""BsAaaaaaaBaaw BUSINESS NOTICES. t. FRANCO-AMKHICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, " orrosiTE THE Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Trarelers'snd resident biardcri will fine izyoxi mtiml VOL. XIV. . BIDS D' AND BEDDING Plseed In first o1m order, and In trerj Way superior 'lo any In Ibis section, and surpassed by any In the Stale. HEI ROOMS ARE NEWLV ITitflSIIED, And plentiful supply of Hie bsst of every lb lug Ibe tnnrkut nlTorils will bo ob tained Tor HER TABLE. No troubled will Ik? spared In iliwrve the pt ront(je nf tlio traveling well m Ibe perms at community. Jeknnlllc, March 31, lftCC. Peter Britt, yt Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OIIEOOX. Ambro typos, Photographs, Cartos do Visits? doxk ix the fixest srvLi: of A'r.f. Picture Itcduccd Oil EXLAllOEl) TO LIFE SIZE. DR. A. B. OVEitCECK. Physician & Surgeon, JACKSOXVtU.E, OIIECOX. Ofllco nt III' ri'ilili;iicc. In ll Old Overbeuk Ito'pltnt, on Or.-s.viu Struct. DS. E. E GREENBfAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Corncr of California and Tifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. ,n- will inicllcn In Jnekon and ndjncrn' connttei, and attend promptly lo prutV Inim all.. Ji-lii'lf DR, A, B, OVERBECK'S BATHROOMS, Xn tho Ovorbock Hospital, WARM, COLD A SIIOWKR IIATIIS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. f. uxtum:, m. i)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE removed to California Street, South side. Jsekonrlll I.c. 2ll. IHH7. dr-eil-tf U. Li:VIS GANUNC, P1IV6IOIAN & SURGKON AND Olastotnolnn, WILL att-nd to miy wlio msy rrniilre bl mttIcm. UfnVe at It K, llnni-IIV nrtlce n Hie U hide 3d .Slncl. lnrknnvl.iinv:!tl D. f, pOWKLt., K. II. WAT30.X. DOWELL & WATSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Jnckioi.vttlr, Mrr-gaii. D. L. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Empire' City, Coon County, Ogn, Warren Lodne No, 10. A. F. & A.Jfl A HOLD lli'-lr rexular communication 'wyr on thu Wednesday Kvenhis or pn-ccd-V inn tbe full moon. In jacksii.wu.i.k. ok nao.v. A. 1IAUTIN, IV. 11. C, W. SAVAOK.Secy. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, (BE OREGON SENTINEL. r&BLISriED Every Saturday Morales; r . F. DOWELL, OFFICE, CORXElt -C i,- THIRD STIEETS. TERMS OP SCUSCIUPTIOXi For one vrnr, In ndvnucs. Toiir dollars ; If not pnld within this llr-t six mnntln of the year. in uniiars , ii urn pain uuui me expiration of the year, six dollars. TEIIMS OF ADVKRTlStrVU i OnerrtgrftOo' tlnrtr lcs). flrt In.ertlon. three OlfjM 5 each rulwn,iirnt Insertion, nne diillnrvJA'ilffconnt nl lllty per cent, will be mailt-Wttiixo who advcrtlw bjr llic year, "ticglil Tcndun reoutred at current ralci. .'One of Lifs'i Piotarai. I iw lhni In tlitlr junlk n I rrl.1. Whtn lit i 1 1 ii. .ru.iuJ tli.ii ibrtf I. fn inl. Iiiix, WTirt mt clUI,, Llki Wlrii,kiry,;uuiig nJ iru Ont iplilt trw wiihln th.Ir lif itU Tb mrlDi uflt, lu lift llm' nir IUi;b inlixl, lucfcli, lu will lniiirl, AtiJ, ohl .littitM.iiiofbllii wjrlh.- It iw brlilttl tliont till t oferiiXi AnJ U.ii.LJ Mill. Inr un uf Llu. At .l-ii 1 1 1 it lir il. ti-ilj llm if df, It Ilk t'. inirt lufl Bi loJIJ hut. Oil kri7 tuu tin alrvum of lift, Ant iniUMlall B4tnr. uti Ihsdiiv. M'btn ill kcuiuir tkt uriku wife, WLu 'f nl liaj ckotJ till m wr Ek Iwnwt iin hU niniiljr irm iwa;, Ai loftlr m fljutr t rrriwliii. In tuiJrlli runl IUI1 Im.u lurm, AuJ grwtJ lk gu.rJ br ll tailluij. I i,v lli.m la Itirlr lionet uriort Th.ltr.t hlllir. bit liuvnu tirjmtn Anl ucli lit n, lint (uul. ! 