i-.f .) : l Hi : f ya HI UttM SENTINEL. 8itrnDA,T Moiutixti, Mny 1, 1800. Better Than Gold. . Keller than Rotd Is j conscience clear. Though toiling for bread In an hftmhlo splice, Doubly bWst with '(intent ami health, Unllred hv the lust or crc of wealth j Lovflyjlvlnj? and loftjr thought, Adotn and cnobls poor man' cot, For mind nod morel' In nature's plan Axe, the genuine tct of ginlletnsn. Teller Ihnn gold I a peaceful liomr, Wbernnll the fireside c'iarille come. Tti ibrlnr of lore, the Rraven of life, Hallowed hjr mother, or ller or wife, However humble lbs homo may b. Or Iririlhrllb sorrow by llenveii' decree, The lilcolnc" tlmt never were bought or sold hat center there, arc butler than gold. . Getting Dinner for a Minister. Tho following is n good illmtr.tttoii ofthc froa mill c.v habits of pioneer lifo. Soma f.tinliics might, feci relieved if thoy could obinin n siiiily for their table, when entertaining the milliliter, onJiTf fniy terms ; Mr. Itiiscotnh travelled two years in the! 'mountainous region ol Kentiiekv. TTtbtountry wtw rough, nnil tlio poo plo generally poor. Hut the romantic) williiigncr of tlio country was congen ial to liW feeling, mid he enjoyed tlio rudo hospitality of thu sincere, henrted forester.'. (Ifpinscd to tell, with much Apparent iileiiMtro, of n dinner liu ciijnye with particular MilNfartiou. lie was preach ing on one occasion in a caliin, wliSch was at oneoVhiirch and dwelling. The pcopio were liMcning with sjrioiisnc and with attention to the truth of tli. (impel, when in the very tnilt ol hi sermon, hi hot, who sal near the door, suddenly nc from hi rie.it, snatched tho gnu from itt wooden brackets upon ' which it lay againit tho joist, went , hastily out and llred it olT, and return ing, put tho gun in its placoand quietly seated himself to hear tho remainder of tho tfcrmou. Tin wholo nllltir hardly consumed as much limo as it require to read this account of it, and a very fow moments all was going on a smoothly a il no interruption had occurred. Alter ser vice was ended, Hascomb inquired of tho man tho meaning of hi strange conduct. "Sir'kwiM he, "wo are entirely out of meat, and I wan perplexed to know what wo should givo you for dinner, nnd -it was preventing mo from enjoy lug IhV sermon, when the (!ood One itent a flock of wild turkoy thi way ; I happened to cue them, took my gnu and killed two at a shot, my mind felt .easy, and 1 enjoyed tho remainder o tho sermon with satisfaction." "SIoiuwiiDurcit." Tho following story is good becaimo it is.trucrWo had it from tho lip of a grod woman, i ytho was told it by tlio principal actor hcnells "Ven I lint como to Fihidul 'ly'tp serve, I van very uncivil." said Katrine, now a tidy servant in a ics- pcctablo family; "I laugh mooch, and I fuel moouh ashamed to remember how I fjeluwo ven I know so little. Slum, tat vas my beau ten Shon, ho took rup to tha toator ouo night, ven I lyen in Filadelfy but trco week. Wo sist in to gallery, mid wo not seogoot, nnd Sh'on.sabMiu would get n bettor seat. So ho puts hit leg around der post, and SiIdai down mid der pit, and looks up and call out, "Katiino! Katrinoicooin down! titli is a goot placo hero!' and J.,lpnu over, and saiil I : "How can I cooin, Shon?" And ho hind, shust shlldo