Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 03, 1869, Image 1

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'fivr--vrKVftitt v"-1 ti"siw "
, UMMir V
wwrMM". W
"W- " y & v m x i. t .? tt" Tjt V"1''- "
Odd Fellow's
Jarksnavlllr, Orrget.
Trarelcri nj resident loardm tlll il-ir
l'Uc-d ln.lirl elm order, tail In tttt
Wsy superior lo sny In llils otiiluii, Surf
urpaMedhy trnf In th Slate
And plentiful supply of trip liel of pi try
IhliiR IL market niTnnls nil) be oli-
(allied lor
ii Kit tahii'k.
Vo troubled will l- iipird to nVtrvs lbs list
tjij;e of Hip IrtiTrllitR at-rll the rlfm
ami tentttinllyi " '
Ij'kioarllle, Jrrli 31. 14CC if
Peter Britt,
PllOtO'TUplUC Artist ,
j.wh'suxri i r, fiainoy
Ambr oty po u,
Vheto graphs, t
CnrtcH do Vialtc
'.r .v rut: nsixT sm.KOF uir
l'li'turrs Itetltiri'il
01: KsiAuaun n Ntr.sixi:
. , -. -.. . J
11 A I"!" TO ii.A 1 1 ' A T i'iA V I
I A I hntiZl t J S .') I.il 5 5 t I
, 1
San Fii..cim,o, (,'ai-
D'i.Mri.i8ir.u, r tii 111.MIC 111 hi "in
vMi J..imitIIU toiiuiluM In Auuut
k't.Mrj.t.mr,u. sr tii ni.ic 111m hiii
ri, and n ill slliml In nil Im-lurM in II llm
tf Mil pirn rvitli-ii i.f !! Km nf M uliirn
'hi niili ilii) criliiniiu nf lM ip'r.
Physician & Surgeon,
. "
rinrsnvvil.l.V. MlkVn.V
nm ,1 MMi-.Mr-.if. I Old OtrrWJ.
liuii.il on (Iri-nii Slrr-'l ,
J, '! 1' "
OFFICE-'Comer 9f CallfornlA andFifti
' Btrecti, Jackionville, Ojjn,
Ttewlll pracllcp In Jarli'mt Mid adjnceni
rtiM nrnr.y.,
..... n.lhllUAl"
ntkt. nd slleiia promptly m ir..n "
Zn th Or'ertxjck IJopitl,
on. lrwir r. a nunc;,
Otosstt ot vl ol .
WILT, sllrnfl In sny who mar rwijllrf ' lile
hmIcm, flfllrn sill DmrMtV offle.1.
.n Iho Ha.t Ms 5d .flrrPt, JscVrniiilllH.iinv.Mr
Tt 1 . . -
s r wtwr-M.. v " watsov.
J.lliioiii Mir, ttrfgnn.
Office, No 64 Front Stieet,
A.n.riingthTtirginphir.rorfi.moti I
Will be nude 11 pe t lalily ami proraptlj- rollfftrd.'
Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M
A HOLD their ronulsr eoinmiiiitctttlQiis
vyon tb Wednesday UvenliiRs or preced-
'VN ine th full noon, In jACisnNvn.i.K. or.
'iox. A. MAHTIN. W. M.
''. V. StMos.Stc'y.
Emplri; J'iti, Coos County,
I vor,. xiv.. i
-the mm Mmi
II 1- ' - -
KTrrr Siitttrdnr Morning by
j l'7V'7:t IVHMK C f( TltllW 8THKRT.1.
, lllllMfl UK ftl'IKCIUl-rllMfl
' I'Or OIIV tC.ir. lu ftdlalK-B. fuiir .1i.lt.ra I'
not pkld leftblit the firl nix tnunlbt of th tear,
fro dollar. If ntt pstd until lb ejplritlon
tf tlie cnr, sis il6lUr.
OhP --i.fl.irr . Ill line. ! I...1 It..t ln...i-ltitM
(tlrreutflUr! rucli ulxi'fjucul liifcrtlmi )ii
4:llr. A illc4uut ii ftrwiifr cent, will l.n
uiiJa In tUoif nlio tiJvcrtto liy ihr jenr
i "r,',,l, I'-!" ccJJ at current t:
(for ti4 StDtlntl
Hytnn for tho Fourth or Jaij 1809.
nti'Filr lihl. Kii-riut Klin.
lit; un.b ritlh lielow,
Iti uil of prnUn Itiy glory tint;,
Kmin Mliiuiinll ldilii Ujw.
