Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 27, 1869, Image 2

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SaWHur Mo.tSi.v7i, M mh 27. I HUD.
Whatfare Oar Farmeri Doing to Meet
Hard llmoi?
it may bo considered nono ol our hum
ncsa. On all side wo aeo long face
'from nil quartern wo hear tho cry ol
hard Uracil. Miners complain that
. ,,., firmer nv there U
water ia Bcarcc-farmcr a.i uiirt
no market lor then pio.lure. It n
afo proposition lliat H there were
double tho number ol acre o wheat
own inlhta valley annually the m.iikel
,0W"'" . ,.,, rn ....ii
for llour, would bo still moro tin I.
On the other hand, il there wa "'"V
market lor it, nnd this year, a larger
1 ..... .. ... .
number of acre is )wn, than waevc
now 11 bcloiu. Smuc larmeM, mine
hrewd, have turned their nttuitirui to
atock raiidnj: and nre rowing ii. b tit
it. Those who have (.it cattle or line
horara to aell have 110 trouble in liud
injj n maiket. Iluyers from Caliloriiii
nnd Xeunla nre ulwajs ready witli
the cali nnd it is a chamc'; that wifli
our million ol nere ol pond raziiiw'
land, wo have so little oek to aell.
In Siskiyou county, juton the tin
other aid.! of the CnliloriiTejnc, there
have been twenty tlioumntl ciilves
branded this spring mid iniyiiie can
cnluulatu how much they will add to
tho aggregate wealth ol that county
in another year. A Imip a our l.irm
era pt-iriat in raisinj; ni.tl.iit; but llour
'and bacon, knowing that there i no
outride market lor it, they will expcii
fnre a fcnrclty ol money. It. 1 im
poailble to crowd the Jtnck m irkel; as
veiy year the demand lor heel in the
mines of Nevada is inure.itini;. We
ould like to sec our people turn lb ir
attention moro to tl.i branch ol nci
culture nnd they have oulv to look
round among those ol their iiclhbo ,
who liavu stuck to il, tu learn whelhtr
it will pay or not.
No Danger of Competition
A few (layrince, we heard .1 Deni'i
crat dctiouui in Clitnamiii, in unmcts
nrcd term, lor the reason, a hui.llciL'
cil, tlul they vvero erowdiiiiout work
in men, The iinliv dual, who w..
thus complaining, is n inemb.-r of the
borutlul Caucasian tnuiily; he never
has a dollar and never did a "lick" o
work iu his lile ami it i really diili.-uli
to perceive wherein he is d nn ne.l by
Chinese labor. At nil event he i inn
in the slightest dauuer ol competition
in idlcmsa, a thu objects ol hi spleen
are notoriously tho uuct industrum
peopht on the face of the earth. Thi
then in the boasted pride of tho great
Caucasian race ,' .lust enough energy
left to whine an acknowledgement that
the (lcspicd Chinnmni is crowding il
to tho wall. Oil! you great double
fisted, Inxy loalir go t rail splitting
or iiwiug wood do mum thing any
thing, lor a living and stop whining
about Chinese competition till you are
worth cotiietiug with.
Srnc.i.Mi, OpKitAimx at Canvos
villb. Mr. WhitteNey, the ohlL'iu
tclegriph Agent at Canynnvilh', sen.'n
us the lol owing: J. 0. Cline, iv10 n
few yenia ago, taught scl.i.f.l in ,l,u-k'
'vn mid Josephine, counties and hi
since been teaching here, ha In-, n
nfltlolii.t fH ,1... ....- .1..
....v... .... .,,1. i.ini nn,.,. luuimis vviih
tubcrculosU ol the ankle j..jut, I)r.
Plunuher of Ho-eluug was called to
examine the case nnd decided 01. miii
putntion which was successfully per.
formed by him, on .Moi.day, n'sNtr,
by Drs. Colvig nn I Hulstou. The
pitient behaved nobly, thou who wit
ncssvd tho oici-,uioii say they never
witiuscd aiieli a .Iiplay ol truo conr
ago The operation docs gieat credit
0 Drs. Pluminer, Colvig and KuUtou.
V. W. Clii.piiinii winds up nn article
'ovi-inor Woods veto ol the "Iron
'liinoiij hill" with tho lolluwiiy
pnrtMiit aiiuniiiicenicnt:
V'A ",. I'l'iion, liovrevcr,
lielltiiltiigaiiii. treaty is lit,.
o 1111111, or coiihtmitionaliy
'Bsihlt, W. v. will wake
lorning nmi ipiestfou bib
hnll the quantity !ow n, 1 lie price woum '-miv 10wlm; the r i tl niineiiieui 01
1)0 higher and intention could bo piiil In It l-n I'liiii-iin '.', wl""" In- Jm.l
... . , .4 ,, hired to do the woik l hill piW.
to more .en.uuerative r. .la ol (f inw
Brieullre. In aprtc . he - -, .,1, u,11(,, ,,.
many larmen ... tl. v, ley 1 ,ho .h.h,..ph.,, ......e and
ally been npovor.h ...4 the ...el b ( I.J ()(i ((i ,,.
