,'2h,'.W,
!)1, :)-. 'M, U M.
1" Township !17 south, Kaugc 7 east,
t,,u Mnw"Z itional scctl .ns . mid
sections l-rae. see, 1, 'J, II, !,, '21,'Jt't,
. ol( ,W .,, Siu ,f 'u ',,; ,.
1:1, II, If, 17, 20, gl, 2'J, i.J, 'JO, J7 .'II,
, Tj"""''-I' !'? ""tl'i J'i'i'K" slk,,i1.
', 0,,?l !Ut?n V 8' ll lU' !1 '
All of rractioiialTowiislihii'IShoiith,
7east except Fractional Scho'.l Sections
Jtl and :. All of Fractional Town-
I - -- -
A Tiiiiritiwr Poi mmu.-Wo hear
that Mr. John Si.cmore of Sinn's Val-
htv wrist iiriMcniiif uiil, ,1 tl.i.is..
POjmd boy by Mrs. S. on Tuesday last.
I ""," ''m'8 ,n "gou. no will i.rol.a-1
as .
$" !" " "
Horn:.--Wo notice that Col. Uoss
linH "ned, nfcrn sojourn in Califor-
jly of Grave Creek, in Josephine eoun-
... y '
Chciiuy VAU.nr, Winnkiiaoo Co. )
June '.'.Id, 1909. J
I received a shoit'note from you da'
ted nt Washington, 1). C, March llHb.
I H would be a good point, now that the
' railroad i thioue.li. The llelv eli
!,nat we have lieic is enough todigul
iu K,ii,t.
Axcrycold, wet, bnekwaid
i pri ig, and we hn.e had a thunder,
hower regular every other day for
, the n.ist three weeks. Il is full a bad
lure now a Southern Oregon m mid
winter. I.nt ?umuy in-twecu six and
eight Inchc ol water fell inside of" two
hours. Oregon can't beat that much.
It flood thu whole country, w-ahiug
lorn t iLlit out by the root, taking off
fences culverts Ac. If it don't light
up soon farmers will come out at the
little end of the hum.
Siniiav, p. m., June '.'Ttli.
It i Sabbath to-day, and I lme mO
1;i ,illl0 , ,il(H, ' thk Oh, what
! weather "i-h dUh." S.ill raining. Il
laiu-d every day the past week nud in
raining.' Full six inch' of water
(l.-ll ycMenlay ami last night, ami no
. sign lor a char up lor some time to
i.niiiK limit 1.4 niMhi' i-nrn v.ni
, u
,IUllll., c,Mnllehl whhoiit getting
' miied. Aiut it lovelv. And sm h sh.irii
jclnp of ilumtir mil Uit:ai enough
1 to make a lellow's hair st ind on end
Thu Californi i ami Urtgon iUl'rsid.
The Oroiille ilrroiul, ol July .'Id,
. , . . , .
.f .tV c.V V.'. r.V.V.r'.V. .'.U;:! C Vi".';.
nvn ,wl ,.,..,,, Cl in the upper end
,oi me iou ninii." me. witk, examiii-
, ing and humming the line lioiu near
! the depot ol the O.oville load to the
i , .... , ,,,, , .
l"V'r,' l,w ' ,,u r" ') "d." Iron, n
point near wheie thy Orovillo mad
.WvtVi 1)ry ,.IIU,( al (dll(ing a line
'nhnig thu Idiill leaching the tner at a
point ahoyu thu old sawmill, whcicthc
ol.ill extends, quite lo the liver. At
this .oiut a huge rock rears itself from
the bed id tho liver, suitable, for the
anchorage ol a pier, leaving n sn.ui
I hum thence to thu northern shoieot
two hundred leet. L mlouhtudly theiu
is no better point on tho liver, ncces.
iblu to this lino of road Cora brdgo,
il a practicable line can be found ti'wui
thu no. tli bank of thu liver around
thu point of Table .Mountain, in the di
rection ol Chieo. Thu engineers, who
have been running lines to the old Elli
ot survey, crossing thu uvcr at Ili.mil
ton, and a line crossing at Yuba City,
may wol
have c-A.i-l.iiiiii.il l.'iii. .L..
when tl.
