Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 26, 1869, Image 1

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I'll A NCO- A M Kit I C A N
urt'osin: tiik
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
TfaTelcrs nnd reudent tnnrilcr will line
IJlsccd In flrr-t clss oriliT. mid In every
ttVy'Snpunir lo .vny tli llil spcIImi, mid
surpassed l.y nny In the .SI.iIp.
And n plentiful 'npplj f Hie lirst if rvcry
thing lie m.ilfcpl nfTnr.ll wilt U; nil
Utntd fer -
JtEH T A 13 LIS.
S'o UnnliUd wilt I punl In desrvp Die psi
ronpe of Hie traveling m tcII m llic perma
nent ecninnnlly.
JcVMinIHc MrcliJ,lM!C. If
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Gartos do Vislto
mm ix 77; rixixr tt.: or .mr
Plrl mo KriliictMl
on KXf.Ai;aKiTOiJr:sizi:.
''i9:c I. Ti.r a- 1 CI; .duy en li vml
V-21 f!';STS'
701, Mm kit Cor. Kcnrny SI..
S.N Fli.V.NlWo, C.a.
Dl MrM.ISIT.i:. 'f llic l-r llim. will
v ! Jiirk-nnv IIIp m nullini' In Aiitfin
l.-SI Mill utll itll.iid Hi nil I nl(i In lila I'l"
II' l I im- miiiIm iif lln' I'm" il III irliiiii
lliriinli iln'ri-liii'iti" hi HiU nir.
Physician &SurSCOIl,!mir.,.nu.yonrl..M.k; p utll. iik
J.U.'h'SOXVIU.i:, OKIMOX. ' Wlmt'i. t lie Hi' of till- H'M.liii-.'?"
iniPMHlilliiiM"iiPp. Ill llii Old HuttiPcl. .J I xvilktc tlll'M' culili'll llOIIHMll,"
ll.,.,.liM.iwOiv-.mSiiH-u , w,iiln, linyf miftriT, "I "armll ,w
" """ j wlr.il I never uin iniike ii."
HH V IT ftPPFNMAN ' Whilu tlicic lmvo were Mill iuiiren
UIl. ll. II. UlilJlJlinillll, I tct.t mt oflVr nl t-o llifiiii-unl ilnllirn
PHYSICIAN ANM) SUIUJKON, ) a.ie:iieil in llio newMnpi'ir. lor tlip
OFFlCE-rComcr of California anil I?lfth ! lu-i lan -ir.-i .tnio li.iinv to w ImJIt
Streets, Jacksonville, Orjn. in one of llio Kiclern State. Tho tu.
hIII nrncllf In .l.i.t.on ihm n.ljp.'in lio-i liov a llio nilveitisoinciit, nml
.nnnilfi., nnd tlnd promptly t ''i,!,!',! '' ihteiiniiieil to try Inr it. AlYerwcaiu.
lli"... . .- .--'.'" i ful Minly h ilivw out lil-!nns ami
-r- A rrtTT T'r'rt4 i the prize; "til Mill, no iiiouu'in.-ineiu
L5.ufV J. JrJL JxvtXM.o,i)(tintIin ni.0 trvi.,r r ft,0l,t h
In tho Ovorbock Hospital,
WU.t. nllind In nny lm tnjv "7'J"'"' '
..rvlf.' Oniop nt II I. Ilnwpir oOko.
on Ilia Hat M 3d Slri-i-t, JnckHinvllLMiiiVJll
r P0WKI.T., K. ' WATSON.
yiyKuiiirlllr, Orriion.
Offlcs, No. 01 Front Street,
WEcntroLitWoR OF rLMMS,
Willbtninden KptfiHlHyanilfromiitly.tollttlM.
WaVren Lodne No, 10. A. F. & A. M
A IIOMUholr rcRulw commnnloatliiio
VV n thu Wiilnosday leonine "r prcced-
AA lug the full 'noon, la ucsnxvii,i.K. oti-
jiiov, A. UAIlllW, vv. i
0, W. Savaoi., Bi'o'y.