't.e rr:Vn
fionw tv.e; - -r dlsputci the Im-t that
. own WenlUj. ornment ol Onuii.
, fiwe
' be U not- b Ml-.
uiied Miller has
A coloveA tnnw m 10 Simi Ca.(
. . .nni.n.lO-llllLll UX I
lecn reccomcuic. u . t M P(l ,
v.. ConKresMoiW vw.cjk
I A G institutional Democrat Solving the
Tho following is related by tho cor-
rvSpUllllullt ol ;l Sl.loill 1 IpCP, WllO
utuitly viaitutl Portland:
i ,,A wrl,v and it,U u-nti.il citizen ol
, W(itfl-W,; Jiyt,M a, Mu..lry pcsoiis
w(t) xvrk lor n living," ml their
,ngry eves upon tho "job" ol Rawing
ami splitting said wood. One ".mil;
Clnimiii.ui, eoiistituiio.i.i: Dcnocr.it,
(u.c()fUii mvm.(. wll ,x tl lhAl
,, j, . Kjvul, l(l ,ii,clt in oi.hr
t(l .... wuu nu might have a
'chanec.'1 A h.u-g.iu was in ul.-5 the
j.ur white nun" u...lc.tok the jo,
1111. when the owner nl the wood c.iu.e
.. , , , .
u,ju. ),.,m.,., engaged in 1 ipl.i
eoini,.iiin.' Ill It .M 1 .. llilil I lb If it
eiow.lln him to the will It w-.tul I
he wie fur u alTlo lead thi hil'iihle
leoii uriithi and ivllect on it. II we
do, we will wc in thi le.ie. r.iiV'iii
illlllllll.-lit to I' Ilk" our OWII pi-.'le
Ii.iiii menial .Irii'L'ery, t 1 die i.-muuer-alive
li.-l.l. ol killlui latr. We will
ee them tint cleviitiu.'. InMcad ol
lejjradinir the while race, (orclur
it up to 1. higher rlaudai.) in fpiie ol
iiell; and making It dep...d more on
intellect than on mil.-!.' for eviati-nce.
v hat i true ol the ure.it lib .. sivin
I'Veiilioii ol the lat hundred vear is
irueol (he t'liiiic-e race. While they
die. pen one branch ol itnlutiv, thev
.pi-ek.-u ami give iuimle to other ;
h y lorcc the mind lot-vpind by peek
i c' new channel ol labor, ,-iud i.ih(.i
industries in which they cannot nmi
pete. If the nMumed supeiio.lty ol
the t'ancasiin race be line; the tin;
gle 1 one ol Intellect nsruiiist l.riiti-lor.-e;
nnd It iii'it in vitdity iii high
ilii.vc cotup-'tiiiiiii in the mt suupli.
an I lowel hiMiinhes of iudutir. Il
. .I'.ts i.oi so r.se ; wicn the ievere
will be tin", and il it he proved thai
ihe .Mongolian intellect is Mipurior to
our own, wo have 110 light to ci in
IvunvANT. A pio.ui.ient latinoro'
ihis Slut.-, iu I. I. ((111 letler lo u. KM
1 lie following laiiguige: "When I ..
ucli aitleles us I ave b. 1 11 lately pub
'ishe.l iii the r, the frhth'nl. atel
the Albany ), im-rnt, desigiu.l ...
rush out every atlcmp' to h.-m-lit tin
lulo mid lo eh-viile . b r, I he.-uc
'. thoroii h'y dikg.lMe.l will, polilif
dnl I vv-i)ill t:l i.iiv see all p..liii:i
lollies .o il ll-.tlll lh"laceoloiiro..
wise l.iire.uth.- ir..)it.- b-(.'
Will this highly iu lignant mil ve.-
' prominent" agiiciiltural iudiudmil be
kind enough to fpecity the aiihde jm'.
