TinRMi fflNnKEL. SATfnilAY MoKXIKO, .TlHH' 10, 1H00. 7 Plshcr. SO Jil Svw .Mirth- tglVKjclmutfi'. l our miiy nutlmrisod ms-ni m Pan Vfincl'ni. Kr Ki-lcrn AdrrrlMnir Mil funis i r"iiri'rMnil by S M I'tirrKMitiiA Co. of Sow York .tnd llo-tun. lltnlann K Mciif t ro mtr only ni- liorll"! AitcntK In III" Atlantic Sut-. OlTlc I I'srk Itow, "Tlmea" HuIMIiik, New York ll Clly All oMcr mum come llir on nn tucin gflfgiouj gotta?. Vertices nt the Catholic Church to morrow at the usual hour by Hev. Father Hinnclivt. Heavv Tiiu.niikii Stmim. Last Sun dr this valley was visited liy one ol the most heavy thunder storms that km ever known hero. It had been warm nnd eultry dariny the forenoon, "hut ftt about two o'clock t'tc sky be came overcast with dense black cloud, which opened out in wind rain light cnlnj nnd thunder. A tree near tho rcsldcnco ol Mr. Drum, was struck by lightning and badly splintered. The barn of Mr. Kilgore, about two miles north ol this place was struck, killing a Urge hog and damaging tho building considerably. N'o further damago was done on Sunday, as far ns wo have heard, cicept the unouriinouioiu break inir tip of the camp meeting, nnd somo of tho men folks getting their shirts wet beloro they got home. n Mmtd i y afternoon it again elonded up nnd gavo us another storm equally as hard, this time striking tho dwelling lioite of Joseph Welteror, entering the pai lor, breaking a largo mirror, and nnteriab ly damaging the papering and some of tliu furniture. Cim ur CoiT.r. The Circuit Court for this county, Judge Prim presidinir, has been in session during tho week. Three Jury esses have been decided, lot, Arui'trong vs. the Shi'iill Judg ment for the pl.iintittlor! 07 -motion for new lni.1 filed. 2d, btalu ol Ore gon vs. a Chlnnnian, charged with Healing lioni a store verdict guilty. .Id, 0. V. Ingrahnm vs. the Sheriff Judgment lorplalulill for tho tinn' Ion of a span ofn span ol horses whose estimated value is $'.'00. Hesides these a large number of motions nnd ilimmurs hae been decided, ami orders made. Tliu Jury caes have liten ol considerable interest, nnd ably Did almost bitterly contested. Court mill probably continue most ol next mk. - . - Siioiki.su ArrAiu. I.'"t w,,,' ,v0 noticed the disappi'.iranie ol a man named Oliver Kvuns, Inmi the neiwh borhood of Ashland, under Miplcl.u eireumslances. On Satur.lay lal lit body was found on n hill iiboiit limr miles from his residence, in mi shocking a state ol decomposition that it w.i impossible, to remove it. A blanket was placed over tho body, log placed on each sidu ol it, and thus liuiied where it lay. Lying neai him was his gun, with which he had evidently com mitted aelf murder. H" leaves two children, nnd enough property to kcej (hem inay circumstances. KlKwhcrc will bo found somo rhyme from "Phwinx Girl" on the Suffrage nutation. No ono is green enough to suppose aho would reluso tho boon. Not a bit of it I Her first act would bo to yoto herself n husband tho next to vote that tho men do their own dishwashing and darning whila she pounded the piano to