Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 03, 1869, Image 2

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Satcbdat Monvixo, July .1, 1800.
Editorial Jotting.
Jtuflee Orer reachiag Hertelf.
Several montln ago n stranger com
milted a Blight breach nl the pence in
thin towa, and instead of being fiacd,
wm hoiiml over to nw it the action ol
the Grand Jury. As we predicted at
the time, the charge wan treated with
contempt, nuil no lull lounil. lliln
week a similar case occurred, only that
the offence was more trivial, and the
offender was, .with grentjudici.il grav
Sty, b6ui.il over to appear at the next
lerm of cnutt. We predict again that
tills eac will meet with the snmu con
tempt that tho first mentioned did, and
suggest that a tine or Might olknes
Mould he a mm cr punishment, Mid more
advantageous tn the treasury, than the
farce ol binding offenders over only to
j just been fmlefeed.rA apleiiclH Thca-' ably 260,000; W
If men do not travel thoyMbrgct that i tor building Is going up rapidly, nnd an- i'on l0 " n "; "
there is any place but home, and are i other beautitul structure, iron fronted,
apt to disparage nil beyond the reach of n'l 'n tho most ornate style, is fast be
their vision. So thinking, we booked ''g completed Here a new branch of
for Portland on tho 10th. tilt., nnd con- .industry has been commenced the
' l "
We are under obllga-
raden, tho finisbing
rrom tb Dolly Orogoolsn Jane 14
TlwFeUtieel Fntareia Ortgoi
contractor, for his kindness and infor- The result of the election in nib-
.,ion i,.;m, w ..,.. .- srasasT'sv.'iiJ'aS:
entire building by him. Wo cannot ,fforn .inking evident ol tho fact
cloio without iprcssfng thanks to that the Kopabltean party in this qti.ir
apt. Cahalin, of the Emmet Guards, i ter ianot only maintaining its ground,
warmhearted Irishman, and his ac-' but Is actually growiag stronger in the
fess gratification and astonishment at the .manufacture of linseed oil, of such n sit
a a . . . !... it. . t l i
..... ...i .... ...V l..l ... onfidH.ceot the people. Appeals to
aime, wiimn inc pasi tour years, i.eav- amino ciiiirciy irom me m.irRii. u KupinjniM.n !, -uo. .. -. tfc prejudices ot men against the "in-
ing our own bcautifuf valley, with its wc were Informed by Mr. Dennis, the tentions shown us nt the pic-nie forior races" have spent their force, and
l.-iiirrliintr rrrnin tit.hU l.f rri,K. a,- .i, ' suncrintendrnt. in whom wc arc under' .rounds. We are e-ratclul also, to the the current talk ol Democratic leaders
sickle, wo passed throug the rich valley ! """ obligations, that before long, ma-' editorial staffol the Oregonian, Messrs. "" repudiating the public debt goes
of the Umpqua, and although tho best chlnory will bo erected for the mantt-; Scott and Crat.dall, and to that of the mV "- y thin ,ro ,rthVw eaV
portion is not visible from theroad,we t''ofropoandbaggingjromthoi.ax Vvmmtrciat, Messrs. Dull and Haiti- 0ns of Democratic warfare arc pretty
saw sufticicnt to convince us that only J'tiair, which nt present is thrown nway; more for courtesy and kindness to a thoroughly exhausted. The feeling
a little industrv and em-wv. mtinUI thus economising and briivziuc mi an-. atrane-er. and we narted with the lat-, pervades the public mind that the He-
with n mentis of tranportaljon, were I other industry. At this point the vat-j tvr, feeling that friendly eontaet with publican party is .the party ol justice,
tr...L! ...
"usiuninon jftne "-,
miss'oner nf li1'. ti
letters dated )1& '
. Jcnt, StiM,f
Affairs, of Anions, .
which he gives ,i si
conduct of the ltt.lt ,
VU.MIUHP rume troin
t ?