Fmplri; City, roof ronnl
Every Sittitnlnv Morning lir
omnK, couxmt (,' 4- riimt) sniKitrs
Kor on(i vpsr, In ml unco, four dollar ! If
nn .ld wltliln tin- l!rl lx tnimih or llio jrnr.
fli' ilnlUm t If iimI pild (til lb i.Tplrnilon
'if llieyrur. tx dutUr.
'' rr.it 'it iik .Mivt'.in iiiM! i
Mm-mi'mio (10 Hum nr lvV fir-t hiprtlnn.
ilin-p.lumr l pscIi iiliHiirnt Itwrthm. hup
ilnlltr. A (U'rn.lllt n Mljr nT Prill, will l"
made li tliii" Mho ndvvrteti l-jr llic jest.
jTsW.":;! Tvrtls. rp-'lvtfl ti' ciirriiit r.t.
An Old Man's Urcnm.
l)!ilc ilii .iicnni utm lli'ila lpia
Wh CiUI'dlng hih lii)1t,.
Ad-wv lit !. mi.) tii't- it nut
tUtttnniit.y im-H' hrlnliiu'.
,n nld n,r .t iiml lipitlnl not
1 tiilit.a IhU llfivr li'tn,
tint tli'lint lint Inn liv.lv "i.il
.V.i lit nil u llicru In Imo tilm.
IViirt l'Wpr Bl'd lirr Ipi. I1I1J nllJ Ix v
ri lirttmr nrir Ititfiiiir.
Wl.lt.. Irmii n lnw-r 'tn iIipIua
A mrr'rwi ti-ll v. rlMttln r.
Tli" "M iikvi Hitnlil in iIip pines,
nt ml ll 4 infii IrnvliW i
III" I Kikrtl inmii r'i minp fip, ,
Ai.il ln)rd nwlili lit. ilrinm'ilR.
lint n inv 1-fi nffiln Iff. ft
(ITJ..V If t'HiViil IkiIiiti,
And 'iiIipi1 iIiihibIi 'ill I'm l.y n Muc,
TImI llii ri' i nnip In InVP IiIpi
,)! tin If tmialit ilii iIMmnd .IrfMti,
An.l fliil id iimI '').
1'piin li inn timW in dimiti
A t Itifi liilylii jtd c'wrr. ,
ll in i in ! I I'liid nf Uxt.
WImtp lilli"ii'i.ii"i MU ri llnin J.
Aid divk'il ul-li J...-. lllit WA'diii,
U'lin.i' n' -li w murp llii't lisli.t
Oti l wn ii.:iirtt' m m'ntf lljl.l
Tlml lwam.il mi.titlli (li.M-lilm !
i 1iiiii1iii.. wi.kc .ind f'lini I Iti'il nljilit.
(, liM-ri mid lii-r 1 1 lute Mm.
The Tw.i Appreutlo:s
Two liny wi ro npirciitii'nl !n ,i cw
pi'iitcr'f slioji. Oiii- ilfli'ttniiio I to niiki
liintpi'lf n lliorottli 'Miikmnn ; tin ntli
T 'Miilii'l caiv." One roail nti'1 Mini
inl, nml uot lunik tint wrmlil lii').
him to iitnIi'i'Mntiil tlm, irinr!KH ol
liis tr.nlc; In- iiiiit h ovoniiit nl
homo ii'Milln. 'I'Iil' (itlu'f llkcil (tut
! Iiiht ; I lo nlicii went with otln r lmv lo
I Ii;ivi. n "nii. lime."
' Hf'.i.ll.i Iif. .lln. I L.llil 111 lita mIiaii.
rnt litem lo tlio uomtnitlcf. ni
ioo lie ilii! not really expect to train
. i. ii. I...
week iilterward a Kentleman nrrlvcd
from the e.iipenler's nhop, and asked
it an architect by llic iiamn nl Wash
iuytoii Wilbcrlorco lived there.
"No," idad the carpentur; "lint I've
got ait apprentice by thaliame.'j -.'
