Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 05, 1869, Image 2

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THK OREOON sktim:i
Saturday MuiiNtxa, June 5, 1800.
Two Opinions
The San Francisco Call is n Domo-
oratio paper, and, like most of its kind,
it mortally afraid of the Chinese. About
two months ago it published an editor -
ial under the titlo ol "Tho Question of
Chinese Suffrage, in which it recited
Mini of tho provisions ol recent trea -
ties with China, and went on to say :
Under tho provisions of this treaty, ! cd penplo we profe to be. Scarcely i Directors bo selected from 'Mitss.u-hu-if
the proposed amendment should be i ft wccj. J(!lf ,os j,, s, .',.,,IK.,C0 tl,n't setts In order to bo freed from tho Kisk
adopted, there is no doubt that the , ,, , , , ., . .. , . , , . . , n ... i m-i .
Chinese would have tho rMit to vote, tho Journal ol ll.it c.ly do not ehron- suits before Judge IJarnard. I he
... ..... .f ..' l..l .1 . . !.. I .. ..... ... .1 . .. .1 t. . 1.1 jiH . . ...
if they should desire. As to cxistinc
naturalization Inws, they would bo
nothing in tho face of tho proposed
amendment and,thc abnvo quoted pro
visions ol tho Chinese treaty.
It is now become apparent to the Cult
that tho proposed suffrage amendment
will bo ratified. That paper now has
bo motivo for continuing to uiisrepre-
Th. Ki.lccnll, Amendment iinoilJ
t At .i . i .: it . '
ing to do with naturalization. Con-,
cress establishes tho rules for the nat-.
" i!.I... ...! ...I ...1 1 ... .... !. I
,iH, ,i -1 . .1.......-. !......-.
iiraiizniiou, ami iikim'i Kuril lines n u
C-;"Vr!ril! tV!,,','n!,'.,t,,.,r. ,."r
1- iftvcnth Aincndi lent, lie amend -
ment relates wholly to sullrage, and
not to nnturalizaliou.
In this last extract the truth is told.
A comparison ol .n statements with
those of the fl.st extract will Illustrate
tho habitual inconIstcncy of thoe
whoso only policy is opposition to the
measures of the Republican party.
That Wot Amwi tiii: Lami.-
io Rutgi, seems to question tho truth j
Tho En,l,j seems toquestion thotruth j
of our account of a matrimonial episode ,
that took place near Canyonvillo about
a month since, ami wants pxplnnntiori. !
We did commit n slight error-the old
vrolf was about ftl ycai.. of age and tho
Iamb nearly 15, so that in ikes honont
easy on that point. The linshjn man
being a lawyer, you know, should not
havo required threo weeks to asceitain
lhat a liccnso cannot bo obtained for the
marriage ol a g'nl under 1&; wo weie
aware oi that fact, but there arc many
ways oi whipping tho dovll round the
stump. The parlies spoken ol ror resent
very well, that whining, hypocritical,
ranting class wlio.uiuler tlicgarb of reli
Sion, drag their slime into Clod's holy
places, and lechery and lying are twin
brothers. It wro easy to Iiu tho Count v
Clerk out of a low months of thu girl's
age to obtain a license from him, and
probably tho doil has I he wholo trans
action duly entered in his journal.
Tho public of Canyonvillo concur that
our first account was substantially cor
rect. Tho Oregon UtniU is extremely
ad at tho prospect of negro suffrage
boing forced on thu people of Oregon
by the adoption of tho loth Amend
oicnt, It it indeed a shocking prospect.
There aro probably forty or fifty color
ed wen in this Stato and tho blow will
1 an awful one. It is not enough
thatj"nlgger" barbers are allowed to
tako a high toned Democrat by tho
note, that "nigger" preachers arc al
lowed to pray for tho forgiveness of
thu sins of whito Democrats and to par
tako oi tlio sacrament fiom tho same
cup and plato with their while broth
era ; but aro also to bo allowed a voice
io a government largely supported by
tbeir industry. Alas ! and alas ! "whilh
er aro wu drifting ?"
