Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 27, 1869, Image 2

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STl'P.tV M.it'.SINU, Feb. 2 I860.
Under irrsJi')sdmg, one A. J.
Dufur i pwHMnflWthe JZveniiir;
Commercial, a erie.of xtopozraphieal
( nml statistical descriptions nt tliiStnte.
ArUtocracy Beyond the Ormve.
At bet, the pretentious. assumptions
oriintii.iiiUv arc weak ami puerile, but "lor appears tn draw largely nn his im
when men try to carry the distinction ujrtn.nttun or is exceedingly indolent in
of life beyond the grove, it betokens the collection of lact. II we take hi j
iThey are prettily written, hut the wri
Rett Thwrtsky-.
On next Thursday, the
m.. i.tl....l.. . I .!-.... il...
rein Ot joe mocKai.c imp wi-ii faiwiii
A Ctrl
Kditor CrxtinxU hnving not me
-.. i i : 'mii-Mli..! Iiw mini and Aidiliiiid hcpin ty hv word hut through the oicdiiiii.
Government will he tn new. and in nmrsnai lias limit, ami .iMiiauu u.j,iiii v . t
unxcrmmni mu i.c iu nrw, f , ... A...i ........ of the iirn9 al so liitfl unlx-mou cast
I. i . ii .. A...1 !..... ' l Hir intw im mill iiniirriliiiia I
rood hands. Let the enemies ol the to hreathe trvcly again. Ami how i . J
President elect pay what will, they thuiklul should wo be that wo tlellllm. wliich proifijrt 1111116 to
must admit that he has sagacity enough 'have la-en ,shlo to resrfc the en- h.ve my home and iiegh-rt my doin. -
to mind his own business, and th. will .emnehments of the dire contagion, that 1I.1 -IVaits 1 desire through the medium
to do what he think right People contagion, that during the learlul or- '' I'"' .",m1ir 'l'-v w"
inuoxxuai nt uiiiiKs rij.ui. 1 mine ,..,., that I 11111 not the vllr Imposture that
are ln-ginning to understand that lie I ueai 110 ye.iuw nag xr.iui -...,. l( w ,M,jrilim I,,,,,.,,,,,,,;,,,,, )mn,
, capahahle nt viewing the perilous qttes- and that xve did 110107 in our ffi.rl lurntcd. my nightly vigil at the bed-
.1 I :...... A rmulnrr ilescrmt inn lit JacliSOll count r a a Mill
inc irr.iKn .' ui nu hhv ' -. r -.-,---- .-
;II;1lil,thiitatehaveiu8tMK-c.lplenftheheStMr. Dufi.r can, or will 1 tinns ol the hour, calmly ami U.spas- "' prcvc.u, u.e cccuT ", ' "'"". '"'7 "'.er was mm
that none hut the whltt met shall hnxe ot ni.reli.thle tnnh-ve.y readable, hut , Jff ?'" ' btorted ph.la.ithn.py. the peculiar sound ol imli tr.o. I.il.nr, mi( ( ,J-r(vllili.( ,( mlirilljr ,lor
bnri d within their grounds; and when totallv iinfit to go out to the world a Hi- has shown himell a master of men , '"r "r ll1 J"8 .', IJ1B ,,,l,l",,,, to health I wns linlud by the i-nria-it
we reflect ....the uncertain tenure ul m.tle'r of fact In the Commercial. and will uudouhteilly make a judiciou. I'; The Woolen M.I almost cm- M,i,i,at.o., ol the C,M,,i,w. (lormed i,,
111 . ii 1.rm..i ..iivii..' smile Feb l".h a im.er entitled Xo M. i selection of public oflicen. a nromiii- tinuajlv semU forth aeolumn ot nmnke, this City lor that purpose to labor
lile.it linng a pitjing sunn. ro. j.ui. a piper eniiiieu ." i. 1 ,,nd the buv nttle ol nuehinerv fills lor thegood.ol olheix I he levy mv4 el-
Uo these iiarrowmiod -I el..d in., given, descriptive of Jaekn county, ent teatureotliM mlmiiiHtratiun. There anil tlu i.u ra tit o. mu. ner n s cn,tt.m.,, w, ,
agiuc that the will grow greener The Southern, Northern and eaten.
