m on mumfL 8ATtrnn.Y Mousino, July 3, IBM. ,,l. Fisher, SO li 21 New Merest. snt stEiebsnge, Is our only mhorUcrl stfeiil in Ftn Freneltco. For KtMern Admlltlng. Mb. Fttta l rspreresrniH by 8. M. IVTTi.xnt.t. A C. f Nsw Wk end Bof ton. tftaelean ll Manet arc oar only nti- Ituusen nn'iiw m nr .11111111; Ol. IP. IIIIIC It l r flow. "Timet" Building. New York ""-" "" a vacation 01 three Ttccks. City. All orders mutt come thruujh thtm , " -- $llfjiou. golicw. Srrrlerat the Calhul'c Churrfi lo-tn irtow at Me u.usl hour by Ktr. Falhir lllsuchei. ticortSshncr. The Itlitii Hit. Iti.h- op Morris. leWly rtMiloirrt in Hifi Ori-tinn Dlo fse w 111 rreeb bcrc on .amiey tin- i iiri lnt 'r "'".!-" r . - .-...-... . ...... v -ec w III jreacn nerc on .-nntj inr inn inl lie li !' "; impelned by Mr. MeCormtc. lb Episcopal I' .tMor of Luneiie City Nnlle- will lw Ito ol lb place where xrricc will In iit! Woon Waniku. Snbmihers wish inf to pay their miliscriptlon in wood will please hring it Immediately. Cvrri.it Movinii. A band o( about 3j0 cattle wan driven from Josephine count during tha week. They are lor lb S:iu Francisco market. Stokm to Clok. Ml the tner chant ol tile town have agreed to cloc their stores on Monday next from a. uu to 3 p. m. II (fleuu Druiw Jb Co. hae one of the heaviest nlockii of merchandise lu town. Thry Allow no one to outdo them citlc er in eheapiu m or unllty. JIiitki. (,iiANu:.Mr. Sam IXwu iry has taken the Aihlnud Hotel nnd Is fitting it up in good style. He lu Uods keeping a No. J boue. Hot. The weather for the past week s bcn almost intolerably hot, the thermometer frequently marking 100 degree In the shade. iJiust Fam. We notice that Mr. MigraJtr of Cir.uit's 1'mss, lin built a fine new tor which ndds much to the apjH.iranre of that place. DitTiimiA. We are sorry to say that there an- still several eases of this i terrible disease In thN vlclnitv, and that Mnrehnl Wall loel nn Interesting j little son by it during the week I'raalcr, ol thu Ittilrotl S.iloou. still urulshea thiough tickets at a bit and v.t ii nccommndatu any amount ol eu totnrrs. Tin: Paiity. Don't forget the party nl Home's on Monday evening. The supper i to be n splendid one and no pains will be spared to make everybody lisppy. .ok Attizo.NV. Company A. 1st Cavalry, dipt. M-fiiegnr, pissed thmutfli the vnllev lb h week on tar south U. I.I . . muster only about -to , inch, and is under onlers for Arizona, Ox A Visit. W notice the genial face of an old citizen, Mr. Bnui Sachs, of "flacM, Hnm." In town this week, He is up from thu Hay city for a little country air anil recreation, and it he rannot Mud them here ho tired look no further. ' ' -Fihb Stock Jim Comstock has brouKht here thv finest Vermont colt vrr aetft in tbir valley. He was rail ed by Hon. Chaa. Applegnte, ol Polk couuljr, la ouly three ' old, nnd weigh 1,030 (Hiuuda. He is worth looVingat. TKLKOKAfH SUl'KKI.NTKXUIt.ST. Dr. 0. 