Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 19, 1869, Image 2

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Satcudav Muunixo, Juno 10, 18G0.
al Second Letter From J F. Dowell.
WAlllt.VOTO.N I). C. )
Tolj. Otli, 1800. i
Wilson, Grime.s, Trumbull, anil .Itarn
sey, of the liepitblicnn side, they failed,
It was amended in tlic Senate to rend
rnizKN .m-itAiiR as tallows:
Will lie trinniiilinnt. Concrcss is no-ir- d'-vr K ksoutioj? proposing amend
ed. There arcl . uonsiiiutton ol tlie Unf-
Southern Pacific Railway.
rri.A '..... . !-l - . . ,ll n tllllt fill llin fit1iii
"u vuiumeiuini COIIVCIIIIOII ni.UC'in ' " """ 'no iq ,, Ui,p.
phis has done the country good service "'-v " (cW ""nocraU and poor policy y, ',7 ';,,,. , ,,c Scale ami
in presenting before it the inerinofthoi "I """inns' UM0 ir ,0 npeilo the : ,.. 0
' litprctentrttlvcs t0, ftw.o
both Homes eonciiiing,) That
Pacific Knilwnv 011 ihnSiiiitliirn .i. '""ward march ol civilization. It is' thirds of
Sectionalism oaught at the opportunity ' Msy "bow how the 15tb Constitu- t"c following ni tides be proposed to
presented by the civil war to ,,nlM on.i Amcmlmcnt will bo adopted. nffi","' Coiioi
uie grcai inorotigiiiarc across tho Con- ." Ui"u i"iriy-scvcii oiaies, in tl:
unoni on a route where it is, at the
nest, tho route ol a section. As the
want of such a road is a want common
to all parts of the land, the construc
tion of one ns a lino neeommodating
only the North, leaves tho Govern.
rncnt no cscapo as a Government of the
wholo country, Irom tho duty of con.
ilrueting a r-itnilnr road for tho iiccom
rnodatton of the South.
The question ol justice to both sec
lUni ol the country is, however, not
tho only one demanding a Paoilic Hull
way for the South. Tho working iip
ceisitie ol the case urgo that, the rail
way intercourse across the. Continent
once set going, it cannot be left sub
ject to periodical interruption. The
snow-sheds of the present line are but
imperfect means of keeping it open in
Winter; and cannot make good that
necessary purposo in those deep gor
ges of tho mountains where snow
drift becomo hundreds of feel in depth.
Tho malntalnance of some hundreds ol
rsilca of these sheds will involve so
large an oiitlny'amiually as to add to
llio cost of transportation thereby de
feating, or, at all events, embarrassing
tho great object of the work ns an
agency of commeicc. As a justice to
the South, and as a more eflluient
means of accomplishing the splendid
eudsof, the iuter-oceanio inilwny.tlio
Government cannot shirk tho duty
pointed out to it by the Commercial
Convention ol Memphis, of the Imme
diate tons miction of a Pacific Hallway
in the genial climate, and through the
rich country in the direction ol Kl 1'aio
and the valley of tho Gila.
Lieutenant Whipple, then ol tho to
pographioil corps of tho army, mado n
urrcy and report several years ago, on
the route recommended by tho .Mem
phis Convention. That oflicinl state
ment ol tho merits of tho Southern
rouo It on record in the Executive
Document!, ami Mious conclusively
that thoiccommcndalioii of tho con.