''I.ntV sen him " mild the ''cntleiinii
Tho voting mini was mimmoi.ed nnd
infnnnJil that his plan wn accepted,
amHhat tho two thoinand dollars was
his. Tho gentleman then s.tid that tho
boy inut put up the building; and ids
employer was ho proud of his success,
that ho willingly gave him time and
let him go. This studious young car.
pentcr lmcamo ono ot tho flist arctil"
tecis in mo country, ue .mo.c ., ..
ti.no am) staml lilgn in tno esieotu ...
everybody; while his fellow appenlice
can hardly earn food for himself and
family by ids dally labor. Learn your
trades or btiiiuos thoroughly.
Ids gold penoil-case, and enquire! nl
bin wrvnnt IL lm hnd sepn it, "Yes,
nlr,M was the yoiily. "And. what 1
voii iioiuMvllh lir "Kept it- or
"na wnav navv
honesty, sir 1 '
oTWior. whenover I lean m.v Ijo?hI
on mv iinn In tI wny, it rains mo
tcrrildy. What sliull I do?'1
"Stop1 leaning your Hcau nWjJ....r
mm in thut'WHjvua'lnm" ,
A ..nlnrpd Kcrvai t. Hwcpplnff out n
lnchelor's rom, found supenre on tho Oregon are going lo nlu.oM 1 vn .wvy
carnet. whi()h lin'carrlwl to thg owner. Uugh.nd in manulactuies. I be levo I.
..You nav keep it for your oneMy.'M Will, nil th- bundreds of millions
nl,1 he A r-firl time after ho missed lands fronting the J'aetfio sea, stretch.
Whlto Tine
The luiest cstimtitc of tho population
in the vitWty ol White pine, places it
at nbont le.Oin (listiibiileilaslollows:
H.unilton ami vielnlty 1,000 ; Ticaonro
oily ami vieinity nliont, tho &mc num
bor; Sliermnntown 2,000 nml tho ro
ninindcr cnttered In ?nnll camp mil
through ttie hills of the entire. iliMiiet.
Population hni remained 'nearly the
Mine for the pat two inoiithi, nrrivnl
about bahineins: lep:it title. Foitireg'
ttlai" lines of flnjtn ply between there
ami Klko on tho railroiil, (.tie 810, a
tri-weekly line from Austin nml noveml
otheiK in oilier direotlotis ami lietwion
the different town. MoalH nnd lod
in eot Irom fifty cents to a dollar,
biead and milk are ni low n. in .Sin
! Kratieiceo and meat fiotn 2S toCOcentf
in iiouml, while uainn is lu.irooi- ami
!,. Olli-r articles lor miner, me
"'- "Hows: I , H00 .r lOo
na., bacon, -ugar, cileo, 10 cents
per pound ; vio'N beai."", vto ,
.10 ucills
per puun.l ; l.in.bot', miu i'50 I'"1
Imported $200 per ,)00 le. ' ! .-tlr,
00 eetils per pottmi ; nise, inining n
... i i.. i ..n ... ...it i
and dry good nil in full Htpply nn.l
Mdliui at moderate r.ite. Heitt are
ery high, titles mixed, land held nt
1 1 ff 1 1 rate but not much in demand.
Kight rjnntr. mills having 70 stamp
are running and others nearly ready
which will make 110 Mamps able
(o crush 120 ton ol oie per day. The
average Ield ol the oici. worked is
tulcil at S'JOO per ton, h dally product
of $.'3,000, or $100,000 per mouths,
Tins rate li expected to bv more than
doubled dining the piciont year. Wild
e.it nihility, claim are plenty but wry
many others that aio being opened
look reinaikably promising. No large
influx ol population from cant of the
llocky Mountains has yet occurred,
though a lew easteiii capit ili-its spucu
pilors and others dcsiiing to trade or
mine haw made their appearance.
A Wham; Iy"ii.m:u iiva Swtuiirisii.