8tuiJ uuiiili Inile.J urilmUil Ami lilK nii.l nll tlnajtiti L;lu To Iniiii nikllluir ii.itil wltii. Anl llijw, Ui, I unc U Jilmt wllkln, JjiilHnl, jujUi k( Lut could briug. Ok I I4 tucli aCtux r bill, lllljllt .-4H I.IU. io, II imi rim.' u-lla ruundl An I b.i llul uU, ul llul u ui in. )llUl lijbt I.I. Itf. ou'J p.l. In luu L 1 iWm In tktlr bonit, nj m irt I Ami on In, arm, n nwr Imiii U I Tl..lr Uil uf Ilk, lu tiaii h, u'.r, Toutouufjr Jo), 1,-it., Hj,,uSm Nu lnr Urnii kli f I"r. r.ir II v Kb '-" Iiii ptn.1 b)fr. I. u, UiriiluUlf i itr, fli.r l..i l,.r ii v. I biuixiui b.r. Tin frail, fjlr rnn, livt gnu, tUr Tlilr hulr i,ll uji.u lilt kii IXnlt lliluit, til bl, w.M! llhJrr, Aii'l, JInx, iir liitjiijatirjr. An J Uiil kl lie i-l. miO i,J bl. Lruw, An J itlll anit.111 iu. I.r ,U olug, Anlb'illii.l Im'iiIi him mil iww, IU.lwulil but II.II'i.IiiW ol.rlnjl Olit wli.i.iKh.l.plln nf w..'.r, (.I), Tkudik kioil ll p inn uf r k in t Vmiili Lih.Jjj, II i.i, l..lli.r dt Aulffju i. broil tJX'llitr pull J.niurj Ilk, UO. lotter From U. F. Dowcll. Vasihnoton, D. C, Jntitiury ITtb, 16C0. j tub t.UAiu.vo nKncu. An nil to bo rulonsuil without beinp tricil for truasoii. The imlictinciits it the Ciitnitml Court of this city against JcffD.iviti ami John C. Uri-cki'iiiiilj'o, have both been dimniscil. The Din- triet Atlotiicy had tlio can- of Davis, lJicekonriiltje ttud Stitutt, called, on the mak uuy ui inu xcrill llOtr It) 90831011. Tin: oKonoiA sn.VATotw Have bcoti hero ironi the cdmiiiiphcu intuit of thin session, nokiiig ndiniiuioti. The majority ol tlie.ludieiaiy Commit' tee have determined not to admit them, on the grouno that the Georgia Leg. lIattire expelled all the colored mem. bers belore the Sunatnrs were elected. This i right, just and ecMtititblc. The true Fjiirit and meaning cf tho rccon- htrnetiou act are lo give equal legal FEDRUARY 20r 18G0. make Utc negroes born on our soil, not only Irco in nam but free indeed. It is only doing justice to thoso who havo long been onprcMcd. When thU n adojited we can truly m; in the lau guagtjof the Declaration of ludupcii ilence, "All men ate created equal ;" that they nro endowed by their' Crea tor with certain uualicitablo rights; that among theoc are life, liberty and the pttij'iil of happiness Not equal in intellect nor knowledge; not equal in property orpo.fjMoii ; net equal in fame, reputation or education; not mor ally or soeially.equ.tl ; but equnl btfort tie ic, having tho right to acquiru nil thee by industry anpenievereuce, without an owwor'n lah to make him afraid. Our colored population. will be far enough' bvhiud the whit man niter thu law secttr-s to him the right to Vote, and all the legal rlghti of the nioft exalted. God speed the rnrin-nffat.; NO. 6 ,.. -,,- ..-- ,.w..r ,,,. .v fc.V Vllllll IV.II I l ' rightH to ull men born on American J,!"g and adoption of this amend soil, without regard to color. The mcl,t poorest colored man iu Georgia who rr.MAtn scrniAOE receives a uiajoiity of legal votes has j '" niS0 deired by sereral mcuibers of the name rights to a vat iu the Geor- Cungtrss; but this is not n Republican i i LegMiituro as the mo.t exalted master, who once owned a hundred lavei". The Republicans nro deter. mined that tline shall be no distinc tion on account of race or color in the United States. It ! more than probable tltnt sore headed atili-Miffnigu men, who style themselves llepuhlican or Union men, antl the Con federate Democrat;, will raic a howl agaimt this report when it is submitted to the Senate; but the action of the committeu will be sus tained. VtUOKVIA Politician, insirt on a modiflcatiou ct the recni,triu'liini acts. During tho week a eoininittee, consisting' of some ol the must noted UepublicanH of Vir ginia, have been