lit 1 I ft TINEL. SAtUwuir afojurlNo, May 22, 1800. r TfltKJk-ia.taKa.-'v "W. jut -ac . ae:.T The Card Flayer and the Bishop. A good itory used lo be tohl ly (I think) Pierce Kngnn Ilia citlor, Svhicli is a goru in itn wny. " Tim Uishop ol Ii was a man ol eminently social and congenial habits, and, could heartily appreciate) a good joke. An eccentric of any kind would bring' more joy to his heart than n hundred liturgies or orison.'", and when ho canio ncross any thing ol the kind Iio gave it his entire attention. One warm day in summer ho was traveling in a pail ol Lancnsh ire, and had stopped at n hostelry to shaltu ofl the latigiiu nml the tltist ol his journey. After taking a snack of lunch, ho wandered out iu a pleasant little grove that stood convenient lo the inn, which was duliciouly cool. Hearing the Bound ol voice.", he peered through a hedge ol bushes nnd beheld a man sitting on the- root of a large tree, villi two linuds dealt for a gamo ol cuds, nnd giring vent lo excited ejaculation. "A lunatic probably," thought hW rovcrauro and nt the same time coughed i!igltly. The man ratsed hi head, but hi eyes wrro not, devoid of reason, and he -bowed respect fully to the shepherd. '.My son," said (ho Ithhop, "von reviii quite beside yourself. May I nrU what you arc engaged nt J" "Ccitainly," replied the man, "I am having a rubber with (Sod." This convinced hi, reverence ol the man's lunacy, mid nt the sumo timo lie raw no hai in in pursuing tho subject. "And how does tho luck run?" said tho llishop," blandly. "I havo no chanco nt all to-day," re plied tho man, throwing tho cards down in disgust; I already owe him onu pound four-and-six."'- 'And how do you pay your 1oschV" "Oh, he always sends some good person, to whom I make over tho amount lor tho poor. I sco you nro a clergyinan, sirj pray tako this and uso it 'as you think proper," and ho coun ted outol n well filled purse tho amount lie had mentioned, which tho Hinhop necepte,d without scruples ol any kind, lie then bid his tdugular acquaintancci good day and returned to thu Inn. Tho money was judiciously laid out fcr clmritahlc purposes. J-'or many days the prelate, did not hco his flighty friend again. Ilo hap. pencil to be going tho same way soon after and pacing that spot forbidden to clergymen, viz: tho tap room of tho tnvcrn, tin beheld his ncmiaintancu polaeing himself wath n tumbler of no gits. His revcrenco sat sentry for hoiiio timo iu a window nbovc, and alter while saw the, man emergo from tho inn nnd dispppear iu tho grove. Don iiing his ehapcmi, ho followed in tho trail, nnd after a littlo search found tho man as before, seated on tho root of a troo with tho pasteboards spread out beforo him. "Well, my son," said tho llishop, pleasantly, "how runs tho luck today ?" "Bettor, bottor thank yon," replied tho gentleman ; "I was flush of money, and have just won a Inrgo stake forty pounds," ,fA'ntJ how does God pay you," said his reverenoe, with a pleasant imilo nt tho man's foolish theory. t Ho sends nlong somo rich person, and," groping in tho