v.'iitin proceed! on a perfect ground,
work of facts. It call for tho construc
tion of the railway on the Southern
route, by showing that it Is tho shor
test, proscnts the easiest grades, can bo
lupplicd with material by water-ear-riago
at three point, traverses a very
mueb narrower width of barren conn
try, whllo opening up to settlement
and production a largor mass ol lauds
inuurpassed in richness of grass and
breadstuff soils by any others in tho
United Statei. IJcsiilcs tho uhvsical
and industrial conditions of cheap car
riage, it present! theso advantages
alio: it brings in to tho Union,
materially, the now-outsido territories
of Colorado and New Mexico, opens
up to conversion an enormous amount
of mineral wealth, and initiates the
incorporation of the Republic ol Mox
ioo as a tributary in our commercial
uvarnm Ah .11 it
v "." wu u menu crouuiid. wo
in T.nifnil 5!t'itn nfflwip rf .i1iiitli
-1...11 11 - .-. . . ' . Y-:v- "-y-i -".. .......,
iiiuimigim 01 uic mio reuci states. - wlicn ratified ly three-fourths of said
Twenty-eight States is a quarter more Legislatures, shall be held as a part of
than three quarters.of all the States in i 9ni'1 "'"""'"f namely
an'd out of Congress. Tho following. . , . ). XV.
aro now rontrolled by Kchiiblicans I " discrimination shall be made in
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, IllinoV, ,1Vnl I, ai,'-0,Vf 4,'L' V,l!m,n,
r.wi!,.,- t..... I- t .. '1 ' the United States in the exercise ol
Indiana, Iowa, Ivai.sn, Lonlsinnn, I the elective franchise, or in the light
.Main, .Massachusetts, Michigan. Min-I to hold ofliec. in anv Slate mi nceniint
nesota, .Missouri, Nebraska, Xevndn, f "' vvt l'"'!,r nativity, property, eilu-
ew Hampshire, New York, North
Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont,
West Virginia, ami Wisconiii S.t.
The last Connecticut Legislature was ' ns follows':
Republican. They again elect their! Each State shall appoint, by a vote
legislators nevi August. This. too. I "' ,MC I"''!1'0 tbeieol rpialiliod to ote
Mill havo a iiinlnriiy of Itciiiinllraiisj ' . "yiwwnlntlvw 111 Congress, n mini-
iiliio was
onuses at the
cation, or creed.
Anrtru: XV I
Tho second clause, lirst section, sen
nnd article of thu Constilutinn ol the
L luted States shall b amended to-read
mi.li. M,i..n irt t... .1 ; "'r b-ctors equal to the whole num.
made Democratic by tlirrn l,t.r i Soii.alora nii.l Rep.ese.itatives t
llio last election. .lolnoou'n whieh the State may be entitled in
deceived many linmxi. in.1 Ooml-iv-h: but no Scn.tinr in-!i.iiri.,.n.
true Republicans; negro MilTia-c lost ' ,n,iv,,i or person holding an ollice ol
us more votes then than It wilf now ; ' i,r";! J,r '"'0,H "'"J" l,, l,li,,,
and tl,n C.,,.s.l ,t ..., . I' ? ,a" . H "l:".""'l an elector; and the
frnncl.M.,.- nboiii in nnri l . ,1 11 it . Ti 7 V !'". l",W?r .'" I"": be ehained donn at the le, t ol Mrit
irancnioing auout. 10,000 loyal soldiers. Ihe nianner In uhieli such electors shall 1 , .... . .... , , ,,
An AlUacce With England
The evident bias ol most of the Dem
ocratic journals of this county toward
Kuland in the controversy which has
arisen between that nation and our
selves over tho Alabama question, can
not escape observation, Ready and
anxious to do anything which might
embarrass the party that governs tho
country, thesejournals do not hesitate
to show their partiality for Knglaud
and to sneer at the action of our Gov
ernment in preferring claims for in
demnity for the outrages and depreda
tions committed by rebel cruisers dur
ing the war. "Our own country, right
or wrong," used to be the popular
Dmeocratic maxim. Hut for a parti
san purposo they now for;t their ol'd
faith so far ns to stand witb the ene
mies ol the country in 11 ease where
the righ is most clearly and undeniably
on our side. Time was when this party
iiiM'tcd on embroiling us with Knglaud
-for no caitsu whatever. During the
administrations ol Washington and the
elder Adams it was continually endeav
oring to force 11 into war with 'that
country lor no other reason than to
gain a party advantage and to ussi.t
the Jacobins the French revolution ;
and hccatixf its leaders ojiild not sue
ceed ill this they insisted that Vnh
ington had allowed this Government
Indian Affairs
Last week we published a dispatch
fiom Washington to tho Cincinnati!