or tjie tb.we.i bloom fairer over them, I lioiu.daric are correct, hut when the
becaun- fed only b the fleh and mar-1 writer tatei that thi eou it ly bound
row or the Caue.i-i'in race? O! Vain cd o. the Eat by the Caeade monn
hope. I)u they dream that their ret :i a"'l '' great h.iiin ot the Klam
will he more qi.iet becaue their paltry J nth Like, he d mum an imp irdona
di.it i not in danger ot contact with j hie em.r-the tact being th it the On
the dust ot another Mug that God in , 'b- im.uiil.iiin divide the cnuiitv and
l.is wW.lo.n has not made like them ? . the Khun ith Like lie nearly in the
0 1 jd delu-ion. Dmw saeial lines - eeiiter ot it. The area of the county
is every imlii-ation n! harmony Let ween w.r mr .... ..-.. -- .r ,... . ,.. ,ls .,. iuu(iu.;,r ,,
Cii.res and the executive, an I sure. "' U,mv manufacture delights to hear. H1l wi OW. j llUelll,, , j ,r
Iv it t-.uinoi e iiuinl. Imver before the Vi,M' rt,u'r 'ixr "( bM'"ome, snUtim care twenty one patient nix ot whom
country will In? in-uircd eaccaul Iran-
tial fabrics, ai the niu.lt of its sucee- Iliad the dieaxe In It k cuntliieiit luini.
. t II !..... !..., !. .... ..I il .......I.
OlH'nttiilll. rtfllllle Ot SOIHIHTII "nvf " " i uir iiuiuiKT. II
ri .... 1 v....i rv. 1:1, .-..:.. ... ii" vaMiim'i j-uimiiiv ran hiuiu' u ivt
' Ur rmin tluv nin'hl in irmn ii tliki
t t ..
nnilitv On that sum d:ir a minr. '" -nu.i".. w
a m J t '
tTtrriiliiiM WitiL' irintiitrmin nnlv in i
.erverene-Wtraving nllMmwl !wn ',n,U'cl 'ou cvcr hcn!xttr lwm scn.teh and 1.0 longer keep the people
in tunibvall-the victim of hi own be inclemency of the weather, both l,; di.rkue?s ! was called upon (,. vis
ic 1 -ii .- 1 1 ! 1 i ni-lit and dix Ton e:in walk forth " :l vouug la..y not many miles Irniii
elhhuej4, wi 11 retire fnm puhlic lie 0101 ami u.ij. nm i.m wifc Minn .......? i i ... ... . 1
. t m 1 tlil 111 ice alter iliiu I'Xiiioiiiiit inn I ten
Vli.iti t lie morn ng eiau like ii.n.er ami 1 . . ... . .1 . ,
V. II, U-1 . . " .... colltllltvd that It WHS iieuxeiil leiiliiiit
-" r 1 . . - ... 1. .. .:.. ..f...i. - -- --..-
.Minn, 111 iiauiiniiie uiii;innai uium,
-it i to he hoped tor ever,
er m shari.lv on thi side ol the grate, i gieii at 5,120,000 aere, when the ever Ji.luinn' fault are. he 1 at lean , Minn. ';' II","IW,IU u'-..n.u u"ui, , K. ,nll t u phtisilii.i. to the eon
bev.ui.l it it nutters not, thev nie! trutli is it is uearlv double that nmniint. , eminent for comNtener iu evil, and hi n'i i "lu'i". i" 101.1 jmir asiii.u... ln,ry not withMumliug tin imdmtl
.wet aw'iv like c.'i wel , I b. the . The population itated at ah .lit 3.000. mdy hope must 1 that he will noon he 'J"'" l i'"". ""I1 ; '"" l" ::i1,,1,:i,l;;,,r,r,! x"l"f'"""
silent repuidicf the dead, all men are J It the writer had eonulled the cen-. MwUfn. Hi .,.ceor comes on the ' l'lw' "" i "V "; "'uL Iut 'io th'e lloSiitle had'?'
