Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 24, 1869, Image 1

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Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
TrkTttcra and resident boarders wilt fine
riaectl In firtt data order, ami In ci ery
War superior to any In tbli fcclloti, and
turpaMcd by any In the Stale.
Ami plentiful supply of he '' "f ey"
thing tlifl mtrkot affords will l ob
tained for
H E II T A 13 L E.
No troubled will 1 spared In descrr the pat
ronage of the traveling as well as the crtiia
sent community, u
Jacksonville, March 31, I8r.fi.
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
JAChVOX vit.i.z, OR wax.
Ambroty pos,
Oartos doVislto
k).vj? ix mi: rixrsr srri.noi'Mir
Pictures Hciluceil
Physician & Surgeon,
(Mice at hl rrsldMice, hi tlm Old 0erlek
llopltal. onOrrston.SlrccL
OFFICE-Corncr or California and Fifth
StrecU, Jacksonville, Ogn.
lb will practice In Jack.on and adjacent
tmmllcii, and nltotul iroitiptly In profi-v-IiniM
, febilf
In the Ovorbeck Hospital,
r. uiiunK, m. im
OFFICE removed to California Street,
South tide.
Jck.nTHle. Or. 81st. 1HBT. dicij-lf
rnrsiciAN & surgf.on and
liril.I. ntlrnil In any nh may rVJ,,,,r l,!
W services. "Wee nl H F. How; IV nffler-.
ca the East tdo 3d Street, Jaeknm UK not 2tr
OSee, Mo- 64 Front Street,
VIII br made a ipr riaiilr and promptly t ollrrtnl.
r howkli"1"' : ' :.' WATSOX.
JarkMin III, Oregon.
Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M
a HOLD their regular enmrannlc.tlon
VV on the Weduesday Evenings or preced
cV lag the fall oon. I " ""
100. A. MAHTIN, W. W.
Empire; City, Ce CwHBtr, Og.
Adialatratar'a M etica.
NOTICE It hereby given l;"" ofA?
mlnlilratlon, on tha enlate or Jarocf Huh
la dccoaMil. Utoof Jckwn OAlinty, ffen;
bv ken granted to tho nnderilgneo. All
p'noBibAVlngcUllmiiacftln"! "lit eitatc, are
rineft tn iivA.Atii ifim ulth tho oroDr
I Touchtri, to iho nndcrlgnl, at hli reildonce
n jcoqtII1, wmin m raoniui irum urn)
dU, and all cltlmi not presented within ten
nonthi wll be forever barred, and all periont
Ia4chlcd to the aald eM&to are reiuentrd to
mtkrinmcdlate payment to tha underalgned.
March Clh, 186!.
Hxaontor'a Notdoa.
Notice la hereby siren to all whom It may
concern, that luelundttalgncd will apply to the
County Court of Jaaepbluu ouuty, Oregoif, at
tbt May Tciu, thereof IU9, for leire to reilgn
tlie Eiecutonblp or tha cUU of 1, O. O'Rogau,
Ktrbyvllla March 16th 18M.
, , Win. CHAPMAN, Exoeulor.
JackioQTllle, Mare Mtb. -
Ever, Hntunlnv MerHlna; br
orran, corxkr c a- third sniKurs
Foroncvear, In ivlrnnee, four dollnrii If
not pli within the llrl fix month' iT ihr yt-nr,
Ihfdollwr If not p-iM until tho cuplratlon
of thoyrnr. rlxdolUri.
One ttiimrp (10 line or Icm), liffl Invillon,
thrri il(iUri : ritch ,nli.iiunl Itircrllon line
dollar. A discount nl iHly ipr cent, will t
mmle to llid-c who ndvrrtln.' Iy lhcyc.tr.
JfltI,Ru Trmlrr received it ciirrenl r.lj.
Tho Hour of Doath.
n v t .
Iai hav their tlni" to fll.
And llotrirr to wiihcr at tin) North wtnd't
iircnlh .
.tnd lnr lo Krt but Ml.
Thotl li.i( nil Mni l for lMm oh. I) "tth !