Wo loarn from tho Polk County
Jvnct that tho iniatory steps lor a
Stock and Agricultural fair havo been
taken in that county. Tho same paper
aayt that tho California cattlu-buyurt
havo cleaned out tho stock pretty
thoroughly in Polk County,
From tho Albany Democrat : Wo
have recently conversed with several
of tho citizens ol Linn county, and they
all ogreo that thero will bo larger crops
ol wheat grown in till i county during
the present year than over before, and
thai all other productions of tho soil
ecm equally forward,
m -
Tho Oiegon Central Military Hoad
Company havo determined to push
their road through to Gooso Lako this
iHinmer, and have levied an assessment
j 2S per cent,. on their capital stock to
carry on tho work.
Ohtof Justice Chase, in an opinion
delivered on a caso in appeal on the
12lh ol May, at Richmond, informally
recognized tlio constitutionality of tho
division of tho Htato of Virginia.
M. II. Abbott hat Bold his interest in
tho Albany Democrat and retired from
H.ummoriai eiiair. It will bo anuoun-
. l -.
cod In tin- u.jkt ihMio ol lhat paper who
nit miccfHsoi will he,
"Outside Barbarians"
The Chincso have been long accus
tomed to view all who dwell bi'yoml.
the walls of the Kuipiro a barbarians
and outlandish people. It is not proh-
ablo that nn intimate acquaintance
with us gives them much reason to ex.
etnpt us from the term of reproach np.
' plied so universally. On the contrary,
they thcmselves,a docile and forbearing
race havo ton much reason to beliovo
' us cruel, selfish and tyranical-atiy thing
, indeed, but the christian and enlighloir-
u-iu wic, sioutui; or mat uciuiin'iii. oi
some decripit old Chinaman by a gang
of young or old rullian, who alu.iys
escape unpunished. In a Chiiytiau
city, boasting of in i efinement, proud of
its tnagniliceiit temples, dedicated to
Him who taught mooknes and charity,
human beings aro spit upon and kicked
tint tifmiAil unit lit'.'ifitn mill liniviiwn
' "" '
"V T!
ants. lie I rcss is ball nig nooiy
. . . , , ,.
M.ninl " .ul nml cowardly wrong,
..,!. I... !....- ,...!.. .!.... ... .!..!.. A'
- ' m n-.--.vuii whp .m hui;i ..
' ,,,M"1 nml ,,C,l',Ml ,,W,,,tf n' Ca" al"
. f()ri, l0 1((, l!WK.lh . pro.perotis
... .. . ...... .....v .i
nnl free ourseleyve can surely allord
I t0 ymranteelreedom au.l projeeliou t
! ,,Wtt. u' ,,'V,1I" nl,,0 " lUwl n
roH"! ri'l,,"" l!' "I,!,"!u '",,'""
ro,l,ul TIH,K,I,U W,,,,r di,M? "' Mi
e.eiy agaw.si me n.mo,i uucn.oe,, .....
liauiin that qq,.e-es the weak; nml
ll.eion.o buufew npeetable men ulio
daru to justify the many outrages
nP')i,"'t I"'"t n'l iudust.ious
Chinamen. W hope that this fe.llug
.": '"'l' '"' '" "
""J hni,ar ,,l,"Kl" "" l"1' i"-
and the weakest, and the ino.t huinblo
t" t',L" '"" wj" "' H"omj as tlit'stron
l ,','llill(, the liltsltl of the law. When
" '") comes-as h sure.y n ii.-we
ni.1V II1LM1 11IAUV (TII1I1 111 IIU IIU lllll
Bcccher on Nan Intercom?.
Tho following extract from nsiMiunu
of Henry Wnrd lleoehor shoubl bo
lead and rellertcd ou by all bigots who
think there is no chinch but their own.
It is the embodiemeut of liberal Chris
I own the .Methodists, and the Map-:
tist, and tho various other Christian
denominations. He that takes in
others owns them. Now my bean U
hi" i'!inii"li In Inkii ilium nil in 7 .!..
'',.. , , '. rcquireii lu iinugiiio icuinil I'acilio
most among Hie l In intiuu nations o!M, ., , , ,, . . ,
, hi. i i llailrnad up to tho requirements ol n
the world, and deserve less than now - . , , ., . . , , ,
. J . . . ...,,. firi-t :n road than will be needed to
the opprobrious title ol "bat barians. ' ... , ,, ,. , ,, ... ,. .
