Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 27, 1869, Image 1

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Odd Fellow's Hall,
.Jacksonville, Oregon.
Trivelcrs nml resident borders will line
I'lsff.ljn firl rlv nnler, mhI In every
W rit rmr l-i iiny In lit - n-ctlmi, untl
uip.i-'il by mi) In the SiiMe.
Ami plentiful snpplv nf the lrt nf every
Iblng the mitki't nlluriN lll be ub-
Uliud (cr
No troubled will li pnr.-d In ile.crve ttif pi
reniite nf llif truvcllliK 1 ne.il tn the H-riu
"jicV'onilfllr.'Mwfn n, ISO.. it
"Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Oartos do Vislto
IMHiirr llt-ilnci-it
ci: exi. nai:n n ufesize.
Physician & Surgeon,
.t'7i'."N VIU.K. OltEHOX.
ftfloe nl hi- tt 11"' I" ll.ii OM Overact
pi.liitl miHr-rf- . Mti-l.
OFFlCE-'Corner of California nnd Fifth
Streets, Jacksonville, Osn.
II will p"ictlc In JscWn nd kIJ.uvii'
tfliiollti, mUlt.'iM promptly Id I'ikI";1"'1"
ilk bl-.Mt
Xa tho Ovorbock Hospital,
F. tiltt IIP., .M. 1).,
OFFICE removed to California Street,
South MUP.
JicWnnvIlK ll.c. 'Jll. Im.t. ib-cit-lf
1)11. M'.WIS (SANt'Mi,
IVII.I. slleml lo. nny wlio mr rr.intie. hl
unlet"" O'SIcp nt II. !. I.iw-lr-onio.
th Ka.t side M Aln-ft. mckwuivlllw.mnJll
IT r nowtii""" - nTw-ATj.v.
jMckMinlllr, Orrxou.
Waiter Ide Ho. 10. A. F. & A.M
A Itni.DtbuIr rt-Kumr cmnmiuiiciiiou.
W'n it"' Wfdnwdny Uvenlnes r iir.-o-d
V hm tbu Tull moon. In ,,V,;!:Km
C. W. Smnt.Sec'y.
Empire City, Coos Count v. Os.
1 lllil". ui nil klu.lK. il.llver.-il til Uiu ni'Tln-i
f the aailnlKUl,ln Jck,un5'(,)lJ,,-, 0UTn,
TW !... O.U lUCIt If
ifcvmirr fin irnn
1 1 o 3Boxi.x,yM.oax
CumberUiid sud Ulilitli COALsnd I'lO IKON
1,000 Tom,
la store snd aflont, fur rule by
J. It. DOYI.K.
413 nd 415 I'ttalllo St., San r'ruielco.
To th Rading Public
WE hv filled up a comfortable Resdlnc
Uoora and ClrcuUtloR blbrsry, wblcb
will glva everyone who wishes to rejd schsnee,
For psrllcuUri ssnulrs t lh. City DrnK Store,
livery Snturdav Morning by
OFFinn, COIIXEII c THIRD stueets.
I or one venr. In advance, four itnlMrs j If
no! pnM within the tlr-t lx monlh lr the year,
tlvr- iloll.iri. ; If not p. uiilll tbt eiplrullun
f llif ye ixr. six dollnrs.
One.oiiare'Mn rrne"oTn7rriffrtt. ...
three iliilliir' ! rich utrwvpifnt lll'crllnil. one
ilnllnr. A dtoniint nl nitjr wt cent, will lie
ihh'Ip In lho who mlrrtl" ljr Ibc yur.
C4t.i'Kul Tniitnr" received nl current tnles
Tho Welcome
Anllhrrbnlrn ein bm
Ilium to rallli'r nnd mr
It wn yt.lrncn In llif gloiMnln',
WIich tcttct n llulil to .
The wit Ml fciMi' ttn itjirlla.
Tint U Ktiftln'cry bPAr.l,
And iiiireroBiI'd in- tic niid a die
To ti-.lJ nnlthtr Mid !