(My In fur im-rUl enri'.
ne Inr ald in 'tlni: ruiind llii Jtoii t trtb.
Nl-jhl lor llie illi-iiir.f if rltep, the nle' of
pny r
llul nil for life. Hum Mlrfhllot of the liilh!
Thi lnt.''i''t hntlillhniir.
It Irtnl'li hour nl mil III mid o:i. itnd ulno I
I lliiruioiiuKnd.iy for (lilW" o'ertthcliiilii
J po rr .
1 .1 Hum Inr .nfipr lonr. bill nil nrft llilticl
Youth aid the upiiln,( roo
Mav loiik llk thln to lorlon for drciy,
jnd Miillr nt tht-.'1-Lut llmtinrt nolof Ihoip
That wult tho ript'ii'd Moui to hIu lliulr pro I
Leave hi' lh"Ir lime to fall,
.hid lli I'M lo lthr Kltho N'.irtli wliid'n are.itli
Aii'l lar In Ml but nil
Thou hut nil 't-4' in for thine on, oh, Dv'ftth t
We know hen infi'in hmH wnne.
WIh-h Milium rbtid. from far .lull croi tho w.,'
... :.. -1 i.. n i....... it.. i.i.,.
When nutumu'a lino .ball linen lh p.l.lon
1 lint who ilull te.ich u whui to look for thru?
' In II whnu muIiih " 'l "! , , ,.
, Come forth lo whlp'r where the vlnlela lie J
N It when ro.ea In our pillH tnw pulul
They have vf aoa -all are uur to illv!
Thiiii art where billow foim,
Thim art where wide rm'lt' iiHin tin air ?
' SIThnii art around n In our piaerful home,
And the woild c.ilU tit forth -and tLou art
tkere I
Thon art win re friend me l friend,
llriirith Ihe .IihiIow of Tlie elm lo rr.l ;
Thou alt white foo ineili foe. mid truiiUK'U
Ibofkliw, BinlaiY'.rdi heat don the princely
1,-nrn liae Hi-lr llm.' to full.
And llnwi r lo whin r ill the north wlndV brenlli,
Thou Ini'l nil eaaona lor tlilAo own. oh. l)alh ! I
And tar to nl I'Ul nil.
Letter From B. F. Dowell.
Wamiii.soton', I). 0., )
.March lUlli, 1H0P. f
Tin: tkni'kk or ovkick him.
IIhh been elahorntcly dincussed in thu
Senate, and in political circle during
thoVvek, without any definite coiielu
hiou. It wa again rutencd to thu Ju
dlolary committco, who reported an
amendment at follows:
Strike out all after tho enacting clauoo
mid invert tho following:
That tho first and reconil sections of
au act entitled "An act regulating tho
tenuro ot curtain civil oflices," paiaud
March 2, 1607, he, and tho same aro
hereby ivpcnlcd ; and iu liou of said re
pealed suction, thu following aro huru
bv enacted 2 That every iiorsnii hold
ingsuy chil oflico to which ho has
. ... ... . . .
,0l, TS Lw.. ffi , " r"
by mid with the ndvico and consent of
thoSenlito,ntid who shall hnvu booomo
duly mialiiied to net therein, shall bo
hu entitled to hold such oflicu during
tho term for which hu shall havo been
"llrtllft'SrSensunTol '&
Senate, or by the .appointment, with
tholikoadvicoaudconicnt.ol asucecs-.iilonrtf
nor iu his jilaco, except as herein othor
wise jiiovldcd
'8Va. Hrf. UMthr f,
That during any rocess or thu benaUJ """ -"-"i -
the Preaiduut s hereby empowered, n a projiosition to form a conspiracy for
hU discietion, to suspend tny civil i tfio defeat of tho nomination of Gov
ofticei njipointed by, and with the ad-' ,rlor Vells, by lair means or foul, ia
.... Kfi jiniiasni ni r-iiani.Bi. i'l,uiiii -
I . .1 !. .! nvnnlit I
VIVU illllt vlFlinrm. w, ..." .....-, , -
judges of thu United Statos courts, un-1
til tuo enu oi me nex sniuw w, jmw
Senate, aud to dcaigr.att somo suuablu
person subject to bo removed, in his
discretion, by tho designation of anoth
er to perforin thu duties of such sua
pendod oflloer iu tho meantime ; and
.uou person so designated shall take
tho oaths and givo the bonds reqitired
by law. to bu taken ami tven by the
Buspohdcd ofllccr, and shall during VM
timo he performs his duties, bo entitled
to tho salary and emolument of suck
office, no pait of which shall belong to
tno ouiper susponupo, u v nu
tho duty of tho ProBldent, within thir
ty day a after tho commencement ol
each scasloii of tha Senate, (except for
any otke which, $n his opinion, ought
not to bo fllled.) to aondfiato persons
,n ah n VfiPAiintpa in officii which ex
isted hi tho 'nieetlag of tho Senate.'