, J M
I'""- TU
necessary to make it a garden. Can- Io' "bout filly miles wide, and much
yonville, ltoschuri: nud Oakland nrc nil I of it seems to be In a hitrh state ol culti
improving rapidly, and jut now the 'lotion, i
peopujof Douglas county are sanguine I' illy miles to Portland! Over n
of the speedy completion of a wagon , roI rather dusty, but occasionally sha-
load to the coat which will throw open b.'d by heavy timber, wo pass trench
be dijcharirul by thutinind Jury. As " mat ket for their surplus -produce. i nmrie, nnconila amlAuioin, leaving
lit! humble etkcr alter iuforitialioti, w c j Ov er an easy grade we pans the Oak-, the W illnmotto miles to the westwnrd.
would like to know when our ''Dog- Innd Hills, mid Voncolla, ns beautiful ' The latter of thckc points is settled
berrvs" will le.im coiiimon sene, and !"l I'd tile n valley e.in be found in !' Cierman colony, who are engaged
9 . I - ......
.1lil..l ...!. Ir.nMMOlv miiinvH w,r '"."' "
........... ri ..n , ty , wnMe hands
the arcrhity an.t miiernes mat mar- be mot sale nnd sreutet while on the
ideas, aim mi
party in whose hands th ceuntry will
find out that justice can overreach
hertcll badly at times? And why are
these v.iss not taken before the Re
corder, as tkey should he?
The following "notis", evidently writ
' ten by an OregonSenalor which was sent
"""ns from Cow Creek IndMces us to sug
gest that the good people of that local
ity bad better let the celebration rip
nnd savo their money to start a school
' with t
"Notice is herby given tue the clti-
. aens of Cowcreekc and vlcinety that
..thafthare will lec an Ohio fnshnn Bar-
bacue in the irrove near Hardy KllilTs
house on Cowcroke on the Ath day of
July lHilt) for Which will IleeCoudnc-
tu-1 In tho Olde style the reding of the
devlitintlon of Iiiilepenflanee and an ora-
, tioit and toasts and Bring of guns tho
dii.or i tuo boo free for nwl tint wish-
t'ii- Join in with u a geneinl Invitn
'tion extended tue nwl uud niter the
1-WrclscH nf the day t'ioo wi-Mng tue
, htay and tip thefaiitntle toe Can ilo so
the Uestc of Musle engaged fnr tho oe-
ation the party will Hoe given by C M
Caldwell nnd Wee hope the peatde will
turn out generally and wee will have a
'good time Come one Come nwl.
... .. i .i.. ... i- .. ... . . .. .
loo much me uignuy ana ucunucss oi other hnim there h a feeling, however
iI.p r.litnri.1 nrolrfiion. T.nt. but not Intent and uuhbserved it tnav lie. that
leant, the peiitlenisnlv and accomnm- somehow it woiild be, d.in-roils to
it i . . .L r eiitrut till- Mi nil
dating drivers and agents ol tho On-
Oregon, i insight. Ilorderedbvnrnncrc '" various manufactures, nud benr the?
ol hits i eieinbling tho rim of a basin, nud ,,,u charnctcr ol thrifty, industrious poo
allbrding the best ol pn-titrage, the val l1'0, A 'ow '"'h' oh of here Wc striko
ley lies deep down in the center, nnd I lhu irl wo,k ' the O. C. It. It. Coin-
when we iKisM-d it was the vt'ry jiicture I'8" ' "M been ilone; the path
y, A slioit time since wc denounced the
ytticlice of whipping men nnd women,
which is Mill in vogue in tho Democrat
ioStnto of Delaware. The Portland
Jltruht took exception to our "style,"
and called attention to the fact that it
leU,- and other reservations. In reply
we have to aay that there is no laiigaitgo
too beautiful to be employed in the dd
itBse of right none too so vcre or foi ci
ble to be used in condemnation of in-
Wraaanity and enmity. Two wrongs
elemotwake one right, nnd tho occas
ional whipping of Indians oji n reserva
aioB ia but a poor plea for tho system
atio acourging of men sail women by
Dtlaware courts of justice.
