fllli ORIH SENTINEL. Satukhav Moiiniwi, Juno 5, 1800. , l. Klilicr, 20 K 21 New Mcrch- igiVExebanf,e, U our only itulliorixeil urmiI In fin Frtnel'cn. For Eastern Ailrnrtlcliifr. Mn r(,itia li reiirrrn'ciiled by S. M. I'kttkmiii.I. A Co. of New V ork mid lloton. tluilsnn A. Menet are our only nn liurltnl AKinlnln the Atlantic .Suit '. OfJIo I Park How. "Time" IltitldliiK, New Yutk CUT. All urdcri must come tbtoiuh them. Camp Mkkti.no. There will Iki n Camp ttii'ctlitjr liclil on tho aotttli-wuat corner of tlio "Vliltortli dnitn," about threja miles wool oi I'liiciiix, :tiul en the C.itn Bakt-r ro:ul lending from Jacksotivillo to Aslilaiul. Thu meet ing wilt begin on tlio 4tli day of June, it no preventing proviileiieo, Mr. I.n cnliurg, ol I'liu'i.ix will keep n IJmnl inj; Tent on thu ground during the Weliug. AH are invited to attend. C Ai.nititso.v. Iti'V. Itisliop, ICM. Marvin, ol the M K Church boittli, will preach nt the I'huroh in Jacksonville, 011 .Sunday,' June l.'lth, at 11 o'clock Services nt thu Catholic Church to morrow nt the tiMiinl hour by Kev. Fther Hlnncltut. I.IVKI.Y. Lint Saturday haw tliulnM, ol thonpring lights in .luckMiuville, :ind tlic day was quite, lively. Tlio mot interesting 0110 occurred about two o'clock, and was probably owing to the Iuti'iire heat ol tlio miii at that hour. Alter thu intial auiouut ol hard ikiiiu-x the hvlligt'reuti coiuuuuieed poiuiiliug rtch other, but wero aloiitH-il by the Marshal. In cotioiileraliun ol the b.i'.l effect ol thu ueatlier 011 their blood, lUcorder Haydcu only lined tliem ten dollars each. 1V.iim.kau I loiT .U I Deady, lr. S. Dislriel Judge ol Oregon, n in town durin" tho week. 1 1 in Honor i tit obi citizen of .Tiu'kxuu county, and rteeivetl many warm congratulations from his old IihiiiI.s here, limine Pea !y Ji an eiemplilication of thu princi ple that in America all ineii are peers and that then in no poidtinii lutyoinl the reach of nbility nml perH'ViTance. TiiKAriitOAt. On Tucfday the town wai "billed" for 'a tlunuiug perlorm anco by threo California "atara" who comic tcvuded to nheil their coruscations on us benighted Orcgonlan. Had not the perloiinanco been diversified by a fight between two of the boyit ol this town, tho nmlieiiro would have voted it an immense "bilk." I'iioii.mii.k F.MM'itu ok 1 in: I'l.l'M Cnor. We sec that thu ciireullo, the ik my id thu plum tree, havu made their appearance in vast number'. The trans are covered and the young It ill t ii slowly witheiing up tiinU'r their at tack, and we know ol 110 trees in the neighborhood that are exempt fiom them. Rkti'k.vkii. Mr. Xeuiuan Fisher and lady, and S. J. l).y, 1. CS. M., returned from Salem on Thursday tiveiilng. Si lasjian busy times answering leipiests tor thu timu of day, as his friends are nil anxious