1. S. Plusamer, who has been -Superintendent ol thu W. U Telegraph linn (roiPorlliMt'l to Cjtl.ihin'rt, has h d his jurisdiction extended to Marys- U The boctor In an accomplished ml popular gentleman, nnd one o tlie 'i n Olnctiieiitu on this roast, nnd his ' i mix will bo glad to learn of his pro luniiou. Kou I'oHri.AND. Father Ulanehet, tlie Catholic nl'stor of this p'nee, "ill Imw lor roitlnnd on Tnesdiiy, lit intnniM us that hu will ret u in about ll-"1'Aiitf ust with five sisters, nftj that tlie Acidi'iny lii'iti wiirbeopeneilogiitii rly iii-st moii tit . ortn Ci.kav ft'. MisKin. Dillon1 A lliiwden denned up Inst week, alter -'"iliiug about seventy tons of quartz. The exnrt result is not made public, but the proprietors ol the vein are iu good splrita, Mid y that they got Lf "re man ft gooil working prospept? They will push work again vigorously, a will soon have a good face on the oin. Tiik FoynT". K very thing bids fair (or a splendid time on Monday next. T display ol fireworks will be on 1uite a largo scale, and the young oiks intend to enjoy a dance in the lternoen. Arrangementa have been made to (red trangera, and a very resent celebration Is anticipated. , Dimucr School. Tito first term of tlio District School in this place, for the I present year, ended yestetday. The atcrage aitendeitec hn liecn nhoitt evenly, nnd judging from n very Inter csting exhibition yeaterdiv, the pupils have made excellent pintle'. lhc tcnt:hcr, Mr. Wm. Filler nnd Mies Delia Boaeh have Wen eliRnijod for an other term, and the school will he re '.,. I I. - mo cuitnr 01 me uregon Htrnhi it highly incensed becauso Democratic papers aru excluded (mm a nlinre in tlto flovcrntucnt printing. Suppose, Ilrotlicr lVnnorer, Collector liowlby wrrc to nlvc hit patrona-'o to J.iMcr t - . loruerian a well a to the Ortijoninn ..II. . , ., . .1 woiiiii i on not ne (iHpou'il to inakei taecs nnd howl, radical extra vigam-j ! ' i-ot'Nii. The bone of Alexander Selkirk have baen found on the Islam ol Juan K'rnunih-z, and Itreitb.irth's will be found t be the place where the coolest, nicest nnd most refmhing drink Is mixed in town. ISAM, at JvnuiYViu.K. On next Thursday Mr. Win. Lind of the Un ion Hotel at Kvrbyvitlc will br glad I to see bis friend. J I ban made ar ratigeincnt for a grand imrtv nnd il I any one knows how to play the land lord it U he. The nicest kind of fishing tackle can bo found at XeubeiV. Spring books that never let go, flies that will deceive the shyest old trout in the world and Hues so fine that he will never know what brought him to the hiirfac, IIaiivksi'. The f.rmcrt throughout the valley are busily engaged in hup vesting. It is the general opinion that there will be a light crop oats partic ularly so ; but there will bu no scarcity, and farmeis will have no room to grum ble at thu expense ol harvesting. Ice errnm, idn ua'cr and lemonade will be provided at the celebration ground on Moiidav by M.u . No In- oli'0linjf hever.ig will be allowed ,l,m' w,,,l,'' l "" l'ml"r' . Sc rei.iry l trie i In; Xnvy has re Mgllf I, :t M. liotxTtlOII, ol .New Ji'i- , i-h lni'!i ni'poiiitcd to the vacaii ey. ' A I.HJ.' .ihoortuieut of lhvHuul bou iiutt.niiil hais. latest style, ever brought to low n at Caio's. "" 1JOHN. 