cquil! I it not so? Doe it iuattert he would hue di-covered that iu 1600 tage as the great Pacificator. When j m"m'.v j hiiiiii--iiiiiit 111 Ashlaml ik 1(.Uri.s .,,,.,, ,IV ,;, ,,.,.,
... .1... -.,r.,w tlmi their le:it is wniii-1 it wa nearlv 4.000. an-l a verv sli'ht the fountain ol the g.vat deep of the cloth, and your clothes will be strung- ,i( y ,, would have hen -nU-4
x in royal purple or the ra.; ol a J aequ tintance with Southern Oregon,
bcgir? Do they turn a-ide from the would how him that it ha been tead
nnrrow cell lweaue it tenant was mire , ily on the inereae until it can le stle
conecraied at the hrinu of beauty ? ( ly estimate. I at over 0,001. IIiiilorm
Do therjtpare the hollow scull that the world that "an etlT.rt, likely to be
wa once the seat of learning or ol g.- siu'celul, is being in 1 li? to etub'ih a
nji? Do they teat alone in. the I m- woolen mill in thi cm.'.ty." W'v can
ly and humble ot earth and rcect the , do better than th it, and .iy that a
dut ol the lli.miiiant race X !, wwtleii factory ha he'., m ut.em.liil'1
They nre the leeler who know not 1 owr..tiiHi in thiv'onnty Mr over tour
thedirititictiou ol race, or color, or MK-ial tn mth, and that it h.i the lull en pact
coiidiiioii. Where they hold waail, y to supply the whole of Southern
is gathered together the powerful ol ( Oregon with woolen fabrics. It i a
the earth the weak and the otroug, nutter of prolound n'grel that Mr. A
the Mge and the clown; an 1 to t'.ein , J. Dufur h.i not ome more suitable
they an but its dut, nothing more! Employment, if he cannot do better
Hut who dan to siy that fir li-y.m.l ; tltun tlii. This State, and eecially
the lomb there will not Ik- ditineiioii-, the Southern jxirtiou ot it, n.-qtiire in.
drawn by no earthly hand? When , stilted description, p making- more ol
the spirit ri-e, mi... . eirth y the imaginative than the truthful, to
drii' eflulgiiit iu the nibe ol imiuor- convince people that it i a very de
talitv, hIio known ihui our bltiek ami , sirahlc place (or a home. It i the ilu
(le'pi'-l brother, denied sepulture , ty ut those who :isnme the tak of
among u, may not le made whiter writing "Our Oregon" into notice, to
thai! tli.ee who hae scorned hint? give truthtul and reliable information
Who ran nv that when nil men Maud and description. lithe whole truth
up in be judged by One that loved for- ito'dof the resource and climate,
bvnmuce and charily above all thing an, ndvantage ot Oregon, it mut nr
the idae riven ol hi eliuin. UmiIi' . tract papulation, who meeting no di
bis matcr King and enaot side hv , upjioiutment, will be content to come
ndc where nil wili be M-er; tl at the , and remain here.
proud nml powerful ot earth may not j
. . . 1 ..1 ..... .. !.l. .... I
ue gl.nl to exchange places uo nn-.
puhlic mind were broken up, and the
tornt of tfctionnl nuimoitr tore oxer
it a torm xveep orer the ocean, it
wa hi voice tlnxt s ill "eace, he till !'
We hope Mill for the same soothing
xvord, and for the same firm guiding
eran.l your purci longer. dm I new heller 1.11 1 was detiirimue.l
The machine-shop, MV? ntill.nnd nth- not only Io save tlmt young la.lyV lite
er indiMtrial intilutioiis rim with r,.. hut the luniily and nfatixes Imiii the
.,ewe.lenergv,andthe.rclttertshcanl "V' "! ""; '--- I did i.
,,',., '" P"rl nt le:.t aui II those who m-iiI
at a late hour each night. her home haxc done wrong I am not
Ever. line ha hud a respectable np..iisiiilc 1 do ut sax (hi hoiMiii"-
.and, and thi time the people will not ' "!,,,i', " r .i.li..'i.tly hopes the in-, ly Indie iog Unit a ,..tt iiii-nvr liiriietli
.iH'ii.nom.eil tlamaiion ol hi .inn max-culminate il. ') wrath hut griev on worls .ir
Hfi....ipo.uui.. . iiith upaiiger' i.ii.oiiiiit y I w inn
. , ngiHid one, and that kiin-por innv '.. .' ..",, ., ,. v '"
T..e r.n.v-r r -ti -. , .1 . " "iirl Iiiihk the niiatheiii 111 poiin'd upon
Tiik Cxntsm-. Grant still preserves Jt,,erate n protective element in hi ,11V l,..:..l 1:... n.i 1 ..in ' .