Commercial, relating to the assign,
ment ol nrmy ollicers to execute the
duties ol Indian Superintendent e, thus
taking the Indian Bureau from llio
hand- ol civilians and placing it under
the control of the War Department.
We doubted its authenticity, as wu
were not aware of any such dispatch
having been received on this coast ; but
it proves to bo true, however, and nil
rhc newly appointed Indian Superin
tendents, Agents and Sub-Agents have
been removed, and military officers ap
pointed to fill their places. Tho fol
lowing aro tho appointments for Ore
gon: For Superintendent for Oregon,
Mrevet Lt. Col. K. Mclv. Hudson;
Agent nt Warm Springs, Hrevet Caiit.
W. W. Mllclmll; Grand -Rondo 1 truer
valion, Hrevt Capt. Muige; for Silelz,
Lt. W. H. Hoyle; Klamath Reserva
tion, Hrevet Lt. Col. 1-Mmuiid Rice;
Alsea, Lieut. F. A. Hatlev.
Stato Items
Those dislrauehin'd by the Ohio Const!- ''' 'bosen by the people.
tutfoii.nl amendment, will nil return to ' " uineiided, it passed by the follow-
their first love ami vote with the republl
cans. Ohio is sure to ratify this citi
on Mill rage CoiistiMitiounl amendment.
After Grant is inaugurated and those
itig vote:
Yeas, Abbot Chandler Cattell Cain
er.ui Colo Conkliii" Conness Crngin
Drake Ferry Harlan Howe Kelloinr
who nro disfiualilled bv lho miIi ('. McDonald : Morgan Morrill. Vr. M..i-.
a - m. ... . .... ,. ,,,. ; - r "
stitiitional Ainenilment nre tinned out ri"' ''c 'Hii ye Osborn Fatter
of oilke, Georgia will again leeonstriict j "0,, " "1 ,,,,' Hamsay Rice Robert
herself, Mississippi Texas mid Virirln. ' ,on ,"" Sawjr Sherman Siieneer
la will all elect men favorable to the Sl'M'"-l Thayer Van Winkle Wade
fourteenth and fifteenth Constitutional " "rm'r "'leh Willey Williams Wil-
1ne11duiei1ts. This will iiiMite ihc ""' ales 10. Nays, Anthony Hay,
aid C-irbm Davis Dixon Doolittlo Kd-1
ratification ol the amendment luoliib
iling any citizen Irom being ili'-liau-clilseil
on account ol race or color by
more than tliiee-lourtln of nil the
States. Giw us citizen siillrage, and
the Republican column will be increas
ed in Connecticut, Kansas, Illinois, In
liana, .Maryland, Missouri, .Michigan
Xew Jersey, New York ami Ohio. In
California and Oregon it ill not mate-
nnlly decrease it. U j probable theie
iiMMuiceas many eoloud citizens in
either State as the Democratic majori
ty was in Oregon last fall, nnd it is
probable we will gain more by the col
ored vote than we will loou of th.
week-kneed imml Republicans
Hut suppose we fail is this any irood
reason why wo should not try? lly
no means. Republicans and Durno
crats admit snfirago will prevent tin
poor in the South Irom beiii'' onmvss.
ed. Let us havo equal justice South
and Noith. Whatever is good in piin
cilplu for tho South is good, just equit
ablo and light for tho North. It is il-
logtoal nnd unjust to forco suflrago on
tho South and refuso to extend thu
samo blessing to tho poor nnd oppress
ed citizens of tho North. Let us slrug.
gle lor the good of tho whole, if the
Hchales ot justice aro turned ngiinst us,
by the wicked and the ignorant.
A Washington dispatch to tho Hn
11 power. I his wusaeiU'ison slodihv,
laud it wisused most ndioitly and eH'tc
lively to slir the pnjiidiees ol the peo
ple ami inflame them a'itin-t the l-Vd
fial paity, which then controlled the
Gnveiiiiueiit. Hut this pirtv has now
gone so lar in the other direction ns to
iil-inilest 11 sympathy for Knglaud in a
ease involving claims for damages or
outrages 011 our commerce which Kng
laud herself does not pretend to defend.
