Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 22, 1869, Image 2

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    i f
Tim orih mm.
Sjituuhav iMoR.siNU, May 22, 1HCO.
Tho Right Hov. B. Wiatar Morris,
Episcopal Bishop of Oregon, has ar
rived in San Francisco.
The Commercial report tho nrrival
of n clean shirt, in Portland with Hen
tltyden inside of it. By thii time it
in whfch and tothcr with Ben and the
The. Oregon ttcratd thinks tho
world is turning topsy tttrvey, because
hens nro beginintr to crow and annimals
to talk Pshaw! Ifens have crmvod
ever since tho IttraUt come into rxis
tenco and Haalam's n spake many
thousand wars ajro.
Col. Drew, 0. M. Banks and John
McLatighin, thtcuold citizens of this
place have been heard of at Whito
Pine. Thoy nro travelling with n
splendid outlU and having a nlco time
on the money of some Sun Francisco
TotKRANOK? A circular has heen
posted in tho streets ol Bogota, the
Capital City of N'cw Oranada, mean
acing tho Protectant miniMer and all
other residents of the Protestant faith,
warning them to desist from the erec
tion of a placo of worship to he dediea
ted to Protestantism.
Indiana Hatifiks. Indianapolis,
SUy 15. In tho Homo of Hcpresentn
tires, Yesterday, the Fifteenth Amend
ment passed, notwithstanding that 42
Democrats resigned, leaving the Ilnuso
without n iiiomm. Tho chair ruled
that a quorum was not necessary to
ratify a constitutional amendment. The
Houso passed tho jnlntcsolijtion hy a
voto of ayes, 02 ; noes, none ; two Dew
ocrats and ono Republican present re
fining to vote. Seventy-seven mem
hers constitute a quorum-
Woukn and SrrniAOK. Tliis sub
ject is clahnrately discussed hy a l'lnr
nix (iirt"and".Mi.souri Oirl,"on our first
page. The latter successfully answers
sonio silly periods of an "Indiana Girl,"
hut her arguments will not shako the
faith of thinking men and women, in
tho good which will result from woman
suffrage. In our country they need
not liecwnio Egyptian slaves, lavvyots,
legislators nor cavalrymen; but they
ian protect their property ly their
votes, learn ninny good mid iielul
trades, and raiso nud educate tho in
fantry. P. J. Malonc, oueoa tcsidciit of Oro
gun, who was arretted in Sail Francis
co some time ago on the chargo of for
L'crr, has heen acquitted, and. affords
nt least ono instauco whero n man may
ho fortunate in being n Democrat. Had
Pat been a Republican it is difficult to
conceive tho amount of abuse and black
guardism that would have been show
ered on him by the Democratic press
of this State. As ii was, he was a
Domoerat and received not n itinglo
word of rcpioaeh except from bin own
Li'.c.w, Roimr.nY. Tho Yrcka papers
nro very facetious over a successful at
tempt of a deputy assessor to rob a
party ol Orcgonlans under tho plea of
collecting tnes. Tho practice of forc
ing traveller from this Stalo to pay
poll-tax immediately on crossing thu
line, or to pay tax on stock that has al
i tady been taxed to its full vnluelTiay
bo lognl, but is ceituinly very unjust.
Thcro would bo quite ns much juslicu
hUowii if the authorities of Del Norte
county should require themeiuhnnlHof
this place to pay taxes on goods in
transitu ; or that merohhndise shipped
from Now York by tho Ovoiland load
tlioiild bo taxed in uvory Statu tliiough
which it paee. Tho practice,
is 'an old ono with tho authorities of
Sjskiyou" c'onnty and in moht iiistancos
tho act ih robbery. The auth i mi of
California havo no light to tav citizens
of any other Stalo pasting through
their tcnitiy, this point having been
dt'otde'd.by thu Supremo Couit of the
United States, in tho ease uf pnfhcn
gcrs on tho Caiuden and Amboy rail
road ngaluat tho Statu of New Jerbcy.
