.yj IWSINKSH N'OflCKS. ritA.coAMi:mCAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, oprosrrn tiih Odd Fellow's H-all Jnt'ttsonvillr, Oregon. Tfivelcri1 ami resident bisnlsrs lll One MADAME D' ROBOAM'S ' JED3 AND SBDDZIVO r 'lcril In f.rl rlsss nnVr. find In evny ' nip'rinr In iny In lM secilnn, sinl uipswl itjr ntiy In llie Slate HER ROOMS ARE .NEWLY FriWISHEP, And plcntlM iiptlv "r tin- IimI of rrcry iblng ili insrkt-l nlfnnli will be ob- Ulnrd fnr ni:n table. So Irnn1.pi1 III.V spsrisl In iWrrr lli pM mtr f Hi" ImtelliiK m well m llie twrnnv ml enrominiliy. ick-nnvlIK Mure'' 1. IMfi. If Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSOX 17., A, 0.7.Y0.V. Ambroty pes, Photographs, Oartos do Vislto flo.7; .vr: 7.v;.?r srri.i: or .u:r. l'Irliirr llit.ccil on ixui:nri to uri:sr.r. DB. A. B. OVERBECR Pliysicinii&Surseoii, .MfA'vrVt7. .'. Olin'MX. ftfllf "t M-f ' ''! nf r In Hie OM OtrrWIi n..Hll KilUr ii il ll. DR. E. H. GREENHalf, rilVSICIAN AND SUI.OKON, OFFICE-Corucr of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. ll'will pmcllcr In JncV'im uml H'Vji"" foiiBtlrn, rikI Mtr.nl pmmptly I') l,,,,r,. '.'',''' ! f,y,il( OR, A, B, OVERBECK'S Jl A.TT-I Tt O 03 In tho Ovorbock IIoHpitnl, WAU.M.COI.D .tSIIOWBi: 11ATIJS. SUNI)AVS AND WEDMESpAY3. i r.itrni:, .m. d., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OFFICE removnil tn rallfornia Street, Konili side. J. lima U" l r, IM. Ik". 'I'"'l ,f nn. i.r.wis oaxi'mi, PHYSICIAN' BUKOF.OX AND Obtotrlolnn. 1111 Xsllm't In on ln rnvr rrnnl"' M W .iti-Vm nni'f mil r n"'r fm f,ll.ri vMo X Wriil. fnrtcn.'Vlllr'. linvSIf Y t'OWtLt,. iHTst STOV DOWELL & WATSON, ATTORNEYR AT LAW, .TnrliMiiivlllr, Orrgnn. r'rr'- t j ro 10 A. v. . A IlOI.n lln-lr rirn1ir cnmninnVMIn-' VV nn "'" Wrilnenlnr f'T-'I'li "r nrwf"l W llir h f-,,11 ,nonn In Mrrovvilir, on rniv. A. M.MITIS. W. M. P W Srnr Ccc't. """DrCTwATSON, ATTORN-Y AT LAW, Empire 'lv. C.nn rosinv. Ogn. Afmin'sTraor IVotico. NTrT..t.iri.tir i'fii Mn li"tf nf .'. "i''inlr.'ni on iiiimnf .IvW' Hub ll A ivrr Uiwnf fnV.iii fo'i'tlv. Orfin-. V. I.n wni 1 lo I'". i'i.1''n'iil. '1 r'r.fin. liKrlpprhllmv vi'n' M nls r i ...a...... il...n. .fit', lfi pMnr .-. ... ... I.. .----. .-...., ..... --- - trt ,..,. .n,w..7..i.,t M. '"f""'- (tat. vn, .11 r's"H not nrf"0-l r iMn If"'! n.ii v' ,,a frvr Inr-ril vnn v'l p.r.nn. Intili'M tn Oi" ll'l ro.vfo rf ri-n,ll','l Bslel'Pm'vllll n."."n P l. i.n.V'rl'ir,J ""'iN V. IIFXMS Adtu'r, March rati, lfif.3. HIDES !JIIOES! T'lF. uir.iiF.ST OAsn nifR- pmh Fort I liMxnfill icl'i'l. i"Urr-i si Ih" mnrkrt erihs iinilsrslsnobln Jsckunnrlll. JOHN ORTH. nmbr8lh 1fR. If To th. Rtading Public. WMnt-ysflllSf nn eo-nforUblr. rtpvllnv rtnom S'l't PI-smMIIw.' I,I1im-t whlrli H 7iv fveTTone whn wli tf " r 'nnri, r MrtleitlaM enfiit1"" " "'" n,r nr'i" t,nr'' 4re.1ir PUTTOA' STKAltNSi 111 1 f ' ' ' SETTLE UP. Tl nnnr.(rnr-1 1 snxfn'u fnr s lsnsnl illh I.', pitrn'i. 