Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 03, 1869, Image 1

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    IH.MNI.rfi NOIK.'K.S
""" Fit A NCO-A M Hit I C A N
orrosiTE THE
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jncksniitj-lltr, Oregon.
Trl ""' rrlilrnt l.mrtlfr wilt fine
f I'Uci-l In fifl cW ntili-r. xnl In i r ry
W itH rir Initio In Mil wctlmi, mill
ur.icl iij any In theSime.
An I ft'iillfiil snpplr of ll.r lic of rtrrj
tlio 'h mrki'i sn.tr.1 will U; ob-
talmtl Inr
Hn tfoilMnl will tr wr.-l In i.-rrT- lb put
fcut "f "' lr(cliit( n tttll . the pvrniv
trst enrnmunltj.
J.tVtTMI MircSSI.156fi. tf
'" m
HnLuH-t.. '
H ix-
i f -r
Kverr Saturday Mnrnlnt; br
f nt'Ptnr ninvvn ,f t. rnittu otiium-v
A Hird Shell SermDi.
' Ami h- pvl ii i vi Shinera "
The hard shell I5iptlt minNler ?ia
I....... iI.I..... XT..... ' Y. II I I
wvn i i-hiiik .ii'w j urs, iicaruim; ilnincr.
rrr-ii :tb
A Very Soft Place. Worth Eemmbring.
I wan down to sec tlio uldow Fer-f The following article ron Dr. Hall'
gusnu ytstenlay, mid she g.ivu me a Journal of Health, contains practical
I went down rather carlv in , riint on various subjects that arc
Tin- wonl ol my text, my hearcMthc morning; we talked ami laughed,' worthy of nttention:
y.ui will find in Second .King, sixth J and chatted, and run on, she in;: out I 1, It I uuwic to chf
chapter, eighth vcrtc "And he pass occasionally, until dinner uns reaiTy, clolhiiitr, except tibeti j
ed on tu Sliuncm." , I when she helped me grnclnulv to pig. , " the morning.
..... . ..'... . '. Q. Neter rule tilth vi
JwuJclip thnJollawlng .ItaaslJflak'
Daily bulletin, of tho 13th ef Febro
, We have la handed by Dr. tfo
ell, of this city, the following letter,
written to him-by his brother ia
Wnnliington City, on tbf Mibteot of
'iip'iititment to office, which will
proi e Snterelitig to the public,.aad t
the parties named therein. The pMV
cation of thin one mar tiro uartiefl la
likf condition to Mr. Fontain the
trou le and annoyance of being refused
the office Foufththy them:
Wasiunotov, D. C, Frb. 4, 180.
Dear Hrothvr: -Your favor aboit
the appointment of Mr. Fontain pot
mater at Oulviton, is before me. I
am willing to aceoiuinodatuyou in any
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
JAt'KSH.V VI u. t:. OIU.V0X.
Amhro types,
Ph olographs,
Cartos doVislto
ro.vA .v Tin: v.vaist ."triv.: or aut
1N lnrr Iti-ilnceil
tkhmi iik Anvr.HTimxui
anco to cooler war I tMii. conisteiitly with mr con
you flril Mel mil let ion of Jutiee; 10 I c-illed earir
... ' " ' .!....'. r .. .r
when she helped me iiraciou.lv to i.ig. , m in moniiiig. j la-t iiiiii un n.u.w va enai,
Ami .! I mv li..nr..r.-ll vmi .l.nnl.1 ' !.. V....- T .1 t,r ,!., ,-,., ' . "vi.-r ruic u u, your arm or el- ...,...-.. uiu ri.i.u.i, ... mnie 1 1
, ' .. : , '"'""" --" bow oiiUnle any Veliicle. win udeM to try to gel ins apioiut
pn .. 1.. ..I...... r... .1..11... . coiiiu iiilo iiiHMif our little towiM and l.itur.ihli I lo.ik it a. a iviiintom of 1 ti Ti. .-... -i- 1 . I
mu tui.l wltMn ihi-nMlx nionih or the jnir. behold a row ot nice little oflice with permm-il approbation, bec.uife every- f-oni a steam car while in motion U a I The Preident lias appointed C. Sue
.Ohe.mVix!KlJ. " ,b"plr,lontheM.Montl,..do.,role.ichndl.7ar IxmIv kn.ms I love pigeon pie, and I ! . ! 'lam, ' Kew York, flu appointment
men t.ilk ol attachment without ntl.-c- tl iltered mwlt ?he had cooked it on , r '", 'VTI""K 'm any wneeien ve- 'ti nm ., c mimu-,,, , uvwp-
iiii-ie 11111e 111 iiioiiuii, ita II ill irolll Hie . Hiiiiiineiii!t nut uo inni nre inaoe oy
joiiiniin. Hi- u nearly m low in the
etimition ol loyal men m Jeff. DavIi.