The Democratic papers of Orcson
ar still harping on the danger of "nig
ger" equality. How much better would
it bt, were the time nud breath wasted
on this favorite tlieuu. nppliad to the
elevation and advancement nf tho white
rr.co. This is an intellectual, not a mus.
oi picnty ami contentment. Here we
found J.esse Applegatconc of the early
pioneers of Oregonn man who has
lillcd a very iiupmtaut place in the his
tory of the Stale, and one who was
woithy of mention in the "New West'
of Mr. HowlcMtcnching a district
school. The "sage ol Yoncolla," ns he
is familiarly called, seems averse to
participation in the turmoil of publiu
life, but is, in his present self-jmpos'ed
duty, sowing seed that cannot' Jail to
bear a good crop in due tcnon. l
Dcyond, the Calopooiu Mountains by
the I'uos Cicek route, over a grndo
presenting no obstacles worth mention
ing in the wny of llnil-roading, down
the Coast Fork of the Willamette, and
the eye glnucea over the grandest nnd
most innguilicent valley of tho l'ncilie
Coat. Stretching north ward, caM word
nud westward, nu ulteinatv vliia of
woodland and pmiiic, dotted here nnd
there with comfortable homes, only too
widely mitlteied, its grain Holds nod
ules ol the count iv to
lln- Di'lllm I'm! ir tin I v. Tliuro ia arttnn.
L. . ... ........ !... .... .t. ..t.A a. . .! ..
gon ongc ompi'iiy uau our uiuiiki. , t niug in the ilociriues ol this party
ttiiuut an eaoeption they arc the that gm's ncniusi I he moral sense ol
most clever set of fellows wo ever met the people, and they therefore
and their courtesy and attention to hnnk back will, fear and drend from
, .,' , . . the idea ol placing it in power. The
passenger, is lustly becoming proverb- mmm o ,Jl, e Bnj 0ct. n(u,
ial. Only one thing is nmled the re will not tolerate any proposition which
construction ol a tew hotels (?) on the threatens the honor of the nnllntiorn
road-to mako theliipadelighlfiilonr, ""rcganl of its Milemn obligations. It
and at two tdiu-ua wu c.i.l.l .m-mSo... iHipmar nwni.i Oime lemo-
..-.. ( .. . ,
..-.!.. .. ,
e aiiacas on horse iin.1
in the vicinity of Camp Ve
" ',4 V,,"K overal tnen ih,
lvg oft the stock. Tu ... T
ling and glowing in the suuliglit ; plen
ty and thrill on every hand, the trav
eller sees a valley lieh in soil, having
unbounded facilities for tuiiiiu
populatlon as huge as that oYneatlv all
of the New Knghuul States.
Kugcne City, situated near tho junc
tion oftho'oast nnd Middle forks ol
he Willamette, appeal a to be a thtiv
ing builncss place. It is located in the
center of a rich agricultural country,
and is tho county scat of Lano county.
i neiu is picuiyoi room lor it to snread.
nnd allcr the railroad U built it will no
doubt lc a place of much importance.
Corvallis by moonlight is pretty, but
the traveler is not much impressed with
its size or imnortance. Arm, th.
sleeping watera of the" lovely Willim
otte nt this point, over ten miles of
woodland, meadow and grain fields and
Albany is reached. Here is substantial
progress, and the stylo ol the buildings
induces one to believe that the town
the harness again, we must once" rooro "" wpwKW'y "IdcMi'iI that party in
normerii tireg ami hope that bclore Tim elections wl.Ioli have recently
many years we wilt be bound to it by transpired indicate the ability o.' the
iron b.iuds, and by the ties of commer- Kepubliean tiarty to carry Oregon
yr. .nuitnoinan countr may
now be regarded as very sure. All ad
mit that the elcctioa inst held in this
Vh.u-.. ii... T?I. ..!-" fi- ... city must have a very marked inliwnce
r . ...... .. M,.n....c.u. upt,n the MX it tbt.-atmtt.. Tb, Dem
joineil recipu for yeast, adapted to hot ocratic triumph in the State last year
weather or hot climates, is given in waa largely due to the prestige that
Morgan's Trade Journal'. ' Prty had gained in carrying thia city.
