Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 20, 1869, Image 2

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    Necvilty of Surveying Uoojo Lake Valle.
Mr. Linn stated an niliealion nan,
. ...: .. ni!ii i. i n.iv stun
ir m'iit , (
mttn itnnnrtv imvilivm in. ,, .i A.t,i,,. T.,,Piin ttnrfe. Kcportoa
iwi an ii in u m -. iiiniu .ilii (i iiii jh.i iiiiiu iiliui a w w -
llin IHIlllllM Mm 1.11)11. , ....,,,',;,,,,,. NniX a. i,;,IUMT;,ni;,l:,,l,m.-,. J -'-': ,i i?l'
';! v it
. ?r
"k ,,
& H
Befnrr ti i a ropy n tho Missim- .,,..,,:, .,, njnUallon vvc ext.eet ' c , , ' , b J.,n '"' H,,ll '"V1 Wl1' 1,'',,'mi1 u! " will he Hiki-ii up, ami n thcie l.a y.-i
ry erMwl,Phw.HWn,i;o , g, lllo, n Mllk n e lIlu viy ZulTV VmZJyA '-" V' " y!
notice. An n litfnry production it U firsl n 0,.r i,,,, ,,f ,u. State. ,,,.,. iIMioiiiwi-.n!liTri'illlii' report i:,7 HI); Received !( 00 currency, e.M.c.nt.ic r ll. f-r litigatum iiml n.
well vnnimli ; hut It lin ol Iimi ocfiirnil ri,r IrmVnr inform us that the ,. s,. .,,, ..nuinnVioiicr iid they .nhl l..r eniu, I-M) 00; Paid tvarranls, .nifiiiitiff. U c dc-irc to call tin
to tiMlint thr pvoplo who arc in tint . A ,llV, W(.ro ,1,. t tuttio.l lord.- " ', , .v , .,..,.. ,, tUmv. The :,: 0 ; i:.ti.;.l oiipr.-i.il ; J -l";-' attention ol the Surveyor Jcuc.nl to
WMW;7 -vice arc wnrid,,, In the , .inn lUy , ,, ,. , Zr ftWX'Zi XI ZXtZlrtX ' '' H 'f" "
W n. tiioyarl' while vyell niPamn .,. ln.,(.r, nn, ,,.,.11,, .,uite .ttri..tic. , Jm.M ,, tvh,rml t t)ll. ,.,. ,',,, ,,,. , 1U drawn (or ftnu HO, ,IW- I mm-dut.- 1.'h to I, ue all the mil,,,-
nnuith, they jurtuke of the character !.nj M.jntf 1Mi,.,t u.j,, HluiN-lancf , j, , j,,,".,,,! HM, 10tion tlio Iloar.l , count on rurivm-y m.Mliy liim. .il l-liwl -nm-y, intlu'SMilli Iwi-u-h, -
o tlio-c jvlto arc always Fwklni: lor tin- ,)f (JmM, a proper clnnrti-r, tli.-v I lj1'L.,'im..(... j ' -'" -Vimtnry Inn I l ". lion ol tlii foiinly, coinpli-tu.l. It vi I
, nniiriliooW-sjbsi" of tin- fii-linn, clean. w.,n, ,j,nv to the lake lo liac a oail.j l)ui'l I.inn, IVi'sitlunt. r ,,mn f-'avi' notlrf that In- """' co-t n nnyvjoivi' it ilonc tin- com-
lnlnfar.iril'M, wlicn thiwN plenlv ititn1int; to picnic on mc jrrrctij L. S. Hayilni, llcconlcr. .it the ni'Kt nii'itiiir, r'l("Vi "s '',,, ,'j". inn mihiiuit, lluin nt any oilier lim-.
ol labor at lloinc. There i no necei.lt v JMjiml, but no bn-eze tnvorinir, lln'v ' oiuiasizaiio.v oi: iiik ni.w Jioaihi ov V"." Vi'ft-r U" I ti', iHi-jiVi'1" i ''fi'ipt h lor all I h" ui" f nillt, the (Jinernment li
.. for BOIIl'T iO far to f tml tllP "llCltlll'll " ' i.il...l lluini..lvi. mi n fl mnnntt m.i-i irj - .''i !....... I... 'I' n.i.1. mill ti. llii.iu'MHf mien n ll'MI'l ill' iiiinli'i In
There U no neeil whatever for rhiNlim-
tnen am! wmen to rnKoocoanilo llml
work in tint mtvI-h of their Matfr.
