h i w, o. imwk Democratic Generosity- The generosity mid magnanimity of Contagion From Smalt Fox. Tlio following on the contagion of Svrunn.vr Mons-r.vti, Fob. 10, 1800. our Democratic friends i becoming small pox, is deduced from tlio obser- 'qMrrTr"p Iw"'" JJ" immense. A short timo since, they nation o! one or our physicians, ami Iho Courageor Woman. n ,oud- dl(niam,ing jMiifttillf may bo regarded as authoritative. In 0, woman I was there over such a 'ami denouncing the debt contracted 'in I the tirst place : 'pamMox? ' Oeni lo, yet stein and reso-1 putting down the rebellion, at n stupen-1 Persons who have been exposed to eluten mailed and belted warrio -in 'dous fraud. The scene change. u smnll-pox, cannot convoy the disease t1ic'"'iiour 'of peril timid, yet brav claim has been presented in Congress , wy llieir person or clothing, except by est in the face of danger. During our by a women named Murphy, who avow actual contact. The exact length of "epidemic, when strong men shrank in that sho was a loyal woman, and that time that clothing will hold the iulce- "'cilinay ; when the dearest ties ot kin-. her house was destroyed by the shot thin is not well ascertained. If they lred wore severed by the fear ol con- and shell of the enemy, while being j arc well aired it soon vanNhcs, but '"'taginn, the delicate iiiul gentle mem- ued as a fortification by the Federal , when packed away in a close room, bore of the Catholic Sisterhood brave- troops, and the Democratic press ot the , trunk or cloet, it has been known to oly stopped lonvard to assuage the , whole country including that ol Oregon be nursed for mouths. From tho per- horrors of the pestilence. For weeks are crying, "pay it pay it 1" Why this ton it may bo removed by one good they'jiavo not coated their miniura- uddeu change in Dcmorratiu policy? bath but clothes cannot be sifely ills- , timi's. Day alter day, ngaitMt the warn- i Why this xlraordiuury generosity? inlocted in one day, except by expos- 'ings of physician', regardless ot their i The solution is plain. It is either be" , ore to a strong gun of chlorine, (this own health like pallid watchers in the cauo they expect to derive great beiii- ga miy lie procured by exposing n Tcstibule ot Death thesu sell s aeritU- tic from the Irnilsot their magnanimity vessel coiitaiuiug salt and oil of vitri- ittg women have wrestled with the or expect to bury the Uopublionn party ol in a close room a gentle heat will k'ingofterrors. In chamber burdened under the ovorwhelniiiiug load ol debt, will promote it evolution.) that they call upon a Republican Con i A patient having small-pox or vario gros to incur. Tho claim of this wo- loid may convoy the. dieusu by con man is to be the entering wedge tor ' tact or by (he breath. The air is in- serins at which the bravostnlu might , thousands of similar claims. If it i footed for many feet about him. Tho falter; they have cooled the burning I allowed by Congress, claims will nt inlcctioii is ptusihlo at any time thirst ol the sick; in the lat hour nl- 'once bo prociited for the value of slaves throughout the disease, from the lirt fered the soothing consolation of rel' set free in the loyal States ot Kentucky, moment ot '.he fever until the lust mo- Maryland and Delaware, by the email incut of the dropping off of the scale. cipatiou proclamation, anil just a much ; My Mime it i supposed to Micrcao in founded in justice. The Inline of the degree up to tho time of thecrii, then women, Murphy, wa nnl, as