Jinx lltllv IwiiiiIc inull,
All Mie. ink" niiicll.' lo fill,
Hut in Kindf tli li't t' I In- -vtijlh,
1'nr mil In nu d I wutllll ,
Ob ! iivtli tip clmcr il trie,
I.U- mfl mi tlie Miimy liit,
Win lu l't WW IniiiiUlii flmwth,
vtbuli tliy lw Marin tip' rr prcl.
Tlif rich iiinn couiitt'ili Mr euif.,
Il lli FlilnliirfK'""1' I"'' I''d.
11 blpi llii ill on tlnjic,
II; V Imnnt. ilmt ulnl-ii the Und
Thi- pulr nun ciinntcth til blviti.
Ily Ibr lllirfo, oIcf if I.
lly lit- l.oji-ll it kIIiHuIii bilrnWccn,
Hy the uiiiidu' UlrnliV ll.
An1 U'r wilcume l.me, my dntlln"!
H.imelu mlllnr mid mrt
u' ItV lie it my yo lld ! ' love.
1ba tlie lovo )' brniiisbl l ywl
Cnld re tbebl.i.lif tbu ild wind,
An' mnishlbu wiild miy b ;
Hut Htrin'ii tbe limiw uf the wee on
In tin lrti ' niiilivr id iu I
'Wocdcn Car Whecli.
... .i i.. 1. I. iLimrteil. I
oooen u.ii '"'.-i - --I 'i i :
InM-'bieu intioduced leeently on one'e.l with twoMit-h wt.meu, the exi-ling
.lithe New Yoik railway. Though ' laclioin I.eHveeii the bexis would
tlni.u vsheeN oit three tunc-, the price Uu.ldei.ly expire. -Mi-- Anthony U ft
I I .1. . I . . ..I I... . I...M ..l.niuill.l Itut LL'.iril i
n the i.rdiuai V t-a-t Iron wneeiK, ine
I ....... .i.t " 1...1 i. ..) lhile eon-1
e.xpeue u i .", -
I ' ............i ..i.t. iln.
t. I llt'lll'L- Ulllll V n'l-'""''
ii in.it r iini'iriMi nu hi
advantages galnetl. They iMemoolli-ly.niukiiigeiiinei-atliin,
leading, Mini
even wilting, an e.t-y ta-k on the ear.
Thev are made ot thoroughly i-e.i-.onud
elm, oi leak, with Meel tire; are very
liiralde, and will wear, by reason o
their ela'ticity ami durability, vvr
fourliumlretl iIioumiiiiI mile of railway,
while tho average u-o ot tho ordinary
iron wheel is but filly tlunmnd milen,
idler which it i Jieeei"aiy to break il
up. It i al usserteil that tho wheel
in .o coiiKtriicted thai it i im')ible
for the tire to becoiuo ilisplaeetl, and
ii.ui. i he wear to tho track I much lex
than by the iron wheel. Wooden wheel
are mtud on tho .Mctiopuliuu Lmiur
ground Hallway, of Lontlon, w'lt-rt-the
ftequeiit and midden starlings and
nlopi lug of tho train arc calculated
to rack and destroy tho material ol
which they arc composed. No accl
dent, It i uMcrted, has occurred on
that road.
rr......,.'jr iiiii.iLki
R,,, time since wo took occasion to
say that tho assertion oi urn Menu.
- - . ... ,-.
..mill, ii.nrn.ihst tho proponed filleenth
ueuduieiit to the Constitution id the
United State conferred ihe right ol
Butlrage on the Chrue-e, wa not cor
rect. We aro now able to lay before
our readei iho testimony of Senator
Stewart. That gnilloimn Mini, l
answer lo an inquiry from Judge Uibl-
win ot Nevada, the following iniw,
which appears lu the Virginia City
Eiittrjirhe of a late date :
"Wamiingion, Match lt 1800. To
A. W. Baldwin: The word "nativiiy
was stricken from the original dr.ill ot
the Constitutional Amendment no Hlo
allow the exolusiou of Chinese from it
lu in fits. . . . , . in.,.