pieces. Wo doubt her sincirity very much, and judge that her day for "brcnklng'tho hearts of tender young men" was over n good mar.y ycura ago. i Ukcovkiuno. Mr. S. Humphrey, who was found in his house near Wil low Spring, in a helpless condition a few weeks ago, nnd brought to town and submitted to tho enro of Dr. Davie, through careful attention and good medical treatment, i fast recovering, and will bo ablo to bo around in a short timo. Ilia mind which ha for somo months been greatly disordered, also appears to bo gaining strength rapidly. Ciuini. Call on Mr. A. P. Owen, lit the store of Glenn Drum it Co., nnd get a valuable chart of Grant and Col fax, beautifully etnbi'lislied, with a bi ography of their lives, tho Hepubllcan Platform, etc Only, 50 centH. M. IUum Is still selling goodn ctietpt-r than any other atom this side of San Francisco, If you wan't to get a good bargain call nnd sec him, Sen his advertisement in another column. Thanks. .Mr. Hull will plenso no pt tliu thanks of tho printer, for a fine lot of rhenjeb. mm imii of jixy ! x. r. ANNIVERSARY BALL. UNION IIOTtiL,Ki:HUY VILLI! A I.I. psrlir- sre corrtlnlly l.ivllnl In llm nnlviTMry llsll, at the u'nr Sltrlxl hnii.o,lii Kerliyellle. Oreson. on Ilia c-TCiilmr! r imniPil ol JULY OTH, 1809 So rrrlldK tvlll ,r -pnrnl In tnik tlic pir ty rurli ns aIIcaiI lnk luck In s o.io of Hie plci'iint cusiIk ol July dill, Isi.'.". - FLOOR MANAQGRS. ' W.M, M. lA'ANJf ami DAVID Kf.N'DAI. OOMMITTEE OF ARft ANOEMGNT. AI.F.X. WIIITi:. T. I' Kf.OYD, (5i:o.i: i.o(! ts, t. k ki:a(;an MUSIQIAN3 j A. M ttOtltY f I'. l.tV nl J.icknMll,l sn.lS. IIKNDKItSllllT.nl Wslil.i W.M. M USD, I'roptlWor. Ksrbyrllle June VM, IsW. , Ninety-Three Years Of Unparallol Prosperity ! ; IHDEPENDENGDJIY BILL & T TIIK U. S. ItOTKIi, A 1 1- i I. V n I A ' ' 3S $L pJLM r ; a 4JVjflllidnC 4l' nl trt i 2r (mi MONDAY, JULY 3. 1BG0 '1MII! nn.'rliiici p-nprlclnr ImtMir c'icmk I llo-llnil In- will tfivi'wilN'DKIT.S'fiCNVK DAY llM.I. mi llii-twinu.' nl lli.:.lli Jut) next, nl wli'di llm In" nit In r.-nov ilia sc il'iitliilatici of nil lilxiM ilrnii. mill fmni lint nf insny in one .1 Oinliul lin lUIInu ti IcniJcil in nil. Kii-r.MliMli: lint "Ml n..t In III,- rnmlntt nnd rilnym.lt nl III" filUill l liruvlil'il. I.UUH HOIINi:. Pi.pr.i-tor. To Hont. I IIK firm mid .i.irf. Suiini .i f!i t.ii r.i- mid ! !. ii'll il iiij t.iim Indima'-na ' In I-Cmx'."i Ut- will l' )'l fir n !' nrj Inni'ir I'nr iiirtiiiT .iilldiliu rcpilf n I Hi lindi-r-ltfii. il 't'Sr ll'sni' '. I J.IMIM' Tt'KP.V. WM K xiii.ki:. jniil.tf. Kxicnl'ir No Move Foolishness ! Tl.nko ImMilri) In in- nrr Inlnrni'il lint in 'iml-' In i"y ilntit ' nny liiiijcr. I'.i'lnic" ' i liiu-lti" niid I riurf lnr- mnm-jr. Ilii I In- l.i.l I'.ill nml tt tl-i i'plrallnii nf iMriy ("ny I w II ill nil nn. Hid iirrmml In llir lmiid nf hwyir fiirciillitfllim iir' D.OItOVKMII.I.KIJ Jsekiiiv;ilc M irrli M'h IN 19. l-f IIIIH'X! IIB! ' NOTICE. - T iTf T ' tr ir g fa . ' e; r and eri'i- 1 1 .1. II. . n:' i 'I l,li IN r- .1 " llm! lh I ft' ' ' k ' i .i n i., i i i il i .i .i.... if -J 'i il ', I u 'r-'tit'1 i.. ft : . I. . rf.V-'H i.t:. I V '. " I I) I '' i . J ) -..