an act of to diminish until the scale drop oil. war, to stop rebel bullet. The slaves Death does not arrest contagion. It i ot rebels and loyalists, alike, were ink-, even thought that putriiacliou pro- on trom them to prevent the rebel motes it. ranks trom being filled jainlgovcrninci t The degree of severity of snnll pox only spring twin the stroiigenandpttr- ira .lit, with a much propriety, bccalled doe. not depend upon its intensity in est faith H ran only be founded in I '" '" I"1)' 'or 'he slave of a loyal owner the source ol contagion ; but rather up. with sickening odors, rooking with loathsome corruption, amid sufl'ei- nig, and delirium, and malne, and gion to the dying, and performei the !at sad nllice for the dead. And tor no reward ave that which i beyond "the thn shold olcternitv! Was there ever lfcroiui more sublime? Amid shrieking shell and gleaming steel, was there i' or courage greater? IlUmoie "than heroic it is supernal ! It can tilt1 lleepest and iniKt niMwervliig Jmpf as to pay lor n house destroyed in a on the date or condition ol tho person , it con only he born of the iinpiratinii ' ''attic. It is scarcely supposablu that leeching it. For instance, mij pn A. ' that took the ting Iroui tho crown 0f ' r'viTimieiit nill do any such thing, ! ha continent small-pox; II. Im vario- thorn ; ninllltc billonn- Irom the Iiy-1 u,,t " this ,e'11 clil' allowed, it will , loid ; C. a good vaccination of sveral Isop tliiit was given to Mini who taught ' '"' ,l precedent lor all others. This is year standing; D. ha a recent raici- u charity. ScotTa we may doubt 'c we" nitty, we inut View with admira tion, the power and truth of a religion "'that bestows on the weakest and gen tlest of humanity ; n courage so unfal tering, a fiiilh ho splendid ami so ever 'lasting. Let predjttdiee bo sileul'unw; nnd a thoc gentle sisters of niorov have done to us mid ours, let us so do unto then). oxnctlv what the Democracy wish, They tried the people on the question ol repudiation. Tho people wore hull est and replied by their vote in Novem ber that, Inrge as the debt was, they nation which i good, ami E has no vaccination. Now nolo the rcult ol contagion: C. will take only a vario loid, no matter whether he be exposed to A. or I). D. will ouiliiro exputtie w uhl pay it houetl.'. The wi'y hope to cither patient with impunity, uhih t ion, ot Democracy is : that the dubt . li. will have small-pox pcrhup in a will become to stupendous that lopadi ; malignant form, oven though he be el ation umt cnue, ami the shame and , pcd only to II. There is only this financial ruin ot the country bo laid to ditfereuco, h: that tho continent will the Republican party. Democrats jspiea.l the inlcctioii farther than the need not be troubled, however, the j varioloid will, claim ot Sue Murphy or any other per- Them may be a third source of this .r ' '7kc Eptdcmic Abating. ' We have not In nrl of a new cae of "small-pox in tin county since hist Sat i s 1 1 will not be nidod by their clamor, j disoetheides the touch and the bicath unhiv. The youngest :hild ot .Mr. I for while their bitter hostility againt i or exhalation Irom the body, and that Alex. Martin was the lat, and wo tin- ayiug tho jut debts of the nation, is is epidemic influence. This i uiucii ri.t.Ki . .... s. :. ..ii .t - ! ... i.... i. .1...: i.i -...