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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1869)
u i 1 I i "'! uSrrYTfii l "v. j i cHmMH p 3 'Jl' ' f It I- Ik m 0BRI10 SBXTIXRL. Saturday Moknxvu, April 10, 1800. Charles Wilder, colored, has been confirmed aa Post Mnitcr at Columbia 8.0. The City Council of Albany have purchased a splendid fire engine, in San Francisco for 11,000 a Hois cart cost in or 1150, and 400 feet nf hose, at. HI 40 per font. So says the. State Rights Democrat. Srttnr R:Tonr.A Ibton piper aid NW Vork city wan so wicked that ITi-lf Gilc bad to bo widened. A New Turk paper retorted lliit lint ugly piigp bid lo br nn lc wider to accommodate iho increased travel to ward Rostnn. In the Circuit Court o' M irimi Conn tr thi wep'c John T). Whitney nn i Thomis Stone plead guilty o 1-irpeuv and weie sentenced to th" Pon.'tPiitrirv tho former for throe and the litter for two roar. In the cie of TV J. W. MAfpp rhirgoil with po!.tnlnr hi. xfife.ihp jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. The McMhivillc Courier nh.rvp: 'Gnnt will shortly pliv fl-.t. fiddle while Congre. dmec a hr.-ikdnwn " Jut ! Grant l plivbcr ibo rogue much to the Demoer-i'lc thieve, who hive been robbins ibe Trca.urt- mi 1 C-.ngrp i "hrciklng down" ih Ivu Klux Democracy. May tbry boll; am'-cccd. The other duv ich ""putlnr an 1 '? presriilHllvp nt Washington 'lo.tud a rnlv of liii'liiv ierfiimcrlatiilidiiluiriip Iv ornamented soip nn hi dck. Most of the in-'I'l'lT left h ,! IV 1 1 r" tb'V found it, not being ncetiin ned to u e it. Dtmn-rntlr Kr. Vprv rnponritjinff for Democracy. When soap bpeomes unpopular, that party will thmrMi. The Fignrn observe "that the Pi pp and e President went into the i ot rnortPin ohbutrv 1iutiir. to a.e.r-'an their reil standing in the a large. Il i one nt the bed method ill the w.nld lo get n rool expression of pillule sentiment." Nothing wrong about that : but a hi ex Excellency and hi Reverence still live it strike u a having been rather nn ante, than a "post" murium performance. Don Pi'in, rorreioiidpnl of thn ('In. t'imialt t'nmmtrrliil, (Republican, fa.)': We have nn end nl rogues, nnl nn equal number of n"e, in our organ uallan. thili would steal the lat rent ' from the TrJ-.vnry, and drive u to the Precisely L Tho whlkev, Treasury other "rings" arc motlv I'inoeratKi rogues in Re ami Don hai a perfect ain. . ncinco Tima of April That 'Paitoral" Letter. K.amath and Aihlandlttms Pilot Bock. Telegraphlo Datee to April 7th The attack of Hie Archbishop of Or- George Noitwe, Government trader The President ha signed tho Ten Bon on our tommoii M-liotils, 4,8i dan- at Ft Klminitli nml lliv Aeiiey, arriv- ure ul Oili.e bill. Alviu Flmiiiers Ims uerouMo rellirioti," rniitiuiips lo re-' cil here on Sunday evening lust. II' been appointed Governor of Vabiiig eeive unfavorable comments from the ' reports nil quiet on Klamath Lake, ton Territory. nreniL Some of tbu mnn it n. l Fanuinir isbeiiitt vicoroulviiioecuted i N. Y. 0th. World special says quemloue attempt, on tho jnrt of an ' '" the Reservation and on Link River, the Democrats let the election in Con infirm old man, to strike a blow for his A number of wagons have crossed the necticut go by default. They have mi