"Hoil two ounces of the bent lup. in J 9". th-itriumpliol tU UeuUk.a
four .piarts of water for hall au. kour: "' ' out ; (rtenda ia all
sln.il. it, and let the liuuor cool dow, , .Vl' ' "W iUIir,!d mi0 l','m UlT
to n iiw-milk wauuth. Then put in a! fl? vU,,?r' "'H'llcan. here atx
imimII l.ainimi ..rili ...! i,irZ. i !wn,w throughout Oregon should
ofsuyar (brown) . Wat up onu lound j?"" "k'T,K,,?' i,,Ui "'T"1"'17
ol the bet Hour with some of tU II- W ' " " ng. Let us be pru-
way for tho "iron horse" has been hew- ... I ,r.;..ll..r. ultl t- .ii.. V" u r,7,.wm.c" "" "" """W"'.
,.. ., ., . ,, , ... .---I- .... unuiiaii oi ns vigor ami ciiccks us pro-
ed lor miles through the heavy timber,! privilege ol mixing their own Hies be- gress A popular dread ol the proba-
ileepcuts nre occ.nionnlly met wuli, rt. Wv trau, Urt;. n0IB , ble consequent ol Democratlo rule
nun tno amount ol grading inillcate
that the company is in cainot, and that
soon we nre to have a highwny, such a
coulribute mo. u tociv ilixation nud og
re's lluii nlmost any other in vTT"n nTci -
n... 1 ?. i . ...i.! .1. i ... r -ii I . .
inuiy, mm wimoiii which wrcgoiiwni t.,3j mtereourso, than which there
be very long in nttaiiuruir-r'i-oiperitv. I n,.,,. .imn.t
t-l.!l.. .. .1.1. ....I.I . Ill l. I
iiiiu uii nun Kinijcci e win reinarK
tha'. very close observation between
Jacksonville nnd Portland di'doed no
in.it vi iul obstiichs in the way ol t. mil.
rond, but convinced us that the e.ense
of con.iinicling one hnd Ihtii vastly
Oivgon City, at the falls of the Wil
lamette, i a thriving bustling place.
Heie i- the huge lulii ol the People'..
Trnuxpoi tation Company, ; one of the
largot woolen liicloiics in'Jiojnn. nud
power enough to drive inlllious of npln
dies. This will bv the "LoellH ol the
Pacific, and the day Is last coming
when tin- products of lis looms h'II
bring us wealth from every quarter n
the ruclu! Oceaii; and to-day its "Impe
rial'' Hour liuils its wav ncros thuconii-
, . v.. Wl HI
lamous product of the (ieneieo vallev.
tro-iiug the river at Milwaukee, we
took a smile with our old Irieud Hughei
of tho White Houie, and reached INn t
I....I : . -i . ,i ..
!. hi unvc oi nvc nines over nu ox
cellent Maitdiimiiod toad.
Portland is justly the metropolU nl
Oregon. Within lour years it has
grown to be a o'ty. ItiiaMumcs city
airs with population ol only 10,000, it
haa a right to do so, and in a few years
it. wm ou to wregon what San Francis
co ia to Californiathe center ol weal h
through which all wealsh th.it
enters or leares the .tutu m.Hl ihsh.
Why Portland waa biiilinbnvfthui-i.il.
nutnee oi tne Willamette and lh.i Col-
nuor.nuilm xal we tuuetJiur. Tlie i',v''-"""'-"''l""""rJ- ' pemonai llllln.
.l.t..a .s 1 1. 1 P. .' . . asidratinna U slink inn coinnmii limn. .
iiiii.in.it mi'i inrei- imiuiiiinoi iioiuioes. . .i . i.i iiiiu am
iHilled .nil ma-l.c and let it Mnud . .. J,,,r- the tnnmp h ol the party and J T ?
ill tu.xiA.xx. i ...:." ii t' th" success ol u prineinles. Shun nil i.(.rc
ii 7 for use.' ' '""'' jCouibiiiilbui favor ol one set ol men loperfi
.Stir Ireniieiitlv wldli. mkt.. ....l r nni'i, iml iivnul all "slates"
' icp ueir a lire. Meloro u.l.ig, mir ' , h. ,"n;' ,K '." "I' "I' ''l"r." l,,r P
well. It will keep iwoorthreemonthH X..!l- I. ILVii '"T r"'.""? h" "'
in a cool place. idatea: It will not do to allow the im-
"I kent tliU two iimntfi. in il ii prcaion to itrevnil that these thiuus
.... UfiU'i JMW.'iill H VilV Wi Wml" .: ; fc '-""''m.'h-m oi-ion-iiauu in me in"
t ween l0 and 104 de'Tcrs. .... .l '''. "' pirlieiilur set ol men.