hi reli.-eic. regirding hi cabinet. ,IM, that limy for a long while, make lor the l.ei.i.il ul Bull' ri g liu.oauiiy
A. K. McClurg called on himniiTliur- ,;M, ,:,f,. from smallpox dangers. The that 1 beliexe that Dame .utun-i-. im
day and urged the appointment ot ,.,hlic miml reMs not quite so much ropricton.l the Lest medical iiilli.lge
Governor Curti.i, of Penn , to a ,.1,rc. ow on vii.viii.itii.il and diMi.feetai.is '' i!" l"'? J"!"' "V'1 J "J"" '"
...... . .nn., . ... - . knmx that tier portal sttiiol npe.i to
stating that som.. p.omitient Hrpuhii. ; .,11 plants ami herb, for spring M-eiu nwiu. K. HMir J.,,,1 ri,., tl,t. ,ij. .t
can ul that State iiiu-t be appointed, to he near tit hiiiid,'tiuil a gardening low the ImmkI nml tree all all may conic
Uraut repliuit that Ltirtiu s appoint- uiaiiia liu hrokvi. out (hat 11 spreading nun He itetiicil. no lar u penoiuiog
ment xvas imposible, ilherwie the its contagiou iiillueuces lar mid xxide. ''e Nod and clothcr .' the Mck nml
party would bedefcated next .all, and Ex c, our sociable Irietid S. seems not l!j:X:,XS",lJl7:"!i
mentioned the naiiienfstnart as one that quite o much interested in his great .cvury to give II so im.eh as a piHitc
wimin 1101 im taiKiaciory 10 me pen-' ilMiilccluut a lie was. We were nil thought knowing thai the goo.rpi'oplc
pleofP-nn. Grant instantly replied the while of the opinion that though "' J"ekiimille will place 11jo.11 11 inc
Tntfrsr 1T.U ""r .
... .i.n,-Tinv..TIi. ..
none yet for KuTffirS
fife don't pay worth a ceuTt2;
to predict .uvenil di,.,,,,,,
Jackstinx ' wg1
Prunnl..!.! ti . . . H'"on rjf
"iniiimt;"rrefdeiit -
The lait ..-4 act ..I.Attu'y.'fcr
is the pardon f Dr. dudd. ,AllZi
II..W lull to his ue, Mency U to -iB.
devil to p.rdoii him and then ,t-!
the other world.
Saihixtii SiiiiooLWearerrqcusJ
to state tlmt the Sabbath serwd will fc
reojieiied tomorrow alteniuun at tU
ii-iial hour. "
C'Vltl.h .KllWSIU-n,, ....-. . -
C-.lr.KKil Vlr.Wm i;.r..uj iiimvl
Initf. N.IU of lh cmuilt. "
Tti printers kn.iw,.e ik q, eo-
m -ill, ami wMi Ibr b ii,. p.,lr Im tSftpT
1K)HN. ,TCt
swum 0,1 ih. thTu7ih,Tu wolC.
III W J Ul: I In M...ia4jr, ihr 2M. la (bt nUt t
J'.liu II li-r s mm. Ii
, , V"1W,,,"."-,V. t'.!Hh.tort ir,
' that he wa not th representative ol he ml-diL recomend it to other. 1... ' v.tl ot ills .vrli,.ioii
- - ..... ...
any political party, mid could not see ' xvnut.l he lar front depriving himclf
what objection there could brio a titan tent lie society by bathing his glo.sy
who had done so much for hi country ' -,,. i the" evtract ot ,u,.;iL
.lliitrnuintt. 1'nrsii. nil I.. M.li. .,..-!,,.., il... It...r.l
St. Valentine's day has pasxd, and j ol TrutceM'ouvem'.l at the town hall,
the occa.iou has lieen one ealculutt-d "' '. I1 " Pn.nt,) .Ii.colf, .li.lin
to bring out the latent nhilities of our !. Jlj I"lsW'l . Linn, Pni
., 1 :..- x ....1.... '"" "-".' .iiuinl.,
i;iu l"" ii'ki 1 ii.ii.iiii ii". t iiirn
Dwa'.h ifLunU Small
a Stunt had; but MeClurg inut not
inter that Stuart was to he a Cabinet.
Mu.t. L. A. Kof.stiTitt:
Poird of Trmtecs
.I.xci;siisvit.i..:, l'i:n. to, ison.
'Crrnrjn: Di;oigiit. .Many of our
farmers nre already complaining ot an
almot certain proeet ofid.ort crop.
record the death of Lieut. John K. jtum, and that at this late sra.
c 11 t.. . ..t........:...... .1 ..t p..., i."i ...... 1 1, ! i t. .. 1 .
.in,.,,,, .,. j ruHui.,.,.... .... ..-... .... , r-nic"iv t'iinii'11 ram cm l.lll 10
. ,..,.. -.. o ... i : 1 . . . . . . .