Church others, with keener percep-t mountains on the Emigrant road Intel v, ly elected Dabcock and H.irnwn for lion, reganl it as an indication of the momly bound for Goo.e Lake. Thu Congress. The Tribune's special from pertain effect of rdigious intolerance. ' road is good. Mr. Xurse has some the Chairmaind the Uepublican Stale It eeins stranao that while the Ifcht of meehiiuies employed to build a bridge Committee, s.iys Jewell and the Stale popular mtMli-jeiiPP is just becinning on Link River where hi ferry no is. hvkci are cenamiy eieeie.i ivixon to pierce the eloom nf the ilnmxeonn . The builders, Messrs. Kilgore ami Me- 'bleated by about three hundred. The where the InquMtinii flourihed, while cum are getting out the timber up in Republicon gain i nbout 700. The the people of Spain nre deniaiiiunir of , the mountain hoidcring Klamath Lake I.egilature is ebe bill there will irob- the Spanish Corle, venceanee for a ' intending to rait the material down to nbly be small Republican tnajoiity. priestly nsassiiinlinn i-ipnl tu atrocitv I the head ol Link River They expert! Toledo, (), 01 h. Tl nlire Repub. lo that of the L'tey hairi'd ColiirnS,tlii ' to get the bridge up in time for tho lican ticket wasebctedat the municipal viirilant seel should be trying lo siinV procesion to cms on the 4th ol July, election cslcrdiiy. Majority on May popular inlelHiiencp in free America. ' il they celebrate theie, which is yet or 400. Secular learnluir i thoiiiht o danger- doubllul. Messrs llanley and Runiett I HcruliVe special jays the Prcident ou that it inn t bp forbidden except have their lerry in operation at the' ! has agreed lo nominate Motley to the niinu'led with," and colored bv the dog-, head ol Link River. Mr. Xurse return-! Knilili uiisioii. ma of tho Church. Il the Popeay, ed on MonJuv, niter line nig in Fuc-1 Chicn'.'o.Ulh. Redntiou werepas- n Pope Pachal ilid ay, that the sun trv oodui d limit produce. I lis pack l ed in the Common Council iiluht roe roii'ilthe earth, then eography, train should teaeh hereon Fiidny next, lo provide for a celebration iulhieiiy ntptmniv nnil reason, e prisumi'i t.-i i - u-mi!... .. i.miii ii iiii.iiii.i iiciitrrcii it very Telegraphic. in iin.i.:.... !.. .i " : .'i v ",u,?uq riH,t irlM .. . . .. . ... . i"i' iiiiu uemi-pii ihii I,-.. i v Terrible Calamity at Vintinfa City The Yellow Jacket Ti, . ' V.a,"l the on Hie tunnel Mines on Fire About Forty Lire Lost. On Wednesday th tt' U)frr.-ihiiini iiini iim ininim ni iiniii ...... i .. ? -" i ineiinvc tna i Mill, Nevada, ye re on Are, the timbers died a most painTm riV.ti. V '"8 !. . .1... I . I I.. I.-..!...- I !....!. ...I Ollli..! ......11.... f ..' " t Forty Lifcs Lost, slrucled by caves that it e HlHN-kltiL' news ' "rk.l,i"' ' done luwanN X1."'1 theinintsatGold ,,, ML. ,Ve thy ,.,... '..' '!P Hie must tie way lo the Papal declion. H dieting thai reason i the greatest gilt of the Abuigbty, ami that be in tended ii to ue it, wm can onlv reatdi I one eoiipluion, that 1. that ttherei oiiiiei and lucid dicourse hcrt-ou last Sabbath. Hi effort wa lo prove that the baiiuouy of the pliyiud world tic pemNou the harmoiiy ol the moral. A leaning inea tns iiimi oiieiiieliceou Hit on the opening id the Pacific railway. Governor, Stale iflicer, ami members ol the Legislatures ol the Pacific Slates mid Territories are intiled, nlo the Mayois, Common Councils and distiu. guilied cilir.eii ol San Francisco, Sao and religion eonllicl, the latter! 