here urging a com promise,) they can be admitted at an early day. It is Mated that the Jinli measure, several Democrats have pre pared it. Soinu of them aro clamorous lor it. Those who favor it are anxious to have the word nex added to IMt- Ste wart's amendment. There has been a large number of the most prominent advocates of female sufTrago around the halls of Congtess during the week, and they ate beginuing to mnko their influence be felt. Female tiifhts and female wrongs are real, and not imagi nary, like t ebel rights. Suffrage would tend to decrease the many wrongs now inflicted upon them, find to establish their rights. Tltcic are several bills now before Congress proposing to give them these privi'eges; but it is not pon sible to pass either of them this wss ion of Congicfs. It is time enough to attend to this alter itegio Mifl'rago be comes a fixed fuel ull over the United The typo sometimes cut lanlnitlJ tricks. In my San Prandcisco letter, which wns published in tho Skxtixkl, makes jno say that tho "iicf of the bal- iu. urgraucti mo negro. nils u a great mistake. It should bo the lack or wanC of thu ballot that ojtiied tho degradation of nny race. Mr. Motion ins introduced a bill giving Airs. Lincoln a pension. Mr. Sumner advocated giving her $3,000 per annum, and then tha bill was re feried to thu committee on pensions. buo .Murphy's bill, after' two weoks debate, in the Senate, has been referred back to thu couiinittuo on claims. Under tho new ruling of tho court nt Topekn, Kansas, u lawyer is requir ed to Maud up while questioning a witness, and it too drunk to stand, hu cannot practice. The Right l.ov. Thomas Pearno of Oregon, has been installed editor of tho Knvxvillt HViiy, iu placo of Par. son Hrownlow, who has been elected Senat'jr from Tennessee. Thu editor ol the Oregon Slate Jlhjhtt Democrat has nt last found one honest Republican nttd a correspondent of llio SiurrixcL, who tells tho truth. If ho would road thu Scs-riNKf. more and Jtrlck Jmcroy less, ho would learn that true Republicans uro not all-aid of tho truth ; but that honest Democrats nro nshamed of his ijmul treason, and exploded Slate riyhti. Tho Seuato Judiciary Committee havo reported against Mr. Corliutt's bill, giving Oregon a District Court at Roseburg, mid increasing Judge Deu dy's salary soas to pay his expenses; and nlso against Judge Williams' bill extending thu jurisdiction uf tho Court of Claims to the Oregon War Claims. Economy, economy ! and a speedy re duction iu tho publlu expenditures, are thu exclamations of every committee. General Lauu battered our rights while thu Government was nearly out ol debt, for thu pitiful honor of being the .A S. r EL DORADO, S.'St;Cor.Cl.&Ogn.U.JioiiTlllr,0 s. m: farren. M Tin Virginia Resocs'.rucilon. followiii'.' letter from Ju Lo States. It will be kunnntted bv kdiiim .1 'of themon iirofniind i.taiiH.mi.n r, ' Democratio candidato for Vice Presl , - - i .... .... . tieui. 11 is now ton inn in gel Justice riarv ci'iimim-p oi -Hi- r-ii.n-iin in IIoue, hae Mibstantiallr agreed with l'i" the present and iho next Con- the Virgin! i cninnitett to report a bill J!rvM- Its justness is founded on thu nuthoriziug ilie admis.Uui of Virginia eternal principles of equal ibhtsbeforo 1 1.....! .1 l 1 . .ll... I.. ! I... I Uud.rwt.od, of Virginia, ha, been hrn-' ' , " , "l'"m " "? "'"rwuB .'" "w ",u,u," ,f,u,,"'i ' ,cp C(,,or ded us lui publi.iitiT.ii jnudlItt.iiiieiUtcuiiMitittii.il, wilh ttiu , " -x OJVngc compel their women ,.,.'. v, i,,; ,n ,L,,n,"l","zioils tlauset. in relation to dis-! t' doall the menial labor, and still P.....V.. p.... . 