They snr thai at the depth olafuninv.
i-vs . . . . - . 11 . f.i. ....1 ..-.. !. ... . .
iiui'k anl lowiv." ine ucinorr.icv hi 1 n is wmi wirmw nun M-ijick ....k .-) me pnni'i is ueariv a urv as in ait
the gnive recognize no ariocnicT;
and any ptleiupt to force it there only
b'iows more boldly, the meanness and
littleness ot humanity.
The Duty of the dairy Cununiuiorerr.
On Monday next lb- Hon. Ib-ard ol
Coiiimiioiier hold theirrcgularmecl
In". Thev will be called on to audit
smre l.eaxy bills, contracted during
the eiii.leniic. ntnl xve trint they wil
I lie minutes ill llienn.ee.liii" sesinii
l mwiiiw lie, on my ihik, which it is were mil hv the clerk, nn I itpimix.il
.; i ... . ... i... i ...!... i i . i.. .1 .'.. . '
which took place in S in Fr.uicNco ear
y dii'iitg the pres'iit week, by suiride.
On Wednes 1 .y a telegram from S.n
Francisco was received here, barely
stating the fact but giving no partite
u'ar. At the timt ot his dtath he
wa on a six nvvith leave of abence
and had visited "White Pine' intend
ing on hi return to a" ' South Ainer-
u aii-t iiirmin tne Hiiniiiniitnre no
.fee- try in our dry summer climate.
We hear of several well out in the val-
.tot pa llietii xvilhoiit the cliet and . j,. tj1HI.r to the Atlantic States. Tin
most seareliiii" senitlliv. Mnct and
even justice should Ik done, but no mt
son should be allowed an uxtraordiua.
rynr exorbitant price, ti.her tor cr i-
or any tiling else. Thoe who Inn
been entrusied with the i":ire id II
property orarticles purchased lorthe ti
at the mall-,iox lniit;tl-, should '
held to a strict accountability, ami ie
a dollar he aid to them until ever
article has Ik en satisfactorily aeon
ted for. The comniis-iotiTH nm r
member that during the time for which
they nr called on to p.y the expense
ot J xvii extni hospitals, the wnilr xvere
paying for the support ot the regular
county hiHpital. For various reasons
llui county hospital was of no particu
lar n- to us during the epidemic, child
among which u a the reason of loca
tion iu the center ot the town. Light
a ;hi new burden may lw it will be
full heitx-y, ami the people haven right
atiitiil tlivtr nnt .iiisvlo oii.tt 1 a
V tl'lllll I4V tl rMUI k
piid to any party, more than is just and
equitable; and under the cirrum-tan-cm
we believe the Board will do its
dereaed had won hi way to a good
M)ition in the regular army, as well a
an honorable distinct nn rnd the re
spert of hi comrades in arm, having
crved with great bravery, during ma
il v of the heaviest b titles of the war
It is dinictilt to conceive what impelled
him to the committal of the rah act
His parent reside near Eugene City, in
thi Slate, and the sad news must fall
heavily indeed upon them.
aid sent hv a bi-atitiliil d
a youth who u asunce a "kottk
but xvho i uoxv in the coiiiiikm
ot lite It piohably rclers to
when in his bright icgum
made mi iiiiiresiou on her ten
Alter reading the "lechin"
... HU.vLAF J
II ixluj- p tmii-:iilljr e.llillirj ti.turll U'l(
Ourit.H astil S fsl-KalsJag
lni.li.. In ,r l.iwu iif liiuk-onrilfo. U
cn.li.illv Iutii- the Men. it lie ptUU k
in. U ie.i.l i, Kitfoll lllith'UAltUi.
n.?v i-rii. MA
kMI,..1, .M..WII U, fj
I-.x.i.ii,:, V J,
U.trl.il-, Crirrr, I-
Ciicuinla-r, Corn.
I..llllr, Mnjiiii,
li'-iiu, lUili.b. ,
itukli. Tutiulo,
ul. In fct. nil Mm!, of ttvlbl trrji sms).
Il iuimi n ,. vicilllljr.
Tie .m. ure rui-.il au,l can full; pa. niky,
iu -ell. uitij arc HuraiiUil, tur wU si it
tele or
I Mi: UNDKIti'K.-.M.H ISillvNKtlTLFns
1 ill- (airimij.. r'.'iv ilU-tjr r.iiultwil
i. Ii mine in cf enlirv 4li-rci.iii la latils-
line, a- It Hi. ten- Ii Ill-ell lia. Uiii iliiMrb Us
,.t Ii. b. liL.sur
Jn.kei.irdle. Kb 27l!i IsC? UWTuJ.