Whero n citizen of this State goes to
California with stock or produce to eell,
ii may bo legally taxedwhen pair
ing through to Nevada it cannot lei
taxed; and in neither caw can tho au
thorities of California enforce poll tax
on si ciiben of Oregon. Until tho of-fieul-highwpymen
of Siskiyon stop
this practice there will bo more or less
.....V1.. ... 1 1 . Ii
. ' . ,"n "P ''y-wscsBor may ,
ittseouT Oi uiu ir, i n-n oo etnnrt .
far Ins o n I'cid
Railroad OranU.
11. F. Dowcll, Esq., writing from ,,. ! ffoliiicmi lofMS lio Noxoisdown
Washington to tho SmUml corrobor-1 , . ' ,,
ates tho idea which we have already upon secret societies Inarccent las
entertained, that Mr. Mallory in the total" he thus pays his respects to tho
House, am! Senator Corbctt, knew net -
tcrthan to suppose that they woic
working for the best interests of Ore -
. . .. . ...
railed grant to Oregon.-,,.
vyoinuu-uipi oi niu oh.Mi.AHL, iui tnuBL-
who have read tho Si'.nti.vk!., is super-
tlt.ous. Ther know B. F. Dowell ucv.
the amendment olVered by
Williams to savo the railroad grant to
Oregon 5" but for the benefit of the
JiiUrjH'lte, and all others who can on
ly sec ono side of a question, we will
repeal that they differed as to what
was thu het interest ol Oregon. Mr.
Mallory and 'Mr. Corhell honestly bo
lioved the old laud grant a poor thing
nt he!, mid wliollv iiiMifilcienl to in-
In.i.n ..tini:.i in rnn.inioi il.n rnn.l.
nml to atniMiil it noulil only liiiiiler unci j
.1..1... 1... Ol..l. !! n tintl.tf t tltil !
lllllllll. IiUIMIIIII l IV vunriliiiif Miv "-' 1
,. ' ,. , , ..... .... ,. 1
delay the State getting a better l.iud
Senator Williams, Dowell and oth
ers, bought best to nmend nud hold on
to tho old grant. The dilfeieiico ol opin
ion between them was a question ol
policy and not ol piiuciple. Eae'i and
ail of them were anxious to gel land
grants to assist in building railroads.
And all well knew a land grant could
bo obtained front Congress. For n
long tiiuu Messrs. Mallory and Corbell
were very sanguino of getting land and
subsidies siillieieul to build the io.nl
from Portland to near the Southern
boundary of Oiegonaiidthcr.cotoHuur
bohlt without delay. To this end they
honestly nnd faithfully labored night
and day. For this B. F. Dowell has
alway commended them, and every
good citizen of Oiegon ought to hu
thauklul,iiotwltlistnudiug they failed to
gel thu giant nnd subsidies,
their exertions and also the cxer
tious of Senator Williams nio
not wholly lost. Much light has been
thrown on the count iy and tho resour
ces ol Oregon. They have made many
fricuds 011 this suhjeut in mid nut ol
Congre,s, and eie long we uuy still get
11 grant of land, nud pel haps subsidies
to build thu road. II subsidies could
be got to build the road, il would hu
worth to Oregon forty such grants ns
the otic which grants laud to the H.it
sido railroad. Thcro is still a good
ehanco to get 11 belter grant than the
East-sido now has. It grants n libera!
amount ol laud, but in consideration
thereof it impose heavy burdens upon
thu company. The law "grants twen
ty alternate sections per milo (ten on
each side) of said railroad line; and
when any ol said nlteiuntp sections or
pails ol section shall bo found to have
been granted, sold, reserved, occupied
by homestead settlers, preempted, or
otherwiso disposed of, other lands, des
ignated an nloreai), shall bo (elected
by bald companies in lieu thereof, un
der the diieetiou of tho Secretary ol
the Interior, in alternatu sections des
ignated by odd numbers ns aforesaid,
nearest to and not more than ten miles
beyond dtho limits ol said'fiist-naincd al
teinat sections. But for this libcial
grant thu law imposes thu following
"Tho said companies shall keep said
railroad mid telegraph in repair and
use, and shall at all times trauspoit thu
mails upon said railiond, and transmit
dispatches by said telegraph inu f()r
the government of thu Tinted States,
when required so to do by any depart
ment thereof, nnd that thogoioriiiuent
at all limes shall have tho preference,
iu the use ol said railroad and telegraph
therefor at fair nnd reasonable rates of
compensation, not to exceed the rates
paid by privato parties for tho same
kind ol sen ice. And said railroad
shall hu nud remain a public highwnv
for tin-use of the L'owiiiiuMit ,a iii..