'in impe ihst thry will cfim forward nnd pay lilm snmn mnnry. Tim. nr irnnU'd vin putt psjroent will be great n-555-T?! l-iVh r J.:Vfonvllle, March 20tV ,rli" " -f i ii i m My m m m m mz i Br ?yk vij II' v Jv I I'Jv JV I IJvJI' ' ry VOL. XIV. hie mm mvM. runi.isiiKD I'Very Snturilnv Morning by B. F. DOWELL, officii, cons'Kti c it riiini) stmmts TliltMl OP SHinsCIttPTtOXl fnr on vcir. In ndrsner'. fmir ilnlUr : If nut p.M ' Hi'" Ii" Hfl lx minlli or lit" yfr, fir.' ilnllnr. ; If ii'.l nM unlit the expiration f llie) or. fix dollsrs. TKItMi OK AIIVKimsi.NOi Dnr Minnm (10 Mftf nr l"S) (lrt lnrttnti. llit.'i-ilu'lir ; imcIi ili"ri.'iil li.-orlln'i. niir liillir. A ilNi-omit il fitly ht cut. will be Hindu In lln.v wlin ndrrll! I'Jf llioyest. WI.fRil Tender, rrci'lnil at currrnl rstrs. Tits Unfinished Prayer. Nnir I l'i"rifMi li iliillni; ; l.v m, ' ll-l il'. tlnr I p Of my tluwM.r ki.-lliiir. Nuillni;, ljt li- r fiitilcil riui!' r lip. )'wn In .Jiop".. -Tn !" p." 1i miirui'ir'J, AihI l In- cutlv Ic.i'l ilmpp 'I ti ; I pry tlii I.iii'l' I (fully p'M .1, Y n cm m) II nil, I knnw." IV it ilic l."'il" l!i" wnfi1 ennp ffilitily, I ,il li iill-"My mil In kv.p;'' Tlin llir llrnl h"Ail ritrly nn.Mii), A l iIhtMM xa t'l .(ip. . ' , lint tlieii'y ryt Inlf np'iifl M'li". I rlp'i li-r tn my liri'H'l. AihI liii l nr li'leo mflly ii'iNirnl, ' Minimi i, (iii'l kiinnn tliv livl," Cuntiolu. of Unlibnn. V..JI.N. ll.iikcti, uiVfoii I" the u'ordi of the ulil in.iii, tui'l Keep thy he.irl Irom i f.iiiilhi: niter a u inn in. lieliolil .1 w i- vP uiiiii i iliiiiviuii'j sliu h.ithU':it nu it iiir the non.i oi men, ami loielh to cjin..ift their ill sti net. on. tiw h.ith .in ie like nil e:ii;le, timl Kitriivt'th lliu tiimutl n.iilH ot n niiin; die Jonki'Ui.vMiu"iiil mill uhetlier n in. ill's uiiilijsl. iinliii I'c IiiiiiI or mil, .iii.I rhc knuuvth Mhethet' lie lie : ulae iMli ui n li.illiy t nnipkiill. Ilir ;l.iiiei iv mote tinililf tlitin tliu illiliiiii, lui llu killith, hut the look ol .i uuiii.ui wuni.itilh loii'Xer j, . 1 .1 . .1 1 i . 1 ,v....r 1 ... i M.e ..Ub p.i to ... I. c. h r, he '"lu ll,iM"'lT , ''"" , iia.tUMb.ionrlbehvn.lsoln.e... When they are loiue into her pic .1 .1 1 ... i t.ii-e hhf smilfil. upon them, her ever, tire lull nl love, lierlipvgiM'hnth word swifter ll.au hones', 11. id she u.clh nr.uv nrts to detiov herlovers. Yet, without love can 110 woman live, lor thi" is to her ns wnter to the dig an I a- mini to the imh. Viil.nnt love a woman vvastetl. like an heib hid. ten from the sun, and il she b depjited ol lovers, she lo.etl. her uaiiiri' nud beenmetli nn old mni 1, Whe.efo.e every woman seeketh to be loved, nnd if she ennnot leeeive the love nf 11 mm. she will luko that ol nn i Hot, lor behold the lov.s ol 11 fool i bi'lter than no love nt nil. N'cvci il.i'lesi, a woman Intl. no es. teem for n man thnt luveth her, but eonlempt ; nnd lit.lh nfleetlon for fl.e man thai di-pieth her, for she sieketh for thnt which i- denied her nnd east, eth nside that which given unto her, for behold