I also le.iru from Mr 1'aschal thai
Mr. Fotitiiu wa an ofKee r of the Unit
ed .Stile before the war, and a rebel
otlWr during tho war, ami ditqualitleJ
under the constitutional amendment to
hold ofKee, and that every nun on hit
petition wu a rube I. I nwo learn that
the cunstitiitiounl prtdiibitioti lutbted
iMinored by an net ol CongreM, At t9
tin, and ,Wl..,..r.,ll.,a without -pilet ' purpose .,, me. So I grew ,r icular- " ,T ', i!! V K B
nnrwjnviln lln nr l. fir.t lnrlliia. ah and M-ize your and deter, l elieerltil, and thought I could m-c it then, it yott tall, the u heels cannot run
h:.VuT.;.1-:.:,C,!, nte cU.T t-nl.,Ulll beto ,.M.r,m.flll.,;i,",lK.rt So alter dinner, while lit- ujr 1...1.
in.l-loth tthiiftilrrrtlilijr ihitfiir. iniinl the n.irdi ol the prophet, and ting c!o In. I le the win love, I fancied 1 , eicr attempt to et. ji rovl cr
"!. ! Tfiiili-r rKilml iti ciirtrnt rittri.
Orandfnther's Pet-
ThTf l 1 In roiim her te ilrpt,
II11I5 t trtr it n
Q'llrl, mn 1-nr fulljr it.
Illinil. i cirt 11 1 I k 'in.
TVr liy pi- l mi III' .I'l'kf ulnorri.
f-I.e niiM"l('il r lb hr tiny cU--il liuJ
iin'l imt t .
I lli-f i Hi" Imt- wli'li m" i.ra ruyin,
, U'nb l!ir fMiffjiiC" Uiil iu.
S l crnn-irtlh-t- p-t.
j Uiihir liiMlrUe
; (.V'ti 1 1 bi-.tr 'i f yl
j s nini u I'll pi:
j llni lie- ci'iil mil "'i '! t'lt I;'! rilrr.
1 A ill ill' ti-iiM iiit luril w lib 11 li'llrriloum
An'l Sti l Inbuilt ! m,i,-iim btr
h room.
" pix mi to Sliuni'in."
And if ymi no round where the mef. know I did
! we both lell rather comfortable-
1 ,
Physician &Surc:eo.i,' '''"' """""
O"! t 1,1. 1. ml nr In tint OM l). fUcl ! Willi h t H. Htfht Ttlluw btr,
Jiilll u I Jf.-tfi..i llrl.
riiYsirrAX AM) stiiokon;
t)FFICECorncr of California and Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn.
II l pncllcp In JrViui mp iljrr
-;ot,Ii.., imI ullrlKl lifniniilly tn iitt-...ni 1
tU " rrV.'tr
. ...I .... . . u. .! l.lnu .
, -!, M- , " ' " "' '-
j It -U- Ift l I t III" n j. uf ltJ l'.,
' I ..I .... t.. ttiw . .1. taltlt llHn . I.intli.
Ibmlilb I k'lUA fb 'tijllt. Kill iMpC'li l
I .111111111 mil wvhW much j
Kiir .'if tmins. jcil Viiout
On'r eiwi t"Hrtil'l
imI .If I.iriil m . Int.il in t.