down. So I put my legs round jjer pillar, mid I shlidcs down. Don- dur l-how tho peoilo laugh ! Doy laugh so doy play no more dat night upon to 'Wage. ' Everybody laiigh, and yell, and yhisllo all over der house! I vns mooch avhamed, don, tough I knew not any harm But now, I plushes red ovcry time I tinku mid it." ' .... G'ltAXT Nojn.vATKii roit Pkksiiknt ix 'ins Infancy. Strango as it may teem, tho llibt person to nominate (Jen. Grant.'for tho Presidency was a woman. It was tho nuro who .attended him in liiseXrJleatlJijfauoy. Hero is her o xact prediction : "Hoity, toity! ' ittlo b'es tied babby ! Dancy, danoy, diddledttm ! SwKcst, biggest, briglitest bnby in tho blessed land ! Danoy, danoy ! Sweety baby, kissy nursy, bless his pootyicyou! Dancy, danoy! He'll be ((libyhei'OBcl.up nboo-hoo! ye-ha-ow) l'residciit of tho United States when 1,1 p gets big ! (I3co boo-hoo I Wha 'how! Ma, ma! Pa, pa!) Then tho rocking began, and tho ombryo Presi dent slept soundly, General Grant was, therefore, nominated for President from his infancy, Tbnng1 women should sot good ex amples for tho young men arc always following them. I Walk "' ut i WALK IN! And tee lie i 1 Juit opened nt the CITY DRUG- STORE. ,.. .f ... .l. ... . in ..!.' we.ilbir. or some other malady pervades your system. " Walk right lu and sco the mutt j i MISOlSLsLsANlSOUS i ! Klneli of irood ever lirouchl to Jacksonville, CUMHIIlUg 1IJ jtlltUil Ul .:.il.. f .....! ,.f PltUUS .V I'ATKNT, mi:i)I(jist.s, HOOKS .t STATIO.VHltY PAINTS & OILS, COOKINfU-XTKAOrS FA.VOOAI'd, PKUFUMKHIIW 8 IMUHS, i:tc,i:ic. Von will find amoni other miscellaneous poodi, HOLD PEN'S, C.OI.DKX KXS, STKEIi PUNS, PKXCIIA UL'I.KIJS, POUriCLAIX TOVS, VASKS ,t S'l'A'ri'iriTS, AI.IIf.MS, (JUT HOOKS, AND HOOKS TO A'A'AV. SASAl-'KASS HA UK, HM'KSTONi:, SPOXCSKS, CKKA.MOP TAItTAK. SO DA, GLKXI' I i: I, I) ST.tltCM Jackson's Celebrated WASHING FLUiD which turn lh horror of (be waOiIng iloy ' Into i fun and Irolle. Iftf cannot loll every thing , wu have In one inMll pace. If you want imy- iiiiiiC cm in hiki get it? or ir you suoui.i , -i. . l .-- u. -.. 1 1 t i .... rh.inee to have mi i-.x(r,i ipiarler rail In and iw win mow von pii now 10 umii.i ii, ' srrrox .t stkakxs .lackomvllo.Dw ith, bCH. J FOll CASH. A. FISHER & BROTHER, COItNI'.lt UK Caliroriilit nuil Oregon Strrcta, I JACKSONVlCLE, Have on band a A LARGE STOCK? OF STAPLE DEY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOUS, GROCERIES, :liquor8,- cutlery, CROCKERY, Etc. All nf which will bo sold AT REDUCED PRICES. A. KISHKIt & DUO. Jacksonville. June 2.1lh, 18118. Jcin27.tr Dissolution of Oo Par tnorHhip. Notice l liertl'v pjlven Hint tlio nrlncrlilp livretnfuru uxUtln between I'rneter nnl 'I'lii'llnker ill Hit falomi unci (laker; btitiiiuo Ii thin duy iU'olveil liy niulunl content All ilnliUiluv by thu Into flriu will bo Mtllccl by A. I'meli-r nml till nccimnlH ulniulliiK un the boukx will bo ccillictt'il by Mm. I'vriom Indcbteil ore rviiueiteil to fettle; immediately. A. Pit A Ef Kit. I'UICU TIIEtliAKEIl. Juckiobvlllv, Mitrck Utli 16(111. 4-w "BbbTAND SHOEMAKER8T NOTICKi Having dlipoicd of our Fjiq tory, ho mo now .