-.. .. ! i!. ...i i .i .. ,, . vj u m uuv ui .in ii.iiiit. ro iii-pii, uit-ii niiiui-ii gi-iicni-iny i very iisjmicu, um wny mil ,' II, as l sup- lually but one eae now under I unseemly, and too palpably hypocriti. t poed, tho seeds of this disease oonit cal. lhe Kopublican party will ad-, Mt vegetable sporalet, or mioro.copic minister the government lor the next ninmlciil.n. , whv niav not minute in i'W years; and a then- uil bo but wi.,i.i . a .. i ..i "i .. few Democrats mixed up in its admini.-' V.'Sll'lu d'" ,N "' U!,'m ,Mf c",,,'cU',, '" glad lo y it is out of There i treatment in Jauksou eoiiutv, that wi , are aware 1 lb it of the vnuiigcsti-on of.Mr. Did Steam on Wagnercreek T -It i n coiitliicut case, and recover. j.i.nImot liopele-. On Saturday night a,cliil)l died on Kanaka Flat, and n j Monday its father, George Wall, fol ,: lowed thus swelling tho aggregate ; deaths to twenty. Tho situation i L again hopeful, and it no iuw casei. tsliow, tliemtches in town, business will probably be resumed next week. We hope tho. people throughout tho whole State will.take warning by our terrible . jcniirgiug and attend to vaccination ; without, delay. Hud it Hot been done jjcre, theic would have been EOarculy ".enough" Iclt to burv the dead. '' The UnivnUt uhnervc that by 1870 ithere. will bent least 6322 S03 in the ..(treasury on which the peoplu will be frpiiying ten per cent interest : and that without nny fault of theiri. .. We differ. .Ilisentirly their fault, and i if they read the lesson aright; they . will, in luturCtfS'-tid decent and cuihlc ; liiu'ii, apd not "ruffian?" (o called) to - .represent them in the legislature. ' Tl o Democnitio pipers nro making a groat f us' out Ula i's opinion of Grant.' They seem to have forgotten the pVrhociatie opiriori ot Illair, prot'y ( gcnentlly otprised after tho Novem ber "ground swell." to i TJie, Albany Democrat requests the veditorof the Counmrciul to keep hi cxJhaud off the Uiblc, Wo wcio not u aware that a.Democratio editor over jgotnear enough to the sacred JJook to x touuhiit. r lio f-IVHA liw ii!itnn na IfmiLinB II.. r n V j"...., .. ni-denies the charge and has the benefit Sil,'e 011,,t ,m,il 'G.Mieardfrum. Mr. Max Midler returned from San Francisco this week. Wo beliuvo he ((jhaH effected an nrrangomont with tkV urtdilurs of .Muller and Hrentano. ' ' """Tiii: Ki.L'UTton. Tho town election "' yesterday, resulted in tho choice ot U. 'B.'Havdenfor lU-cordur, and O.Jacobs '(tor'tTrtutee. will never char n wiuk bad oil, only, will. If the wick chars more than an eighth of an inch in depth the oil is ' bad and of course dangerous. Tins i. .. . ..... i f-""m ', .. , T. . laci is a sure ami rename test, aim in- , To the Unlonht. In an explanation u,,(, , ..,.,, tll0 wick- ,ie il should be emptied at once, and a bet ter article substituted. It people would observe thi rule, coal oil explosions would be unheard of. tration, it will probably be Kitiafactorv l,,u Jir, ouu waiieu oy me liree.u to to the people, it not to'tlio Democratic distant part, jut as cholera has been party. j known to do overleaping long spacm Eorronso.VT.tK W,.vr..-TI,ero !'l "-r muelml, and alighting pears to be a general activity among ' '",. " '"T , 7'ml the Willamette editors. Dow. ot th?