The treaty with China read- "Uut
nothing herein contained shall be held
to confer uuturaluation upon the citi
zen ot the United StattHiii China nor
upon the subjects ot China lu the
Uniud State.' " ,r o
Wm uam M. Stbwakt.
A iawin New Orloans walk; o
low that his shadow iroqucntly fall
asleep on tb ildewalt
The Women's BiBhts Convention
"Olivia," M.-.. Hrijrj,", wrlllinjrotn
tin city to the Cliicn'o llqmllkuii,
thin hU'IcIk 8oiiiu of tin- iiriiiuiiial.
lime nl the nincirit Iiwihl Convi'ii.
tiou lately hcdil licrc:
Mif. SrANio.v.-riltnwiii!,' in tlie
wake W Mrs. I.ucrolin Mott, up roc
.1.- I. il!.... r. . .. i.. ., ...
tho ciiei'iy
What the poet (ayalioiit
never wen the heawiiH
the irwiwViiV Ti!ftiU" wvn.
... .. i
purple anil H"hl liefore the Minet?
Ami who woulil c xflinii tliec mellow
he ini lor the pale, weak morning r:iyn
or the Mil try, utitluitr noon? Nown mI
a voice ol rare melody, weel, per.iia
ivc, noil riiilmiitini; if. ti tlute, nml
you dee n uoinan i potent tn her way
a. Queen Kli.-iUeth ; an intvlleeltiul
piiuei'M "to thu manor lmni," nml
who h luted to till a niidie in the his
lory ol our Republic Ami now, read
er, you ec lieloivyou a wniniii, "tern,
mdiil niiil iiiijirevd.e. Her whole per-
m.iiiii.'I ! -ii"elie ol the power of
nature. Htreimth. ami loree. Ynu eau-
.-.-- -- , a
not help lull leel tli it the yowl ilame
lor once h n made a Idiimler Mie na
put a tiian'i. head on a woman' dioiil.
tiers; the m.i-ie Wniin uil wjti.ue
Inow, the'laiye ray eye that itiu et
at eiov purpiiw with each other, the
idear eut. lliinlv clii-eled lip", lh.it,
when Inoiiglu together, mciii to li.ie
the tlrin grip ot a vice; a woiniii to
eoiiiiiiaml; a woman to MilTer and die
tor opinion'). ake.
Sinan II, Amiio.sv. Header, you
ee tjiiin II. Anthony. You ti the
woman that would o to the edge ol a
huiiiiiigch.ililrou, ora DeiuoeiMtio con-,
venlion, to necomplMi d purpo.e. II
there U a pillar id Strength Hinong
women, upon which the weak, thu de
graded, the down-trodden can lean, it
mii-t he upon Ml" Su-m It. Anthony.
It ev.iv Slate in tho Union were lilew-
line puone piMM-i, -, ;
.laii.tilv Iroiti the pine Anglo .ivou
f rT
...i.t ln.r I'lii.... im Inst the kil
mid her voice in jiihtll'ie klml an orator,
would ile-iie.
Mits. .lmmii.vi: S. Guurisu. An
other woman inli-es to adtlre the
audience. It i Mr. Jonrplnjie S.
(Srilliug, ko hmg Meiilillt-.l with the
l-'ieedinen' Uurenil. A tlue-laced,
Hweet-voieeed, elegant woman.( You
del that die in thoroughly in earucM.
You Kein to ku tw that he U the last
one who would neek 'notoiiety. You
leel that you are Untuning to a woman
who hutl lo fluid thu battle ol hie tor
hernell and llttlu ouei alone. In thu
depth ol your heai I you realue ilmt
it is Mich iik ho whobiealhu the breath
ot lilo into ibis unpopular caue ami
her wcll-choaeii words mute into your
soul like dew in the honeyed corolla ol
a flower. It p:ice would admit, other
pictures might bit added ; but these
ahull bo reserved fur another day.