A nnvel si;(ht wn ulmessed a few
daynhiuce by Mr. G.Hl'iuy, who live.
lion. Il'degi Hy. While plowing
nei r lite eo.itt, hlsatteiitioii w.isdiie..t
ed lo an iinutnl eoiiiiiiotlun in the wa
ter, nearly a mile from phore, which
proved to be a co.itliel between live
nwonl lih nml a ppirui whale. The
ocean was ipille calm ami as they near,
ed the shore llie'.r movement could
be plainly seen. Tito whale was no
match for lili smaller antagonists, who
sconied jo mi lc rl.iml hi only means
ol ilcloiise, and dipl,iyod considerable
tnotlus in parryln,' wl'h their formid.i
bleautagotiNl In miking their thru.sis
into his sides, they would keep oloar
ol his tail, one blow of which would
have been fatal to tlietti. Willi niad
dcued fury tho huge monster of tho
deep would strikj right and lull, cum
ing tho wnter to boll by llio foreo of
the blow, and then lie would dive deep
to escape the relentless fury of his tor
mentor, lint he was f.lllow'ed and noon
brought to the Mirliico. Deep gashes
could be rccii in his sides, and tin
'blood flowing freely, The light was
witnessed for nearly an hour, when llio
' wlmlc, in the agony of depair, flinging
jhimeif upon somo'low rocks, soon died
'from liN wound. Gamies two ket
nicp n "x ieei mug i-iv. ...
hii kides. Manv ill thli ellv went lo
see him. The third day tho tide iop
liSgh enough lolliulhim Irom llio rocks
mid ho floated out to sea. Stn Fruit'
iltco Times.
Pacho CftASliIn ,,, oral,0ll nl
,,,H.lfio Hniiron,i lfbratioti ni
..n V.. P.mI.ImiI Colfax said:
Wl, ,",k n( j;l(U. Eupjlnnd as tho Itlvo
(f n,.,,,,,),,,.,,,,.,. I pt thi prediction
on record, and I w 0111 wait ten years
to fee it fulliillcd ; that California and
lllg Olll )IICir n:llil or mey nni, k"
. .. . .. 1 !. Ill
wards (his country for those articles
that can bo manufactured here, you
will see tho infant manufacturers of tho
PiiclUo States leaping forward with
I ' ? .' . .. .,., ..... .
tho gigantio urmo who swiwi "'
country hat. always illustrated its en.
. . () ,(l .,,,,
w h h
HM. it4S. M. -
rfftTimtmjij mmmi mTn i'7m3?p2fcmm?M
Cheap Plctuurei.
Did you ever study tho cheapness of
omn pleasutc I Do you know how lit-
llh tl filn4 tr. ... ttt it tii.tll ll il.l.t I.tilitiv ?
" " '- nv... .,v
Such liilK-f as a nod, a word or a smile TIC l)esl nt)0n n tli world, ae
doe the wot k. A widow' live in the cr(nng t0 Kuropeanlotirists, nie to be
neighborhood, who I. the mother of found in tho ITniud Sutos.
hall. i iloren childien. Send them a J T fl .,,,,., M11 ii1ii,1i11i..i.u
peek of sweet apple. and they will b9im.nf ,. .. ., , Cllli,ollli!t
happy. A child ha, loil his arrow
all the world to him and ho mourns
sully; help him to find it or make him
another, and how quickly will the huh
xliliie play over his sober face. A boy
ha done a much as ho can do to ptln
up a load ol wood ; -ij;it hlin for a low
moment, or peak n plc.nanl word to
him, and he forget, hit toil, ami work,
away without minding it. Your ap
prentice hiif broken n niujr, or lil tly
inlnred a niece of work. Say '. u
eotimliel,"aud he feels miserable ; bnt
I j,,. ..,., ,, m , t0
,,,., Vou employ a man; pay
u (.,lccrfllUv n(, )Mk. a Avliml
word to him, and he leaves your house
j uil)l ft t.0ntriite.l heart, to light up hi
. ,K,nlIl Uh , j yi,,.
, pi.,nrc ehoap.