- !"'T T lrllm' W",,,, h one ., i i ii- , IKIIIll ot coutliglOII .11 d Willi d Well ev Commercial ha been sloshing about , . . , , . . . ". l. , .... . ., ., . I plain riome isilated caies which t i in variou localities in the valley. Iiv i , - ,,, , " ' i i . .i , - i i , - I claimed "were never exposed." . One laud ol the Juiterprite has been "skiv. ' , . , . ' ' '"' . ... . , "'iug is certain about opiduinies t hat I ig" among the towns of the upp r :.,.,. , ., , II - in tll.it C.ISeS ul lliu mum !. r.... . V illainotte. One of tho boy of the 7. ... , , , , , ,, ,. aiore iiialignant than m sporadic cm-. btut Journal has been "a xproadiu" , , , r, ., ' ,, . , : u .tin i i i ' " opiileiuics, coiilliieiit anil -imix is himself anion" tho here of a neighbor- ., '. ... . . , ing town ami Carter of tho G.nttU mlW. Ct'ml"ly '8',-w''"' -'' been on a v,sit. Albany. The latter J"1m 'w C0,,lJ'"-',lt " ov i ctid to have actually had oine monj i ' , oy with him-his being a teetotaller Pilot 1,'ock furnishes tho lollowiu": probably accounts for this important , Under date ol February 2d, a cor.es. Cict. If our brothers of tho quill aie poudeiit at Klamath Agency write.: in search of sunny skies let them step "All well here and getting along line this way. If they want to sec the ly. Luteveuingit rained" shower and prettiest women in Oregon we have blew Irom the o th ; and t,e snow is them; and if they only want a good 'almost gone is off the road between lime, we'll "disinfect" rith them and , here and Kowasio told n..l-vV Vr itthov happen to "catch it" they will precaution will be observed iu regard be furuii-hed a bunk in tho pest limito to sniall-noi. X.. I...II .., ...i,. t the pubho exH.o so come along. ( ted to isit the Fort or Agency. Copt, Coal On. Explosions. A paragraph UcUu,K"r will render nil aid necessary has gone the rounds ot the pre--, ah-1 t0 'dbrco stringent regidatiuus.' juring people ;q keep their lamp wicks Oregon City Dick (Indian) who wa carefully trimmed, ami thus prevent contiued lasitall, on iupiciou ol being coal oil explosions. The fault is not renegade crimiimHruin Willamette, in the wick, but in tho oil. Good oil I wa " ,r,,m u,u "i'r,, ,,ou,,i al It. lvlama(h on Jan. 24th, no charges having been touud against him ulli cieut to warrant his longer incarceration John Gotbred returning I rum Lost River on the 2d iust., sa,ys the horses From Our Klamath Correspondent. Klamath Oon , Fr.n. 1st, 1800. Many and various are the reports that are continually reaching u, in re regard to the spread ot the small-pox in Jacksonville mid Yruka, many are exaggerated, and not a fuw no doubt untrue-, and still the latest reliable ac counts (Su.vii.nkl, 1 Oth Jan,) aru tor rible enough and well calculated to cat a gloom over the whole country. The Indians on the Reservation are very much alarmed, and for ouu time there is no trouble in keeping llieiu at home. The roldest weather experienced out here thi winter, was on Jan. J 1Kb the thermometer Muuding at five below gi ro at Fort Klani ith, cold weather only lasted a low day, it is now quite pleas ant weathoi, rained a very little hist evening the ice is breaking up on the Lake, and skating is played out for tho proeiit at least. For the last two weeks everybody and their Irienil have been turning their energies towards tUiUny. The mania for sleds have broken out anion j the Indian, and it is an everyday oc curence to see some white-eyed .spotted cayusc running ami bucking with the skeleton ot a sled hanging in him hr ra hide string-. The boys have con stiiictod what they called a "jumper," and from peixoial experience I mil ot the opinion that the thing wa well named. The trial tripuaaccomplih oil utter tho following stylo, nod wa what I call i-lcighiug under dillcultie: The thing being made lat to a spirit ed horse having an invitation look n cat along with the conductor (' the way a man id