pockets of his coat tail, 'thuy gjvo whatovor I havo won." Tho hand camo out of tho potskot with a jerk, and thoro waa villainous littlo black pinto!, cocked nrrd primed, staring his rovcronco tin. pleasantly in tho faco. His clerical kuocs kuocked together, atjd ho drop, ped his pocket book beforo tho extra ordiuary gamester. "I should say nbout twenty pound," said lie, taking a peep at its contents ; "but your timepiece, will settlo tho dill eronoo." Oil oamo tho Uishops watch, which was gold nnd gouty. "That's a fiuo ring you havo," said tho man,"but you may keop it " ad ding despondently, "remember, allow ing soTcntccn pounds foi thu watch, you aro still a tiillo in my debt, but you may do with it as you did with tho other." Keeping tho littlo weapon conven. lontly aimed, ho backed out of sight and disappeared. His rovoronco was out about two huudred guineas, but with a praise worthy appreciation of a good joko ho alterwards related it himself with great unction. ,A "ow 'j00 iiiTftmaiobTiiily, says tho American women nro the mol! beautiful in tho world. Koxt o them oomos the n.,gi., womcn t,,t", Till ARMY SUPPLIES. Oirac on iik A, C 8.. I Font Ki.tM.iTii, Oo.v , Mat lorn, 18C9, "0. f Fi;Ur',?"lW,lJ,7"d,.?!L'nnmMlcJ form, nnd tho Impossibility of or June. 1869. for furnishing ihe troop. Ac, at Foil Klamath, Oregon, with 1'rcrh Jl.-il Irom sit'ffifcMifc .Co arriSE lln-r lnl of good nniketablc quality, In crjttnt pnipolllvns of fore ntnl lilml quirtem, n-cfc, rlinnka and kidney Inllow excluded, nnd lo be delivered In such quantities n may Irom lime lo time ba rcti rnl, nml on such ilsyn m shall bo designate I by the Commanding Officer. Sealed proposals will nlo bo received nt the nme lime nnd pUc-. for Ihe delivery, nt Tort KUtnitb Oregon, of the following supplies, tlr.. ( 10.000) Forty lbouand hound of Klotir. (3.(1001 Three thmtntid pound of llncoo. (POO) Eight tiiiiulred pound of Ham. The Flour to be of good rjttnlitjr. In new strong sack, each Mck containing 100 pound. The ll.tcon lo be clear sides, well cured nnd smokrd. nnd put up In 100 pound packager. The Hams to I eood iiArkntftblcqiiidllj, thor oughly curnt sud nnoknl. nnd put up In rutin. lite ptckiicp. llic ikllwry of the nbovc HippIN mini com mence on tin- AM day uf Aunii-I, Wi, (If iu, 'lulriil) In H'lch iiufttilillex nt iln- cjiuitie i.t or t tin- cxiitine i.i oil liieieMlc-miy ilrinihd.nti.1 lhcdtlliry mutt i rampicieii oy mcJiiiiii nr .Noremir next. The liesutirnl nnd wondcrrul perioil In wlilch Jx;:a:!!N"!tlr ; - ,n:l!,w; I.Iiiiir Frifh llref, lloiir, llicou or lhm," ui , clmngo from child to wonnn, H looked for In Ihe cnc mjy Ire. , vnln i the parent's luiul blmli In nnxlely, nod llldlo blalrlp1ieal,nndllntne the price , r,i. ,i. ,.