I.rt thoin look arouml ami ec tluMlmic
ami, who ilo hoinairc to the tnoloeli
of inlcniper.tnce; tho Holator who
T- ,...,.-.. .-.-- .....;,.--.
biw ilown to the vic lhat arc jirow. Lpptnichlnc prlii. The im ' ll(j H.,. ,,iy iualilliil, bio.ilhol ntlicc ' ileinnfiml.iut of hill amlitcil by , inilm in h nuih unJ lui utile- ui-'c,
Ins ami satlmrlnjr MiciiuMli while lbn.tail!im nicily, the leave bmhliejr. ' utls it ji, w Hecor.lcr. 'Hli' ' Smiliiiy Coiuuiillec lor the tnwn til , w,i,.i, pi'iiMi :iii'tcrv .iiiTliut t. h:iv.
firMfe of labor ate belnu nealectnl. I.mi, (l 1((,k( n .,,, r;., ;li:r. It wmil.1 ( .nnl w.t all to orb-r, A. Mtrliu Jaek.onxillc uiarcb 1 1 1 h l. Claim- ,,iriltt ,.,, or K-l'ib-ineir ami c-r-I.ooknrounil,c
who make Iho-c who ',,.,,,,1,.,, ,),,.,. j ,,,r ,, .1,, tr-r- oljcho.cn ti-uiporary I'lcMit'iit. The p1''.'' ,. '! ' i".'.,,.' Vm.' CiImcII.i', tainlv there i no icaon, except it he
................. .:i. I.. I. .. ll,..: . I. i.rl.n..iii. I I. .. .1 .. .1. ... I.. .1.8. Ill ... I I . I ." I. ..'. ' ..' ' r ,.' '... ...' I...I. .1 I.....I. ..I I II .. . I
nrc not rcponible lor their horlcoin-
that beln at home ami in our opinion,
the tlinnanil of doll.-ir tli.it nre upeiil
annually in prcachinthp opel lolhc
dull and iinappreclttlve oir of nvacc,
TTould bo better applied to r.tUiu our
own heal h'-n from the mire and dough
of dirtructinn.
The I'nhnmtflt the I4th ay :
"Yetilir a meener arrive I from
tlieSlleli! Indian rc'Tve, wbociielhe
Information that oim dillb-uliy had
rlen anion I he Indian. Some hore
teallnoieraloiiF have bccnoiu on,
but the prM-he nature ol the dtF'ur.
bance i not known. Supciiulemleiit
Ilunlinctoii dialled over y-erdnv
evciiin to aco what tho' trouble
mnnnln to."
It i probable that the trouble U in
relation to the hore Molen from Mr.
Hcndrix ol Applccate about a month
ninre. The owner got on the track ol
tlie thief and followed him totbcSilety.
Reitcrvntlnn. Ilemhlx hnd auihorliv
to nrrcM the Imllau and no al tempi to
do n probablv rcMiltcd In trouble.
lna, the object ol TOiirobcitub ami j,4 tor the inot pirt, the tillable taml i.itin, ami ballot.'il Inr IVi-M-lcnt; .iml i Wburv, lor Cili-im, Drum VCn. I0 on; . .umi-uiI at nice. W hope Siiieyi-i
ice if von ciiinnl nci the "heathen" j . mnn bonbulnu' iiver, lake. or Ab-.v, Mailin wa uiianiii-ouly i-lm n J ilm Ibuih 5o UO; Hio-.. Don-. (f,.,. Apple ufr will pi r. eiio the ini
nearer home. A Ion a there I a ,imrj.. n,..i Mi.iiiin. i nlwiv fmi-i 1 I Inn ol the Koai.l ol Tiutc lor "' " 5 ! IC. IVacock, It mi; ' I ,.-,,!,,, ,,, vl"r ll.i wnk. an I
ncircl.ilnorant un-htn ainni; n. in ;,.v,. j ,, lirm,, .., in fiiiIi , the fii-uiii war. The I'lcclcnt then K (hiibe, vOu1 Ooj llulibar.l, fs-t 00: ii..iiuuiemv. iuii,i,..ratly.
tel of nlucatlon ami encourat" nicnl. I.M, t j,M n i,,!,. 1(.(,- . ur , aunout.ccil il.e llotnl ilutv oicaniail , ,)'"' ",-ili.'tfrf I0 OH; l .hiiMik. X i .
w... iliinb il.n niUainniiS.K liml liiiii.ri. .. i i i . i . i " CimIcV, tfJ O0;Nitoll illi'l .tcini', MnMi: aX.- I he nMiile are ri .
wc think the iniioiniic nan neiier (..,., s,mM,T ilcw- are alo hea v , ami remlv lor Iiiimuc. "". ' i i
lav where thry arc. It i truechaiitv L...I fn,,,., !., il. t,,L.. I,.l. l Ti... ii.ll....!.... ollb-..., il!M their!'-5; A- l1. all, ?J00 OJ; l..ul, j ,nl(.. ,hai the 1 . . A-Man. A
tnot iMlorm-y t.eui. noar ay "i"' .