The object ol this party now is the
The Salem fnlonht of the 8lh says :
tf... 11 . lii. . mi 1 i. .1
1 mn. 1 . v. nuiuvaii win deliver die
oration at the Dallas, Folk county, -lib
ol July celebration.
The will ol Paul Leller lately de
ceased, admitted to probate, gives the
Orphan's Aid Society the sum ol one
hundred dollars,
Siikp.p Coit.w.t..- -The Salem W.x-'
t - 1 . 1 n
i-iiriory eouipieieii yemeiiiay, a can
vas heep coiinll, The enclosure made
by the canvass i one hundred and lilt v
leetquare, and nboul three and a halt
leet high. The herders will carry this
Willi them, and when night conns, they
slieteh it and diive the herd into it. ft
is estimated that a pell ol one hundred
and lilty feel rqiitue will hold 11 thou
sand hhveji.
I'iiom Yaupina. Wemt-t yesterday.
Capt, Dodge, Irom Yaquina 'Hay. lie
says matters over there are quito dull,
and (hat about nil that is being done is
iiiiiiid Fowler Giiuies Hendricks Me-i
Now Koo,l Mr. LMltor,
loa mnsiiiotii. f
Tht womsii has ,!cnt7
To tli. In ),( ,lni 1
Ami m-n'i aroc.it.ons
W uuM uot K.r i.,,,,,
If you sienmmple
Jl iiiu or roiiii.) min.1.
I m iire all iiitf fMl
Aic loull l,liii .
Kir tl.l, Kri.i lni.,,k
Orju Jtojr sll men
lljrjoiir.mil liow ,,,,.,
Alii tliccomlni; Kir),
Y..11 Mines ,,,.!,! mi
W 111 lw wnrtli mc, ln.,te
Tlisn it,e Kr. or ,ud
He II . Urn her on Makings
Ami ul Hit- mi.ic Hnn.
Mcr cnokliiK stimd.
llolil ntlleeJuM Him,
Of coiiiik.', to Irj mrr!
WImIhii Refill Khm',!..),,
Thi Klrl will wnlur
Kli-'ll not liri-A ihh, ui,
Of l"iiliryiMiiisiii ti,
llillilu nil in-; 1,1 1, ,1,..
.Sin1 p(iililvciit
WV n-nlljr i,i think
Tlii-n- Is ..,lv lo ,,i
Alli-rnlliiit the Imu-rhoM
To link" n mii irn
rinuli niiini-niiK iliitli
A. ui. ; now bioenn hand
"1111I1I Iniljr not inuro
Cookhic Hint Oiiriilrij
Ofcuirfc hc an,),,,
Is llil nil ihpcrnllt
W t'ei. ih-n from rou'
.N'v .Mr. IMilor. '
lleu'l mnkii u hi !,
Ilv llllllllU-n)lj;
Tint wo me in Unl
, . Plic-KNU Gut.
June 1st.
i-fuvi-5 m i:itx. 1., r.d. ,., ",J
r I (iJrfrks.il. J,, ji.
liiu- Purvis in Mi" Aiiic.Iim ' '
Hi- prlnti-r. cknii!r,!..Mhf., ,!&
ns'Ml comnllin'iiN, ki rlt cru,J ,4, ffj u
im cc-ii. reus null ,., U,.tt, ,, . ., j
llM.ri. i.f blli.rnl htlr. .vj iLSt
many ulhtr mlnlii Knn.l.Uw'
l) i !: i).
repeat that tho Commercial Convcntloi
of 3lempbis has done good servioo to
the country, by urging that the Govern
ment shall tako steps for the construe
lion of a Pacific Hallway, by way ol
Kl Paso and tho Gila. AT y Ari.
Kecalcitrant Protestants.