- i,,., ,Iti-, ,, i,. ,..,i. In coin. I'snnrnts lo be maYe br t.itiU Al.nt '"?' Rf"ve but wnltlng for Us lctlm. In lejnl temkrf Htibitcof piynienl. i The Flour. ItaCOII nnd llnitir Will b inltlCCl I to In'peellon nt I nrt Klnm.ilh Ori-con, lu'lorc boliiB recclrr.1 nnd turmenl nlll I md.i i,v Ihii Acting Ciinini"iiry or Sub-l-iAiice, nt ih rinl of Ihe ni'Oilh ilirl'i which the article or uiiieli" Inie Ii vn I -lltrtiil ami iie-i-ptii. If In fund', in ir ii'. I n Kion lliiri'i r in fund nro rrc-Iwd I.I teli bid inti'i lie by the names of twii ri-hiriMl'lo inrii Minl.f. Hint the b.d tcr will Willfully i-rlorm miy eontrnel wblc' nnr le nunrdid uudrr tli ndvciU'cnrnt lllilderx will bi reipilred lo give html w i'i ROfd mid f llflleleiil security fur the faithful p i lormanee of nuy conlraet whleh nnv b.- nwn-i. rd Ihi-m, nnd n copy of tlii inheill-cliU'iil limit Contractors to pay f..r this .idverlUemenl ! Ira ruu. , in.i.irrs nre iniieu to u pretcnl si tin op'iiliiR of Hie blil. i Tho right to rrjrct nny or nil Wd. I rwerved. TllnM S (J.MlVr.V. Idl.l.Mit. nlry, .1.0. S. Summons. j utuuiuiirs. IN the Citeull Court of the Slate of Oregon, f,.rl!.eC....,,lyofJnck'ou. rat 1'. McMauus. tiUlutli!'. vs. Jnekfon Wnb ki r nnd Thntuas, defend mil, eull In ' iiiullv In fnirelixe Morli-ni-e. V.. I ".!... ll.ll. r n I Vou n,e, Minimi t.. appear In said Court. ' nnd itnsiter Ihecunplalut of said plnlulliT, tiled ngaln-t ton, wlihlii trn dtys fiom ihe ihiw of , lh sirtlec of this siimmiius on you, If srrtrd wihlii.iMcoiinly.orlfrrrri-,lon lou within ' nuy other -oMniy In thl State, tden nllhlii ' Iwpiitr days from the lime of the iirvfcc. or If served on you mil nf tho State of Oregon, then ll Isordirul by the Court Hut publication bo made lnr seven tvteks lu the Oregon Ksntinku prior to tho fecund Monday In June, A. It, m .tnd j"it mi-nmtrl-d t'.al. If ym fill to ana ttrrsutil eouiphilul it ulnt.- rii ill. 11. the plain lllf will nppty In tliel'oiirl lor Ihe rdhf de-UMtid-il Ih-'rvlu, to wit : Torn judgliitfiit ugnlmt you lor the sum of SI.J.V.I :i gold coin, with Inlcrrit ihi'iron nt the rale of per cent nr frntii tho iliy of A. l. iscy. nnd for a Decree for the forrclomrc given to strure the mne, nml Ihe ol uii dlitmsc- in'iils or tli! action to 1-c IhvuI f2ll.l llllili-ff. ln lirth.l flit. 'LI ,v .f I. ..II A. I), lew, li. JACOIW. I Atl'y lor phlnlllf. ' ; " hoini'l-s A DiMillllou To Claiiiiiuii. TOV nro hereby iiulined Jhat John W'.Chrl llliil in thl. Mllce their amdtvll alleging lht you abandoned tour donation claim on N I.'. j of;si!i;!:tene!eV:i!rcr lied with Hie reipilrtmeiit ortheilonallon law, by raiding upon culllvalliiK Mid lrai-i lour ra.Hr ullLe, uiid unless vou itnnear on or ln-forj Ih it day nml iil&r soma evidence In supiort of your will bo dccimd abiiiUoued cud cnu cvted. Dated Land Office, lloielmrg Oregon, May JOHNKKI.LV, Uegliter. Anniiov It. Flint, ltccclvcr. AGENTS WANTED-fJO A DAY, TWO IU MAPM FOU $1, LLOYD'S l'ntMit Revolving Double Maps WXSfr&W&WAJltoS .,, ... ,,.,,. mmv v.M.r. I flltl:Krtat Jtifi.e.nwjmi rrini.l.ttl, 04 r.J luilitt . .1,rK't,,.",y!',rr1""'"'"l"il'',llllUrwi4. I to.Ut.,ui,1tU slirrnllvu. In Hit rrloii. hiirin mi iililiniiiiiisr siulr, C4II lt.4 -n.............i:.ii. '7"..V .'".' ui on. ip, ' front, sii.uiijrtM,i i.roiui.i it.i r. n ,,., Cunni A 1 1 r..r ClrciiUr trriu., n. .ml n,..n., f.r nn.l Ms S