'ihed at iiiivlime in the .Skxumh.
w ie'i wa mHi u-iim cr 11 lab.ir? UV
d yh in lo do so' TlieSi:MiKi. has
always been in the iniiivi.i ol ih..
winking nun i iheStJiu.. Ii K ,.
v.ietted liiilroadH, immigration, il.-i.l
opin.nt ol ill- mii.ix, the iirii-y nu.l
peilh-inent ol the public hind and I a
ilvvays eucoiirugcd every branch ol
hoiuo-indutry. As the Iht'iim' hi
gone out o it way to giP pm.,. ,.
niiteinp'ibl.. aul lale iu.iuuation, il
vill perhaps do us the jtiilco to h0
us 1. he ii'itno ol its null. coireNpnii.li.ui
.that w.e ni.vy learn our paiticiihu- ol-
Oregon Trader weiogicallv' rejoiced,
lat.lv, by the ajipeii, """.-ola mill win
bought lib.-r. IU- n n, "'ir goods nnd
pihle.tsh: Their joy wa 'illeiwanl.
Iiirned irlo griet uhi-n ii 11,11, "m'd h.n
he had only purchased nriiolc I
ing U. S. Ilevciiuc slumps, hut v ''i''1'
were lint piovidcd wiihlheiu. ,..,, '
mi net iniotnier, lu then 1i.,Jt.t,...
ind icccivcd tin. iul.uim-r's h(.Ji ol
ue pen-illy, lie is now very in.pmiii
I ir Uiere.-.S1. GoMm lu'u.
The OregmiiaiiH vvero a llulu decoic
eil. They thoughi tho fellow a mill
iouaire I. t found ho was only a C,.:
fiiriiia sneak He puu-urcil iiulictiueuts,
it 'a rue; but his share of the pmiliy.
8lai a uily roncn eggs and ..d.uui.ol
which incro is ph-uly h-U.
RomiKitr ArO.vici.vM). Abrti' uiM..
P. M. on the I Dili inst. the Ofllce ol
Wells, F.irgn- Co. at Oakland wn
entered and tsoto.OO In coin takes fr. m,
a drawer. 'I 'u. robber tried t i,,e!,k
.I.....I.- ..t-.i..!n.. ......I... ri.liu- ., i..,' ,...,' ...,.. tl "..-I ,,,,lv di.l.ilectcd, mid ceilllicd to by it to .. Cl.iue-.... ib-v tw ;.. n vt u 11 iti-m
hi adva.it 1-.., nl,.. I him .ell, at on.-, ! """I l,,,",,,,", '" ' ' 'Ht l.-l f . Tl,v M.rl!t, ,,.-. ., ...,.(,;. t1l
, . ,. ... . 1 be hoii.-t 11 auvihiuvr. On the other. I"1.' ,l,,,I , . , ' , ... ,.. ,1 ',. I,.ve lie ei..'i.
' hl ,m 'V lul .'-""I"1 I. I, il a man Vm..,, xm-llli.,.' OMlM..... lurtl.-r regulatin ; nnd ,; J;., J ', ,',,,,'J Jj
lor, tn .In.. .Iljr..il.v f -11 ta.k.n ,..er. v.() .,. ,,.. J .iu the du.h ol iheMrcct ('..,... w.,, IVllM1 ,,. n, ,.,. ... . ol
He ha .lone .....re to olve (lit l,,"r ,.., ,,.,,.,.,, j, , ,;, ,. ),.,, S,J inlioiier, ordeMiiu' the road ouiMiIe wood, nod -'! ol .. . Thev have
.pieslloii 011 this eotl tjim e.i'i be .1 . I ' ' ,. '..Mown within hi InrUdietioii. to be n.".v all.', l-iixi.t-l -Hi-I " -ed -i -iv,
ill,, , li-lllir ll hebi olll.i holi.t l.ll.o III..!. , '" iowii, nyiiio Hi' j.iiik m ihi, u
lone by hall a do-n Mimi,. peeeluM ' - ,( ,,' ,, (i. , ,r,lM,K ,,P . ...il...r I. " 'I"' ft ' '" ' " "''
111.I t I d..nt.Hril ff 1 f..rln. I...1...I ' "ele aie .00 111 mv ol Ihl . I.i 1.1 our ... .,..,..'. .'d bv ur-it fMUih... in1...w
mien tlm nv i.n 1,,,. i..,t.t.i. . . .
- -, "- 71 "'" -oii.aniw.
"" '. 'un- un. attempt was
"nsa. - .c.s.,,,,
Tho Appointment for Orsgon
In pc.ikin;of the r-cnatmul recro
mciidation for ollico in this Mate, the
Orrffoiii'iin 1e11m1Kall1.il all should bo
satitdiol to know that good republican
,no to be appointed. That is wiy
tine and when we nre perfectly s.ti
lied that none but .'' republican
arc- tn be plaeed in position ol trn,
we Will cmietir cheerlully. We ifo the
word, good, not to exprc the fervor,
or.-.calof any individual member of
our party; but in teleieiiee to the
enrnctn.-5 and honesty ol hi polilieal
niineinlo. There ate .nc very veiic
1 ....
incut men in our ui.., .- .
would be. -.pi illy eiilhu-iiMiu on the,
ih..r hi le.ilit weietotheiradvanta-e;
B I - - I ... ... Ill.l 111 11' I (' J
I ...1.1 .111.1
1111.I t.illil- e.a.s o. ,..-...
i....... .1... ii,iii...wt oi.i.'Cii.in. 1 iiu
ll'I.V ."' -,.--..- - ,.
