Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 29, 1869, Image 2

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    !i 5.
Saiuudat MonxtN-o, May 20,1800.
Offlolal Smartness.
It is iiHU.it, when any supplies nro re
quired or any nor vico is to bo performed
for the government, to ndvertlso for
proposals. Common sense, and :i des
ire to forward tlio interests of tho gov
crnnirnt, would suggest that such an
advertisement should be made in n pa
per having circulation where competi
tion might be cxpeotcd. A grain con
tract for Fort Klamath was to he let
at Portland last Monday and not a sin
gle merchant or farmer in this valley
was aware of the fact until it was too
late to hid. Why? Hecamo the ad
vertisement was made in n San Fran
cisco "Daily" that never finds its way
into this part of Oregon. Notwith
standing a general order designating
four newspapers in Oregon as oflieal
papers for the Military Department of
the-Columbia, wo notice that the ad
vertisement referred to does not appear
iu cit In r ol them. For all practical
purposes it might just as well have ap
peared in the Alntht Iftrald or tho
Jlombay Gazelle, and certainly did
not afford tho Department the compo
tition that would have resulted from its
publication in any Oregon paper. Such
action is neither wise on tho part of
those having chargo of official adver
tisement nor just to our farmers and
merchants, and wo hope that it will
not bo repeated.
Tiik M.vmw: With Hannah. -A
member of the medical profession iu
Pittsburgh has given the following
lucid description of tho causo of the
denth of Louis Saul, tho wife poisoner:
"Tho dentiform process and body o
the second vertebra', were detached
from the bony ling, but still connected
as usual with thu anterior arch of the
firtl tertehra, rupturing tho posterior
occliiito-nttnid ligaments tho odontoid
or elieok ligament is short, the whole
posterior apparatus ligamentous colli,
throwing tho odontoid process back
ward on tho spinal cord, luxating, but
not fracturing the bony odontoid pro
cess." To a man up a treo it might seem ns
if tho wretch got his neck broke by
the Sheriff.
Tkouiilu in Oiiovii.uk. We nro in
formed by a gentleman from Orovillc
that negotiations by the Central Pacif
ic Railroad Company for the purchase
of the Marysvillo and Orovlllo road
having failed, thoy havo commenced a
final survey ol a road from .Mnrysvillc,
to Chioo, and aiu to commencu its con
struction at once. A party of Orovlllo
gentlomcn, among them Messrs. Lowis,
Perkins, Martin and Hoyd, went on
Monday to Sacramento to seo if a diff
erent arrangement, wheieby Orovillc
would not bo cut oh", could not bo made.
Mr Binnoy holds to his price, ;100,000,
we believe, confident that he can get it
from the Company holding tho Vullejo
and Mnrvavillu road, if the Central re
fuse to buy. C'iiVo KnttrjirUt.
lloitftv. TnAixi.in. Professor Castle
man will give nu exhibition in horso
training this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
He claims that his system is superior
to that of "Rarcy" and promises to
imbduo the most vicious or intractable
hnrso that can lie brr ught to him. He
will instinct a class and put each mem
ber in possession of valuablo secrets
'..that cannot fail to bo of gicat advan
tage Mr, Custlemau comes with tho
good opinion of the Northern picst
nrul can do nil he promises,
. m
Commission Rkckivkd. Hon O,
Jncobs hns received his commission as
Associate Justico of Washington Terri
tory, and lias taken his oath of office
which will bo certify toby thoSecro
tary of State, and then forwarded to
the State Department nt Washington.
His Honor intends leaving for Wash
ington Territory early in July and will,
it is supposed , have tlio Walla Walla
Hktubnui). Mr. Add Holms lias
just returned from a trip to the lower
Klamath. He reports that Jack Paw
paw is working a rich mining claim be
low Orleans Uar. Add nays that is
just the' rougUM "country ho over set
foot in, but that tho people aro the
most liospitablo ho over saw, apparent
ly making money, and as happy as a
whole plantation of big Sun Flowers.
