Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 12, 1869, Image 2

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lr' ItlT-K I
h3fa i
tub (inn warn.
SxrvtinKV MoKrtN, Juno 12, I80U.
'Ho IqpUUttion!
Iloorny far GarAeldtv ant the
Fifteenth Amettdkieiit,
Seattle, W. T., June 8th. Full re
turns from eight counties give S. Gar
field, Republican candidate for Dels
gato.to Congress, 421 majority, indica
ting tha he will be elected by Irom
three to five hundred majority.
Twclvo oountles to hear from. Eleo
tion passed off quietly, and a large
amount oi money changed hands.
Woman Soffrase-
The female surTraL'e hill has Keen de
feated in the Massachusetts Senate by
a vole ol 22 to 0. It does not follow,
however, that tho friend of tha ineas.
uro are likely to ho discouraged. On
The Whipping Post-
On tho outsido will be found an ac
count ol a public it hipping in 1111:511110
of Delaware, that should rnako cverv
American blush with shame aud indig
nation. Beneath the flag ot the proud
st and most boastful of modern civil!-
zatinns,the knotted still lash buries itself
in tho quivering flesh, not of black
alone, but of white men. In tho very
heart of a country whoso name
makes tyrants trdtnble, human beings
are pilloried undor a burning sun aud
subjected to the cruel and brutal taunts
of a crowd whoso brutality Is fed and
nurtured on such scenes. The present
Sour and tho soil of freo America an
no time and place lor tliebiibanm of
the middle age. England has thrown
aw.iy tho "cit" Ruh un the "knout"
but seldom and even In Inlidel Turkey
tho cruel Instlnadn is rtre'y heard ol.
Only In n Democratic Slate of the
"Land of the free" are men and women
publicly scourged I Only in a State
vaunting the chivalry of its sons, gov
erned by a political pirty that nlway
boasts of its friendship for tho weak,
does the cruel whip drip with human
Would S.itan but visit that
Matters t Goo Lako.
i.Vrt.H tit- K II. Grccnmnn. who left
Election of Mr. Garfietdo.
1. .. .. ... ,1... t'lMiiililinin-l of
i" "I'll nil M-. , ---i . , ,, .. flJlll ..
Wellington T.rritory have c-l ctcl Linos,, i,Ke vancy . ...on. ...- -
Snlucim .G-rHcMo to Congress by n Ahy, wo learn ?,me .nteresMng I em-,
largely increased majority? The is' rc;arding that locality. '
a aVep significance In this result that thj.1 there are about ,e . cntylfi vc claim.
,,y 1,1 The heeded by tho bayard nud , tafcrn up It. ll.a va ley, nil n ll.u set
,hamoles Democracy! It is another tle.sbc ngh.gl.lv picked al. the p.,,
warning voice against repudiation and I- Many oNl,el,nd hunter. I, v.
national dishonor. It Is another ver- P'-hed south to IJ.g valley on Pitt
diet thai not even in the land of the ;. lucre are no J'"1" W Uvr'
setting sun, can a party I.1I.0 to cv- ded in Goose Like alley, all the large
ery principle ol ustlco and humanity ; bandshaving been driven south. About
traitorous to th'o fl-ig of Its country, 300 acres ol grain have been sown and
find a resting place. it is now looking well. Our iiifonn.ini
From State to State, from Territory to' judges that the seasons in Goose Lake
Territory, that party is driycil, branded ( valley arc not more than three weeks
like Cln, haunted by its own bad
decd, and depending on national ihame
for sueres. Tin people ol Washington
Territory have done well and wisely.