"We nre rejoiced to say that small
pnrhas entirely diapHared from thi
place. Every house in which cases
have occurred, have Wen diiulccted
andtjif quarantine flags removed, We
hoH'U may stay nwny, but if it should
appear again, -our people will be apt to
Grjxye Ccp.tic UoubK. This hotel
is ngnin opened to the public, and
persons stopping there will not he
asksd auy gijusstioaa m to tbir uni
Uiy wndiia..
InjattlM to Oregon.
Ilv the letter of Mr. Unwell from
Washington, and th t nf the Tnir.l
Auditor, it is piiutiilly npparaut that
I he Oregon War Claim are likely to
remain unp.id forever, nn the plea nf
eennn.ur.' Thi is rank injustice! The
wnr claims of this State, incident tothe
suppression nf the In liau, are as Just
ns any debt ever owed by the nation
In some instance the claim are for
gold coin fur ni died tn the United
Slate Officer, by citizens of this State,
and now, by reason of a little red tape
entanglement, they still rem tin unpaid.
Ev -n Congress seems to luck confidence
in the Court of -Claim as it refuse the
legislation ncceiwary to give the just
right ut Oregon citizens a judicial in
vesliga.ion. Government once ac
knowledged the validity and justice of
these demands if they were just once,
ihey are no less just now; and desira
ble a icononiy may im-, j. . noexrnv
tr shameles and unjust repudiation.
ArroiNTKii. Mr, C. W. Kaler has
been appointed, by II is Excellency,
Gov. Wood, District Attorney of the
1st District to fill the vacancy occasion
ed hv the death of Mr. TVault. No
I. .!.... ...,. ... ....!.. .. .. i ii . .i . , one can iniiiiii mil inni lie tun
i. ii'-.iii iu .inn ii-w iiiiu i , . r
now furnish water at a Ie. depth than .l,T l,w,rl ' l,,B MWlw m!"J7
It M I
twnty feet. The smixll streams are ... . .. . . , . , . , 1
.; , ... Wtih filhl-m. on hi iij, t
excedingly low, mid Without ail extra- , Ami In -iliire m. hl thi
ordinary wet spring, we fear that the ' J'' '"i'r 'n'"' "; hl' KUnt tMl
,. ; . ... , , T.i lend r urii iljre
pre.lieti.in of a short crop will be ver-1 A ,(w. cvwlJl.Sll an ,e ..,.$
er" met and removed the n.o
T.iw.v Tax. On next Tuesday the restriction in re..,,rd to trade
voters ot this town will In- required to tereotir.-; and the prnposit
lecnieior, or ngiinsl, the levy ol tux :,;, i a "social auiinal," wm
of two mills ou the dollar, to meet the proven; and the fact that ho i
expense incurred during the late epi- ,,e too, xvas equally well suhstK
leniic. fv.mtime since a vote was ta-! The children, let I'Omj from hi
ken on the same question, nml there 't'uieiiient.gutliere.liiihnisterniis1
wa not a sinrle voil-u against it. but and the full-grown citizen c
through some iiilormaliiv, in lew wa .cether to muiiiillyeongnitula
made. The same reasons m favor of ."".''I'Tr u.e coni.ig.on,
Piiren nj me ieeiniar Slgllini
if i Tin liwflifiif
m rwiwiwi.l .mi- & j . . ul wftr r ..Ii MM! ,-sssri iMltMtWtMttttmF
iSrrmxT rwagTrT
mtahLW vtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttw MmMtmn
tnSMMMSilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBf TaHW
riessW' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiW'K!
sllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHHHHHllllllllllllS. TiiW.
" ' mkkw3Kkw,
s-iHT ' 0H IsMjili
&i.s. .anssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiv., j.ir
jia SMssssy i LIilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllKVilswSKn
.MsisKsaisite taibuidssj.sassisisisisisisisisiisi&sttHssisassisisi
m. 3BH17 ' M MHHHB
rsssssssK f JtmwwwwwmkmK&wHIAhmK&WIImKtWlm
iiiimr III Iteklniii' . I I
our letter of I Dili
tiim veil h a view m
the tax exist now and wu n otiose J . ' , . ,K ' . '" ' "in: I liaxe the I
nu lax exist now, ami ws suppom ,(. Un.t mi K-it, mnre than ...lue tin-rec.-int of v
every citizen ol the town will decide I, wn v.di.bPiy. The Woolen Mill ,.., ,i.i..s.. :,
in favor of paying our jul obligation, seemed io nittle it machinery with , lilhiVV ., cl.ihu , on h.hallol dipt. Thou-
v .... c ."- if. ri . ., I !"'-r'' ',"" n,;",,n:"y vigor, iwtl.Mitth ,; v. !.,ard "ot the Modoc War,'
NexvS.xxv-Mu.l. Hie team aw- i jotu.-d in il,r general cratifii..,,.!- milU.r ,,. .Sl.(.(llll, iVl,m , lllf A,'t
on Wagner Creek, is now in success pi" i
, i i .. i'iiii.I
lit! operation. It was put up hy II. j- ,
mill of Messrs Thornton fc Keesnn. 'he planing mill sang it loud song' of
iiKiusirv; each memiter ot tin hns-
1 (or as we soiuelitne saw the
lituoriaii chilli ixuinil forth Io i.iv
r Shephanl, late of Treka, who is in a fmrii. and even the oulne.-ifowl.