Tliinii:'i I i tt ml nl I ;
, 11 1 h r f t e t t I e' o,,"-l lnM,
.Imt il .till IimiW . I.tiiic wli 11 lm lijr ilv-l,
lljr I'm lli ur tb.il trry U-J.
I mind, r iiiiw, irb
IC'to m I mu .Mii.lln; hrrf,
K-tliiia, li"rtttf b' .
Uf Imlil III.' illlfl ll-IM
1 utrti't in a hurry, In trout of 11 piiug
ii-invif; mr 11 you koiiuiii MIIIIHM', VOII
winibl be tun uti'r. Mukf im tin- ii-ili
chant are ah and they ruh out to; I felt that I had fallen overhead and' uiinut" lot bv waiting until the n-hl.
hike IntiiN uiili yon, and are vyv ear in I it e with her, 1111 1 I imigiued, cle Inn piie.i, liy iiu-r aicd dilikTvuee
eiallv iiiixious to learn the eonditi.tii 'from the wav nhv looked, she had t.al- ' "' ber direetion.
of vmir u II..' IiphIHi. m.d tl... .1.11. le.. I v.. with in... SI... n. ,r...l ...U ' tn-iHl. ..voiiomy to save
. , , , . ........... . ...... ..,,...... lJc 0y lou,,m,r y0,iril'j 0, la-ccsiiry 1 .'tr. loi.liin, nut tuumtu 01 allegiance
ilren, and the farms and the emp-, jut lor nil the world like idic thought P, v(n l -till iujoree, and will not be repeal
mil olier to -ell yon a little billot it wa eoininir, that I was going to 7, It you llml yourelf inclined to ed until all the Slate are recontruct
troo.Nu good deal louer than their court her. ' I'rcentlv I wouldn't help wake up nt r-gul.ir hour in the night ed on a loyal bai; thcretore, if fat
e.,t on nnount of IheiV lote lor von il. I laid mv hand on her heautlluUho.il. ''d ivmaiu awake, you .,,.. break up wa nppoi . ted, he could not take th
....t. 1 i. i.... .1 r L.......1 1 ..1.....1 , 'l" "aim it, tune. lats.l.y gating up iiilli .l olhve. ll.e I reaitury lias re
"v" ' "" w" v r,v, .....,.. "..w. .. ,. . ,iona v.tu vtake,..! not g.tng 10 liiv-.l to pay all ol Join
1. 1 1 1. 1 ......... ... t .!.... I . ....... '. .1 ? ....'.' ........... I
uriKiiai iioumt ii-
lucre, in 1111- 111 inntL toneu. 11. r 1 irieii .. iii.nn. mini vm
.- t . - '- ------ ...... ..M.. .j,.
And if vou hitilld go round the cor- to throw my whole imtil into the cv tiring 5 or retire tfi hour later, and
tier and ce men driukiu' beer lli.it preion. I remaiked then, with
will bring them to their bier, an I gin- ev.-s ioiiriiig love, truth and fidelity
li'lgthil will ssieisf domi the lrong. light iulii tier:
f.r, nml Miuhe that uill Mirih a "Widow, thi i the nicest, aollest
mail lortiltie latcr tli-m coiiimiioil l";,rl' ' "" ""' my u.inu on in uu my
rt.. It. ii linn... ...1111.. .I...... .1... 1..
IllVt """lr IIMIIVI I...VV II 1 1 III
Mit'ee-siou ; 11 11 -icepm 11 moment
.luring thr day time.
f, it iiilaiits and young children are
inclined to be wakt-iu! in the ul.dit it
very early 111 the iiioruiug, jmt the
T A rPT-T T? nnTQ l en"il b- 1I14I !! .I.." '" '"nn-l.
- V. X I.X. JkVyViUU, Si.ll luler lllll-iil btcitii-lft.t,
Zn the Ovorbock Iloipital,
WAKM.COU) ASIIOWKIt fJATIIS, 1 1"", ! h'l tyim' '''.
. . Ami IiliII'-) niil'iuM tinl Infe.