They will lo represented by it man
whose inli-ll'-ct will command tho res
peel, whose eloquence will command
the ear of Congress -Mr. Garficldo
nil) go to Washington in full concert
later than in this valley; strawberries
were in full bloom early In May, and
when he left, the wild ryo grass was
heading linely. There is a store in the
valley, with a large stock ol goods, and
another in process ol erection. Parties
arc building a saw-mill on L.iscn creek,
uMhe lower end ol Godvj Lake, and
lumberis much needed. It sccmA to be
'.nc contrary, mey siiouiii rejoice, mat i i,00,l
tho subject has reached the dignity ol Mc ,, might laugh to seo freedom
general agitation, and that it cominan nmi1.-ilmil through all this broad land
ded 0 affirmative votos in thu Senate ol
a State liko Massachusetts. The ques
tion is one of thoio social problems
that cannot bo solved satisfactorily ex
cept by actual exporimcnl; and its sue
ocis in any ono State, will inevitably
lead to its gencrat adoption. Whllo of
thu opinion; that the ballot in tho hands
of women would effect but little polit
ical change, wo believe that in all so
cial and moral questions it would bo a
powerful agency and would always bo
used in behalf of humanity, temperance j weak of Delawaie do need tho protce
and tho lash busy yet; or to know
that the savage ferocity of tho barbar
ic ago had outlived five centuries ol
I Christianity and civilization and was
planted in good soil. Until this cru
elty ceases tho name of Dataware
should be mado a hissing in the
mouths of men her governing class pit
oried smong the nations ol the earth and
lashed by tho press of Christendom,
Who, that dare not justify this devilish
cruelty dare svy that tho poor and
and communion with Congress and the j iheopinlon ol a majority ol the settlers
tlial the Uregou eml ol lliu valley is
earlier than the California cud, hut that
either portion of it is tu early as Sur
prise valley. The Doctor sums up b
lying that that pl-tcei not a suitable
place lor a lazy, shill less tanner; but
that whoever expects to make a living
there must woik f"r it.
t id morality.
The. Oregon Herald consid.rod that
tho election across tho river on Mon
day would test the feeling of tho peo
plo of Washington Territory with re
gard to the 15th amendment. Tho Re
publican insjoilty is increased so we
hopo tho Iferald is satisfied. Tho edi
tor will discover that ns against tho !
odious doctrine of national dishonesty,
tho 15th amendment will not bo at all
objectionable, even in Oregon.
I tion ol tho ballot ? When they get it,
as they surely will black and ivhite
alike the pillory will be burned nud
the lash buried, we trust forever, and
God speed the day when they will be
spoken of ns things that could not
flourish nu thu soil of a frco r ml Chris
liau nation.
administration, and he may be reason
ably oupecteil to accomplish much
more than his competitor could possi
bly do. The contest has been an un
usually bitter and violent one. Hired
and unscrupulous demagogues from
this State weieseuttodeleat Garfielde.
Calumny, falsehood, slander nud even
assassination were resorted to, but like
a Titan, he has cloven his way through
nil opposition, There, was a fitting
place lor another Republican triumph
Military Nw
Major Geiieril George II. Thomas
vestenlav assumed coninnnd ol the
Tliere. mi .M.in.biv i-vi-nitir. tin. mm ih it UIIMMI1 "I the racitle. 1 III' tielierul
hnil rl-cn in the morning on the laud f,ln,r. ''" nci'iimpaiitad him Innu
where Demiier.ii'V wins no vletoiIi-H. Wil-hlllgton, nie: Colonels A. L.
Weill down in MilemlrSr nu another t ri- !
Thn Debt Statement Great Redncton
Washington, .lime 2 The following
i the statement ol the' public debt lor
the quitter ending June 1 -t : Total
debt beating interest in coin, f., 107,
8S2,IOrt. Amount beating in'er-t in
lawlul money, f 07,oO7,.inO. Debt bear
ing no interest, ? 1 1 2,1 A'. 1,12. Mill ured
debt, SVJI.'JoM. Total debt piincinal
Tho Orfffon Jhrold appealed on tho Chronicle. It is gratifying to "',-"'""'i.'. ?-V0'V.M,231. Iuieici
Sindav to the Democracy ol Washing, know that Mr. William. Istl... r...-I,,l..i i.woiint,l!,O.M,'l;j. Amount in fii'in-
toiTenitorv.togetiin very early In Mil miuIi marked honors, mid thai lit-. ,,rV. I'u1m'Uiij- I Is in nluking fund,
themeining, and promised them that ' hint nehlevod a prominence not yet j OlSSCSfl.Oil. Total dubt, less cash
the sitting sun would go down on n ! reached by anv oilier S'iil'irlr.m this I :""' "','" ' bounds, t.',303,tll,.
g'orionsly won Democratic field. ' Coat :
Serenade to Senator Williams.