11 dothesamuforthel uion P.teilie. litis
take them in, and they aro iniuo -fa- TlioriiUm's. iti(thv north sido ol the
thers and mother", nn'il bretheru' and i Uiwn. A building committee coiMist
kisters. And I rejoleo inJt. Let me iug ol A. IS. Uo.klellow, J. W. K'uy
see n .Methodist church that It l.tbur ; L..i.l'ill J M MeCill I l W.il!-...-lug
to spread tho Gospel that I ill io- I kU ' , J , ., ',Uf , ' l ".u",lJ
fuse to fellowship with. I.et mo see a . 'I'"1 '' ,1, ,,'i ""its ehosn. A suf.
Picsbjtcrtiau ehureh that Iri luilltliii rtflctit niniMiiit lias been HiiliM-ribod to
up the kingdom of tho Lord Jesus warniul tho commencement of the
Christ, that 1 will not, with all n.y , building at once, and steps havo been
limtfl hill lliiil o.iii.i.l I . ..... ' ' '
iw ,v. . ,r, iirH,::!"1'9" "". iw
tho Jordan more disciples than we can,
in whose success I will not icjoieo and
bless God. Let mo seo an Kpiseoeal
church, that is doing Cod's work, that
I will not givu thanks for as much as
tho best priest ol them all.
Ovkiilam) Montiiia'. Do you take
this splendid pcriodl. ,if If not send
to H.'iunn t Co. Sa.i Franeivo, an !
1 fii r .
oilier ii. jiio June n iiu!)'r I nuue
than usually inlercKtiug and, contain.
ing an niticlo ou tho gold beaches ol ,wn'e,y "oventcon now. Ilowascor
California and Ore.roo. Is ol ,.i.,.i.i,- '",,y K"""l ')' tho President, ucn.
valuo to us. Amoiitf its contents "A I
Southern Overland Glimpso" an,i '
"Medical Ail" in tho Chintso Quarter
aro well wortli reading. Tho Octr
ovic" still letalus all its forco and pi
quancy nml wo cannot svo how any
family can do without It. Terms 81
per annum,
Siiockis'o Si'icnn:. Ou Friday ov
oning, tho 28th nit., Frederick llorno
commuted suicide by Hhooting liimsulf
with a shot-gun, a short distance from
Jacksonville. Tho room where the deed
was committed was a shocking sight.
Tho wholo upper poitTon ol tho poor
man's head was blown oil', leaving uoth
ing hut tho ears and thu lower portion,
Pieces of skull, blood, and brains wero
bcattored over tho npaitment. Tho
poor fellow had been unlloiing lor many
years from nn ncuto and incurable dis-
nrtyA mid mnlti lit i fmiml lit. infl... .tr.... I
too lover. t I.., Li,,,,..,
-.- - -- .,.nw. ww, Ml..
Tiik Foi-iiin. Pieiiaratioiih for a
splendid celebration in this place aro
going on actively. A oholr ol loin teen
singers, in addition to tho baud, has
been organized, and the display ol fire
works will bo tho bebt ever seen bore.
Foil tiikKackx. Jerry Martin, Add
Helms and soinu others of our citizens
led for Vreka on Thursday to attend
tho rnces at that place. They took
"Jim Glenn" with them, and expect to
catch thu miiw. That's ri"lit liovs- '
i t. i . "JS
bring It back if you can, ,
catch tho
Pacific Railrordi
l?oton, Mny 20. Tho following
persons wero unanimously elected Dir
ectors of tho L'nlon Pacific Railroad
Company today: Oliver Ames, Ucnj,
K. Mates. John H. DiifT.T. Gladden, V,
I. DcMoilou, A K. Atchison, 0. II.
. Lombard, 0. S. Chapman, II. IJakor, h
! Xickcrsnu, of Massachusetts ; Sydney
Dillon, C. A. MeLVrmiek, New York ;
C. II. Husluicll, II. I. Hazard, It. I.
Large, of Connecticut.