. I . I I - f ll... I. Illlll .
men Who linre llie "r. mi v ........ 1
,vl...,. ihe word ".ti.liii.i'iiu" was an.
, , , ,....i.
o,.,rob,i..u one, and who have M . k
to their priiieiple" ever ine.' may nlcl
hand when appoint ui.'i.t nrv to be
made. The rx mivnrT-icfi Pentium V
nmi ii'iiriii-iinii'iu mi fi"inii uiv, i"ii
il.li.honeMineiiorpolith.il trimmer
ate allowed pi .. prnft n.d inii.
to-peile w II nlwa bo plundered,
We have but .newav to i:iin4 0iP
t . '. 1 .tit .1 , 1.... 1...
ahhorrcitee for time M-rver and triu. -
ui.-r and tint 1 to nay that we would
invlerto ee-hoiUMt a'nl I'mieKwliou-.
I) oerai ni.iMiuled to ..l!i -u. nth or
than the thill v shilly repiihlleaii who
tire ever ready to :w gi...d I.ord or
g.o I d.-vil, and jin-t hmicst enough to
he li.iind alwuvs where Ihcie is tin
bet show f,.r phiudei.
Tin: Wovicv'fj I'vi-Kf. U'c have
recited the llilee llrst C'.pi.-s of the
" "" """ i"l"-' I' '"' 10 ...,-,
l-Viu.-is.-o, l,y an I in the i,.ie,,f.t oil
W 0111. 11. It doe not ndvoeate -t.tV '
.-A1..M., 1.11 1....1 :.. r
rage for women, nor. Lies it i hh "t I j
light ol sullVage a n de-irable privil-
........ 1. ..I.I... ! . . I ! .. ... .! I
..4'-. ii" 1 I'M".-1 n io iiirinsii a im"..
. ,. i. ... 1 5 1 ,. .. 1
urn through which, the weaker rex
ni'iy.urike their wrotij; kno.vii ; and ii
w-irN....h,.v..,-.oel..l u- ! ..!....
... .. .. 1 .1. ii.. ..i 11 iir uiiix Hi. nil- r-ii.-i i 1.1 nil? iu n , .ii ...... i . j . i . i i... h ..
p iri' nun in' v u.-.u-niii v Pi'i-in 1.1 ur mi . i hmv n-iv " o 'ei. i.'r.r'"i.-i nv hi
thepue.ile l.ivollihs thatf.ie cnslivl","! Temtory. There m n tcellng ol
iug ,0 many ,. our women, -mal.e '',.. ,' " ,.., ,
them better, and purer, and stronger ! 'hu'"' lr' N' "U '"'. In ;P dlilcl
and lltler to l. con.pau.o,. lor tl.o.e ! "I'l""-"- '" '- know he 1 d.rv.
whose duty it N to her the heavies, J l"" f,,,'l '' ",,1VU"1 w, l511 Jl w.irll.lly
lih.u in liu I.HII....IM'. Itise.liled 1UU lM"lM.ly hippv Mdeelion;
w-lili much n'.iii.vnnd I a.. 1. 1 ,Mr; l"'"''iM'" ' the b-nel, leg.l
. the org,., ol the I ,di,.S wo wish it ""', " V!."" T' "' tw Mh
ahuiulaut Micccs. '"l '" ,,,r ' ph.l.M..pl,i nl and uni.11
- j pisln.'d u.ii.d, and a ehiru-ier fo
P.iiin.vs-i. I.iiiiunv. The report ol,Tt..i ling I1.1. lity that it. about .11
Hon. M. I'. M.wly, 1'ie.s'deiit ol' ihlhi piciou. While regretting to i trt with
iiistiliilioii, shows it to be in a ll.uui-li-' otieol 011 mmi sttunch delen-ler '
iug coiidiiiou. It now couluiun
about '.',.'iOt1 voluiuncs'ouipiihiugimiiiv
11I1 nblethcological,Micilillc,poliilc..l,
h'-iiorical, biograpl.iei.l, poetical and
niM-ell... nous wink together with 11
l.i ge iiuiiH.fr nl Siunduxl m.viN, T- 0
receipts lor I j-i3 wero J.'.-.ni 7.1 ,..
hu'-scuiMits, .,i)-, 81. Then, aic I It
ulci-iblug, 1:1 In moral y and I hi-
ncniber. vr. W.S. I.i.l-I,. Pnril-inil. j
h.i piccut.-d the association with 11
ease, h.r 1 hrce years', Ir.im Muih 1st.