'MlrKl.Nn At (lili -villo. KuTiJu-" CminiT. fuiii- Utli. lo the Mllvur llorallu Slinpklui s DIKJJ. Yl.l lis .1 ll LaStliVsILt Jllna I. f i( nr-' if ii eimv Clu-lir. Tuiiiif A F. snd KII14 Will, (ivotJC VII. SgH I i'1ll-IM IIIIMIIII. N cW TO-J lAY. ' NOTXOil." W Kalilt-r will neenpy hit li'.i. In my ln-lne diil.lL- i m I Ih'i imuiK iit-t tiill piy ii hi, i, ,., roil ojj s4Pia P ' ii.ilers bi'iv iivioi ti.e sri nay of ntutu r nest Juipir n. j.coii.v. U. S. Lami Omen. It'w-aiso Oav I Jane ztb, lisiiy. f Complaint basing tx-rn siilrri'4 at mis Oalv hy Wm. W, Mntl. ami S. O. Taylnr s-lnt J'iIih U. II iinlni f.ir sImimI minx llniisltou OUlm .Votlfliail iu Nn. U7. lUUd Krot. IN. la.S nn- in ih-South IMrf-il iir8-ell.ni 3i,Tuwiihlp 37 4uib. Itn I ri-l. In Jsckwn county. Ilrrtimi. allb a itw In taiicelUllou of said ! nation t'ltlia . thf ssld p'trlles are herrby mini moiird In pp-sr st IhltOiriju nu lh 31-1 day of July, lei.it, ut I o'clock p. m , to respond sod luinl-li leaiimm cuncernlii( saM IU((ii abandon men i, JOHN KELLY Hester, AnniMiN R. Flint, ll'-crlnr. Administrator's Notios. rUIC4of OI'Tfr I'. Kveii', deceai. Tb undrroignidbarlnir liecn sppnlutid, lr the County t'nurt ol Jnck-ou Ciniuty Oregon, .tdinliilMralor of the sbovo eMsle, all ptrrou liu injr claims aalnut mul tHW are hen U iiolllh d lii prH'iu the snn' duly rrr II' il. In Hi UMdcrsigiirdni hi rvldriii-e In A-hlsnd I'ri-clni'l lu sliI riiiiuir, wii'ilu lx m mitt' Irnin llnliti' hi-ri'lll And sl pT-OHM III.) Ill I'll to tilt- IflHt rv n ii in Hi d In uiukit iiiiiiii-iI'MIi' psyinoil J. t; lOLM.lS Adm'r DatiM Jiin- li.ih "iH i w CHUBCH I OllBK. IMPORTER AND DEALERS IN Mtdllerantsn and Cslifornls Frit!)', Nut Candles tu and alsnursclurrrs or FIREWORKS , aerfatlts'. A complete sMiirtm-nit for Ilk nf July on baud. rrlnlea lists of klods and prist furnished. No 407 Front Slrsst Han Frauclioo, JuSaiS LOW OOST. Tha Mblli A. aotlRe.1 that I will isll aiy lock or stnvrs and hardware for esb, at a heavy discount All tvrsons knon-lnir Ibem aolvvs ludvbtH to 19 will piesse mist an in- medlats settelatnt. JOHN.Bll.OKg JsokrnnrllU, Marsh ll fourth of JirtLVi DULL TIMES i'lli k ' tf $nL vi .aiU'iB 1J j ANNIVERSARY BALL. UNION IIOTKL,KKRllYVILLE i A 1. 1. psrl.es are cordially I.itIimI lu attend the iiiti'vrrssry' Hill, at the hIhita uimcd bnue. In K'Tliytllle. Oregon, on Ibe cveulng j JULY 6TK, 18M. No ijfrlloi.it will I Mured In mok" lliepnr- ' IT PIICII I It Mich Ki xllcin livr ,cM In m nix nf the pliui rctiiol JI.t ih, Ism. f-'LOOR MANAOER9. WM. M IJVAN.V snd DAVID KCN'DAT. OOMMITTEG OF ARR ANOEMENT AI.KX. WIIITK. T. K. KI.OVD, (JKO.K I.0C.IN. T.K. UrJAfJAN. MUSIQIANS. A. M. IlKllltV I F. I.UV i.f Jick.nnulle. nd 8. l!KSDKHlf(T. or Wsldo. WM. M I.IND, Proprietor. KfiI.ttIIIc June'-'d. lia. Ninety-Three Tears , Of UnparUl Prosperity! ' uidepemdencFdiy BALL.: Jt ATTIIEU.S.nOTEf, Jt $p MONDAY, JULY 5. 