-prepared to give our wholo attention to our Leather nnd 1'indliiK builnen. On band, direct I rum France, Calf & Kip, Douieitlo I.eutlicr, Hoot Legs, etc Jous G. IUiv, I L. Vxmik, I John Tliur, New York. Parli, Bah Francisco, AddrtM, 1IKIN & DRAY, fan Franclico 416 Battery Street, Notic to Stookholdtra. The Annual meeting of the .Vlookbolderi of the. Koruo Hlvtr Valley Wooleu Maiiufactnr IngCoropatiT will U bad nt Aibtandou Wcdnei day (be 28tu of April, prox. for (be purpow of electing Director! for the ensuing year, tod for, tha' traiuaollnn of such oilier builuCN M tna coue, bsfore the raeeting. i A. G'. ROCKCKLLOW. Ktcretiryi iiblaud March 27lb. ' J. M. NcUALL, 1'rnldeot; Sir jt Ait - ISSSS powers of life ore strong, but in a few years how often tbc pallid Luc, tic Inck-lusire eye, oud emaciated form, and tbc Impossibility oi oppllc.tllou to uiculnl effort, show Its baneful Influence. It soon becomes evident to me on server tlmt some iliprcsslng Influence Is check ing the development of the body. Consumption In talked of. and nerhanj tbo youth it removed t'om school nnd sent Into the country. Tblils ordinary diversions nf the everchsnglntf scenes ol the city, tho powers of tho body too much cnfwblcd to plvc zest to lieallliful and rurnl xercle, thoiiirhta nrc turned inwards upon thsnuclves. If the patient be i feimle, the approach of the mcnr Is looked for with anxiety, a the ' -. i s i . -.. l... first symptom In which Nature li to show her i saving ovcr In uilTiHlni; the circulation and ' viillli'p the check with the bloom of health. Alii 1 lnercac of npprtile lus f:rown by what It fitl on ; the energies of the syMcm nrc pros tralrd, nml the whole economy Is ilcranurd The Iwniitlful and wondtrfnl nerliHl In which ! holy and iinliicd nndcrgO so faclnatlng a clinnfo 'rem child to woman, f looked (or in i vain! Ib inrnul' hrart litmU In nn.vlrlr. and I ' i fancies the gnve bit vaitinir for lis victim. flsi.Miioi.D's KxrnArr limit, for Weak ncss at iln from rtrcrs or early indicrelloii, attended with the following ymptmn s bulls pnntllon to Ihcrtlnn, l)i of Power, !. nf , Mrmory, DillicuMy nf llrr.itliln, (irncral . Weak lie-; Horror of l)iae, Wk Nrrvcr, ' Treinblli!.'. Urcadful Horror of Heath, Niht Hiali, CoM Kiel. Wakefulness, I)imnc of , Vision, t.insrnue, Universal l.i'sltudtf of the Miiicular SytUm, Ofini Knnrnious Appetite with Djfprptlr Syntplom, Hot llnnd', Fluslilni; ofthc llojy, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance and KrnpllosH on the Face, I'.ilnln the Hick, HtnvivrM of the KyrlUb, IVrqucnlly 1 1 luck Spoil Plying before the l!vr. wllb 'IViiinoriirr MiilT.iatitii uti,t lnu ol Sk'hl. Want of Allri.ll.in. Hrrnt Mnl.ililv. i ltcllisinri,nlth llurror of Society. Xotli . Ing Is more dnirnMo to such patients than Solitude and imlhtn' ll.ev moro dmid. fur n '"- ...-.- ......-., .... t'Vur of Thcniklu- ; no Itepoic of Manlier, no vi iuiinitiil- li IIII'VIV VI 'f 111111, I 1 IIS Iviriifiti.cn, no SHCiitnllon, but a limrid Tiaiisitlon from one niintlnn to another .... .....,- n . ... , '" ... In I MisIiiMn liif.irl.tlilt ritiitt'i at hums hi Mu this Meihcliu Inv.irlilily remimi soon follow lw ol I'uncr. I'iiliilly. nml Kplteptlc Tils, in one of ulilcli tin p.itlml may expire. Dnrlni; tlm .Siiciliilrn.lcnce nf Dr. Wilson tlio llloonilni;jff Alum, tills sild reuli occur H'd to Inn pitlrnl reason liml lor n time lift tlicm, mid liotli died of rpllrpy. 