Fuuimi oy July. Tlio Ashland,
Phcvnix and Wagner Creek folks will
join in a big eclobration of tlio "Fourth"
at the latter place. W. J, Stanly is to
tie the orator, and a grand cold water
jollification is anticipated.
Tho Portland Commercial ia en
Kgod in two very difficult tasks
teaching tho Unahl grammar nnd the
Democratic City Council, honesty. It
i workiug with will and spirit, but
v Ith a poor prospect of bucccss.
Who to Refer Claims Against ths Treas
ury To.
Wc aro often asked by persons having
claims against tho United States Gov
rnment, to whom or to what officer
those claims should bo sent to bo audi
ted. Tho following information will
be found useful :
Thero aro five Auditors in tho Treas
ury Department, and it is tho duty of
these ofliceis to audit all claims held
ngaiust the United States.
It is the duty of tho First Auditor
to receive alt accounts accruing in the
Treasury Department, proper, and af
ter examination, to certify tho balance
and transmit the nccounts, with tho
vouchers and certificate, to tho First
Controller, for his decision thereon.
The Second Auditor is to reeelvo nil
nccounts relative to the pay nud cloth
ing of tho army, tho subsistence of offi
cers, bounties and premiums, military
and hospital stores, and tho contingent
expenses of the War Department, to
- 1""10 tno Mmo a1"' certify tho bat
auco ami transmit tno accounts, with
voucheis nnd certificates to tho Second
Comptroller for his decision thereon.
Tlio Third Auditor is to receive, cer
tify and transmit, iu like manner, all
accounts relative to the subsistence of
the Army, the Quartermaster's Depart
incut, and generally, nil accounts of
tho War Department, other than those
provided for above.
Tlio Fourth Auditor is iu liko man
ner to receive, certify and trail unit nil
accounts accruing in the Navy Depart
ment, or relative thereto.
The Fifth Auditor is to receive all
nccounts ncciuiug in, or iclativu to the
Department of State, the General Post
Office, and those arising out of Indian
Atl'iirs, and examine the same, uud
thei caller certify tho balance, and
transmit the account, with tlio vouch
eis and certificates to the Frst Comp
troller, for his decision thereon.
There is now, we believe an Auditor
ol the lVt Office Dopartuiout, and all
tho duties ol the Fifth Auditor, per
taining to tlio General Post Office
should be addressed to him.
Milling Forclsn Letters-
PosrOrriiK Di:iviirn:.T, i
Okkici: ok Fouiiiun .Mam.,
Wnshinglon, April 'J7, 1800. )
Sin I havo to retiel that you will
plcuo insert in the May number ol the
V. S. Mail the following notice for the
information of persons mailing letters
to Ktisdv for traiHmlsinn iu the mails
to the North German Union :
I.KrilMH TO Kl'SXtA Hlion.li HI
Tho General Post Office nt Ilerlin
hns called attention to thcclrcuuiMaucu
that letters aro frequently received in
thu mails (10111 tho United States In
North Germany for despatch to ttitssia,
nu which the placo of destination is
expressed iu Kmsian characters, uud
the locality not clearly indicated, and
a request is mado that the public in
thu united States bo informed that
when on letters for Itus-iii the place of
detlinatiou H cxpicshcd iu uussiau
characters it is recommended that tho
sender ndd thos.iiuu iu German, Flench
or Kuglinh, ns the Russian characters
aro not sufficiently known in the North
German post offices. And it 11 fmthcr
requeued that 6u letters addicted to
tho hiualler towns or places iu Kuisia,
the situation of the place of destination
bo distinctly and fully designated on
the address.
Very respectfully,
Jo.si.pii II. ni..n(i'A.v,
Superintendent Foreign Mails,
.I. Gayi.i'k, Fsq., J-Mitor U. S, Mail.