1 - . 1 . ...1 .1. ..1 .I......
r. (iitrm:, i. i.,
OFFICE removed to California Street, ;
fouth side. I
l Vv'lll'. D.r. ?.i li. ..ci.ir
1)11. LltlVkB U M!.C3,
I'lrysiciA .sunGi:oN and
Yl'll.f. tfii'1 tn ht who mir iiilit ItN
trilv lirHrr'ntll K l'.itt-lj' nlJIct'.
c Ktl Mf l .Sin 1 1. iinr.iiirlli'. mivjll
I .1 t r lli"ijM tieic'i "l IhlHt
' l ti. n III t I'll It. t I I'lr;
I ll'ii U-t'1 1 a ll.. iik th 1 1 my .Urllig .1 VI
l..i. teat .in. f inu.i "ill. lumr ritt
, limine -
. S'n ' roller li .t ill fSil' nwa Uf,
j All'! lll .! !l ll'fil In tl t
i r t)U,y.,..t ,,, r, u. uaisok.
JrhMrtllr, Org.
VMrei I dee Io 10 A. F. fr A.W
A llor.lMlielr rRuUr eiwnmantcaiiii.i.
Vv mi ibe WiitiirMhy Krenluir r precrl
V .ng hi full liliton lilJJISiiNtlJ.I.K.illl
. ' ' A .AlAltf IH.VX. U.
' W 8rllr5rCJ,
City, Coos f-'oMHtf, Ogn.
u market
Tin: iik; iii-xt c.vhii hihjm v.
I lli.i - ,.r nil kliiil. tlfllirntl hi lb'
f (t iHkUfijiiinl 111 Juekn-MivJltr.
D-cml.r ll. ISM. II
J itJUVi.,. iitIJ
To tht Reading FubUcf .
Vy' 'n"-II'M up noinnlntlHl.il- Krinliiie
' It'H.tn ami CireuUtliitf lillintry. -tthlcl.
Ml i'l-t trrryoii" lm wll.' Im nml (thinetv
"' (iirllouUfl iiii'lr- nt Uu Cllr Drue 'Inr".
ION riKl,"
T( p'0Bex IWI ,aA v
Tjj Much Lerjlilaion
Otei Iigi'l.ui'iii i:. one of tin; iimt
efinii- evils by uhieh the people ot the
L'nited .StiH . ,im aflb'ted. The I.rgi
liituiet ol thiity -even tjt.ite. meet an
nually or bieiiially ,iii. 1'iiiel a mi". f
tltit3 mw 't.itutis to iiii'fi iii'tt'ex
igeticie., uiueiidiueul ul old nt.it ii(e,
htatlile repealirrr-foiiuer Nlittntc- in
ti hole or in put, piitale slatutei. legal
izing the act ol liii.olion.iii.'. illegally
elieled, or ol Illinois i-ieapihle uud.r
the general law of in iking vnli I 'eon
tract. Thi it in is- of hgMativ
euactuuiit ii enuinimd in' lln.ii-.ind-ot
m.Iiiiih' uhieh none but lawu hcou
Milt, iiud llie eutiiut!leiueiiis mid con
tradiitious n-nlli.ig from eoutlieliug
stalulec, paitially repealed siatiite,
and Maiiite-t declnred iiiieoiiMiiutioual
by lb judiei.il tribiiuaht, I'.iruMi uiieli
h.irvtit to thedawyer, while lliey im
ptiierish or ruin mullitudes ol itnlnrni
uate litigant. Il M-ein to be an irie'
hb ilile teudeiiey of the American iniinl
to look to Ifgiflatioirn a remedy tor
till the ft il that afflict mankind. The
gnat 1 1 in Ii that tin re are uniform nut
liinl la hi-, iiietilal.li', irthlihlc iiud
iiitlfible in ilieir operaliou, that gor
tin nil the phenomena ol smi.il lile,
ha-never been fully apprtdieiided b
I he maftih ol the Anierienu penple", or
ten 1 1) the in tr imel igentol our let:
flator, T.ii ill'-, Sunday law, liuu r
hitt, iiud die 4-utne r!i of kiudie'l
leui-lalitni, urn-uiHtc in n deplonible
igiioiiinei' ot the ejeineiitnry priuciplm
ul law. Thai thcie tire lau more pow
vrlul lh.ni any e'er enaelul by P.irlia
mint or dingle-, tthieh control sup
plyiind iliin.ii d ; lh.it men cannot be
iniidy innr.il or tingul, or lemperate, or
pioti, by mi Act ol the Legislature;
that liuumn iiatuie cannot be changed,
nor hill iau iusliuelH, impiiUeii and pa
ious iippreted or innditifd, arc truth
which ure Him dent ly appareiit to the
phinophiu thinker, but which the
rhrewil p'lilit'iau and (he able "practi
cal men" u ho constitute the hulk of
our legislator seem never to hat c re
alized, Morn than lalf of our legisla
tion i periiicinu. and of the remainder
fully iwii-lhirdsiauMdcM. 0er-legiv
latiou iii at tM day one of the great
est t)tn o4 th country.)'. F.