ovperieuci-. being trom a cold country) who was ju( go ing to show u Wchloot'crri how folks enjoyed themselves in Canada. Off dashed the liciy steed, and all Weill 'jut splendid" until wo como to a i-liort curve iu the roi I, whun instead ot staying with the "jumper," we wore U-ll standing something le than twen ty loot to one side, our he.vs and shoulder under snow, and righted up just in time to co our horse uiul hied dhiippcar over u low ridge. The horse wa caught three miles Irom where we tttnyea, ami ctrangc to say jumper wa sound in all iu parts. Next duv the indomitable Tucker tried it again; but byliimelf alone. The result wa a general but up of olei,aiii! the print of a man, lull length iu tliesmnv isplaiuly vimIiIc at thii writing u end luiupci ritliug here (,'upt, .McGregor has or dered one, ami big sport is anticipated Snow six inches deep here and twelve to fourteen ut Ft. Klamath. Vai Vox. Wooden Hail Road. It seems that the people ol, Washoe intend building a railroad .from Iieuo to Virginia Cil, using tiierolor wood en rail, and thut with ninuxliuiiin grade of 132 feet. "Tho rails will be of Oregon spruce tho cars will bo drawn over the road by horses or by light locomotives, the latter with wheel covered with thick iiidia rub ber tires." About ft year ago tho Sei ent(ttc American had an article on tho subject ol Wooden railroad, stilting that maple hud been lined and touml to lut several years. In this case I think the uiiipleiull was laid upon a sub-rail to give more solidity between tic much tho sumo tin u Hal bar ol iron funnel ly used. The Virginia City people will find that spruce i not "the most compact specii-s of timber to be loiiud on the I'ael llu" Coast," us they seem lo set forth. It might answer torn "sub-rail" whereon more "compact limber," as a rail could he laid. Hut even then it i not considered us good us yellow fir," being much more liable to decay. The limit of spruce on! certainly durable,! compact and lough, il they ure meant ; but they are scaiccly fitted lor mils. Spruce poles ure tough-so far as bend ing m iy go for Hag poles ifce ; but wood, to be to.igh mid compact in the !cuc meant tor a rail on a railroad, miMt not bo liable to ttruvin, as both spruce and lir will do, and probably ii-li Hut theic are plenty ot kinds ot compact timber no the Oregon Co.il (and ml mil), that uoiibl be equal mid iu sume cn-es stipoiiur to tho maple wood mil of the Kot. There i it is ubuuiliiice or oak or. the ooai near the shipping points, that il cut iu tho proper seaon i very- hard g'ay and springy, ne handles Irom it being prclerred lo the imported iu many caes. Maple uU-i uboiiud vine maple, curled maple Ac, while plenty ol ah can he had far hello than priiee. Myrtle, however, would be much the bet (or the pun ne. Cut at the proper time, it has ulmot the consistency of (iX'Wiinil, imo.I bv on .'" I, "on iiausfuiiimi casiir iioitriv en into it when lironerlv heusoned Ciiliforniuii call it "laurel," iu veneer ing furniture, mi I for ornamental pm poi- It i abundant iu all thestream ol the Coast iff Oregon, in Kogito Uiv r ami Coiiuille, iitlaiiiing n tieiululi ol thiny mid forty ,.,t lo the rst limbs, inn iri-cpi-niiy niiirjug I .Most e.Veellent I streams, on- cuv ITT' -c purpose o( u., n;' 01.. totaeor. of Cat, ert llm orM. death, Dlttrtot ail,, 7 . l Juiliclsl tl..,.ct. jZlT2lVx Hie mwiiiig. Uud.urt tootiun f jf. .T. court I. the ,rtt. Utt))titZX. r.1 us aid euntmllU. 0. J.oU,4.D. ,0 II. Wulwn and J. It. Nell. 7' U,Hanh , ,Blu lb or the court tb, .