'"aiWHWf&VT- , P'' i mmi tMiiimwia fmrmWINMWPKMMMXO mitmjntJamffeftm m mi i i ii thiwii Lljsw "i ,t. , BDsiNEsgr K0TI0K3. sassssaaessasssai Mj.Irw-'i l i -1 r ' . :-.r - J" i ' , Peter Britt, f jphotographic Artist, JACRSfavlkLp, OREQOk. ' Akfcro'tyl'M,"' 7ho t egrapk s, Cartes de Visits eoNMJtrriiE fxest stiv.k of art. Pictures Reduced OR EXLAROED TO LIKE SIZE. DR. A. B. 0 VEtlBECR Physician & Surgeon, JACKSONVILLE, OliEOOX. Office nttil rcftdmieo, In Ibo OIJ Overbeds IToipllnl, on Oregon Street. DE. E. H. GEEEHIAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Corner of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. lit trill practice In Jnckon nnd adjacent connties, and attend promptly to prufeaalonal Hi. fcb2lf DR. A, B, OVERBECK'S BlTI-I ROOMS, Xb the Ovorbock Hospital, WARM, COLD & SHOWER BATHS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. P. giujiji:, ill. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE romovod to California Street, South lido. Jickronvillc, I)rc. !UI, 181.7. ilrc21-tr Dlt. LCWIS GANUNG, PHYSICIAN i- SURGEON AND Obstotrlolni, Wll.Ii sllend In sny who may renitlrit Mr ervlcei. (mice at II. K. DiiwiiII'h offlci. n tbe Kait fide 2d .Stri-e t. Jsctoniivllli. novilf n. t. POWELL, K. U. WATS0.V. ' DOWELL &. WATSON, ATTOENEYS AT LAW, Jucloomlllr, Oi-goit. D. L. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. T.niplro City, Coos County, Og. Warren Lodge No, JO, A. F. & A M A HOU) their regular cnntmuiilcntliiiia vyM.uii, VS itbj. 0. W. sUvi -'X58&2&XLMj??! mtel 2K3rTftM&ar 'i fitmitu, ttyjoft vol. xiy, I'lll! OilEfM iumi nutni Mb. PUBLISHED Krcrr'Satuninv Morntnv by B. F. DOWELL, 0FFP1E, CORXER C y TIMID STREETS. TKIIMS OP HUIMcntlTlONt For nno yenr, In adranoe, four, dollars i If not imlil wit , i, it,, iir.t .1. ,i..ar .,. . ' " Hrn jlnltnra i If not paid uutll tli. expiration uf the year, ix dollar. TKIIMS OP ADVEUTISmU , One witiaro (10 line or leu), flrat Innertlon, three dollr ; each niWcpu'itt Insertion, lint dollar. A dl'count ol flity per cent, will b made lo lbne who ndrerMiHi l,y they cur. jWLi'pjl Tenders received tit current rates. e n vJl?ll'JlfJtll-Jjl'i: '" - , t ... . '.'' II !.. .II ..,,. ... ..... I.I, . . - - ; T Jl- I I II FEBRUARY 13, 18G9. NO. 4 "" "" ' " "- - " t " ,..!. -.1 - -7 'P nmmimmmmmammmmimmmmmm I.. JACKSONVILLE. SATURDAY. fortvardt'tl duilr from the New Yni-L- imtiA.. rti t...a.xI ...hi 'U.i..i.i.i the Salt Lake City post oflici-. leavinc VollMn WM clrculntnl ami slgncrl br 080 lintltlilN ol tlinil mnttur ilnilv n,..U. all tllO Democratic llininli'urn n( I'm liviTi'd. He ulgn alK'fjetl iiithoinakim; gross, for that punioic. AttorhoyGcif , Srir,?1'.0!--.1 'Anvi"R b"' ftin-n cral Kvorts nrvonte.l It ' to tho Prosl j 'vi ?i aj liOj ; 4 Come Down, Father. Oh. f4tlir,dMr fAtl,r, comi ilown will. Hit itampi, ill driiinuWr'. lilt li uninl.1 Slit MM tl, ttouM itnJ II tllil lionie fruni thl iliop, At louti a. , flounc, wr U14.W, ilf luw ilrtu from Hl.wmf. U duwo lu Ik litll, Tli Lo; lt not l.ittt wllhaul f !' notLhif Io,ihh will, rnu'i (g lo ib. Lll, bit pl.K itnil Ilia alitf Iwy , Couiedovrut Ciu,.iljwut (XuitUiiwiil l'lcut faltitr, ilr fjtli.r, uni duwn I Oli.Uartln toi.t Yule, uflli. cktIJ, V liu ctl.i In L.r t uoni .11 .tuiit, Ob, liu tviiM rt.Ut Ltr ni.it ). tlful lain, So, Miliar, UU alumj-a juu'll cuuia da it. Oil, Ullur, JfJr (itkar, cuuia down vrllL tka lUoipt, l; emit r nut III lu U lain Tlia balrlraaiar ulj ha would nut do thau up, Uulf.a I cvuld pi lilm nfir.u lit unlj a.kcd tvtuljr Ik ,lta . naw aat, And Ukt tLa uld Lair In aialiauga lla.ldaa, ', bit VKttihU'a nwfull; ruu, Andaoutr bull lilr will tuvkalituga. CouiaduHul Cuua luwul Cvma dutful l'lau. hlliardaM ftiLar, cuua Uuwut CUuRll Ob, filliar daar btbar, coma down vrllb Ilia itatnp., Ttiacatilagali .tlllii( blu hUtotl la liUiag, Ilia atla ia angasad, Audi wul ti, luaVa kwJ auuw Uj kluf t. liia tatu claabad, lujf lak liu Uin dj.d, llul Cuatlajr vgu'l laka ua lu, Unla.i iuj "vju..i Ilium" li tnuuiaJ with a tlrd. And 1 hi naw ciLlacluJu. Cuuiadjonl Cuuadaxn! Cuuaddwn I I'l.j.a (4lkardtr hlbarcuma Ujwnl Cucan