Chronic, .
ny I tery eariy in me moriiiug, put iiiem
inerehint uho adtauce rU,pli.s on ' l" to l.e.l later, te.-Ide-, arrange that their
II i .... . ... .... ! ilial litis. mhttll lite Ifi I l.i l.it-i.ii.xiii
the lit croii ah ho it, ou to "IJoetor give in.' vour liand and II ' , .' , , , " ; " " " "v"'
uu i,ii imp .in no, y. ou in ( , ' , t'. Order i beaten a Hist law," reg
Shuue.u " j lt it m a much otter plaee." u.,rity , u,, tvt If ,, vXvK
Ibiti.l., my hearers, if yon hoiild . I a moment, in rapture, I consented, ha a tery large Hh.ire tu eviiriugM
g.i to NVw York that modern Sodom nml Inking my hand, she gently and j '"" '"' healthlul lite.
a.i.l(J'.ui..rrih-ah-an'lwh.'.ithega. qtiletly laid it on my head ami burst ,,,,,'" "M ,.'"".,' C'IU'11". Jni-lmi
,. , .... , . . . t . . ,.,.., , i lain, or lull in the u titer, hy al mean
li.'l.t are 11 i-hing and gl mm 'ring and into a laugh that ringing In my car k il( ,,, llllHl.jwlly 'vi ., lo
pieteiit the Mightvil chilly He.ir.itiiiti
until you reach the Inni-e; then change
jour clothing with gieat rapidity be
lure a blazing lire, and drink iuuully
a pint oluine hoi liqi id.
1 1, To ullow the clothing lo dry up
on ton, tnllins by keeping up vigorous
cxcicbv until thorouglily drred, is nub
IS, It you are conscinu of beliir in
a paMiuu, keep youi uiuulli ihui lor
uord olteii iiierctie U 31 my a pur
sou has dropied dead in a r.ige.
lu, ii a peon "Mini,' place mm on
- hack and t.l him alone; he want
the cab ate in-iiig along tho pt reel i !,
and obliging driver o'JVr to cany , Now I haven't told litis to a litlni;
you uhere only fteamhoit captain soul but vou, and by jink! vou mutt
and the tii-l gentlemen go ah and "' 1 but I eould'ul hold it liny longer,
Itrotdway i on a ii;i and roar ah I tell you; but mind, iljuiittu'l go
and the brai"bini are cnishings mu- nny lurther.
sie Iroiii the ba'eoult, and men in lit-'
tie Index are ready to sell j.iu ticket Tiik Uvil.no.vliv As we write, prob
to go in mid see the Illaek Ciook ably nm m're than 130 nilh-s ot track
dmee with ii.ithin,' to vvi.ir-.iiid rem tin-to be laid to'coinplele the Ta-
nnke .p.iUhl.s ol them-elves -ah eillo Uailro-nl, one ot the graudi-l in-
ho. mv liiend-, "is on tmShuiiem." '""tial inlilevinieiit-olllie nineteenth
' i ......