1 ((19 lor a suite ol . on., s in the elc
gint ll.uik Il.iildiug ol Lidd it Tiliou
I'iiiim.sai. The many lii.-ns ol h
K S. Hidden, I. He IVt Siiigeon at
F.rl Ixl.iuiiih, will be glad to lean.
It'H ho is having a iiicc.IiiI practice
at Mary-ville, Cil. lie hajiitiuici
ut-ce.siu y for club, and double 1 .ili
'mil 111. 1, is visiting physician at ihe
('athol 0 stdtonl of Notre Dune. .Dr.
ll-Mi-n is. a young g.itleuuu ol line
ibility and ih. .rough medical edtic.ui,.n
aid cannot lail to atliiu success in hi
Mil. Ami.vvH. W'f leaiii Hint this
giutleuiati, who was so iiiiloiluuate as
o hue hi leg by the upsetting ,, tM.
K'je ninth nf Caiiyouvilli. last An
...11m t now gelling much better. His
0 .elm.' l,;h"o I tho physicians enmpld.
ly Ml..? hut b scons that Dr. Shnip.
less nl Com, IliVhiis succeeded in tilluy
ing the twitiii.h.g iu the slump of tbif
leg by the use ol chloioloim and the
patient is now iinpu'ving rapidly,
It is pioposed to re. move n least
three fourths ol the Indian Agents and
nppuiiii Quakers. This is proh.ihly sin. .
gested by tho eminent success of Win,
IVnti with the redskins, but it is safe.
tn say that the Indians arc tnmv vic
ious now, than their nncestors were
and likely to outwit the "peaceful people."
Hoard of TiUJtecJ-
The llnurdol Trustee.
- -
.i.ri'i.iiil : ami iu
ized to nuke the iinpmemeiif mi.--
I bv him. Ihe l.eeonier ..-
1 i'iiir.ii lit 111
1 1 ......
.l... .mi 11 wiiii-mt to e.il
.. . .
liv i'. . --
(( i( (, ,.u ,,. ,,, Sli.el Oininii.ou-
.m.,,.,1, ,A I'. Wall, pieeiited
J (1 'fmvt ,r ei,n, the
'' '
,.., ., w.
Ordidauec, jiicciibii.!jeeilnui dull, a
... il... Tii..iui..r. vvii liisscil
. . 1... f
iipiiiinucc, 111
, .
Onliuaiice, iiiikiii h 1- . -
' I
vnl i.iiv uii.iiu
"' ul Hie oi.ier oni.e nonr.i.
! The Saniimy I'onituittce' report wn
( .ikin 1111 iv I hi 1 nit in I mi. 1 an miih
. t 4
msm-I n nit lllwl by mil S.iiilim-y
' t'onimllltf ; nnd warrant or.bicd lor
the same: nnd the lollowin rvol
, li"" a p..l : J
t Hlet, That the tl.nnU ol thi
,M"",'I l""1 ' h'"!'1'' "' ' '"W'11 ""
' '"' ,""1 "'' hereby tendered to the
I si'dliry (' .mmitiee for the nhle' and
ni''aetory maimer in ulii.-h nid Cm
mtttee ha .seh.rgei it un nv, oner
. .itfi and ttr-liioiis duties; and the re-ig
uitii'ti, o the Sanitary ('omu.iltee, wan
Mr. .I.ii'aIm mide application for J
T. l)avlftir title deed to hi premise
The Hpptlci il.n wis u-hrtcd to the
j.-,,,,,.,. (,,i,, ,...
5.,1 adjourned to Aprinl 5th.
- ...-,..
ThsAppolntmin' (fyr Jacobi
It is with pleasure lint wenmioiiiiee
. ... ...
llie cmciimiol our e low lownoi. 111,
,, ., ..... , .. ,, . ., ,'
ie ehs.iioii ol our fell-
lion. (). .I.te.i'n. lor the
il.suilg'll iii
IMhimi ..I KI1I.1I .Iustim.of W .s'.b.;.
- ..!.!....! I.. t
republic. u priticiplcs, vve lejoice at hi
pielcrni'iit a id h .p.. to SCO liliu rise lo
yet higher distinction.
Tin: (Join: G vsv. I'low. We ma b
uienlioii, iii our 1 1st it ,.( ,,f the Oon
Plow, which the invfi.to. had in tow.,
on exhibition at that time. Our spice
will not itdinll a detailed .lo.eiipiioti . f
'"' n"w,, l'"uv5 we theiclore cotitcut
om-oeives t.y giving a few ol the mine
impoitatii poiiitH in its wmMiig It s
siipporicd on the ground, by two
wheels, wjtha straight axle mid an
idjuste.l castor inning in the luriovv
bet wen the phivv. t who witnessed
its ope.-iiiii.tm here last week express
I heuiselv cs much pleased at the pel led
control which the tliiv.-r has over th.