United States, fr.c of nt! t U or othtt
cAi,r.,e upon thu tranVpoitati,,,, , t.,
piopeityor troops o thel'n tedSlattf
and the sumo shall be transported "m
Bom iiMu hi, nn' vum, cunigu, mill ex
penso of the corporations or companies
owning or operating tho H.ime, when
o rcquhed by thu government of thu
United States.
U4 I.I .... ..I ..I II,,. ,... .1
('.vii'.iM'iu.Aiis. Tho woods in (hix
section are literally full ol these pests.
In many place, they nro stripping tho
foilage front tho oaks, but thoy appear
to be breeding pi iiieipaily on tho "chiin
isal" or grease-wood biiBhes. It is well
to see that they are kept out of orch
ards. rt.viN.l)nritm tho oast vreok m
... . . .'
nave oeen o.essect v itl, a copious and '
" ".Wiur rain. It eeitainlv eannof. fn
t., rt.m cv .pCI)t cro.(J
or wrote a lino while In Washington , "f "" .' mii mo ho leMy "iiother, her poor relations, orine iinnii .onu.M.se. .unho auiu tuav yo .".-
, , ,i . t Mil .. . i oul; to destroy till notions oiiiomsi, . I0liwl worker: w wear n ion- hac nn idea, ami then record it in the
orany whero eNo. that Mr. Mallory and tnllh ,, j u . to ,,,,, abroad J VJ?i K ptI liInir Kns- shorlist poibio tu.ms. Wo want
Mr. Corbett "know better than to sup- monstrous doctrines; to ""w"1 ""'' hj,'. .lilmhir own ninrLiiias; will thoughts in their quintessence. V.
pose that they were working for the' propagate hideous vices and inelUmp k)0W. 0W. t bake doughnuts; and will When tho nrtielo is complete, strike
.' . . . . M.nn.iln.nllpnl lllll iMlllllTO of IPIJI-I ' ... .- . T '. t . .. I.. .1-1.1 1- ...!.. .' 111...
The Tope, the Mmons, and the Odd Fo'
1 Masons and the Odd I ollows :
These impious sects, diflerent only
1 - . i.,..j i,.ntinr Imwrver.
milium: iv.iii"-" '... ..-----,
nposiono seat oo inuir uim, j -"
lential tracts scatterod everywhere, by
perverted ingenuity and diabol.ca
"IllLtMln ...It1.nlll t. ffk tll'flMll llril. Il IL
' '" "v.. "i' V, i iV: r..'i.
i ii'nfn infliiii.t iiiii i..iiiinnn 111111:11.
nnd to expel Ood from heaven.
'"!-i" """'.. ... '
We have no"lnteiior" knowledge of
tho nims or purposes of the Masons or
the Odd Fellow. But wo have al
ways supposed that they were b'enevo
lent associations, not in any way hos
tilo to true religion, nun nun mtj m
complished a vast ninotint ol good in
aiding llm sick, tho siilleiing and the
tile to true religion, ami that they ac
!...!!...... mi... V....-.I.. 7., l.i,.l.
Illllllllllll. I I i ill'lalllil 1lli1ltl.k1llVil'I
" " ,. '
n probably edited by n Maoti or an
. ( l ....I.