II..W to MaickIIaiii) S)Ai'.-The rr
quest ill the F.-bruarv number of the
Mrki(Utmt tor dlieetiou to make
.,., omit pile of letter, lor which our
I. ..! Hfi'ils ll14 lll'fll miniivM j
t. ,. .1.... jiro t nan a uozeii
thanks are due. More than a dozen
s-iid thu ti-llowiug; aii.l semis a saiupie
,.f the aiticle. which l Mipinor io
iiiii. h thaV i Mild at tho More, ami i
quite cheaply made: lour lour gal
lon ot cold water over six pound ot
washing oda (al soda) and thro
pound, ot iimdaeke.l lime. Slir 'the
inixtilie well, and' let it settle mill it I
perfectly clear. It i beitei to let it
Maud all night, a it take some time
for 'the m diluent to settle. When
clear, strain the water, put ix pounds
ot fat with it and Itolkplur two hour,
stirring It mot ot the time. It It doe
not .em thin, enough, put another gal-
I . ut. . f iktl tlllt inninnlr. Mtir tlllll
null's s t "- o .
drain off, and add a it wauled t the
US 11 waoivu m
..- .I.I..L.. - li
boiling mixutri'. ia um -..i "
tried by occasonallv putting little on
.... .. .1 ... I.I U lik.lliilll Ol
a idalo to cool. 3lir in a iia.nuu "i
salt jiiht belore taking it utt the lire.
Have a tub ready soaked, to prevent
the soap from sticking, pour it m, an;
let it setlje until mdid, when you will
have from the above quantity of ingre
dients about lorty poids of uice wlill
sop. m
Castor Ukass. 1'wenty-four thou
sand bushel of this oleagiuo beau
wro raised in Napa oouiiTy U jfr.
me iiniiiiuii .nu. viiuy rM:iiivll, or llie
JUvoliifivn, niie ol the mo-1 lieaiiiilul
nnirsjieiiillyilli'il wmiieii of the ilay;
nUo a Wry fuvljiaml in tlie ramp ol
z .... .,.. ,
FroipecU or tho Fifteenth Amendment.
The total number ol Stntcs i9 thirty
seven; but there nro three, viz: Vir
ginia, Mjisippi and Texa, which
nave no orgontzcil govcrt incnti n d
are not recognized as pnscsing the
rights, jiower ami functions ot State
in thu Union. The number o! actual
Slates N therefore thirty-four. Ti e
aent, of three fourth of these is
necessary to ratify an amendment to
the Constitution. If twont v.W Slut..
llCCPllt flu. Iirnl.itan I n, ....... I. ....... !. ...Ill
I ,....,-.-. v ..v ... .v .. ...
VrflifflW.I,l,'5,t "J tlio Constitution ; but
t-ei tain to reject it. Georgia ami
Loiil'iana may posibly do the enim.
Add Oieifonnml California, where !
acceptance in iy be cotMideied doubt-
lul, and we have nu aggregate ot seven
State which would seem to be the
ireatct number that can bo counted
with any probability in tho negative.
All the other States may be counted
with reasonable eeitalniy in the nlllr
ninth e. At lea't ix hao already
r.uilled. Il Virginia, .Mhsiippt and
Texat are icMorcd lo their irlallou
with the Union, llieie 1 every proba
lillity that they will ulno ratify. The
pnipoiitioti will come before all the
nther States before the Legislatures ot
Oregon mid California again ucuihlc;
.Hid therefore we uutiuipato that the
iincnduicnt will be ratified by a sullic-
lent number ol Stales belore Oregon
ami California have an opportunity to
vote upon it. The question will prob
ably be settled before the next general
elect! ui occurs iu this State. We do
not eu how ihe iiinvintiucnt can fail
lleloie the cloe ol the present year we
expect to see it a part ol the Con-titr
tiou of the United States. Orejoiiltin.
