Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 20, 1869, Image 2

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SvrrnDAT MonxtJfc, Feb. 20, 1800.
Our Duty
dilation has been in exact proportion
to the favorablencss ol the season lor
mining. Tho amount of gold extract,
cd, ha, in accordance with a fixed law
of economy, affected the price of every,
thing tho farmer had to sell, n
Heretofore tho citiiens of Jackson the " ords of creat on " is attracting m ". .vinnorv, in which mo "il "'" ""--" ,ur ""';''' "",, u..l miiu.i. ., f
A I .7. I. "A. ,. i..iiM . t.. t. :' .... that there are eiudit chances in ten, in ?J. R "r.,7A.?.?p!rV.J-.. Sni 1.1. M.y.,lwl.l. M.j.
nnn .loaepinne comum . ; - ...-....... ... ..,,,,...... ,avor j ,t, pl..L, 0, j,;, ,i for ut. "-' P"" 'i""'". "' ; y be . eruvl.
depended on the miner, and tho mark- that thu majority o! thu women ol .:,, Ilui i,, a r,7.j froin Humboldt' Although the efficacy of vaccination Jmt ..r.l Kilt tutu? Up, lu
ct for surplus agricultural prouuets, America want 10 voiu mu a tow oar- aeTo the Cascade .Mountain, m .iacK-. i attested y so many iiicouumcrii- w-1it not. lfuTe m let the
which they afforded, lor the amount ren old spinster are determined to son County, throiiuh Kogiie Kiver mm hie evidence, vet at this lite hour It i.i.W vnu.
of their circulating medium. The have that ri-jht thriMt upon their more Linpqua Valleys to Portland. Ileum- .,0lt. .loubt it 'protective aid against ''"
amount ofgold and silver coin in cir- backward sistor All right! II the !rlS3 Many aro loth to .... . .. .. .,
well a the price of labor. This season True, the right to voje would carry
the mines have been almost an entire with it the right to hold office, ami if
, .j.i .i "" i tiiii
failure : as a neeesury coneqwnce the one of the gentle sex should ask for an
amiuiit of coin in oirouLttton will bj .office who could refine to vote for her?
smill compared with lormer years; To be sure, office might have its incon-
for horetotoro there hiro hejn noniin' veniencvs theladyjudgeonthe bench
ufacturing crevices in this portion of might have an , mnu illy vivacm.M I,.,.
the Stato to catch the gold which has by to nttract the attention olajuryor
been sluiced out of its native beds, and raic a squall in court and disturb the
It has never stopped until it has been
emptied into the cnflVis of San Fran-
ciH-o merchant.. The only benefit it paregoric with wheh to restore order. -;Xl! Xtl.; s uMAX the
has been to us has been the momentary Congress would be completely met- q j j (. 1;1)j ,t.,. thrown over
pleasure of looking at it a it was ha nmorphoed. Instead ol an arena ol board, mid th t the Humboldt road i
toned on. Whenever it exhibits a faint ' noisy and violent debate, it would be to absorb the whole nub-My granted
disposition to stop and dwell among
u, the shuritT was sent to subdue it nuie grave old grandma was making
rebellious spirit, and to urge it San 'a set speech on questions of internation
Francisco ward by order of Court. ' al comity, of finance or political eeoii
Now it is evident to every one who has omy, our fair representative could
over given this subject a moment "tat" or gossip about the latest style
thought, that under such circumstaii- while the good uatitred husband wa
ccs, the country must decay as the ' running the washing machine or. rouk-
mines dec ty. History shows that inin- inj tK. baby at home. In nil sober
ing countries Jiavo always been the i earnestness, we say let the women vote '
poorest countries in the world: if they want to. They are perfeetly ,
an I the reason is cvidunt they pro- capable and we woubl judge our moth
duce nothing but gold, and therefore ors our wives and our filters unfairly to
are unable to retain it. ay they were not. Rut, first let us
But is there no hope for us under the fc,,ow. t,Pt th,.y waul the. ballot. Let
circumstances? We answer, there is. ' l:,rn that those we estimate in pro-1
We have a Woolen mill in successful portion to their modesty mid refine-'
operation, ot sumcient capicity to sup-
lyxvith blankets, fiinuel and yarn.
ami clothe all pit Southern uregou.