MVi clmr mir innKs lu innd Hi; Unit
With rrcidmn' His unfurled
All-4 V .i"ll.li llir uunumWfvd wi.
;tf In, ?t 1 (!a world.
iViJfin, tvfnr of til iii;r1,
W"'H "''''I ' t-0-d(l wnnl
Till y.iu. hi'l. tujiird And .M.n
Ackiiowlnliw rinom L01.I. '
lluiaunilir I tn it y iowtr wO iiil-e,
n mi rur ii- iiiu iiiy iiiuiid, . ,
l mh ii lofnllirnnrt In uraW"
hirlri utie ChiMUnQod.
S!1 .UvJ.sO'iwH, ourfulib hiilri.
Willi It'll MllidllIUir ll.AlU!
And cli-ii'f iter -Ml. wlih Chrftlhn tlr.-,
To Mincrlfv iiurliistt
Tit nllir,r.i'i nnd Holy Glm'l,
Uurpufci . 'i-nd lrirr,
Tn ml.iliv unfi Vhtut, nml liuit,
II iMr liv fallh nuil loi.
( 01. 1 Mr5 Mi.rn Jtftrl-li uu d
, Ih) muI 10 iriuinpli UhiN.
I IVIn ii- .ViUll III iUim Imd lalil.
Tn cntii'ii'r i-Attli' lirntd land.
I nr in tlix Wft n HtfUl imir bvmui,
Killillllii Clirl-f. i.l.I unidr.
Tlmt nut nr lliv United .Sutrt
H.'IISlftfrLiwtcilliB World.."
-jd-iftln Junp..Mb, ISfi1
Ani.u I-iiiiiiiAM VocNpi Wiur?
r ,.nii iliinnr mi anri.itiir tit Mrlivli'im
, ,,,,,,"
otiug. Ilo )ih inon of nullity men
ol faiiaticNui and couragt around him;
able iiiMitiinctitK lur his Mill; but I see.
no "otuitig uinii" for hi place; 110 one
ho can (land alouu in his shoes, who
i:hii I'oinnianil siion ooculeucc among
I liillnu nm (tii'li l.nr nmmiir mitttiliim.
" ..-, g, w..,. ,..-..,
kili.li hiiritil.t 1 Inliipii .il'iil titinuiilt u.itft
n"VM " ,VM" "' ' ",v """'
J '" vUel fiml Wrl associate, nteii
iiihiiiri'il ith tho traditions ill the
vlitirelt, and iii'.piiiiig the faith of its 1
memiiuii-, are all olfl URty iiiuiseli- ne
and they must m die; and, il not Ite
foro, jbeii will ejiter iu tho elcuiculrt ol
diidbi tiiid dllbrenco and diitiutergia
lion, in ivcourse to thu element ol
cbangound (evolution and rocrention
that follow flie b, aimers of civilizallun
n cry w here. No JJunuoii will admit
this, perhaps; but it is tiuth by A di
viner sight than any that be posses,
devout m a Micsleinan, 'devoted m a
Itoiuaulxt, zealous as, a Methodist, thero
is a higher tiutb than ho has uiiistfiod
the Until nl ifoliilion in thn inter
ests nf equality, of individuality, and
ot woman independence. Thesu are
ag.tiuot him; thero will unuqiic'r him,
pray hu ever so naetcdlv, fight he over
so aliantly. Uiighain Young, Louis
Napoleon, tho Sultan and tho-Pope are
all doomed by tho same law Slaveiy
went down under it, polyp nut) wilUol-lowr-"f
Xcie WarM," l; Samuti
Jfotchi. , .
Fit if 1; Oukat Evu.vra, Tbo preiont
cenluiy hai snei theso fonr great,
bvcnla , ; ' . '
I, Moise's invention; of tho 'Tolo-
graph. ,
II, TioJaying flf.ihu Allnntio.Cnble.
III, The death of Slavery in tho Uni
ted States
yt Thti comRptlon of tho Vticifio
Railway. ,
In twenty-flVo' yearn tbo continont
hap boon sltrinifrd by thd wires of to
jti'lcgrnpn. Men years ago wiv iiii
,ning began to, Tmrjnc.ilh ho ea.