And oh! it lain in the evening, with inury. inc L nlon r.teiiie I eomple
... I I.I.. .! .. .1... ..... . .... t I. I .
.. ....... 7 nriri : i mi iiiti.t' iiiiii m m
a very particular y..u g- up t .ir, into I "!.. -int ; feu- iniUs tl, xi-Ie ol ; ,t r ,, ,wl)ttJ, ,u lhflw'a ll(er it
uiu.t p. ndilly liirui-hed r n ah ! "" .iy, iHe me unir.il i'..i-uif IiJMZ.,1llu, in,.( ,!, pvr,,en.licularly.
- ami M-e the xup.eri.iblexprc.ul with ' "niiiieil lo uliliin ,3 or en mile ol , II oii tvaul to get iii-lautly rid
Icliiucic-lromcvcrvclimean.l country Mmiuni. i.t Point, al which place the Uf . nearly M.iteit, mil your finger
-m.l leal due't and Milne- vmlvilbr. I o i-.a-l. will unite. The Union Ta- d. un y.m. il,ro.,t uni.l Iree vomiting
ami vi ii line. iiiiii Miipt, mu tainr- t ... . . ciimiis, aad eat uolliiiig lor leu hour.
i""-ed l.he.ixiul all. all that I Mi. tli.l ",,c " ",w"" """1 '" "" "' """"" 13. Wvl a nob.e i.n.lc io liibi.f uiil..
...,i l.iul l-.iii iir,ir.l-iitid tdi.iimii.Mie ""t l'oluf. All the grading of both in vour means, then vou will not l.-
ami bran.lv and ll.ir..ni..le :.n.l Chat. 'UV i-ion is com ilcte.l, or, nun murine
vm i.itll'o' oiler thin Witviloti-iinl "'il rk "I I.aylias 130 miles of
iiothin.' to piv, m-.l all Iree, and a nice ,r,,',t l n" M leitiiins to pi ice u in
uentleniii. uiil. ring on hi lingers railroad eommunieaiion with Chicago
and n diamond brcaM-piii, pl.vving with " ,,w Vork-all that nmainx to
little .putted pi-teboard., tind another complete the cmneclioM between New
iiiniing a machine and dropping iia York harbor and the bay i.l.Sau Fnlu
Utile bill that rolls round and round rieo, a ditance ol perhaps .1,300 milex
.md Mop- souictimis on the eagle bird dimcult to realize that thi.stii
and olliier dou't-mid wltere the phiy ' w,,rk '" ' "" tiimlcll.ii; dllll.
er izenerally put down more than they -''t to understand that in four, or live,
lake iip-and men xomctiuiex win, lmt r xlx wi-ek vvc shall be able lo lako
iiiotlv dou'l ah ho "iiaas on to nr seat in the car, with a nngle
siiuucm." I change of linen, and in time xo britt as
, Vtnl in couelii-ion, my friends, when ' V' eoutemeuny exprexeii in uonr,
the uorld, the lle-h and tlio devil-ah Otep off in front ol the National C.i.
lie in wait for you-i"p.iis on to '"l ' presein.ibli'cinidnlmi. Espec
Shiineiii." I !l"y tills dllll ult to one u In. in eat.
' 'ly day meaMired the dreary dixlaiue
it n. ...... t it u?i.. . . .:
ui.jiK. t.ii. n.i, .iiumiiKii.-tiimi lictweeu the .MiS'.uitani Siciamento
hiixtled iitl'lo a chcerleis hoxpitul in
vour iai (Ickuis.
Mi.vinu U.vui:u iijiiSia. Tho mi
ner's lite can hardly be a chierlul one,
cxpi.scd us he is lo the many dangers
ol explni-ii.il, to tire damp, ol crum
bling Willi-, ol tails dint ii le.irtulrh.illx,
and the general uiihcalllitiiluexs ol
working tt line the ptnil)i.ig mnibeam-
uiu vtcr excluilcil. liul mimii under
the ea uiiiil have peculiar trial and
tcrroix. '
Theie i a vast copper mine in Eug
laud where b'lialti Ate.nl many hint-
on ii y.itiu uuueMlie xva. llie uiimii
iug ol the waves a they d isli ngaiiot
ll.e rock is forever auuiiiliug in (hose
gloomy ailci. When the storms come,
the ouud ol the uatvr becomex so lei
ritic, that even the boblesl miner
caiiuol btay below, bin leave llivir
wok ami comeoul upon the firm up
per cat lit.