'I'liey wrre nf both exrs, nod about twenty years ol 05?. Who enn sny tlmt tlirfei'.csirs sre not fre quently followed by tlmu direful ill'ei In sanity and Consumption f Tin ncotdi of the Inline Ajliiin, ami the inelnnrlmlr ihalbtliy Consumptloti, bear nmptx wllncs lo the Irutli of iUm! niilnns. In I.inutle Asylums tie mot melancholy rxhibliloii o'iers. The eonnlrnanrc U nclually ioldrti ami iille il'S. ilicio htiil.tr Mlrili or (Jr'if evrr vUlii i Should 11 muni .J tU v.-U-e noeiir, It Is rurly 'irllriilcite. "Willi worfiil tnui'iros vtjii I).'pi'r Iiw MlHili kniitid their jjrlel Iccullnl.1' AVbil.l we w regret (V ciWlrici- nf the above cl'nniC" und syiiiptnnii. we urr pnpwcil in mr.r on in viilualilegifl nf chililUir or lh reni'ivul nf ll.c ronirqmnfifs : 'IIki.miiu.ii'i IIujiii.v I'omt.v rnTitu 1'i.iiu Kxriuer oi-llecnc. There h no innle like it. It Ii an anchor r.1 hnp m tin Mirifon an.) pntlfnt, nml tlil Ii tin- tethnnny nf lboe who Imvc iikiI or prisenbedil. .SolJ by Drnj-lsli und Dealers evirjrwl.ire 1'rcparnl nt Il.T. IIKLMHOI.D'S DrUjT.nncI Chemical Wurehous. .191 llnuilway, New York. KECOM EQUATIONS. Gnr.AT SiUT f.k-r. Cirr, Utah, Jun. -23, 1BCB. Mr. jf. T. llELxnot.oi Ienr air i Your eoniiiiuiilcatlon rrquestlng our Icrins for nilverllsiiiK whs duly received, but rrnni a predjuillce 1 had formed against advertising "cures for feertt dlseusrs," was left iinan. swcriil. Diirinc an accidental conversation In a Drujj Store my mind ijas changrd on the charneler of your Ileruu'. rt was then highly commended for other dleufiii by two phystcluns prewnl, luclovd please find our rate or ndvcrll.liur. Ynuw, Sio. T. II. II. 8TK.VIIOUSK, Kdllor and Proprietor of Dully and Bcml-WevMy Telejjraph. N, Y. 8. Vol. Ikiititutk, Comer of Sth Ave. & 7fith .St. Central Park. (A Home and School for tho Sons of Deceased Boldlcrs.) Dn. II. T. IIki.uuoi.i ; Two bottles only of the package of your valuable, Huclm presented to the Inslilture have been used by the children, and with perfect success. In" tho caw of our little Lieutenant A. J., hit pride Is do longer mor llficd, and ho Is free from tho dally morning unatticmas of the chambermaid who has charge, of hli bedding. I feel that a knowledge of the result or our uso of your Duchu with tbo children under our charge may save many a Superintendent and Matron or Hoarding Schools and Asylums great amount of innoysnci nnd many si poor child suffering more from tronM han from habit, may be spared punishment, that Is (not knowing It as a weakness Instead of a bad habit) most an luitly Indicted upon Ibero. Thankiqjf you on behall of ihe children, and hoping others may be aliko benefited. ' I am respect fully yours, ' COL. YOUNG, r , , .P.0"'0 8uP'b Md Wrtctor, Jobs If 188$. UNION LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE. jfe& Comstock Cawtcy Fr'oprietors. Tin proprietor have recently ptirclnind Ihe atxne well known stand, iltuatid un the vomit fxlirntiiln unit llh Itrttlt, Where th very twt hotr and bupRlei enn lie bail nt nil time", nt rcaonilili rle. Thrlr Mock of roadsters csniiut be npialed iu the .Slate. 