A proposition was made that tho
j ijoarn ol wircctoiseioeien wnveriiues,
' !'q., Picsidcut; John It. Dull', Vice
JVoi lent ; John M. S. Williams, ol
Mas "ibmetts, Treasurer ; K. II. Uoll-
i Iitt, of NVw Ilninp-dtiro, Secretin y and
Assistant Tn-iurer at Hoston. Thomas
)c, Durant. Vice I'lesident; John Oieo,
i Treasurer. Win. II. Macy, one of ihu
. t ..i .i... ?t.. .. ti. ii.. i..i
' iirrnorn m im umiihi i auiiui u..n-
' " Pel,,,", hU hltMl
j i,,, .,,., ,,i ,,.i,ii, i,,. :. i ,..
'" l,lu company, ol which no is ine
lcnvMt tOB. mtcr,
tViliillilOII il'lV "H It 'lpil"is
l'rtn Hi., .eporlo'l n',,ceial oommitiiv
'-, ... ,. ,,, , ...,, , ..,.
' np"i"tl, by the I lesideiit to exam-
,iim tU lwo p i0iro:lli ,ml
, eo,T7l,7lo will bo requiic.l to bring
the L'nlon Pacilio up ton first uIiim
- road, measured by the standard ol the
, l-l tern roads. 0P U.AI per milo ;
; hal ,,, w )o -ml l)V lt
Ulflllr,, i4(l.,rtu ui,,,.,,, ,or (,u, ;,.
lfW(l of wi ,lliK.f Tl( .,-,, tA.
..,. .,. .,... ...14 ,rt ,.,,.
. (.i(i j,,, W7l!!0000,
j . mlKi, () (o CV
,(ioo, nM-ragr
(,...0,00 per mile; to tho Central P.i
c-ltic-, v-'O.OVU.OOO, uverago :t.5,lon per
mA icin.,,,,,,, milf roru.f
, i4l0( jrM inoiigajjlr bond equal to
, So u n ,,1;ll )or 0 ..
I . t . t . .. ..
I is contrary to tho statements heretofore
made. The .1' uion Paeilio has been
lepreseuted as the moie imperfect, Mut
these n'preentnlions luio emannted
Iron, tho Calilornii papers which have
been boasting ol the superior excellence
ol their own part ol thu road.
Amii.a.nk Acaukjiv. The
ei ol tho Ashland Anuloiny
( Ashland on Tuesday last, nml decided
on a site for tho building near Mr.
wise inaugurate operations.
Johnny Clem, of Ohio, tho famous
drummer hoy who dropped his drum
for a musket at Chickamauga, ami shot
a'lebel colonel who dcuianditd his stir
render, mid was nubsequcntly wounded
in another engagement, has been ap
pointed a cadet at West Point by thu
President. Iiu was but twelvo vears
I0' "1' w,,e111 ho bl'al M lr"mi ml
',"'n al,,, ll,t' Socretary of War, all of
w,," "l'W hnn well in tho army.
Tin: Ki..M.wu Ko.vi). Thu road on
tho now survey near tho Milligram
Hoad to Link Illver, is rapidly bring
pushed through, Fifteen lahoroisluno
for some- days been employed bet wcun
.Mr. Hrowu'it and Long prairie, and now
only three miles remain to bo complet
ed lietweouJcnnio creek and the Klam
ath. Mr. Culver started out again
Wednesday with a low hands to fur
ther prosecute the enterprise.
Fiiksii Salmon. The Caiuoion Ilros.
of A pplegato creek, aro doing a good
business at their fishery this season.
Thu catch averages about thiity pur
lay, nil of which aro sold readily.
Thuy aro splendid fish, just up from
tho sea, and in many places would bo
eaten only by "mil lionarics" hero ov-
",;l" wl '' "'"' loBr can on
joy a luxury, that in tlio Hast is enjoy
cd onlyi by tho licit.
Tins Hauvusi. Tho crops in nil parts
of this valley aro going to bo lighter
than last year, but thoro will bo'pleuty
and to spare. It is sa'id that tho oat
crop will bo average, but thu cavalry
having been ordered from Fort Klam
ath, tho demand will bo light.
Losr A proncliels license, in Douc-
as county. If any ono finds it, it will
ri,V0 lllUi a"?,utJr ol, doti"K co"l'l
who woro ate y marred bv niireten.l.
cJ preacher lu that seotiou. '
An nrticlo in the Chicago Tribune
lamenting tho lost prestige of President
Oram's Administration, has given com
fort to thu Democratic papers. It
scums to us that thu Tribune fails to
perceive that thu immense and vnguu
nml reckless expectation that attended
the inauguration could not havo been
satisfied by any administration what
ever; and the leaction of feeling which
it o.Ypioses wits inevitable. Hut that
reaction is none thu less unreasonable.