Fit 0 yeow ago thp war.fordcrdom end
cd.artd Rlavcfy .died. Yesterday (ho
iron 41-ark waH m'ado complete from
Portland to San Fiantisc(. H
Tho young man of to-day, whq bn
seen alllbesctlilnafnecomplisljed, will
. . L. IIkl
' haje alee tr tall to hU grandoblldren
! snob a 110 gmndsire of" our day'eah(
numtnoii' from tboWVc. of bis. racinory.,
' a, r, rf(.
rs'"'" in.-.
(From lb Salem Unionist, Jimp VJJ
important Resolutions
At tin-request o; tjiitiirrout (rlutnls f ''rail fair ono' known as "Wi-Woot
v jntblisli the following. Similar re?-1 Molly.' Iiiidn'niitii was thotlnig call
olutions hac been ailoptotl liy thu Old 'i'd Into tue. An soon as it was Hm:ov
School 1'icsbylory, and tliu CvurotralHed that hIic had taken the deadly no-
tional ArHooiation of Oregon :
hcyluUon of the Ufiyun I'm. v'tiA
"'nvtruum j nrvuierum L.tiureh.
t.i. .7 ... .7 1 1. f..
l.fi iilkkah, a pamphlet liusivcuht'
I) appeared in our midst entitled "JVot-
!.... !.. r ...... . .
J. II. A. Hioulllott, a urii-xt of thu 5cctigcu Sonic .poor unfor'tnilato tirod of
;;" s szj As ! . r -"
nccoiint of thu Whitman niaM-ifrv and ' ,ftck wnRon carries its human
its causes, .freight to thu lam i outing place; no
O I ...1 .. I. ..... .1 ft k .. j . 4
triiiiiki;ill ill II'UOII.' Illllillklil.il l.v nn
u miciv.'is, uiu miui pninplilut'inournorH iohow no incniM weep.
many RlliieincillS Itllectlliii
tiuularly upon tho InmeiiUd 1 ir Vidt.t,oroUent "nl't "irki her rctmg
man, Kt-v. II. II. Spauldiug, ami their' I'lacusave a 'inqund of fresh caith.
saluted Mes
'"iboin lnl'7,lT,,it.,i" nU.C",'l U;,1..,
,. ."UinMt lu said pain ihlet that tht?,
1 i........ 1.. i ' "" .
I b .-uowit lu Mid pamphlet that the,
uijisiitrv of Iho Wliiiiiian lamllv i.ud
lulhvir) Wiii the ieullof Iho imjnoper
! healing of Jr. Whltuiaii mid lluv. II.
II. Spauldln;' atnoiig the IihIiiiis. .
i. Ami w H-rf,iooiirn.itiiiiitiHiii.
w flKd .aid i.aintt.'.'lcl published In Ux
. imhi r.m Ii.lIllIM v I'Mwittnti 111 i
Due. Xi. no, '1511! C.nitVM4 lt Mfviluii, '
House of lepiei'iitalivis ncooiiijiitiiy.'
by t try, frnjn n nin.'t
hie t
tt tostlniony, now befwro ' '.'
itbjucl, that the unfiivoftiMu tlA'.c
icuts made lu the pamphlet "rc.Vned
mviiis mane in me tutini
lo lit tliu tirceeilliar urt-iinMi. n.M....n.. '
iliiglhofarly Protestant MiilonaiIcs in'
wrcsoii, nrp, 111 the lilghtst degree.
fiilsii tiiul ulaiiilorotH. '
2d. That this lYcsbx terv reiariU il '
i not only as a dittv. but as an esteeined '
prMlego to expnVs her confidence in ,
tho character hi tl... t,.t,. r M.... '
nig a letter from .I lrts Uiownt.', spcit'l ncr only chance nml becomes a courto-
hi atiit tif Treasury l)cpirlm.-iitr (ot Kin K Who fhall fathom the gloom of
u'tc Com.ui oner ol llidlai, Allirs,,iai torlirc,, B0,,,? sick 0, tho wor(,
Idatei. nt .'sail Iraucisco, Dec. Mb, I607. . . . . . .. ( tl . ,
ov,t;;'rvforlNle.olvcdbvthls,l,l,, a,Mlt' l0 J,?' b,,,K,l l,r"KBIIK
1'ivsbytcry: ' Inloiij the iv$9 f tho intttonilcM
1st. That Is thu oninioii of this 1'us abvs ol itcrniit. Abov1. below.