1 1.... : . .. . I 'ranchisetneut niul thu trst oath trick- 'Ki' them no voicm in tho ufljirs ol I lie vour'note inulYng tue to join I''" T"" ,'!1! '- ?, '" 'I""1""; Ch,h'" "'"H- men suhutiuu with a CWerVAtive ,,.,.: !M.,1A,m,"V .,""' c"!'er unlrrwl j jl...iMll..li.ht ,,,,.! ,n.t labor miltre from iryiiin, who n cii'i riii rt t . . . .1 1 1 . , . J & M ,M1 I j.lT..s.ff oil till. fullfl I,... n !. ...... .! IsliriU'il (1(11111.11 l lliu I....I .i !.. ... ' jll. vti ki v I ,llSVt(Mf II tf tlfC fcUUsltl - .!. "witivu sib tnr IIGAU U, illV IIS tution. This arrangeuieiit is approved , '". Wu have many women as learn by the most prominent mcnibrift of !1'' " Queeu Victoria. They would both houses of Congies, miiI of Svere- make ns good a Picsidcut as Victoria tary S'chnliehl and Gencril (Jraut. The does a Queen. There is no good reas rumniitieu from Virginin ssrert that ,'i why ihey should not have tho light ll.i-re Is 110 Usui, iiiiu- in V!r,,!i.i . .jli,,,n In Villi' uml In luilil i(ll..,. '!'!. 1...II.,. lleillltlOII ' b....-w - - v. .,. immui in politics ; but I urn trulv glad that I n,'f'ro "'trage that they are willing to is thu great soveieigu in America. The our Consetwitim friends aro making accept as settled by the last election. , women of America know how to wield sueli lair piopositiot.s, and trust they I K,:u,:o wv.Ar.u. ' it better than Victoria . oes thu ...tl. nit-s of Kugljiii, Republjcms ate generally very gal- laut, and so f.iriu this issue, thu Dem ocruts arr equally gallant ; and pcih.tps after unit ileal negro suffrage is estab lished, both parties will concedn this little boon to the ladies without mak ing it a paity issue. IfAIMtOAIM avc made but little progress during it week, but still a charter with tliss our Conservative friends on this point, tion of certitude." interest guaranteed on (he bonds, may It would, iuiuyjudguiueiit, beinuuh) Jlowcvir this docs not citend aufl-1 bo P"ti for tlte time gteat Paeiliu easier to eflect the r. suit through the ir,..t... -..:... roads, tiz: The Humboldt, ami i). I ....;...... .I.... ll , ('.,..,..... .-........ '! r, .i hui VIIIIIU- , -..,.-... ... to see inr. State reconstructed on tin Congressional pint), mid also to Ji;m the disabilities, imposed both by Con gress and our new constitution, remov ed from lhemselves and oll.ets who sympathize lutihem. My 0fliei.1l ilnties are very pressing, llll'l precnine my iidiivu pinieip tllou pc. oiu stieii lair pi oposiuons, ami trust they I xi:ui:o bun'iuim will be met with u generous frankness, m... ,, ., ...i",... , .V.ii,,!,- .1 , by our Republican committee. I 'V'9 .nt lm tuUn a '"" fl,,a We ouslil. I think, to s.iv to them Mr. fstew.ntt from tue Judiciary CV that we will lavor the removal of all uiittee, Iims jut icporlcd an amend diqiialiliciitions from every 0110 who' inent which will secure stiflrage to ev- Srof'ui-uiSi:,:6 - ; .!,.,, of ... urH ..., r..,j,. I have not a shadow of doubt umt 1 out n-gaiil lu race l color. It is in thu first Legislature that shall meet these words : under our new constitution will iiuine-j 'Amin.a XV, The right of citizens dittelv. I.v a vote of more than thiee-, nf the United States to tote and to fifths, remove all disqualifications (nun hold ollice shall not he denied or . jj, every audi person, and our connnuteu j abridged by the United States on ae- .. can salelv give the lullest guarantee to count of'rree, color or previous condi- . " . j ...I ..7; .1.8 ............... . ... t it r in. T'liedi: uifansoSco.So:; , . who are born out of the United ' 8" U X'acitio and thu . is t . f Sitit li i'flfi Wuili jiild It' 1 . Sxectttera Motice. TUG undrr'lBMMl'liavlnc bren snpolnt""! b 111" County l5n.irlirJckonO'iniilT..SInli' ofjOrfatn',Vc,,",'or "'r ''iH will sid Iff' insjit of jiinmn" C'roslo'i 11'' of ssld county dtssffi: All pron hslnc rU'm eIni therlAte sr rrulir(l lo recnt tlii-m HI. 1h proper rouchurs wlilitn lx inonlh of thl dte. to onn onii'-x-ciitnrs. nt tit r sI4.