The following nccouut of n compli
ment to our distinguished Senator, by
the people ol San Kriiiiidsc, Is Irom
tho Chronicle. It is gratllying to
know ihat Mr. Williams is the recipient
umphant success ol principle, nud il
lingering rayolit iipngaiiinutrcutcheon
that the Ameiican people will never
dishonor by repudiiiion.
left M )ore "se ttlngMon Ills "carpet .Aml a,i"''rs ol .Senatur Willi iiir. !. -'.w"lv00. Ilm warrants i.-uu bv
,,Mnavcrydiscollsolatolnood,nndluu"r,!'n7;mTiM,,'?,1,, ," ,,'1l- ' '' T''ntnry Depailnient diiriug
o FomUed field turned out to bo C', ."'" ..' u" "., . .! ... .'." - " "" '""l ' "M"l"-
ling but a valley of drf liniien j'trrhnl in tlili cltv from n intir'tlir.inli I "M h,,t ' ,K G ni-rniiioiit nmnuu: !
Well, sorrowful to relate, tho settng
Whither! Oh, whither are we drilling?
The Grass Valley (Cal.) Milan, a
Dcmocratio paper referring to the ml
nets' strike Ht that placo strongly hints
that unless the minors como to terms
Chinese should bo cmplnyd in their
place. It says the mines mutt be
worked. if not by while men then by
Chinese. '
"Ay I there's the rub" tcuch a Dem
ocrat's pocket and all his fine spun the
ories about the dignity of labor and
the rights of while men vanish quickly.
Thoro was a singular case in the Sao
ramenlo pollco court recently. Tho do
t fondant was charged with rape, and
tho matter was compromised in Court
by tho Pollco Judge marrving the de
fendant to tho prosecuting witness.
Immediately alter tho solemnization ol
tho marriage thn prosecuting attorney
entered n nolle prosequi.
paper comes to us with continued cvi
dencu of prosperity. It has ndded an
agricultural page, nnd gives mnro pub
licity to matters in Oregon from ex
changes than any other paper in Cal
fornia. It is published by Dewey it
Co,, San Francisco, nud should be in
tjic hands of orcry intelligent miuer.
Information of Jos.tph ifnwka, who
camo lo California In J 853, and was
last hoard of in the Wnshoo mines in
1800, would bo thankfuly received by
his sister, Mrs. Jano Emrick, Corvajlls,
Oregon, Pacifio coast papers please
The United States Land Commiss
ioner has Instructed tho Surveyor Gen
Nral of California to survey tho mineml
regions In California, along the route of
the Central Pacifio Railroad.
They have at Portland, Slaine, what
' eallwj a "Widow's Wood Society."
Whoever heard of a widow that
Tho Yrtka Ja,,rn..t .. .
S'ln Yn,'vC0"",y CJ,'nU-
"A hrgo concourse ol ihe
1) ennsu during the uioinh, li',-
Deer m hlucu March 1st,
the Slate. Willis' splendid bind was ! r,)l"l mimbciH to i 10,.,IOO,0.'jiV
in Attendance, nnd played smeral na
tional and popular nirs. There were
loud calls for a Hpeech from, tho Sena
tor, who, making his nppcaranco at a
window, in a very clear voice made a
lew felicitous remarks suitable to the
occasion. Ho relurrcd to tho great in
fluenco ol the Pacifio Railroad in the
progress of this coast. Ho was loudly
applauded for stating that tho policy
of thu present Administration would
be liberal towards the people of the
Southern States, in order to insure n
speedy and thorough reconciliation be
tween all sections of the country. He
was also npnhiudcd for Mutim? ih-ii id..
Interests ol the coast demanded the
speedy construction of'a northern rail
load to connect Oiegou with Calilor
nia. Alter giving thiee cheers for the
Senator mid bidding him good night,
tho crowd dispersed."
fiu.vKsi: Laiioh. I apprehend that
the impulse in the minds of many ol
your laboring reader will bo in this
form ;
"Shall theso hordes ol Chinese, who
eat rico and work for eighty cents a
day, he permitted to compete with us ?"
To this I answer: "Would you rath
er continue ns laborers, you and your
children, or become m tufi$ert ol labor,
and let these Chincso fvfrttfto your liar
ness ?"
There is not an American man of
temperanco and sound mind who need
bo a drudgo laborer if wo take ad van
tage of tho currents of emigration set
ting toward us J Propel ly appreciated,
this Aslatio labor will bo all to us that
steam is not. With tho homestead
bill giving him a homo for nothing, nnd
a couple of Asiatics that ho can hire
for lo a year apiece, it is within thu
power of a man $500 ahead of tho
world, to ),8 ft managlpg farmer I Tho
Chinaman is the same foe to the labor
cr that tho weaving frame was, the self
sot .13 , mule and the jenny. These
uu miv ..cimien laborer offtq the York-
V inL "'I'Kio mm a const t
rient of Cobden and R friend of Brigh .