Our plain duty, in fact, our only hope,
-.. jr
i.to make this tactory a success. We
must ure its fabrics in exclusion to all ,
-t 1 ...! .- W I
otliers, ll we wisn io jirosper. e j
ought to make it a point ot honor to ,
do so. Let u see if there are no iil-
ilantial reasons for so iloiug. Let u
suppose the number of men and boy
in Josephine county to be one thou-
and, and the numlwr in Jackson coiin-
tyto Ik- twenty-five hundred making
iu all 3,50O.These ran bo comfortably
clothed with cloth manufactured nt
our woolen mill, for tao 00 per lo-ad
AiitiiiitK Tlii.'urnii'il i'ihI ftm.'S 0(10
............. ...., .."."'
ot which woulil lie saveil in nie-e iwo i
blankets, wo.ooo more, ami we nave
the largw sum of $135,000.. NW is it ,
counties. '1 his sum alone, saveil Irom , Chinamen nnd Indians not taxed, was eiiinuieneeii in tne nrst nnniiier, mus feel !-produced nn the sy.teiu, vou
year to vear, would be sufficient tor rejected niter much further ilii-cii'siou. fair to Ik' a vtv nbsorbing storv j ,llav Cerlainlv rouidmle that the' mat
albour fiuan-ial operation. But let f; Hut if. o,i
us add to this, for yarn, tlannels nml ;II:. .,., ,, ,.,., ,.,:,:,..... t ,B ... T..a......... t hi the coutnirr. a luistiite or i.hm.t.. ,,ri..
not practicable to ae this amount in hold otiice lit any .Stale, on acoiiut ol
tbvse two counties everv year? Have t,,,,or- w "',,iv il' "r -'rt,-,';-wcanrprideofdre..
that could ..oil "soik amendment w. at.erwards
bo.gm'tirted bv a iiit made irom f.t-1 r.-j-t.l by a very decided majority in
. . . 4 lilt IllllWtV .'111(1 till UMiflli Til 11 tor ivill
HtD llllllllllOMI.PM" HP ' .. . .
.. m.niiihinfiiritii in nnr ntrn fiinwr i
The u-enlthicnKui tucktau took nutate
pride, in wearing his own iloniestio
jeans. Henry Clay, their talented and
gllieii oeii;iuir, nun- ineiii in mu vaii
fc., , , .' ,,., . . ' .
tol pl the nation. W liv then should
... IP. .. .1. . ;.. .1 . -... I
nviik.iiv, ..nvii 1 1. "j mvvvjjiv;
point clearly in the line of duty.
, -
There is another potential reason. .
Nothing is more certain than this tactry j
will vastly increase the amount of tax-
ble propert in this county. With tho
tucreuse of property there will be i de- .
crease ol the per cent of taxation, and :
the burden of taxation will be lighter
and moreequally distributed. Noton-jcorn
ly will there be an increase of sheep,
but tiiis factory will become anucleus
around which other factories will clus
ter. Industry will become more diver
sified, ami the number of non-produc-cm
greatly increased, so as to give a
greater demand for till kinds ot ngricul-
tural products. Let us support dome-1,
tl..ti.ii.i.m.nt.fr i..i LL, .n-i .!.
ty bojh urge us so to do. Thus will J
we secure tho proscrity of Southetn
Oregon, and no more complain ot d.-y
winter and bard times
"It's A?jiLLWixDTiiAT Blows Good
to Nobody." Tho epidemic- iu this
place has ben productive of some good
as well as bad result. .It prevented
intercourse among the gossips and busy
bodies to a great extent and probably
nopne suffered by their staying at
home. Should the current amount of
scattditl and giw-lp have been husband-1 row" ' the 7Vw. There is a wide luu toWH worc a mow oliecrlill aspeot
ed, however, the Lord save us when il ' '''""ereuce between tho two papers ir, t and there seems to ho a leeliii" of thank
does break-out and every feminine "' "tateinentiiof facts. Evidently one , fulness that tho enidemio is"over
crssvbsreitells everr other woman wl.i lrty or the other has deoarted from ioipiiieinlo Is over.
she has known for the uast
. , -
months. That's all we bavs to say at
I Tal Saffrajfa.