(,,.. uo,m. Mr. Jscot Pr.ulrf th. MlwK. nZ hit uutoii Ik bull or lbtomllte.,4llu3 hel Plo,co.p,Jmii.Uii.J . -hurt mIiIkm 0 ll)e court .d Usr. uwu.U,. U.M . I iblt V.r.u .d Ur.1.BBirC f -y i..iiuw.d. rtumnK uirB.f ;;,,;. Im.- U...I public WflM orilw dtCu(fU turni7 of Uitntn. r " Whirrs. luce lhe Im ...Ion nf im, nn.. hie C'uun, Uul. Wm. 0 I "Viml , n,.B,,f' .....,,U.r..ribe!r .ml . SCt JjJ h r C.tcull Iu. lull.,, ,c,ul , " W f WmwieT "" 'W-'SSf. ;.Wrn. 1 but In Ibi-dtallicf Col. T'V.i. 11.1. H-r W U ul.lr.1 a,d i.u, f luiili l-rii.Ml iik-mlwrs. Ihl cmnmunli, . WUlV T a....i.t in ..r II. lire.K , A iS. 'in mlkm-iile. -r-i .Kiv.l 'i, Tlmt we ilecptt st mMihlu il iirnr kiI to- ; uli, , tllL,.u r nZt'Z "iu departed rriend. lb, w.mW. ol th . tUf, .....lllr will ,.r ,L cu,ilmiut. ". ni"iiriiltix fjr thin iU,,. ' unp n Itnliot. 3.J, Tlut ll.e mliiiite of hrm m. ieiliiu..nuilne.iijr or Ih,, i:.,lu.rb, linad iip.li! thx Urcnril tit this Court, awl that ij y ! Ihf sthwU-iruiiimiileil l.r lit ti. seliiM to lb lumlly ut l!,r ilrt.vir!. V'p-W1, JAtllhllFAT, J It .N.-.II. E.U tWT.IX, Ciiuimltlff. r u- c- a r.r.l'HIM.Chilwa. 0 n. km.sa. 8c. DIED. W Vl.l.-tlu , Mli Imt., Mr. (iiurf Wll, mI nloiiitU ymr. -I'CAItN'S On IVajtner errk. yrttrrila; i -in 1 eb 12th, (I'lirye tiii-in, ua u -iuru, m;iu nnuiii mjrars. tit UnU :muis "wHa Clotuino Recoveked. We men. tioneil a case lait week where a foolish ins.ii had prvwned all his clothing or drink. On Monday, the man's wile, accompanied by Peputy SherifT Owen, visited some Chinese camps and rccov. erfll nil tlio nrmurlv A ...) ....,!. .IlnrKu-iiivt-F ViMinJThu A.i. Una ' $30 had been sold for tl fiO and a " MilUW ,nalaotrinZ a splendid ar I f JJiZSZ SS.KJS The following b Iroui the Marjr,iU Appeal. Wonder who the ippl!coiit can ho? If he will show himself wo will give htm a notice iu our peculiar style: Out- of our moichauts received tlio following loiter, willed heai-silai.-Juel,. soiiuillo (Oregon), .lauu.irv 18ih:"liii.r Sir: I wriieyou to uccrtuiuil one could got constant I'liiplov incut ut teaming irom .viarysxiiie to other points wnli a two or four hor-e team. 2d. Could one make any thing by being ecouoiui calwitlisuchte.ini?' .Id. Aie there any deiiiauil for school teachers iu your county (that is out ol your line 011111 iiiicii h"wecr), pmv filing one could C'linc with u good lecommeiidatiou, Kuiining u team 11ml teaching i the iiviication iu which I wi-li to oiigige, providing one could acrumuhile ilu-.io-by. 1 have a wile and chibt; um -it years old, anil can have a recoiuiucii'l lion trom the best men ot.lucksoiivilb-, it desiied. It, however, you know ot any other employment in which I could engage with Slleii 11 icfouiilleiidatiou, such art clerking, keeping books, selliu gooiU 011 coiiimi-son, lc, by which means I might procmo or accumil.itc tlu-roby, you cooler a great l.ivor by iiitoriiiiiig 1110. i'erhaps I am ukiug too much. I don't know any one iu your country, hence um somewhat at a loss." AVo woibktjot lecomiiieuil the writoipcouio RPas a teacher hi grammar won't do; hut wo havu 110 doubt teaming would ''accumulate." anil cattle are looking fine. Six gentlemen, among whom weie Messru. Johnston, Miller (Uncle Ike), Furlowraml IIollou, left here about the 4th i4a'for G00& Like ami ailjauciii regions, it is certainly rath r early to have a pleasure trip through that high country, and rather nu uupropitious Wine to choose locations. ".Illaud, February Oth 1800, Mr. Muller, who has