tn see the watch presented by his brother Odd Fellows at Salvm. Nick Huooiks. Two now buggies arrived for the stable of Comstook and Cawley lost week that arc about the nicest thing ol thu kind in town. They cost, delivered bore, nearly 1,000. Ciikai' Cvlicoks. Messrs. FUher t Uro. have probably tho largest, best and cheapest stock ot calicoes in Jack sonville. Thoy raako this description of goods a speciality, and invito cus. tamers to examine Uuii.oino Movku. Wo notico that thu lurnituro cstablithmont of Linn it Halt has been moved so as to occupy tho corner lot and fill up an unsightly Sl'- If you want a drink of cool and deli cious Soda water go to tho City Prug store. It is tho healthiest and most refreshing li ink to ba found in town. In bottles tl per dozen Tlio merchants of Jackson villo are informed that tho Crescent City Light er Company will not bo rosponsiblofor any goods from and after tho date of their notico in this" it-sue, Go to Neuhers if you want ft pure Havana, that will remind you of old times, when cabbage- leaves woro hi gh cr than tobacco leaves. Wild Strawberries aro plenty on llutto and Trail creeks, and several families have gono out there to .rustb cato, Mr Max MuTler loll lor Fort Klsuw ath yesterday to be preBontat tho open ing of tho bids, Mr. Folton, correspondent of the Sail Francisco Times, visited us on Monday on his way home, Death of Mk. IIuntiK'oton. J. V. - l Huntington, Into Superintendent of . Indian AftalrJJ died at Salem, on Thurs day evening, ol congetion of the brain. ' ' Ho wn proprietor ol the I'lilvnlst, and , a gentleman ol excellent ability, mitl warm social character. He leaves n widow and family. Onk Mum: Wkkk. Dr. Gradvhas, extended his May liuio till the "lUtli'0HK(). (XYMAl, KAIIiKOAD lnt. After that he will remain a fowl ( (K M lJ W days in Ashland whciu all who requiru! Will piiieWenll ilwlr giial m lijumS-tbe thu MTvicvn of 11 Mipe.ior Dentist e.it. ' ,,K",,MI ",," Uu,vt0 bu aecommodated. - - - - I Nor Hbiiccdtiik A01:. A. D. Hub man, ol Ashland is up with the times, lie has sous named Lincoln, Duller, r!....... ...t r'..u.. .1... 1 1 :...-' ...lllb IIIIU 1Ullilt, ill! lilill'l II, kt 111 1 cotuu into tins mumlntiu sphere since! inauguratttui. 1 Hi:iU'ito.v in TiM.uuii.U'ii CiiAitutt. Thu Western Union Telegraph Co. have leduccd the tarill'011 mesages ol tell word", to all their olliees east ol ' Omaha to ?7 .10 in eoiu or 10 in cur rency. . . .. . . . Cyrus W. Field, tho glent telcgntph projector, arrived at Cork, Ireland, on the .Gth ol May, and took the sleamur for New York. Head "The Surpiiso I'atly" on the ont-ide and ackimwludgo it onu ol thu best M-rinon vou eer re.nl. Thorn is J. Fletcher wa shot and Hilt ( V wounded in a politb-nl piar- rel at Vancouver, on thi 81t nil, Win. Dow, ol Honey Iike, .