Odd Fellow, is highly indignant nt this
Papal fulinination, and comments upon
it in tho following rudo style:
Mis Holiness, or whoever wrote the
nbove, possesses some talent for invec
tive, but the paragraph is 11 string of
unmitigated falsehoods." S. F. Citron-
Mi'iuiitiioi'rt Assati.t on A SrAdt:
DniVKii. On Fiiday night last, soon
alter the stage had loll Kite's stntiou,
in Douglas county, on its way south
ward, a man named John Ross emerg
ed Irom the brush, armed witli n Hen
ry 1 tile, and thiowing up his hand or
dered llio driver, dnck Moiitgomciy,
to stop. The driver stopped his team,
and Rors advancing to within a lew
lcot,piuentcdhisritlc at Montgomery's
breast, savins. "Now. d u you. I've
ta. ih niriiiiiii inn inrriii :iiiii 11 . &
111 nntinMiif -"" ""-"-.' ' i ..'-.. i nni rum llm .iiiiirr niii nr t inn s c o i ill n ic i n 01 1110 nil leeiives. i lie
got j on," and snapped it. Fortunate- i' to appear helore the Recorder next
ly tlio gun missed fire, and Montgom- j morning. One of them did so and nf
ery, handing the lines to n pacngcr it,r severe reproof was allowed logo
who sat on thu "boot" with him, sprang
to tho gioiiud and wen', lor his revol
ver which was inside ol the coach.
Each fired almost simultaneously with
out cllect, nud thu te.im getting restive
Montgomery vn kept pretty busy.
One moment he was at thu head of a
hoise, throning it back to pievent it
bieaking iiuay the next in thu nir
like tin Iiidii-riibber ball, nnd then on '
thegioinid in time to givt his assail,
nut n shot, Eight or nine shots were
exchanged without damage, when the
hostler cMiiie liom the stablo and took
charge ol the team nnd Montgomery
ran for the bam followed by Ross. I
Jack had the advantnero now. nnd u.ive I
Ross a ball In the leg that brought him
a F n ,
down ; and it was with tho greatest
diflleulty that Montgomery was pre
vented front finishing the wounded
man. Ross was secured, and taken by
the Sherill to Roseburg on Monday.
Tho htae pasengcrs say that too
much praise cannot bo given to Mont
gomery for his presenco of mind nnd
pluck, a during the whole affair he
stuck to his team, nnd beloro ho ran
had unfastened two of the tugs. Had
he abandoned it a general smash-up
would have ensued, and pcihaps some
lives vvouldjiavu been lost. Tho Cir
cuit Court being in session, Ross plead
guilty and was sentenced to threu
yearn in tho penitentiary.
Si.lici: RoiuiKii Snoir For over a
year, Mr. Low Zigler, ol this place, has
sutl'eied liom tho depredations of non
tin mil sluice robbcis, and during the
Inst week, his sluices have been rob
bed almost ,ilghtly. On Tuesday
night ho watched his sluice, and about
half past ten saw a Chinaman pull off
his slippers and walk down in tho mid
dle ol tho boxes, cleaning up the gold
at tho "drops" ns ho went. Zigler ap-
in about twenty Hot and then
'"""i imni'i'ii ii) uiu roooer, 10 Willi
j,jm Ulu iHtUlm's 0
i . 1:1
" ,0,'I""l V vh c , rta
I ono h:u roll ol his
as loaded with Htn.il I
slp.t. The robber full from thu sluice l7 ,t,rt' Sun Fianeiseo. It isa voiy in
to tho loukh btlowaud Zigler returnud t"IVM'",; W0I,: '"'''uing nn nccount
to town for tho .Marshal. On examina
tion it was found that the robber had
received about fifty shot from his hip
to tho top nf hU hpad, and when found
was in nn insensible condition. Ho
was brought to town and lodirod m
jail. Ho is tho same follow that iob-
bed tho btoro nf Win, Boyer last win- l)
tor nml is nppnrantly nn outcast; as
nono of tho ChincEo nro willing to re
yoguizo him. It Ih thought that ho will
not leoo.ver,
From the Coabt. Severn! teams
arrived during tho week from Crescent
rr. . i ', . , .
Therotdis sa.d to bu oxcol-.0(
Tho Coming Girl
She will vote, will be of some ue in
i IL.IIVIV ! I'" '" "
irrMfti'rt nil Itnm
; tutu- in u-orL- will not endeavor to
1,,.iL Mm lufll-l
bieak tho hearts ol unsophisliented
. ; . . i .i t
S )& wf, h "equal "Sltl
mil i
ench, ill..