So may Asiatic, labor raise every Irish
and American laborer to bea'dr,c!
ling mind ".-CorrrpondtntChh,o
Mfiipnu Will Our. Wo are under
otjiignttoiis to Mr. KlwiuS tilth o ttiU
place for the following information re
garding the supposed murderer of Mr.
Long, on Applegato in 1H04. Mr.
Smith's informant is A. Graham, now
living on Trail creek, who Kiy that
his brother was n deputy Sheriff in
Humboldt county, Cal,, and had a war
rant to arrest a desperado immed Hugh
IJurlon. In making thu arrest Hut ton
was killed, and in his possession a gold
watch, two gold rings and mmuu other
jewelry, with initiil letters were found.
Two bracelets which hu had given to
his sqii-iw were also recovered. Gra
ham states that Hurton was known' in
this county by tho nunc ol Williim,
nud that his eyes weru always bl .
shot, caused by his having been once
hanged in California lo extort a con
lession from him in regard to stealing.
Hurton's squaw stated that he had kill
ed n whito woman near Jacksonville,
in Oregon, and that the luwelry was ta
ken Irom her house. Tho watch and
articles ol juwclry captured, are now
in possession oi a merchant limned O.
Hough, S C. lydlogg, and J. 0. Wll
lurd, and CofoinE. II. Ludinglon,
who will take the place ol Colonel
Jones ns Division Inspector.
General llatlcek, the reining Com
maiider, uilt nt once proceed to III
eoiuuniid, the Division of the South,
with his heilquuteis nt Louisville,
Kentucky. This Division embraces
the Dcpailuirnt of the Cumhcjlaiid,
Department ol the South, Depiijuii'in
of the Loiiisiiiici, nud the Fourth Mili
tary Division, nnd includes nil the
Southern Sintes except Virgin! i and
Texas. LleiileiiMUt-Colouid Robeil X
Sc.ott and Captain l A. Whlttier, Aid.
to General 'llalleek, will accompany
the General In Loniville.
- -
- An E-..J D.;!',sii. In Gmisu I.iki
there is a sand reel that eiiinol be
reached by the cayo'es, .in I on it llie
gull., pvlicaii and geese luive laid im
meiise iiunibtrs ol i'g. A hori time'
since, tiavellei. and "ctllcis eoniuieiie
t'd tMrjQJu; lliem away by the wngon
Hs, ami the ,uit vidvtiily lin-ling
Dsath of Dr Gruba.
It is with sorrow tint we iiconl the
death of Dr. Franklin writhe, which
took place tit midnight on Thursday,
alter an illness of only four days. Dr.
Grube was born in Chester county, Pn.
ju.ily thin Fcbiuary loth, 1831, and
was in ilic aoih year of hisnge. Hu wnsn
llnished scliolarniid n killfitl physician,
having grndiiatcil ut the University ol
Pennsylvania in 1851, with distinguish
ed honor; nnd hail served thicu yeais
as At-sislnut Surgeon in thu Union
army. His Kiiddcn calling away in the
primu ol lite and usefulness has made
deep nnd heartlelt sorrow in this com
munity, ns his gentleness and urbanity
hail won him many warm fri.'nds who
feel that it is hard to part with him.
The deceased was in lull communion
with the i'lcshytcriaii Church, ami
was icgantad by all who knew him ns
an uptight nud exemplary chiitiau.
He was attended faithfully by DrV
Ovetbeck mill Greeiiiiiau, nud ecvcial
intimate friends, but their skill ami so
licitude were unavailing and to day the
slide, id mourning, mid Mirrow nre in
bsolate household; mid thu widow
and children arc uniting in vain for a
kindly voice and smite that will conic
no limn', The retii.fiits were ulteiulnl
to I lie grave yesterday afternoon by u
I it ge number of Iriciidsuud acquaintances.
the si'iialiiin very ili.cnuriging, bi.ikeal he indulged i
Fioiti the )Wt Jtiurntili
Aputy havu lilt to prospect Im
gold nil I In- In-ild Willels ol Spr.lglli
lliver Wilsitis Circus is on it wuy h
Vnka, wiib 1 lut ry .Inckson its clown
I'lie Willnti Tioiipu vvill bo in Vrekn
abiuit the lilt ol July - Haying hu
ciuiiuiciiccil in Shasta V.illeV A vciv
viuletit thiiiidcr storiii wit. cYpfiiciiccil
at Vnka lat Sitiirdiiy The Kit K lux
have doiie no ilaiiiigi' yet in Si.kivmi
eniinty, o in iiiv Dciuoer.itseiiiplo)iug
L'liiiiaiucii there, thnl it i. iiupiMclic.i
bit Ficigbt tiom I ted t Sin tl tu Vreki.
us now ihice cuit. per pound.