Thu President has undoubtedly made
mistake. Tho nppoinlnient' of .Mr.
Wnshbiirno as Secretary cd Slate was
ono of them, as tho Tribune justly in
timates. Hut every president makes
mitakes. So do newspapers; and
there is none greater than tho sugges
tion that the Administration has lot
the conli leuce ol those who brought it
into power.
Thu Chicago Tribune in-ists that
statesmen mut do the woik ol stales
men, rndoiibtedly; but it is only by
doing his work lhat a statesman ri-vciil
liiniM'If. Are thero a numbered ready
m.idu mid acknowledged "statesmen"
from whom the Piesident is to select a
Cabinet '.' What is a .statesman 'i Dur
lug the campaign tho lVmuci.uie pa-
pels weie eoi.Muutly contra-titig .Mr.
Seymour, a what ihey called "u states
men," with (ieueial Orant. Hut what
m.. c... ' -1.... .i,:(v
n ii.-i .. I. i . iim'iii ."-i.m riiiuii'-iiii. . ..--
thing but the moM servile devotion to
tho political polioj ol slavery, lie had
been in polilieutlile'forn quartei of a
century, lie was lainili.tr with our
politii'abhotory. He was a linen t pub
lirTicaker. Ho wa.n skilllul pally
mauagi'i', as Ins own uouilualion last
Jul v sullleientlv proved. All these
gills, inch n they were, this Ameii
can politleiiMt devoted to (he perpetuity
of human -laycry in this county, He
was solemnly called a "talesm.iu, and at
the beginning ol tho war professed his
williugues to sacrifice the I'uioti to
slaverv. lie was still called a states-!
man, and 1 1 the i . 1 ol the war he va
thu Pt'i'sidential ' n.ltd.tto of rebels
mid lepudi.ttois. There are u gieal
many people who still smiou-dy sup
poi'i that a man who so totally mistm
deistood ihe character of Ins country-
1.1 I. t I r.i
times uh.w long p. li.ieal career is
associated wtlt no geinroupurprvu or
noble sentiment, is it Mutesn.au. It
bhous how ciiiio.isly inisuiiilciMnod
tho word i. So when Mr. Lincoln
a elvcty.I Pioidenl, there was a
shout ol contempt at tlio "third rite
Illinois lawyer." "Why," it was ,U.
niaiid.il, "why can't we have n Mates
ui'iii, at least '; ' Al'i-r the illiiMiiuii
aliniiiiti-,itioii nl htntMUeii tike ISueh
iiuaii, I'ieiee, Fillmoiv, and Folk, agis
ted bv other slatixnii-ii liko Joltii I.
Floyl, TiMieey, Howell Cobb, .lefi'i-r.
son I .i i, Jn'eob Thompson, tf rettra,
it Uiii iiituleiablu thai the rouutry
should Li 1 1 umkr thu udmiubtrution ol
a bo ir and a jok- r. We havo lived to
see ihu bom-, and the joker, and Jlio
third late Illinois lawer honored and
beloved as u inl.'rwiili Washington.
Statesmen nnn-l indeed do tho work
ol stalestni-n but who am statesmen?
It isn lineand imposing word ;lo whom
does it 'ipplyiu this county? How
many are there upon whom wo should
all agiec as statesiuen? Meanwhile,
is it not quite as well lor "a great and
progreisivo gi vcruinciii" that ils ml
iniuistratioii should be in the hands ol
sagacious, honest, capaldu men, in full
sympathy with tho best American piiu
tuples V With such tho President has
surrouuiled hiius.K; ami thus lar,
wheihur their names wero as familiar,
lor iit-tance, as thosu ol snmo nieiubers
ol Congress or not, ihey havo neither
discredited theniM-lves, thu Prcridonl,
nor thu country. Ifarprr IIV7.7y.
l)r. Otorbeuk ol this place has just
received tho s'nl Intelligencu of thu
death of his brother, Henjamiu S. Over
beck, nl Hamilton, Nov., of smallpox,
Ho lull heioiu 1857 for thu old homo
in Missouri, and was, at tlio timo of
ins death, no years and 7 uion. Iih of
age. Ho died on April '.'3d.