1U , ,,, i,,),,,,,.,), nin !(t ,,h,vi mmontn and ..llier leading cille The mun be wrong, and that any form ol , M,i m, ,y ,, , . n,IMtl.. fm' j Pieshleiil, Vice President, Cabinet, religion that cannot stand the intelli-' p:..;igc in piote the diiect iuitiMisi-l "",,"',,, " "Ctmgres, lending (Jener genett of the nineteenth ecnture. is bet . : r !... t...:..i... t.. . . i "1. Governor ! Stale. Siinieine chiiliaii cutfiprNcs, even puduciug ttoinlerlul miiiicle lo aid thc thai deH. ) rnciselyl' rnrt amlo . made up nlfci' v?JP!?rn -:m Tt ,w v Therr Ivisbitim Minm tm (kill before the Oregon tor Hip creation of a Hoard Ion. whoe dulv il tl enll proper mean within tin induce persons Itom abroad settle in that State. Inasmuch as the T.ecilnfnro of thi le linvo not Peen in sessio i for out five months, the above iuforinn- tion in rather ancient lor a filit cliis- paper to promulgate. J. W. Johnson, "Lawyer," gets off the following sniait thing in tbo Conr fltr; 'Mrs. Gen. tifant has ihp smnllesi fool and the General has the smallest .bead In Washington," Why Jasper W, the General dnui require a larg head, He dont hate the responsibility of the Yamhill i owr rter and his ears are not so volumiimu as to demand an extensive foundation sabe. ? A female' calllinrdierself Mis ,4M iy flower" ventilates the subject of I'euiab suffrage nml tlje general rights of eiiu oline, in the 'lionhury Rutign. Mis M. desires laote and sell ribbons, lo cither ol which we have no objection. Should tho ladies even go so far as to demand ,niWJvJJ'fi(' "' sawing wood, holding ttfrpimfrh or fl ting to nnn (we dout mean lire nruis) when the bugle blast of war sounds, who could aay nay ? ' ' i JPfw(W3a nn kcahm The Ortgon JfiraM is prrfvetrjs, blighting in its isateasm Instead of denouncing Sen ator Wjlliams as a radical thief or n 'perjure villiiin ; it nntiihllates him with che withering rognnmen of "old flaxbiak; Did ever mortal ears hem afiylhbig so terribly scathing? Do lei up Mr, 7rrf(J suppose some one wen to cipMMr, cUl ester Prnnnyer "editor" old mother Ponnytoyrd and expect hu- aaaa natms t uu4 y genett of the nineteenlh centurt', is bet suited to the dark ages, and not likely to uDurih long nn Ire soil. TiiKOcoiiiKvru. Lkixik. OnTnir- I ..'.. I .1 !. a . .1 nay WP V.....1 i... ,cge am. ion,,,, , f Mm 0 ,,, ,,. ,, U(. woik proxns.n.g ..n the new shaft. ,., , ,i! ,i.....ii, i... tn , . i .... , ." ...I...H in .iesr. iiiion tinn itowoen, wiin own iiliie-teulh o tht1 li'd.'i', have sunk on it nbout eveniy feet and at that depth it hi widened to nbout two Icrt. Il was alinot. iiupoxible to break a piee of the rock lal taken out and not find lion or the Aln.ighiv in tcricttial ' '" "' '"v'"l"r' ' """'. nupn-me ll.iiiL's. As His u.o.i ..u..H. .i,..1-1'". He., will be intiled to meet creator aids the cicatuic in g 1HI ! ''e gueMlrom the Pacilio mid unite ioir in iiiiiunn u-ii-in iii iim iiccn in iii tin , - i-inii-ii nna out. i from a miner's candle. Tim llrst di- y bmiid hanging by a l.vid,'r l paleb slated that liltle could be