The Popo has been kind enough to
invite nil tho religious communions ol
tho world to send representatives to
tho Ecumenical Council. Tho Protes
tant denominations of Germany held n
Congress at Worms on tho a 1st ol May,
wmen cpnuomneu aiut repudiated tho
doetrincs of tbo Popo'a onoyolical let
ter and refused to participate in tho
Ecumenical Counoil. Tho German
Protestant Congress was attended by
20,000 persons, and it passed a unani
mous voto condemning tho doctrines of
thaPepe'i encyclical letter. Thus it
pptsva that Protestant Goimany do
clinM tba seductivo overtureu of tho
Papacy and obstinately refuses to go
back to Romo. Tho Greek Church in
equally contumacioiu. Tho English
Church (tho Episcopal) has not, so far
ai wa know, indicated what attitude it
he could uot get it amended to prevent
Congiess fiom changing the nnturali
nation laws so Chinimen can vote.
Anthony and Edmunds voted against
il because il was not radical enough.
Ilowaid P.imeroy and Sumner did not
voto beeau-e they wished il still more
radical, and the ballanco of them
t bought it too radical for them and
their eouslltiienls. When it is adopted
by the House every I.epublicnn will
cordially suppoi 1 it. There is m doubt
of its passag.i by hoth houses In some
shape. For the peace of tho country,
the sooner the better for the wholo na
tion. As it now stniids, the whole
iieslion ol China Suffrage is left to
tho discretion of Congress. U ha tho
excluslvo controll ol tho naturalization
law-s, and no foreign negro, Kanaka or
Chinaman can voto until Congress,
changes tho naturalization laws. Iain
willing to trust Congress with this
question. Ii'lind supremo controll ol
of it under the old Constitution. There
' Id tin rrn.iii riiiunn hah , ...... -. ..I
LlOIll "" ii"i tw Wiltnu tl rniuiu
this morning, took scpiaro ground h ' " '" I'ower. I hew lawa will never
. , m nimuin uiu uuiinL-ut oi mi!
Paeifio Coast.
The 10th nmendment, which was nl-
.!. .l 1... .1. .. c 1 .
pw nuiiiiv'i 1 'j- 1110 jjenaie nrings 'in n
different subject, namely, tho modo of
electing a President. Its effect will be
to prevent tho election of Presidential
Electors by Stato Legislatures, as il
wns formerly done In South Carolina,
same that il was then. It is williim to
tttlll limit till (ll if nidi In linrl hiIm in n Is tit r mnnt A !.tJ l..i . I. . . I UM. .1 I a . ... 1 ,. .
a -w j-'.-..v j " v i." ""'' MH'imii; 11 if iiviu rrii uiai ; r", ,i m 'i.tuu-j i ujji.
Creery Patterson, Teiin., Saulsburv lJ'0111"1'- 'M'-"1)' Which Would take ,"". V"1 ,,ri'c',i,Of "'! carnca 11 ' - " Jk.ili June UtK .T.r'l
Spragno Vickew W,lte-io, ,,cn, H. -" '" 'c rebels at home naturally '" 'I ' . " Vr . ' lil...0s nmi jc!,,n,
.... ..... o '. . wnnl.l i.nl I...Ji..i 1 1... '..1... ...i.. .. '":'. "-'v. "... I,,,, ,MJl
nig mi minion mucin or not voting, i", " ,""1"'1"1" """ win tin icmiv lor cutting lumber in n
vi.: .Messrs. Huekalew, Fessendeii,
Freclinghuysen, Ileiikerson, Ilowaid,
N'oiton, Sumner, Tipton, and Trumbull.
Mr. Corbet t voted against it because
loielgu power ngalnst lu own country, short time,
Singular Freak of Liuhtnlng.