1IOUSK3 UOAUDliD On reasonable trrm, nnd the liet cure and at l.'iitloo berlnncd upon Ihctu while under their rh.irge. Abo HOKShS IJOUUIITAND HOLD. Ilelng All-fidl IhilthxycnnKlvcialbfnctloii. Ihe proprieloMrolicll Ihe ptlronng of lh pub lic. Jnckiouvllle. Nwvctntr ;i'b. IfiCfi. di-e!lf (( EXCELSIOR" IilVKUY STA13LE On Oregon Mrttl, JiitKomillr. PLYMALE & MANNING. Mnvinsjurt received from .V111 rrancbco n dnn Mock of II.VIt.VKSdt IIUOGIKS A- CAItltlAGKS. UV nrc nrenired lo furnlh our lulrom. and the pubilc prtirr.slly. n lilt ns riNi? Ttm.vouTH Aiesn Ik'IuiI mi the IVellle Cim.I. ShiIiIIp hciro hired to go In any pari nf the country. AiilmnN IICt'GIIT AND POM). Ilor-ef I rnke to wnrk lngle or doublo. Heir en Iriiatdrd. nnd lh- best car.i lietlowul upon ttit'in lill'! Inniir rhnrg-. OUIt TliltMS Alti: ItF.AFO.N'AIILi:.-, A llliril hre nf lli 'imbllc pnirnnne Ir -illelliil I'l.Y.MAI.II.V MANNING. Jack0!ivlile. On , (let, ITih. HARNESS AND SADDLE aim: l'NI)i:h."IGS'i:i) iiavintH'I'iiciias J. rd Hie tock nt Henry JudKi-.wlll cintlnui- Hie iiii'Hii'K nt Hie mil numi. nu i.iiiiiii'ii Klri-et. Mbcte lin will prmldc fn-liimtri kiIi nil Article In hi I In", nt leiliercl prio: Hussy ami Wiuon Ilimit'AH; Vlili nml Whip IiioIma: Suililles. llrlillcHiiiul lliiller ; Shirlii'i, Spur he. Kv, A l.r-ii ! rnii-i.l i! C111.r1.i1l tit:,it und IN In 4et i-tiry nrliile l.uowu 1.1 lb .S'nMli ri'i'l ltiiriii' Iruclo fiiirl wo li'mm.iis! mi land aid t itr'iiit-. trliiiuud tiiimlir. wltb tiratuciiinidiip.itch SPORTSMAN'S DEPOT! ' Tli.'li. l fifltfiif giiiii, ji.iltnt nnd horrn in il i!i- nml hot sun", Ingle nml il'inMi-: revulti-f nf tint l.tlvt pilrnla) pocket pl-lrtl. mat, mntill nml iiniterful ; WIKr4. the liteil iil Im-!. .Ill lhr gim. mirraiiliil. Al-ci Hip lu-l klci'l of powder nnd ponder llik all rirlnf lint and hot pniirtirt eip w.idi, nni everything In the putttuiau'k line mid nt'rentntinlile rnle. Itrp-ilrlng cheaply and pnrmptly rxecutult iiid whoever iloubt theri- word, iictil anly call upon MILLER & RYAN. Juckionrllle, ilarch 20th. BOUND TO DO IT D. O, MILLER IS BOUND TO WORK ACCOUDING TO TIIEJ TIMli.S. t HOUSE SHOEING J At rediipril nrlrn Ur i.ftti HVn nr nt iltfciunl will be made on all kluds of work where iM-b Is puld. March 20ih, 16C8 mae2tf ' In the Mutter nf thr Kslnle of Gcoiko 1. Fiiiick, Deceased. NOTICHIi hereby given Ihal Ihetiuderrlgii nl luvu bcon appnlnieil .-tdinlnlntrnturd ol 111 Id elate nnd llinl all p untie dating chilli) aBaliint inlil Intnl.-are rnpilrid topren-nt them with proper souclirrs, In ihe midciilgmd at their oftlcvs. In the limn of Jacksonville, within U mouths from tbc dalo of tbli notice, 8. J. DAY. 0. JACOBS. March Cth. 1869. A (iOUI) UOOkJPOR AGENTS! RESOURCES OK TUB PACIFIC SLOPE! A BtatMlcilaud I'lscrlptlvs Summary of the Mines and Minerals, Ollma Is. Topography. Ag riculture, Manufacture, and Commerce or ths i?,c ??,B!?,t,?.,li?.a Terrilorleij lucludliig LOW- UUUIAand .ILAHKa, BY HON. J. ROSS BROWNE. Complete la Qou Large Octavo Volume of 874 pages, Price 94,Q0 This Isths Cheapen W.rk ever oBerea ,1b tbli market to Uiibnorlptlon Ageuta. and U Is foiupact ivlth useful Information. INVALUA- 108, Etc.. and it of deep Intcroit to all classei. Publlibod by H. K. lAXOBOVT 00. Sn rrsiiiUt Cal. rm:.cir 3ii:iic a . officii t)n. JliltN PsmiAii.T. I1nlnr nf .Mfdli'l.ieof the Fneullv nf I'nrl", (Irniliiate of