she if a woman, and there fine bevond undcMandlng. vbi' hulls no respect for wi-dnm, bill delighletl, In the pleasure of worlds lor ' ti.1.1 i.iinn dip hnfh no sitlvf'Ktion in .,, . t'"' rompiny nJ the win-; mir ne-irrtu , to mingle among fools nnd popinjays Though she hath nn experience, yet he knowelli the weaknesi of men. Therefore he ailireth herself in luxu rious raiment, nnd pntieth p-tint upon her face to plense them. She knoweth they are slaves to their uission. nnd she evpoetlt her charms to excite them unto madness. If her ,. i..,.n,nll .In. useih it in ensnawr .......... . tl.ell nneeitoiiMor M.e .,.,.,, men liuve .nnr "j, ' ....".v thnn lor a head. , She tovefli fine rnim"nt and the jew. els of the eaith'nbove the love of men or lb.' hope i of salvation therefore, Bhe csteemeih n rioli sinner moto than a poor Christian. So, mv son, If thou art poor go not among women, tor they will hnffetnnd despitelully use theo; and if tlion art rich and fall among them tho Lord alone can deliver, thee. UA I...11... . nn nrlblA " ' - ' ' ...- " '"' ' "T- - M-.. i. ii i....i - ., ...-.- 1 I.. i .I ,.i i . ii , i . . . . JACKSONVILLE. !TI" .tj .f . -" vuiiiyiiiuui uj ui iiirtiinKcurjui' From lbs Sun Frviehcn IItkIiI Nkvads, Jnnunry 20th, 1800. The si.yet of the Cenlntl P.ic.no lltllmul I, l,Pl,,. veiitllnlf.1 1,y the b.inFritiiinrolrptlnA very moder- ntf'fxti'iil, lint let ussee il tlu-ro are nut "utile oilier tiling In eonnention wm. ii,. roneen, thnl nee. vent .niton. mnM nn,, Jn , f Xpw Qr I him unniir l remark nt the rtnrr that ( u ft hinriViniI ,,,, u u opc. I hne m lint a ii..W..airr in lhi .State .(i) ,,y ,,, ,,,.,, nlf ntIum,n that will pti1.lil. n Utt.-r .hut conlalw n,a!ll-vcr llie nparlineiit of two very miylhinsr nannit lh Unilroul Com- Uillliant j-ittnsr mon nltoul town i tlt .inv. They hae et the "i...1.'..mi. . m ()( a iliv-!l ,,Mllla, volin ,,.. riilpiw'nf the Htnto tinder tlwlr .u.-wiihsparklin-eve and eurlv hair, thnmh The mean l.v whirh "'"V n.ovV lace, and liM a red a eh'errie?. In v.. mTM.nplM.eil ihli I don't know, T ,,, CM ,n,,( 0 mrt. mn onp l.ut the inrt is the Htt'j-el ol nlmni im-1 0,.M,0II ,,,1,1 IPP conipli.nentone lt.T..il ro.nnient on ll.-lineof therotd. !, ik,11)( 0 j, moonii.t iu1,tt Thivrillmtd not only elnrire tw!.Mt .i,,,,, ,,... ... ,5lt,. ... Hs i,. ,.0,!.. oll , t , , , ... the freL-ht rharired by any other com - i pinyltithe.wholeliud,lMitllJ '''Pnhnt had he a "ptl.tee liltluix'to heaven tvry .com rmtritw, ...... i ...iuk "e , jlB-tni,Vwnll..," he'd Dike her to It; followed the line into tho office, inak- r.r.tiiwiia!iNl.j.IfniiiiolHp..ikkniw. (al rt,lB , H.i.m.,i( ,u.y ilu-n ,ii: a report a loud an that ol a mus Intrly of more than two hundred mile ,.,,, llri..ln k. aWAV ,8llll(.r Some-jkel, and filling the room with a show ol the .old, running e-nt fiom It.-im. MJJ ,,,, ,.,, ,.,, iyuMllll tjK. ..