i tude
Whitman, possesng in a laigo Ovgreo ' people nhould not oncourago tho iuiint
the cluineiils of a true Uhiistiau iharae-, gratlon of Cliinevf. but should rathet
... .... . . (, !, IlUllllll lk .ultUH .'.Ml ll
purity ot Hie. And lint to his labors I , t,(r 1 1, ChlfeM como ,,oro
more than to auv other ono man wtnto , ... . . , , ,. i.i ,.r
aro indebted for piovtming, what Uinot lo BCtlle, "but to dialn tho land of
uw thu jStato of Oregon and Territory
hands of Iho llilllsh
render w liioh scrvin s
incnt and tho cause
ur. it iiiiin.in rmrn
. .?.... .
across tho contiueiit iii uild-wlnler, '
.'Id. lhat uhal has been rtiil ot Wr content with very little pay- We do
Whit man as n man and a christian ol , w lll0 forcco( ,,10S0 u.nJon. We
lug 1 moral worth s a l mini, hIso, anil 1 . , . ti.t... 1 1... ni.i.,..,.., -Ill
wrihttiibtl i,le,s,,re. of Uuv. 11 n.ro not afraid that John Ol.inau ait ill
Mi.fi.ilitlii... u!..v In tlm nr.li.n.l n Ivliul
1'roUiJtitce, is now spending the .ivcu-jof
inc ol his lifo in our midst, haiuiily sur
rounded by his children and his uhil
dien's chll'lrcd
And lurlher, Il affords its great pleas
mo to eudiiisc what has been oftuii at-
tinned by others Mutt the liuv. II. II. .
Sp.iulditig. and his ainlablu ami accom-
Mis.h.imries. to civiliw iind christian
Uu llie Nez P. rces ttihe o Indians
than tho luivurnment ha ever been
ublu to accomplish by un put lay of vast
sums ot money. And turtiicr, inat to
to their intlueiico is mainly attributed
Iho steadfast fiieiidshlp ot thu Nci
Perees, miller all circumstance to tho
whltu ponulalion, utcii when all the
surrilliudlng tribes under Homan In
tliieiicti wiuo ut war w jilt (hu A'uur
imii pcoplu ( Y t
llli. T'-at, from M-hat is regarded as
evidence of tho most rellablu character,
this Presbytery i fully convinood that
tliu liomau oleigy, then ocqupyipg the
eonnlry, wero tho ptinclpal iustiga
tors ol tho "Whitman tragedy.1'
W. 1(. l)ISH0P,.M0I)KltAT0R.
ft A. Wnoi.KY, Clerk.
Tiik liATMYUiifM Accoidiug to tho
roan It of lamn deep sea soundings, Is is
announced that thu bottom ol tho Roa
atgreat deptliH, ih covered b .1 con
tinuous mass, extending over milt's in
cNlent, of v'hat inny bu considered ns
onosinglo ahimal. Tt is thpught t,o
form (ho lowest stugpf animal iio on
tho globe, and is uuppofiod to deuvo
it nourishment directly Irom tho mln-
"otal world, as in tho case of pinpts.
The now aulmal jiaa beep babtiied by
tbo uuphoncous naroo of Bathyhius..
This world' isift scepc-of yioisi,Hudcs.
'Sonio,foty years ag tho fivry nnd chiv.
alrfiu,' Toontba rieplared that no wouia
live to'oall the roll of his slaves in the.
shadow of Bunker Hill monument."
Ho hai now lived so long as to bo oh
(lu llnl lion " "6 ' - f
liged to call for bis letters at the Post
n... m wnrr m. Turner, tho col-'
ored Postmaster of his (Toombs) ibwn-
.bin in Georgia. Verity "the whirl!-1
gig ot ti.no brings ahout It ranges."
mltliM lm
' An attempt at suicide was innlc on
; Sunday night Inst. Iti this city, by a
tion several physicians wero icnt foi'i..rtt.o. ...
who, upon atriving brought the stoiu
.!.... t.t
auirnuini) mio renuuii on nu h'ivoiI
the lifo of" the would to suicide. How
olleiidowu hear of audi casp,1 nnd
what a VOhlllin nf llinmrlit ilit (lir.t yiiff.