Hall a r Kkiiiivvili.i:. Win. l.ind,
tho enterprising proprietor of tho Un
ion Hotel at Kcrbyvillo, intends giving
a grand patty on tlio nth ol July.
Thoro will ho a splendid display of
firowoiks in tho evening, and tho mus
ic is tho best in tlio country. Lind al
ways does those kind of things up'o.
one. "
Viiiiv r.SKAiu. Wo ask our Ash-
laud neighbors if it is fair that thuir
seallawaga should como bore, get drunk
and Injure thu reputation of "Jackson
ville ? Tho Ashlauders havo a good
reputation for Bobriety, but wu notice
that ii any ol them wunt to gel ou n
drunk thoy aro sure to comu hero so us
to save the credit of their town.
Fiiikwuki.s - Church &, Clark of
Sau Franuiseo, aro prepared to till nil
orders for fireworks, mid everything
eUu in thtii- lino uro their advertise.
Statistics of Appointments.
Some industrious Wnshiugtonian
..n.. ...-.....!....( lw. in.... i,w.l-
viiiviuuj A-. .'.v.- .'
this Administration, and find that
to tlio -Olh instant, Mr. Grant lias fciiI
to the Senate 1,0S0 uouiinatioiis classi
fied as follows:
Ca'ilii"! iOl4i!rn'forclRii n In'eler
.Si-pri-Dric- l.-(;.li"i
Coii-iiIk (ii-iicr.tl
(iimrnnrs uf Trrrlturli'i'
Srcretnrics of IVrrllorlcs ,
t'olU'Clorniir fiiternnl Ituu-iiia-..
A'M'Murs, . ,
L'nllccior of ('.I'lmi.s
Siirvcjiii' uf CimIoiii-
I'mttil nl.iti-n Mir-lml-
I'uiliit riliUif nml Tvrrllnrlil Diilrlct
It vt-lir- ort.iinit Oillc
It Vi'ilull i)f I'tllille Monvjr..., . ....
'ciiiinn Ak-iiIs...... ...,.
Ind. K ii Vs'-iii.....
Mirr)ipr (ii-iitrul
S l .it OlliCt'M
U'.-tnm 1 1 it. i' Aprrtl-r ,
..MM-riiilriiileiit tmll.tii All.iltn. ., , . . .
Oilier-l)i-lricl i.f (.(iliiiiilnn
... ss
. . . . u
... .m
.... 2
.... r.
. . lu
. .. u
. .. I
.... c
.... 13
.... 4
II iriMit nnhcrK. i nc I ml in IkuJi ul li,.icain
nn I .' in liirlr..
...inl hiMMiriri
vi.-e li.i.Kuiw
Tul.il , uo
A lew nominations were made subse
quent to thu' '.'Oth ol April, which may
carry the total to l,l"0. The number
of ollicials subject to Kxcculiw! nomi
nation, together with thu number ol
change, (omitting thu Cabinet,) made
up to thu '.'nth ol April, loot up us fol
lows: Tnliil Nn, Cli.iiv.
I' r-irfii M!iil-Ir ..
.3). M
..II .'
,.:i:i II!'
.:n ui,
.111 4!l
.M7 1.1
Srt i'A
Vvirl,il, l.l'gMllull
('nil . .. .'
(.'ill'-tluip liilrril.il It ttiiiie.
,.M-nf- Inlcriiiil 1'iwiiiir.
CoMroliir or CutlulM-
I'll-llllflrll'l ,
l!mlrl Matr M.o.hil-
T.il.tlnuf ufl l.ili imnicil
Kiom this it will be seen that ol the
olliees named, lint id per cent., or le
than oncdialf, havo been changed.
M.ni ol lheu ollicials hao been In ol
lice during the p.il i ight years, or ol-t
were uppoiiited by- Pieridcnl Johnson
bec.mo friendly to hi "policy." The
henl-nian's woik has not been fin.
Micil yet, nlthoiiyli Vpoeial attention
will now bo given .to minor appoint-
incnt-, such a- do not requiie the sane
tiou ol the Senate.