the Unlver llv Qnri'ii' (.'nllc'Ri', nml rhytet,iti uf the St. Jnliii Il.tplMe Society nf Snn l-'rntielno. Hit I'lHtut l.T hn i lie plrnMire tit Infnrtn jn liml and dlliers seeking ((itillilfiilUI tnnllenl advice, that he ran In- ennultei1 ilnlly nt hli Ill11e, Armory Hull llullding, Nnithenri conur Vonlgnini'ry Mid .V.icrninoutn street., Sn Krnticl'cn. Itnnnn No ti. 10. It llrM door, up finite, entranc" nji either Mnnlgmtivry or i'.ic rntnctilo slrri't. lilt, l'liniul l.r'n itudlts hutc been nlmn-t cr eliMitely tli'tnliil In tin1 run- nf I tit vitriim fnliii nf Nut iui nnd I'litMi'M IMiilily, the reMilMnf Inlurli u Imli'ts 'iieiiln-tl In y nth. nhlch nviill,) li'iiniinti1 In Impnli nee ulnl lir rlllly. ami iKMimurnilv Imliici- nil lh eniicoinl tant of nlil ne. Whne n icn-t Intlrmlty ex ll lot nit Ing the luppliir nf it life nml Ihnt nf nlliPi". rm-oii mid tiini iliiy dlrintc thu lie cii"lty of H rrtnotnt. fur It f.ict lint pri intluie dirll'H' nf the vn-ir "f m.ititiont!. mat riinunliil nnhapplnes, eunpiil-ni-r Insle lip" ilc . bivr iht-lr HHiree In eniir, t'i-u-rtn ol ithleh t I'llnntiil In i-.nlr lllc, nnd iheblitr (mil la.iiil long iltcrwari'l ; pillenl-. UlHitlntr iimlrrlh.it CotnpUtnt. will Knuplnlu nl one nt more nf Ibi fiitlnttlng tlnpiim : NitIiiiiiuI l;tnllnn. 1'cilil In I In' lt.i(k nnd llcud. UVik tii-M nf Mi'innry ami SigM. )lebnrgv linm Ihe 1'n llifii mi tfning In Iihi nr in-tkliif ttntrr, lie liilrllivlll'il I'lirnllli ah' Wi-aki'ind, l.t nl .Memory ciihip. Idea ntf rtiiudiil, nnd Iheie l n iliflncllnalliMl In nllrhil to li'i-lnit., nreun ioindiiii. wrltlnf. nr r.i.-iiiynr frl-tnl-. dc Die pillrut will prnUibly eointilnlii nf IMssI-' nr.-. Veillpn. nml llinl the fjlghl nml lli.tllug .ire Ui.lVnifil nnd Idirp ill-tlirlMil hy iln Bill., ini'litteliuly. nUhltig. pilpll.illiiii". 'laliillu;. cihikIi. nml rluw fetir : while mine lino exler mil tl.eiinnlle pitlii, nml liutubticri ol thu body. Snliif uf i!r' limit common yiiiptom-i nrc pliu pie In the f.ict1. nml nrlilng In iinerrtit pitu nf tin" ldy. l'.ill"iit Mitferlng Irom tbli ill.f-.iu-, rboiiM npply luiinidlatelyi, to Hi:. Piiiuii.t, llh-r In perui nr by letiir, m-d he will gunr nnli r u cure of Seiuln.il rmilntii nnd lliipo. Unco lit In light wrik". I'titlent ouireiliig from vi-nirltl ill-ci-e In it'iy l.m, fiiiiinirbi-i. (Jb- I, .ctilclurrr, llulm L'lCers. t'llllltirnU" Klllplioil-i. lie . Hill Ih- lre.ll rd 'iicccfiilly. All ."'vdilllllc ami Meruirl.il Tnlnt riillnly rrinovi-il Imm Ih- v.tem. lin. I'ntiitti.r'i diplntiiti nu- in bl nWee. wbi're liitletilp esii sve fur lheiiielve lb it ilii-y are iltioVr Itmrnrn uf u nuulir (dui-uted irnc UlbietT. Tie-leM led n lit,r ttlvi ll If i-.ilrid I'litnnl-i ntlli ilnjr under ,bn tile iIIm-iin-. cm enll mid ryinilti'i lur lliriur rr-. We Intltu Inii-il.illnii j rbiliii tint to know cteryllmik.', nor to cure ivi ryinf , lull we dn elulm tlmt In nil r I"" l.il.'-ci iimlfr inniiniiil Me rulilll nur I'IuiiiImi. Wo lullicul.illy rn'et llio.e wbn line irleil ibid Liutleil doeinr, ami thai uclrrr liml ji1i U-Imis. till wein out und ilUcoui itgvil Inr.ilf upon un. Low ciiiiuir.i ami ijiiie (ciii.