(,,; c.r ,, ni.ry Man. This telegraph lntrn but I wildefyan..v.iilMmUehlho.eal,t,K, ..flllWl.r. .,,,,1 ., eloquent ints were both mined, and nil the f uts Imifliiil in1lip in tn(Uiiltft Sintrx. j ,,. i,t nil Imriilva footMep had connecting ulrc under the operating ,.M...-y rsery iiiiiiBinnoie nrg.re ...r, all kind., of distance., ..ml eitrve of , eery kiiiii, ate ernwneu unn i'ery mile. The road i literiil'v I .id on the top nl the ground, nud white the coin piny hut the best volley through wl.ieh to eonlruel n first eia mad lint there v In the whole country wet ol the Missouri riser, they have built the wnrt that eould bo cnii'lrttetod and be a tailrnd nt all. Standing jul alio it the depot at thin pliiee, lour dill' erent gr.uleH can be dlvtiuetly seen. 1 h:ic il fiom a gentleman that lia been .ni.h.y...l in ike engineer eoips that thee are grade nl one hit... aed nud MXteenfeettothe mil., in tho I ...... bi.ldt nlley. These are only Mr short d..tancrs One-end n the "." )ril be going dou 1. a grade o this k"-. .....1 the other up one equally nn steep. X,.t ll... least efl-irt ban b,.i... made t.. ballavt the road over the silMismg giound, audi ple.be you my word 1I1 it n "oid so.1l.I11g r.un uill lunM' r , ,. , , , Ml ,,,,, .e ro.id.bed run like w,,, ap. IliH.enidlast cveiHw ,rlh,,rv to the comment, ol tf,.iil.iii-nit uell known in lli.v county . . , .1 !......i .. t.i. I.......... who is well neip.aiuted will. ISailicul building In ihe Northern States and Canada, and he did nnt hesitate to siv thnt the road was lbs very worst he Ind ever seen, nnd that two days rvin would make nt leaf oncdrnj! f the rmd built In Ilnmlioldi eountv lmpas. SMe. You miv think thnt I nm some how sore headed, nnd nm writing about "new thin'.'s;" but I nmonlv repeating what i said 11 hundred limes n dnv lu thi. town. T heard n man ak another the other dnv how It win that the Uni ted Stntrs Co.nmllnners could accept such n piece of work. The people have ptid fornfirtcln road, nnd. owing tn the silence of the P.ieifie Ovist pres, think they have gol il ; but it i perfeettv notorious along the line of the road this side of Iteno, that it is built ,juv as cheap ns it enn be got together. The evils do not stop with the rend. The management ol the rolling sine.', is only equaled bv the road '(self Not one I rain arrives at thli plare on time, though the time' m ))lrtf(in , pr hour for nnn :er trains and twelve iii''i.' , fr ,lt I mVe seen nix trains stiiek heie for the svnni ol wood, nnd il is no unusual thing fnr the men to resort to sngo-brnh. Now thnt the Chamber ol Commerce of Sin Fr.meisen has got pturttid though it is a very late start -r-don't let them stop short of a thor ough Investigation of thu wl.olo sub- i it. It i 'i" 'h'"- to expeot nnvthing It...s..eBs,oexpr0v nn woK1 .nn. ilin hiwlness mon or DOtlllOtanSOI.. ."' . ' ts Mnie. f C ,; cannot he lorcei ly tno people, who foomlop. but ala, they eome not I lie are' being so outrageously swindlfld, to j drunk ! The hnsbvnd the parent is i . jB.akla tJl.. Tk t liana A4 IMAIIASI . . . 