The question, whether the women ol
Am-rica bhottld bu invested with the
right to vote, or whether that inesti-
limbic prlvitcgo shall ba reserved to
- .... .
ladies want to vote, we know no reason
why they should not vote. The gal-
luntry of Amuric.ui mun mint prevent
them from interposing any obstacles
in the wayot the ladies, and whatever
they ask, mint ccrt.uulv be granted.
eounel but no matter, a courteoii
iheriffeould be at hand with a little
: turned into a ladies boudoir. While
lnenl nri. aiixi to join in the rough
.Im tlinibl ol politlnil lile-to Iiavixv
tll iim)ortiinitie of office seekcr-tn
,ltke part in the scramble from which
, (ett. nu?n con. onh ,,, . an(,
j, ,,1V w Wv wi chc(.pfilv brvilk
. . '
., c jor j-,,.,,,
Tin: Coxstitvtio.val Atr..sTii:.vr.
Our Senator have been called "radical"
but the following, taken from the Sen
ate proceedings on the 10th iut., when
ilienufir.ige nnteinluiviii to the Con.ti
tiition was niiiler ennsiderati in, will
-how that they are quite coii-ervntive:
Willi im urged the necessity of
'XcluiliiigCliinanieii from eiliz.;iihii..
"." U,B,"U v ",l,re ia,:",L
the iri,iud Stale in thu exi-reise of the
elective Imnclii-e, nr in -tho right to
" " " ""- " "
be referred to a committee of confer-,
once. ' j
HT . . .
u.Mi.r.cTKo iJEocn.cv." i to ed-
ilor ot the IJeninL-r.itie ti-mer nr ilu.
i" r ' u, -"niotraui. papers are ills.
coerin" that althoii'di the nmL- nml
.iio0 lion, .iiiiiiiiiii mo nuiK ami
. . .
nie ii. tne pany can take their whiskey ,
straight, they prefer their doctrine
mixed with common sene. Brick'
New Ypirk Xttmocrat is about to die
hi La Cro-se paier is fan loosing
it influence, nnd his feeble imitator in
Oregon, Col. Dow, ha just thrown up
the sponge in ili'gut. The throats of
the unwashed may stand fourth proof J
juice, but "r.d hot" Democ-
racy won't go down; mid if Demo-'
critic editors expect to win, they must
deal mnro iu reason and truth, and less
in crude and ill regulated ideas. ,
t 77 r ,
TUtiikk BuisrEHOcs On Sunday
,. , "wii'i.iy ,
afteninrui some 11 our voiiiil' men nn-.
1 1 . t .......... .. . .
.'" """"" "7',"w. '!
Mm ,hy Bot through, they became ,.
:.l..rin..t. ... ii.ii. :....... 11 .1 1 1 .... 1
nither too noisy. The taste tljat oo-
lecls a Sunday afternoon, and a time .
ot distressing public sorrow, for an up-;
mriniis spree, i exreeilinglv question-
r...-.T ....... .... ...... . ( (f .n llll-3l.1 lllll.l 111.1- lll!-Mlllla. -.--.-.-. -
able, and we advise our young sprigs, ( M,ISS All that has been sent here by
in future, to go out into the woods M'1 no,iK "i,s ',eo" g,,"l,t ud in my
when they feel like getting drunk. i'eron "fve leen successfully vaccina
They may thus spare their friends much J u'(1 'rom ''
mortification and themselves some dis-1
Tho UnionUt says : '
"The Herald is savngo on Beriah !