; plow whcniunuing; and the ease vvhi h
11 etui in- sci 10 any rcipiirc.l .lepth, 0-
raised out ol the ground. Kith, r plow
may be sel up or down while mining
Mr. (bite, when e.Nhihiiiug u,,t M.t
hi picas nine inciter deep and, with
only two horse, moved along with
case, although tho two plows cut
twenty'lnur inches.
The plow although somcwliat coin.
licatc. in its appearance, on li.st
j sight, will be found on close examina
turn to be composed of sunplo device,
not nl nil liable to get out ol order.
Mr. (lorelas lorwafTl.-d the iiceeS'
sary papers and diawiirgs, for tiling a
Not Out llvhi.Ni:ss.()ur nttention
ha been called to the disorderly com
duct of ceitain p:ii-iiciiii.Siiii.uv night
..... .... ,.,v huiiiiv ipiu Miiciniii'g
to other peoph-H biisioucss. It ia tho
duly of the Mnrshnl to ku -p order nnd
we presume ho. wan absent; which no
counts lor tho peaceful slumbers of ho
many people being disturljo.il.
QrcenJmekB Ycaterday 771 773.
11141 ll'jl 1... .... ..I ..'. ..
..M ........rdii.L'to adjourn- tional n.n-n.imem oem no..-. ...--- r. v. ,..-, ., ,,, sllWn, .Mr. ,
n,rt V J l M. o in, IVeM-lMonontbe it.h Fcb.uary, IWIO. .Mr. Applep.te a Sub. Indin, A;,,,
7P,,11V'MI:1 imn .l Jl... Cu.....r ,..,rm-l ., . nni-ndn, jKhnuth ll.rva.i., UV ,
"I"" A 17 .' ,, i Z I PH., I ...Hcle : Mr. flnrfa., htu,. 4l, , ,.. J
,,,,, , tl-'l-l -;;; , ; I ,1.hill,m .,-, lml ,llini , 1? ITiii l the po.i-ieal udekn.,
rJSUv m1 iu- ;;:;;;;;:-;:;;::::S;;r, - ;:;-:;, !j:
vrJ.'-rH.'s 'Sis:,;! iri-c - i-'. .....h..:..;:
lull,.. 1 "i 0,A1 ' t Mini belt Slid: . .he Indian-. Ue will n-lir,. r,,. ty,
,,,,,1,1,1, .,!, wbiel. wn "...1 ml ,..,. ..i.l.tol.nV,-.. ,.,,, ,..,.,. . , . , '", l."
M .r.Ii "filll.
I Senator Corbatt on Chincso Suffrai
.1. -!!. . ..f ll... ...HImIiIM.
The mice. u. ..... -
...1 t t iiMiiiile in the anilllLO-ll
inn"'' ' I i" , . .. 1.
..i'-. who if" a dillrent rn1" iii'ii.-H
I... V.iniir Who -.riH.uvv 11 ei.i'.i
1 1 ......I our ell..n in in i' iir'.-iion. ii.-
1,v er..wu.. "'.I with lliytimn'-'""
UV l"lIIOi lll..'i- I '
OMllblow ol biveiy, whfl-h w n .oiitfl.t
. - ..I ...km In the 1 tt.lv blStorvol
1.. ...... I... I.Auii I.. 1 1. 1 1. 1 i
! o n- eoilMlre. h M now been neeondih
..ll.vihe ble.vsiuu ol nil over iniiiii:
,, t.j,,,,,.,.,
t..t now 1 he .i.wiln-i -v-rt's Imvv
..r.-at. eidhihieii-I.til p.w-rHil n-i
tio.. tint rmpnrtltTnwrT-Trnil T...y
Ii in-iv ie prn 'cut tor 11 i erni i r
il l!.!s ll.ne wb. tl..-.- we shall i.t.il.il.
in this eni-itiy at. A'i tth- peinle hJ.-
it ..'.g-.n. who nil1 not Chris. i
W i t Ii ihe ecper,i'i.i,. ! thi p.t !"
Vi'irs nn . J'.icilii' coilt We have
louud ih-ii this il is nl p. i.,. are let
lieiifl'ieiil n 1 1 idv '.i.".-nie..l ol lh.
Chrisiiau iutlliilh.t thai Ii. at t'1
Ion. i .tint, ol our 5ver.ii.v-t.l. Tl"
I..ecne.. ol h.rgi' ..ll'ol.ers nl tit-1 1 1 ii.