-lirtcd hum hen- on Moudav with our fjo head olca;tle for Wliite I'ine. ' On to 1'ientci's and get a milii-nd ticket only I'.' cents MAItmKD. SKII. -PAII-OnV ,t"ilir-M.-iio-r Jne..li mmmmimmmmnmwmMjjnmMB j 1 i-;n." VIIITNi:V aia.i.UilI Mivl'ili l.l' My. iiiingi-l-iloi t'Oi-r l lln'ivri U. iml Ami. -I Wli oi'- ni-tl I J car '.' .u;in'a aid 1 y. Will mi 'iii' m(i-i. .J ,i t r. 1 KKrrillXG -I.i I. ril-.l Msv .inh. Mr.. Klijttln-'li A . "iTo df Jn'i 1 lv It la;, form ily if JitikMi 11 itr . n- il i: 4r-. NOTIOB. in 111 lor (5. (My l.ljioir. Crrc-nt City. .Ur .ulh. hf.9 J mw I WArirciwa. A I.I. p'THIII. Kill lluun il Hot III llU'l Jl'-'p!l I'.irn.l on in Miniiinl I nut pur- .ii-rorin .a 11 i.wm 11 1 iiiii-ii-'i 111 no- 1 mi A Walk- r mlti 11 1 U m m it linh, mil. I I 1011 lull p.i.il ll tin- vmii. tit r n'oin iiuiriiil III -Ol'i UOi Ut Mill I'll- li in! tl.i m j5l J,"BTIMH iu " "7 "" " , '. "rr ." , ini'i Mini: iin ii'iiiiK, miii's. ruin. IX rfii.i 1.1 ..r l.0... U.-.e.-. iii, -t t e ,. ,, ,',.f).,,..,i: cn.,rcl.-.l whli tl.te Uii-rcc.t l.ily l.ulil-r C jiup i'i ir II nut li ! , ', ,,. ,,. . 1. ., ., ll..r,.i-.v .I.1...UI- 1.1 ..Mi or lr..U i"-...r;..-.i..l !.i.l.leH.,1h-.f,c. f.oin ami allT Uf .In- u-'V .'i'I'vcim"1 ' ''r"f''' ' W". WII.I.UM SAVII.I.I-:. U AKIIAN llvD. Ill woik u niiilr of tl.e . T.-i rii-t-1. r. .-i .... 1. -1. i..i.. ..! A.i. aUfiaMfHaiBBHalaaH aBBBBT."j?f!CT-lSWifilRfE vFmiTagjfJJMBBBMBK! aBaarTaaMtSlBiaalBawAkJ; "laaaaaaaaaEaay SHbIbbHLj v dmtBrtei aaaaaanB&flaViBaBaaaaaKl HDQEKia9Bi1WBBB Kaay yoan ago, tho iniUr ofthese lines ani &a InvaM pajr:i:lan, trhUo vUting tho Island of Bt. Croix for their health, ezperiencel and witnessed man7 surprising and beniSelal tStAa of tho Una thero prsdueed upon many of tho invalid who wero (lilt ourselves) stoking health ; and, up:a inquiry and Investigation, ettainsd a full history ef its medleinal virtues. He was dollghtod and surprised, and aflor his own roeovoiy, which scon oswred, determined, if psssiWe, to procuro tho solo right to manufacture and sell it in tho United States. Tho result ef his lah:rs was a glorious sukjss forhlmsslf and suffering humanity, for tho eelobratod PLAMTATI01I WTrEn3 was thus made known to tho world. PLAN TATION BITTE23 hebg an artislo of roal merit, founded upon new principle:, and rolying wholly upon tho vegetable world for Its medicinal o&os-ts, worked a rapid revolu tion la tho history ef medicine, and tecamo as a houcohold word all 07er tho civilised world. Thp cabalistle S. T.