-i, ( l.sill. mflirlrix from itiijr coinplulut Inctdin l.il lo llielr , imi coiixill the doctor wlib the tiMitrance of relief. l'T..MM,r. 3IO.NTI1LV PI M.S. till l'i mi ti i t Is the milv azent In f'ullferiiln lor In. :iin' hVunl.i Miinililv 1111-. Tlodr mtlli.i- ! lilt i.lilldl-'ml ll'iilt . inUlliiii .t lenul ri ii,.hj. un. 'i-i..ieti.il. nnd far in ot.iliev o! ei ik wllii i i.niial.t liti ltip)n. .tun. iiid li. iiImiIo -. ii. ..1 oihrr i.lx'iuttiiHK In leumlen. (In nooipl nl live iloli ir.. llie-i' I'ilU till be .ent lit in.ill nr 'Spri'Sf In ntir jotrt nl lliu Mm Id, iicure fioiu curio-Uy or ilan.-i;.' I'lrniii- nl .1 ill-l u.ce enn ! cnnil r.l buine. by Hitdn-Miiu n lili.r lo Dn. I'miuu.r, ei-mr nf S.icriiiiuntii mid Vnuigoiiii'i'y klteniit, Id im III ami II, or lln 117.1. I', O., ntli riui'(,l;o. luting Ihe ckw uiluilti'ly ni pnib)r, gieier.il Inilili. nf living, occuinilon, etc., etc. .May i'd. I suit. 2 y. SEEDS! SEEDS! PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY k.s. i)uLAi Uavlug permanently ciUUlUhed himself Hi thu (imleii nml Hct'il-Italsliig buli.r.i In thu town of laekfoiivllle. would cordially lutllu the utteiltlnn n tho publla lo hi-llnct,.ck ol I'lliyil II0Mi:UAl3i:i UAII l)KN SKI.'IIS. vuiiiUling of IV.W, Cabluge, Ciirriit, Celery, C'uciiiiilierii, Corn, Lettuce, Onion, Uenn, Uudiili, .Tpjiiacb, Tomato, Tiiruln : nml, in fnct, nil kinds of vegetable ireds usual- 1 riiiMii in IIH VICIIIIIV, t'l... Im ..va .di...i T....I ....... .r.. It. i .... i.H lilui'i'll', and nru wannlcd. I'or stle ut Ihe IIUIV III GLENN, DRUM &. CO. rpili:UNI)i:it.SIG.SKI)ISTIIANKFIJLFOIt I tlm tmf rmiiimt riI Viil Itlktti Vittr. mill liiikia HV -lWII-ffH H(T-1 - -" t -" ll"itn tu be nliU to give eullru MiitUraotlou In lliu i I nrc!. ai bo Hatters himself lm been douu In Ibu psnt. It. . UUNLAl'. jncKsonvlllu, ruu. ;un, iboj, rci?7mJ. No MorFoolishnMi! Thou Indebted to me'' nru Informed (bat iiromlies In pay dont 'go" auy longer. I'atlencu In Mbaustho nnd I mmt have money, This ii the last Cult and nt the expirttllon or thirty daya I will put all unsettled accounts In the nanus oi lawyer ivr collection mre t 0. UUONUMILLKIl. Jacksonville, March 20th 1809, -f NOTZOfl. My wife. JeaiiDctto Laov. bavlatr left mr bed aud lioard without just caute or provoca tion ; notice Is hereby given, that I will pay no debta of her contracting after this dale, and all dersons nro warned from (rusting or harboring tier ou my account. JUllN-liAUr, Jacksonville March 27th 1869. Small-Pox, Small-Pox! HAS entirely disappeared; aad fatter son k Thornton's New Saw-Mill Is lu successful spmratlM land they an rsady to saw out bills of lumber on ths saortswl notice, for casb r good trade. MOJIKTUA. IOOOOO Pliit Ilcnr letlinony lo tb Won-lttffol Curiii,', KiTrcli of ui rfotcpn watKeri I VINEGAR BITTERS, Mkiiuri.turcl fieta ll.-n.llie It.iUtDil Cmiij f, fottlU. l "" The IJltut lllnml I'lltllltl. ion ini HM Tnnv ami riitiosic niirtMim, AMHInlT. liTSI'l.fMt if INbinutlciv vl mi n iii.uim.NT, r..i iNTr.Rtimi.VT rl'tui IHT. tl..i III- Till. III.D'111, . t it, KIPMllT?; iit..tiiiii.ii,u.M.iiirrKi(sii. u., m,tMll fill Mtll lll.KA.S Mt rum! !. TITIir. llMH1t).Miil.li Ii am? rally rmJacrl l Jn..iM, ..t ll.