-i. -- mn m "Hi al " aasa 1 1 .a - iLmmmmkttmLWILwu: BlllllllllllllBlWOBlllllllllllllllKflHillVT VBll mm-EMMmBm&Tmmt-.mrjvym&iiG-mmmm EKAwES. MmmtWt&Md'-- alflBHalaUBaVMialH UcaaV3aifcSrE.liaaCs'' --aaaicv-'laaaavT M Many yaart ago, tha wrlUr of thna U&m & n-iaTtlli phyilriio, whU rliltlng tha Island of St. Crolz for their hstlth, csperianeei and wltnMied may nrpriaing ud bsnifl'dal effosU of tho Boa thero produced upon man of tho Invalids who wart (liko ounelre:) iteting health 1 and, upon inquiry and lnvaftlfation, obtained a fall history of 1U medicinal virtue. So was delighted and surprised, and after his own recovery, which seen occurred, determined, if possible, to proeuro tha solo right to mannfaetui and sell it in tho United States. The result of his labors was a glorious succecs for himself and suffering humanity, for the celebrated PLANTATION SITTSB3 was thus made known to tho world. PLAN TATION BITTEHS being an article of real merit, founded upon new principles, and relying wholly upon tho vegetable world for ita medicinal effects, worked a rapid revolu tion in the history of medicine, and became as a household word all over tho civilised world. Tho caballstlo 8. T. 18G0-X. was a talisman of health, and the demand for tho PLANTATION BITTE&3 soon far exceeded tho abilities of tho proprietors to supply. Notwithstanding tho largo Importation of Et. Crolz Bum, made expressly for the com pounding of these Bitters, the quantity was Inadequate. It thereforo beeamo necessary that arrangements upon an extenxlvo scale abroad should at once bo mado, and an agent was dispatched to St Thomas for that purpose. Ho was fortunate In securing and leasing several plantations on somo of the largest and most productive estates on the Island. Souses, stills and presses wero ereeted as if by m e, whleh utterly " aston lshed tho uttlves." The services of osporlensed men and natives of the Island wers pr cured, and ivrj soon tho proprietors of tho PLANTATION BITTSH3 wero In a position to supply their laboratory with all tho perfectly purs Ct. Croix Bum needed in manufac turing tho OBEAT DYSPEPTIC TONIC AND JNVIMBATOa. Tho abovo out represent! the natives crushing tho sugar-cane and otherwlso preparing It for the stills and pre As an anUdoto to Fever and Ague, Intermittent and M alarlous Fevers, Dyspepsia, and other kindred -diseases, tho use of tie PLANTATION BITTEaS U unsurpassed In the history of the world. Over fire million bottle, an disposed of annually. They in adepts to old and young, aaU and female. They art agreeable in taste, and always produce an immediate beneficial result. JOHN- BILGBR , California. St trt (between Oregon and Tliiid) Jniksonvillc. DEAuCR AND WOflKER IN TIX, SllliiiMROX, COPPER. J 1AZAD AND 13HASS, K' Klil'S CONSTANTLY ON HANI) mi ntritnnt of Ihe IumI Tin.HlireMron nml Copper wariv Hras 1'itns, Ihilrnulic Nur-aVa. Pureo I'nmiM. I'linlm. Ijn.'l Piiw. H'W. IIAIlDWAHli.rU U.KHV i .VAIIJJ I ol all i2i'. Hit. I'Iflli- fi tul iiMorlnl