just returned from San Francisco, says it is dlflicult to hear of a single case ot small-pox, ( but from that stand point it is nearly New DisiM'htTAN'T. Our Irienil Shcphanl ol Ahhiud, is informed by tw.11 uudicul Irieinls iu Yiekn, Dr's. Lamb it Skinner, of a new ami power ful disii Icctniit. Il is u mixture ot gum usufajlilu and cscneo ot uiepfil a .ii..;..iii.i m'i.. ..a!.... 1 ..,.i.i ii. men have' tried it one ot them won ii-sparkiog th'e other night with sooty oil out 11.11 r, it 111 1 111a gin a very nviii red headed young lady, left the pno' ises. He judgeii that "what sho c11'1 stand must m.iku nuiall-pox e.ive n Ax Afpmctkh Family. Iu tV Cas tro family ut lliiwkiusvllle. neiVrekii there have been six deaths fom siuii1 pox within two weeks, 0i niore " likely to die nm) two vvfl prol"1)' recover. Thoro have len no cases growl ii o mvrtl doubly . iu,blc,j her I'm- many pur mil for railroad! the hot hind, tor -xh:iutii'.ilo iu fcl easily worked. "Vow" is per!,? woods lor "wood lough nod cnmp.uHJ rather small, uuilu Oiegon, howc plenty nf timber, bate thought ot it. Hut why ali awake to tho imp transit mads 11s compass? Wooden rail ro not coat scarcely I loss Ibau iu W.-isI coming when sii must toice tlieiusi day talk ol cumin that nearly every railio.ul al his on to a mud iiuil her is handy, soil than no ordiiiry 11 railroad vvfcli w 'Co ThMns AlrLaln, a Desialla Cliiliuiint. YflU srp I'rrolijr irilinul ihil Jsm'i VT.8Iap m 11 aiul NVillUui lljl La. Ililn ili; JW iln Mil. . Ibrir Mltldivll llr(;Ii lUt j..a ie -l.ainlni.il niiir Diiuallnii clem 011 S. E. 1 l N. W. uiiN II "f.S. W. ni wclloi y .i.mI S v ut N W J -ii.il N Vi ..fl. E I "I "elli.n Ho. In Tnwii 3d. Soulb rR.if I l-i-l ; unit llit jam le-ver al an titer afw ll.iu' our tiiiiiik-aiinii Nit. 3'J'! ou tM imit 'illlptltil ilb lbriiilirm'iiluf Hie Puuslina II . 10 n-Minj: iipuii ur ciillvsiliif th-t mb nir Jr; hihI lbl n lu nl ifouJ 11 ir.'h itl, Ifti'J, fur Um trial uf mM alUpL ilumliililnrllt. ut I 111 iiRlci-; aud Iblt uilf-t iii Hiwsr mid uir-r mniii rtlJmce Iu uppoO .it inir clilin, Il will U-dmucdaUulwrJMl ii.i..-l d, l.n.il Ofllcr, Un-i'lmrif OrKnn Jan. lit, 1H J IIN KKI.LV. Ihihkt. ... . f i. . . -. .,-jmxrt3?T'. BJJfl;-T.lV;-' I' Sibi &r SrLmEmBmi j. In ' H ' ' ' Ti J' ' ' r ft l fCA anO waM Vrrtl iA.VHC .1 '" ' I n i: iwVu. . 1 t a . i it , . . 'i IHfO' ' B. F. Dovll, iJ Southern "fy"! On:iiiojC!1"B publU'v",1 m diiukl ,ilMu) the olj ''Hcauie ovorn ..l.I halt. He sj jut nil along lbs Hiici'slill Settlemc! the ci iiulrv; e is hero 011 11 v 1 was raised and odi dilated nt the y' anil Is 11 ulii'-lg v& last wiuicrj;' Woj uconiuleil ltli 1 tli in I'mi.'sH. He soon: Viigiii"'"' I,, f lllllll IIIIM . ,,ty olithe cuiiutr Vlie now has the will gel to icturuji 24iiu otata Jour bbbvHBmPt r4afl ion tS3 MmBH ido ol buckwheat flour. (plucky, drunken husbands would find 1 wl n Jacksonyillee and other son, the telegraph agent at yiHo "V uivii suppiy in iifjunr soon rut on. 1 remote psces,r). 1 rorm ui Tho oilizoisof.l for oorsnnnl nrotf outstdo ol that family, po jir. i u'"i' (iellt.0 0j ln0 Wes rulel u I W'i j.v,Yy fa-e ijT'.,. . VW'JKfvtu, Bjyl tJtlSi.V In'A ' Pii W 11 Alrlrwfci kBBl t' L'-1 USEi'ri, - Pr ilifT J ' J IS , .A fir n ,rm Hh-f 1.. .rAi ,., . .'".-,7 F.AA& 4U jjjl'!i VJ W ,ki p-i .i. 'A'fnft f .Xiaw - t! rtWv Qtff ( aWj swr.M er'ws,' LAiJOatt ,M i. . -- . 1 pr -t LWlt mr&zw 1.' jims ' ' ? " .aiBBHr - - 1 ! iimt i. p- ijJB T: r-LJ f aH.ll j Tia Tl i 4F M. 4 . lv ; r MT 1 v w WJ