whether teniBrarily fllUcVor aot, and'
also in the pfaoo ti all owra tuspend
cd ; and il the Seaate, dtiriP jc pes-
. i r i . i ii- -
""' ji
cion, i"li(ll rcfiuo to ail vise ami con
Kent to an appointment in thu plnoo ol
any 8UP)Ciuk'il oflicor, aud ahull nlso
rclitso liy vote to n?ciitU hin HitHpon
sinn, then, nml not oiln'rwisi', hucIi
oflicer, nl tho end of the cession sliiill
hi; onlitli'il to rcRiimo thu poieaiuti of
thu oflicc from whicli be was tjt'pfiiJed,
and ndvnvnrd to discliaigo its ilutlc
and rucuivit itu cinoluiiiuiils iu though
no Mich siupciixioti h id taken place.
The nini'tidtuent wah adopted by a
votu of 37 yeas to 16 nays, mid thu
hill n amended pawed, only seven Ho
pulilican voting against it. It was
thought lor n time thin would setllo
thu voxad (juestion. Thu Prcxidenl
oxpresfed his entire aatNlactioii at thu
coinproinio ; lint tho House on Fiid.iy
i ef lined to concur with thu Seualu
iiiiieiirlinuiit by n vote ol (l to 70. It
i Mill heloro tho Senate for repeal.
Thl it may refine to do.
WOMAN' Hllllirs IS UTAH.
A hill iitiovr iH'foroCoiiKrvi'i'ntitliur
irin women to vote in thu TurritiAy
nl Utah. Itri preanihlu recites it is de
idjjned to destroy polyyntny. It may
hau tho ellecl lo firmly cMahlNh it.
The J)ttftt Jii'eiilni A'rMv, u Moiinon
paper lavon the monaiirc. Hear what
it itiiyn iu ilit Imiiu f the lOili hot :
A Saw 1'i.AV. Our tvlvrnpliic JN
imtehc.s tod.iy inform in very Iniully
ol it now pl.in which iitjiiopohed fortho
(lieoiiriij,'cniriH ol ioiyamy. J l i
worthy ol notieo, and we'liojie it will
rvmivc attention. The hill proposei",
with the view to cheek polvyamy in
tliiiTviritory. to iio hullhiuc to tho
women. y like this Kii-'Uestlon. II
oarried out, and it nhould woik iik fli
oi initiator hone it will, it would ho a
"' "y ih -K "'
iiiieitlSiiii! mid without the Ills it id
...... .I....1 ..i .....il! I.! I
i '!-". '.;. . . . , . v
troulile which nave ncp'toioie nueim
ed thu vaiioiiK auhetneii that havu heen
pioponed for that ohjeel ; UiTl if the la
diea hou(jl ixvri'iiu the liht ol cull'
raye and yet not dUoouragu nor hieak
down polygamy, then niciubeih ol
Conyro-H would, a'rhapn, ho hattslled
to lut tho ipuwtiou ii'ht, and to eeuxe
tniuhllui; theumulvci uhout an iustitu
linn which thoo who are moft nflected
jhy it hold nn on cry way proleiiihlc
to the niouoituHu lumiiutiou ami tuu
vM'crnliltf practice which llouri.-di un
der ili hway. In tdther eai"u tho pan
n'uol the hill miejlit houlteudwd witli
Hatlnlaetory reMiiltH, and, therefore ni
an earnent ndvoeatu id woman' riejlilc.