Fatal Accipicnt. Ou Monday even
ing u miner, named Henry Feilzinger,
was discovered dead in his claim on
Harris gulch a short distance from Wil
l v Springs. The deceased Lad been
woikiug nil nlouo in a low drift, aiid
had npparantly been caved on when
coming out Irom tliu drift. It was
thought that tho unfortunatu man had
been dead sevcrat days. Tho faith
ful dog of the poor follow wns
watching n few feet from the body,
having scraped out a bed in tho soft
ground, and was almost starving with
hunger, probably never having left the
corpse to heck food,
been crying population ! population I
and behold, two of tho matrons of
Jackson county, hnvo within two dayi
added four more to the census list.
vood (or Jackson county and nil tho
parties And the babies besides
ClIIHHTf AKITY IX SlAM. TllO llUtllbcr
of lialivo christians in Siam is less than
thrco to each missionary; the misionaries
call for prayers to help them but as the
Siamese seem ioined to their idols, bet
ter tut them alone and work among tlio
Oregon heathens.
For n fine cigar go to Caro's or 11
inons. Nothing in the shapo of cab
bago leaves nro kept at cither of their
snrtTrvnr7-1" --" ' - " '""
County Surveying
Tiio following letter from Judge
tlmwin nviilnins tlm matter of thei
county survoytng. Iu our reference
tail week, we had no intention of do -
traotiwr from tho mcri'.s of Messrs Lind-
. .....
Ivor Mover, but considered they! were
under no pecuniary responsibility, not
having given any bonds. Wo hopoi
the explanation will be satisfactory to'
all parties:
Jacksonvillk May 27, 1800.
Mn. Editor. A paragraph iu your
last week's paper, under tlio head of
"No County Surveyor," demands a
short notice from mo loth as I am to
notice such things to which Miopc in
justico vou will give place.
In the latter part ol the paragraph
you say "when any work is to be dono
it is let to irresponsible parties nt a
lower price than that allotted by lau.
Now, Mr. IMitor, you should not
havo suffered yourself to bo misled in
making such a stntcment, without en
enquiring a little more into tlio facts.
On page 80:2 of tho Code you will
see that tho County Survivor i allow
ed four dollars per day fonV'evory day
necessarily employed iii' 1111 veying
roads and inakinir out tho plats." Hu
i alo allowed ten cents per mile trav
elling to and returning Irom place of
insvcy. II .Mr. Howard will work for
tlicso legal lees, thu county court, I be
lieve, would not think ol employing
any one cite; but when, ns he has done
!u every case heretofore, he charges
1I10 count V5"vcii dollar per day, nud
all expenses paid beside, equal to Irom
eight to nine doilnis per day, he should
not complain it the County Cotnt pass
ing over the remedy provided in sec
1 1, same page ol Code, simply employs
other and competent surveyors to sur
vey the roads nt a consideiabie less
price than he savhu can afford to do
it for.
I lcaxc it to those who aro acquain
ted with Mr. I.iudley nnd Mr; Meyer
to say whether they an rcponslblo 01
"irresponsible" when noting unih-r the
oath tho law requires them to take.
As to your siying "County Judgo"
instead ol County Court, I suppose It
is owing to a mlssappreheiistou ol the
(net that when Ir.iiisicting county bus
ines, the Court consists of three per
sons instead ol one.
L. .1. C. DfXi AN.
I. o"oTo'f.
The following is clipped limn the
S.dein I'niKiiUt :
Gii.M Orrii kiis.- The Giuml
Lodgi1 ol Odd Fellow, lor Oregon,
Washington nud Idaho completed the
business beloie it yesterday, nud ml
joiirned, The nffieeis (or (fit ensuing
year are .1. M. tbieoii, of Oregon City,
Grand Master; Win. Dierdorll, Port
land, Deputy Grind Master-Joel Pal
mer, Dajlon, Grand Wiitdcu; C. N,
Terry, Salem, Grand Secretary ; I. It.
Monies, Salem, ff. Tre.iMiicr; A L.
Stinon, Salem, Grand l.eiircsentntivc.