.. .....,.,v.. ... .......
examined thu erosshii; on
thu line they aiu now iiinuing. Thev
will find an auchoragu here for a bridge
that will withstand thu higliest flood
known since lliubetlleiueiitofthuoouu.
try by Americans, and lender tho mil.
road lieu from interruption by Pcaili
er river lieshets. 01 course it is imt
neater San Francisco with their giain,
S," " ,,,u Ori'b'on wl ia Marys-
$ ulSTt&SiS
.. m. ..: : t ... .. . M,,l'tvll,,'i-
' . .. imv f ill III
pruig Heseivation. over tho M..k',.,.:,i "
! irTciXtt'.Sft
'alarmed at the prospeci if !l SiSc '
. "n'u" ""'"Ko of military oflieen. Tliov
". ,",,, 80!,U1 pent-'ncii with the
I answered iminediatelv', and went to ty." 1 ho need of omo place where l.egM.iuirc; uet. , (.olorado, )tt.
I tho ollh-e every dav for'a week, looking ihe'many orphans of our State might g;te to Congri"j; Oct. IS, Penn,a.
- . .', i , iim i i ii i i i -i. ma, btato iillieerHatiil Leii!laturi Olil
fo. a icsponsc, but looked In vain. Ihu beproperly cared for.has long been felt, , Sa'(u 0.(.UM ,, rBKatuw 'l..!.
next thing I hear of you Ik ia tho and tliu benevolent ladies mIiu hiaiiiiii, statu olliecrs atid Li-ginnltire; Oct. aij'
SiiNTi.SKt. Mr. Dowcll isinNew Voik rated tliW euterpiire, with n iw to California, Judge ol Supicmu Court-
will stait lor Oregon such a d.iy, propcilv providing fnr the little unfor- Nov. 2, New ork, Secretary of State',
via. Panama and Frbco. The next is-' tunale-. deserve the heait-felt cnconl- J;,' "i1!1 ''" u $' N?v Jeiey, Lej-j-U.
sue te M oi iur. uoweii oeum in v-nici-
II I 111 . .. 1I.I . . 1 t S k .....--.--- ,... vaa&VBf fdlll lll'l'll Ml
...in inn niiiigiiiiou, ii i aino iios
itivelv Ntated ilun tlm lt,...i-....,...ii.
II . .,. . .. T -'-V"1UMIH
better From Pilot Rock.
Again, with llio hope to interest
your leader", Mr. hditor, I luinish you election hi the picsenl year:
with a biief communieatioii from the! Aug. 2, Kentucky State TrcaMirer
Capitol eh ' and I.ciilalure, Alibatna. M.-nnVisof .
iilkn oak oiii-iian's iiu.mi:. Congn s : Autr. ft, T.-iuieee, State Of.
This ii.Mitu.iou, purely vharitnl.lo in j J!'"1 XMV, l0' Mo""
. i i .1 i i- n,,!l ,ir '"'legale l vuiiiircs: Si-m
Icbniuctcr, a e.eeled by the Indie 7, Vermont, Slate ollirt'r, ami S.
! constituting the "Childien's Aid Socle- lure Jte'cpt, HI, Maine, Si nffenHieernnd
uunol all gcneroin Hearten people,
In our zealous effoits to uige otiwaid
the ear ol progiesj, in the erection of
iiutiliitioix of learning nud places of
jiiiblie worship, in improving naxiga -
tiou on our Tners, in building up line
eitie, and in drawing across our l.iud
the track ol the iron horse, we miiNt
not loig-t in out success and piosperi-
ty, tlioe who ate in need ol n helping
hand, and we uiu-t keep pace in ehaii-
. ii ... .- -.I i ! i
tab e institution with beiielicial ones
. ,. . ....H...v ............ i,,.,, mi iv UHJ5UI 10 ue
ol other clniraeti-r, I he ladic appear, ,, rtihigenl law both in Oieaon nnl
to hae ptopcily icalied llii. and t t nlilornia, inllii-thig huny peinltits
hae, bv thi-ir own ellbrls. noiiicd u . t'l"'" '"' person convicted ol liringik
ten iii-iv trael ol 1-stttl (donati m of Mr.! I,,.l,,1,,;r " Ht? iii.initnlii-. Such a law
,.,. i .1 i, . i . .1 i ' tnijht not entirelywjuevent, but M
l-.h...beth Pan.!.) on a gentle vinl. w,ijMly mitigate the Mil.- Or,.Jim.