wim oiienl theeailv Abolition marlvr,
ivl.0M.im yeam .luce n mm.I awav
Iron. Pliiitl...i.n. Sniilli I iiiiiliiii u'liern
Ireni Chiiibloii,Soiill.Caiolli..i, where r
Ml. I, 11 r
lie hnd eone loilefiud iiMiiachu.ill
nipto Iiiuii the npiralioiiH ol a mini-
ii-ipal vnranl law wjiieli had been en-
r......l .I....1.I.I lit III lkt I 111. ll.lMll tiiillinr
' "j, - v " '
t-bJ;" 1 1 v it
i tliniiulit tho 'Y'teran Ivlilor
wai better inlor ucd. It wa MirnH.
not K. 11. Hoar who wan expelled
from Chnrlv! 011 inlfiUj ho died in
1A3IJ. Kven il it had been Attorney
General Hoar it would be 110 dUcredit
tohim n thu flieeaterH of that City
re not expelliu people, just now, lor
advocating human Irccdom.
"Ovi ni.AMi Month i.v." Thin plen
did mncar.il c lor March i belore 11. I.ik
wint it impiovcH with ne and i,i
klri biifjhler the older it row. Thoro
Iichnc abo'ni thi
U hint forcin it into
U n vlor and
HfnifiiVllliI U'llinl
d'HIMblllX !"" " --" - .T.,T. I
public favor. In the prwnt number;
L'nlntlti'r.i-unnlp'NMl.o m.iHtlv.
t.1 .!......!. ..:.. ,vl I ... V illi. Pirn. mi...... i
1 lll'Ptvl lM lMI i Hi " lil "" r-
we l.ave M'en,ami tn.' iicci.iinioi-iiuw
our Chinaincn nro Kmphiyed" U com.
piled with much care ami thouht.
"Caiii'KT llAr.fjKiis." TheSaii Fran
cluco Call reniaikn that the Wisconsin
Legislature at 11 pinty l Carpet lb.
gerKj none of tho Senate and only two
t.l . il.ll
of tho membcw of tho Houe having '
been born In WUcniitdii. II birth place '
be the tcot, then it is innro than prnba-'
bl.. tlint the editor of tho CtillU hine
df a carnct ba"r.
111 trpii.ou(.t,ci.
Fiiib ami Loss or I.il'K at Kit.v.nb
City. Eugeno City March 10. Aboni
lour o'clock yesterday inorning, tho
reiideiico o Mr. Slev-enlon was di'
covered on lire. The batcincirt was
entirely wrapped in llamcH l.clore ii-
1.. w.,.l,,u. Tlio nhb.B. iliil.l ,
lenjicd lrom the window and was saved,
but thu hint was to great that she
could not get the three smallc rcliihlicu
T " i",
Iron, their heds; hut utily It-It ll'i. j
when wholly blistered IiitbcII, and
thiy perishefl in the flames Mrs
Steventon lied at eight o'clock this
roormiDg lrom the effect of her burns. I f
d Thu lamilv. Mr,, and Mrs u.juu nu. 1 im.;s. risi.er uros nu iiiniiiiciiniiiiiuoiieei uiu nai nice' '.' -....t u .uniiiu-iy.
' .... 'l.n... ,. r .1 . 1.. . 1 ,. . ' (iIh1iiii.iI in In. .Inn liim I....,., it... .1.. 1... I Wu will irivn it in. ..vi..,.. I... 1 :
and four children wereHleep-1 "", " '" "" mrgi-si nun uucbi 1 I ', ' n , u ""'"i" " "' " "H",VI,,UM "' ""'
up Btairn, when tho alarm was giv I H,,M'KM '" ,0"'"t Ihcy are determined; ' . ,". ' , ., ... , ""'"
Mrs Steventon attempted to U .v "- ; -filing nn c ,,, lIu;'Jn!,! XiVW Jn ! S' It.-. Owen has lot
.1.11.1 1... ..,.. ....;.,.. ii.im. iv..... as the eheai.cst anil on e iiHkeiihiiiiiuii-. I : 1 n 1 . . ..1. , ui... ...... ....
Ulllltll t II ..1 til. W.f .11. VII. ... II I'll. .1 ....... .....w...v. . , f H-i Ul'lll il''U IIU III 111 It I'll ll'll'ir.l. ... Ill ill iiiuin l lv II,,
i.: it on ftnvk, nfnl celelmiteil the
4th ol March in a very apppropriate
ami ronpenoii4 nntiner.
L. II. iiletate ha jut returneil
oin the Klannih conntiy. fl'lint re-!
ion, like lhl, kmi) the apec of
lru-ht in that connirv thin in lbi,
Kinnlmroncra.lon are in.l bcln
cnnmcnccd on the Hccrvailou and'
in the countrv adjacent. It i the'
deMnol the nuthorilie to put iuim
,i...,....,1l..la ,.!-. .;.. .....I ir.ii..
den veuctable. lor thebenclit ol the
imlinn,and the idea and pnciice o
-pirate cullii ation, bv the indiau n
.liir.-rcnl l.imill.-, wlllbeeneouracd.