imli"l,?u,,tt.1 ,1"l?,,,' hoMm! , , i w i n ilealh grip iv both l..t. i . . towards exlinguishing the fire, otting ,,,,,,,.. Bo,; WX .","; M, tothede se smoke filling the gal erics nitr- 1100 loot eVol where 1 1, "'''i ") and p.isagesf preventing tiny direct el-1 fallen from the level Miii. ' .' forts being made. Four bodies have tnot were Intind in (lie 101)0 (h,i .! been f.mnd in the 000 foot let el in tho "' ,,,"f Cr..w" ''!' I.fh.g in nf ' ' V,,. .,,,. Itj, . .Ill ..,,. ittrHSlirSWi. ly-lhrce men in the Crown l'otnf, he .!, m, nn , .'. .,, 7?n o ...,,,tr . i-o. out ,ffvf, low th lire suppuM-i! to bo dead, nml Mickell, tv to wa holiUd limn leu to twelve in the Id-muck, u-lin died at tiooli to iUv. nre siipMseil In be tlea.l. Kllorls ate P"'eral hate been,Ur being made to get (tout mil through ?lTSt'lv ""!ilMr '"'M anf . . i i . . i . T iv'"" I'fiiinvs ami ootn iiutiei nip' buiiii, iiiii ine siiiokc is so dense men cannot live logo down. N'ote and ignats sent down by the ear failed to return any respone. fire i till raging nnd the smo' creaiug. Thelollowiiig wa telegraph ed on Wednesday al lei noon: llllil 111 nni4 l -i . W..1.A. ...I... I.... ... . . -. ""W ..,,.i,mi worketiinosthfr,,,..!! gettiiigout the dead Wa t .ken "wj ihi nlleruoon tiearle inPti.iLi. i. , The M'y'- . ,,J,,','i l H Inert liU ke in- lT:Ti' ,,,.l;,,",',, a'!'1 ,N1" l1'"1 '"'" -i liteehihlreii each. It U l.,j ,t' the cT.rporalion(or which tln-ir li, were lost trill ' prorc smillrs. U Thirlrrn .lead bodie nave been re- l'V"" " r ir .. I CslenlaVIhe nri tr:i riimr...l .. t. cover,,, iromt.iet.o... ...II lire, lie- , .,, V(irM. ; ; - yond doubt at leat forty men have .Tin; smoke was so dcue a In rmirr peri'hed. The rouditiou of the lire i ! iinpoible lo work the i-iigiut u more InorableS a stream nt water has iK" -nir work of llM'Croifp.Ilt, been brought to bear upon il in the I '"I"? ''! ,,,,, "'"'" ""'-' .Ijie H-d eight hundred foot level, ami hope are ,.:-rl4 lir,. ).;,, ..,,... ... ,,, felt that something mat' tet be done to i avenue to tin. u,,rL. n.n. .i. i. .. exiiuguih il. Olln-r M renin ol water Ji"l lujeel a volume ol steam. in ct-ii-nniing in.' eveiil its a manner belilliug so giaud an ocemdon. i.tiKsr fitoji ct).N:nicrr. Hartford, Tib. Complete ti-turn give Jewell (Republican) HM majoritv lor Goternor. Strong (Rep.) for Con- children of men, '-, pestilence and mis. lorllllie ill i-v -re n-inm nn.l i.iin... jfind ioJ.slhep.ople touuet -""'miU."" ""' '", ,i",,i''1 fl0' ",,v in hi nam.', pioniWng lobe uiih them 'm,l "r,,,, ",,l' " '' "',l1"1 uhen they n.-.eiiible in such ease j lb;'. '-'T.'b Slarkweaiher (Rep.) in the no condition ol iilfaii. under the sliin-1 l,,ir'1 I)i""- '-' M-inimn (Dem ) in I I !.. !. I I I I k' "i ii, ami in i. " N 'iing rb ol Heaven would ju.lilv il.em ,ho r,,urt, ni, 7n0 ""J-'ily. The men taken out that were nearly Imll ,,,, , (llll.v ,,, ,,,., h. j Republican nr,J..rliy in the LcgM.Uurc 8S 'n" pm i," a"y nVnkv" 0,,, I !" -Mr. Willi;.,,, wa more .ban ... ," '"r,y " J"i,,t ,,ft,l", ol Gold Hill. Hie owners inleu I lo ,i ,, ,. , , , ,, . , . "sink" till tbet- r..ft... ,l..,.lh ..I n '' 'V ""'m ""'l d,',,r' '""' ,l"' I"""1 ' ' '"' h'W """ V OPTII'tTmitH sum till tliet reaeii a ilepil. o one.,, i,.,- , ... , ...,. n ,....,i ,, c ii iii i nil i it" ' i"iMiii, iim iiiip'-iit -rr ri- Meeting of the Board of Ttnt'ew. I . . , . ti iii"- 'iiev'oiirt- urn; hi nun ire.i or one nun.ire.i nml liily rrt i.,,. , . i , , , , i,,iv ol tin- Treauie. il. Si I.....U .. il the rock continue to prospect I ,,rf j hhMi-hii (l)ciuocnilic) icmarks as In!