" "-"imju 10 mo nns-
ton JhuUj Ailctrthcr, dated February
2, says: Gen. Grant, in conversation
favor of Impartial suffrage. He seem,
ed to havo omo doubt about the pow
er of Congress to regulate suflrago by
luw, but hnid their could be no hound
objection to submitting a' constitution
l amendment to the people. Hospoko
o1 mo one paused i,y tho Ilousu on Sat
urday as embodying the riht idea, but
exnresiied no ohliiirin mi tim 1....
therein chosen. He said explicitly ihat ' "n'' "" W"R ,0"C "l U, ,ftt0 cIeo,ion '"
tho pnnciplo of impartial HiiiTniim U ' F,"l".,!1, l'i'00i Bood ameiMlinem,
!. :!.. !.. !. ..11 . ... . a
propoMB to assumo with reference to
tl Council. Tho Protestant denomin
iioiml liodiea havo as a general thinir
iK'Bleuted to define 'their S nn , i5
S?v atii.th B.1 Co,,no or t0 Pay
to Ullma,,,,'. vai.icl t if
fhn flr.llt 1,1 tldnli 1...I .1 1 . 1 .1
...- -,.. ... iin, mm .iiiiiihi, nun as
wo havo throii'h tho rccoiistreutm.i
nets, imposed negro suflrago on tho
Southern Stales, it Is h only fair that
the Northern States nhould givo tho
ballot to their own colored citizens.
J to thought the question at issuo had
hotter bo disposed of as soon as possi-
bio, so as to tako a disturbing eloment
out of our affair, ami indicated n hopo
that tho nmemdmont would bo passed
by Congress before tho end of tho pres
ont session, .
Tho discussion in tho Senato hn's
been continuous for tbo Inst thirty
hours, with 30 minutes) intermission at
half after eleven o'clock this morning.
Jacksi).vii.i.i: Oov, )
r,,..,. l-.l. ,m
,,(,ii a 1 in, 111,. 1
En. Skntimm.: From an exniniua
tion ol I he premises ol Mr. J. Wettirer,
in this place, which was struck by
lightening on last Monday, about .1,00
p. m., I I. mini some interesting devel
opinents. The hiiildiug is one slnry
high, and somo sixty fiet either way
Irom higher building . Tho p-nlor is
in tho nnrth-wrst corner ol the house,
and is lined with paper, ornamented
witb gill lines eiossing each other di
agonally, at iiitcrvnls ot one foot, from
floor to ceiling. Tho bolt struck the
hour., inimediatily under the eaves on
tho N. W. corner, passing directly to
the inside, taking possession ol the
gilding on the paper, radiating riu-ht
and left along the lines, thereby divid
ing the current into twentyfiveor thir
ty parts. Of theso divi-inns some eight
or ten seems to have entered the ground
at different plr ces, whilo the remainder,
iiu-r iraversing nearly every lino on
the north side ot tho room, came to
gether on a lead'pipe that passed be
neath the ground under the house.
The current, to a distance of two feet
after enteiing tho house, was confined
to lour streams, each about two inches
wide. These streams, however becamo
rapidly diminished, each being ruib.li-
nieii nt each eroding. Tho cu,-rcnts,
by tho time they reached tho base
board, with two exceptions, were not
moro than 0110 eighth ot an inoh in di
ameter. I wns enabled to determine
1110 widin ot the current from a black
Tho ('i)iuiiu r,'!.il c-n- .
1 AiitilVKii L.sr Eviivis'ii. The ISi.y.
Wm. (!. Elliott, lather ol T. L. Elliott,
pastor of the first lrnituri 111 Church of
this city, arrived lust evening on the
Continental, lie wan accompanied hy
his wile mid daughter. Also Miss 1).
Div one ot (he great female philan
tluopisis ol the present day. Also Mr.
A. D, Fiteh, one ol the old pioneer res.
idents ol Portland, name back to his
old home alter a plot rid ed visit ol sev
eral years in the AllaiHie States. AI--so
the Hight Hev. lii-lint. .Morris, of
liermniitnwii, Pa., ol the Episeopalian
Cliuieb, who has leeuitly been eieetnl
to (ill the vacancy oreateil by thedenili
ol Hishop Scott.
G.iiiir.niNT. Crinosirii:. Wo learn
from the Union let that Messrs. Lipid
it Hush- hare commenced gatheriti"
together a collection ol old nu.l rare
coins and bank notes. Among the
coins mere Ih a llvt dollar piece ot the
old Heaver money. Thev also have
some ol tho Virgin! 1 State currency,
dited 1777.