Tin: Iiaii.hoaii Js.iliK'ii isiiiMvopcu.
A. l'liieterChicI Engineer. FitM elas
in Kcl i only ".'j cciith. 1 lie r.iiglucei
i. a gi'iiius in his way. llo ucvtrnl
Iow'k ihc steam to get too high, o thcie
i. iio.danger ot the ears miming oil' the
Fast Timi:. A tiuln wis run Irom
I'loinontiity Point, on the Central Pit
rilie, to S.teriiinec.lo, on Thursday, at
an average nt speed ol :I3 to ."() miles
per liour on level-, nii.l 23 to 30 miles
on iisivu liiiggiailes.
A l" ilc.ibi in one ol the towns in
Wmvistci' I'iniiily, iinlrivil a box ol
h id licl, Iroui linsio ,n fciv i In v si since,
aihi ii 1'iiuie, iinrKcii u r. , when
Indian Appointments
The following h taken f,!n
H ne Imiiitoii despatch of t10 f,.J. e
miti Commercial of nuy M(fc' ' j?'
arc uol nwaro that this iorm... '
l.-;yej ken telegraph,, lol
and II it h ,,.i,hle, it w ',
removal ol several lately
iigeiilsan.lSepcriuteiidfiit. V-,I,ml.
Ht limit, !" ever, and givc.ilfurH.
it is worlli :
Us.ilMKl..i. ,. 2 -C.,in..i9llt ...
.bun ir,,r.'rttk.r. Im. ,)- iCrlnlr
.-u an in, ..f lir , ni . ,, ,i, Ulirj ,,;,!''!
" ".'l- l" "I, ' " ""' s;M'imi.....n!;rc.Tj
I I), h. I. Mi.j.l. I..r I.UU j lltt tft I,,,,
(Si'ii.-ii ,.,uy,if i.i.iti,,in,i,. ui
Aunil -tiirilie.Moiilniii;ri, i,., ,'i'
I Jump i f..r IIr. IIUcUiM UhVmmw?
Ilsys Inr.NVw Mpvic... ( ,ui ntb , Jj
I. .siii, 1. : tnr id Sntiil,.fn s,,,...,.,. . '.
i.rili-CliHitiiHuii.lChclii-siii lurut ii.,!
(J M Crlsit i Unvk I..J ."1,1
rWiu j lor ih.i iylrii-. i;sit4ii, tf n i.,
(r Hit- Ofiiim .S-i(. t.ul. mil nt ,i vL , '
llnr.l rnilnlti W. W Mild. j tt i;,.j
llntnle lt-iiv.il .ni, l!r.-T.-t(;ipti,i, v., .
.ii i ii-... i. i. . . ..
...ll-unil, ..in IMJIi'Mor ITlA.
Teii.t-.ijr nl XmIi lit; i, (,s ,
"ii 'iiiii'jiur uie .iniinTil nif i-.
leul lVinnrlii!(.i Ai-nrjr t'4.lvi I, Kit
ir jViiltSiii-riMi.-il mi o m,-, i,j ,
.1 KlII'.IS l.llllll-IIAIll I'.lllf i,,f (),. . ,(
I..IIIM. llfMll Ml'llll-llllll (Vll.mt II..,.,,'
i.r lln- I'.lliiilrtll-. Ys.Kl'ia.l s'hhix ,, ,(,
i V. llniuifv) ;i.r Ibj l'a.,tti, Lrihi
'IsJ -r llutf.-.
I ! t-. il nt .g.-nc'ii;
I -r Id-(ilr.il ll.j ,V-fiict Wi-Cll., J,.!
n ml CmIi mi ; r -r tli Mni.jii U u, tt.
v lliui UJ ,r it-ua
,t l '..Is -.II.-.V8-. I. tinl sch A;.M
I r Hu- KUin illi nit ,wi ,rjr in Mr f r
I I.I- imiiH.i i:.,.. .. I lie i.r it fp, j
niojr In I.I ill.. I.ir.ll-H mi IV ), .,,
t tin- -III-,ltf"l I'l III ll,l- Tll"'(l WLMI
l'i iiliiil'ii T-ri.t'tj-, I,'. ii..,,i t l,w, if
itfl rjl-l ll,.-i -r.il 4.t, .Jn tW(1
' V. t. llt-llt.-IIHtll Jl-lf V l, )' I ',) II,
II 4 Ill-Jf III ill I' I.I.I I,,;,., N.