The niviiii.ler. .o Ion.' loki-d for.
i al leiilli coineaionnd, and rcen
iicknreby no mean -carce. Major ;
Win-.'iiil, lor iiiifli 1 ili name of the
rcen-back chief, who ha made the1
xibller' heart l id, rcmiiued but a i
.lioil lime at the pot, riluriilu i.i. !
the nueiiev, about the Sib innt. ,
Col. IIiiIIiui, nl Ahhland, and a
voiilhlul fileinl, whom he taken umliri
hi (dicllcmi win, leave Inr lln-
Aeney on Wcdiu day next. Tlnii ivpoii, -have irmnted and 'I he repoil 1 up in a c nuiiltee ol the whole,
peculiar tab-nil and dipn.iiioii aiej wa rcciivid and rc-i-l. The lepmt IS. S. Daulap, Sexlnu, :i;n' ni-.l be-p.-ihap
not o well apptcciated a they Mule, thai lite delimptent tax li-t re- fore the board and in lie a Verb.il
think, they .hoiibl be, In Ahhiml, ami ' luim-d by the Slnet Comuii.iouei- i , .tatetiieiit nl Ceaieiary in itter ivo mt
p 1 hap", aU o, biiu tiled ol the con uuueceiiily lare, that many ol j inen-lin ome iuiprnteuiei t te. Tue
..i,l! tiii.. ) ..tit. III., il..... I......
where inoie piliulllve hcoik-i and eun
(nni.are all the rae,
.,., , p.o.e..ive one. Thei
I -
, . ... 1 1 ..... .. 1
,!,r "' P'orc iiinc ouwini wiiii Hie.
-peed nl a velocipede, while erior tail i
beneath il wheel. Our timid me j
II. ... . . . .
roniaiiy coiniu 0111 01 ii.e f(.c'.(i).(M;
' i-'iionince ami upeiliiiiiii, ami our!
,,Vnl , I(,lvv. ,,t ,.,.,.,.,5,,. fu I
,', mi ,,,,,, , Iniiirnb.nucle.l ,
ili'tiuct mental viiuu. Hut '.here are
yet Mime lraue lhcorit anion u
whocoiitemlth.it should the irmiint
"i,7 come lorlh tio.u hi den 01. St.
Valentine day and behold hi own
nhi.dow, bo wo'ihl return ii.iiii to the
linmiin nf thccaith, ami M-nd 11 six
week nl Htoruiy we-ilir; iheprcii'iip
tion liciu that 1i'i'il I the I III. o F,.i
beacleai diy lie would H-chimd, 1 l-nv.
Thi Iheorv In not wmked well thi-
wni"'1" J"''1 'e imderMiiud that the,
I""'''-'4 "f ibl loetrliie explaiuit b- '
. . I ,
"'m '", "" " , ' ""-' nmsl ":,v"
''"'V'T ,,y ' ,'"JS "'"'" ",,,
r,T '" ,ri"" '" "HJIM
have come out accidentally in a "eutle
Oregon in'st" awav down on I.nn
1 .... 1
It . . .
loin, or peil.ap.iU tailed to lay 11. 1. 1 a crcenl. i.eaiiowcil Inn. lor collecting j Co. have received an iuvoicu of Ash
supply ol piiivi.10114 lor vviuier, i.mi tax; an ordinance Rhimhl bo puned 1 land (bind iiieluding a lot ol .pleiuliil
w-.-ir so much reduced by Murvution on "ving the .eiccutiie, as 1.0 money j Cheek Shins. Call ami c, the man
the lit)., that it c,ntl unt iiwkv 11 should be drawn Iro.u the Treasury ulnctiire ol ilm Pioneer Factory ,.
nWoir, un iiuittiv how I11111I it tiled, without authority of law 5 and that Southern Oregon and also learn how
NolvvitliKtaiidiiiuMheeiiergyaiidabilitv tho Sl.ect Cninmissioiicr should not e.he.11. thev a.-o ,.ll,.,r .1,,,!,. ...i it.i
"' 'iip,,"t ol tin theory, many ol thuepmt l.alanco duo him, to bo (mid
AhhindeiR me yet uiiconvinccd. out ol the other IuiiiIh, as tho Sl.ect j
Ahhluiid, March, l.'ilh 1800. tax ouht to Mipiorl it ell, lor il they)
.,.'T, ",."..."' ('n" l",k "" nppnipri.uiiin out ol tho '
lk.it tint m,rti. it Alilli.f .U 1 ....1 l . . . ....
. . . nun
. ...,.i. ... ...i.ii. 1 i.....
," Mr.lt. I (iriibably the bt-.t
woikmaii 111 the Stale. Al t Iiu Ham'
cMnhlishiucni there i a large aasort
mciilof gun. ami all kimlb of niitiii
l" '"" " l1"' l"l llieiUH'IVCH.
Pintso.v.vu SheriirChnpumnof JofiI
iinne k-uiiiuy was III IOWII nils WCCK
B, pn h t f ,-.