.Iir mdl i no. I e'.ell. i-il lo tlieol.cr
va. ceo''ihe,a'' i'h l-tv. It. - n-.t
eour.gbig to the Slbalt. ' .ol, w Id. I.
s Hie inii'.eiV ol Ol.r flit l.l.e. ., Kiel
whi.-h i 10 lit the... lor enllght. ...-1
'ind in.weilul i.'.d good -liti s u"ii. Tin
pie lion now is w hether lor our own
race, whether 'or the benefit .ottr '
lerily, ue slfill eot iiinke iIiIm-.m-. plioli
Its '-.!... the ('h iee.
This ipiixiiui. teiielies bevo.id th.-eot.l
inn', tights ol tivti. ii'ilcl -i Cliri'tii"
ii.tion such n w-. . .un. led niHiti l'lv
mouth Koch, ll ret.i'l.es il... . rv
(mid .lion ol'our (""l.rbti'.t. i.isiiluti.Of
.to .... . i- 1 . .. .
' -o"" "' uiirie, 11110 ....-o.-.
1 ...., , ,..1 .bli-h-.l ...... n ii.Mi.u'i....
, ... ...,.,., . ...
j in oiir-iui.lt which nuv ev.'ttt i'l
! s.H.rM...(, .,,, ..,.,,., .,,..,.,U1
, wbhh I, .ve ... long ben the p.i Ie ,.
I our country.
Sir, dit'h.g the eighteen years I hnv.
ni-le I upon the I'li-iih' i- n the
lllllel!.-s of leliglnii, S'llili.ith .clei. I.
I'oiumo.. cli..t.K, mill .ill iIims. iiis'lm
fl..-. which inellicid 'o the pi'i.v .
ociclv nil. I tin. good nttler ol lite M .'.
have been obj el ol soli.-i'ii l. mil
e.ii'i, 1111-I I, h.r on,' iiokI i.'-i t-i I"
gIMIllillg the li'(ht .it'-illl'i i.'c ! ..I :
ol p.'Ople willed .uiti.'.i-iw t 11 ti.i. i..ii
p lolpe.h.p lot.r or s'.v h'.'id.'-'
iiiillixit pxrs.uis wl an cine in n ,
shores t.inl stipe. hede us it thit f.t.ib
is'iutenl ill iustiiiitinus r.l thiir own
hit h in iv be delriiuciial to us. -m
llii'dly .... rlhiow oiii-i h 'rWhel svMe'ii
A I Mild holo re, .these rn.tiniis tin;
have wor-hipe I heathen godsh i bee.
overthrown nnd supersede I by Cl.ii.i
i.u nations, ami ihin' it is very l...
10 presiim.. ih .1 lite overru'iug provi
de.iee nl (!o. I m iv fills.- us it. the im
w iv, ami thai we may evenliiilly l
ovi-ithrotv 11 by that class ol peopl
who c nine lo our I'a -llie shores il vvi
do not guard lh p.ieeless ley.ey w hi. I.
'as liceii iuiiusiiilio us, I-'nr tli,t
ieis.ui I opp.e.1' the preent fimillu
I in ml amendment as il i s.ibmilled lo
us. and I oiler 1111 urn u-lmeut to it iu 11
dclluite lorui to exclude this pigaii ua
lion, iiiul I liu-t it will he adopted.
.Mii.iTvity. Wo liud iho lo'lowing
among ihe miliiary order publish..
in llie Sac. Union, The siibstiiin'o
ol an Inlutry for n Cavalry Co pany
will seiionsly allcci our grain market
but il ilio Indian are s ibdiied mid
1 here is 111 iis lorn Cavalry Couituuv
at nl that point, vve havu 110 right to
Filth Company IC, Twenty.third
Inlanlry, will iclicvc Company A, Fiis
Cavalry, at Fort Klamath, and ihe Ii
ter will imiicli, Willi Us horses, aruo.
eipiipiueiit mid the h0'cnry lr.iup r
tali. in, and report lorordcist 1 Ariiinin
Wiiiti: I'i.vkiW' -We noticed 11 put
ty of travellers making their way
So it h ward this week. TJiey were
I ravelling with mules and boimd to
White J'ine "to make tlieir eteiiuil
A Mnjoiiiy of the Senators nro op
posed to the repeal of the " Tenure 1 I
Olllce Act" but arc iu favor o its mod
illcation The bill to repeal it has be n
rc-oomiiiiltcd to the judicial') Commit
tee. Twenty ol Hiigham Young's wlvea
iuclutling his latest fancy, Miss Folsom,
havo arived at Council Bluffs on their
way (o Washington.