-llldl tTIti: iiikiX.Nii ' """(Mil Cl Jh." tliti t lllatr I llj.l li.tiM.r ) Itt In I. luniif. I.ntiiinr llit-mli tk kln in V,t,t til IMi.ir !..i i tlftmrit hn jna 1 1 tv&.irwt .huei.li liilhi-irlnisclMii-lll l.lilUlUt,i,i7, r.tllnB-iMlll trll lull xl.lli. Ki.n Hit IIjImMT tnallMllllKll. R H. MCDONALD & 00. Iriiirt!lii ami Atnu, r.in.r I'iicahI n-.lii l'ft, f.n TiMt nl re ti. -tuihuilo. Cat. ailSI l-lall atraot. X T NKW IIAltDWAHli,"' m m STOVE STORE. IIIPM & KLiri'CL, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, i Cur. Oregon and MainSu, iu: i:i:ci:ivin(;. and wh.i. oy l rlnnily keep on html, n v.irlttyoflViti .Sinn-., I'.ulor nnd llux .s(oru Titutt eteiy ileKiljitinn. AsMsrtci) IlariMsarr; I'liic Ctiilvi)-; Aciicultiinil lintileiHtnti; " llnr Ires. Slrel, Nails, aiul SiiiUeil Ialni,OII nml Cln; Tiilsi, Cliitlira Wilnpets, .'nil', ami lliitkcl. Kc. II..I ri.I.l.il mIiK llirt lilil.l Miroihlat chliirry. wenre pnutid In nuiiiilarlurf mil ili-rlplnn nr Tin nml Mieel'iren nareai"'"' nnllce. We r"wtl"iilly nlicll a ibsisof tt putroiiage uf the pniibc. IIIHTMAN A KLIITW. Jaekmntllle. June ItMh. Isit. M Summons. TN llir Circuit Court ortheSlste of Orsa. I fur llie Ciiunlr of Jckin. I'.t F McMnuui. plalullfl". v. JscWes tysl-k- r and Tbomna t'bavur.rr, defroilsais, 'l ri eipiliy tu funcliiN MoilpifC. Tu Jachoii Wnlker , ., n . Von are nnulied lo irr In ,IM11S.'V and answer the complaint of M v"li WN. iiKiilnat vim, ttiibin ten datsfiom lbs Haw ' Uirsettlcfur this mnimoiir nil Ju,ll ' Vlihhi mM county, or Ifsfrved en you J any other ouiity In this Sute. tken ilttn twenty data from Hi time of the senfte.M " lerted on tun out of the State of ,.'" II Is ordeiid by the Court that pubUstlM , w nmd lor seven wtti In Ihe Orr!'nlTl,' prior to thu iicend Monday In June, A. .lull you are notlllid thnt, If you Ml wrr Mill comiitalulni atmtu required, Ike P litf will apply to ibu Court Tor the rllf.; inandcd therein, to wit : for a Judateol ssis you lor tho sum or II.23D 21 gold cols. " Inlsresl thereou ut thu rale or per st. Irom tho day or A. D. '; and for Decree for the foreclosure li iicuro Ihe kame. and the costs and dlW- meiitsor thlsncilon to be- laied. ., (liven under my band Ibis 3d i'syiu-,F A.I). 1809, 'AC?Skf Atl'y rwpWW. a"sf4-endid home For Sttlc. The mWriber otlcUhls splendid rwJ on the corner or 0 aud Oregon Ss., '" .o.li pn.liiinir at an vieeedllielv Ida' POV' The lot Is fcu by 123 feet on which ' J ttmi every innuern coutciu'-iio " --,- j Hal bania splendid well and also a sspyV water carried lu pipes from a otut-WH spring. On the premlsls every m7.'Lq fruit and a cholcs relectlon of dowers. Hlu be sold for wA. lirwiulroor ,.. CI1AS.V,8AVA0;- Joekiojivllle, March J3tb UM. - Adminitrator, Ifoticf In the matter of ths Kutato of Abbs Bus Lovo deceased. .j NollcsUbeKby glvco that the BMgPgS bas been appointed Administrator of "'",. and all persons havlug plalnii agaW M estate are required lo present Item wl JW" vouchera at bis Bealdeacs la Jacksoa cossj within sis months froaj this dsU aa T sons endebted lo said eitata ars W."u make piyment or said ludsWadosss allWa" Ue.,.aMp.Cfc AumauMtm JMksonvlJIs, Mare Uth t 1 rTTLE UP. ' Ths uBdsnlxaad Uf JJtmi wllb bis jialrous and bo Jffit jxsrjmFws ??": Jskss.TU,JfarsMfc. - TZa ' ' . ii 'ilfc sV C 5 S v . L r i S X f I r , x j t5 if t 1 h I - KUSZ I t 4 1 ft - .nOsisssV-sssssW sV SSSSSST ili CALIFORNIA f'l r" "rT . itrl tM