ou,l. Mt. lint, lfuol .!.) tik.n lMrk i.n it. diuM. J.T. I.UUli, SJ G'llt.nlthlr.M.N.V. A SPLENDID HOME For Sale. Tho subscriber offrrs his splendid resldenco on Ihe corner of 0 und Oregon Sl for sale to u cu!i cuitomer nt an i inu- ..ri.n .tiui. u i ihiku iiik-ouiii citrn lu 'fc AgrnU. The lot Is KU by M feet on whTcli U n (louse wiiii every monern cunvenleno nml a snlntan. tlal Imrn. ft siletidid well mid also n supply 0f water carried la nines from a i,..v... rnm- sprlng. On tho prcwUeili etiry unnlv nl iruii anu a eiiolco rejection of liuwtis. It ii ba cold for rasA. ICtnjiiIro of , , . .. L.(3"A' Jacksonville, March lath UC9, if, BOUND TO DO IT v'UiP. C. MLLPDA IS HOUND .TO wnpir ACCORDING TO TIIRJ TIMES. xi HUltsii SMOKING At reduced nrlpn fnr r...l. H dlStrhwwk .. ... .w .EM lit imm, """' '""" ,c"'a mac2lf JOWorku-tly ew,M at (he Ssntiksl MANHOOD. IN TUB VOl'NIs nnJ ruing generation, the Trgctativc powers oflifcsro strong, but In a few years how often the pallid hoc, tlic lack-lnstrc eye, npplicallon to menial effort, show Its baneful Influence. It soon become evident to the nb - "? ,;,,utc u chf' frig Ihcilcvelopmenloflhcbody. Consumption j, i,(.,l (,f nml perhaps tho youth ii removed ' , , ' . . .. ,-,,. ThUIn . '"" school ann i-ril into the country. J hli is ' one of the worst movement, llcmovcd from ' W(jnat, diversions of the eve rchnnging scenes . , '., ,. , ... - ,. ... , ., . ol the cllj, the porter s of the bod; too much enfeebled to give X'ft lo lirnllhfiil nnd rural exerclie, thoughts ore turned Inward npon thrnmlvff. If the pitlent be n female, the approach of the mcnc lookeil for with nnxiely, n the fir.t symptom In which Nnlnrc l to show her mvlng power In diffmlng the circulation and vliltln.i; Ihe iherk wllh tho btonui of lie.ilth. AIi I inereno if npietile ha grown by whnt It fed on ! the cntri?h of the nmtem nre in . . ' . ". . . . ' ImIciI, nnd the wbolc economy II ilcrnmted Hf.i.tiine.n's KtTnT Ilfcutf, for Weak- no. nrillnn. Itnm r.. nr n.rlr li..llirrllin , , ... ., , , ". , .. ntlcnded with the following ympnnM : polllon to Kterllon, nf Power, l.t" of Memory, lliflleulty nf llrcalhluj, ticncrul Venknes, Horror of Diese, Weak Nerver, Trembling, Hrendful Horror of Death, Night .Sweat, (Vd Trcl. WnkcfulneK, Dimnee of Viniiui, I.nng.iup, Unleral Lvsltude of the .M.i-ithr Hvlem, Ufien Knormiu Appetite 'Ii lljipiptle Symptom', lint llnndi. 1 .f'l'nif of the ltijcly, Drync of the Shin, I'ullid Countenance ninl lCrupllnni on the 'io; ,,"i" ,n ,,IC ,,,ck- Hnmm of Ihe r.jtlhb. IVeipienlly lltoek Spit Flying More the tl. with Temporary Siilfimon and Un ol ui i . w . u. .i .. . i i ii . l"M' " ',n, ,,f Attentlim, (Jreat Mobllily. IteMlwincs. with Horror of Society. Noth- II? 4 ,n(iri) nimble l(, , pMlent than Soliliido and nothing they nute dread, fur -riir 0f 'I'lirmjelre j no Repose of M:i Kirneitness, no .SpecuhtTldn, bat n Trnnslthm from one .mr.llon In innsr, no hurrleil rrnnslthiti from one iniestlon to ntioilnr. These ymptom. ifnllowol logo mi hlrh this Med'clii" Inv.trlab'y tcnnvei ooti follow ' ' ,,'"f' ,,-'V' n," l:l''l',lc "' ' one of which the palhiil may expire, pdrTng Ihe ef Dr. Wilson , ,, ,,, , , .,. ,, , "' ,,lC l'oommgdalj Asylum. IhU mid retull occurre.1 to two patient ; reason hnd lor n time lift them, nn.l both dbl of tpllepy. They were of both sexes, nml about twenty years ol nitr. Who can say that these ercesse. nre not fre quently followed by thio direful iIIsmts In sinlly and Consumption T The record of the Iii'auc Aiylum', uiid the melancholy ihiitlnby (Vniiinpl!on, bear umpte witness In the Irulli of these o'vrtium. In Iinutic As.tlumi ihe mint iiielsiH-lioly rxhiblilon appears. The countenance Is actually sodden nnd rpille ds. Iiliilr i.eithir Mlrlh or Crief ever tUiU it. "Ito'iM sniui'l or the voice occur, It Is randy urllcnlale. "ttilh wo.f,iI measure wan D.sptlr Itw Millinn.iiWlLHriffli-lli.iill Wl.ll.iu,. we regret the ixlstence of ihe u'iovo disease nml symptom, we are preptrul to ofl'.r on In '"a'doglfl of chemtjlry or the removal of the ' consnpirncs : llri.wnoi.n' llniiu.v Covcr.N '"""; rTt,u t.i. ) no ""' IlKC '' ''' ' anihor ofhoK' to the surgeon and patient, mid this is Ihe listimony I'WI.. .umi iij lining ibis nun iieauri I'verywnere. 1'rrparnl nt 1I.T. IIKLMIIOLD'S Untg and Chemical Warehnme, S3 1 llroadiray, Sen York. it e o o m riTITa T I O X s. Griut Salt Lakk Citv, Uthi, Juu. 28, 18C8. Mr. II. T. Ilei.vini.D : Dear Hie: Your communlcMlmi rrmiMtln' one terms f0r B,1"f,l8l,' w ! received, but from A WCil Ui ce I liflil rnrmoil n.mlii.l ,!r,,,i!.l., I. I'lllll icures IWtrCll. w t '--' 'H for K-crel diseases," it wnj left utian- - 'Miii.i, u.i ai.v;iuriiiui roiirerfn on il nn ..aM..-I .. I" ' I'rug Sloro my mind was clmiised on ",e cliarnctcr of your lleriio. It was then highly commended for other diseases by two, pnysicians present. Inclosed plcao find our rates of advertising. Your, Ac. T. H..II. STKNIIOUSK, Kdltor and Proprietor of Daily nnd Scml-Weekly Telegraph. N. Y. 8. Vol. I.nrtiti'ts, Corner of fith Ave. & 7Clh St. Central Talk. (A Homo and School for tho Hons of Decened Soldiers.) Dr. II. T. IIkluiioi.d: Two hollies only of tho package of your vuluable Uuchu presented tn the Institture havo becu uaed by the children, nnd with perfect success. In tho xaw of our little Lieutenant A. J., his pr.ldfli no longer mor tilled, nnd he Is free from tho dally morning anathemas of the chambermaid, who has chargo or no bedding. I feci that a knowledge of mo result or oor use or your Huchu wjlh tho children under our chargo may save many a Superintendent and Matron of Hoarding Schools ami Asylums a great amount of annoyance; and many a poor child suffering more from utakntn than Irom habit, may lie spared punishment, that is (not knowing it as a weakness instead of it bad habit) most un JnHly Inflicted upon them. Thanking you on beho of tho children, and hoping others may beallko benefited. ' I am respect fully yours, COL. YOIINn. (Jcneral Sup't, and Director. June 1C 1.8CC. UNION LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE, Comsiock S' Cawley Vir'oprietors. ti. t,fnnrlpfni futc feeenlfr Mirtlmfed the above well-known fMnilifllnnled on the corner ('ntiruinln mill 4th SlrrrU, Where the very bet hote nnd buggies can ! hnd nt nil lime, nl rratnnnhlt raten. Their stock of road'lir? cannot lie eiptaled Iu the Slate. 