I, i-tll.-iH.il -ii,ij .it A ill ill Hi iK
HIV) III Vi-'i.(Iiiii 1rr.fl 1.1 Ijl.M.I
i ill hum jj J. Ii ,m, ,. I.. ill , , ,tr. N
Al-x c... I. im ii tut d i ...ir i ir f.
I A.-i-iii rr Hi.si.ii S 4 y,,i ity,,,
i. It Aiii-lnr sp eiv A n .- ii ,V (rtu.
ii ni.il I'.iiuiviiiiimi." in a ,i i;,(.i4i
(S (irnir-s , ."iirvml ,y. r . J
Ii.Iiiim. in IIiIm l.-uiiiial Utt'i;.
In-Hlsir. int.v It.-rhi..i;.il nn-iv u'm
l." . in -..If luii' l.i.i ini-l- tt IW
illiM'is IiiVi- l- -ii iiii'.. i Ibljvi)-
m -1 if in i.lt. iv. til ii U-nud
nil their nests up in :l t.,K, ni3it.. J
is thimght tint u..t di.tuibe.1
they vtill ret in n r in n-y it -tii,,.
Kivji.mii hois Fiinii Mr. M
Muller, win, aiilved fiom Foil KI.iiii
nth on Weduesiliy, we .-:iru tint
Nurse's bridge acros. Link Uiver will
be complcleil by thu first of July.
inero is no snow between here
and the Fort. Thu grass in Khun
ath basin is splendid, nnd tho country
is lull of pcnplu travelling toward Goose
Lake and Pitt Uiver. Tho Indians arc
busy gathering their winter Mi ply of
Minns," mid tho valleys aro dotted
with their tents.
Tut: FofitTit at Vnitiu.-Wc see by
tlie.;ir,tlmt,.xt,.,tvive preparation's
are being made for a magnillcent cele.
hratioti nt Yreka. An organlzitiou
called thn "Ml Slnsta Funtnstlcs," U
to pirnde, ami will make a prominent
feature. As it i- "Iinlcppml,.,,,. n,u-,
it is presumed that everybody who
Bimn.es ii maKo n flameil fool of hi
sell is at liberty lo do so.
it veiy stii-iu bin-
guigi, I.e. iiiiau Jiy nail oi.lcie.l lia.l-
li.elt nud in. I co'MI-ti,
. .?.. ...
Gleiin Diiiiii it Co. tire now receiv
ing large qntuiilitstol dew goods mid
in lie the publlu t(t examine and a-er-tain
tiivir prices, j ,
The Temple Chjfyshhui i, Niill run
uing and hnlics vvliu deMio to be i
ll.li have only lo alniouncc that they
palioitizu Saelis Uros., tu cktablUli a
r-i ...... .... t. ... . ... . .
iij.iii.iui.ii iur iiiMi-,
- m
Alu t every litllu town tu tho State
is to have a celebration on tint 4th,
Our fellow townTiifaii, Judgu Jacobs,
will deliver thu oration nt Oakland.
James IJ. Clay ol New Oi leans, tho
colored man who declined to bu Uni
ted States Minister to Llbeiia. has an
annual iuoou.e uft:)0,090.
CoM-.tvm Lit Tho bids for nn
" "'' v, i .
I). Mctcnll, in Ilydesville, Humboldt !lnm"' ,,"on '""' ,,",,, w" "l'"ned
county, nnd if a little tioublu was tak
en, the question would bo set at rest
whether Hurton was tlu murderer of
Mrs. Long or not.
Cure Fon Hattlksnakk Bitrs.
We state on authority of Mr. I. Will
iams, that the wild caraway plant, of
which there is nu abundance In nil our
mountains, is a certain cure for snake
bitp. Tho green leaves of the plant
should ho pounded and applied as a
poultice to the wound. An infusion of
Ihe leaves and stems should also bo
drank copiously, Mr. W. snya it was
tried twice in this valley last summer
with success. ItU well known thnt
nmong the Indians on the plums there
'" nwnmii on .Monitor. Tim flour
cnniract wn awarded to .Tienb 11, t
t-1 74 per 100 pounds. Hams to same
at $10 4Bpi.rl001hs. Raeon loGIc,...