ltn7, , AVo the I iyht of lflrug(.
wo jro in lur it, nun say ici mu lauic.i ui
I.nilll'-IIOtfiU IN OUKilU.V,
Thu Senate Hill iu relation to light
hnuscs on thu cosat of Oregon, punned
thu Houstf Thursday, and now awaits
thu President's hignature to bucumu a
law. Tho resolution provides that thu
erection of a lightdiouse, at Aoqulnu
bay and other llghtdiouaesnii thu eoabt
ol Oregon, fur which nppiojiriatioim
liavo heeu or may bu made, sjiall not
bo delayed for want ol tho consent of
the Lvgislatttru ol thu State to tho pur
chase ol tho sito or sites' of such light
houses. TIii'ho light houici nru to bo built on
Oovernmont lands, but thuLcgitluturo
ol thu Stalo does not meet under' two
years, and therefore the Liglildlouno
j0Rrj ,rUatod about coinmuncing thu
work. This resolution wlllallow them
to be c rooted without delay.
lias been ai rested under a charge- of
purloining a letter from the Poit QHlcc,
" W.Bod Journal states that
'arrest on tbocharge of being In posses;
a letter, or copy of a letter.
written by Mr. Wnt. II. bamupl, of
that city, to Mr.' Edgar A Allen, ot
- ---J; "' - 7,
only a bit ot "political wirsrwork," and
adds: "An open sheet of paper was
brought to him purporting to bo writ
ten by Saiuuol to Allen. Ho read it,
and as it was an exceedingly interest,
ing document lie asked permission to
tako a copy of it, which copy ho subse
qqently showed to Mr. Sanmol. That
is the whole history pf his connection
with the missing .letter."
Is monarchal infqrmj but Insabatanca
Bvoro repupiipan tlan tko Constitution
of any Krop monarchy. Tha
reign of tho king is limited to eighteen
years, and thi term ol the Seuari i to
twelve yfariThb majority o-w
CwwmittM nh? reported the 9on,stu.
Uon aro favorable to the separation be-
f . ,i si L ...! C..n . tfin tnlnmrttv
J'JIU' tTtawtaito th6 ' Catholio
pr(p)Hf tq . W . V"
asa a awa a waaaia i m .t ;
SATURDAY, APRrL 24, 1809.
Church as tho religion of tho State,
but at thu same time the toleration ol
all other denominations. Suffrage is
to be univcral.
Tin: 1Jtii toNSTiTnioy.u. amknumljit
Is being rapidly i alitied. Tho follow
Inij States havu rntilied it. Arkansas,
Kaiihac, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri,
Mjeliigan, Main, Nevndu, Now York,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina and West
Virginia. Our colored citizens nru fast
giining their natural political rights.
Thp word "white" has been strickun
out of all the laws rolating to tho Dis
triut ol Columbia, by an Act, approved
the 18th day ol Muieh, 1H00. This
will givo them the s.imu political lights
oi whito men. Tho Democratic papers
still howl against negro sulfiago; but
they niu not heeded.
Hrigham Young has twouty wives
on their way to Washington. It is
said he has suu'nty moru nt home.
Tliuru nro higns, says the Pittsburg
l)lnfnth'ht of a gruat emigration south
ward iu the eaily spring. Many fami
lies aio preparing to leave Pittsburg
lor Virginia, Kentucky and Georgia.
President (Jrant nays thu women
oiiuht to have a liberal slinru ol thu
An Illinois tailwny is getting freight
cms built on which is painted, "Krom
Ocean to Ocean. No transfors."