-18C0-X. was a talisman ef health, and tho demand for tho PLANTATION SITTERS soon far exceeded tho abilities ef tho proprietors t supply. Notwithstanding the-largo importation of St. Croix Bum, mado express for tho com pounding ef theso Litters, tho quantity was Inadequate. It theroforo fceeamo ntowary that arrangemenU upon an extensive sealo abroad should at oaco bo made, and an agent was dlspatehodto It, Thomas for that purpose. Ho was fortuaato la socuring and .leasing several plantations on some of tho largest and most produeUvo estatwe thi Wand. Housw, 1UU1 and f rwtc4 u lf l7 'i wUeh utteri7 " Jihad tho natives." Tho services of experienced men and natives of tho Island wewjw. eurod, and ytry soon tho proprietors of th PLANTATION LITTERS wore in a position to supply thoir laboratory with ali the perfectly purs St. Croix Rum neodod la manufac turing tho OREAT 5Y3PEPTI0 TONIO A1TD INVIQ5RAT0R. Tho abovo cut represenU tho naUvos erushb3 the sugar-cano and otherwise rtpar8 it for the stills and presses. As aa antidote to Tever and Ague, Intermittent and Malarious Fevers, Dyspepsia, ane other kindred dlseuej, the uss ef the PLANTATION LITTERS is unsurpassed la the history of tho wor;d. Over ftn mUUoa bottles aro disposed ef annually, They ars ad:.t! t? eld end yeung, malt and femalo. They aro agreeable b taste, and aiwayi ?;c:c rx ixr.ci!-!4 J t-a:5:!fl rnlt JOHN BILGER, Culilbriiia St 1 eel (between Oregon mid Third) Jacksonville. DEALKH AND WORKER IN TIX, XIIREMIIOX, fOPI'KR, M-:.I AND IS HASH, lKKIV iN.sr.NTI.V ON HANI) IV ... ..r 11 i.-.i i... JI....1 I V HO IFin 'IH'IM "l upin-'i I I II 1 Ollll IMIDll , ,..,,,K, W1V , ,.,M ;,,Ilt(c . N'. l'"ir. I'nni. ('1. mn. lml I'lpf, ii.tfi-. iiaiiww ,i:ii.l, 1 1.1,1a ; ,,uu ! hIIsacs. IUi '!i- sin! rttirttl Irfiiij I'.ilm-, Oi. tt A II mi; All (ih il i l I'"iU-i; Mn) of m It immi'tr-i llrnli.-iif -ii inr.iu. etc, rlc, WouiImi mill Wiifiti W'uri, IS-i. Hium jinl linn Wlir; H'irkmili. Cattunnr uixl .Mui.r'i tonU of ""' Ctili'l'lh'.' of t'.itttrmi aisl S ri-l I'haj Sll'lHft-iiliiu' I'ii-I ('iilli-t.; I'liil'ilimis .mil If imi Wmli Kitl't; L'jIU tv-f, Wi,Ali(jiit.,tc. Stoves. A'unyt nn Imiid 11 liirffi lit t I'-rtnt. ('iklli, U.Hif Oi'l ('..lull S "IK. Iif UMHtllll z s. iliu uiul filter. C'lr.-lnirliil on lutot iii-.i 1.1 iti r 111 ...'.I 01 iiioii-iK' pun mm. 1 MyOdr OIcihI.iI i wih illucli, ni! I fl lil i-t-t tirtlli'i' iii ilnr-a I'm. i in ili-ii-iniiii-..I in ili ui LOW 1'Klt'K.S l-'OII CASH. IV.1I in , , x 1.1. iii In Muck f fi-ic porrliiis- ' i"g llnl.t'C. -'ipt. 1 1, leC6. JOHN HILCER liuiioilcr of rum lintilemenC ANIJ MAOHINCS. DULL TIMES ARE IXEREt UONS33QUBNTLY, SACHS ISltO'S inn scit ALL ov i FOR CASH, THAH ANY OTHER HOUSE IHTHE 3 j ; ai-ur "w, WE WI SAYI CUl AMD- SEE FOR vo(jitsi:i.r. SACHS BROS. Jacksonville, March 'JOtli 160'J new goods 1 new goods!!! AT ASHLAND. ' 01 ., ..... ... . ,.-.,,.. I I'l 1 1. 