111 -
, '' vrf'oman says: The wife of
or, ,1. j. nne toil, ol Sunn ,1 ...I ....
m ""'', "(,r ""'''" "n""' wis Pan.
line hilsou, She was well known
for her gentle demeanor mid varied no
coniplishments. She was also a per
son of considerabl'j literary, acquire
mentis and has printed in tho new-spa-pers
ol the Stat j many pieces of merit
and value.
Wo loam from tlm TTnlnn.
Sinco tho passage of tho amendment by ' that tho dwelling houso of Mr. H.
Moore, took firo on tho 11th inst., nnd
and there will bo no serious objection
to it Horn any party. It will not re
tard or endanger tho amendment rela
ting to siillrage. Hoth amendments
now go lo the Houso tor their concur
rence. Tho final ratification by tbiee-
fourths ol the Stato legislatures will
bo tho final triumph of justice over
wrong and oppression. It will bo a
trininiili nl tlm l?..,,.il.l!.,n.. .,. Ljk in .. 1 1. i- .
........,....... ..v,.......U.,.iHiy IVIIH'"" HV IIIOKHIg.glaKB W, I
Will rfilTA tlm i,..l. !..! . ..n ,.!.... .1 ... .. "'"II.
'" ' vuiiiih y a iimnuy jicaco,
Tho words, "or tho right to hold o
fice," and the word "nativity," and tho
wholo of tho 10th nmendmont wero
stricken out bofoto tho final passago of
tbo 13th Amendment. Ed.l
deposit lelt 011 the paper rHembllng
lamp-black, This deposit was easily
wasiie.l oil, leaving the paper unaffeel
ed, but the gilding was completely ox
o.lised, leaiing the lines jet hlaek. It
tt'nu tii-v liitlt ...!. t .. . 1 . .
' ""1 "" 'K 'o nie division n
the eiirrent that thehnilding was saved
Irom complete distructinri.
Another notieuble in..!. !.,. ,
v 'i inn reii
tbo House, tho discussion in tlm Km,.
ate has been very warm, earnest and
thorough, Tho Domocrats endeavor
ed to introduco a clauno enfranchising
all who were engaged in tho iobcllion,
wns burned to the ground. Mr. Mooru'i
loss is about 11,500. The NaJl girls,
of 'Williamsburg, .Tosophlno county,
wno wero ooanung at tho houso, lost
and though they had tho support of about ;I00, and falls particularly hard
Messrs. Robertson, Sawyer, Harlan, Ihein an tlioy are away from home.
IllJIllIlsL inn lim-tli .tAll ri
c , - .... ..-.,,. ,,,,. lll0 current
seemed to leavo the eildin,, ., .1... ...
breaking it into minute pieces ,.,!
mtte. ing them all over the room.while
tho Iramo remained uninjured in its
place. On lcv!n tho silvering, the
currents passed in livo or six different
itreatns directly across a piece of gilt
moulding on yfMel, the bottom n'V
glass rested This moulding was some
lour inches from the n,nBKin 0, 0
S:8:,,W.ti0"of latter w,s
......VMU i uic polished surface of
old on ho former, leaving a brlh
urlaco like polished silver
Miss Dorothea L. Dix, tho celebra
ted p'-ilanthroinst, eaine by tho last
trip of the Continental to Portland.
Miss,pixisaststerto Gen. Dix, Inte
American Minister tr. o.-t I...1 ..
. . " " !-, illlll IN
about sixty years ol age. Jler labors
11 the cniue of humanity havo made
Her name renowned thu world over.
mi ,!wrMY " flirmrr, that llio
road through the mountains to tho
beaoh, at tho mouth ot Salmon river Is
i goou repair, ami passable for oar
nages am buggies. Xumbew aro al
ready taking this route to tho ocean
lor pleasuro.
-Mr. C. H. IkllWor an,....i. u
Ahhntt on the Albany Ocmocral.