ueuee, hall'n mile uil ol S.ilem, elect-, mi
ed n beautiful building thereon, cm-j
ployed n illation, mid me now ready
i. i....i.lii. I , at, (.,. , mil,, r.il id.. I
, homeles little one. I had the nha-
iiiu of tisitiug ihc'llome," in care of)
two ladies iiinoug the most enthusiss-
f c oiigtuntors nud mnnngeis ol the en
tcrpihe, and must acknowledge that 1
enjoyed the enniage tide and the look
at. the Home and it surroundings, ex
cecdiugly. The site is one of pcculiai
beauty. Weslward tho city presents
aspleudidnpi.earai.ee, with its hand-
........ I. nil. Ii,, it. il . i.l.. .I.,,,.!.
Kimo nuiaiiugs, il wiiio sircil ami
long lows of maple and lir: larlher. u
lnoad belt ol eottonwood mid lir de
tiotrs thr iMiuif-o ol tlii u ill.tint'tti in
...... .
leyotiil, the grove "-ered hil's ol
P.dka d Ymnhlll counties a.e plainly
": "'", j !'"" i' I'-Wl mmiutalu,
j h lZyTllJZU
. seapf. ICa'lwanl the" iiin.m-s ol n
liml.eied ridge pieieni mi Mi tided
view ol hi I and dal-in oneol thelinet ,
poilioiiM.I our Mile, el il I misMko,
uol tie long ingg il sides t f the Ci I
ende chain cm be sieu, and Mnnni i
Hood, nnr'iig .ilnfl Ids lo'ianio spire i
At the IIkiiu-I ua shown the Him Iv
ari.uii'i'd r.tiiu. nu-l the i oinniod!iiii.l
ei-llaruiid tonk a drink ofpureiold wa
ll r nt tho pump on the putch. .Much
I'd lil't'll llillll'. Ml l.ll.i-'l -ni!iiii4 mi
l.iin. Tin. lii.1,1 li-..in u-l.1,.1. .. .1......
giowih ol viiung whilu I'jiKs was cut.i
lllllltl I. Ml St lIllS tSklltw Itlll Jtlll J,l .. F
" .... ....-,.. ....v.. .. '...-li
be p..u.ed l....-ol.iv.li..n. iho build
ing in.. si oe paiuien, nirniMie i :im sup
plied, ami money U i.qui.eil to tuvnui
dih lln-e tilings, and I mil qmlr eon
lideiit that the geueinu hcaried people
ol Souihein (Jn'fuii, il appealed lo,
would do someihiug to promote the
sin ess hi id c teipriie. Ihe "Cl.il
dien' Aid .N.eiciy" can at leist count
on my pat.onage (with my whole lam
ily) at their IJoMaurant, il we should
attend the State Fair.
tiii' riai:mi.viio.v.
The celchintion on the lid ol July
w.'i lather inoreol n sueees ll.an was
anticipated, even by the inot sanguine.
Thcsphhism was ininilest throughout
the legular peilor.nauee, and tho nV
it of tiiift-r as evident in the irrri'iilnr.
Thuora.ion by Prol. S. C. .Simpson
wa it master effort nud well delivered,
'flie Dcu'nr.ition was read in a clear
full voice by Air. Prei.lis; the praer
by Hev. Mr. Iloniiell was ablo ami up-
... ...nli. .....I.l,...! t .., ..'.I
airs by the large and welltiained choir
.,..(., ,.i. x; ,, ,i inn nuiii hi national
was one of thu most iiitoioitiiiir fea
tines of tho Decision.