1 cause a thor ugh ripping up of this whole business. It appears from lato investigation that Ihe Union Pae fio is quite- as bad- port for liquor, whllo his family Isstnrv- . . .i-.i n, I .. mni,h mlsman. ing for brcnd, his children suffering for y construe. teil, and at mneh m,,n,n-,.hln ' Drunk Hi. repntation in nged. Perhaps the Commissioners, KOno . rfi, o,, one by one ,rire,ra-ha-o been muzi!d in tho saipo rnaptier i(,tntly leaving him to his miserable the writer charges the "Independent'1 1 late. Ho goes down to his grave 'an- ' r . . . . . l,..Anil.iiml nnlnnAhfJIV Drank f press to have been. SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1860. Cariosity of ths Sex. Some savage, Boinu years ngo, ven tn roil to tell the world that Indies were curious; that they loved romance, and ivi.ri ilrliirliti.il nt n iwri't. Alu'nVM llBk.vlllg tnls l0 bo aiin,er yct ln.t ,IC COIirrt,c I one ol tlio .ex cmo irui. ninnl nl It. cor. iTCtnes r. cently. .It ltiipenci i t thi !... V... I. f..n .1... ...... .n. ..i n.. j - i I IOU. .1'lfc I 11 II If I II 111V V.UI i.i-i .., ,...- - ,,... . ,..,.,. ' ..(l.,rL.,i , S1V io' her -.' "-'- -,- - - .- IllU.ril,.,i ,. ((...ph-r avowal, and iiolh- .jr mnn ,,., L.(m,( Ui ..k.i.o eiieiimtnnce it N not surprising the young 'tidy u-n a little curium nliout the pirty in the room bi'tow. ITeariug n low coiivt'iMtt'iu one night going on very tr the window of thenpirtnienl in question, she iintur.ill) felt Iiitotx - t - ed; but when she heard herown name mentioned her desire to hear more wn very pardonable. To this end she r.ii. cil herown w.ii.lowenro!iiiiy,aiu prop. ping it up with a stick, leaned oil. It 1 scarcely neec" iry to rem irk thilnui'ithrough tho bottom ol one ol the cn , ( ,,,.,,,,.,', WM ei, ,1),,, ,,...1 by no1,, Cll) f ,he local battery, and fiom , mv .,,,, IU H,Iirc,on ,,f . jm .,, t0 a I(.ni, Hi,lk.N , !( ,.,. f ,,,,,, dinrini nnt wipr, U ,nva,P(1 it!, forcrlf Itl0Sl , l , fop (iw(.M yp) , wy Ip0M,,ti Jmv) the (o tu t ( .1,t nt this, innctur. nn expression in A ,, .Jetaeh.nent of it, however, . ,1,,. ,., ,t.0w o.titt-o.l lirr to loan still nrted on a pro-pectitg trip "up the ! nu wwn n). , ,orror ,!, win-,.. ,,, two verr'nleo round holes - . ran)p ,,mv wHl ,llinR. 0(.Jlcl, llW 10 5m 0f qiinrtl.r of n vmw h ,rl ,, , metw fcri.nm. j ll(C , , t,)t. atumpted (i, W.o wnul'l'i.t scream il ?nitlit tn' n tlirnnsh n heavy cut-lron Mnk .,...,., , :.. ....... ...tit. .,.ni,.), : !......., 1...1. -1 1.1..1. iTiiinn iiiiiMinn ", , ,Mt iirllt ,1k nIl, two Im- ,,,,., ,,,. ,, ,. wIlt.rP .,.,,.,,, (0 ,VM , gnw.? Tho re r .,,, ,,.,u. ,., ,.utr..l to... 1' ... . . ...... "Mold on," tic lover cried,"! II come up and releae yon." "Xo, you musn't indeed yon can't," replied -the unfortunate fair one, who Ind no idea nf permitting the youth to take n loik from that di.ection too. "Hut I must you'll be killed." "No I won't oh! heaven, call the clnmbermnid." "She' gone nut I" vra tliel nppaling replv "let me come up 1" "No. I'll din first 1" "Think of my love." Think of mv biok yon brute, and run and call the landlady." This vyas done nnd the lady releacd; but for severaljdays since sho had kept her room, niuf the young gentleman had no opp .rt unity to condole with her on her misfortune. w& w 1! 