The Senate Committeu on Public
Hand liau unanimously reported iu
favor ol Senator Willintus' bill, allow
ing thu Kast side railroad one year
.moio time to flirt thiiir acceptance ol
thu laud giant. The Coininissiouejhpf
the tieueral Lund Oflico has duciavd
thaf without hoiiiu legislation ueithur
hide in entitled to tho grant. This bill
ill givu the Kast side n standing in
thu Department, and then tho West
sidu can litigate its rights in the courts.
Captain Lalollcttu has been nomina
ted 'ind continued Indian Agent for
the (I rand Hondo Reservation.
Muit Have Her Certificate.
A shoi t time ago a eouplo from tho
rural district of Indiana arrived in Now
Albany, .tnd put up nt tho Commercial
Hotel. Thu gentleman was ab.ichelor
ol the tinder ngu ol thirty-seven, and
the nuldvii had passed the heyday of
ytiuth, and basked in tho shade of
tweuty-kix. It seenlh thoy wero hunt
on matrimony aud had come hero in
H-arch ol that 'blissful ustate, beenudo
a "cruel mi cut" had denied it to tho
lot ing yould-bu bride, bcciwo ho had
iiiai relied with his daughter's lover in
yeais gonu by. -Hu howjjej saw it
wan.no use to oppose tioinatch, but
forbade thu performance of tho cere
mony ii his house. This being the
case, the pair gathered their vflcole to
gether, ba'de faruwell to thp old folks
at home, and camo here on an evoning
train. This was made- known to the
proprietor ol tho hotel, who soon had
thu papers in hand, and a ministor, who
boarded in tho house, waa ualled upon
to perform thqjjeremony. Tbia con
cluded, the now-mado pair enjoyed
tho ev.ouiug, 'until bedtime, in tho par
lor of th'u hotel, chatting with thu gen
tlemen a8Rciuitled liedtirao came, as
jt generally does, , and tho proprietor
with lamp in hand, entered 'tho parlor
to show tho couple to tholr room. Thoy
followed until thu second hall oi tho
second ttoor had been pntored, when
thu bride exclaimed in a loud vojcu to
tho proprietor: "Mr. Mao, Where is
my certiioa.teT You needn't think
you aro going to got mo iu that room
until I get It." Neither Mr. Mao nor
her husband could indnco hor 'to
change her mind ; and the preacher had
to bo called up out of bed, and make
out tho certificate, before tho lady would
movo a peg. This being done, she
soemod satisfied that all was right, and
the doer openod and elosed upon the
Bceno. ' i
Llttio panny waa taught that every
one was madojo'' d'uat. ,6no day, sho
was watohintiio'uat lu the street a
the wind jU!wJjjiiing it' In eddlos.
What aro. you thinking of?" asked
her mother. ,
"Cisaid Fanny, with a serious face,
"I thought tho dust lookod aa though
there was going to "be another llttio
8,rl" . t n, .
Entering Mineral Land.
Tho following letter ol the Commiss
ioner of the Land Oflice, defining what
kind oi mineral land was contemplated
by tho Statute, will bo ol Interest to
our mining population :
DiH'AKiitK.vr ov tiir Intkiuoii, )
Gcnorn! Land Oflici',August27,'0B. J
Register and rcreiver V. S. Land
Office, San Francisco, California Gun
tleuicu : This ollicc has reeotved a let
ter from A. Cassolli, of San I-'raucisco,
President ol tho "Clierokco Flat Hluu
Gravel Company." incorporated under
tho lawsol California, requesting to bo
informed whether said Company can
obtain n patent (or their claim under
the mining Act of July 20, 1800. Iu
reference to the subject the following
is communicated : Tho mining Act
provides (or p.itculiug veins, or lodes
of quart, or other rook iu placo, bear
ing gold, silver, cinnabar or copper,
but furnishes no description nl thu
terms vein or lode. Iu geology and
among miners thuy imply generally nu
aggregation of mutalU matter found
in the lUturcs of the rocks which in
closes it, but niu of u gieat Variuty,
veins difluring very much iu their for
mation and appearance. I,odu is a term
in geuoral use among tho tin minors ol
Cornwall, iu Kngland, and was intro
duced on thu Pacific Coast, by immi
grants from thu Cornish mines, and
signifies a fissure tilled cither by me
(alio or earthy matter. In Nevada thu
turm lodge is uaually.cmployed iu reg
ulations concerning minus, aud in Mon
tana thu terms lead, lode or ledge aro
similarly used. Ledgo would mcsiii lo
convey thu idea oi a layer of stratum
interposed between a courso or ridgo ot
rocks. Veins may )e either scdimun
tary, plutouio or segregated or of infil
tration or attrition, dtqendiiig upon
its peculiar formation' or tho modu oi
occutcucu ol tho metalio deposits. In
Calllnrnia tho ancient i i vcr channels or
what aro supposed to be such, found in
various mining districts, filled with n
compact blue gravel rich in gold, aro
called tho "blue lead," and frequently
iu common parlanec, tho "blue vtin."