I his ycaH is
usual quantity ie
! . ....ll'. ... ..
-. - . urtiy.ir. ll Minul! I. II,,' ant ol
Won l-'sTin 1 1. ii.... ..r .i... ii every I'ciiiiSlicnn t. , .. ., , :....
""'. "Ill 1 II. V VII I , ." ., , "- - - I . ...IK I ...
ma iiaiu-ri ciiiii.i ii. .ii !....... .i...... . ",M'Ut mis resnlt. II , ,, .... . i... oin
U degrees. tv', . "' P "tlariiliir set ol men.
sviy strong ; half the1 '!V'uin'',!neli?"'"u,h wr can
iccessiry for a b.-ikiif 'aslly secure by a jiidici.-ns . .tn-t., we
can win n ','reat n-tniv i. the Sfite
bave Wen enacted .t.ir c.rji.
mo river Indians ol th rsit. . .
oradoarcjust M0Wt.n j.
lag- Tke trouble he esn t, Jl
the temporary remml of th, J"
mm tho pests o th Terrilnr, ''
ter?" We always nimMmX !l'lr
.llllw llm .l..!l!.l. ...... . "
" -iuwisfiiirs' that t.
guilty of bad eo,nl,t. Illfry ?
Quakers or "L," will ,(0t k.v. !?
ing to sealp.
.tnnAli. ll... .. . . ' V'
Wi.i.,...,.i'...j.... . . . yT"
of duty on Thuraday monhg. ,
-... .n- mnrP mi.sv.1, periiips.n,,,,,
eillifr cltiavii f ,U couMj wooll J
and leaves regretted hrhehoIiJ
uiunlly. Wo e.mgnitulate the &
of W. T. .... il.. i. ... . '
- " MiirRPIIHI Ol 1 tm
:...i... i. .i i ii ... ' r
- VM "n" """"rnniecillwn-mttili
Will lirimr li.ul .!.!!!. ..
-- i.ii.v an-i ihf 0Ml
icru integrity to the lHBlh. , ,
serenaded by the Jackson.'!!, Im
on the ere ol his djiartnre, h,u 4lk,
muon raovtil to respond. It Bjrt
stood that he is to have tkeiWIFft
trict innteail ol Walla Walls
PaiJVrt'l. AcrihK?fr.-On Ttral
last Mr. Win. flibsn,of Jsmof fa
sustained a very Mnoat and paiehl
iracmni oi aein Bnaes ol ttic In. Im
. im hkisjuhu. iicbunsftt
a wiW I'ajase tui tfV a Ism, 4
one ol Ms leg. bwoming ei:HnjW
the end ol the rope, he was drigrf
about filly yawls beliiri-the animiUu
stopH'd. He rrccived me-!ical .
mmediately, and it ii tlwijU
ipulaliiiii will In-Tircrmrr.jM
cm man was call -d last citotM
rm the nniptitation.
pi papers coniatii' an m-coiiut about a ' V, "'' i i ( viu the -."
young fellow living in that portion ol "K" ""''w there are multiiu.les who mado.i'i.
the world who has been paving utn. Klwl wU, '' D-,,,rRli' partv Ian to lik'u '
tloii to a vi.uugl.idy ol oppoiite politics, ar. "t who cannot Hubsmt to tho i,ini., '
and on tfie dav ol election sho gave "'"'t and dangerous c.m.inU il,-: ' ,0,l M
1.1... . !.!.. . a ... Itntav ihvavhII .. iL.. .. . . a ... I 11
Mini niai-t iinn requusteii him to votu ' .., i" '" '"i l"ny, woo will g,.