Tlio appointive officers aie P. S. Knight,
Salem, Grand Chaplain j F. S. Ostheim,
Portland, Grand .Marshal, D. M.
Ihompson. Allunv, tiraud Coiiduc
-.Shelton, Wnlln Wnlla, (.rami
Guardian It. C. Geer, Silverton, Her
ald. The District Deputies nro Dis
trict No. I J W. Miller, 2. Archie
FiKiua. !l. A. Holdcu, -t.. I. L. Artier,
S. N. Fisher, 0. D. M. Thompson, 7. P.
Mctscliau. 8. A. ISonuer, 0. J. Lyman,
10. ,n.C. C. Hewntt. P.'. W. M.
Shelton, i:i. K. Scliutz, 1 . D. S. Kin
soy, 10. F. S. Oslheiui, 10. Jns. Kiloy.
17. A. J. Apperson, 18.. .
Piikshxiation. Last evening at tho
Odd Fellows re-union, Dr. Loryea, for
tho members of the Grand Lodge, pre
sented to P. G. M. Silas J. Day. n fine
heavy Howard gold watcli and chain,
as a token ol their personal esteem, nnd
thu maiiuer in which ho has performed
his official duties within tho past year.
Mr. Day was completely taken by sur
prise, and so moved wns ho by this
measure of the good will shown him by
his co-laborers, that ho was only able
to acknowledge tho compliment, and
protniso always to try and bo worthy
ol the coufldonoo of his brother Odd
Fellows. Tho wntoh Is 0110 of tho
finest timo keepers mndo at tho Wal
thnm factory, and purchased of Mr, J.
II. Haas, of tiiis city for $225.
The biune paper also says that Mr,
Day contributed $2,G0 to tho watch
fund, under the impression that it'was
for a poor widow, thus being bcuefittod
by his own good deed.
SunoicAL Oi'kiiatio.v. Alfred U.
Haines, a Ituuohman residing near
the Toll House,' on tho Yrcka road who
has been suffering for several yean
from necrosis' of tho ulva on Thurs
day ojf ttiii week had his arm subjec
ted to the. operation of excision of the
bono, which wna skillfully performed
by Dr. Qrube, of this place. Tho
operation was a very severe nnd tedi
ous one, but was performed whilo the
patient was under the influence of.
chloroform, nnd gave him but little or
no paio.
Klamath Items-Pilot Reck.
Klamath Agency, May Id, 1800.
On the 0th inst., a party of twelve
J men from Lane county, arrived hero
' on their way to Gooso Lake, having
been two mouths on tlio road from Eu
nt... .. .i.f- ..i ti i. ..i
geno City to this place. They had
much difllcutty in crossing tho inouu-
tains, and were for a long whilo snow
cd in near tho summit. They icport
about thirty miles of snow on that
route, frequently about eight feet deep.
Three of the gentlemen are named Tom-
I pleton. These men aro not often turn
cd back by ordinary obstacles, two of
them being tho sanio Tcmpletons that,
with two otiicr men, wintered on tho
head waters of tho Deschutes, a year
ago last winter iu such close proximity
witli tho Snnkcs. They represent that
tlio web-loot peoplo havo a great dis
position to travel in the direction of
Gooso Lake; but il they soon try the
the higher roads it is piobabic that
many ol them will cool their nrdor iu
the snow "banks ol thu Cascades.
Twelve hundred head ol cattlo nnd In
numerable squads of land hunters nro
said to bo in the footsteps ol the Mes
srs. Templeton. Gooju Lake is un
doubtedly a Hue large valley, possess
ing upuy natural advantages, tint thero
is not quite enough room lor everybody.
A part of the people ought to remain n
few days and seo if they cannot eke
out an. existence where they me. The
new country lever is a learlul conta
gion, hut home prosperity should be a
disinfectant, .sufficiently effective to de
prive it ol much ol its power.
This morning wu ure having n fine
rain, which follows a showery night.