I ... '
Win) will not hihtow It liberally?
ll lli ) aie s'nib'S, nimhiiie mid flow.
cm, all nbotii n, le! its not giasp hem
wiiliainlieiVfi.t, and lock them up
Inoiir livnti-. No; rattier let us inKe
them ami neat I or them ubmitj:, in tbc
cot of the widow, mining the group
ol children, in thu crowded marts wheie
men ol business congregate, in our
f.iinillrs ami every wheic. Wo. can
make the wretched happy, thu discon
tented cheerful, the nflllclvd resigned,
at an exceedingly cheap rate. Who
will icliiso lo do so?
AGooiiSionv. ThebtiO'.iloos found
in llic telegraph poles of the ovcilaud
line a 11 w siicuol dulig'tt on lip) troc
less prairie the novelty of having
Mimothiug to scratch against. Ilat it
was oxpitindvo scratching lor the tele,
graph coinpitiy ;'and there, Indeed,
vviis the rub, lor the bisons shook down
miles of wire dully. A bright idea
struuk somebody to nend to St. Louis
and Chicago lor all the bnnl-awN that
could be purchased, ami these 'driven
Into tli- pole, with a view to wound
the minimal and check their rubbing
propensity. Never was a gieater mis.
lake. Tho bnllabics were delighted.
For the flint limn they come (o the
scratch mire ol a sensation In their thick
hides thai thiilled tliem from hot 11 to
tall. They would go flltecu miles to
llml a braibawl. T'loy fought hugo
billies mound the poles containing
them, and the victor would proudly
olinth the mountainous Vcap of rump
ami hump of the fallen, and sciatch
lili.H'U Into hliiss until the bradawU
broke or polo came down. There has
been no demand lorbradawlb Irom the
Kansas legion since the fiist invoice.
.i "
Warts on cow's teats may, says an
exchange, be easily tenioved, by hpply
ing this simple icmedy : In a quart of
soft water dissolve 011c pound ol nlnm ;
nml In ibis solution wash tho 10.1U and
udder carefully, morning, noon and
night. Porscvoranco in tills courso
will, in a few day, remove overy
vestige, ol disease, leaving the parts
lonnnrly afl'ecU'd smooth and healthy.
Music Hath Ciiaiimh. An oxchango
speaking of tho magical strains ot a
Imnd organ, says : "When ho had play,
ed 'Old Dog Tray,' we policed cloven
pups tilting in front ol tho machine on
their haunches, brushing tho tears fiom
their eyes with their foro paws."
According to Senator Sumner's the
ory nnd il is endorsed by tho Amer
ican people thi Loudon 7Ymu admit
that the amount of dau.ago dopo by
Great Hiltain to the United Slates
equals '8123,000,000, with a fair pros'
peut of an advance.
Vast ruins have been discovered iu
Zulu comity, in south Africa oblisks,
with (dossal carvings, terraces and lmll
of hewn tlonc, or out out o tho sol.td
A printer, apprentice rayi at tho of
ficu ttuiy cliar,;p him viih all the yj
thoy do Dud, and ftt tho bouse they
p.argo him wilh nil they don't fiud.
' j0 pot understand that kjnrt o'
, .
4 i
Ucneral Sew Item
General Orant' father is the tli.it
man who ever Raw hti oti inaiwiirn'
tod President.
was nn inVoicc of soap.
A White Pine ice hoiiio and con-
I tents consists of a huge pllo of suovr,
closely packed and thickly covcrvd
with pine boughs.
A large number of fjiiitel States sol
diers took llio cars nt Sacramento it
the Kal, last week. Others will go
from Nevada.
The distance betwon Promontory
ami Omaha is 1,095 miles, nml passen
ger trains mo now running it in lts
tli mi sixty hwurs.
There is n proposition in California
to move the .Mint from San lfrnticisco
lo Sacramento. The p.iper am hav
ing 11 fierce quarrel about ll.
Ol the 22. registered voters of town
ship No. !l, White Pine, 113 nie native
Americans, 00 are natives ol 'Irelnnd,
ami the balance (62) scalleiiug.