1B69. ," 'llEiildrrlKiie, p'oprli igr ' tlelif k'1 !.' . I lie Hist lei will tflTouii INUKI'K.NDK.v'-'i: , DAV HAM. on Hie vTi-nlnu of IlieSth nl Ju' licit, si which lime he lxn lo reni'tr the se . ijiislnlsncq of sll hip old pstroiii.sml furm Ihst or untiy iihw onus A cordisl Inrllsllou Is ex- (CIIUC'I to Sll. KTcrjlblnif thst will sdd to tin comfort nnd erjoiiaeiit ol the viifts will Iwi Drnrl4td. i.uuia uuu?ib, rraprhior. HOFFMAN & KLIPPEL, 'P12AT.KRS IN . I I Stoves, Ilunlu'tire Tlmvuir, fcc, ODD FELLOWS BUILDING : Cornvf Main ami Orijon titrett, llrK sie ihih recelrln? otr Spring Mpply " T t (iiihJ, coutlttin; of I Assorltd Iran, Cut k. Clluck Nulls, Sirrl. llore hhers. Ilorsr ' Khttr .VmIIs, Ilorsc-ItusstiHil Flics. ; iras ScfUtesnnel Snaltsrs, llajr Foika hiiiI Itukes Drain Cruillrs, , llnrler Forks 4. ill a si ure Forks. I COOK STOVER Cast In... WI,.KH,., Ilake'VAMETT STORE. Ovrna, lluke Ibs und Ten Ket .. ........ ...I tles, , i Mm evi , larel, f-:irliaMf,NeatTa Fowl, wnI wnslC'afcfar Oil. Cpal nm4 Ceuck arsltta a net Axle Urease, Palaifs, Wlnalaw Olass, Pattf, Paint llruakea ansl Sask Taela, i Market nnd L'ltstkea Ilaakrta. ' Citrines Mure and Clslhes tVHwk era, Tagetker with a general varie ty tif Skelf IlardtTnre, Cutlerjr Jtc, ate. Tlnan or every di'Kilpllon slwsys on hsud, All of which we otJor at reduced pt lees for csh, , wrTiii snd .i!i. 1 1 Ircii wsro sasdn t order. rJrlti'liluj dune with dlpslch "nax ..'" k."iil (in tbe isli- l tlio Aaavrlcau Sab intr.'id I 'limp-. Willi tliAiikx fur pat favori, wo luvltv sll to cnll mid i X'liiiuii' our wsret. HUFFMAN X KI.II'I'BL. Mny a.'d. Ih9. BOUND TO DO IT. pD. C. MILLER I I IS BOUND TO WORK AttOHDIM. TO THE TIMES, HOUSE SHOEING O At reduced prices for tkih. Ten ff discsunt will be made on all kinds of wsr j where csh Is paid. March 20tlt, 1868 nsMli Mt. riE farm and gtai sglatlou at Grsnt's Pnss, M. snd twDolbsradJalfilnM farsss belonging lo the Croxtoe ettet. will M let for one or ot ettaw. will M If I ror one oi two years iar Jrur ariicnisrs enquire o the undesigned Dear O rant's s. WM. KAlltKR. JttllU'lf. KbSCUtOM. (JOiSFSEQUBNTLY, SAC II BRO'S WW Sett ALL 0 v is FOR CASH, THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE 'j&wjmf WE MEAN WII.1T WI SAY! H MD SEE FOR VOUK8ELF. SACHS BROS. Jacksonville, March 20th 1800 KUM AND C C.JROS ' If You Want lo Buy. GREAT BARGAINS! Tito stook consists of (JH0CKHIK3. CI. O I'll I Nil. DltV 110 olrt. HltKH.S lUM.MIMJB. F A N C i UOII UK. T ti It A I TO, SKI! A US. rmifKKitv. can m !:.. (SUTI.KUV. HTAI10NKIIV, St'llOOI. HOOKS. ANIt A LA It t J K A S ri O It T M K N T O P IMIfritJA I. WOHKN. TOYS ANI Fl UK VV O R K.S. KIC, KI'O. All tboicOniHl sre nmv offered st VOIR 0V. PRICES. If vim (Inn t lx-IN-ve ll, call around on the corner nf Ori'Rou and California Streets, aud coin luce yourx-ltr. AOH T c. P aln Kdhr Is irorfA what It weighs, In sold, A II Hroinid the world are Its praises told I I t will Cholera cure-winurge of southern climes, N