.' il... l.iiM'ol the Pteilie. vv.i- iij;bt. , w .0.11 they Ii 1 1 all .ali .. ., .,i
The r.r.ai ll'jj'er ol the ii -Ivrr.- Ii-.) would have pr.-l.ir.-d m !..
! Change at the Kiaraitt Agtncj.
, - . ".r,p um Mf j
. W'.x l.i.i.-.. I... I.. I . . . I ..
Irii'UiV o adoll.tr uuli.i..,. . .
.ii'i.t the Indian will I, .t. ,, in,......
Appleg.te ivtll.ii; hilt .1 l.v w,,w
rcuioMxl to in ike t.ir.tu, ,-,. nt
..ope. sin. inon.' .l.-s.rviiig . .,
ti.'i. I ban Mr. (5 ulej .,u,!,i,. ,.,.,,.
itt t I1.1t h" will make an f.E ,lt
All, F. ft Dw.- I.".kiitlofo-t
gel I.H'leil.
Th- t'ulon i: c.,.
it" nt ,,,
1111 Il4s.clleep mil t 'I ...
r " irj.n.
W .1. I v . ,,. ... .".
1 v
itri.n in ..i,...i he
U et C. l. C11 ., ,i,, g 1
Mff.i.':t; ii.Tb.t i i
!'l. r .O'l.
(KliC'-Mf til, J Ii ,,!,) ,,
Ho 3 and 3 Front Strett, nt; Suli;
1 mfiTi:iis A.M.ifniii:nor
Ainerioin, Hi.g'Mi a ,J fltmia
.Vi;ilriilliiinl slut .'llnli'S "sols
Ivopo, Stool, Powder,
Ki;sR.-5IMP. u,. n-
.t: . M . -.v
r ... 1
; 1 : i : 1 : 1 s 1 1
Subinirgcil Dcnb:eArt:r(
t. cl.lt; J A MilMH-S.!-Ilirl
Slli.lr.l, anil
u.i iiuibirir
f,l.l. s.LltJ lUI.O.l C.tl'J
I.Ltl U Ml.
Vtjrcl.2"t!) IBM.
Vol Ice to lliiblrri et Cotiatr
Vr..ti hoMI'tj l'. Ml'il" H'H-flbil
hi it. iin.r sre Ufr li rt 'I "' I'"
1111.1 l..r r--l 111H.1 .. Ul. II .".i.'
.Ul or. .nl,. I tUuli U1I1 Im- s" Jjr't
iii.il Modi IJ'li. K. M If"-"'"! "'
'IU'.. N.i mii-r -"ll t H""1 uU liM
0 .1 r am r il.i.ih'r.
M.lX Hl'I.I.KM'o'in'f T nvtt,
Ja.k-onvilld. UttcJi soil. te-.
lv wtf... J I. L.c.v, l'T'nit hit ;
i. , itn.l Isitul will out J.HCHI-unr
I..11 j mil ue I. h r-l.y tflvni. Illlll II PI"
I li. ill li.-r conliro nn sfhrilii-iM '.;
,. r-.ii .nn wiirn.il iruin Irui lg or Iiiimui
eru,uvc......t. jnsucr.
Notice to Stockholdcri.
The u1.111.il nifiliu 'f I''" .T'tV'Mrs o
Hi- ll..uii.f ll vr Vrtll-y tt'clin V'"''"v
. iu ..'"uiiii'iy w.ll is. iiel si X.'iU'ilo. ' '
.l.iy Ilw2llli.tr April r..t Mr Id fi'lj.""
I cilna ll ii-o'.ir. lor lh ni'O MS''-"fl"
I. - iMn.,10 l ri.ih oth r bulnr y
con be uru ll... 111 '"ii'.J. . .
J. VI, l" Al.l. l,rrU'
A, 't. ItOOIvr III.I.'HV 8ccrtUy.
.4 ..1 111.I .l..rci. 7lb. '
Th- n.i."Hwl I' "" ""; for ""jJJi
win. i.u pumas .ni ii.S!sii ";;",,,
liirwii.l .mil p.y linn Mini, nimiry ,.'",. rti
ln.nl mid t-n-ii m.l .i.mul H.'
..icuii. .ililioa. .,. jr
iib cat 1 ',
Jacksonville, MarobJUUv
..11 af
T piiMlo are iiotMrdlhst '""'JT m
SlpCK Or HHV.U M.lll llsr.HT.ID e - .
lu-HVf ilUcutiiit. All i..-roii knon ",..
. . . . . . . , . r..,uJi.
ai'lvus ini-bi lo mewlll .l'"""
iiK-dluie mtiulnieut.
JsckwnTllU, Marel-mh
1(111 JVerknHy
O 1 n.i-ivi U '!
n !?
rt . C