Thdbo s lo tint. Tim liny U li.n-.i-n.l
hit shall picture thu despair of thu
0"1 M!pl,,, "'? V'" '0
. .1 1 1 - ..
voui Hoppcu 0 cri mi? as s 10 no
.11 in, -1 , .
0,,co U"J ,,nIMy l,"'lJ ' ifolliijc moll
cr5, 'ho knows her history, of'lh
fint heart-loll lovo latished upon nm
non fnme
dctni-n-heartod libertine-tho ti''mi.t:i-
1.1 t... i.n ..i-.i... ...1. ...1 ... .,
' "";, ' 7. r". "" .
.If. 1 1
" ' , nml nlteiHar.N,
w,i'ii cast ntv.iy by her seducer, takes
iDVii ol iteriuiv
l iiiont rulliftarotiiiil, nil Is black despair. Keatoii
j rcluw. to (.-make tho tired brain, anil
,, , . .... . ., . ' .
'"t? "0,,' k,i" KraM'i"X ' lniiKtol
horrC. plunges beneath ho Mill dark
waiCrs air' the bubbles rlso n a Isst
.cr , uttq.-d.-in Jo .Vtretirv.
' 1.. .
n'.... -........,. .fn 1 eniiiintiiiieiillnii
. .. '. . . '.."., . ....... a... .1.-
Wm K" " l"u T 7 .
irrouitd wn taUn that th.' AmCKn
IM wealth, ami go nome; mat. wicy
thai the work at everything and aic
"1 ra 11 tho andot iti wealth." I'art
the wealth of tho laud is tho labor
hu docs hero, and ho cannot tnko that
away. I I10 tlopa tho labor cheaply
l,o will of course, take nAtity all iho less'
a t t f. . I ! . I 1
money. A to nts living on vury ninci
it is becausu he was bi'Ought up to it
in ni.t,,, iiu will irei in tlw hnbit of
m'ontlu this country if wo have
patience. Ah to bin Uevotioui, wr, ae
thu friends ot truo religion, are glad
ii;ii j10 ay8 j,is prayers to anything,
If his idols ar,u now "luran looking"
vu can cnly hopo that hen be becomes
half a Yankee hu will havo A belter
tusto in art ; but tho architecture of
sumo ot our own churches is against
that hope: As for tho Chinamen not
coming hero to settle, wo can but say,
let him go when he wants to. If ho
Is Huch poor material, our corrcipondont
ought to bo glul to got rid of him,
A'tfio York lcrahl, Juno 12(A.
One evening this week tho linen on
a Chinaman's clothes lino in this city
wim-badly damaged by some miscreant,
w ho had thrownh dvo upon tho clothes
aH they hung upon Iho line. A whi?o
barber named Himmlcr was acciuied'of
tho not, but tho accusation was resis
ted by Hlmmler, and "John" bis accu
scr wont off with a black eye. Tho
ovldtnec being pretty strong against
Hirrimlcr, howover, ho eoiripronilseA
tho tnattor by payltig the proprietor of
the Phccnlx Hotel, Wr. J. W. fjhnt
tuekrthojum of fllty-nino rlollara 'for
the linonnnd upon an aetirn for as
aanltand battery beforo JsIlicV,Smith,
to '.-which he plead "guilty"-l20 to
th school Vnnd for the' Chinamen's
black .eye, Tllo ruatter may be
brought biifero tbo next Orand Jury.
-Oregon City Enterpritc
- 1 j 1
Thoy nro organling At Moscow; a
" . , ... 1
pleasure trip to tbo United btatei, In
which only such persous a obtain per-
murion from the Knssiaa .Govornmeat
will participate. Tho round trip will
ot nine hundred rubles.
laiiing into uiu . nre regaruuii as a IIIIII.3UCU uy tnu w
(ovcrument. To!i 11r,i,fr.1j. ilmt tlmw sar their
to our Govern ' , ...li.,,. 1,1 "1.. ,i. ,i.w
nl I'roleslmit Urn. , '""ll,.B '" ' '" '- .. '
iriiii!ii 11 inuriiev "- -..-.,.,... j -,
. ... : nm iiuinvf riiini nml neu mi icrv iiilio :
)l i mil i ill ;
Traiul on the Pacific Railroad.