1. .inr.iiSiii.i.K ii.i.i Juai itr. 1 uil. id hum riau lixiicl'Cii. ulu-ru lio li inir- i-likMil. uiul I. now pct-h'lus llm lritil and Ih-'I xrli-cinl IihI ot Merclt.uulNe cvi-r brvugbl to Jucloiiillv, i-oiilllti; In Mit of. CIIOCI.IIIIW, DltVCOOUS. YANKKV. NOT IONS L.tDIKS llltK4? COOKS AlUIMMINCtj, MKN'.VIIAT.S. fOII.-tCCO. llOOTd A .SIIOK.S, TINUAUi;. IIAItDWAHi:. ritociiciiv. hT. rm.N'Aitv. CliNKIX'tlDNHItV, TATKNT MKDICINK, OIUS, l'Al.STA',Ao.,Ac. WbU-li I oftir fur ale on tlinn, or for couatrr prodiao. at price Ibal will iltfjr all coiupetl. , Hon, Will tUduct al le'at ten per cent 011 all etuli bill. CO.IIK AM) TIIV 3IE. 1 I Ilka to ell uoodi cheap, and I now bave tlio nainu of aellluii Roodi cbtaper tban any Ilou.e In Jacknon count, and will kucp uijf namn KO"d if It lu$li me. I Aililaud Woolen Factor (iondu retalUJ at ten pi-r ci-ut. (lor cali) above tlic Factor 1 ulioloale price. It. II. IIAIIOADI.N'i:, ' HOW TO KEEP JYOUR MONEY AT HOME. Du tbe Woolen Good mauufacturrd b tbe IIOCUE RIVER VALLEV WOOIEN JliVrO. CO., wnraBSffW?: Who would repctfully an and country centrally thai ccoifnl oppcrallon, and Imv itloii larKe awirlineut of UUANKETd, OAiiSIMEKRI TWKKIla. J'l TWILLED rLA OftbtJbe.touality and all Orden lollcltcd. A llbvii trade Aihland,Ogn.,Jan. 27th BOUND TO D. C. Ml IS BOUND ACCOHDING TO i HOUSE SIK A I reduced prlcei for caJ .Imcuul will be. maae on (i wntrc viin 11 iiatti. Morcb SOlli, 1868 :. Hi M. U wm H 'H V1' JM M UP WITH THE TIMES. J. NEUBER HAS JUST HKCKIVKI) AN 1NV01CK of cixhN from the Hut of iLc lir,il iu. Ity of LAOIKS' AND t;K.VTH' N KW I' AT. TKItS OOLU CHAINS, KNTri'hll.VKlt VKST CHAINS. A line clmke lot of HN A.MKLKI) 1IOSOM I'INH. KAlt KNOIJS und DIIOI'S, Sl.EKVK nml CUJ.I.AU HUT 'IONS, Mini m.iU.l SIUDS. A. elmicr lot ! DIAMOND. UPKIi ui .1 I'KAltl. KiNlJS. AIo sulnl twfi nf Ills own inaki en lutiil ill tlic llinc. Sullid Silver t; mh nTAIIf.KiiilTi:A.SI'UONS. DKS Sl;tlT..SI'l)AltniiilriAM'(,OI)NH.THA Bti.l IHNINU I-UHKS. liUTIHIt ui.il nil'IT KNIVKS. WHOLK ANI" OI'KN TOI TIII.MIH.KS ofollslr. I'.no K.VU I.1SII l,i;Vi:itS Iii toll.l OuM llunliMr Ci,n A Unutllul hit ol l,AI)li;S' YVATCHKS iu Kilnl (Intel lllllillij: Ctnillirleil (Janf. '1'lie.f liae brrn ulirlcl nllli gti-nt ciifc fur nliubU tlinr kti xrj. A'.njusl n-cflml mi lnnh ol I lie AMERICAN LEVER WATOH, In liiar.T IIiiDtlnif Cn'fT, price friuii .15 tn ".'1 dullr. 'I'lit-e ote THE BEST WATCHES Knr tlic monrr tvvt lirouulit Into lh rusrki-t. 'I'lu-y mi- .SUnulovlurrd by tin; NuIIolhI Wulcli C(iiiiijii)', nt K'ifiti, III An iiu.iilmMil o! BWXB3 'CVATOZXZIH ' On linihl all I lie time. A ur lot or illlil ' iii)' ainl iliiity li'inr t-lirt, friuii llit- li'nl he 1 l.T.i-. IM.ATKD ('A.STKIt.S.'I'AlU.Kstiill i IKASI'OUNS. KNIVIIS imI 1-OIIKS I TUllACt'U IIOXKrf, SI'KCS ol nil klmN- J ilit- Imi Inn "iiinkcl. for nr.ik ijc-. I'OCIC I.I uiul I'A III. i; CI. I I.I. It V lliulkol l.l.. .U'COIMir.ONS, n.UTINAS. MUslf