Overhead are bright masses of coj
i bogie ulihotii a niothei'x prexeneeV rju.r ,y ihe iliau-yiug fooiMep-of :i
Tib like n book to read vv ithoiit the aid v . , 0I1(, wJ, tllj0, or ,mt
of light like the face of Nature with- reaching lheciiust,nverlerileihilie
out the xun'x bright and soothing rays lvi,,., .Im., t0 i. ,., amide
like vv inter with. mt iieauitliil nml .,.rft..rtii.i..ii. ii...;P..in...ii.iiiv..i..o M.
cheeiing Siimuur-like a manner cast jlls: Mll.,. Over all of tl.exe, and tho l"'r K,r,':,ll,illo' Hrugli the gallery in
..p.... the mighty deep without a .udder mountain., intervening, uill the railroad "" ' reci..,.-, irate.xeu -oy a uciwor
or eolnpixs to guide his frail bark safe be coui,.leled withinalew treek. The ", tWn n-il vi-hia ul iron, and over all
into ,,rt-like piercing Winter uu- cTrs will ul.Uk pa-l the gravis of the tl'f xall vvaler Hr.px, .lnp. How., from
elulmed by ticelueriutrniyxof Siriui.'.'th.tus.ind wiiot.erishe.1 bv the way- tiny erewces in the rock.
O, (here is mi iiii'xhui-lible s-mrco .f ,U' viur nirn, nml should the eailyl '""'"" wealth of metal is contain,
iileaxureand nrolii inlliathomewher..,..h,...!..r.n r....r..bitr.l..nei.. I.m.l. nM " ,lu'''0 '"", '",l " ",i,,er ,,,ro
in a lender4 mother dwell; from uhom'..ir n t.u eve. ns ll.e nu.idlv alilli. K' it anoiliir xlroko with hi pickaxe,
. .. . . i.
in it lie ileriveii llie wisest maximxiiml
rubs ol blisfnl life. Tn such a home
m ty be found tho obedient child, tin
dtjiilul daughter, and the tender and
affectionate xou. There nUn may be
xeen every virtue that can dignify hu
man nature, ami inako Jiis transient
life moi happy. In a word, hem may
be acquit ed the beauties ami kiiowb
edge ot the world, without the danger
ol being in looted by it bad example
abroad. '
Tlio St. Louis (Mo.) artesian well,
tint deepest in the world, has reachwl
depth al ,ij1 ietr aad'o) water.', ,
!...r ,.,. !,rln.. I..,.k io hi... the l.nr. Altv-nly there h.w. been ..in day's work
rors of the part nml the faces of lj,e t0" ,",,:,., ,,',),., " a '"'tf0 w0,,tf0 "'
eoniradcH sihully xleeping by llio way,1 w,,0,, ,,"v" "',u l'lu k ,,ett,r w'1'
let it be ..Unbilled to the xall-ladeu "- ,T,1U Wr', . ll kwP
wind that sometimes awevpxacroM the " "n I'lirsilng tu upon
dexert-a...l ait let it D.ixs. Vtr,iinia "' "u iwnf mnx siera oi gni
'Enterprise, Murxh Mth.
I lerit-s where men work day by day. not
I knowing but al mu fatal hour the
"Jake, lend mo ten dollars till I.sell nl may be upon them, rendering nil
my dog." i esimpo ns hopeless tus it wa in the days
"Oh, Jim, I wouldn't sell him,'' f Nonh. '4
wothiugly and sympathetically replied' Tlw awe stricken visitor hurries
j j. , .- ,, away from the acene, -with heart ap-
, , I iwlltnl in view ot the hourly dangers.
c ti'ti-A vofl. i.t. - ..... ;NYHo,o6uId'wiH noHeytaucUa,rnk,
y-FWrVesaiie 7 ' aottBdiag lu warilag b Im ? .
iixoii'x aiiDoint-
ees who reliie to take the oath by pre-
scrilnil oy Cougrex. I suppose he
diH' not de-ire .0 be postmaster with
out any pay.