," """' 1
. -... a.
n.i.... .:!.. . 1 3 1 1 .. I
j-. CBI lluu rau8U uouuw get- J
ting sway from it. 1
' Orsgonlrtneh KnUrond-
) The Cnioniit of Feb. 13th, speaking
ol the jr ibability of a subsidy fur our
i railroad says
I "Yesterday vce pw a jirivalo letter
ti . r t "n . .11 l. .-...
rilnnlti (el'MrM! itlllitrl
nn 0uiuibn 1)511, hut the route and
main features of his old bill would be
ret lined.
,, JJlj'Jho'fi"!""'"" ''
p"l,jj l'UniuXi''rilcr in two
Vears Imm the pipage of the bin.
Our Conj:rcmaii cninplaius of cor-
''" Oregonian who an-now in Wash-
iiiglnii because ol the eoure tbev ate
'An , .,, , ,,,,. wvil ;, ,.al
,!,. r:,,i,t nt. thinks bv their trile
on the question of lomlity, the whole
railroad schemes of the Stale are endan-
'putting together bis statements
.,,,,,-ji. mMV- rvwVvl nl Irtlaiid a
',,,,.. ,iaVi n0i to the Tflirt that the
tinu for filliiig,thenoiiieof aecoptanee
on the part olShe Oregon Ceittnil Hail-
by Congress to at I ro its m uregou.
Whether Mr. Mallory succeeds, or
not, in procuring the passenger of ihi
bill, the gratitude of the people of
Southern Oregon is due to him tor his
persistent e fieri, and we earnestly hope
that his sanguine expectations may be
Tho Public Hta'.th-
We are glad to s,y th it wo believe
theepidemiu is now enled in this town.
Only two new cues ol small-pox have
occurred within tuo weeks both in one
f.imilv. and thev are now oth conva
teceiit. sixteen days have elap'epl
since there were anv other exposures
nod we think we are justified in viyin;
Ii-r- i . Kiev slightest danger
if anv more cases Ofeiirring. llotb
"'wll " wnpty, nml wr exwt loi
.... ...u .......1. ti... tl. ...... tj ..ii I
announce next week, that there is no
yellow '-' "' ' "' 'Tiickiti ill.
Hook Notices.
The Oetrhmtl .V-jifi for Feb run rv
is again on our table. It ha lost none
of its interest, and it has certainly now
ectabli-hel itself a tht P.u-ilic Coist cow-pox, hail below taken proper ef.
Magasini, and second to none in thei'cct.
country. Send to A. Uonnn Jc Co,! "The great point in vaccination is
San Francis . certainly, to know llmt the matter in-
Onwnnl, No. 2, is received. It is j trnducc' i ito the sysieiti, has taken
got up in the nmtn! style ot typo-1 full ami imflieient efleet- irther..inii.
graphical art, and ..ontninsniuehinier -
I,,,S'' nnlV'r "T!'c Lr,U si,,,r"
opening has been muleon the M ilauhi,
quartz lead, on Lightning gnb-h. It
became the property of Aiitoi.e Obert,
of San Francisco, last summer, nnd for
the last six mouths be has been run.
uiug a tunnel to strike the lead some
300 ,,','t ,mv,'r l,n" w,u're il ,,:'1 '",(,
worked. On Moud-iy la the lead
it'll strnel: nml a it it In ir.imff ui.p
t " w 1"---'--v. .1. J
rt.a.u. ;,. ,.. ..i.i
.' vv ri
m . , , ,
The miner still have nn abundance
i . i n , -
of water and are generally doing we I.
Ur f!..l....ll il,.. u..i.i.
WUIMtll tllU Pllllll
in. ill' cnutrac-
tor, Irom whom we get the above re.
porta that no case of small-pox has been
heard of in that comity.