' '""" "a rm iiim, wo
mturaly conclude that ho was about -
tlie only man who could beat our old .
pl.iue county was in town this week
riond Floyd so baodwmoly.
1 f... C- rn ... . ... I
KcciMiler- olllce, I-'rlJuv Kvt' March
I '-Mb I. SOI)
' The member. cbT A. Martin O
.!acob, I). Linn ami John (irtli, I'cinj:
rcciil, wcic iluly tpiililicil, J. A'.
v,.j incite, c'ccl. atmciit, ami be li.iv
llo.tiil pccd-ilci! loa perinauiiit oi-aii
Henry Tape, Trea-urer, prc-nted
h- boil I f l.noi', ami tl., um apprm-
0 '. IMVhl.-v, Mr.il Comini..inner,
I.. Mi.-.l hi. bo.iil I'm- LODO. Mime
'appiovcd. ' '
' O. Jacob., and Divld l.iuu wcro ap-
pointed ! iname Conmilt.c.
The lollowin bill wcic ordered .
! luid.
(ilemi, Drum A Co. lor ?3 30; l.iuu!
V Hall : 00. ;
The lnpector and clerk ol ihepci
id elcctuui, .lanuiry lib; and
Kpcclul election licbl I-'eb. -Jih; ami ,
ol the lul annual eh clinu, were allowed
o fh v-t per diem, and ordeicd paid
ami waiT.ini-. drawn lor m.ne.
D. Jacob, chaii man ol it toimcr coin-
niillce, linked leave to pnneiit their
Id..... r,ln I ni-.. iil.li. 1.1 i.nt- li,..!,'
road tax. llml lolleclin ot Mime and I
leav in mln i. i iiiijii-t to tho.e who't
i. I unjii-i to il.o.e who'
the duty of Mich olllci r '
do pay, that
N ' ' ' " lmi.iiv ikmiiiiv
.l...t II. II:.! 1 !.... . .
uieir n-j nminc-t ami iiiiiu-., nun ,
a wi II p.ii.l lor llieir m-i-ic , ami
Hint whin em llictin claim exil, a
...I .1 l.t.... .....I
."oe on-n-ii.ne.i, iiii-e i-i.iiius noii..
be cillcl bv the Slnit Coinu.i.ioi.cr.
hlms.-ll, mid not ivteircd to ihi board j
li 't imthi.. lor their M'.vice.-1
TheCoijiuillte niv, that lliey liml a
ehareirt live per cent. Inr cnlleetlii'
liml no law albiwiu thi e.xlra ehare.
Tl-e repoil failher av, that tho anxi
,' '" "eotiie Street Comuii..iouer,lhe
number ol eimlidaieii lor thi olliie, !
,mI ihectldi-phiycl 011 eb-cli I. yn
evidences t' e prolliahlcno. of (lie ollice
to the iiicuu.bcul, 11ml iis 1.111 rolitalilc
wt to the public, and a louu way ol
doing public hiMh.c.H.umlil it i m-cc.
fary, to given lair remuneration lor
jho Street C111111uis.il ii service, that
.... ...
.. .
.reasury 10 pay a pan, lor their nci-
i-,.,. ii;..t. ,.,,,. ,.wb ii... .. 1...1.. ....
paid H.c same way ; and a,i, ,llU
he hho.ibl rc.ott ihecomlitiou ol the"
streets for Hie iulormationot the board
"'',"' "" " "....ii- in iiu
ami in hucccs'iis, ami uiu uouiuiittoo
icccomcml its lolluws: . .
First, That tlu n-purt ol tho Street
CouiinNdo.ier be relerrcd biek to him
u. ....... n........t... 1 i 1. .
"'"" LoiuiinMioiicr iur lanicuiiiig
road tax.
Tb" U"port vvax siuned 0. Jncobs-.
' """"" '"in "'oiiii vrill. Ile
re.ort was mlopled unanimously j H,.
t wan , in i-rod that tlio Recorder ,-.
lHI tJ X. . TriY Cmnu &
his report, accompanied with a ooiy
' l''ii'i nnd John Orth. Tli
I l .!.. ......!.. . .t I
"i iiiv uuiiiiiJiiivvB rvpurv- on tlie HM,
the road tax, in the account o t ! ! I. S. IIAVDKN, Uecor.lcr.
Street Couiiiiiom'r, ami tint in a ,, . . , T
lor.ner icport and at unt of the Street ! 'h'r.n" ' ,,,,, yW sl' '
C ni.siouer,waall.Mu.d.eupcrc..n. ". ;"' m ',,;I"r stU t. "iii..r.rl l.tin.
lor coll,, 1, i,,x, umllhev say thev ' t"".' 0n' ' "lk- ', '.' obcrve
imiiirv 1 1 1 ""in' "'.m " " :
I j. cnieivil, b th Ucconloi, in a book
kej.i lortbul purpoe (
j iff ttt.'K.wi;."'!!".