Il you of Mr. Fontain wixli to hold
"dice ymi muu exert yourselves in re
ciiiiMriifiiug your adopted Stiteon thfl
term iifferedby Congress. When all
llie Slates are admitted, if they keef
the peice, it will be nn eas matter to
n-H-al the oath of loyalty now pre
ended bv Congrcs. Then it Air.
Fontain will get a few loyal men to
nl'.'ii Ills petition In place t all eX-reh-el,
he may xtand 11 good chance to be
nituiinter Judge Paschal aayt he
does nut recognize a single man ou
Mr, rnntiiiu ciitlou but thOMi h9
tried to dvstrov the Gowrnraeut da
riuir the war llie will have to get hit
(million xi'ued by some who were loyal
to the United Slates in her darkett
hour, before he can expect an appoint
incut from General Grant. I have trrtb
given you my view and Judge Patv
ch-tl'x plainly about office. 1 would
mil deprive any man of an office who
h-Kl repeiiteil lor trying to creak rb
our uoveruinent. II he has repentea
he xlnni'd xhow his reMiitnnce by hit
exertion to rextore it. If Mr. Font is
has tried to restore Texas 011 the terms
tiff' red by Cougres, lie certainly can
;el 11 lew' to rig 11 lit petition who did
not engage lu the rebellion.
One word more of advice, and the
I am done. It you with to see your
adopted State peaceful and prosperous,
exert youraell to restore hereto herler
mer alleglinre on the terms offered by
Congrcs. Negro suffrage la just and
rl'.'ht. It will not prodnoe negro sa
liremaey. Thi is a Johnson lie, le
perpetuate negro slavery in fact, if not
in name. I told ymi two years ago ne
gro suffrage was Irresistible, f tell
vou auain. il is more irresistible now
than Grain's army w.w at the surren
der of J.ee.
There i no doubt but that the 0 m
mil tee ol Virginians who went t
U'li-hiiiL'ton to demand for their Stat
"general nnmestv for iiuiverssl sal
Irage" instead of having the efft-ct in
tended or desired by them have been
the means by which the proposed
amendment lias been brought forward,
ax well ax to counteract the pretension
ot the deuiind made, and settle the
que-linn so aa lo leave no doubt as to
the meaning of the prexcntprty'jn
power to make a final settlement ef
the vexed question. No matter what'
the effect 111 iy be uion the Westers)
States, who have lately voted so large
ly aiMiust negro suffrage, they uiuat
yield their xvltixh convictions to the
milium, will, nml the -people of Viigla
ia will be I'oiniiclled to adopt the Un-
tlerwood Constitution as it is, and the
State of Ohio, Michigan, and oihersr
u ho xo recently iiriH-lainied against ne
u'n equality, will bo willing to revert
their lormer judgment, and regard th
nieces ot the measure as a loregoc
The uegroox an1 by this amendment
in be mil.iued uilk the eleclivo Iran
oliise throughout the laud, without re
gard lo State laws, the suffrage ot nil (
races mid color heroine general, and
011 the South i In be imioeed thei'ha
hiliticxot the Mth amendment, under
the ri-strlctioux of the registry aysteni,
So that instead of obtaining the eoneet
pii.n su perxisienlly maife of the eons-
n.iitee Irotn Virginia, they hare bea
allowed the consolation of keepiAg
oeu room-, entertaining Cemmitu
aud of retiring to thetr jioeae in t4ins
lul ignorance ot the effect their jntr
cenxioui have pixxlwd, eicrat, thai
they wore representing the late rent W
the very party, whom by their vW
I hey intended to counteract, and their
efforts have succeeded in enabling
Congress tn get th !th amendment
Oixotigh.bo'.lj Homes, with n raidjtfi