ffftii; l'lnl. ()ll, 8 if ntxl (;in.; All iUitlilH'S of l'ondff; Sliiit of nil ihiiiiImT'! Iltii-lnsof cvfrr vsrtcly. etc., Wood. n nml Vlllov Wiirrj It'ijie, llry4 mill Irun Wire; etc; M'tcl.ni'lli, rvcry vsfirly. Co jHD!r and Mln-r's tools of i AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS i t'oiillins 'f (.'ni trn nml Siprl P!ow; , Ml liiif M-ntnc I'Ned Cullers; ('iitiMrii!! .mil Iiimi U'ali Killtcc; J Cjlilvitiirs, Wlierlhir rows, itc. ', Stoves. ' Alw.iyj nn liand n larce lot of I'nr.iir, ('viking, ( Jul re and Cnliln Hiovrs, nf sorlcd 'l,pl ill) nnd fnticy. e.inlrncliil nn Intrst I ii-1 fuvlnj pliun II lilris, Kt'lll'-s, I'nls, 1'iiti', nml ri fjllnii): tiimu-rlrd l'lt time inC. Wrtrrnntrd duinlilp nnd (WfftCt. A'l nrlii,,i, Mild it tiiiiiiiifiieintiil liv him, U'AltltAN I l;H. Ill- nmk Is mnh' I)f tlid ill t mtiirlnl Mini nf rlmtrrsi pillirn. I MT" 0'il-rs iiilriid.il to ulili dlipulfli, end filtiU MCO'irdiiir m illltC'IntS. Mr I'llrlrrmln- tint i.ow Hum win cash. I liill iilil I Altninc lim siiK iii'lnri-pnrrlin- lh rln-Hlnrtf. (Sipt. ., IUCG. JOHN BILGER Importer of Knriii liuiilenirnts AND MAOHINC8. SETTLE UP- Tin- undr.lk-nril . an nil' fur n rllrmrnl nllli In. pilrn i ii'll l;iic lliit lliry .rt tomr rum ml nml pny lidn nmi' innn"y Tim ste hard mil M'ti pnil min ill mil In- n K'm' :C'm,iUtlon. lir.NKItY I'AI'E.. JirVnill.riMir-i Jui'i t- WAHNINO. A Mi TMin nr tiolifl it mil tnlni'l Jnpli ilL I mii-.i mi inv HfiMiitu- l.o . iml s litrl in-r nf mlii.'. mid nwni Hi Illl.Tr.l In lli. TlllM I mn A Wntkr inlimit! "li m and DUcli.uiilll fnllv Mid nil tit ii dm. Iii rtinfutv Incurred I I . . nihut m'.u Dil.li 1'id f'l'mi. JI5'KTITL'd Jll'.A Small-Pox, Small-Fox! ) TTciiiirrly'illiiiwsri'd,iind I'allwnn A I J. T'i'iiiilnii'f ,NV miw-MIII l In sicci'mCuI I Kpirilloii ; nnd liny nn1 r-adr to nul I lull, nf liiinU r nil Ilia tirtcl notice, fur Ci'li IT bim.hi. . - DULL TIMES A3U3 HERE! CONSEQUENTLY, SACHS BKO'S Witt Sell ALL OF if 4 V ' l(D FOR CASH, THAN Aif OTHER HOUSE IN THE WE 91EAN WHAT Wl SAYf UW AND SEE FOR YOUK&1XF. SACHS BROS. .onville, March SOtli 1800. Jiiek NEW G00D3! NEW GOODS!! AT ASHLAND. 'Pin:uNDi:iuiio.si:i has just rtKTuas- I rd from .mi KiiiiicIm-o, whir ha lis. pur clinud. and l imw rci-i vlujr llm Uracil and ln't hrlrolnl ilotk nl Mrrclisndl!) urtr brought to Jsukigiivllli', eon-liiliij,- In purl or. (JHOCGIUKS. DHV(!OOIW. VA.VKKK NOTIONS I..4DIKS DKESS (iOOIIS ATUIMMINnS, MICS'SIIATS. TOIMCCO, HOOTS A .SHOES, TINWAIIK. HAKDWAUB. CltOCKKItV. 8TATIONAHY. CONKKCTIONKUY, I'ATKNT MEUICJNK, llll., I'AI.N IS, A.O., AC, Which I nlfcr fur sale on time, or for couatr produce, nt prlc that will drfy all compel non, in ucuiici at lean ten per cent on all cam unn. COME AND THY MK. I like to sell Uoodi cheap, and 1 now hare lliu namu of m'IIIur kooOi cbrapar than any llnure In Jackon county, and will keep my name Kond If II lutli me. Aihland Wuolmi haolory Goods rulalleal at ten per cent, (lor caili) nhore tho Factory Miioiessie i price. 