- a it does at, it will iutii- ' ... ., low-: proper and seienlilio openiug and sure- , ' " . ' C ' M''r' mv "' ,lu' fi,sl M' ! . M" "i,, nm' "' !'" """wser of the Iv prove a source of Jack-on , " '"j;""" " U': " V" , , ' ,"",'', ZZ1 on ins iiiiiiiiv inr .iiiouri, anon, tin-' . . , i--. i... . i! , ine in iietoience niei the earnesiiie ol tie being arranged ami i lie opinion i gaining ground thai the mines tt ill not be permanently injured. Ai-nii. ili, ?o. A still later dNpatoh ays that there , The Hoard of fiintcc .-mM,-.J nre twenty eight mis-iug, and that the j r ''; !". J,,,""M'rs i.resi-i.i, A.)lii ...i . in ..mi .i.. ... ' "el.leiit, I). Linn, O. Jacob an. J, loial ln.4 ol lllo uill be :i: or .11. 1 1:, x,. A,,.,.n,; j,,,,,, 0nli. Txl Among the terrible incidents of tiie ' minute of the pretiou inettiii) ttf lire the following U related: The '"''"' n,", npprovi-,1. The c.iimnit,t thiee broilTer. .lame, Richard and '.V.'l V n'.'l' i'-7' .' -- . !. Lr ,, ... , , ' i HHe deed, made their upon, an- retv- (.corge R.ckell, aged respectively X ' in,.M1r., n,si, that l.elorc cpMih-, .11 and 28 vcar. were winking in the nlccd, thai a suitcy be mule lo iuit Ciown Point mine. Xoi long allerthe iisii it point on 0"ie.ou Sn,t l,,i( tire wa di-covcrcd and the demllv ! ''."I I'"','"'"! f,,,"'t' ,,MW ' l","" lb r"" rtfrr ',"":;" "' "-'"";::::?s;:s'l,:'i:i,i Crown Joint halt, Richard and l.e.irge ,i,i.i ,etween Dati,' and Wti.rr groped l heir way lo the cage and rang i tcrer's - motion was mule lu I he bell to eoine nn. When thee in-. I 'be icporl, ttlieu a rfved nt tiie surhec, iimraa wa tli. -j' -, and wa iinnipipiirtl hil. : -iiit ,. ' lue memliei gencr.i v, mid I.vJ.k I) overed insensible, le.niug oter I.. I Kliy Km , wIh Hll;, '. ,j brother ami holding him a will. 'fully when the prt,ieilil.miiHherBi. dell, grip which wa quite lillhuli in t mill", coutemliiigtliai inruusrarlnlrt liciigage. Richard had hi head torn rv l,",, ''it ween tliese elaiiiutih, Inm T , II... S...II.I ...........! ..III...... . l . . ' tlrht ol Mat- next buemli.... ... IllllL , I '' i"'.'iie.. nii-l llu wim.-s o aliuou completely ol an I I,. left arm I ' V. "," , "" ., v "" . nrM oi, nexi, inleiiiling to mak" , , , v ,.., ,... ,,..,i.. .i... ., ..' ..,,., . . . ' H what each bad acluallv, , Comk to Gmr.K.-A le.ter received M" "",", ,"""" ' '' "" ''" aM-Jin ..,.. !i,a. MKl ili ' , SXtlt ' ""? ,,!r " " " ' "' " m '" ' Wh, nn.l he believed ii ,J A. herefrom San Francisco sivs that Pat ''"" ,i,K"1!- MM" h,m ,w" I'l.n.lie.l, I all il... l.1iiiines ,, .. "' " - '""'M'""'" nn- parnei m in ti-i.n Malol.P,foruerlvcdilorollheytVooW,T:l":,,1,, i",", '"". ''.v '"' :'1'' ..I, " "r" ' 'h-v. nil Hip ilor.f i"-''b'. and sinking down .. the M.-jnii .. uudcr the l a an iml ----l-Mkllli ISIIIIf'IIMiriIlIIII. , . - " u If IV ' Hlvl i o nt i j . JU......I. .... ' iitii i. iiimi .in ii I'll i-ii' r w .... . ' ........ i-i-.ii- tt fi (-t'-l. i ....11.1 .1 ...!!..... J . i . .- ".-" fi..r l.i. n.....m.i. I....I I....... i!i...i .... I icaiizeug I piollt. . n m hi l in ! Ini..l,i !.. I.U t.....ll...,. i it. ..i.t." r " Kiiii-ung irom n uiyxia, ,i ,.. nm iiMiblalu his . ee. Ii.nlie .-usl ludee Satvver I... .-iir..fc. ... t I l-tr fiiiriry nml euieipiUe he has i in hi pin po-e, hi inibie wa felT rr,,,,l'',,l ' Inh iliug ' he bud iielom-d, and which In? M mnk.. a ,.,'..i..rt-.l .lift" i.. ,t... . few equals in the eoiiutrv. mid it i on- '""" h-ni that of nuv ol hi asoelates sobmllv c'nr.'l with cirb.min aei I I''!"-' b"bl iiii.lipiiled iiud s-tld tiitihe - t lha, 1 ied to draw ' ' no, , JZ, ,7 J II , tT C I- " T ' 'SV 'XOZSi frnm the Treasury. He drew the ...on-, c"I,li' ' - '"" '""' "f P'i'".'. U t e!v pn.,M."V..,.i. MI,. ,- ''; il how Mauds between tl.e-e pull,., ey but the forgery wa soon discovered, i "ll1, " b '"'" hc fiii turned his, .omelo,.k. black hair and tvbiker ,,,"M'V,', ""'' ,u ' .' eage wa i , a placed I hen- before elilier Di ntteiilioii toward ndtuiKiug the wgti-i '"d a coniitenanei'. that beiokeu the cullun.l iiilcrcstH of thu couniry, mid J",""r n.eMulc:, llipeechc scut down with a light lantern in it "r Wetier.r eauie in pos..inn, anl aii-l a small box will. en. idles, mil the ""' '",u' l,'"n' ",i""1 ""'rr ''i "'1 -TJie Jvksnuvillp S-iittti'l iminuates , XlfflhThV:,,0. ,0 lH,,n I "? w;,: hun amlVin iler hU Mi; ?jS1 Sis v1 wi ,VjiV;;r.h: '" r:1 ' '" j ,,,,w ,,,,,,,,,,r v"'- !--mi "'' ' Si.;Vt ll ' .i.iu ,;".:':' r' ;ir ,,u"1': ?; ,,u' -si--i-- tmm wm, w, r.i nut, Namlio .. ...t...n..t.tT."-.n.. t i !...... iieeariv leaiiA'.ltlieiicccs- ion ol evetv suit eel t he mot il.m. !,... " ".; i e nre sun- or w.ieliier ll was Mralsjtu orimi. it TUbr '. 1 i . ' win .i... c.....-." fUilvtd rai-iug lar-'eand ln.r. 1 alleiillon. ' hilling Hie fire, it is death to atlemnl had be.oiue the legally esb. Mislu-4 rnmTKnn Clh, Kotwirhe. ' m-lor iim- in our mouuiaiuou com..' V,1IT i. " " "T, , . ' t-come up Iron, where you n.o-we " bMwi..i these ,rlir he ir...iiglij Correct wba, ,-M, Dulur, bb.n- .iy. I . idea he' Z "J " ! ff " UZX .lersorthe,i...rtionofthe F,,t,rprU tioduced "Coburg" who Iron, his sUe , , dlscreoenev I iei-e , il il r1"'" ' '"lf nml produces sure and ,;, i grant in.'. Iced, ll.e Ho ird might hut we bid nn right to eriileNe Mr. ' mid power mioii achieved a wide ivpii. r i,liri. ir .... wit. Vv , 1 ,"y j speedy death. Write a word to us and i moid igx-. lines, and now lo tun the IVs ball diim. u-nrk. Willti... r-..... I .,.,! ...... ..-:... i.t i ,.,. .... I . ' . r '" "" ineniM Hie week- h I it nn on the caye ami let ,.-L-, ,.u. lines belwceii the-e two parties Ir-.ia "" frl(f .nt-m. I MltM HUM IINIl III lll'lllllllll lit I. ..III.,.. ..... .. . . I I - -.-r--.i .,-; i... w.,..u- !....... s ! a i. .. .. . .' r..,,.., n,,,,,,,;,,, ,,; -w ..,-itj;:r;:'.:i:'.,."ri;,,f';:; - l..,,,ofir,..,.l . . ,, ,., ,,, , (i.v l'.v.-.hv l cp,.,.l I...S....t,.CI,l,l J.i,, l H. I,. ,.,.,, , ,' , , ll,.kI'l,,l,..tli.?rTlm,..,l,. Incrlon Terrilnri-. .. luu.n t i . ' .. . n i . .... ...... ' '"" aivei-tti-iit Kn.i .mil I. i.,r ....... ..:..:.... i i.. a wi nave i n. iv...i .... ....... i - J , ...I., ... I1.I..II.I.