-im--atsr Grant's 'a-i Ju sajd county ; and ill fr tons lii'li'lild to said T'oliitu are required to swkeJmmvdlaN pajne-m. JHrWT.TI'FKS. WILLIAM KAIU.KII. EX(Cutur. Jsnnsry 1(jti.jsr.3 jIIDEt$JIIIDES: THE HIGHEST CASH PIUCEd PAH) FOH HJdenflfal,! binds. tllcml at tbo wsrkel of tbs n'odertlgned.'In Jaaksoavllle. -. JOUNOKTH. . tsmKsr Mb ISM, if XTTE WiT BVBRYHODYTO SUBSCRIBE W JH4.WMEIUCjtN:WlT. SO oants a ! AUtma "AHWIOMH WIT" GO 6v0ar. stMs,if,T. r.o.vox Because no co-! 'Soulh 1,4clfio ''' thoy pass turalized under U '"!"' in ono rcai 0,nibus bill, comoining tn strength o( all of them. L I f 1 1 a . . men cau be excluded oa the cround of I i,v"WT ,,a,ns narintro.iuccd an Iheirsex. Petition after petition, cor-1 ",'Imenttohis Humboldt bill; which J aro the same as tlnte imposed by Cuu- States, unr to wonirn. gtess, being copied from the recuustruo-0re j fwri.jgMer can lie naturalii II a mrniij, "mil "... .1U....0 , , 4 1 !... ... !... mile thnw filth sit the . euislature. in. ",r m "" "'"r" "'""' """ wu' -".- . . : : ' 1 . 1 ..i.. ..... .. .u- stead ot iwu-lliinU of Cougress, to el-j li'i-t tho removal. ' The number dinfranehised in Virgin-' ennz reaina of paper, and one or t wo ! "'y "k Congieas to guarantee the in- j. is less t h.Hi 6,000, ami if tho Legi-in,j(1W 0 .mt- j14Ve 1,, r,.ct.jrt,(t ' terest on the bonds of the company in Slu. a .1111. iii.i. - - .. . . .... .. place ot the suu6tdus, asked by his orig inal bill, This amendment wil bo the basis and the extent of subsidies which any company a ill gut this CtHsgress. Senator Williams has also introduc ed a bill to amend the land grant to the Oregon and California railroad company, giving one year further timo to Holliday & Co., or to (lie Kastsidc company to file their assent to tho terms ot the grant with tho Cornruiss- i loner of the General Lund Office. MJSCKJXANEOUB. Mrs. Mallory is lying very sick with tho meule. The balaijco of the!. Ore goniaus in Washington are Lb exoaJhtot health, but poor spirit. ......ii .1 .1. litre Mlll.l "V l.lt.C- Ulf VI till" B. IP 1114-, I . .1 T I r . '.'. '. . anil r.(..rri4il tft I III. J i..l.rl.irt. I nmmlh terial as the constitutional convention '"" 7, ' ;" ' .. over which I ha! J.I11. honor to preside o( thu 'Ht.t. They were all re was,-1 -would uiideitakjfto .emovo dis- jwrted back to the Senate by Mr. Steiv Irauchisenynt from a tnotisind persons 9 with his smcndiiipiit, He saya he, per day by it of those who are tnily u t0 p t, ;g ,rnp,1jIMet t0 and t horonghlv in harmony with Con- . .1 . . 1. ni Si, as I m.derstand otir Conservative vote at the firat opportunity. 1 here P. I ... ... -...I T !.. m ctni.U 9 lllll It. itlB lllltS atl.l It Irieilrt. Iiroicss 10 ue, snu,a aunw.ju is - , - fact. are. neither house should reach them dur All wo want is a ncany acquiescence'! ;n ,1,5, Kilm one or the other wil in the two and only two per manerrt aK8 botM,OU9C8 0( Congress iu the I...I..XI11 j. I1B iTfllll I'lllllml II. Ill IIIIIBIIIII 1 J r'.'i a.iflVair.. and unhli-sal education, early part of next Congress. As U Theso secured, and then lot us .cheer- does not extend suffrage to foreign fully wclcopie enlianeliisenient to all Chinamen, the China sticklers and ha- who stand .upon these principles, with- u.r8 of t)0 C,;na xz j preg0n and put regard to past difturui.ee of aoiton clJorna yoto pnAmwl -Your,trUlr, hvithout