11, II. IIARGADINi:. HOW TO KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME. fluy the Woolen Goods manufactnrcd by the ROGUE RIVER ViLLKV WOOLEN .MJ.YF'C, CO., Who would respectfully annonnco to the trsdo ami country Keut-rnny inai limy are now lumo ceMful oppuralinn, and have 011 hand and for ralen large nonrlmrntof nt.ANKirrs, oassimkufs. TWKBD3. VX.AW TWILLED A CHECK - M.ANNELS Ac? Ac., Of thi liest quality and at home rates. Orders eollcltrd. A liberal dbcount to tbe IradH Ashland, Ogn., Jan. 271b I6CD. JaSOtf, AGENTS RANTED-10 A DAY, TWO (10 NAP FOH , LLOYD'S Patent Revolving Double Naps rut7APi7fi VjiA:ajn;A W TMfffnntlnriiU, America niid Rnropr, anal A mm Ira Willi Ih I'liUe NlntcS portion 1111 nn tinmcna acnlr, rsnil T.8R gr.H IUp, now jutl ramplalad, Hi Inchaa lurst , tliow ararjr plat nf Imporlanca, all lUllrnadt tndil. ami Ilia Ul.l alteratlun In lb ratluui Kuro- f.in suit . Tli" laia ata nrrdxl In nttj achoi.l and mllx In Ilia land Ibf j ocrnpjr tha ipc of nn Map, and b intana of Ilia llatartcr, elllior aid can b Ihruwa front, and any part .rahl I.mI la Ilia jt. Connljr Hlalili and Uri dlarounl (Itan la good A.nll. Appljr for Circular lerroi, and and mon.jr S.r Vnd ata SaaipU Mapi flrit, iriiol KM titkan lauk oil demand. J.T.1.IAVII, ;i i'iiiidimri N v ' M UP WITH THE TIMES J. NEUBER H ADJUST KKUKIVKf) AN 1XVOICR nf L'ovN from the Knit of tl.e 11m it iiunl liy nf LADIK8' ANDOK.V'M'NKW I'AT THUS OOLt) CHAINH.OEXT.S'Ssll.VKIl VKST CHAINS. A fine chnlrv lot nf KN AMKI.KI) DOSOM I'INH, KAll KNUIIS and IIHOPS, SI.KKVK snd CUI.LAlt HUT 'ION.S, and HOSOM 8TUD.S. A. cdolcr lot nt DIAMOND, OI'KI. sr,d I'KAUI. ItJNlJH. Almi solid ring nf Ids own ninlit on hand nil the time. Sollld -Stiver wtre, inch BsTAIII.Km:dTKASrOUNi3, DKS SKItT.SUOAU nnd SAI.rrfl'OONS.TKA and DININO TUllKH, J1UTI Hit md FHUIT IvNIVKH, WIIUI.K AND OI'KN TOI TlllM IH.Kd of nil -lies. Fine K.VU I. ISM I.KYKKS In solid (lold Hunting Csms ' A IhsuiIIuI lot ol J.ADIK.S' WA'I'I'IIK.S In solid Oul.l Huntlnt; lin mm led 1,'ufM. 'I'lioe ' lime tiecn sihciril with trial rnre fur trlisbU timc-kcvHr. Alsnjuil rcieltnl an luroiw of I he AMERICAN LEVER WATOH, In hrsry Hunting CVn. pritc from .15 dullarr. Tlicfe are to THE BEST WATCHES1 I'nr the muncy ercr lirniiitlil Into thr mnrhrl. Thry nir MnnnlaslnrHl liy Ihc National N nlcli Uompany. nl hie'". Ill An njnilmrnt o! swing xxrjL.vaxxmm ' On Imml all the time. A new lot of i'i((lil ilny and lliltly Imtir elnctis. from ilie lirst lac tnrir.. H.ATKD CASTKUS.'I AlU.Kam i TKASI'OONa. K.V1VKS and FOIIKS, TOMACCO IIUXKd, SI'KCS ol all klndi- Ihf ljondon mnnkl, fur ncsk rjci. POCK KrnndTAIH.KCCTI.KItY innrlrd IXI. Al't'OltDKONS. FI.UT1NAS. MUrilC IIOXKS, fine; and lured In Jllltl). CAOMS; Inrer nnfkcl, Islicn' trsi'llnir, nnd' elilMrrn's IIASKKTH, llnys' Til' UA UTS BhK U Ill,f,-IIAIIIIUW, DOLL-UAHIEfi, Cl.otcrat TOY DUUMS. Chlldirn's CIIAI CKd. THE CELEBRATED HOWE AU FLOKKME SEWUfOMAOBZlfllS. Hs hnslt Urce Int of Tori on haml a Inrgi lot of Doll, All klndl of llih hooli and lino. Tim best nf (iullar nnd Fiddle .Strlne. A full aafnrlmsnl of I'll'KS. from the b,t .Mrr- shauin to the chrnrKut Clay I'liics. Month I'lrces and Hlrmi nt all klmlis Tobacco l'nuch- .. Ull'llll linVL'd ... ... ....1 . 