o victim diet, who lakes it be-tiuc. K rep rain Killer a true friend hv your side, 1 1 will cure uoudi or urn I, or uono ix-nue ; . (vnk oul tn apply It for llrule or for Hprsln, i el it oiien Ui tried (mli U u-d again , Kvsrr word I'srf Ulllne ynq, reader. Is trae, R eroenW kk Pain Killer Is aoodsr y. Thu Pain Killer is sold by all Druiuliti and dealer" la rmiy Medicines. RKDKtGTOS IIO.HTRTTER CO. San Francisco. Cal . General Wholesale A gen la. No MorFooliainHMi! Tlmio Indebted to ins sre, Informed that promises to pay dont goTeoy longer. Patience It eihsustae ami. I must have moner, Tbts Is ibo last Call and at the expiration or thirty stays I will put all unsettled accounts la tb ktnds of lawyer for collection sure I It. ORONEMILLRR. Jacksonville. March 20th 16(19. l-f mgtU-POeX, flaaUl-P0Xl HAS entirely disappeared, and Patterson A Thornton1 New Haw-UIII la lu successful enp-rstlon : and they are nsdy lo'w out bills of Timber on the hnrit notice, for cssb or Rood sradr. CHEAPER M & UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER TTA8 JUST RKCEIVED AN INVOICC 11 i.f coikN from the hist ol the fii.int nasi li) off.AI)IKS'ANt)liKNT8'NKW PAT 'VMS UULU CIMI.VS.UKNTS'MlA'KIt VKsf CIlAlNt?. A tiiiu climrr lol id K.N All.U:i)HOSOM I'JNS, KAIt KNOBh ui.l I HOI'S, SLKKVK snd OOI.I.A It UU V TOXs!, snd 1JO.SO.M STUDS. A. chine lot of DIAMOND, OPKI. anj fKAHIi HiXOS. Aim 'ilid lllijj of Ills onii inuki on band sll thv, lime. Scllid Silxir wurr, nidi ssTAni.KsrdTKASI'OONrf. DKS .SKRT.SUOAH snd .SAI.I'rfi'OUNS.TKA and DIXIXO FOlItCS, DUriKIt snd l-'HUIT KXIVK3. WllOl.t: AND OPKX TUI' Til IMIU.KS of all sizes. Fine K.VO l-ISII I.KVKItSlo solid (fold Hontlnr Curw A luutllul Inl ol I.ADIIvS' WATCIIKS In tolld (iold lluutlrfc- Knmorled Can-s. 'Ihifi hare tieen m Ire Inl with grrst enre Ut rrllubli iliut kfrptr. A'snjui ttcilttd so Ihtoii. ol tl.e AMERICAN LCVER WATOH, In brsry llnstlof Csmh, prise from 33 to 7.' dollars. 'I hoe ure THE BEST WATCHES I l-Vr the moner srer brought Into iLe msrkei. ' 'I'hejr are Msuolaciured br s I Nsiht.yl uteli Uoinpinr, st hlgin, III An ssiorttmot of .' SVC1TZSS3 WJsVTCJIIIsJia I On hand all Ibo lime. A new lot of eight ilsy snd Ihlrl.v hour elock. from the l.ssl lae tnrh-s. I'LATKI) UA.STKIt.S.TAIlI.Kan.l TKAHPOOXa. KXIVKS and FOHKsj, TOIIACCO UOXKS.SI'KCH ol all klnds-ihi- lAiilim niolnl, for wenk ijtt. POCK Krsi.dTAHI.KCUTI.KKY markrtl 1X1.. ACTOItDKOXtJ. I-'I.UT1NAS. MUHIf IIOXK.S, Uutj snd lrrt,wg III Kit UAOKSilsrite mnrkrl, Isdirs' triuellnjr. snd chlldrrn's MASKKTS, Dors' TII'-CAItTH onk WIIKKIIIAHItOWa, DOLL-BABIES,. Choicest TOY DHUMS. CKH. Chlldrrn's CIIAI- THE CELEBRATED HOWE AM FLORENCE fir has a larar lot of Toys nn hand a Isrpe tot of Dull. All kimls or tlth hooks and hue. The lmt of Oultsr and Fiddle iitrlnis. A full nwirtmnit or 1'11'KS, rroin the deit Mir i.?isuin tn the chrsprtt Ulajr Pipes. Mouth PietTS and Stent ol all kinds, Tobacco Pouch cf. .MATCH IIOXKS.etc.etr.. and a Ijrc nuorirmnt nf Ihe best CIO A 118. AIo ' ways the mojt choice brands vt TOBACCO. soft snd hard presstd, Doc cut lorswoklcir nod clieiflnif. All klnd or WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEMMY A.D SEWJNG-MACHINES I'lrannl and icpalrnl ot the lowest pries. Tn tli'i'e who live at n distance and Knd hv . SIsr? driiers nnd hxprrs, the drivers' or ex. I prrMssr will tie paid by mr. B sure snd si-nd ,nJ. NKUHKIt, -tVntrli Clock sod JenHlrr dtorr, fi)r cKulnB and rrpalrinr. JOHN NKUIIF.II. Jxtti T. GUCNN-, AUX.M'IR John 3. Diun U.'MIS. GLENN, DRUM 4 CO., Canuu 1x3 GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALIFORNIA STRKKT, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. tti s tm :, FIRM, NEW liOOIIS 'J .AMP.. NJETW PRICES! LOW PiyCES WILL WIN I TIIK ABOVE NAMED FIRM laks pleasure In notifying their friend' and the public- generally, last tbey are now recelvlny and opeulng a very large and es- lentiva sioca or STAPLE DRY O00M. B1ADT HADE CLOTHIMQ, 1AT8 AXD CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, BLANKETS, i HOOP SKIRTS ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, ladiM', Misses' aad Cailirea'slhoes. ty We have, also, Id connection with m gay the abnye, a very Urge and Tgal T ritroeive stock of choice g Mar Ijroceries, Hardware, "Jg fa Qoeenswarr, "Ml tST Olass- -tM gflr wart.Cotlery, -fat g9 Paints and Oils: also. M ' gjr Wlndnw Ulass, Nails, Iron-g gajT- and Steel. Csst and Steel t0g gt Plows, Wooden and Willow ware, ta. We sTtteedv to sell anvlhlnc la our llaeat Ihs LOWEST CASH PRICE. Persons wishing lo buy coods. will And It erestt lo Ibeir ad vantage lo eismlne our slock hefore purchas ing elsewhere, as we are determined aat to be undersold by any hoii.s In Jseksnn county. Give nsarsll, and then -judge lor yourself m to onr capacity to furnish goods as above. GLENN, DRUM, Vm. Mkannvllle, Mareal, IM7. If STOP THAJJOUGKINu COM It OK YOtt CAJI'T, Atl VK VI I'l ii j-an Vm hTt trl.tt tf rr rtmnty but tli ON ' dn.in.ril, I') It, lomn-lo m. tit, In i-r' if i.., . ., Iljr rtH'ir.tioni. llltiRt f'litniln jtuili.-i'.l ' rrlumnt lo try Mmril.lm !. n r ll, Hj.i i rlru(0U )ou trt nitilt f tratliy I'tlnpvriul oitttil ca tit puMlo si ertwa cute, li., . NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syru;; at rtslly ( tint ntirrrtM4ysTteMrsll tot lbs eur tt fouiht CoUj, !w. Tfarott, AiOnra, WSooplif Ch,BroticImil tod Cosmbisiim. TliW rndi ef otU Id Ctlirral 4 Orrtan rt t slnUf SSuS by tk ivfyoaisi tiaTt -nrr NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup as4 ltk ee scsnl ct It tbsir auI.(i4 tr tatloa. Ws snir sJilrrM onrwlitl lo 111 wkn nrx ui icqutlnWJ lib UU, tb T.tMl ritMrikka. t lb bMllns ofll ilimf r Ibi Tarsal ttA Lut, swinaf yea tail NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup lits trtl ihouauilt sal It Ttill tan TOO Itjetttj Tbls IsTalntM niMlin It rlMusl Is lb to Solbls. btlm( nl ttrtbslb.aliif lo lu ftt.; Urtly rrr rram til privnoyt or ltltcrku. Orupt tifl ixtlrclljr liirmlrttyiylTrallclKtmtitiwat C.ttinulrt fttm muiy