' nnn) or wash
. j-n (Jio (i(
J;m . .
hlmanf. will .i, in more
niian tl.nn tnr Mm ntrnct.
piso her plainly drced
I - . ..... '.... . . ...
does her Hihl . the coining girl win
wn k live nines 11 nay. it need do, 10
1 .... . . ..'it.
ikeen her ciieeks in n mow: uiii iiiiiki
her health, her physical development,
and her mother; will ndopt n costume
both sensible nnd conducive tocoinfoiT
nnd health, will not confound hypoc-
nsv with politeness; will not place IV-
tho woild, will cook her own food, will j graphs and stenography. '.. Bo poin
cam her own living, and will not Ho tul. Don't writo nil nrouud a subject
mi old maid. The coming girl will wjl,nllt hitting it. .1. State facts, but
5f :"lS;iS, don't stop to moralize, it's diowsr
ITI'I IIIJlll. IL1IIUI V lll l'WJ "'"
ing to pleae nbove fr.lnktfess; will j jo Wiitelegifily. Don't let your man
have courage to cut mi iinwideome, nseiipt look like tlie track ol n spider
Miave courago to cut nn unwelcome
Jaciiiiaintance; will not think lellneinent
1 1 Ffoncli duplieil. : that :is.iined hos -
k.il.illl 11 I..I...1 .. 1...I.. .lul.illj ilila li.iil ll
i pilality, wlicie hate dwells in tin hcurl,
1 i better than condemnation ; will not!
- b 4 1
confound 'gi ace of movement with silly
nlfeetation, will not reganl the end of
her being to have- a beau. Tho com
ing girl will not look to Paris, but to
reason, for her fasliiony, will not aim
to follow a foolish fashion because mil
liners and dicsstnakcrs decieed it; will
not torture her body, slnii el her soul
with puerilities, or ruin it with wine
and pleasure. In short, the coming
gill will seek to gloiily her Maker and
to enioy mentally his wnik. Duly
will 00 her aim, and life a living reality.
Church Ciilon.
Jt'VKN'it.t: Di:niAViTV. I.ist'Fridny
evening several of tho boys of thii
town were amusing themselves by
throwing water with I.iuu V Hull's
force pump into the Chinese houses on
California Street. Marshal Wnll arres
ted two ol them and lockd the lit up
in the station house till about midnight,
' when they were released on their prom
nl ,;uP'i l,lu "hcr failed to make his
nppenrotire. u c regiet to learn that
the mother ol one ol these boys, exas -
peratcil nt his arrest, declared that she
would train him to kill the Marshal I
IL'lltlll Kit ttMM t.l .tuillali Mt...t i....ll. 1
nils.)! iiv nit win -tihmii;m iiKii. INWIII
cr, suiely, is not nw.ire ol her (earful
responsibility, and cannot ie.ili.e that
..,.., ., . , ,
siich words are Jficsc(ss of sot row and,
,. .i . in 1 I 11 .....
disgrace that will Incvitnblvyeid the r
, 1 . .1 . , ' .. . I
full crop. U't that mot her recall them;
let her teach her child obedience to the
laws ami tp his patent and she may
live to thank Cod that her grev haiis
are spared from untold sorrow and her
child from a late that suiely billows!
vicious teaching and disobedience.
Tin- I"..-... T.....U U'.. I. ..It
" .!. iii' m:iii'ii-
1.. 1 1
iiivn- 11. 1- iii-ni iici'ii Nirii',11 ;i iii'iiiiinu
lor rati!" In this part ol Oiegon ns
theie hns been tin season. We nro
informed that fully 10,000 head of cat
tle hnvu passed Roguo River on their
way south sincoSpring. The wholuiium
bcrdilven from Douglas, Jackson and
Josephine counties will not bo less
than 15000 which nt ,(, per head a
low estimate would make tho hand
souui sum of $.100,000. When it is con
sidered that there is n steadily increa
sing demand and a cash market for beef,
our f.irmerrt will nt onco percelvo the
importance of thii branch of industry.