I ,..!,, lm.r, .., niiclici-4.
,,. ,V,it nil ii'iiixctl ami rwul, ami
,a .,H ,,mvM!
,,: 0. (ii-un, Drum A Co. $ I- '.'";
! J:u s
! W c the un b..M4..e 1 ton.-mtle I,.-
leave to icport to jour hom.r.il.Ie bo ly
tbat.ne have c.r.l.illy cxaunned He
account., neiewiiu,. in i ue ociieve me
amount awarded to each chiiiiint to
b-ju.t and eorrccl, to the li.-t ol oar
kn-.wle le a per t-u li -rS .eco.npany.
in ll.i iep..rt;.iud r.-coineml thai
the Mine be luid Wu l.irther diy
that we do mil know ol any oilier bill
and evpenv iueurrcd by u except
-ucb u have been nuuu
d b Jackson
count v.
'i-i ... i' : i. i.... i.:....
I III' V llllllllll 11.V I-..VI. .! .11111'
ten-lei hi r.'iualioii, to take
clfect ,u 8 a. in. (hi I -'lb day ol m.iioh
lH.'.O. -j
.i!!! ',". C. Iii-ckiuiu John .. Drum
ami Henry Klipp.-I,
The l.'.-onit w 1. relerre-l, to In! taken
1! I.. I ... ,..i In 1I1.. hMiiii-,,.
ut ntceiit. and iciiicied the Sexton
to nuke a rep nt -m I hi 5:ijeiinii
in wriiin.'. U.S. Duul.ip vv.h reap
pointed M..l n.
1 -11 . . .
I lie loii-iwin 11111-. were pri ynieii;
M ix MullerJorMTvic-sa I n .tourer,
$1.1 Si II. It. vim, for ban in wood,
t. a 1. t. I. . . . .
5..- ,. i-. mi pn i-iiii'ii,i claim ii'oi.i
(J. M. Iliiik for n rvice due a l-'ire
Warder, H)00-all rclcrrcl to the
Committee of l-'iu ince. The Hoard
then adioiinu-.l to the 'Jlth iut.
A MAU TIN, 1'rci.lcnt.
bv the reil Muluuiill, delivered ill
Kill. .Ilil 11 ill II i.l. in ..il f ..... 1 . 1-
ho ), ;inl publish I in tin- It i.tou pa'
per. ol the lnllowi-14 m ir.iiu. l-'ih-,
nl the pip.MN tell the w 1 ilo hi nv, ami
thev hive been broiuhl a cviiieuee."
N w, a the "ivit St itciiiiu" died
in IH."-.', the Slimil man peem t- hi
let him.cll out. Ue had belter hunt
up Miiiui u.oro evidence.
Asin.Axii (m.oih. (ill nn, Din uit
Stock ol Mcrohan.lie.
( - -
The Albany (Or.) Dcmomf in an
lUhmipl to (irove thu supi-rior morality
... Il ii .. ...
-....--,-.. H 'll .IVIIIHII
ami ucceuey, 01 111 party iiigs ko a
! 1 i... .. ' ".
tiooin nun lac grave 01 oravo oi Tl.ail
Steves; and in V. 1I0111 ;, cour.se
, . ,-. . 11 1 i ' l
l'Hll,1,IlMlt"' " UU l"""ls-
.11.11 in li.-iwu-v, .ur. l iv nor
oJJ'hiK-uix ha undo a G.iu lu,w lor
X..... I M .. .t
hich hu ul.iiui hiiperior in .-it. lie
IILf I'l n nil liv
.. .... '
uayoles. lie has hutUed for Hoyerul
weeks vvilhout any trace ot them.
Secretary Uoutvvcll has agreed to
appoint u Xegro, Ast. Assessor ut Now
Orleans. His naii.u is Joubert.
Saelm Bro' are dceiduuly on ft thin
week read their new advert ite.iienU
1 i ue eiraei 1. uik'-ii iroiu il niieccl.
i i
tllililtc ciiirv. It ccin th.it nonrxcv
,.n, been iii.uli' within ten mile ol
., ....nml.iry, be.ueen (),..,. .,
C.ililornii.mi account ol l nut baunu'
bci-'n bllnilcly fivcil. TIim leave a
'lrii ol coiuitiv near nnc humlpil
lack ol fuinN, uliy it 8-liouhl n-1 In
or . .r in ......,.,. p,,,,,!
for,. he ,,.r IMS. AH . r-.., s ,,,.
, .vijuued I ik ri-fiin in l.i..i niH.i-.
,.. .Iny. alter ni'nitiiij a ..-! I ,'..,
t m nier lliey Hum-liml any pmlH !. r
iliatye-irnrn.it. Tho.,. uho iim-I... .
aie liable In luv.. Hi. ir im-om.K .h!