said to Ittf otio of the best mechanics i seen, to screech with mre Ihnn usual
in tl.U Stute. Wb ar ,fl:ul m Im..... fervor. Xuw We crow liiieliii;
that he mtfii.1 establishing his f.ui... ' ,, T'"' ,m'T u" '"T '.'t'" "l hV
' " ' i ileller io the lone vault ul hiiiuii . tl.
tlppn ved 2d M.ireh !8UI, .milled .u
nt tor lite payn"'ul '" exH-iiM-s incur
red ill the Hiipr'.''ioii ol Ittdi iu JitMiil
iliis in the .St.' ol'dililiiruia."
In reply, have to stale as lolh.w:
I am iufointed at the Olli.-u ot ti t-
Si'crelarv "ie Ireitsury, that, mi Hit
30lh ut J'. '". " b.ilamv ol lu.
T 7 "' T r; """"K "" ??" '1eli-r in he blue va,,lt of fc,; e . 'o 04 V - dim' 'V Zi 5
dry at Ashland , thi couttty, which J -, w.,.,ed to sparkle wtf. n'al ' Z iLuXut I v A
will be ot much convenience to our ,bngli! inns throughout the illimitable HlllVt..erre.l lo, whs carrix-d into i
nf Or !'.. Cuuii.tr of Jmimii,
Cuuit liir tlic rivliict vf Jtciiut-
tlrn A C- .J. 'in Wool-.
1 in irvnur m.i.ii-jr,
W J ..ii .
iir"v ."I'lii.il iu Ivsiwt tpprsr It
11 JIi,ii.j (lie Ul I11U7 W AU.
11. Mini iiii.Mi-r tin- cnipia'ul s4
r rfKam-i ) i) il pi ililU
ui Mivo.i.jr llnrs UuiWI Mhl 111
rul unit x.-wr uf Ibe uil
id li lli'iniirt Itwt H,lllh H
1.1 mmU liirllirMeufotarc
ui Blilli.il m xxl) lm,pmft
JCkMi..l,lr Orrxmi,
j re n.il.il it iImI if jro-i M Io -
lU.ut as Uair r U'r u. ut rf'
I. rui. trl.r u uiJwim iMTna,
t:s.mtv x .0 ruuuss.
e l.-n. Krlitui JiTMM.
ap Ltunbr. ;
ure hifutiurj (Sal Mrs
, nil HUjf.K r C'rrrk. l IhtsH't
III ICO"'Ulrl'04. "4
.. luruuli I. II' ul lurrivf Ustkr
', M.ni Ino .iivi rl 1. 1
crrliillt rn.uanuuJ iu Ib1.
SKrutMii uwuf;lir fr-ii i4-
1 mi u ir a im II. luruMlKii u .
ml Miueriub-iidnl lk lllu i M '
siiik ( 1 ciml.u, bU utru tvA 1-
lit t llul r will i- Wmr
cii.it, iici.uii tU ee44
ilui in ,v in, II ul I lie kl.ij um Mr am, j-y
o AliXrat oltiiLK aTfc'iJI S.vW-MiLL 0r
ru .7 IM!. .'
To all WkM HMmj Ommm.
Nil I ICt i- lea-ltf -" "4 "jHl"
.1. . ii , .V. ...,. I'.-irl oTllw
J IU" ll'.M.II.'H WW .... w-". -- .rJ
l. .11 Ju-'U,llu"e. . .if Un-iou r"
irrm. Ii,y l,ir m ur.l r .ukII ikwshw
. lu.iccirf tn Jolt., ti. ilsll J c-d.
Mmuttmmi '
iMl-il J 111111 U,i-Ju U.