The Weather. Everybody concur
that the present winter has been the I
"lMt remarkable ouu ever known
,l"i Iurt "' Oregon. For thu past
,',rec nionths, thcro'has not been uioru
':" weeks rain, tin snow, ami 1.0 ice
ll,nr,J ,ni,n "'" ' '"t-'lt thick. Farmers
l"a, tn:,t l'ie ground is in excellent
condition, a very larye amount ot
grain has been put in and with an or.
a: i . :. ,
iinuinlv moist spring, a good crop may
.. . . . . ' ' b ' J
" expeeieo.
acci.nk aiATrea-Tlw JJoard of
nealtli have on hand some Vaccine
"wtter, direct from the Drug estalilish.
n1enl James G. Steule it Co., San I'niu
c'10. w'10 I'fp'curo it from Uoxlmrv
Businkss BiauMBo. Tin merchants
! reopened till their more on Monday
",0'"K. ninl nlthough thoro was not
mMch ,,usiu' lo iJuring the week,
Legal Tenders in San Fran
yesterdy7fi 70. Gold in Nw York
133$ 0 Wi.
"Jennijr foretfr ifiall ttijr hnnnrnl name,
Ani'iiu tNe children nf mankind l llet-d 5
Who bf Iit klll ru Uiwlii n how In le
which Atiie.v wait finHi to leouruu the Wt,
i . - ... i.-- ..t.lu i. ....!
l i ilireillr"i. m i tnicniani-j pri
be convinced, hen evidence: are ever
so striking or forcible. I bus we him
I that rclorm ami benificint inventions,
xv,tl i:tir.tlI roni-cii in their lavor,
arc so long in securing the support of
the people. Hie application ol steam
mid electricity, even, to the benilicial
objects, did not inert with npprvvnl at
once, but had for a long time ardent
opposepp, and it is probably true that
in the far back-woods there are cham
nlons of fiat-boat trade, and noiu-ex-
pre-s news-carrvers who will not lo-dav
. . ... . '
uerumb to the general oiiiniou. The
protective influence of kiue-pox on the
system, though proven by the experi
ence ot many vears, is not yet fully ap
predated, tind undinibtedly many have
lost their lives through actual neglect
ty apply the great preventative. He
lore the discovery of .Tenner,! lit- scourge
of small pox was truly appalling.
Southey s.iys:
tViifiVr In eimr-e Iheil-a It rt!?nr ln-ean.
V.nly I'liMTrlcfinl HIT r.- f-mki fur aid ;
1'irviu frm -liild..iil i.kl frora pirwnt rm
K-ir lyriiKHii Tejr illiirt ull nalurjl U mi
ni nun
The following imjHirtant passage
are t ikeu from Dr. GiiuuV J)mt.itL
.VttlkiiK, or Poor MunU I'ticiul.
They are commended to the earelul
perusal of the people, being from the
pen ot a justly e lebr.ited physician:
"In I'riissin, out of 3S,000 children
born in the year 1821, 40,000 of them
were vaccinated lor the row-pox. l)u
i ring the above period, there ilied ol
inallpox, in nil the provinces belong
ing to Frussi.i, uoo per-ous; ami In
lore the introduction of vai-einatioii,
from thirty to lortv thousand plied an-
nnallyofsmall-pox. Although pemm
...1... I.-.. .. 1 .
who bate been vaccinated mav be li.i
hie to tuke the small-pox nlterwanN,
yet the latter disease always terminated
very mildly. Of many hundred thou
s-iinl Mrsous vaccinated in London, unt
a single ease ol ileath has taken phire
Irom small-pox, where the mutter, if
: V r,.,,,,,.:,,,, ,.,
lerlin.li i inserted, and no otht-r ef-
t . a ... -
" il '"" n" ' ov" ,on. 'v nn in-
'"''"i"'" " PtP'tit mine renter, not nn
like n luitton mold, about the tdxtli
day, containing in liter, vauciuation has
had th de.Mrcd ellVcl."
Pilot Rock.
Ashland Feb. 10, 1800.
Board of Truitees.
Fkiiiivary IS, P00.
The Hoard ot Trusters met nt the
Pioneer 'Heading Uooni. nt 7, p. in., no
cording to the adjournment. Member
present D Linn, President, O. Jacob
and John Orth. Absent, A.' Martin
and John Dick. The minute of pre
vious meeting were read, and with tin.