We now feel confident ol 11 good crop.
After plants get a good start hero little
oilier moisture than our heavy dews is
required to keep them growing.
Considerable sickness is univ preva
lent among the Indian children. Two
ol them havo died within the hist few
day. D.ivo Hill, nu Indian of consider,
able note, who lost one of them, is so
heirtbrokeii that he is constantly
glial ded by his relatives, lest hu might
lake his ouii life Directly after the
sad circumstance D.ivo wa missing lor
four days, during which time a largo
portion of the tribe was in thu moun
tains htiutiu;' lor litui. He was finally
found iu the vicinity of thu Klamath
Marsh, fasting, having abstained limn
iinv lood lor llireeor lour davs.
For the present, no more.
Ki.'.muii Aukm'V, May 20. -IJaiii-i
ig a good shower this morning. Mr.
Smith and another gentleman, with
their herder?, Imvc just an i veil Irom
Lino county, with ne ir eight hundred
o.ittle for S.ior.tuicnto. They go vti.
G ,ose l..ik... They represent that they
broke u road through the Cascades, on
n ., !.... 1... 1..11 1 ..
viiKiii '.. uiin i-.wi u iiiiiuweii in
a ilaik inglit. I hey think tho snow ou
that road will not bo troublesome to
travelers iu a week. Wo understand
this morning that a drove ol rattle
crossed 011 tho Itoguo Hiver road with,
iu the last few days now on Wood
Hiver, a lew miles north of hero.
Fourth of July Celebration.
Thu following nrcthc proceedings ol
the meeting held at thu Court House
on Saturday, tho 22d inst :
The meeting wns organised by the
election of John Hilger Chairman nnd
O. Jacobs Secretary.
Tho Chalngun ktatcd tho object ot
tho meeting,
It was moved and carried that lb,!
nnnnl., nl'll.l ..... 1. .!.... -.. I .'I
,v,jiiu ui nun luiimj ui-ivurniu ill ou-
coming maiinor tlie coming Fourth of
A Committee ol thrco was appointed
by tho Chairman to report a general
order of business, consisting of V. II.
S. Hyde, II. Hreitbarth nnd Herman
They reported verbally, altera short
absence, recommending that u Com
mittee ol six bo appointed by tlio
Chairman to report nt a subsequent
mooting ou a general order ol arrange
ments, Tlio recommendation wns
adopted with the exception of tho Ap
pointment ol a Committee nt this meet
ing to secure an Orator, Header and
r.i I..-..
The following gentlemen wero ap
pointed said Committee of General Ar
rangements: II. HolmiiB, I. Sachs, J.
Neuber, William Fiddler, II. Hreit
barth mid J. A, Cavdwell.
Committee on Sneaker, Chaplain and
Reader, N. Langcl, W. H. 8. Hyde and
B, F. Dowel I.
It was moved and oarricd that tho
proceedings of this meeting adjourn to
next Saturday, at 2 o'clock p. in,
JOHN BILGKR, Chairman.
O. Jacohs, Secretary,
1 t .
It aiuioad Saloon. It is understood
that the cars nre to atop at Praetors
just long enough to onablo tho passen
gera to taku a nlco drink.
T.. nn..
aiienee. bo cull. hi. Mi.Mi.i.m t,-
..RMIroad Saloon" an gnannteet the
coolest glass ..( Irger to bo had in
Klamath Items-Pilot Rock.
. Yesterday Mr. I-orrcsl, of fcug.no
Yesterday Mr.
City, arrived this far on his pilgrimage
to Goose Lake. Ho was preceded on
ii t i
the same day by a company of Lane
county pcopto with a wagon, tlio first
that has passed through on the Pcngra
flit Qims Alt 1 if ritaf fntinrtsl
now nbout ten miles of snow, averaging
lUmU III I.T l'IH illli' ' VllViJk Hirwivu
about five feet, though for a portion
the distance eight. A number of wag-
ons, nnd droves of cattto and sheep nro
getting through with difficulty. Mr.