obanndoning ,thelj ecooDftl JohC. uKDEiuvoatb, 'prftdjudleea. This nmendroeat w'ih pr opinion. Wonderful Dicotry ot a buppoud An tcdlluvlsu Human Bkoloton. Day beloto yesterday, while the qiturrymeu employed by tho Sauk Rapids Water Power Company weru engaged in quarrying rock for tho dam which is being erucltd across the Mis, usippt al this place, found Imbedded iu tho solid granite rouk the remains oi a human being ot glgauliu stature. About fleVen feel below the surface of thu ground, and about three feet and u half betieuth thu upper stratum of thu rock, the remains were found imbed ded iu thu sand, which had evidently been placed iu thu quadrangular grave U'lltl'll ll.l.l 111.,. II . 1 11 .r ..... ... tl... u.ill.l T. . inu nun. 1 ;it remaijis of this uutediluviau giant. Thu gruvo wai twelvu feet in length, lour leut wide, and about three tent iu depth, and is today at least two feet below the pre, cut level of the river. Thu rumaiiisiiru complutcly peiiiticd, and nru of glgau liu dimension, The head is massive, measures thirty-one and one-half iuuhus 111 ciiuuiiiieruuee, our, low ill llio at J'mntfi, and vtry flat on top. Thu lemur measure tweuiysjx and a quar ter inches, and thu flliitla tweiily.Hvu and a half, while the body is equally long iu propoaiou. Prom thu crown ot thu head to ihu sole ol (hu foot thu length is ten feet nine and a half iuclm. Thu measure around thu chest is fifiy. iiliiu ud a hall inches. This gi.wil must have weighed at least liiuu hut,, died pounds when covered with a rea sonable amount of flesh. Tie petriliud leuiaius (and there is nothing left bi.t the naked bones) now weigh three hun dred and four and a quarter pounds. The thumb and fingers nllhu left hand, and the left foot from thu auklo to thu lues are gone, but all thu other parts are peife. t. Over the sepulchre of thu unknown dead was placed a lurire. tint limestone ruck, thalruiuaiuudpurtecllv separated from the surrounding granltu rock. These wonderful remains of ui antediluvian, gig intio race nru iu thu possession ot a gentleman who has star ted with it to his residence East. This ' faasM-Ay of ktttMS). "Tfio daily life ot one of the rtestif drunkards is like this ; Uporr getting up in tho monillijf, nttor n heavy, restless,-drunkard's s!eep,ie is miserable beyond expression mid almost helpless. Iu very bad cases ho will see double, and his hands will tremble so that k cannot lift to his lips tho glass for which ho has n desire amounting to mania, Two or throo tiQ' nlasscs ot spirituous liquor will restore him to t.tr that hu can control his muscles, and get nbout without betraying hlacOndK tion. Alter bulng up an hour, and: drinking every ten or fifteen minutes, lie will iiMially bo nb! to cat n pretty good breakfast, which, wllli the nld ol coffee, tobacco, and a comparatively small quantity ol liquor, hu will be able to digest. Altur breiiklnst, for somo hours hu will generally be able to trans act routine. busineiH, aud.assocl.ite wltU, his fellows without cxcjtlHgtheif ilty, or eoiitrmpt. As dinner timo draws near, he feels thu iieccssiiytef4 creating nu nppetito; which ho oHviimcoui li.lies by drink ing some of tlirft infernal compounds whicli aru advertised on thu eternal rocks nud mountain, aidcn ns Iilttors a mixture of bad dings ami worse spir its. There bitters do lash thu torpid. powcMliilon.iU'Jincntary, morbid, flere activity, which enables thu victim to eat even nsiipiMnbiiudaut dinner. Tim' talso excitement subsides, but tho din ner remains and it hat lo bo digested. This units for nu occasional drink for ihrcoorfour bouts, after which, the: system is exhausted, nud tho man