Wai.ij-.isii. The billowing beautilul
description ol waltzing is so tine to
lln' that we ic produce it. II it should
so happen that the reader has belore j
read It, why pa It over. Ihe writer
ot the same inilM have spoken from
real expt-iience: "A group ol splendid
one i on the lloor, and lov ingly mated,
ami gent incitcle their paituer waist
with one arm. Thu ladie ami gentle
men cloely f.it-e to lace. They are
vii-y eiect and lean a liltlu toiwnrd.
(Muic.) Now all wheel ami whirl,
circle and curl. 1-ect nml heel ol
gents go rip, rap, rap, rap. Ladies feel
go lippvty, tip, tlppety, tip, tip. Then
all go lippety, clijipetiy, slipperly,
tlippety, skippety, hoppety, jumpily,
Mimpity, thuui. Lailiis lly otl'by ecu-
trilugul momentum, ueuls pull latiic
hard and close reel, swing, slide,
look tender, look silly, look dizzy.
Feet fly, tiesfc tly, all lly. It looks
luggity, huggity, pullity, squeezitv,
piehsity, nihhlly, tip. The gents like
a cross between steelyards and "liui
er jack," beetle nml joimtVjX's. The
maidens tuck down their chins veiy
low, or raise llietu exceedingly. Some
giggle nml tiow u, some siut-r, ami all
.went 1 1 eel v. The ladies laces aie
brought against those of the men, or
into l heir bosoms, breast iig itust breast,
uoso against nose, tees against toes.
Now they are again making a sound
like georgy, porgy, deery-peery, didy
pidy, coiicny, poachy. "This dance is
not mm b, but the extra arc glnroius."
If the men were women, there would
he no such dancing. Hut they aro on
ly men and the dancing goes on by
women's love ot it.
A SitAitr 1U.T0UT. While passing
up D street, yt-sterday noun, in com
pany with a radical, we were overtaken
by a Democrat, who said to our friend:
"How long will you keep that gun
fiiinir?" Ah." reiilided the ladical,
'you don't like these gnus; I don't
blame von : your friends down South
did not liko them.,' Till sharp retort
drew no reolv.
Tho Democrat went
on nu thu street, while our companion
. - , .
nml mimn mm clml Wftlt IlltO a Place
- - -
r)t.ar by ami got some relreshinents.
I -mr .'It. !...
jUiiryisviuc sincm
v..n-r.vn Tr Tli Viri'iiiia Enter'
prise lay that thu road between Ham-
At. . i Vll... t-.. lt....l ...1,1. tin li.nt.
111011 ami Iilu in illicit w.m ." "-.
iiiK it toward the "poor man's paia-
Kentucky, it Is said, ha never lot
a cent by the delarcalion of any Sutt
official during her utira sisuno at a
N ). 10
A Haunted Houm Among the Colorado
The house in which Dr. Whnrton
livrtl a Idle In Georgetown is haunted
It is is a small frame eott.iep. nit tidied
ill the lower town, Immediately umlei
the dark sliadow-of themnuiit.iiii, cloe
lo where Mis Lander met a sad and
i-rntd death. There Is a horrible feel
llltr ol ill end steals over tin. Inn. .If
traveler who chance to pass this spot
hut iiimaii. j nu cuiiurcn ot tlie
village speak of it hi whisper, nml
matrons find lu it a talisman which
tue niu .... . .
diluted crooked pinctreeMand, which
has a hang dog, shabby air noma It,
which would be noticed even by n
trntitrcr. It has n mhr-rablv contract-
ed npp'-arancu too intry to grow a id
loo mean to decently die. Il is tin-
i upon whio'i Iliinbiiilgewasliing u.