F, Is only tix days from Kugono hav
ing mado extra good timo considering
the condition of tho road. The Goose
Lake fever rages in webfoot with 111
abated fur), and many weary foot-soro
pilgrims wend tticir way towards tho
promised land.
David Hinloy Kj., from Hoguo
Kiver, arrived here a few days ngo
with a drove of horses, bound for John
Davs Hiver. Ho remained here adny,
employed .1 guide, and went on his way
rejoicing :
Col: Ilatton nud Maj. lliowii, of this
Agency, have just roturned from a
prairie-breaking expedition at the Mo
doo camp, about twelve miles Irom this
place. The Indians report nil quiet
there since their departure.
Captain McGregor, and our new
Quartermaster, Lieut. Thoiburii,ol the
2nd Infantry, arrived Imm Jacksonville
on Monday last. The new Lieut., who
seems an admirable young man, visited
us yesterday.
There is n disposition to have a grand
pic-nii or Lako expedition b) the Fort
nud Agency peopl soon, which may
culminate iu something worthy of a
n few drops ol ink judiciously arranged
011 paper.
The Indians nro usually healthy and
prnspcion. Tliuy show a growing dis
position to pinulato tho whites In vari
ous ways, and now take a lively inter
est in cultivating thu soil. Many o
them nro engaged iu unking rails get
ting ou'. building limbers, and other
wise laboring liko eivili.ed people.
They nro assisted iu I. inning to the full
extent of the means at hand.
A lew days ngo Li Like, tho head
chief, who has nerved for about thirty
ye.iis, was impeached for imbecility
and other causes, nud nimtigcmciitti
were made to elect a tuirciMsnr accord
ing to tho principles ol republicanism.
Accordingly n convention was called,
"many spirited nnd ntriotic resolu
tions" were adopted, nud Allan, David
and Itl.iw were placed in iiomiuatioii-
I'iltil A',i, Iiiiitn. iio.iitv-iih- fiiiiiniiiii..
111 ,,,. . ' ,
ed Ins nu willingness to accept ;i noun.
' real earnest, public addreses wero ill-
j livercd iu various parts of the country,
'nud riding from one village to another
i. ........ .
mr eieciioucering purposes was such n
contintioti.s circtimstaiicu that thu ag
gregalo amount ol horse tlesh at thu
timo of I ho election was probably about
half what it was nt tho commencement
ol the campaign, Tho women took n
lively interest in tho contest, nnd the
result was much fluent language- and a
vast deal of hair-pulling pass
time. At length tho great day
came, and Allan David, decidedly
the best man fortho position that could
bo found among the red skins, wns duty
chosen ns High Chief
W, C. .My or nrrived with his train
nt Link Kiver, and goes towards sun
riso again today. His many friends
wish him nhundunt success in his ardu
ous undertaking, nnd a return to Koguo
Hiver in n yenr or two. Messrs. John
P. Walker, V, Waller Myor nnd Wm.
Hrown, of Ashland, who Qcoompanied
him ns far as Link Hiver nro now so
journing with us. Thoy mo delighted
with the nppearanco of our country.
Tho report that tlio Indians on
Spraguu Hiver mado hostile demonstra
tion! towards tho Messrs Longel, or
other persons, is entirely without foun
dation; Tho Indians in that valley
were nover so disposed to conduo
themselves in n becoming manner to
wards the whites than now.
Klamath Agency, May 0th 1800,
Snix Paying Hicii. Wo havo been
shown Bomo exceedingly rich quarts
specimens from tho Norfolk and Lodl
leads at Cottonwood, which we should
judge if crushed and panned out would
show at least $4 or $5 gold to tho pound
of rook. Tho gold is scattered quite
liberally throughout a good deal of
tho rock, and plainly perceptible to the
naked eye. Tho owners of tho leads
aro sanguino of waking their fortunes,
and could not be induced to name any
price to bcII tor. YrtAtt Journal.