M.-shs. Hellingerundirrowunronow
'"" 'ioineiors.
(iromid squiiels nre pestering tho
hirmero in Douglas county by digging
up and eating i, vnMvi( t.,fn,; "
A movement is on loot in Eastern
Oregon and Wnshine:toi.'iV.iin,1. f..n.
Smltmlt, a co"vc'"lio" l0 b0 ho'1 nt
Georgo Francis Train is to deliver
oi Jul on at ort,n,1,, on tho I,,Qlfs
"t "r"""'"" win iiom a throo
or Tim
Ninety-Third Annhtrttrj
T Ukr lsri In JsrlimiiiU U !!
Iln-.'.lli iUy of J11W IM.9
A cirilUI laviUI m lfniM'ti4
'lli fiillimlnj nriiiroumlilM'r"
"'ttluitf iif.17 i;i'iss. limttlsf lit 'w
I'l-ia 111 iiirl'". Tli-e 1 1 -n M "''
Hi.- C-iiil IIiiii.4 nl luir ii il"' 'M
in. IWi-ilmi lll ri.rrnT'Ci-l.llt'1'
mill msrcli linen. k tlt-s 1 ricnp s nn'i
luck-onur ti. tli-School HoiiK'Crv"
M.irli il or tho ilsy. OrswK !'
Clni.loln, lll.lrlcl. (,Vu uy l JCV? ,i!i
p-r, oiler wiclHiii Mnjloif ;',,T,
4'nr. (Hclirt-srolloj llif Msjti '',1l.'q
pr,..,vrr l-.r MWrlr" l'?2
I'UUsii. nn loi.l.CilUcUi la Tt.. W'
nu liur't-ksck.
I)n rrlliiK l Hi BrouaJ lb ML f rt'
irclc will uki-plsc:
Int. Music Iit Hi" Bsml. . 1. a.
2J "Cml ms'ls sll Ksilosi Frrt, M M
KIiieIiik Club
3.1 I'lHYir by IhP Chlit. .
411. -lls.l Amrrlea,- WM&2r
Old. ItMlInK rcnlls ""
filli. Music h Ike I'soi
7th. Ornllon,
Mil Mu-lc dr Hie PtnJ.
Kill Ntlminiitlutftnjr.v.
loth. Uuilc brltif Il.ns.
Thlrlr-mron puis Till Isi tt ilul !
lll clmu llio rii-rcl.'snf lbd.;,
At tf o'clock p. ra. litre "III k
Grand DiipUyof Firwtlw
At or iienr Urn School House mort.uJ'l
charai or ). I.lnu nj T 0 ne'l"-
JUrslml, T n.Rfrosj AuMMt
II. Ileiim...s. J. )7 Orlnr, Ho'.J'W'g
Fy; Header, A. Nariln CkipW- M
Administrator' Kotici
Kthtii or OliurP. Event, thwart- . w
Tint unilprniKiiiil littlnc Mu Pr,1l'' ?
Hi Comity Court nf Jckoii Couui; UCP1;
auiiunisiritiiir or iimnimrs "'" : ,,
liavlrie clnlint aitnln.l rU tsiitf '
.. y . .. uenng near HelpaBsi.ooinmeno
mg on I-nday, tho lHth instant,
1 ho Albany Democrat saya j Tho
graill orons of Linn rnnnt.v . ..-..
'" .. . ...I.
iintltH luiiresoiu lheinf dutj 'J.fHij. "
undf rslirm il at his rt.'d.eiic In JbUo4li
111 s.iM county, wllliln lit niurilln "'"
ln-rtrol. And nil ions InJ-blnl 10 h """
J. 0. TOLVIJ.N A4r.
Dl(-l June 16lh,18ii9.
uillioii bushels this year.
a :
- young , ame(1 Joui T Wa
nor, wilR Jroiviicd in tho Willamette
11 g Inst, He fell out of a boat while
noosing, j
. .1
At riiluccd prlf for mlf. Jf
ilwitnl will be made 00 all
where caih la paid.
March 201b, 1M8