feels' dull nud languid, llo.ls exhausted,, but he is not tranquil; ho craves acoa initiation of tho stimulant with a crav ing which human nature, so abused aud purverled, uuvcr resists. Hy this time it Is uveiilug, when all thu apparatus of temptation is lu thu fullest activity; aud nil tho loose population of the towa? is abroad. Hu now begins hlsovenitif debauch, nud keeps up n steady drink-' iug until ho can drink 110 more, whesv he stttmblus home, to sleep oft' the stis pcfyiiig fumes, and waka to the borw rors uml decrepitude oi a drunkard's morning. The qu intity of spirituous liquor rs quired to keep ouu of theso unhappy men in this degrading slavery varies" from n pint a day to two quarts. Many' drunkards consume a quart of whiskey every day (or years. Tho regular al lowiiiiuo of ouu gentleman of thu high est position, both social nud official, wio mitdu his way to the Inebriate Asylum, had been two quails of brai. dy a day lor nbout fivu years. Allan tla Monthly. 'i 1 . 1 Governor Brownlow'i Valodlotory u Editor. Tho Knox villa (Teiin.) Whig oflli Oth Instant publishes the following vnlrdlcloay' ol J senior editor:" Thu H'hiy. n Journal I havo editni fur Ihu last thirty years, now passes into other nud more able and vigorous hands. As 11 member of thu new coin pauy owning the office, I shall feel a' deep iutciVKtlu thu Hticcess ol the en terprlse, and will do till in my power to piouiotu ill Nitccess, In ruviuwiust my long nud eventful career as an edi tor 1 have this to say, that had I mv life to liru over 1 would pitrsuu the siinu coursu I have piirsuud,ouly more so. If in past. Ijfu I have been violent 011 (.01110 occu!ou, my apology that, like ihu Apoitlu Paul, on niiuy occa sion I have fought with "beasts at Kphestih." In taking my leave oi many of my reuleis, I will remind thuui that liufnru they wm u born, their puenls weru siibsuiibuis of mine, I have, however, thu consolation to know that I have always taught both ehildrost and pireuts to hold fast to the forma of sound doijtrino; nud in defending (hem I haye invuriably uttered the words of truth and soberness. To my friends I wish evury possible success ia all thu undertakings of lifu. Of my' enmnieH I havo 110 favors to ask, but am willing to lut by-goues buby-gonea. W, ll. lliiow.-it.ow, Nic'ktiki ok Lanoiaou. Mt friend i tho foreigner called on inu lo bid tare wol. before hu quilted town, and, oa, his detinrture. hu said. "I am going at gentleman, it U slid, will scud the re mains to Huston, uml possibly wu may hear all that car. bu uaid on thu subject i.y the learned in thesu things. It is supposed by simu ol our ablest men, among whom is General Thumn,, thai many more skeletons will bu found dun iug the process nl excavating thu gran ite rocks, it this place. Spniu seem to think that these remains were deposited in this sarcophagus Prior to the forma tion of the present strata 01' rocks that now abound here: but. this ismwaosi- jeotro.SMA Jlapidt Sentinel, tho country." I ventured lo correct his phraseology, by saying, that wo wero acodsiometl to uiy, "going into the country." Hu thanked iqu for this correction, and said hu had printed by my lesson, am) uddud, "I will kaef into your door 011 my return," .1 1 i Kindness to all, wjus tuutiy a, bless ing ; visiting tjie sick, and adminisjer-t lug tQtjteir wants knits soul wiibgnsk iug feelings. ( There seems to' he 'little prectfesd-1" diffVrenou between thu friend lhatdoe..i y. a nu good aud thu euey UM you uo Harm. - , i1" inn il Thoro is no stiob'i thing-' mimi ohairfbr tt'4isoorilentesl waai-4 Why is colfeo like an ax with twsWU tdga ? fVrnuso it requires gi iadiag.