Fast Tiui. 0 days 17 liours and 28
minutes from New Yerk is tho fast
est timo yet made by a pass.ingor. At
the same timo a Brontloinan arrived lft
i days only from Paris.
illnp. tlm nirrnliini ..( i. a ..?
..... ' - nwn
I .. , ,'i , crM,IBg
,. .. . i incrcliso-
disc. He has purchased tlio .
. . . A . ' ., a Mtire
,:,-' T, ... ' a
nnmtint iltnti ll.....t I.!.. . i ..
. ,, ' ' -",,
( Four Joxka Hack. There
of Jt slock in training here for tho r.i
is soma
. " 'nR'j" uiuiuy, ami wc would lik
l0 so an Oregon horse wip0 out id
1 --. across ine iinc-just ons.
CllAN.IK.-J0lin (..
ins sold his interest in the Shn.,
courier 10 carter, formerly of tlio Col.
per C,tu Pwnttr. Carter Is an .,,;.
siastlo Republican and will make th.
Courier a. good paper.
1 . . -
TI- follm-lng lUt cf Incomes In J.fVtos M,
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Uciiljt Krnl
Oirrn A V
Onli John
rrlm I' l'
I'fcsler A
I lul
.Slilplr T II D
SCll .-'ill
VlifiilirM Irtln
1 in!
sllmifh cub. in
2ilslSlliii-rli I 11
l.lJllljTli.i'iipoi J
I.ITi'lTurncr Win M
Llisrriiuriiiun J.i
1.0Q0 Ullraio A
'.: 11 blii J 11
rOl.W.lker KF
illiiirman Wm
lUr-rtJInc It II
Hull Ssiiiiicl
lljr.lc W II .V
llu.-ilen U 3
Mi Jacob
11)0 Walker Jnhn I1
I.OUOlWalkrr Xllnui
$5noTlioiufo l4ie $ioif
ir!tjrcr rt V
t.VNCII -On Ms Sin, la ll,e v-ire of (5t
l.vnch,lii lti liriire, ailiujlilir.
TICK - On .May S3tli, tolhe nlfe of Jobs Tki
UIih.h Mill anil dsilgliler.
ItADKK -May 'Jllli, la tt wife of Jickiva R..
Wr, 11I limit Crk, lulu ihu;lit.r.
VOL'.N'd-ln Jacktniivlll. Vii-J;! Hi;
'lilli. Krunk tiuncllit'tk, nn nf Ceo. 11.1 l
l.i'.iv Vim in;, aj-.nl ayrsr. Uiujulb. ti.4 ti
iUy, of Memlir.tiiiM Croup.
N l:.W TO-DAY.
1 1 til I nun .-.iu riiiiM.ln, uhirc k lupst-
! vhistol. anil I nnur rtihlnif the Inn-it ill
1 IkM -r(-ets IikIc III Vwllitllitl t't UUlW
,i0 jacki..iflU.',cu.i..ili.ji.i uit of.
lOUOajHIK-. liltT GOOIM.
nrS TbK'&S. mShSt?
1 flOCKCItV. ril'ATIONAIir.
paints; &c, w.
Which I nlT-r fur sak on llm. or fr woslrr
proiluc.nl tirlex Ibsl will drfy ill coapitl
lion. Will italuoi si lil uopral oo ill
ih tillli.
1 llkf to cell (77Vo.li cheap, ! I sow bars
lh iiains of -lllnj gotxli cbctpir rt8 y
llniu In Jack'on counly, nd lll WP n1
nama koo. Iff It twt nm. , ,
A'lilaiid Woolen -'olory'(looli rUlW it
Un nor cent, (for cah) aliote lh rtfjotf
vibolMale prlw. It. U. UABCiPWR
Wilt purchaie all lliclr goodi tt Dsaa'i-t"
ebiapoil store Iu Iowa.
f .n:,
RKVouniox at
JUti Work sMtly eiwultd a lk ttwrnsu-OMtw.'
V ,M i '