it or quit aeeintr hrr. He took it in , , u No, ".''I'ubliean might to lor-
On our recent visit to the inelrA
wo tounl quite a uiiiubr ol olj (ii
fH.i. !. piu'-c aynarantlr b t
healihy condition. Messil. Sutnri
lllne. Ous Tnylnr, Hsrrf Oilaw,
vteo. iiiiiuian, Me.irai and sx-rcnJikV
rrs jre pros-wing ntd coiitsrti Ik
On. I'.iyne, furmerly fumata li iVs
cf, iii I he Ort'Mnttm. ihilM
,. r .
trii'ii.l., U
'. Im.
one nami ami hnldiug his iiom with
the olhi-r, quickly depodted it in the
-anu-nox. yuery-Which is the
",".' !:",,,'.l',, ,u W('ar H uiinientloB
allien Vhi'tntH'j 'omiiurcinL
We liuw no desire to see ladies dis
card crinoline lor oar bi-luruated
tilar ago, and ifuiiv ince would win it
must do so by virtue, of its own superior- has rcceiveil a start from which theru
ty.not on nccount oftho inferiority of nn
other. Instead of fostering prejudices
ngninst distinctions m.vlo by tho hand of
God, it is our duly to accept things ns
they jiro, and elovnte otuvolvcs rather
than degrade ollicra, I.il'o is a raco free
forallaud depend upon it.if thcCaucasiau
raco bo not tho fastest, no amount of.
jocKuymg can make it reach thu goal
Tho Jleralil, shaking ol the largo
number ol bad boys in every town in
this State, suggests a house of corrcc-
tion aa the proper tomedy. Wo are
sony to say that the day is f.st np.
proavhiug when such an institution
willbaip absoluto necessity and wo
k,,0W.iH parc,t' who should blush nnd
tismbje a,t the bare suggestion. There
are too, many parents who fail toexcer
cise proierpareiilal onthority and who
allow their diildrrn to allocate with
vicious conipaninos until they are bey.
oud control. Ut them awake to their
responsibility, keep their children off
"'MJf.fts nt night and watoh them
fedulously or they may reap a crop of
i-hanie and, bitterness, such as they
little dier.m of.
i'.i.tft i jo,s, Weeiinn for Slate officers
'''iigrfsinicii'la to be hdd in Vir-aii.:-
I'll Tuesday' next (Oth hist), It
ib - di ubt result in adding number
""'11,411 f-rol tho jpth Aiui'iidiiieut
inakliig twenty three,
1 9 return thank. . fti,.i.K.
'' ir puhlio documsnts.
will be no receding.
Northward still, through a rich nnd
undulating country, composed of red
soil and bearing grain so heavy that tho
well-filled ears arc bending with their
own wciL'ht.
Across th Santiam, and wo leach
Siilwn, well limned "thu bentitiflil city of
thu plain." No pen can picture) 'tho
beauty and grandeur that tills thu eve
on approaching Salem. Far ns tho vis.
ion leaches, thu yellow harvest is glow
ing. Copbo nnd woodland, allot unto
with miles nnd miles of prnii io. Green
meadows sparklo in thu misty morninc
light ; the beautiful stream that drains
thisiichchtofvulleys, half hidden be
twecn its fringed bnnks rolls northward
to join tho "Oregon." To tho westward
tho Coast Mountains interveno but ween
tno oyo ami thu breakers of the Pacific
while, eastward tho rugged Cascades
shoot abruptly athwart tho horizon, and
highest, grandest, most imposing 0f
them all, Mt. Hood rises liko tho Hist
born ol 1 ime, watching in stntely si
lence tho onward march of civilization.
balcm is a beautiful city. Its streets
are grandly wido, its private residences
nestle in natural groves of Hr and oak
nature and art arc blended together,
nnd its splendid and substansial build
ings catch half their beauty from tl.o
magnificence of their surroundings.