1 ... UnuXR. .011nnronn.111.1yn1. ever Stop 10 II.II1K now lerruiiu univ mini ... 1. . tl.l. .!.. 1 sonn.lsy Win you ever ........ wnnt. mi.ery and woo you brought upon your friends when yon Hegra.le.t you man- hooil liy getting nnuiK? un, 11 is n fearful thing to tr.unplo niuler loot tno high claims that vxl nml innn Jpve upon you. Drunk 1 How it rncs in the ear of Ihe loving wile! now il mikes ihe heart of 11 fond mother bleed! How it eni'lies out.tjie hopos of a dot-1 ing father, and brings reproach and shamo upon loving sisters. Drunk thereof, and the members then return 0( tho contenu we krMBj eeat See him as he leans agnpist some trlebd-, to " A' i,,nl ,w" ! that tho box TtFKlmyH 1y house. He Mauds ready to (all into v((oj , ., .-,.. o( . ' . . ,. '.. ,. ... h s npproae.ing late. - up wue wiw tearlul eyes nnd nching heart, sits at . . . , sW,,nn,r, - . drunk, spending his lime and money, when he should bo at home, enjoelng the pleasures of the family circle. Drunk 1 Spending Ihe means ot sup 4 1 iionorcdand nntouehe,'' Drank I ' NO. 12 lingular Freaks of Lightning Our correspondent nt Columbia (Cal,), cnd us the following : On Friday evening, Mnixh 13th, wc had tho mot ccxere thunder torm ever experienced in thl vicinity by . that oft quoted individual, '"tho oldet , inhaliitnut." About half past eight oVloek "FrnnkltuV steed" commenrcd bucking in regular California mustang Klyle, and gave us nn tinuual -md nlurnrfng exhibition of in power. The liithtuinir look pnqoston ol tho tele arapl. lino nt Gold Spriiiti (about "rttie mile from Columbia), making kind I ngl wood of five telegraph poles, unit act'eiintj the splinters nround very carelesly. Immediately nftcr, tho operator nt Columbia wa made aware of the fuel that nn extra battery had 4 - been nttaehed to the line, mid nn ex ih'IimIii. iiii.(nif(. hail bei'.i dcaibhended .,i,mi..,l. In vL.tnilnn nf tl. .nl... of !,ho Western Union. The lightning table were melted ofT, mid thu cover 51J f ,,,,. i,,,,,!,,,, wir,.,( ns Wl. , the operating table' were set on fire The platlnn points of the relay wen 'melted, and the. glass eoveiing ove J tliv iutriiment was filled will, minute ,,nr(Jcles of platina, some of them pro- 1 tril,iin!, through theglass on the upper Lj,i,.f nltlmngli the g!as w-xt not bro j.,,. Alter leaving tho operating tn ' ,n il,,. lightning pascd along the wire iPn,ij,,B to tho loeal battery, in an ad .tilling room, ntnl mndu several holes ,u two fiiueieni n.ncei', ii'in-ui nnn ,,,. ,,.,, ,!,, ,irirli ,1 successes, L ,, fn Mw ,,r,t., and re- ,, ,xl!Ul.,,d. Fortunntelv, no one lwnH HWV,, A ladv nnd child, rcshl- 1 ii,2 j.j (;(d Soring-", near whero the hig'.titing