'exception of a nart of the mi.n.. ,,(
January 4th, pertainining lo levy of
iiit,. were nimroveil. IT. S. iriv.l.m
Ileeoriler, prcM'Weil his otllnl.il IiiiuiI
i . .. -. ---.-"
tor 81.000, wiili fj C. IJeekman nnd J
S. Drum, securities the same uptime,
ed mid filed. ' '
The Town Treasurer presented his
statement nf the condition ol the Town
Treiisurv, showing cash on hand, coin,
I57 00 the same received and placed
011 file.
Mr. Jacobs reported a bill dp-lining
the duties nt the Sanilnrv Cominitiee,
and pr.ividiiii: that all bills or claims
avmnst the town incurred during the
enidemie, be presented ,y chiiiuants to
the eommitlee. b,- them to th.. imilli..p
nnd reported subseqieutl v to the homd
The hill was read the first nml second
time bv the clerk, and passed as onli-i
naure No. 42.
The Recorder was directed to film'
in the .Marshal with a list of retail
liquor dealers in town, whose license
hull expired, tho Marshal to notify
such to inak.i their ilepo-iitK if (hey have
not done so with the Treasurer.
The Board adjourned to Friday ev
ening next, at soveu p. m.
. .
Tho Supremo Court of tho United
States has decided that greenbacks ate
not ailegal tender for taxes in Oregon.
Tiiajks. Wp arc under obligations
to Recorder Ilayden for the proceed
ings of the beard.
To A Valentino.
Sweet Ids Mat rour note's rccelvrJ, I rrulljr
f-l gwte'nil
To ttilitk thu cuiililit'l Ix-mnie rniltf nml, slmll
I urH ImtvPil ; j
For I vxciiiul. luukc ttiu eml.'aml nml what
llivrv wu wrilltii. , J
uoru. n most ik'cl
pill hit ImwI of
muc o merolle-s
aks,jut watt
on tnwkT lllll be:
TiKrc' no -urti I'. (). loinul here nun , anil I
cue ilivre neTrr "III l.
I'll bet jour immsnlnl Ua Mut, or aiiTllitiif;
o prvtiT ,
I'll Ivl It' mure like S.tllr June, nr I'ollr Ami
ur llrttjr :
I'll Iwl juur Imlr Is fltry rcd.nnJ lbl jourfuce
I- Irrckbil ;
I'll bvi tiiiir ime. n ImrrlJ pug, like turkc)
t'K'K l ceklnl ;
I'll Iwl thu ibiu'i iik.iii batr tou ijr, ami II jou
nnl in lt me.
I'll b-l fmtr lilt tmii'iI Iiato mu now, If juu
cuiilil i ii It (jot me.
Now liU Aluj, nlnit mule von write Ihme crii'
el, Clll'l. M'l'i-,
j That b.. Hiniiiuh .ny tnriured bwln like y-v
I tlirllle'ciir-eI
Vliy,t)(r t!il-il.irk,MiLri)i wht lol.nrrowup
"my ffrliu,-.
Ami "'I'-'ii tiiiir- iiiil wmtnils afrcli I tbotiht
nvre null lllrfli ln-tilinir.
Nuthiuc wii- Iiirthrr Ituin ray nitml than mk-
lin; n pnipn-nl.
My hmri l'it m.w. I crlere to jy. It unt al
ymir ill"i'il.
a'o, IJi Mny. I'll -ny cnl day, and my pmnl
luck alteml ynil. '
And inch a mile n jnu feet mc may mortal
heTiT "ll "H.
February liitli, I8ii0.t II.
San Francisco is certainly a city of
philosophers. Out ol a population nl
one hundred thousand, only iiboulelei
eu thousand have been vaccinated du
ring the progress of the epidemic till
raging there. The inhabitant uu
iloubteilly feel, .hat in dodging the
small pox, tlii-y lire liable to run again!
mi ciirlliipmkc, ami i ept the cit na
tion uitli becoming placidity.