1 rs, MATCH UOXKS.ete. tie., and a larire assorlmrnt of the best CIU A US. AIo a' way. the inoit choice brands of TOIIACCO. tofi and hard prctted, Dne cut lor smoking and chewlm. All klndi of V.lTfilF.S. CLOCKS. JKULLRT A.ND SEWING-MACHINES Ctcannl and n-palred at the Innctt prles. To thote who lire at a iliitance and send by Slaitedrlrrrannd Kxprri. the ilrircra' or ex prruavr will be paid by me. 1) sore and send 10 J. NKUIJKU. Wolcb Clock and Jewelry Store, for cleaning sod rrpslrlnp. JOHN NKUIiKU. Jauci T. Gi.kmv. Ai.iiiDin Jmix S. PlItM MlSMJI. GLENN, DRUM i CO., Ctr.a jC GENERAL MERCHANDISE CALlFOn.VIA STnnET, JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. JEW FIRM, NEW GOODS .AND.. 3STEW PRICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN ! TUB AUOVE NAMED Fill HI takn pleasure In nollfylng their frlendi and the pulille t;enrrally, last tbey 'are now rccririiift ami opening a rcry larg ana e teniive stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND GAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM CLOTHS, BLANKETS, ' 1 HOOP SKIRTS ETC., ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladles', Miaaea' and Children's lhs. r We hare, also, lo connection with t aj- the abore, a rery large and "tjaj " eztenaiee slock of choice H jSr Hrcerla, Hardware, " tjflseDswarr, aw I l Ulsss. ware. Cutlery. - Sr Painta and Oils; also, -! leaf Window Ulsss, Nails, Iron-l Mr snd.Hteel, Oast and Hteel -J Plows, Wooden and Willow ware, We are resdr to sell anything: fa onr line at tbe LOWEST CASH PRICB. Persons wishing lo buy gooda, will And it Rreally lo their ad Tsntscu to examine onr stoek liefore nurcbaa Inst elaewher. aa we are deUrmlued not to be ' undersold' by any house in Jackson county. , GW w a call, and then Judie lor yourtelf as to our capacity to furnish good as abore. GLENN, DRUM, J Cm. , ;cVionYille, March 1, 1187. If I STOP THATJOUGHINfi SOHK OP TOO CANT, AMD WB PITT oo. Ta bT lilrd srrry niMf bat l Ot UftuoM, tj lis iBUlstie mnu to tuptn til Mav llir rrrrantlent. It la not turpnntif rou aaaM llMf rtluc tnn rtiucuoi lo vrymniuiinf im airar iat nmmjt -nminu to run nui or intht Mlttd I itbai I HiMio a a aamia emrii birt NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup U rrtltftba TEA7 DCST mn4y artr map4M for Ui car of Otmili. Cutis, 8or TbniM, Aatkh., Wbwplej Coah,Bronthltiia4 CoiuwiDt4iim. tVi. asixlaor proplala Calirnl.aa Or( har bt ntJ UmOHH bytbaaarprtuci curallta f-wi NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup i4 llh en Kronl si It lh.tr tin?3liSM rTt Nitlon W now addrrM ourtlt t U So ar ua arutlotM with this. Ib ftHl tnttrftib aa for tha hMllnf or all diMtT'' f lb Tbraat M lAnia, aaaurtni ;n Ihv NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup tit tr4 tbooaaada aa-l It UI car TOD If 70 Iff TWa laratiulla mrdltlB la rlr.MSI la Ik Uataj annttilaf, bMlic( M alrtcrbaalnf la III affrctat . Unix In from all (wlanon or 4Hmov dna, and 4ifKtlr