One of the arguments again! ulant
j powder in Nevada is that with il a man
can do thrco days work in one and get no
mo 10 pay.
Tho Olympu Jttpul"i,in calls
Walla Walla "that sink hole of iniquity
and rendezvous ff rebel bttshwhai k
crs." A little rough buC very true.
Tho Jl attain stales the number of
ptsscngois coining over thu Pacific
1 ail road nveragei 200 pur day. It i
expected that the number will soon
1 each 1,000 dally.
John Xe.il, ol Ellnbeth, X. J., sent
to a drug store recently foi some medi
cine for his horse, nml thu cleik, by
mistake, put up something which killed
lour herns valued nt $2,400.
Col S. C. Drew, tormcily of the Uni
ted States Army, with a party of pios
pectors, lias laudy discovered t lull gold
and silver mines on tho head waters of
the .South l'ork ot Owyhee riven
Iiiigliam Young was sixty-eight
yeatsoldon lite first instant. Four
of his brothers reside in Salt Lake city,
the elder being sovonty-niiM years old.
They nre a long lived family and come
Irom Vermont.
A great many btis'iioss men havo
adopted a rulo nevtr to givo complp
mentary lilies, such as "Hon." "Eiiq.,"
or "Mr.," believing that they aro use
less, mcanimless, and in all respects
played out.
A Leavenworth p.ip.ir thinks "an
evideneo of llio westward march ot
clvilizaioii" is that tho Kansas Legis
lature npproptiaied 9U00 tor tobacco
lorthe penitentiary prisoners, and only
8300 for preaching the Gospel to them.
Henry Ward Jiecoher is to have ;
... II I .Tl I. XT .- .
I'llllMlllj IUUI1I UIl l.ll' I.II11.UIII fWU.IHIIII
Monument in Washington. Ills
triends havo decided to ralso $0,366
for thu purpose of putlog him there in
colossal siz?.
An English surgeon says that fowl.
cijS solution rf arsenic admin
istered to children as a prophylactic
will prevent them f rot.; taking dijitlio.
1 in, even though others in tho game
family Imvo il. Ho has ti led it success-1
fully in many cases without a single
Iu a Pari paper of March 28th thcro
ii an obituary itolico of Andrew John
son, late President, It says that ho
will bo justly esteemed by postority in
the list that begins with the namo ol
Washington, nnd that tho "old tailor"
was not a "member of any torapcraiico
It is rumored that important infor
mation has been received at Washing
ton concerning tho movements of
English clipper capitalists, to oflsel
tho influcnoo of tho Paeifio, Railroad
upon the lin.es ,of (tradc from Am,i. Au
influential Loudon company haft the
right of way across Uondurai--, um)
design const muting a railroad .in con
nection with lines of English steamers
o both tho Atlantic nnd Pacific, ,by
wnicu i is, ttopca io oompoie wjtu our 1
1 f k . f m , I
ratli-osd In esrirrinj:
Wathinglou Ifewi
The folio wiiiks letter was written by
B. F. Dovjell I.i-t February, bnt WM
detained by the snow blockade on th
Rocky Miiuitnitis until the 5tb of Mf;'
but nsil coiiUin iinjwrtant new on
railroads, legal tenders and n proposal
constitutional ntneudtneut,' wti still
publtoh it :
WajSainoion, D. C, I
Feb. 1 5lh, 1609. (
iliii ileelil.ed tualetialty dining U)
past week. The Seiiato CominfttM
cat down tho amount of land lo the
N01 thorn and Southern Itatlroad Cota-
; p uiies one half, and the guarantee or
tin; uit.-r.sl 011 the bonds of all the
companies Irom 40,0P0-to 30,000, per
mile The friends of the "Omnibus
Kill" .. w oppose il. It stands no
chance this C.mgreis to pa4 either
linns.'.. This 11-iU also kill Mr. Mallvry's
bill chnrteiiug a company from fort
tand to Humboldt, mid Mr. Williams
from Humboldt by Klamath Lakes to
The ,-lir Ant Rattrontl Bin from
Washington to New York pascd thu
House on Friday by 102 yea, to 61
u ivsf Only two Democrats' voted for
the bill. It is doubttul about the pe.se
age of this bill tliruujli the Senate. It
aks no land or abn lies ol nny kind;
but Muiply the light to construct tho
road and charge- liberal pi ices for trans
portation. It would tend to diminish
the present monopoly. It is a good
charier, ami it ought to bo passed.