The San Francisco llulhtin oontaius
the following in regard to trnvel on the
Pacific Kailway. After Hinting tlint
through tickct.1 arc thu aamc price from
San Francisco an Irom Sacramento, it
t. .jj
road 111c 011 thu Sacramento boat, who
will receive and check baggage through
to its destination. Baggage for points
east f Omaha, will bo chucked for
Omaha and bofbro tho arrival of trains
nt that point, baggage masters go
tjirough the train and re-check to des
tination. Full passengers allowed 100
pounds baggage free, and children un
der 11! yeai's of ago 00 pounds. Pass
engers arc allowed to tako small ban
kets, carpet-bags, etc., with them in
the cars, or may place the same lu the
charge of the baggago mister with tho
privilege of access at uny time. Kxtra
baggage above tho amount nntned 20
currency, per 100 pounds, from San
Frnncie to Omaha; beyond that point
I the roads arc not particular about extra
bnggage, unless It should be grossly
excessive, when the charge Is four cents
per pound from Omaha to New York.
The arrangements for sleeping on
the Central Paclllo route nro not fully
perfected, for tho want ot a sufficient
number of sleeping car?. The traveler
can havo staterooms or a berth on the
Saciamento boat, at .1 charge ol $2 for
a stateroom with two singlu berths;
family Mntcrooms, with ono double
and or.o single berth, at $:), and dinner
nt fcl ; siuglo berths, 50 cents ; arriving
at Sacramento nt about 2 o'clock in the
morning Passcngors can sleep all
night 011 tho boat and bo called at any
hour in tho morning by leaving word
with the clerk. Breakfast at Sacra
mento, and start at 0,30 a. m. on the
car. Dinner at Cisco, (02 mlloi from
mil. V 12:? 5, 'toppU .' "". '''
Supper at Wad.'worth, (223 miles) at
0:30 p. in., BtopplUg : minuics.
The night is passed ia C'o cars bo
tween Vadbvorth and Uarlitf, fU
miles,) whero a sop it mado of 30 infa
ntes for breakfast" Dinner at Toano,
(EiSfi tnilc;) at a:l&7 at-ipping 30 m'u
utcs, arriving1 at Promontory at 0:55 p.
in., where thoy Change car's to tho Uu
inn Pacific road. Tliu eating accommo
dations on the Union Pacific am simi
lar to thoio on the Central, tho cars
stepping at proper Interval. Boyond
Omaha there aro.t)vq lines ol railroad
to Chicago the U'ock Islaud and the
Northwest. Tho distance is about tho
same by both lines, and passengers can
take their choice of route at San Fran
cisco when purchasing tbeli tickets.
Meals along the road aro usually 75
Tho Pullman sleeping cars aro run
on tho Union Paciflo road. The Cen
tral Paclfio have in uso two blcoping
cars of a different style, and havo eight
more on tho way from Wilmington,
Delaware, where they wcro manufac
tured, nnd ton additional aro ordered
to be ready for tho completion ot tho
Western Paolflo, when a morning and
evening train will run from San Fran
cisco. Tho charge for sleeping cars
to Promontory are for a double borth,
5 coin; stateroom (two in each car,)
room in caoh for four, IMS in coin.
From Promontory to Omaha, double
bertha through, 10 currency. The
summary of indlsponsiblo expenses
'from Salt Francisco to Oroahn, outside
of tho railroad fare, may .be approxl.
mated as follows :
Stateroom, Sacramento boat, two
berths, $2 Dinner on Saoramcnto boat
'?1 ; breakfast at Sauraraonto 75, ; dinner
at Cisco, 75 ; auppor ot Wadaworth 75;
sleeping car tn Promontory 12 50;
breakfast at Ccrlin, 75 ; dinner at Toa
no 75$ lunches to take in ours, say
tl 75. Total, coin, 111.
Arriving, at Promontory at 0;65 p. p.
Time, 1 day, 16) hours. Beyond Prom
outory, the sleeping ear to Omaha,
2,084 miles, it for two bertha $10 cur
rency, (or one bertbrf 5. Three meals
per day for 2$ days, 8 meals at 76 cents
oacbjM. Total, currency, 111.
Between Omaha and Chicago tbo
running time is 27h6un ; fivo days and
seven koura irom Sacramento ; distance
2,268 mites, and the oxponscs ate about
tho aamc per day. Time into Now York
snen days ; distance, 3,167 miles.-
i Hit,
i). -
Julius Cievtr - soii,Qf'oldntau Ciesar.
He was bom ut Koine in this infancy,
nnd upon -irmiug at thu estate of his
manhood, became a Human. (U was
a fighter nnd tighter of some note.