prsmlstei ounoi a, as tnutitot tnuiay tt.ry twui tf NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup atDMGTOX k CO. Aftatt, ata rrtt.lKt. DR. E. COOPER'S UNIVKltirAl. MAGNETIC BALM. A jrenerst Ksmlly Medicine. It Is safer sign retaidy I6r Disthtria, And Wndrtd dlieaN-s of Ibt TIIUOAT, and un.oustlfd In curing Uy.etHcry, Dlsnhnra, Cbolrra, Colic, Cholera NoiUii and rvr savi Jkgn; Nedralitla, Hbromatl-ni, Cold, Tboibsebs, llurni. .Vprrns, llrultes, etc.; clc.,'srt cer rellevH by tu HmTly ure. TmK a 7f UbU Vrr pst. Iis. REDI'QTON & CO.'S . ' OIIDA WATBB, rsi: .no OTJikh. Uilrxcellcd for Toilet Vm and rnr the Ostk. REDINGTON & CO'S FJJiENCE OK JAMAICA OIIVGER. Ibis vsluslle preparstlon, containing &i a Mihly concentrated term sll Ibe properties T Jsmslca Glnfler, has become one or Ibe noit populsr domeMIc reinedlvs for sll iIImshi of Ibe rtorasch snd dlcetllre orssnt. As a tonic, ll will be found Inrsluablo to all persons receverlnj Iron debility, whether pro duced by rever. vt olherwlre; lor while It In parts to the system sll the glow srd vigor lUt can be produced by wine or brandy, ll Is en tlrely rree from the reacllonsry cflecis tbst fol low the use cf spirits f any bind It Is a Ira an excellent remedy fur femslra who Miner from difficult men.lri'sllou, ilvlnc almost lisiseillste rellrr lo Ihe pt-mt ibst so frequrntly accompany that period, Il gives Immediate rellel tn Nsmrn. TiiKd by riding lu a rsllrimd car, or by teslrktie.s or other causes. It Is aUp valuable as nn rslcrnsl simi i- or Gout, lilitutnstUm. Nmrnliila.etc. Itl.Tll.NGTONaCO., 416 and 4 If) Front tit., San Francis. Use Kleclro-Slllcon, Or Msgls OrlUlat... REDINGTON A GO.' FLORIDA WATEK. FOR THE IIAKDKRRC1I1BP. Tbls article, porsesrlng the moit ilelltale frsgrsnee of Flowers. Is unequaled as a pre. rums for the IlaudkercbUL FOR THE BATH. Used In bathing, It Imparls energy ana strength lo the system, and Kites that softness and delicacy to the iklu so much deilred by all. It reaovea Sunburn, Frecklei k Piaplea. ' Diluted with water, it makes nn excellent Dculrlflce, luipsrllng pesrly wbllenett to the teeth, sweetneM to the brcsth, and readers the gums bard aud or a lieaullful color. It tliouid always bo used after shaving, di luted with wster, ns It relieves sll ItiSna-sllou. UKDJNQTONaVOO.,' 4lfi ar.d 418 Front HL.Bso Franc laat., Ute Klerlro-Sillenn, .Or Usf'ti Iirllllsnt. BLEOTRaSILICOlf, oa MAGIC BRILLIANT. PIRECT FROM NATURE'S LABBATORT. Tee best article em dUcovered far Clssae Ing and, Pelltblng Gold. Silver and Platte? Ware, and all smooth Mrtellc Surfaces, ef whatever description. Including Kllsaea Uteev slls of Tin, Copper, tlrsss, 8'etl. etc, To Jewelers and Workers In Gold aad 811 see Mat, the Elrclrn-ellleon Is or Inestimable ysl t a t the lime saved, and Ibe veiatloa prevcas ed by Its use, will ferrvc r endear Us aasse la' all who bavo Imd evidence of lis merits, RBPIXOTON k CO.. Sole A'genti, San Fraaelaee, WOK FU VORINQ EXTIlAOTt, MMNaTttsra oatABimii Me. gf t. IvK 1M. t.L . i rJ