1IOH3KS IJOAIUIKI) On reasonable lerm. and the bel care and at ti'iillmi I ic-1 owed iiioii Hum while unilir their charge. Alo HOUSES 1IOUOHTANI) HOf.I). Heine rallrfled flint they csn give sntlfnclIon, Ihe proprietors eollcll the patronage of Ihe pub lic. Jnckmnillle. NorctmVr 21th. lffifi. decStf "EXCELSIOR" lilVRHY STA.lili (in Orroii Mrrtl, Jnthtomillf. 13 PLYMALE & MANNING. M.tvlns Jit't recrl 11 from Francisco n line ilixjk or IIAItNKSH, IIUOniKS .v CAUHIAOia. We are prepared lo fnrnMi our pttroii, and tin- public ei'iiernlly. with a TUUNOUTS A can be hid on Ihe I'acllle Cntst. Paddle-liot-r. hlrid to po to any pari of the country. Animal IICUdllT AND HOLD. Illor.e I rnke lo work single or double. Ilnr sn bmudiil. nnd IIh' brsl enr.i birtowid tiioii lliflii whll Inti'ir charge. rrrOl'lt TKIMIS AIIII Itr.APONAHLi:.- A liberal share of the ptiblle palrniinir.- Is solicit..!. I'LYMAI.IIA MANNI.Nti. Jaik-ontllh. 0;n., Ost, I7lh. HARNESS AND SADDLE MA2raPAGT0IlY. rnni: rsDr.u-iir.s'i:!) having immiohas I nl thr stuck til Henry JioUe, will cuillnui Ihe hllin" at tlio old sUli.l, on I'alUorilt.t Street, whiro h will prntide cusionurs with nil Arlleb' In lo. line, at rtdueul prices: llnt;i;V nml Wneoii llitrnes; AVltlllMIM I hip l.lslicf, Siulillf. Ilriillt-sniiil 1 1 ii Iter ; Slnrlit, Siui- c. hv. A hr.- a.irli:ii-ni of t'liurord Collar nnd fl j In rol eury nrliclu knoitn In the .S'uMI and II trne It n... I'arrlttf" liimiiilnu on haml, and ('arr'snei llliniiKil l order. Willi and dlp itch SPORTSMAN'S DEPOT! Ih. be.t dock of riiiis, patent nnd home limb' rills nml shot gun, riiiKlennd double; rri'filiri'r. nl Mm titln.i .ini.L..i ..1.I..1. neat, small nml iiotrful -, derlngtrs. the ltet nnd !(. .Ill llie.e good wnrrnuteil. ' Al . Ihe beu kind of pntrili-r nml powder. nik; all sorts of shot nml shot-pniichc! caps, everything In the sportsman's line, snM at ri'.vmialile rule. It'tulrlng chenply and pormplly executed ; nnd whoever doubts these words, need only call upon MILLER & RYAN. JackionTlllo. March 20th. .KElLOGG&Rill (Successors lo L. II. Ilenchley A Ct.) No 3 nnd fl Front Street, near Market, SAN FKANOISCO, I.MI'OHTKHS AND JOUIIKUS OF American, English ami German HARDWARE k CUTLERY ARrlciiMnrnl anrt Mining TmIs, Rope, Stool, Powder, FU3H.BIIOT, LEAD, KTO. so, Manufacturcn and 1'roprlelori of tbo OI3RRISH Bnbmerged Double-Actlnp FORCE PUMPS, Plnl.J V 3. A, Murrsll, Oct. M, ISer Tliel'limiMsf, Hlmplrsl, ami Stost Duralile Pump IN TIIK WUHI.OI Agfnt. for tnli Ccit. CuunU CU.: Itljliti fr sl.. March 27th 16G9. fi-m Notic to Stockholdem. The annual racetlnR of tho .Vtockholders of tho Uoguo JJtver Valley Woolen Manufactur IngLompany will bo had at Ashland on Wcdnes day tho 2Rtli of April, nrox, for tlie purpose of electing Directors for the timing year, and for tho transaction of such other business as may eoini before the wi-etlng. ' , n , J. M. McOALL, President: 8' fi0CKF,;:r'!'