-.I '...,i... ,.r.e mm, ,,, on, , , ,1P more ol ; Im,v ,()irM.H( m, ..f,,,,,. SUIII j good u.n.le will be ,,.. band, and .he 1 rtI-.iM in lb" friend, of Jr, . 1U ,,,,, ,.,.,, , , , ,, vounglolk will besurulohaveuHplen- ;;.,;:::r,s , z,:cz ::izzz:i:z,:"W l!'"" " -" Z2L? ; yJz . v: ter ':;;: itAi.i. at Arri.KnATK.-Mr. II. Renr-; " ""V " " " '"- " " w-- . Iegila.ion lor the reconstruction, f .!!.. ...1 .i t I .IIP. M ViT 11 1 Mil In I fmliiiMiil I mi ......... I . . ' ' ' ' iii'i mi i ! i iMt'N n ii.'iri v in in nji nt i "-" tM. v i imiis iiiii iii v t ruin ... in..!, f. . i "i - " '" wi'-iiinr. , . '"W"" "mi Mi--i-inh lu-roiv till hi new Hall on Applega.e.on theno.h. -t---.-lc, I hat bird ol tare ,.l..- adjournment, ma v induce ihem to com ll i-juM a nice diive, and Mr. , , ,M,,P'. J" ' 'mrsb and unb id- tim.e a week Jonger. knows how lo get up tho nicest kind ,''1 '"""' ""l "'V u fli - a b ss. j '- of n party. , "" ". """tbology, hut to cub our di. ' No -'Awvhus All the lawyer have .; poMiinn ui .iiKpiay our lluery and no- '""" ,"""' eourt at iverliytille lint May Paiitv. Mr. L. Home will eomplMiments. We hope Mr. Mv,r ,w" '""l ''''' -ire sn g.m I mitnred thut vlve bis annual Mav lvirlv on Monday ! "' return in a few years lo make I.I. t,M,y "'innol be persuaded lo wrun.rU .. . ...' . . . ' . - .May .1,1, the 1st falling on Saturday. ' 'mine with im for the balance ol his l0 t-'''ll"'''l-t,t u have peace!" Kvery preparation will bp made to i'n-l time, in which case lie would no ihmlit ! v. r.. "7 ..n. T me the voting folks a ii, be able to draw t ir!L-l... n..i .... ." ' "" J'y nl ill- ll, .v .In..!.!!.. t,i. U..... I hv,, II ill" .V. ... . ' T'1 " ,,,' ,M"'y ' Wge Hibl which they doubtless trill have. Tho Albany Dvijocrnt denounces President Grant as a rent tween Rogue River valley will. hV wh w.n, " lm ,' r J J ro "' nnW and o.heradvanlages.and the1 p,mrt, , ,.,;,.,,, B f J " nl no untamed wi derness ,ha. it was ;oiJto-iMI.,lr ' 'gnde from . .. T.. . ... . ......... v. -11111111 Miet-n vaarsaL'n. I'einocrnev. 11 mat OKI not Happen to m. . R nrove Grant's hones, v It -nl,1 I.... ... I . -,,e Vegetation grows luxuriautlv ... ,!i.i... ,.!... ' I Hiucilhe h.le rains. The Held of ..n... .. ,K llin; ri-l.IV l. , . ... ll'lllm j K P'"1'1 ive hopes of Plough nml to ' J 'J" c .,....... 'Vi c. .. . , Himro. mill thn nmnm.A .....I ..I .. . n rAr. .- iinnmnr ii-in iAnt.. i ? "' 1 iiimi I'liiiiiiiriii nil tt i Sin Francisco for Crescent City regi.. "mm,""f T'"' mngnlHeenee on the larly hereafter on the Sib and 20ih of ' s, mi Hie air will, fragrnnre. ..-..t. .1. . A irt-nii.1 n 1... t... i. . en.-., uioniii, on tho Sthof v ' neninorian April. KrorKiiiKf!. Mr. t'line, whose leg H.iccesstnlly nmp.itnted bv Dr. mer nl Cnnyouville, a few weeks is recovering rapidly ami out of anger. Catti.kFuomJoskimiisk. Welearn that about BOO head of cattle have been purchase, and driven oulol Josephine School commences' next Monday desirablo thai all the sckolars should produced great excitement. os preseni on thai car. Aikjaod, April Jib. 1860 w , elnn on the top of .Mount Magnificence r'',n-", "'."' lVf n out df Josi ! "d a raid on Sa.monvili; ;;v;!,t!, C0,,n,Jr w'""""'Mt month, it M Innd equestriennes during tho last week J'T Somewhere in town a finn