Kvcn tho shallow "diggings" or plaoom
are sometimes found to occur in such
regular layers or courses as to receive
from tho minora working them the
names of veins of loads. There ia also
soother form of deposit ot all or of
some'of tho four metals, weutiomfU in
tho mlriiug Act, different from cither
of thoio mentioned above, called con-'
tact deposit. Enropeon Valuers men
tion still others, called in English
"Floors," in Germany "Stockworkc,"
anrl a fona oi deposit known as "Fahl
bands." Theso latter are, moro prop
erly speaking, oro bearing bolts, irrcg
ular in thuir diuiuisiuus, but present
ing a degree ol parallelism with eauh
other. Neither is tho mode of occur
ence designated' as "coutact-dupoHit"
considered a a true vein or lodo. Iu
(act, il tho qucstiou was rauod, neither
ot tho forms known as eontaqt-deposU,
Fahlbauds, or segregated vejus, could,
bo accepted as truo metaliferoua vein,
nor could it be made to apjwar wit'l
out expensive oxeayatioas, whether tho
metal iu the mino for which a, patent
U applied lor oreurs ia the form oi a
true vuin ornou Hcnou wo discover.
that n very strict construction placed
upon the torroaised in tho raining Act,
Would txcludo from its benefits a large
class of olainfs, even of the branoh of
roek mining, front the impossibility of
proving tho metalio deposit to occur iu
thu form of a true vein. Duf thero is
no reason for suppoeiug that tho terms
wore employed according to their striot
geological signification. The plain ob
ject of the law is to dispose, on naoaey
vqluof ot the mineral Janus el fne urn
tod StateB, and if the clainant is wiK
iipg to pay tha prjco named in ,th Act
it is cjeariy a matter, o indiflferenQO o
he Government whether the metal oo-,
curniin th,o form of a triieoT,false voin,
or whether la.fhe form of a vein,at ftlj,
f'poro s oerUl,nly no jmblio pojiojf, to,
u,Vofve by favoring 9n0 oi mQ
era and oxoludiag others, nor baa the
UommiaiioBer f ver aboard, any reaaort
assigned why veln-mlnea hoqjd bo
patented, apd, other deposits excluded
from patent, or any IntimatloB s)r
prsswd thaMw wjm Jheatentioj pr
the-Aet. An Ida naa f hftve prevailed
i j ' i f fi
ntjthe time of the pamgafpfj tho jaw.