No Coiwrr SimvKvoii. Wo hear
that it is tho intention of Mr. Hovrnid
to resign tho County Surveyoiship for
tho reason that tho County Judgo evi
dently thinks him moro orunmcnlul
than iim'IiiI. Mr. Howaul has gi
$10,000 bonds for tho correct disehar"
ol his duty but when any woik is to bo
done it is let to irresponsible patties nt
a lower price than that nllowod by law,
Mr. H. is evidently tired of empty hon
or and desires his bondsmen rcfonsed.
On EviiTiiQUAKits. -Wo havo recel-
veil 11 "Treatho on Earthquakes" its
dangics, cjuses nnd palliatives, by 'her, to aecoiiiinodata tho county tigrl
ri. p.-,... 1.:. ..i.. i.ft.i.n .-. ' ...1. 1 ...t...!. . ' "
1 ,'w- m-ih i,iiiii7uii iiutuiNiipii iiv- 1 ii, vv . i
1 ...., -.,.-
of maiiv great carthqiiakeH and oflor
ing v.ilu ibi BtiggoMiuiiR with regard
to bnil.lliig in earthiptnko countiics.
Price 50 cents,
KroKOMtziNo. The C. it 0. S. Co
havo discharged ono of their road
gents, (Smith) having now only tli
etween I'ottlnud nml Omvilln i
siocKsocaiis uctween Oakland and
Lallnhniva Itnnuh.
....i.i. i . . ........... .,.
Qoohr Lakj:. Thu rush to this placo
still continucB, seveial teams bound
there having passed through town fti
ring the wcek Many people nro mnk-
'" "" "' aaiver, uui larijo iniuilicrH
Bh(.Cp ;un b,iug lrivon to "ha" T-
Hints to writers.
1. Bo biief. This is tho nge of tele-
Lot the reader do hid own
dreaming. I. Kschcw jnetaeeK plunge
'M " ?!"
ten a setiicnco which you uiiiik panic
i tll.'irlv fillC. llr.HV VOlir DOM ftCrOSS it. A
I pel child is tho worst in tho family. 0.
English is a strong language, but it
wont bear too mum "reducing." h
Awiid nil high-down language. The,
plainest Anglo S.ivoii words nro the
liest. Neer uo stilts il legs will do
as well. 0, Mnko your sentences shod.
Emuv iieiiod is a mili'-siuno nt which
the leader mav halt and rest himell.
useiiptloou like tlie track
half diowned in ink. Jir.
I I . a t iklililili II Win itVf'MH
Mam. Sciivk it Uv.i ONSTi:frri:i, The
Ti-itiniic' special lioni nshingtion
says l'iesvell has iecontiucted the
whole mall service. He has divided
the mint ry into siv div isiom ; each hav
ing a piiuelpal ollleer, staled Assistant
responsible lor postal aH'iiirs. The Super
intendent of the dlviion ropoits direct
to the Postmastir (tetieral. I inch di
tiicthnsa potoll!co inspectors; each
division ti special agent to iuvestigat
mail depredations; nlo, three special
agents nt laruc. The sixth division
includes ICans.is, Ton. California, Ore
gon, Ncvnda nud the'lVrrittrriis. The
inspectors lor thw district only have
been appointed, among whom are Mil
ton B. Duuicld, New Mexico; James
It. Underwood, Orrgnn ; Alfietl Bar
stow, t'nliloruh ; Special Agent nt
large, James B. .spread ; for the money
older service, Jiseph W. Biiggs.
HoMt-. Aiivi.n. Unit Ctittlcy ol the
Union I.ivery Stable has returned from
S.111 Francisco. He snys there is n
good market thcro for heavy draught
horses nnd fur fast nud stylish "cinbs"
but a poor one for scrub sti-ck. He re-
wts Heniy Judge, lormetly ol this
j place, doing a splendid saloon business
, at the corner ol .Mai kit ami l lattery,
j and John McLaughlin gone to White
I me
CoNtiMT.lv The suit of Hyiuiin
Abraham v C. t (. Stngu Co. lor
i 1 00,0(10 damages has bun continued
IIIHI. 1IIU S'L'IHIIUI ll-llll, ill W VI'MIV'U-
,, . . .1 x.