J ,,,,,,- " ,,1,1"l!1,;,,l,,,r'r-,;'" ''"i ''i'::' '. "
.,.,., ( i( ,.', tly""- 'iveiilled alt '.
cmiM-h-riMo truiible. Tn nmu-ni mi.
lik.-, then, it would hm-iii bi-tt.-r in
comply with the I iw and hive lb.-
iii.'i-iie oi yue.-im ;u m
(ii'ill. (h'-i. II. riloill'IH U to tttcciid
).n. Hillock in the ('iiuiiuaml of the
Depirliiiifnf tli. INclHe. The l.iM. r
J i iiue. to the Com 11 iml .it lb.- )
j ptiini-iii ol ihe f? .uili with hi. bed
ipi iitet-. at I.iuUi!lr
The eaue ol ull'i 1 ; lor wnnien i
in.ikiii pion-. ut the Wt, 1111. 1
especially in Iowa The Do Moimh
titr lUjhtci one o (he uioxt inilinii
( '"i'ni ! .1, II.IK ( null) OUl III
i .1 j :.. 1 ... . 1
' moveuieiit.
Greenback in San l-Vuneico vetei-.
'' 'V "" lJ "T' li.ild in .V. V. IUI ,
KMpi'i.i, . Min-li. M. lu Ui .lo ..
. il.-.iry Kiiijl 4 .:i.
j .1 vrilS -I) 1 Mim!. 1 Jth. M tlm wifo ol
llull. II. I. null, -it .mi
ii.wi-i -on m ucii i.'i:i, in ihu iri.r 1 r
lisv.t 11 mi, 1.
FllVi:it On Dull- en l, Mnc'i 1.1 I HO
... tiM lfu of J . l-'i.-r ii iluuuii 1.
1)1 IO I .
U'ls.SI, I .V - t iiu W 1.1 1 to n r.moi Jul
I'liim-cn.iii.y. noli I li 1, a tie 1,1.1 , 1-ri'iK 1.
-.Ill) s-lll .11 lV.lll4.ll I III lI'tiKT a'lll.lil, J l
Jim 4.11I ID inn on.,
.1 mem. il ir iiml Inn lly c'li-rlrlitil h y,
.-M-ICill-l) rk--l . ll.i l.litf VII l.ltf' IJC, .
Wu ,n if, I ,1,111, ,1, ii., ,, l,.
A'.ii li.ill. Iiuiii a.i.rii I eir -in no . r.n'r .
NiW To-I.).Y.
No Mo o Foolishaoss !
'Ilnao iiiiiiliii-il in in mih .iiiuriiiul 1I1. n
H vim. . lo,.y .Iimi pi'dijrK,i, '.,i,,0
i .'(iimi'llii! a n I mit Inn. urn iy, . 1,
tliuli-liill mi, I nl 1 n- .Jiiii nl inn nl 11111,1
Miy I l. I III nil 1111M..I111 nt cuniiii. 111 Hi',
luml.ui Uny.rloi clli viiuii-iii t
I). lUll.MvMll.t.l.'lt
J.icImi,iti.. m ircli .Mil. la iti. 1-1
"Executor's Notice.
N 1 ten ut 1. -in u i-ji u ., I . 1 1 11 ',t nn.
Uuiltf, III, lli.lt llld u III 1.1,1' ll Hill ill ll In in
Iv'i.l.ll O'imIIiii Jh.i il,iii' 0 ill, III, UlrU 1, a
ihu iliit iVriu. iiiuinii ISiiU, iur ii'-ivv in iri).ii
Oil) Ki'CUIli,.lil)i ut llivi.tlilv.il V, O. U i yui.
lIl-l'I'K., l.
Kcilnvillu Mulili llidi lMi8.
lia Ul.vr.il AN, Ihiculor,
l,ickniivllli-( Mho 1 .'uni, j.,,
' ' "? " - 1
US'oilcu tU llllltlOIN Uf Culllll)
iriicrs, .
l'.-ruii ImMliiit Hi u iiilluwhu tli-criii-il
Ouu ny uislui-t .1 u u-r -uy 1. a ,1 i .1, iie, m 1,,,
.uiu iur 1111 '11111,1,1. ,11) 11 iru.uul il'llin ni
I'Jlll ISti'J Nn ii ir.!...,i.-i Ju J ,s i.i.u,
i U'viuiii i-.ii, l.lnj No a 1, i'JtMi hW. 7oi.
iru (it. tl W 111:11 .). Nu mi. km win Ud.iIIo.hii
on ilium unl r.u.ii-r tli,. i,,i,i,
M vX,MUU.KU.J...i.ny Triiurer.
JdrkMinviilr. v trou Mm i,ia
Tlitro will Ixi hi. iihiiimI mei-lli.u of lie
niucK llilii-isiiriii-it;,ii. 11 11 viiiiiuCnuui
ny. lu-lil si iln-ir iifflj.i in J.i,-k-oiivillo on Sal
iM ij.i hi itltii ui M null IBiil).