Salem is prosperous too. Within tho
past four years tho population has don-,
iron. Whole blocks ol lino buildings
have been erected. A linnk bulldiug
which is nn ornament to tho oity, hns
umbia instead ol on the Initer sirL-.n.i. Iulcl hut wu certainly think that vouu
it ishardjto say. Thero it is! lrosp,.-. la,y h ''eiter entitled to vote than her
ous, thrifty, expinding every year, prop- "" admirer, who ought to hare a
uy rnpi.uy increasing In value, m iguil.
iccnt buildings constantly noim? nn.
some ol them ol tho most beautilul and
expensive style ol architecture, that
would bo a credit so any uily in the
woild. The number ol its churches
!mnrfa n ilHnr.,.. ...til. .. i- 1.1. i
...., ....... .,,,,, , nivu ii uiiiiniiiiu men i ...... . "
of lis general morality, but observation Z ' . n, u?" iaoK horn
hat II N noismniop " ' . . T" ' " "ol ,,m '1 UV thoaCcide
dishulout pinned to his coat-tail.
The Typographical Union of Wash
ington, I). O., by a vote of 2i0 to 104
admitted Louis If. Douglns, tho col
oied printer, to membership, thus no.
knowledging that tho right to labor
Imlii...... aa... 1. IT a -I ..
.M.iiura in,- i..i,. nml (1 (M 0 j,rfn(er
iniin mm oi other uitieir.il ihh. coast.
Portlnnd is now n port of entry, nud an
imposing uiiBiom House will soon bo
added to tho public buildings.
Hero is the Statu insane Asvlnm. il...
Oregon Iron Works, thu Lr. S. Court,
tno oiiice ol
wo arc
oi inrir. or color. Hurry up Cam-u-ians!
expand your minds instead ol
your prejudices, or "Ulack" may heal
you in the rase yet.
Tho Democratic papers ol this' State
have not ceased wondering ul.i- .1.-
tho Assessor and 1'l'uWieaua cairlvd the recent muni,:.
Internal ltovenue. and I,e 'Action in Portland. II tl...v -:n
informed that fullv two. I r"h the cobwebs from tln.ii-...... .i.
thirds of the Federal tax of the wl" 'liacover that the rank and ile o
State ia paid by tho city and by tho lU J-wriuy have commenced keen.
tng step with the inusie ol progress
and are far advancd in honesty and
a ocyoiifi their party leaders,
get how much deeii Is on the election
bi year.
TiiKATitirjir. On Saturday, Monday
and Tuesday nights the peop'lo of Jack
Miivillt. were treated to excellvnt per
hirinancea by the taleut-,1 wsii
Troupe. On Satonlay "Udy Audley'a
Secret" was performed to the gratiflca
tion of a crowded house. On Monday,
'Camille,' a sensational drams ....
the French ol Dumas, was veiy excel
Irntly rendered, and on thu la.t It,.
Mr. aud Mrs. Wilton played theI.idy
ol Lyons" rem .rkably well, consider
ji'gt . r.imi.tiitaiippiiit. Mr. nnd
Mn. me ar beyond the average nt
", iMPv cannot lie tcime.
in uis-tr nfiiMf , tiittlitiiru.
: I in e. nraeteis wl
"Cl'-'-'-h""' or tho gentle t,.,.
'gill '..i" 'Vi
n id '(
com ty containing it. Wu have long
IM.-CH nuuusioinou to consider the climate
ol this city as too moist, but judging
Irom tho numbir o( saloons it must be
one ol tho dryest places in tho State. I
iia.l a iiaiiI..ii. t ! 1 .
.-..M raiuni hi naving oeen mista
ken. Portland enjoye direct trade
withSaiiFranciscoaudViotoiia by steam
er, and with tho Sandwich Islands and
Now York by sail vessels. Kiver steam
ers leave daily lor Salem and other
points ou the Willamette, and for the
upperaud lower Columbia and so much
capital is now accumulated
mure is no reasonable danger ol its ev. I by
l ars,
V, pleas
H'lo (if il. en
. ...ti' ii'iMi.riii.
miiii .i.nv im. pisitiiliiviH, uu.v t.xw.
! Imnda nl links Mich as they, tin
lr iiiiu N c-ntt-itniiifi-j- and ,., !,!,,
Mill! 111. t. .-v.. '
' l" '"" van whiicm their perfnr
mull.... iiSl..w.. ii? '
. . . "- ""cniig piensu
slaaliielit 'Pi.