that tho "pincers weru i?om(rig exhaJtf
tod, and that their claimants di3 not
care about buying tho land oi obtain
ing patctitH ; qr i may be that the Aot
was drafted mainly in view, of localities'
where placer miuing constitutes a very
inconsiderable branch of the business
compared to rocky miuing, and henco
tho phraseology ot the Act seems tn
hac more direct reference to vein win
ing than any other branch, Hut what
over may be tho cause ol tho phraseol
ogy adopted, it is very evident to tho
mind of tho Commissioner that no
purpose or design existed in the minds
cither of the framors of thu bill or tho
Congress thnl passed it, to exclude any
class ol miners that chose (o nvall them
selves of its provisions. Consequently
thu law should receive tho most liberal
construction that thi" langurigo will ad
mit of, and ovcry class ol claims that,
cither according' to scieuttfio accuracy
or popular usage, can bc"b!assed and
applied (or as n vein or lodo may bo
patented under the law. It may bo
observed as an important point, that
no prool is required to establish tho
vein formation ol tho deposit, tho law
evidently contrmpl.illiig none. It re
quires the Surwynr General to certify
"to thu character ol thu vein exposed;"
but that is understood to mean that tho
certificate should show whether the ex
posed vein contains gold, silver, cinna
bar or copper, an it would fiequuiitly
bo ilupossihlfor tho Surveyor General,
even II his knowledge ol mineral vuins
was sufficient to render liinl otherwise
competent to determine whether thn
deposit conformed to onu class of veins
or the other, or whether it wns n truo
vein nt all, without oxtcmivo excava
tions a requirement certainly not con-'
templntcd by thu mining Act.
Tlie applicant claims a curtain num
ber ol luet nloug thu vein or iodc, aiu1
as much surface ground (in clthor or
both sides ot thu miiuo ns is necessary
fortho convenient yorkiogol thu mine,
lie may claim as many (cet as the local
law or mining rcgulu'lions pufpilt hiijL
to hold, not inconsistent with tho Act
ol Congress, and ns tnlich surface ground
as ho needs, taking caro not to conflict
w itli nuy othef claimant. Tho case be
ing preseutcdHu this form, no proof is
necessary to show that the deposit ap
pears in the form of a vein, tho phrase
ology of thu Act appearing to render
it evident that thu claimant was not to
be put to tho uccosslty ol producing
such prool ; tho ovidenco called for be
ing confined to tho posting and pub
lishing thu necessary notices aud dia
grams; to proving tbjo local mining cus
touts ; thu location ol tho alalia ; jiom
aeaaory rights oi tho applicant, tad tk
aoioaut expended in actual labor and
improvements; which being aatisfae
tory, and the Surveyor general having
made proper survey and plan el the
claim, with the required indorsement
and certificates, a patent must issue to
the applicant. , -
No reason is perceived why tho bluo
gravel lead might not bo presented ia
thi foruiboth iu tho applioaUoa and
on the diagram and plan, aad being,
presented,,! the applicant in; tho bopa
fido hflldojLflfrtho claim, and, it la clear
of conflict, U will bu patcutod to him
without any proof being required as to
the mode in which tho deposit occurs.
To conform to tho lauguago ol tho
Act, however, the claim must call for
so mauy'fiiel aldug the lead, and
given qnaritity of surface groond on'
ono or both sides' of the name.
You will please to communicate to'
Cassolli the purport! of thla'latter. '"
Very respectfully yotlr oW'u sfervV,
Joani'ii S. "Wn-sow, Commissioner.
Children are apt to think more, ofan '
illustration Uian o(the truUi twas (ii
tended o illustrate, A teacher endeav
ored to iilustrato faith tbus'pI-,
dreu, if I should tuU,you that ono day
I saw a monkey elhubing a liberty polo,
would yo believe mof "Ye, air,"
unanimously. "Well', that is faith;'
you believe me because I aay it, aad
you feel sure I would not ' tell an un
truth." The next day the question
was aaked 6( the fame children, "what
ia faith'!" "A monkey climbing a lib-'
erty pole," answered a quick little bey.
seat lialisTOatfajQtheilaaoeAMlt
of Eaat Portland. Thirty of tbeaS jr
female. Mora thaiyme-half ofikbaiv1
tire, number are insurable. r , .'
1 "Have 'you' 'irw 'broken a bom T""
inquired' jockey, i ' ' ' t
ANo; netokaotlfi hll bava roka ,
tart ortonnc,.ur wag9na," repfied
6imo)i. . , ,
Brigham'Yoing'a aon Joe anokea
5ood olgtifvidriaka gooAliqvov, tgatr
nsnk.'pUw pokaf, Uak AUwivf,ad,
praaheabe.fffaapal, t, v i