hirralf m unjer all rlrtumoe. C.rtlflcatr from many cromlotal uusm jaa Frtaalaco actsupaay atary botll of NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup ItKOtXOTOX k CO. ifa(i, Saa rraarlar. , DR. E. COOPER'S r.sivntsAi. MAGNETIC BALM. I A f fiirrnl I'mnlly Mrdlclnr. It It a sorrt I I'ln manly for Diptheria, And Kiiidiiil ill.rn.o nf llm TIIUOAT, and , uiuiiuallml In cnrliiK Dy ntrry, Dlatrlara, flmfi-ra, Colic, C'lioltra MorLut and Fever aid Agme, ' Nturaltila, Ubrumall.m, Coldr, Timlliaoba, ( lliirii". .Sprnlni, llrul.ca, flc, etc., at a once rellcviM liy u llmrly ue. TmK gtable Frraar afioa. ! .N"na Kfnuln wlittdut ilj.M, of "'JTUONO. I "' " "" " BEDI OTON ftCO.'S. ' ORIDA WATIB. I nmmmf UK NO 0TII1M. lncjiccllrt fr Toilet Us and for la lUtk. REDINGTON A CO'S I3SKNCK OP JAMAICA GINOEK Tills ralnsblo prcpsratlon, conlalnlac la a Mtibly cnuctntraled form all the properties Jamaica (linger, has become ono or lbs Bert popular domeatlc remedies for all dlieaies vf the Xoinacb an4 dlueatlec orpana. Aa a Ionic, Il will be foiiod Inralnable in W perrons reeorerlng Irom Ueblllty, whether pra ducid ly ferer, or olherwlse 1 for while It las. pari to Iho system all Ibe glow an! tljror that can b produced by wine or brandy, ft I an. tlrely free from the reactionary eflVcl ibal rut low the uio or spirits or any kind, Ills also an excellent rrnedy rnr femalr who sufjir from Hlfllcull meaMruatlon. dale. almoat Immrdlat relief to tfa spam ibii m, rrequcotly accompany that period. . ".? " Iwnicdlat rellor to N uy rldliiK In a railroad car, or br 1 aasea, esnaaat or other can.es. ,v" "' """"" 'i?' ,,,,,,,r,luWe ,n 'nal applltalka or Oout, Khcumatlsm, Nfuralla.lc. ie and 4IS Front ai.,iin Frantltt. Cie Eleclro-Slllcon. Or llagla Brlllla REDINGTON el CO.'t FLORIDA WATEH. FOR TJ1E nANORKRCIIlBF. This article, pnaicstlnfr the most dallead fragrance or Flowers, I unequaled aa a bar fume for tbe Handkerchief. FOR THE BATH. Used In bathlnjr, It Impart enarrr aaa alrencth to tbe syalcm, and Klna that soflaasa aud delicacy lo tbe skin so much desired by ell. It removes Sunburn, Freokla ft Fiaplt. Diluted with water, It makes an eicellui Dentrince, lupartlns; pearly wbltensa to Ik teeth, aweetnes to tbe brcstb, and rtadass akai' gums hard and of a beautiful color. It should always be used arier sbavlnr, . luted with water, as It rellerrs sll InflamsUaa. REDINGTON A CO., 41C and 418 Front Ht., San Fraoclaa. Use Elertro-Sillson, Or M' BeilHMt. BLBOTRO-SILIOOlf, oa MAGICBRILLIANT DIKECT FIIOM NATURE'S LABEAT01Y. The best article ever dicorT4 tot Olaaaa. In; and Polishing Gold, 8ilsr.Ms4 Plata Ware, and all smooth Metalle SarfM, whatever description, Ineludlng Kllabsa Vse). alia or Tin, uopper, Braas, Biee. te. To Jeweler and Worker lo Gold art Mm Plate, tbe Electro-Silicon I of loetlal ral u t the Una aaved, and the vxstioa ? cil by It nse, will foreTer endear its aaaw all who bate bad arldeaca of III atartss. REDINGTON A-CO.. Sole A'gtntir8ao Fraaaias), FOR FUAVORINO EXTAY, iuKflTw a ooiAMsfaji wmi Sept. IH, 1SW8. ' ast6.ki .; u a .l 1 ju i f