''viiuiii. i iii'v U'orn u...
r- -,,., xv.fv .
1 li
soci,iiioin i. i JtiA-
so we supp
A Skvk.i.. . . i. 3l- 1'jrw,.
the wile of a m.I hi .. I ai tim&,
went out riding lasMuiJ.iy aitrnss
Her horse gsttiag frigkttusdstsaaaes,
ed jumping, nnd she was Un-stVw
ground with sueh violtaee, arta' ae
ture the right arm belos aW elUtr,
besides bruising tier very mi eOsr
wise. Dr. Telman, the fJsrjffoe ol Ike
post, waa earUd t est lb Mea ana,
and rvadered all tbe uwKraat attN-
sary. We art glad to Isara that taw M
doing aa can be, i)iud uii4e tke
e an
uy .Mr. (.ral.am, a pot-Ural ImprvvM.
tare, who we will ,, up by navintr
" " ' -""'nrsi oricK
Mesara Kddy and Livingston.
Jiish voters of il.n !... ....-
helped o bring tho UtrmUl to if, .e.i.
ses. With great humility the Demo
crat o organ now admit that ha S
ha. treated the Irish voter, very Bj
ly. It says "they hnvo been Skid to
do nil tho work (oftho DcniocStlo nr
ty) and tece venone of the wiarffi;
What a confession for tho orSJ 5 V
I Its ev. liv tu .nin.i "" ."-.I"" "-r nns lost
cr having a formidable rival. Portland Porthtml oZnZ.... ,"twao
HI v
C.tnn .!. -
i.. . -. . I " r-
m-oi invnt. l he company wt fi)r
Crescent Cily on l'..i...
morning, and wo besak a kind and
generous reception for them theie, a.
wring the people that the... ..';!
ttoni wlllbudUappoint'ed.
mujw.a,antnk;8.. AT M B c-
an old "o r;; " 0" which
Minixu at SrKiaer. Tf
that Win. Harriot Ims wrfiiiaraerJ
work in his wingilnin nu Applrgf
near SteainU.it City, lu inklnir l
pump during the pitiul week, 1110
whs taken Imm the lioltoiut tbcMf,
nnlr alMiut five feet squire. Tlie
ter I. s.i low that a very faroiableand
proliiabju siiiiou is expected.
Cojti.vii II.iiix.-H. II. Kincaid, ol
the K ionu .V'd's JnUfint, anie4 i
San Frauolieooit JUiiu2tN from V,',
iiiKlon. Hu has been eorresponltst
for the O.'tjoni v and Jonrial, sl hu
contributed to the SxsTixxt.freqiirntl'.
He will probably remain ia Orfjos.
an old "liar1
i unta ... a . .
and a uuoill.it: :"' "?m?a oukim'
will soon cnloy th credit of a first-ohiai
notei, wnicn lias long been wanted. A
Donk It I f'l V r ln ""t
uZlZTZl '
ran against one iLhLuJ b
large 'hotel buildingTs now bei g fliiisl, W I. "fixe ,0 8 3 Z, , Z?rT Tl ,,!eIbrt,'VlM. 3
cd on Front Street1; which it togbe "St., h.dncod , hmhmu' S. Ker hZS t0
ted up in sub .tyleat acost o, prnb-i J.inn county to slay wi I 2. ! ! !Pta,B A WJSLr
I 5i T v "a the "Bar" Hunt in
I dollars -Jat Hl ,,M., " """tar, 10
Senator Ciirbott is row iu IrtUai
with hi. fimlly enjoying a littls rest
before the meting ol Coagrcs Jeav
tor Williasss and lady .rrirs(f'
WMhlagton on the 21st alt.
that be ha. gone to fan FraoeitM oa
ariratc business.
It ! ronnrl.ri that altar all the !
he colored pj ople of San Fraaa
urn uul uaraaa uhht. i iiti ",
to keeping company wkh tbe'D
ualiee" ami cbinaaian m-
ter. of that ealif
i ""
oratie "plug-i
Ben Helkdf .arrived ia Krt;
land. It (suH.Urstood that work will
soon be oommenced' on the faslfW
railroad. . - ' ''