Pic-Xir. Wo are credibly iuforiued
lhat one of the gieatest siicce-ses ol
last week wni .....li.! ..I...,,!.. , n -...!..
spring on Carter creek, at tho upper
i r. i n i .
! n"' of,,lu 1valloJ; A parly of yntinj
, li,l,ll's iU"' Ku,'l'i' 'ruin Ashland,!
who delight in heal by ami pleasant .'
recreation wero the pat lielpanis Du-
I ,:.. .i... .....i.ii,, . ,. ,. . ..
' o' "' -au. lings of tho pa.ly amid
tuegiieii valleys -if Hie Siskivou, ihey
had a near at-.l interesting vw ol ''
lot ICuvk.
An i:ii-i i:n Lnckniiiaiiivu. We leain
fiom Mr. O. 0. Appleg.itu that an at
tempt whs made mi the I !Uh ult., tu
bunt the stoiu id Geo. Nout-o, sutler
at Foil Klamath. About thu sauiu
time in tho night llto stablu belonging
to Mr. Xtiie, was tired and totally iL-s-Iroyed.
Two homes belonging to
some F.ugenu City men, weie burned.
A Mildier who had been ivlnscd whis
key is suspected.
.. . .
Coi.i.i.-isu Lasts. Messrs .Douthctt,
Avery anil Miller, tho Commissioners
appointed by tho last Legislature to se
lect the laud donated by the United
States to the Stato Agricultural College,
weie in town this week. Thoy pro
cccded boutli yesleiday morning mid
will make ihu selection Kust ol the
mountains and near (iooso Lake. The
amount of tho donation is ninety thou'
sand acres.
Tim Ta.vnuuv. Ju.o Toliunu's
taitueiy, noar Ashland, is now in sue
ct-sslul operation. Considerable leather
is tving finished, which seems ol a mi
periur quality. Mr. Whiimoro is now
using some ol the now leather in his
harness and saddle shop at Ashland,
and thinks it thu best inanufacluro in
this section of tho Stato,
Tiik Husr Pump in Uhk Is thu
"American Submerged," for which
Hoffman & Klippol aro agents. It nev
er freezes, will forco water ovor uuy
building,-is invaluable for irrigating,
nml will not get out of order. One
can bo scon in uso at tlio Kxpress cor-
nor, ami II. tfc K. havo a largo invoice
ou hand.
IIkldto A.nmvjiu. The' Chinaman
who was shot by Mr, Zigler, while in
thu act of robbing his sluices, is recov
ering, and was this week held to ans
wer. Ifo will bo tried also foi the rob
bery ol Hoyer'H til last January.
In Nr.w Hl'8I.v'.ss, Clnronoo P,
Sprague, formerly "Devil'1 of (his ol
lice, is clerking for Durthiok, it Co,
Cincinnati. Wo are oblbrod to him
for tho Commercial,,
W'o lire Ulldor oblililtinim InSmmlnr
' Cole lor Congrwsionnl favors.
Mooting of tho Board of tT
has jja .
.r 'ruiii..!....! ' Ul"t 1809.
. ( .iiu inirn oi trustees held
up ial meeting this evcuim;
a mi
presenl, A.
?""?. Memterl
iJj";.om.j I,, O.JnK
1 he journal ol tirercdii n
was read and M,,i,,od. Ul"8
II I'l'l' I Irt .. . .
Tli.. fi.il.....:..' ' i in
i," """ "" were 6r,l,..
ing, 912 50, TotaUst An "'"""
.. ' Vlll.ll L lllll lifl.l
bills presented against the tow,.-
SKNTiNHnoflieebfl for printing tl
Dog License 8. Laill ovcr " ;
rules. A bill of W-AaV ry""
Houiiiltree. or wood l,.r..!.i..'i .Vfc . n,t
lly du ing he small.pox here, ;r,
'U'jl. 'Iho bill Mntc. that the wlS
was delivered at the order of MsnlS,
Wal a... Hubbard, and the lUmli
lannly failing to pay the hill ,0 ,W
p.iv.nentol the town. The hoard coalj
not sen how tho town was boniJ &
private debt, umliefened the hill (!
nit her mu-hllBiitU to tlio Finmc,
C'o.nn..tl,.e. Thero , finl
bu-ines-i iraiisacte.laudthfho.ir.l ,f,
Fonrth of Jt ly
At the meeting on Saturday lnsltth
Coininitlce on arrangeiiieiils Iiu, tj,
lollowing report:
... .'".Nviu.i: .Mav27,m.