IIOXKS, finer nn.l UmW lllltll ('AIIKSl liirk-e tntrkrl, lnliiV trnf llnir. ntul 1 ciiniifrir HASKurs, ii-ijj Tii'-CAurs ui.l WIIKKIHAUItOW.S, DOIJI1A li fK.S. llintct-Kt TOY HltUMS. I'lilMun', CKS. CIIAI THE CELEBRATED HOWE AM) FLOKF.MF sswxzfa-MAoiixxras. lit- lm 11 lurjr lot of Tut on IihdiI n Lirt-t-1 lot of D.ilU Axll toinl.iifili.il lioiikii nml line.. 1 Tim liitl ol Ciitlar uiul PiiMIe Sumy. A lull a.irlimu.l of I'l I'KS. frnin llic lit Mir- Iiuuiii In Hi- pnnpriit CIjv I'im-ii. .Montli I'lttt'-t ami Sit in ot all kiuilr.Tobuci'o i'nuc't - vi, MATt'll IIOXKS.rtc. ili. nml n Luki- iiMortiwnt of tlic liml C1UAKS. A No al- way. tl.c mom cl.olce l.ran.l. of TOIIACCO. rofl and liurd prcn.d, flue cut lor itnoklng ami clAi!i1;Hi.,.f WATCHES, riUlKS. JtWtlRV A.U SEWING-MACHINES Cli-Jtifd uiul rt-palrtil al lit- lonct prlc 1. To tlmte lin live al a dittance and tend !J Sluu'Cilrlvira nml IvinrrM, tlietlrlvcri' or rx pri-niacr will lie paid bt inc. lie lurcamUeml tn J. Ni:Ufll-:it. xi'uirh Clock and Jiwrlry SU.fr. Mr clcauliii; ami repair "P- JOHN NKUIIIMI. , , " : " , Jai T. dins. Join. S. Dni-u 1 AuuMim Mui. n FNH 11 RUM l fll ULLnn, UllUm (X UU. ' UK.ll.UH IN" GENERAL MERCHANDISE I OAi.irons'iA STiiKirr, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. F, FIK.1I, MiU GOODS 11 ...,tNli..l. ISTJilAV- PRICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN ! Thi: auovk named firm take nleature in iiolirTlng tbelr friend and (tie publlo lentrall, tbat tbe are now receiving and ttieulni;.a ver large and ei tesiW itock of STAPLE DRY tlOODS, READY MADE CLOTHINQ, I I HATS AND -CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM Sfcffi K3SW5M rff i.r.v r STOP THAT C0UGHIN& COMH OP YOtJ CAWT, Al WK PITlT 11 ton Vou Lto Irifd rerr nmrdr but U. 0l' emiofd, j it uumio mrn, to iprMl M r Uu fnputumt. It II DM turpruia tom thtu'rl M tthictinl to try iOinMhltut IM iAkui Mtu Kllmtou tot ht uii cf trubf usmftfJi i-.td ea u utiU u otruia curt) but NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup I rttUftha VXRT M3T nu4f mt fmftAet Ibr th ir or Ccsibt. CohU. sore Tbnat, Aitkirt, VboplC( Ceu(b,Unnthllltuid ConiumpilflO. lh UnJl or p-roi-l Is Ctllfornl inJ OrrQ bf bta tlntif UmttttJ kj lh turpm-c J tiaUtt f-m NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup tni llh on (vforl ! II Uitlr nin!if -t trri htuoo IT now ftiMrruourKlrtilodlMkiur na cnuiIMM ltli this, lb (rttlttt lnf(lh ,, rr lb b.illrif or Jt dlWkf, of Ibt TbrMI U8 Lucft, uiunuf f ou HM NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup bu mr4 Ibouuad m J II wDI cn YO" tl juu uj It. Tbl lartlnitil rnnlklM li ptMMiit totb tl onllilBt. lillc nJ trtlillnolD In IU tflrtU I ti ll rtljr frt from ll rol'toovi ordcliunoua unit. wJ ifKtlf UrmleM utJtr nil clitomttur. lrnnm rrora minj