A little episode icsulling in one
man's iieciv'ing a couple of pistol nhols
and another a serious blow on (he
head with a stone, did uol distuib (he
audieme, althouL'li oeeuuiiiir near the
sluud, wheie at the time that imlNcii.
bablo mmistrohity that (if rsmiatcdOeo.
Frniicw Train wti helping the gaping
thousands to ii little lectifru supposed,
to have been on the future ol Oicgen, '
but which uould not bo he.ud for the
uproiious din that the oriiitutvtie
vveru inaimig ni me tune. Tiiu mem.
hers of this "venerable organization ap-i
peared in garments which they might!
hmi iu Qiiuaiai.iiaiu in u ennuis oi iiiclr
order to antiquity, being time-worn
nnd antiquated in the extreme, and'
siblu eiaculalious iniuht have ri-uVuti-il
, ," , ?..!" :.' ' ' ,,uonil "'."f""'
credit on the howjing ileevishes liem
selves ; but vheir perloimances would
have been much "better appreciated
had they not. continued until it was
"no joke. Th,v oration by tho grand
orator ol tho ugly fraternity was n
inaster-iccu of strung composition, be
ing the production of n young mun of
iiwiMiunii-iiHi-ii inieni nun learning, mil
it mtlMt bll ndlllltti'il llml lin ivn-n mi.
that I'ctiislon a canino expression of
comitciianco quite unbccoining to u !
youiu ui pis cnarnotcr.
tlio weather hero hns bocii extremely
wnrm, tho mercury for n long time
showing an afllnity for tho oiio huiw
dredth graduation, and even now are
shades popular. Pn.ut n)(.K,
Salem, July flth, 160P,
1. .... ... . .r
State Election for 1669
Die lolloping Slntr arc et t0 10,j
tuie, Mtiincsola, State oflieen. and Lt)...
inlature, WUcoiiihi, Stall ullicers niM-
Election me to be held in Teui
' mid M iMp i, but we belie. c tie
thin l not yet li.ed by the Pre.iilcnt,
In both thoe State, Si ite nlHeers anj
member of Coiigres are to beelnicl,
and the Slate Contllutiohs to be ub
milled to a ote ol the pcepV.
... .7"T' 7. "
I ne agree with the editor ct thu
i.. "..,, . ,.., ,i .. ,
IF i s mn us
A Bvl sllil ll.ltll
mmm 11 ' 11 ii
I ft .fi kii . ,nl THtK l.iJ iLli tit, Ml.
I.'lfltt.) Il.lllvttlt UUKlIf l,l(lllf IJ 1,
No 11,11 Hit t llltt I ! .--n, t ..k i, a,
I..U.M. f IImiv.i an ,-ii luull i .Il-'IHii ll,i..
ullif WlllniiiWlt.ifill.i
Luwfil tw Urk Wliotrtslt him.
! W. mr W'i,hi,i Wttdiri 0 iin ti,; flkir r.tiV.
Ilkllll.Blll l I I. A iauli.1 .lll.aa ul.l..... . ...!
I ""! "' I'lUliI.. In tlrljf WIMl ll 111. mtlll ll
' in i.n.. i.n.L.i.Mirfuii. i-.i.i..ui i. w,ii '...
, ,,...,- ,n ,! -- -tiii 'oiiri m ntrati-r i iiiaiit
i i'::ti.,Kiir.,lJlSri:-V!'..,:'
! I.'iiV.Im'u'" imTi' i ii'L"'!!. ii'Ltaft la
.t.iu. ... ; ..'.. ... . . ' . . ."
.l.fil.tl.lrlil klui.. IrlMl.r Uhlu-l uutlill il Hi
. k.t.. y nnir.nii..i u. j...