truck tho line, wero knock- vx down by the concussion, but cscap Lj wjt, onjy a lvvcru fright Ex. Tiir State or Uksrhet. Perhaps to sonic of our readers the State .of Deseiet and Utah Territory, within tho same boundaricri nt the tamo time, may bo ns incomprehensible a riddle ns it oneo was to us. Tho solution is: Tho Ter.itory is a practical fact; the Stiite n good uatured farce. Tho Ter ritorial lawa are enacted by tho Legis lature and npproved by the Territorial Governor, Durkee, pretty much ns in other Ter.itories, snve that the legisla tion is generally more promotive ol tho mntetial interests ol tho Territory, which is sedulously kept out ol debt. Then, alter tho dissolution of tho Ter- riiormi, ine tiiomoei rrw.ru vol-,... . . . .. 1 I.... .1. selves IIUO a runiu j.iibiiviiii-, ui 1 - o...... T ....!! , -.1- vvi.iei. iingnam soung.siuo uom.ii.ii Governor. He i notilied. when nn or-( gai.irition una n -eii pouccic. am. sen... in urn uuneiniiiorui. iiiibnihu. i-i u.ir is read mc iwo nouses mss n joint resolution ot 1110 omie 01 i-cseret iuik. ing tho Teiritorial laws of Utah valid in tho htate, wincli is approveu oy mighnm Young, and ,the Legislature , thin dissolves. This little- pleasantry generally occupies ono day or a pait ' To make an amusing sympathetic Ink, mlv lemon nnd onion juice. Writing or nicluies mado with this niutuie on plain white paper, wjll when dry, bo invisible. But on warming the paper, before a fire, tho lines will ppear in. brown tints. Very pretty tfii;ots,moy bo thus produced. An experienced old gentleman says that all that is necessary In tho civjoyr' roeut ot love or sausage is confidence. 1 1 1 - - Tho eattle plague coatUnes to rav-, age Western WiseaMiii, TliaSnowllwkM Tho Cheyenne Ltadtr of March tk gives tho following interesting aodottnt cf snow on the Union Pacific Railr4 and tho sufferings of paiscngera : A number of parties have arrifv4 hero who walked over and around tht snow blockade, reaching' from fta'ffl ings Springs to Wyoming, a diataMt of one .hundred mites some with toil tered leet, frosted c.nrsj etc The road will be cleared this week and kept clear for the. luture. About six I.Mr dred passengers arc delayed at various points by the piiow blockade, which lias lasted two week?, and aome of them are in a destitute condition, hat ;g expended ihctr nvitilablo funds for rneals and lodgiuir. There are noir at leat sixty-live tons of mail snotf. honnd, on tho rotd, but W. W. Ball, special mail agent, has telegraphed the Department to fend nit through mail by steamer, until the road shall havn been cleat ed. On ycf-tcrday tea ma were to tiavo. started fromOirbon ssith ttie lady pasencete. The command ing nfilcer nt Fori Sanders has offered to send a mule train, to carry the mail now lying nt I.a ramie, lor tho relief of the devtitiio pavenger.. Ladies who h - ft Salt Iike two weeki ngo for the lv.ii are detained nt Wnaitch, paying thriu dollars per day for board, two doll.its prr