The Mc.Mimille Courier nnd the
Folk County Siymtl n re Inning n very
lively iliscii.iiiu us to the right id n
State In se'-ede. The latter denies the
right but say: "IIKVOLUTIOX ithe
remedy." Xowjust as the people bn vi
aid "let Us have peare," nint that
anuuucemeiit tiearlv awlnl ?
Xo K.i-ii..s;r.. Ueri.ih has iued
the llrt tmiuber of the I'm, but ha
imt honoied ns with nn exchange.
Come, Mi. llroun, give us your hand !
We have quit ihiutving vitriol, nml it
we do erali,h ymir back occasionally
it won't hurl the hariiiclcs nre old
nml tough Snap lair or we'll Miikc
below I lie belt every chance we get.
School Pmtuicti'i.uisk. ThiM-lerK
pit several 'chnnt Districts will pleai
iiotiee tbut tiny an- only nlloui-d till
Monday, March 1 I, to make thiir ic
tiiriirt to the Comity Sup't. Il tin y
.vi-li tlieic proportion nt the -liuol
iiinuey they will et it by coni li.ime
with tin law.
IbilMNii M'ct.Niis On the quarter
accliou located by Dr. Grceiiu.an, iu
(ino.e Lake viillty, there arc fpriu;.B
an luit that thi-j will boil no egg- in
three minutes. The Dr. savs thev u.e'
utrongly impregii .'.! -iitphur.
Anv.n IIiji. .. ..w.
er our Iriend Gauli, of tin
..! been nl-
and tho latter nays ho "backed out
gracclully." Go atler the lie.vt one,
Uaiilt, with that "atimip," and il he
don't weaken send ilown for our hat.
The Oreyunian nftli" loth instsay.:
Col. J. C, Dow lormerly idiior nl
the 7itvi iiy Commercial iu this eii(
itiirl8 to-vfiiy tor Neva la. Aside Irom
hi Democracy, ao-ualled, thu Col. if
Miiiud 011 general topics, ami we vvNh
him Micces 111 vverylliiug except Ins
.. i. .a.
Ul'sinkss C'ii.v.nok. Mr. J. Wold-
gciiaut, ol the firm nt Baiim & Wolil
geiiaut, Hold nut to M. Baiim this week,
Mr. W. intends leaving lor the Atlan
tic Slates boon.
MoitB Arpucmo.v. We regret that
A. G. ltocklellow of Asliluiul has lost
11 very interesting little child, by inlau
tile Icvtr.' We deeply r-ympalhize with
Mr. 1C. in his bereavmeiii.
Nkw Dnc-sj. The Weekly jjtloir
jjilius made iu aipcnraiice iu an eight
jsige form ami is now tin exceeding!)
;ieat looking paper. ' ' "'
Measles We hear of 0110 or two
case of measles iu the valejw '
CltUEKNU.VN .O.i fiii.ml.iy, rVb. lilh, U
iu- aoftful IV. O. UrwMiitiii, himiii.
UMUU Oii Faimd-T. KlIi I2tk. 10 the wif.
il Julia o. pruia h lUiwhii-r
lttiCKFKM.OW.-AI Alil.ii,.l 011 ibe,l3Ui Inn
nl Inraiillln rtinllltrnl f.ivir. I. lnenl . tuniiuiu.1
child of A G, and & U. Uu.-krellJW, gwl two
yifarmwil ciiiuday, 0 -
Sulftr tittle children lo coma nnlo we. isnd
forhld lhm nut, fr ofiocb U the Kfoidon ol
Tiiflml. In.lmid nT hitiiev it
Nhw to-day.
Wf State
flmrH. I.P'TiiluutWr, ,,? lh i ,,'T r.m
wl may ,vd,tm iff l '?
- -"' "umotr 01
ilhls In Inclii.,. Intfrwl to a,,. nf
HtJi ajjreitil 16
N. CO0KB,.
edcmptioa Stat)
Smr: or Ohko.iv. TaKinM!i'a 0rfK. ,
Sal.,,, M, , ,s7JC'
S4l rirnpo-al, i ,w r , , h
ilrrtntiit-i! al I, l nflite uiilll U ...l t ".".