?W. Ewrclary; ytshland March27lh, ' w fafllfi Walk In OcnUcnicii & Lsulics ! WALK IN! And seethe JiVt Ppened ut the CITY DRXXG STORE. Von trill find just tho thing Hint trill mil yoo. especially If you arc n little tinder the weather, or some other malsdy pcrtudcj your system. Walk right In and ece the mot MISCKL.LANEOUS Stock of good crcr Itrrfjght to itockionrlllc. consisting In general of rP'irrJSA l'ATKNT, MI.DlCl.VI, "II00K8 .ffATlOSKIlV TAINTS A- C...M' COOICIXO KXTKACTS KANCVHOAI'.S, I'KUFU.MKIUl',3 SPICKS, HtcKle. Tou will find among other nnsccllancou goods, r.OLl) PKXS, (SOLI)KN 1'KN.S, STKKIi 1'KNS, PKXCILS, ltUI.KUS, I'OHCKLAI.V TOYS, VAS1 .t STA'ITKTTS, AMJU.MS, (HIT HOOKS, AND HOOKS TO A;;'. S ASA I'll ASS II A IMC, iir.ri:sToxi:, SI'ONGKS, cm-: aim of TAI.TAH, SO DA, (5I.KXF i i: i. i) ST.lltCH Jackson's Cclvlirnfrtl WASHING FLUiD which turn the horran of the wahlug day Into fun nnd frolle. II V e itinnt trll every thing wn 1 1 n v in one sin.ill nnee. If vou wnnl nnv- thing call in uml get it ; or if you should clnne.s to have nil extra quarter e.tll In and we will show you I'M! how lu six nd It. Sl"ITOX it STKAIIXS. Jacksonville, lee. Aili, lafiH. O DEE 353 A. 1? FOR CASH. A. FISHER & BROTHER, COItMIlt H' Callfonila ami Orrcnt Struct a, JACKSONVILLE, Ilav on hand a A LARGE STOCK! OF STAPLE DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, iLIQUORl, CUTLERY, OROOKERY, Etc. All of which will ho sola AT REDUCED PRICES. A. F1SIIEH A I)RO. Jacksonville. Juno 23th, IBdb. juti27-tf No Mor Foolisshnew.! Those imleblcd to mo aro informed that promises In pay ilont 'go"'uny longer. Patience Is cxbatiBlhe and I muW havo money. This Is Ihe last Call and at the expiration of thirty dnyi I will put nil unsettled accounts In the hands of lawyer for collection sure I H. CUO.NKMII.LKH. Jacksonville, March "JOllrlHiJO, t-f ifOTioii; "' My wife, Jeannetto Lacy, having left my bed and board without Just cnuso or provoca tion nollco Ii hereby glvcni that I will pay no ilobta of per contracting after this date, and all ilcraons arc warned from trusting or harboring her on my account. t , ... .. . JOHNLAOY, Jacksonville March 27th 16(19. Adminitrator' Notict. In tho matter ol the ICstato of Anna Sanhlv Love decenscd, Nollco la hereby given that tho undersigned lias been nppolnted Administrator of said estate and all persona having claims against said estate are reimlred to present them with proper Touehcrs at hi. Kesldenco In Jackson county, within six months from this date and all per sons endebted to said estate aro required to make, payment or tald Indebtedness within said timo at aald place i l ... .. AARON CHAMBERS. Jacksonville, March 13tb 18p. -w AIOKETIIAMOOOOO Pesr teftlmony to the WonderffiilCgf,,, KfTect of OALIFORSIA VINEGAR BITTERS. Unl!.slM4 rii-m lliMi.tlif hj ft,,. , fifnlt, nt ' The tJftnt IIIihM I'.nin.r. roll : mri.(MAtnt asw chrosip r.tii'i'Miti!.' .ipant.