night for lodging, and ont dollar per day lor the ptlvilegc of set ting in th" sleeping car. At some pla ces n dollar is charged lor the privilege of sleeping on the floor or table. Pro vlvlotif are scarce a cup of coffee, a biscuit and a small piece of poor meat costing n 'dollar, nud difficult to get nt that Sonic telegrams havo been sent by passvugcis to the Congression al Committee on the Pacific Itailroad, overvlv censuring employees for ln difference nud neglect. Of filty-seren passengers that Marled (mm near Petty .station, nud walking to Wyoming, bat lour arrived with boots on their feet, the feel ol'lhc others being covered with old overshoes, slippers, rags, tops of old boots, or whatever might ease their. blistered feet. This troliMe, it WJ thought, mny be avoiJo I'oy the use ii future of snow sheds, which it is stated will be built over nil thu cuts on the f.nrnmio division, which seems to be ' the region of excessive snows. West of Uridgers's Puss but little snow had (alien, while on this side it was very ti deep and heavily packed. ' IIoU'GoODAttNKRsSAYKMojTIT. They take good papers and read them, '' They keep accounts ot lsrni opera lions. They do not leave their implement scattered over tho farm, txpoud t f, rain, snow or heat. Thry repair their tools aitduildingt , ; at the proper time, and dtlnot suffirr J. subsequent three-fold cxaanditura. of . time nnd money." P' "t They see'that their feneH afi wall), . "'y repaired, and their cattle are frhw4?Z:. ''"' grazing in the meadows, or gptaleloX t ' t , . nperJisy rt nr nri'linrils. . - T They do not refuse to make eiaeri. J'W'i me nts in n small way of many asjetlin (ol 1 . thing-. They plant fruit trees well, ear fat' "M'f (' them, and of course gegood crops. 'It '' "'- ' "' I They prnctlco economy ?y bu;. s, their stock good shelter winter, also good food, taking ont all , thnt Is unsound, rotten nr ninuldv. 1 Thev do not keep n trim, of catsa' ' snnillug dogs aroumt their premtatf, who cut up more in n nionui inaniney are worth in a liletime. T n.llu flioi- rnnrf 111 iiilvdatiia .VT a . , , nn-ni, 4- gavo tivancy by It. " """" r 0 -. SncceM f,irmnR , fc np i,y tpnon to mu thigiTlht farmer" whft jlnM -t ,JlfJt w mQMJ wth hpa( nnnrecninJht remt fiqclf njl pnrt)(i, ' Tin. Sidk Ur.- ho .... ot. j), FOmp nr,iuitH wj,ch "yrie 1ntead4 . tiv oxnrt. Frasa the natmn ed on the pnssage sowe vehuM4tB suggestion to Jake tp place tht jab alms, d "This shift i"; csfrtsw onsly upon the costa-Vjm, saw terwards w saw 4ptWT .' "Heard from your goods, Jaks) t WL they get there safely f "Every one hroke," replUtt JsjfAMk. lonly, "loit th hull lot UHr Erpress Company l" jbS "Did you pal ,'ThU W MfiS " told yoWr "Yc,s, 1 did; an7r fear they ikWf , sco it on, $ kjver, I pat li,- H lU)ro,UwoonlTss!tvJt, i . w s Jpn WfclvSTBTBTBTBTrPvsTkSTPiJ i . t mriiM .- . KrotbfKlpltlM' .1 1 . jsW- ' We Arm Jake aalt. "'. Jx oar. eontaia-i - 4 lloiii.il "1 u 0-'j iJ J...... 4 sJJnst uuuuuZJm m I-