Removeil, as to thu others to the
ir .. , ... . ,.. .... . . ,, .
tinted St ttes Circuit Couit at Port-
until the October term, ns to Corbet t
To F.VKMKIW. Messis Ifolfmau t
Ivllppel inlveitisu tho largest nud most
complete stock of ngiicultiiral implu
munis, Tinware I lard waio etc., ever
brought to Jacksonville. Cull and ex-
amine their stock under Odd Feb
, I. 11
I l'W Hall.
Piiosru'ri.Mi. Woik is still goii.g
on in thu bin ft of Dillon nnd ItowiUu's
chilm. .They me now down on the
lead about uinty feet nnd the rock pros
pects vvfll. They will coinmencijciush
ing about the middle of next month.
I.inkn Fachmiv. We learn that a
company is living formed to engage iu
the mnniifactino of linen fninics from
tho stnjdo of Oregon growth, The fac
tory will bo located iu or near Salin.
This is n laudable euterpiiso nud should
meet with the encouragement it merits.
folk Coitnly Time.
- m . ,
Dr. Johnson was onu day dining nt
thu houso of a lady, when she asked
him il ho did not think Lcr pudding
good. "Yes," growled tho gloat mor
nlist; "it 1 wry good for hogs."
"Shall I help you to another platelull,
then?" asked tho polite hostess,
In an exchange, tho mm lingo of Mr,
Cooper to Miss Staves is announced.
The result will juobably bo barrels.
Not so; tho lesitft will bn n lot uf lit
tle hhavcts, and ii any of them be
daughters, it will eventuate in hoops.
Sr.vri: Iiviu. The Hum of holding
tho nost State Fair has been changed
by tho Board of Manager. from thu
20th of September to tho I Ith of Onto-
I'liiiuriii fuuiriirii.
- - .
Wo hear of scvcrul horses going
from her to contest the laces nt Fort
Jones on thu loth of June.
!.'., Iiyn , ""7.
IIAMI.IN'- At Willow tiprlno. mi ihu flili litH.
Hnisti llamlm iltuhcr gf Klvlrn S!icrrn?n
npl 1 1 yi'.tri :t mimllu otia-SO days.- '
Northern paptu plea w copy,
MIClir.L- I J.iCli'ovillf on the h inl., Ylr
fe'llth Mlcliol pgvil t year
Dirs liiisiT mcaIiIstkrT
701, alaiket Cor, Kearny Ht
San Kua.ntihc'o, Cvt,
DU,MfAU8TKIt of tin! tvliovo linn, will
vlaii JsokrouvllU tumtitlniu In AuL-uat
n XI sml ml) ntloml to ill tuiilfiiss In ),! jlno, '
llf n- l tHii mi'tci ff ih tm ii bin vfur;( ,
hiuiikh inc minium ui IUI5 Ui'
KAi,l!i.vj IN M
Pilot wj Hn nftvaie 1 tiiunre, c.
Corner Jt.iin ami Oregon Strut,,
TKt "OS ri'ccUlna our JSjitlm ""Ppttf
GlUslv Cimiifllll) llf
Asviiiicil Iron, Cut , Cllmi,
.Nulls, Steel, Horse Miocs, ltortr
Shoe Nails, Ilorscltusnsutit! I'llti,
(Sinss Scyllies unit StiulhrsMnt
Coins unit Hiikcs, (train Crndltt,
Bind')' t'oil;s Mil nine Forki.
Cast Iron Wasli-Kcltlci, tiit
Ovens, llukc I'aut untl Trn K(
lle, Liu cei', haul, Klephiint,r'i
Foot, Coal anil' Castor OH. Copal
ami ( ouch Vaiiil,:, nn, xn
Paints, Wlmtow (ilnvv, I'littf,
Paint Itiusties am! Sasli Tooli,
.ilailut anil Clollies H.-wkHi,
(lot lies I. lues ami Clothes Wrluj
Togo titer trlf Ii u Kmeral varie
ty of ShrU Hardware, Curlrrr
Ttnwatr tJ ivrtr ddciljilloii ttuji N
Intnl. All of vucii tulUr At rril Kr4 ft;r
fur uioli.