Uudei- that little ciooked pino ho tit
teied hi lnt prayer, ami there I o
warned hi executioner to remember
that night, lor he would haunt them
until ho died, About two months ago
ihe people who were then occupying
the house wiK startled by mj'Meiiou
nole in the ululit, which liighteued
them away. They mocd out. Three
turly miner, hen ring of the trouble,
resolved to slay all night iu the house.
icv piepared thcmulvc with phtul
and a datk lantern, One night satill
ed llic.-n. The door were opened by
hum en hands: lootstep were heard
on thu lloor, on the tep leading to
the chatnbcr,"ovcn lu the very room
where the men, with white-eyed tenor,
s.it and trembled, but could seenoth
in.:. Since that tiuiu no mini, no
human being, has been loiiml so brave
a lo enter the house alter dark. Co-
onulo JltruM,
Oreuon AppjtuimonU
Tho Orcjonian publisher the follow
lug di'patuh frbm our SuuaCor.
I o II. W. Scott, Kdltor Oregonian: -We
have rccoiuiueiided thu following
appointments: Howlby lor Collector ol
lulei mil Huvuuiiu; Meacham tor Su
pcrliiteudi-ntot Indian AOalrs; Jacobs
lor Chief Justice ol Washington Terri
tory ; Davuupoit, Latultutt ami Uazh-y
lor Indian Aueuls -. Uuderwood lor
I'ostnl Agent; Willi for Hegis'.er at
Hoseburg; Stevens for Hccehcr at La
(Jraiidc; Young tor Marshal, and Lyon
for Consulship. U tilers are uucuaugcU.
We hope these 'reccouieiidaliuus will
be salistactory to the State.
Go .. 11. Williams,
' II. W. Corbelt.
The appointment of tho persons
named will, we think, be generally
acceptable to the political friends ol
thu Administration iu Oregon, ami
quite as acceptable to otho as any
appointments likely to be niado
Speaking for oumelve we freely siy
that we aro satisfied with tho rccoiu-
iiiLfiiluiiiiiis. mid we bono with our
..-- i .
i.imtnrM that others will bo so. To
maku selections lor oflice amid so man
conflicting inteu-sis is a difficult task ;
ami no member ot the party, even il
he U liiuihcll in the list ol disappointed
applicants, should complain so long a.
competent men and good, reliable He-
publicans are appointed.
Oovernor Bullock's View ofOeorglaRe
comtruction sustained.
At a nn cling ot the National Grand
Council ot the Union, League of lleor
gia.held at Atlanta on tho 13th instant,
the following resolutions wcro unani
mously adopted:
HeolvtU That we, the National
ri I r'..Mi...il f tin. ITntiin I..iuii'i nt
llt.,. V.. ........ ... ...' w. .'.- .-.-, ...
Georgia, at nflicei for the ensuing year
ami lor me transaction oi omer hum
ness, repre set ting, s we do, nearly
thirty thousand loyal white voters and
nearly seventy-fivu thoiiaml collond
voters, ol Geoigia, take ihi opportunity
ot expressing uu uiiqiinlilled er.tlors
meiit ol the memorial and of the fact
l..itii .....ii.il.iui1 iiri.anliil liv his Kx.
celleucy Hulu U. Dullock, Governor
ot weorgia, to ine uongreoi tn,i uni
ted States, and of urging upon Con
gress the imp rati ve necessity of prompt
ami firm action on their part tor the
protection ot tho right, property, and
lives of the loyal tueii of all classes In
Georgia. William oMabkhaw,
Pnmdent N. G. 0 U. L of Georgia.
The woman who iuarne icr Money
is not overstocked with cJelicoy.
A Perpettttlltlr. --.