-T. Msi'Ki'SM rf l.NMiiMrioV in, Ih'M liITrtrtSh'U Wrinf Ij)-., mi. situ iiisKASi-s r. a" . WHirr, nixin. wiikh ii cn.rnr hnjaN m rswi) rf llir Iilllt STIVKIIItllANS cici'n.ilif ill lift ill ...l hffi.irj(.a fM it, it innil.. Ltiillnr llmsti lt. .kin in rimblM, n. tl' -'"! etan-ll l.n ti.ii B.l lirUirxtvlv In the "In. i lsn ii h.n It l r il. -l ?. r..Mii lll toll ; hu. nr.p ins uml iii, f..iiii ni i.n ;"i mu. i..p itn luasHM o.Ullllll. fx.ll. R. H. MeCOfJALD L QO, Druggl'li smt Agrnli, Cofh.r I'lnsstt .ihmhi Strxli, S.i ;".., f.1 sii.l ttt smuiliN tl, .nl 14 1'Ull Iti.ti, .V. t NEW lIAHDWAUlC" TIN AND STOVE STORE. iioiot & mm, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, Or. Oregon nml .Main Sti, Ai:k iicccivi.s'n. ani wii.i. cos . st.inlly keep on hand, n rsrlrly of OAlsr, ."loves, I'atlnr mil Dux fc'liitrsj Tlnwsts of veiy ileeripllon. Assorted IlitnWvnrr; riiU-Ctitlrrr', Agticiiltural Imiilriiients; Ilnr Iroa, Steel, Nnlla, anil Spikra; Paint, Oil nml dims; Tutu, Clntlirs Wringers, Palls nml UiuUrtstir. Ilolnj protldid wllli llin mot sppnrr.1 r sliliirry. we ate pr'pand In iiiiinljeliif'"rr ib-rcilptlnu of Tin and Sheet-Iron iHilsVtt untie-. Wn risp.clfully solicit a lUitfcf lU patronage of the public. HOFFMAN A Kl.lrm. Jacksonville. June Ililb. IMS. Kftif KOWTO KEEP" YOUR MONEY AT HOME. liny thu Woileti Roods nunuftclnred Ly lb nillJI'i: IIVER VlLLEV tf00lE5TB.l Who would respectfully announce Is lb lrl ami emintry generally tint Ihey arenowlnsiw eessfnl opperntlnt), and have on hands sod hr sale a large nsaorlinent of CLANKKTS, CASSIMF.Itia. TWKKIIS. I'L.tlN TWM.I.KI) CHECK H.ANNKI-3 .. Of (be best quail ly and at homo rates Orders solicited. A liberal dlwouat K ,ri,d , ..., A'bland.Ogti., Jan. 27lb I8M, l&"'- A' (iOOI) 1100k FOR AGET8t 'resources Of TUB PACIFIC SLOPE! A Hlatlilleil and Ulrorlptlre Fasnoiary of lW MliK'iand Minerals, Ulltnate.Topoirrapby. A rlcullure, Mauufnciurea, nnd Commerce of lh raoIRo States and Territories; Includlos bOW KltOALIFOUNIA. MEXICO, BlllTISII COb--UMIUAand yll.ASKA, BY HON. J.ROSS BROWNE, Complete In One Large OcUvo Voltme of 874 pgM, FriM W,W This Is the Cheapest Wark ever offered Is this market to Subscription Agents, and II compact with useful Information, INVALUA DLK to MKK0IIANT5, FARMERS, MECHAN ICS, Kto.. and Is or deep Interest to all clasMi 1'ublUhcdby Strayed or SUIm From tho residence of the ondersbrasd, llrlsf one-hair mile Kaat of llopwood'a Mill, Jstisea county Oregon, one bright bay ware, IS basas high, left hind foot whltt, no brands percelrs ble, works In barnen. Any ono flodlng aad re turning said mare to ny residence wlllreeelrs a reward or 10. J.J.SMITH. May 91b, 1869. Dif lolatica of OooortMnkiy TIIK Copartnership beretoTore axlttlaf kt tween tbe undersigned Is tblsdsydlsselrai by mutual consent. M business reJaUsg' the late firm will b asUIt4 J J WWJ. who will eontlaue lbs business at (ha MILLER RYAM. JacVionTlllsMaTfltli.UMst. 4 roductlon 9f ten per ean,t will bs m from tho abow slate c all workats fM told, ,1 Dr. Joieph Walksr't" U c . " i " 9 itfLtopk. h - a j XI