,...., , fc ,r,li. .lllli.l iMki ...l.llk.(
nr Hlr m i4
Ik lb. Ill ll
- JirS?i;;,rii." ft.1-; i'U: 'ry.;:!! ;V?tX
I " l","s",'"r
Mil 1 lk I l4tM
.,,., ,,,, , ,., ,,, v, , M
IIVfArwimrirf. tot l f. Iloiiutr Ui
M-f -unt., r:i KImJocJi Vhwomtitr Mint,
'''"' I'mivi I'aimt Ihti Oip.nhJ H ur
u"H', '""'. iMuWiJCAoiAnr tU.
$U8in Orembacks. orohoutS20inCom
Aiu.it wi. in,.., i..ii, n.u.ii,.. hitiuii
iri.lli.n .) hi uitl.r Untibll.l iwi .....rtM
l'il I. .I,! II ...nil muk-rvil Vlriiiwuiiii.i.
j.-ii.liu lli.. W . l. ll.a I ilt rnnln. jiiIoiujI. ii
Iiii. lliicriil .. r li.ni ll ill (mil wlin, t J"
siori,....l...uirir.i ,..,. I., .i.B,rr M iii-i
I iir iimi ;.u ., mi. nif,iuiiini M , I.P ,11.
I.MI... .111.11... . ll. II.
HOtVMtl) A. C"-
'"yj;"1""1 S,h' ,M"1" '"""" '"
Wi.l-r, tjr I'lril.'lni, Ii
)l..ii t uu. I'l.uu A ... N V iilS.iirrxuwt.
i, w. iuix.mi, j,n, i i, it.ii .. t:i,u c iiiiv,
l- I Sin It.wImm.
W n II -uiiii,):. i, Vlrn'iiaCli,,Ntil4.
ItKV. . MAIt-SII, l P lYiiMfiil.
Ui:. II I.YilAN. A M IW ( V4lfcwisilc.
l.,i:.ll.t:0l.l.ir.U..'.. JIl'rtfi'fNsiurslScltrnes
JO. W..M..i A.M. Vwl.ulUngusRi.-.
A J ANIii:itSON .1. M. l,rlntlHrAc'v1,laJr
MIR a.J.SI'KIISON I'rwtjptrr".
FOUIt UOl'llriKS OF STUIlY-efclrmlc.
KvWiililitf CiiUrL'lHtu siid l.lic Coli-(Ulr.
Minlo liiucht, Yiiiink wa csu rtctles tbT
nuuli mi tiliicnlluii brruk In nr CjIIojc U
.Ictilrinv Ycsr li-pln llis Ut tt'rdmtJi;
or July. 0ii-.vi-iir Uius ill Hrt Xou7
ol .IiiuiiM iii-si
For i.tiiteuUrs dJrt
3, HJIHIf.
ilAllSoATl SAL00iN
n. a. in:rv r io
Clinic l.lipmrs unit Clgiu slwajrs en lisl
Sxecsitor's lftic.
I TTAVIN'f! lii'i'ii Minnlntii! liV tb C'
i-"! CoiiriorJsiiksoacomiir, Or'goi'i f-,KJ"
i uir oi i nc ii him nnu Hii'itmn v. -
flnih. ; 1re..iJ.Mto hi. f.U.s l Or-
II ni-rsnas Iia Iiik claims HKlnM is'd esistj
aruriii.lri-tldvree..Ulmii. Hp .W
vout.lii.-rs, within sis nuiiitlm from . "',.
llliii'illcf, lomtislinjr oBlce hi Jsck"'
Oregon i"l all Ihtioiii IndcMrd lostd eiv
arc ri-uulrt'd lo como sad nmks Immtdlsls see
tl.mc.il, 0. W. KAIII.M.
Jscko-vllK July Htk. 189. J''
AdminiBtrator'ti Notiof
... .. .1 .. 11. 11 ..........nl.
Tlie iimlfrs.ini-d hatlnn btea tl'H,."
Hi Comily Court of Jsckwp Coajr orffSPj
iiiminiiritr ui iv iu. .-., - r-- .
!,nvh.K chvluis sgslnst (M W, "Sffi
notincd to prNWi sbtMRi.dHlf ViW, tow
l)ttaJulyHlk,.t-9 "