;4rlin uudsliul truu Hsrv tu.nl In cr'.it.
,irrWyiUf lUnif IiVj i'J'tb "H
JTAsi'iiU for l'ie fl' ( ilw Am-ilwi Stt
nurgitl l'uiui.
IVllV Ihuiik. Tnr pvt fiirur. we lmllf all b
rnll uiu) vx.iiiih.i' uiir wsri?,
lllll K.m.v.n a hi.nrn.
Miijr 2M. I.i;9.
Jf You Want to But).
'f'he stock consists of
n.o r 111 mi.
buy c 0 o ns.
liltKSrf lltIMIN(H.
F A N (' Y tJOOIt!.
TO WACv,0,.Si'CIAKt.
n:ri.KitY. srAiioNKin.
srnooi. HOOK'S. ANU A
LA It (i I" A S H 0 It T M K NT OF
pii ivri 11 a r. wnltKB. T0i3
AND VI It K W 0 It K.S. KI'O, KTC.
All lliusc (JooiN sro nor otTcrtd
If Tim ilmi'j IsIIcvh II, eiU srounil on li
form r of Orrtfoii nml CsllfuruU 8lrtet,
ronrlnctf jroiirsiltt'i.
Sealeil Propowls-
llitisi'M, Dr'rerOiiiiM,OrnfiCJ.Q'sj
rutUat,OiiB. Kf,W. I
Ry AiiTiioniTV riiolTTiw int. nw;w.
tKll.l l Hill HBcs I- " " ' "... "LvJ,
11J ucfllct fctir Ih WUinlug nuuJ ivmIm la l
,Tr?roUl'irlUnd.OliPi.. In r.rl Klamitb, Oof '
OJo i-uii'U, if or Im. , , ,,
rAui waiiui, w r, i. r-n cuitiii. vr.T.
Ill I11IIH Haiti itititM Ih rtfhl la " '"J w
tiauiH.rlall.n uftranol ,bo,,T,t?i wd'
1 hi Aula it any -tllon of ilia quanlll ' 'f.V.JKl
II I aUia to Hit contractor, anj aiaa U lJt "r "'
Ul'U limit tain TaiMlflTi an I Ilia I;
lali-l la Nlii, ami tpt.l In rilla, aul V""i
a mil of I Mi ailrtrtlMiaiat inuil t attack. . rf
TU. u.u.1 Jtw.a i.IHii r rmt on . ,JJJJJa.
Hi 14.1 U rt'Uilt at a iiirnt last thi laJJtr am
ler Into a ronlr.il fr n award roaJa tin. rf
Knitloii.1 oMilalulnic LIJi wart U TTM
o.i.aU"llblbnauiaor ma V,w,,l Sliroi
"?,, te..n,n.s.,ow.Qr,''.a.y'g!L
line Mujur I'llifirsUlfliH Mr." Wrlll "
M..J r.l f.Hnns who ht ao ufltu bJ
In ttio (JMk'iui lires. i nun '"""",,,.,.,
Liiiuii Mutual Liu. liiursncti Op- n Ji "
TI. t'mnny Ii not u l.ifmcliiift U ..
Itnii'ulils -ws wu sro eiiuiinui; l",. rat.
tills .Stum dolt.B lmit-evi undrr '
UU i.Virtll OH" ! uu'"l, '!,'", -".' Lit
7'urtlaud Muy 17, IV(9.
Administrator,'! Notice,
Uativtoor l- Jaintiit..oJI..V-ceftrJ
Thu tiiuleraiKdnl UnvItiK Mn PV' ',
IL Co-t-.ty Court v Jck.fr Cwu mi W
itilininlairutiir ot tho nliors jlie '",,
lMtillK CUIin. llgklMa W ".'A'tM, U
lh UUdISIgU(4 HIM V''W?,lha f l ll J1'
heri-ol. And ll wm lad-Ml M JJ;"'
DitVMy 22d, 18C9 l"
bui.in.Diid I hi. tmj.luiniut or j tWg
k-vii v coiuimmlty. " . IW-W