prummtol cjiumj . jx frtMitcn Mceupuijr tier botUf NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup KCOI.VQT0.V k CO. Aow, Sn TrutltM. DR. E. COOPER'S i;nivi:ii.s.i. MAGNETIC BALM. A j;eiiril I'iiiii'Iv Mulicnif. It li ictvr rl'i. n mrdy for Dipthcria, Ami kindriil iHm-kmh or Ike TIIKOAT. mil iiiKt.iulUtl In (.tiling DvMiiUtr. UUnLu-4, Clmfera Colic, CIk.Icm .Morlm nd Fevor aad Ague, NruiiiljtlB, Itlicuinntl'iu, Colilit, TootliacLr, IIiiiii... Viirlin, litiil.cii. f ic, rlc, e one rrllm-l j lu. ilimly uif, Trulv a 7egcUblo Tv par. afioa. I '"o sniuIii nllliout tl ,t,of J'.Nf. '"" " -- 1 REDI'GTON &C08. ' ORIDA WATKE. Iiik ko oiiuk t?-,rtii..i r,.t T.11.1 n ' ...... ""l. vt To"Cl U" ",J for ,hr Bi,fc- ' " " ' - 1 REDINGTON & CO'S WiKNCK OK JAMAICA JGIIVOJU K. Ttili valuable iirpimtnirnn ...ni.int.. 1.. . Mxblv conccnlrntril loim all the proix-rll. f Jamaica (ilnner, liaa become ono of the mom popular ilomotlc rnnnln fur all d!itir wf tlm Houucli and iIIk-cUIio orutui. a a nunc, 11 mil Mi fuuml iataluabla to art J lMona rreourlnj (row diblllly, vibetlier pr.- ducrd b fiver, or olIurHlte; fir hll lilw- I Jit to tin- )ilrm til IbaKlowaril-vliior laat cau U , reduced bjr wln or bramlr, ft , " tlrelrfrtt- from Hit reactlonarr cffi cit that fJJ- ry t r,,,ulu',rrrromdls:ultmniMruatlon,glBc , almo.l ImmcdlaU relief to lb.p.;AilS tl,U"iii7 accomiiaiijr Ibat period, Il l.'llt-n linini-illnlii r.-llf in V.i,,.. ..... i7Kur'lroJ "' or lf "Mfc. "J" ' valnaM a an rilernal applliaUaa or Cut, Itbeumatltiu. Neuralgia. elo. 4IC aiid -IIS Front Sl.,Su Francliia. L'e EliclrosSlllcoa, Or lligla SrllliMH. REDINGTON A. CO.'t FLORIDA WATEK. FOR THE HANDKKRCIHKF. . I Thl article. pnMcMlnj; the mod delleal """'"""i riowrn. . .nrniu rd at a oar fume for the Ilandkercblif. P FOR THE BATH. ..U,c,)i !n 1l,",,nf- ' Imp-rta energy and alrriif lb to lb. ,y.te.n, and glrva IhalJehsNi and del cacr to tbe tkln u n,n. j.i...i " .7 It retuovM Sunburn, Freckle ft Pivplt. DtVJX?e "uZjXnJ' " ?'k?', " "" Uentnoce, lu.parllnr pearly wblllnen to ih. teeth, aweetnera to the Lri.ih .n ...j l K"0" rd 'and of a btamlful color. 1 ' h0,u '; bo ukJ after halDf. d. luted Hllb aater, an It rellerra all InflamallM. RK)JNOTONnn Jf4i6 and 418 Front .St.. Han Fr.nrl , ..i lertro-Sillcon, Or Mar' Btilllaol. 3CTRaILICON: e GIOBfLLIANT :t from natcbb-s labbatoiv. f '"! 4lKOTre4 ft OUmM' I rolnblor Gold. Rlir .! pi.l. land all tmooth lfcuti Unrfti, t lerdMcriplloo.lDoludiox Kltekaa Ula. ihi vupprr, iiraaa.o'rei. fir. tweleri and Worker In f!i u m an...- tbi Electro-HIIIoon U of loiitfniabU va) a lima aarrd. and lb Textiles unMa ki uae, will fororer radrai lie tm H 1 Bars ma evidence of lie merlka. BEDINOTON k CO.. Sole Agtnta, Sao FraaaaM. FUAVORINO CXTRAOT. MNMrMt OOtUBBMB SMV. Jtb.wei. --.,- I :