meerschaum nine. Tho fl.wi... ...:n i. yijLlvrewardodby returning it to how you are" The cage relumed lo the -urtace without nuy reply, render ing ii certain all had perMiod. Many of the miners havo families at Gold Hill, and they hate pacd the day in uiiiitlerableniigiiii,iiirryiiiglrniiihiilt lo shall, giving vent 10 their agony in wiiilings that brought tears to iheevcs of hundred i.nued to weeping. Tho origin o the Ibe is not positivel,' known, but nil believe it originated Irom n mines caudle lelt fliekeiing niinmg the drill limbers. Several streams of water are now running down the shall, but w'.at effect i being pro. duced on the fire is impossible to learn, neither can anything po-itivo be ascer tained of Hie damage, lone to (he mines. Fu.ther dispatches on Thuisduy say that the lire coutiuu.'s to burn us bad as ever, Owing to a cave in the Yel low Jacket, tho firemen cannot now reach the fire. Nineteen dead bodies hats been got. ul of the drifts ami shafts of the burning urines. Nine lay together where they had climbed lo n drill one hundred feet above the thou. lite poiul propose-l 111 litis rcpon, pm til I-ll with Pine St reel, would rstsMbh and lix a straight lire, as he hid no doubt ihi wa intended by the who built the fentje, he did pot know it ihi line pmpiKcil to be run, mhuM varv much trout ll.t line of ill present fence, Mi. Linn -aid he wa one el the commit', e, a d had examined the premiers, and ue wjs not a wire tint the line (imposed in the report t hi clnhlihfd would vary .11 iterittlylni a the line ol the f. net us il in w The fence ho was oati'tlcl, w-s almrd by those who erected il, lo he put en a'line pnrallell with lii.Sirv-,ii'lli believed il was our duty lo run the line si might, whuu they were irregu lar mid merely incidentally s.iaii'lnt intentional. The mot ion lo adopt lost by u tie vole. .Mr. Fayfien hr i.i-.lly presented the applinallonol J-'. Wellerer tor lille deed to hi iirvi.ii'. The applications were rvlerre-l lo "ri Neil and John Orlh, a sjncUI nininiit tee l. report on the same at l he i"-1' in, -cling, .las. . Wade presented bill tor expenses for hiiiMing a hri'lj.'1 on Kim Street. Iit-t N'niiinlier. by '" leroltho Hoard, of 50 tii. T"1 bill he staled ha been rendered previ ously, but by some iseaiis had bw" lust 'ui.rht nl Hinl m.t. u.-l.i.l IIIIOII. SHU ho desired the Hoard to uut iipei ht iiijnu; sand foot level. The firm in.o 1..1-..1 nf . Hl nn.l cx..l I Iim nil llu- Im.,. , ',,,!,(-!,, , ib,. till nt .. nm u lining, 11. io me suriaoe uur ihU' the day. It in now ascertained .hut 110 material damage will bo done to tho claims, The following dispatch was received mi Thursday night: Twenty-eigM bodice, havo been recovered. Tliero nn, four more known to be in the mhie and tliero may possibly bo eight more. Tho firo remains u in the morning, allowed and ordered paid and trrrn to !.. .Iimumi I.. Mr Wiiiic. Kill el Seiilinel Ollice for 8 fer printing blank tax receipts, was presented aiM laid over u nler ill- rules. Uill A V. Wall lor 08 was reported on t"l correitteif, reducing tho sum Ktt and win order,! paid us vorrccted. A F. Wall was appo.iiited Fire Wra for till year, and Jan. Cardwtlj wa apnolnted,P.Miiid Keeper. Beard adJmrHl ' . r?'3BHBIB'",,,,,"r 'ja-x-:.