Iiilho . Iiainnaii of thu Fourth l
-July meeting:
We, your cumtnitlie on nrnnw
HiciiN, beg leave to make llir lolloajn
leporl: "
IM. We leeoinuieiid that the fortb.
eomii.i; ee lebrntiim I... I.. .1.1 .. .i
" t i .". . V'V ,ro.vc ' '""l ,,,:it -M"iij.
.,s the hfth of July, ).., the davol rt-lil.ri!
-.1 I ion, on account ol thu fourth bin
J" , Suiulav.
'.'d. I o carry out the necessiry sr
rantreinents, wo reeonumiid llir sp.
poiutincut ol tho Jullniiio-' commit
tees: On general arrangements a commit
tee ol biv. On Finance a commitu-vuf
lliree. On Fireworks a committee vf
All.V' .".''i'.''1 u' "N'W'ullvaiilinit.
II. . IIkiais, Ikk Sachs
-Tons' Ni:tiu:ii, J as. CAnnwtu.
II. A. HuKiiuAinii, W. W.Fimu
The coinniitteo nn Orator, Ifea-trr
i in.... i . , .. .....
- 1
.nut v milium reported tnai tiiu folio-
I"tf Kcntlcmcn had been srh-rtnlj
0.r Orator, J. I). Fay, Ib-a.hr.Alei.
" furtlii, Cltai.l.iiii, Kev. C. Ahftrwn.
1'r,iB,,ul,,0,lli"K ,'V,!ml"il1,n"' '."a,
a qoiitted, alter which tliiuiirvtimj si-
ouriit..l :
t Connnittep of general arransrmiiil,
(j- Irvn, John Hilger, II, I, T.
'''''"'N ' -r- 0. Duncan, 'L Zylcr, K
J- Smith.
Finance, II. Helms, J. T. (Jbn, I.
Fireworks, D. Linn, T. Deiini
A I.I. psrlivs i conllsll; laM ,l"f
llm .InnlviTp'iirjr 11.11, t llie slwtt
linufv, lii Kerliyvllle.Oriwui, oo the tfl
No i-xi-rllunii will l prJ Io mik lkP'
ly mcli us nil nun look luck Io i ou ul w
pleuiuut i-Tt-iiU ul July Clb, 1869.
Gi:o.K I.OO.I.N, T. E. ItEAO.tS.
A. M. IIF.IIUY I F. I.UV uf jKkKunlK
iimlS. IlKNUKU-illOT.iil Wslilu.
W.M. M LIND, rwpiWoc.
Kt-rli) villi' Juno U, IHiiil.
I n!n KiILt It trorth wM It wrllii. I oU
A II sriiuiul ibe world re ll prit '"i
1 1 wll(;iiiileriiciire-courgeorintlfH '"
Nov oilin die, who Uki-i It bllmw.
K cti Pi.ln KIIK-r-a Inm frlciiJ r y.M'.''
I t will cum Coitab or CM, or Collo W'H
I, ook out to tpply It for llrul or for"
I. t-t it onco b tMhnlt "'
K very word I'm Idling jrou. rttorr, H
It cmcnilwr Hist 1'alu Kllftr Ii good )
The Pain Killer U old by til DruW
ilfler hi rinly Mt-dlcloei.
Fmuclkco, Cl Geotrtl WbolttU Agtu-
MvJltrsntsD-n4 UllfoiaU (frulu, Nt
Ciwidlei &o., and Utnurtclartrt of
of trery description.
.AoompIeyMw(HwJ(i,4', tf'"1'
IVIuUd jU ' kinds nd prion futlMH'
No 107 FrcuU'trect. ?- i'nttoto.
N. IXShotiH lull fr jiuhlMdn,
J-.I. . Nunofnr publ Nhing Onl
4.. Sl.l. S.iiiin fin. I........H "lB
ibi t lt-k'k A 3 Alf
d'iti ' r --m . dj r l