Soinu nt tho-Uniou Pacific Railroad
Co. loimed a nuw company callod the
"Credit Mobiller." This eotripany took
the contract for building tho road
from Omaha to the Central Paollt
mad. Il is said l bo owned by tbe
H'tilihicbl of the stockholders of the
Union Pacific; ami that il is designed
to ficdro out all the little stockholders
and the United States iu .hu Union
Pacific Company. This "Credit Ms
bilicr'1 company having tho first mort
gage on tho road ami being owned by
a maj'iiity of lite lich stockholders in
the Union P.icfic Company, they can
manage llic road so as not to be able
to pay off thu first mortgage bends,
nml when these bonds become .duo as
the interest is not pud, they will close
the mortgage and sell the road and
purchase il themselves, and thus ow
the whole road clear of tho United
glntes and the little Dtockholdcm. The
same men control both companies, like
Holiday it Co. manage, control and
contract for building the Eastside
Oregon road.
It is alleged this "Ciedit Mobillor"
Company has made, clear of all ex
pense, nearly one-hall tho pi ice agreed
to be paid for the construction ot the
road. This, and the apprehended frauds
of the Union Pacitio Company has ten
ded to defeat any railroad legislation
during tho present Congress.
woman's hurriiAOi: convjutiok.
The Chicago papers aro crowded
with accounts of the Woman's Univer
sal SutTrago Convention of Illinois. It
was numerously attended. Among
tho numbers was Miss Anna Dickenson,
Dr. Mary Pickocpaiigh, of St. Louis,
Win. Wells ISrown, a colored orator
from llosion. Mrs Stanton nnd Miss
Resolutions wcro reported byaeom
miitee, declaring thnt as woman is
equally interested with man in
imiwl liiu'K iMi.ietpd. tilm nil rlit fit nnai.
cs the right ol Mitl'iace. nnd resolvine
. ....... r ....... I ..!. .- . - -"
to maUu a iimteii eitnri to jorm a no
constitution for Illinois, so that there
(.hall be no distinction among citixena
in tint exercise nl thu right ot suffrage.
Tho resolutions weie adoptod.
impoiitant pi:iisio.noi tub Buraunc
Ill tho Supreme. Court, this morning.
Chief Juslicu Clifiso delivered the opin
ion of the court iu the case ol Uroneou'a
executors against Rholes. being onool
the ciiMR rccetilly nrgned before the
com ton an appeal Irom tho Court o(
Appeals lor tho Slute of New York.
The opinion ot a majority of tho court
is lltai contracts made payable in cols
can bu Hpccillcally enforced, and can
not be satislied by legal tender notes.
Messrs. Justices Svvayue and Da via
concurred as to the general results, but
read diilcreut opinions. Mr. Justice
Miller dissented.
This detiisinn does not 'involve lh
general question of the constitutionality
of the legal tender not, but affirms tfaf
integrity oi contracts made priee ts
tiiat legislation by Congress.
AN0THKK PROPOSED coyatHeiajjsriJC.
Senator Robertson of South Corolis
yesterdny introduced a joint resolutlas,
proposing tho following constituliooat
amendment ; '
Aitielo 17 That Congress sbU
havo tho jowcr to establish a tribunal
for th'i purpose of considorine and 4a-
I teruii)ig all questions which
.vio as 10 1110 vmifiuy 01 ipftvUMKotlj
vote of any State lor President IM
Vice President ol tbe Uiiitoi tMssar.
'.vhioh,said tribunal shall nMjajw Jls
1 jurisdiction under twoY rgn!
"ongiis.s hhall inak '"
'llffT u
I 3 l
1 .
1 :