His friend BrutiN nstjcd him ono rndrn
Wig how iuunyeggs he had eate'n for
breakfast, and be replied Kt tu, Brutot
J iij friend hecuinu very much enraged
nt being called n btute. and stabbed
tJiesir rjiiitf dead.
Mahomet --author of the Koran, au
exciting romance, which he wroto ia
tho Mrimmotli Cuvc, at Mecca. Be
was tho author of n religious ere
with which ho stuffed Turko m
tried to get up a broil in GrMt,
but tailed. .Many of his earlier fellow
era suffered great peiscoutloB. Some
of them were bound in rairrooeo and
burned nt the stake. He had tbre
temple while living -ono at Meoea
ami one on each side of his head.
Hoiiapartoa hnrurn skarum sort of
n follow who OCeunli'l n nnatUn -I
considerable responsibility In Franot.
This impression went nbioaij that be
was iimb! t lout, t.luui d.ttmgwd bis re
putation iiMteTuIly Hu gained the
respect 1111 1 udiiilratuu of the French
nation'becaiKe he "was not a French
man "When inked If h thought hu
could rule Pianct he nmiIi...I. uf C.nr.
menu. Th elmeuf Ins hlo was not
so blight as the beginning, but there
was more of It a narrow compass.
Lord Nelson, thu hero ot Trafalgar,
a sea.fariug rr.an and a farsiwlog man.
Ho said, upon going into action, Eng
land expects overy man to pay his du
ty. He knew they were a rascally set,
and would run tho blockade it they
oould. Warlare was his oooupatlon oa
tho high sea, and ho enjoyed nothing
but wnrfaro when ho waa a long Una
In doubt whether a nautical life mdiu.
suit him or not. Finally be went to
Alaska Nkwh. A late number
the Alaska Ttmu contains the folUv
Sitka takes its name from a tribe ot
Indiaus wbo call themselves) SitW
A Pioneer Association bat
started at Silka by a number c4
first settlors in the Territory.
ivirti oivrai "intVtf-liuoJi-.
boys and girls in dally attenanc, r
T. 0. Murphy it writing th butsy
ol Al atka, to be published ia Ik 7bnl
Ho saya tho oountry was irtt dlt m
cd by Aloxoi Tsebirkow, tbe 11m at 1a
oOmiZ'-ind ot the expediting. adr.ifat
uitfortvnaifi Bohrlng, iu 1741.
Coal ia said C be oaad ia trn
parti of the Territery, bat tee wt d
capital they are ta a great itXM4v
velopcd. The coslf beds a4 Kenai wr
worked by tbe Russian American Y r
Company in 1 853. Th Company a
the coal for their own vessels aai wHi
in tbo habit of taking out about two
or three thousand tons a year.
Tho Pope'a bull against Masonry :
"Those Freemasons are aothisg bat
sects i iniquity, bound together only
by complicity in odlons Crimea. They
uiu full of perverse maneuver and dia
bolical artlllces; oorrupten of moral'
and destroyers ot fvTTry idea of honor,
truth or justice ; pVopagaton ot Wto-'
strous opinions ; dlssominator ot abo
luablo vices nnd wickedness; over-
throwers of all authority, whether ot
th Catholic Church or olvil tooiety ;
and capable," such is the aatounding
couclusion "of driving God out ot heav
en if it wcro possible"
The truo stories of absent nam"
not bo oxeccded. Wo know of a taaer '
who has, more than once or' twie,
put on his spcctaolcs to help him to
look for thorn. Wo aro inclined t bj
Jiove, from the mannor in whiob it frtt
reaohed us, the anecdote of SUTftewt'
Strange, tho Indian judge, who Md
on paying a visit, that bit friend watt'
not in, and that he had forgotten hi
own name,
'I'll oall again. Never mind my
name.' '
"Sir, master always like t know
jho names ot gentlematywbocail."
"Why, to tell th troth, 1 hair
gotten my name."
"That'e strange, tlr,"
"Sofit is, my man. lWirkit it
And ho wout away leaving' the m
uant quite la the, dark
Tbe White ot aa egg, given in w4
ened water is rsure nre fortkaervsp,
according to the" Ustlmenyof a dltkv
guished Frcri'ch pby'sieitjai 'Th rtsnV
dy must U feasted until a cure It
I i
. 1