KoMH.I.P.llllHW.f ,U sui, r"ij,,."
.1. ICM. at the limt-,1 Me (m., oliii;
Itid- tn Include Inn-rr-t lo date ottnm,
Tc, lh..l..,d.l,llar. ., ta STtS;
lllll. jil I......I ... "Vw,.
Uids dddrciKd to
E N.C00KE,
Slate Tutwrrr.
For Street Commissioner.
Tin- imd-r-lsnMV'p-ctlully nff.f, ,aMi.
u ciiiiillilalr lr Hi- unirr i, StKT t'aaaia.
li.KH.Mtlijvtin tUe il.-ci.luu or ih, t,.j,
ut tli: Ik-si tunii clrciliin. ' '
Jark-otirllle K.-li. 20.li. I6C3,
For UlarsUal.
Jiiiix nuiivM.re.p-ttll.illy iifT-rs lilmHfu
niiiil dale lir ll.i'ifllrri.triv Varlal, to W
v.il'il liml ll.Kil-ciliin In ifnich licit.
J-ipLwiii-IIIh r-VL JOIh Im3.
JxVKt T. Ol.r... Jnv a. liiu
Al.UAMixn XIjktu.
lir.UR.4 1x3
....AMI. ..
Ti"'. Anon: nami: nnsi
I ilnkeilmiiru J11 iii.llf.liiir IbWrilifcaJi
and the miMIc pnnnliy. 1h.1l iIh-t irr
rrci'lTlnk- mid ii-iilu; a Ttry Urjw aad'a-(-ii-iie
l.wl; uf
ETC Ji'Vtd
Ladies', Mlsies' and Children's 8hos-
$& U'e Imve. li. in ii.inrlf)'i "II'1 "
Jy- llie iilnire. u VrlT UlXf A-A
ffif eXIi liove Iin- nl fhiihe TW
Sr lirervritii, IUrilu. w
t&t" Q.iMiiwie.
BSr J'ss. i
C5V- arnre Cn'l-rr. -sl
tfST VaWW im Oi'-i '" 1
Sj-Wnil.m li'aw. Nails..lS'"Wl
t$T mi'l rf'Pvl. '"-l "-' fi'"1
tST I'Iiih, U'.mhIii and M'iIIiiw wsrr.
We nro reads to d7"a"i.tli!nz in wr'lJ'
ihr MtVF.SI'i:Atll I'KHSE. I' 'T"'" -"
in Imv .-l. will find It e'r, "' '.
valilajre In rxainlne our lnk l-rrr rsirraa-.i-...l..w,iT-.Mrare
illrmilurd n'.
iind-mild I.T but lion- iii Jwkn T
fi.Te im a call, and tl.rn jiidm; Ml?
n lo our rp..f ll l fnriiiW. snl M''
JackMiiiTille. March 2 IM-T ,
I oyoundrym
CuniUrund and Ubmb t'OAtaast M0
x,poo Vo
In Horn and art jI, lr ! '7 , ()
a nnYliR.
413 and 415 PaaHtoUu.'s" Fw .
JON riKlri.
VTOT.0K U.l-wt. lw. lo rvfij?,
1 hlltflOCMIPrrHiM.- -v - -
. ..a. .1 ..I- aAiAlfll
rtry. Irt. anaaeiiui ""r""T:cWr BB08.
in( s"if'; 9
' -rt..- 'TiiKjSiWj
I -w r .u u it ..in rent
.T7.iBJin.V IT"CO..
iY P..O s W
I ",. . u....l...rrw
n.nw""'-' "..j ,1
arm or 0,,,.- 5
Sratrd ,,rnros.,l, , , ' . " I
il;rlKiiii nl hit nfftce. , ,1 '" ,ll i.
Watch i:ilHi:a. r. .lI"".11 I? clek. U
aK N..1' T. W "" " --
OB m or 7 "' ,7.i7k !'.
.. .'..n , .-.I.. ir.tf