U4i. iai.
III U ". 1.
in it b iU W FB
4dialuuMMl V
mill men and fanners
regions of uce; the loii'irr of "fTitr
j maiii tnilf to Mil!
' loti'iTr
.MeniCAU I lie "Calomel doctors" no longer from hill to Ml. A Iranslu
will please read Mrs KouttdtreeV com-'cent 'hud, colored ike Ashland strip
iiiuiiicMtion nud consider thesMelve I '', fl "l".,',, ,"U,H' "vvr t,M 1n'um' ''"
;., m lt .,7 ,. crss'say "sr.
i..d a casiuf inrishntoihe rt house. I and an Ashland hla.ilet ,r,....u.,J ';.:
mi ... . ..... I . I'l" ' "
1 lie inner part ot ttte communication ' mu.li.rlnl.le folds arould th
is of a legal, rather tlniti of a medical 1 '"rm '"
character and a the .natter referred to
may liecnme the subject of invrsiiga
lion by the next Grand Jury, we make
no comment.
Ashland Feb. 22d, 109.
- CARnur.K Paimt7nJ Mr. lWr
B , Hull has jut liulshel ...i..iii..ythe
I Hack of Messrs. Cotntc k ie Cf1'
rr , - , ,' . . ' " eay. "'" y lr th lHnt jofcf' "
A eocH-de will soon. .he. epidemic in .kind ever done hcremd wiV1" l,e
Yruka. The people of that place could'nt
get any small-pox so ihey have to
content themselves will, the next now
elty. One has-been made there hut it
.v ..... ........ ,., ...,. . ....... a, vllyt u.ie nas-.ieeii inailc there h
Wttr spjwiataicut fnultl hav bn buek- o Imdly that the owner
3 4m.
Stt or . ituusctHW
'v i
j . ... . .
"stirif ""i'l, as a "i..ps,-i upiropri.i.
liiiii,V"l,l'il tr.iiislcr liei.igu. .de In ,i.r
H.iy "I ihe-IViith Sdiui.iii olau A l
uptved :ilst Angus., im.', (Civil and
ijiio.ii.u Appropriation Act vw.
lpage 08, Slat, at Large)
irx'i i-onrmj lile enecl ul tills weighing
lie lipprunriuliuii into iliu nurolu.
e angulaivNuiid" was in terminate any million y
r Hock. A given ... the Tuinf Auditor Iu mlju., -
ly si H mkm sigklkU.
Hkarii Fkom. iV'e si-., lthe 7blt-
do Jllatfe nt JlnUnn old eil
xett ut Jackson ve w lo.-al iu Tulertp
cue claims p iynble out of the iippr
...uii..nj nun lieuue Mils WlHuf van U v
.10 aulioit uhii. nuch club..-, utiles Cm
gres Hl.all dee... proper1 to r.-.pprep.i-ate
ihe whole or some. part ul iliu lial
ance thus tnit.shrred.
Very resjiuutiullvyourolM'd'iM rv't,
John 'Witfiov,
l w. K.Uu4ty I lib !. I
1 , r -luuls Hill I- rrwj; ljYT
r'ntM I
id ripiii. " i"'"'-" 7fciarn
mi IX IrttO. for ibe mfCMlT JTJ1
lluvlri l.iniimil-e.serilif fil"" ''tJUTm,
il,e-rvlce..ribu Ut. tl-"H'T,
IiiM ul Ibe luse.1 ile ntmZ. A". a
tie) may nilniM ib gnui mm. i
II1.U i liiolwle IiiIitI Io ilil 'fM-mii-t
V.U hi ib..iwi.dUlllr-i"'-l'VjJJZ5,.i
ilfTnJ), lO .1" Iu .be TJTwi u'TmM
B ... sildrvl .. rntft "
rimlr tf mm-
...1 j. .. f. .. "i : . i t- ..... -. . .' . - .. .
on roKiigeu .nie.n.iiiviu.ur(Hnf ," "i-inoig a veiovipvue to lie JtuirstMl
Jwn.sbKKiafic. GUl4tohiJ IWssJmaday. T'
' ' " ' "" iUAr.
'r hlr.rl Csts---"
Tiw usii-Hn,.frr2H,!i','
s ii c ,aiir r. n. . WnLTH
.....uiu'vii.' t sVmH" ,, f
Hi llw Ml luwri elirfliitt j, n00; I
. . ... .. Mh isss." "' 1
Jsrinu.r.i.r rr,
J' MdfsIwI. -, V- if
Jms)HI t Si f "