Drum ,t Co., at $10 48 per J00 lbs
nnd beef to Onnrgo Noiimp, at 10 cis'
per pound all nt coin rales.
MtUTAitv.-Cnmnany K, oa.t Tnfiu).
try. Captain Goodale pninmnndln ar
rived at Fort Kl,nth on .Siii.'nViv
la-t. . nils wmpmv miisters nbniit lr,
mm, and relieves Compnv A, itPnv.
airy-ordered to Ariroim. Tl.e Initir
rompany will probably march in ahon.
n conjilci of weeks.
Mroicai t)r. K. II. Gi
Il is reported that Col. Coey I
ll ...III..-?...'.... . ... '.m
-i.ii.jiu.iiii-iii iisiiuaiui in sail r ran
cuco, vice IlollaiiirSmifli removed.
I'oetry trout lMimujx will rvecivo at-
tciithui next wick.
Ly J. it. y, i:mJ r( Tiiu.oii liruwa tuTTTf
t IwlVliCi) luuvy. Mil lil lliln cmuly,
Tli.i.r.iiii-r'svvtro Ii .ml mn 1 nnumlM-r.-tl,
suit Im U tliuir aniiKis'iilulloiit huU wull itlal,.
i In lln UiIiId hiiI uruuin
Kverybuily in roturning fan
thnt country with jxickuis fulltf
-Silvor, ttnd niMiinirtollwbtnrcuf
Morria iOcvura,
r. pnicSi-u MiuLji.J -.' i.f rj il Bfi--:,
Mi'isllii; of
('InlMiiS, Hunts unit Sliori,
G.ocile-, ll.uilvvur,
l.lijiliil-s, Cinclivtr
Titbit cit.iiNti 'reuri
vn'1 a ti'iii-Hin uili rtutttwil",",0,,a
Any nno .ItiI.Hij lb i H MWPiw
lornund 4li-ly iliim'tbii, ttv ' 'Kl
Corner (Irrfion snJ Ula Slrrft. ;
Ninety-Three Yem
Of TTnparalltl Pronporityt
WDNilfDll HI
ti'ilUIH-; O.i lliniHlty.l,,, u, .,,,, c"
i'lil."!" ",' "V l,V'r' '" '''"'I" bH 1" m
jjiu Ji-.ir ol Ills iige.
l'mlii.lvsiiilmi,.r l-''i Piiir.
eenin.'in im.
returned from Gon,n r...b .....
israHliM.nsVeni.lidtoe,a..d this may will remain a ,w J'l. 7. M,i
possibly be it. and incase, wheiesclen- Should anv per,n JT
tio iemed.es esnnot be immediately I'oual s.rvices he vvil bi r i ' ''
pmmsM fc wonW U wol! to try it. " time, to . tterii ,c hi " l "
To Kunt.
"I ril.n.'1-.Sisiiiiii
llll-l Ik ll.it,.,,,.. .
' Pill: form mul rt,a',..S.i m OrsnV l'
. Him tn inuei is ii.llni, its- l..i.,A !...!
..!-.. H. .. . . n ""im iiviiii
hxiciil ii.
Ms iii.sironrrTTR7
T04, ,Mui k.t Cor. Kearny Kli
Sax FitA.Ncisqo, Cai
T)U.Mc.ai8TKH,;i7,h0 ,we flr(B w
,.1 Jjick-niivllU omullin In Auku.i
, f JinV""1 M.,WM' ,0 " b"l" I' A
th.-t.jCb tfce colB-i o th!i psptr
a. no- iiiiii ii" ...ii K'.v , .. .. "-,..,
H,V II.M.b "ii llii-ifiilin(i.f llivWksl'S'l
ii-ji, hi nil ch Hw hf l'" ,0 r,n7 'ilji
lent'iiUncn nl sll lii old pin i-i. '-.l ;"'"""
I iiciny n- w oni-s A curilinl IiitIisIIos M"
io nlcl to .
Kvcryilviut "list will n.M In ihmfMla
"iijiiynvnit t ill" tf'i v'l1 '" lvny 'I f. .
i.ouis nottvB, rr.ri"f.
Cbolcs Liquors s4 Clfisiwfjs. f iM