Dr. Jobn Brown, in his "Rab and
His Friends" the best bit of dog liter
aturc ever written -ays: "A dog in
his house Is a perpetual baby." Think
of that, ye whose herts are yearning
to love something; think of that, y
now not young father and mother,
who remember tho joy in the bouse
that baby No 1 gave you, from tht
(list hour ot its baby life, until baby
No. 2 took its tli rone nnd reigned in
its stead. Hut to have n iiprnf.tn.il h.
by a toy a plaything a something
knowing much, yet nol judged nccoun
tatile, nml so a large tnnrgiu given to
lo as il likes, and all It doe gives yon
pleasure ! A perpetual baby this Is a
dear, good doir, who looks nt you with
iiitr-ii'cly loving rye, nil affection in
their clear lintel, brown or black depth
a being who obeys you implicitly,
waits lor you at the door of the houso
it which you call a being who loves
veil just the same whether vou arurtcb
one year and poor the next ; who, into
in.. ,, ,. . . . i i j
1 . V...I... ll .1... IIIIIM llS.
icatu you. ., ..v in ...v ........ ..-
lend vou, yottiself, n much a to say,
"Cheer up, my poor unlortuiiato mas
ter 1 You have no noine lor mo to
tnkeeareof; never mind; I will con
rent rate my attention; I will watch
and take cite of you." Yes, a good,
atlectlonatc dog lo whom you arc every
thing, who love you with hit great
nlVectionalc In-art. Of such a ono t'le
old proverb ought to bo str'utly kept
tine, "Lo '0 1110 love my dog." Dog
mid mnn, how suited they nro lo e.ch
other I Notico a dog without a tnss
i(.r how very wretched ho is. He
look lik.t n miserable outcast. How
bo follow each likely looking person
in whose lace ho think ho discover
the lent trace of dog love I And how
lie trie to ingratiate himself with such
n. one. Hu wKi hi tail and looks as
much ns to say, "Do let me bo your
log ; I will be such n good dog I" And
then with a more beguiling wag and
look, which says, "Now do, you dear
q tod man, now do." I'oor mastcrlisi
log l This ha to go on many day
until to his joy ho finds a master a
boy perhaps, but still a master. Than
he hn to curry favor no more ; Ins has
not to wander about tail between legs
for why 1 lie ua got a master.
Matt. H Carpenter for Female Suffrage.
In answer to a letter from Hon, D. 1.
Maxson, of the Assembly, to Matt. If.
Carpenter, inquiring whether in hie
remark before the joint convention ot
tho Legislature, nfter his nomination,
tn speaking ot the rights suffrage,
among other thing to wiitcii man wt
entitled ns man, without distinction of
birthplace, race, rank, color, sc., he
also included "sox" which was omit
UhI tram the speech, ns revised by htm
and published the following letter
has been received, which is understood
to commit Mr. Carpenter to the eiUsv
slon of suffrage to woman:
'MilwaL'KJck, February 1.1809.
"Hon. D. R JTaxson : .
My dkarSiu: Your favor of the
20th ultimo ! rtceived. In the speech
lo which you refer I think I did em
ploy the word "sex," ns you recoiled
il. Whether I said it or not, I mean it.
The present adjutineiit of the marital
relations i a relic ot barbarism, and
ha no better foundation in reason than
the Institution of elavcry, vii: that
mlijht is right.
Truly, youre,
"Matt. II. CAnrK.rTa."
Madison ( Wis.) Journal, Feb 2.
The Reconstruction Committee held
a meeting this morning, and examined
one witness relative to affalra In Mls
issippi. Tho committee will noxt week
take final action upon the question be
fore them ns to the admission of Vir
ginia and Mississippi, and also upoo
the resolution ol General Haynr, of
Wi., instructing the committee to in
quire into theoligiblity of tho Georgia
delegation In the House, that Stnte not
having compiled with the Rccomtruo- '
tion acts. It U thought the committee
will report agninst the delegation and
dcclate them ineligible to their eeata.
Men's lives should b like the day
more boautiful In the evening ; or, like '
tho$uromer, a(;low with proiiUee
and like Autumn, rich with the golden'
sheaves, where good worke aad(ldeed
have ripened on the field.
Horace Greeley told tho New York'
oewiboy that to be rich tbeynnst be
honest, which advice wm coldeiai
by many of them in the bigbeH ladfi'