U) order ul Uiu I'umiIuIiI,
The uinli-riiiivi I i.ivuu fur a Mt llenifiil
Willi l.m Mlni.i nl Ihik;. .lint tbvy will cunie
I'liiwnnl mi, pty tun .uiuo lO'iuoy. Time sru
U4ri mill even nsrl uavuiuat will bu a uic.l
JMkwnrllU, Utrcb Wtb, l.f
mu sea
thah a:;y other
Jack-nuviilc, M.tiv!. -vt'i 1?
'P 11:1 vnrMHiK ll.W MM'icrnn
I I-.. .1 . '. , II. r J 11 .wlllfHiMM'
He- III I t" .! Il- .i'l. Illi'l
lr .-I uii -e li- , r t ii.'i.ii.ii !'
ill Mt 1 Ii-k In li I H" ni r -il il U (''
Hniu'v iiml U'nuoii litiucn;
Will I mill Whip l.ln-;
S nliHe., Mi'iilliMiui'l'lliilfrri;
S lie 1.1 r, f-iir Ac '"
AI-trKo nn 1 ml 01 C ..1..1 IVlur. inl
linn k In l"i uj . in.-. k"' l"
.i.,ili.-iiii. II - ! In I .
('(IlKltl- llllllll .111 hcsl l ",l'
t Iiiiiu i In i.rl r mill 'I .iiK-.l'i.lill''it'
Tin li -.I m.i ii ! .inil ml I""""
in nl,- r !! a "l ii"i " " " -," ","' u ' '
icn.iiii- ul ite- Im-i I'li.nt'! Hk.i I'l'Ms
u ni, -mi ill iiiiii-ii-iiui; rn.T in "
Ml If. .I I ill- -. "I "'is .It'll
Al,l III- l.l-l k III- .if IMIKll 1 Sl.ll p.iJ'f-
ll.-l.. i nil .nrl..,l .i,,l .ill. 'li il Willi lir i C'Pli
..nl- HI. I1t.lllll.il.' li. Ill') Tllllt I""'
ii. I it r- m 1.1 1 mi-. , .
It ll I lltf 'I ,.) '! I" "I 'II X''"",j
' il .iin.i'i.i .iuniili''. ir ml, ii- uuy.ii
'""" MILLE1 &. RYAN.
Jick nut 1. 1 J, Al.ictl -O.ll.
Iii the Mulier of ie Krtnte '
Griircii l. Fiiitclt, Ueccmrd.
NH'Ifi:-. Iii'i.iii- tr-v.ii 'Ihi ilinii.l'rl'
..I Imvii h uii ii.hiIii.I AilinliiMrsii'ilw
lli-iiti.. nml ,'ibI nil p. mi'' li 'C i'B
11 jhIiM -.M wiiilf Ar r 'ii r il in V" M "' '""J
I li pmiii-r veiiili. r. lu ill- i.iilirj'i'M
ile-lr .'111 i. 111 Hie mii '" J.n:kiiimll i"
Ix iikiuIIm lrom Un-iUlu el ilnumi f-,
b.J I i.O.
0 J.V101&
Murch mi . IPM.
Cheap Lumbar.
r it i ....id. ..-.. 1.. 1... ......t iLni 1. ni- tiii 5'fW
I 'III lii'U !' irinilin'1 '
.Siiw mill, mi Iliu r Oit-.k. si UJ
isiu-li. n nun' in niei.'ial.iM'iiilliwii "' "
ir.- iri-iii'iil In liin.irlilelh'iil nit."tl"'r
tl (ll'irl nullie. nml I In- mt!t uli. ..
ae ul'ii i-lirrlnly nrniiiiiii'iiil in l";'
Mil II. T.iihi'iivKii. htiei.r li" Vrrks l"J
Irv. lm iiltinl'il uur uw null. miiiM '"
iieii-lilin-ry suit nin'rliiiiiuil lis' h-iiImw'J"
ln.il.-r sii'l i-ii'tftiu- (Im-IiiiIiiiu Ms nun "J" ", ,
ln). II" lK-ll.-i-lliiili.iirinilll,'M,'l.l,;'!
ili-ll, mill IlKCilMKl IIQllllll U IM-II M.-C'11'O
Ihil ill 'wry in II nt Hie kin I mi ll",,'"!,,.n
iVrtONKll I'UIXIC rfllUM S.lWlLI'w'
Fob -it, IHi-'J.
Tbo public rn 110HM llml I wH1 ''IfJ
'luck or Muvi-hi.iI bsnlwiini fiirw-n.
hl'SVy lll'OUIIIlt. All P"fUIM KIWWI.IJ -J-
m-lve-t IndrbU-1 In mv will pU " M w
tueUUto tellelmuul.
JeekionrllU, Uiroh 13tk
'-i4SfSsiij4l id T.jr J "
yajt w-'J ?