Ob, (atliar, Uair fatliar, ooma down with tba lUmpi Ttia trulda MUiidad aiaaplnfl' awaat Ua Ijv'.ad f'lDi llia'UllKa llhl up Ilia) lda Halra, AadMWIiatabar daar litlla fral A iar Ur( luwall liaralwuldaia anciitJ, Ilarpra'ta wliltahaajut putun; d aUndiiiK iinlwad, opU,j w.atiua. a w' ir"tuia Jjun," lians TTiliirtllOc it. r. ooviii (. .x.Hmt, A ' . v ri V -i?Lr' . . S, HP ariWiSBaP ( i ' n ii ana, . i ii iiiiii ayKAaal : - LOATC "L'i-AJb . jSTQMaMOimifj K .TRY ' W pm? , V lt-Xa. rnkaa ffSKSS 1g.K :ytt Sm r.aAlH&wa.aMfjyiiajwwif . , tltllsji i !s m tti iii9itijjBiLss)-ii ' K jL ,- "MI r322S to Wi.l. Kirn .f. n.. r.Z . ,,.,. 'r" wl.cn.n.re.poriilblel.M.lewhaJlotRsn.a J,0"1', " A''W Strtno oftho to do the satno work for 10,000. I Maryland delogntinn hnve Won paVtlc- Mr. TAKKE sjioke ol Indians con-'ularly nctivo with ruflTciico to this par- hZ V, "!r"K h.lUt thT ,Ml.l,,lry l,0,u ' t,on' U u l,,0''t that Johnson be- or,l .,,- T""r-.r" '.?,", "' ,,aul'Sl. full Wlowship with tho . . - r Humontf an Epidemic. ' ' HOW A BXLEKIl l'r DEKR fJi 80LP. There arn a lew mcu ih' Cincinnati who inako a Hying by telling cheap j.v .fWN 2rS22 i; tybat4ii'ltiir1 Bt5;-.ahI llll ;F bWliei' l..'& . .. J. Aiinaaai. u.sr T.rr MW ! TKLK CSIiilM TaHfPuJri Tltis resolution came up airntn to-day tor disottssion. The claim of Suo Murphy of Goor gia, for propurty taken by an officer ol the United States, has dieted a large discussion in tho Sjtnlo. The claim U only about $7,000, but it made prin oiplo of great iniigiiittnle. There np pears to be a general ilisposition not to pay for nny propurty destroyod in the rubolious Slates, however moritori uui. rOMTIfi.U. l)ISAIIll.lTIi:i Continue to be removed, so n to allow rebels to hold office. On the 0th iust. an amusing ineident occurred in the .Senate. TheSenate took tin the Houae Hill to relievo the political dir dlities ol II. V. JK-st and Suimitl Phillip, of ISorlh Canditia. Mr. Wilson xplaiu od that they could not take tho oflicus to whioh they had recently been elect ei, until tho bill was passed. Mr. Howard wanted some ex lunation. Mr. Abbott remarked that he hud just re. eeived a dispatch liom Gov. Holder) ol iNortlt Carolina, asking the passage of the bill. Mr. Howard said this was not enough for him ; ho would like to know whether lhee gentlemen had repented sufliciently to deservo thla clemency. Mr. Abbott, amid gnat laughter, retorted : "They both vote.! for General Grant." This was consid ered genuine rebel repentance, and the bill pased without any further oppo sition. Tin: itosnnuitG axu coosn n.Y Wagon-road hill ptnud the Senate yesteiday. This bill was introdtict 1 by Senator Williams r.boutr. Tearmro. It grants to tliu Jtatc of Oieuti time alternate sections ol liu I on each Me ol the road, and if thoo tine" sections have Iicrti appruprir.tcd in nny other way then tho dellcicney may hj made up within six tuiles of the road. The distance i'j fifty or Mxty miles, and through t tough sonntry ; l.at the road is very tieccK-iiy, Mid l.i.uil.utloi. will scn.rptUA the bill. The read is to be cuiulruottd within f.vo years or the l.tiuli sio to revert to tho Uuited States. ALASKA. Senator Williams lias prepared a bill for the government of Ahtxka, which will probably pan buforu the adjourn ment ot Congress, Captain While, commanding tho Uui led Stutes steamer Wynudank, x. ho has ln'i'ii cruising in tho Alaakian v.'nters, litis torwnvded n report, nhich has been pent to tho Senate, by the .Secretary of the Treasury. The capl.tiir gives a glowing description ol the fisheries, mid of the xeal r.ttd lur trade, lurnislivs interesting statiatio, which lease no doubt that tlci.ew ps hesbioti will proe of great vnluu lotlit Demo crals, will obey their behests, MIsJCKI.tAXKOL'S. Senator Nye's house was entered by thieves on the 7th Inst., and $2,000 in money and a quantity of valuable were stolen. Johh Minor Bolts, of Virginia, died nt his residence on the 8th inst., nnd was tinned at Ihclimond on Sunday last. He was a good loyal citizen du ring tho war. Ho was legardednsone of the most briliant men of this gener ation. ' Tin: 'iXAt'nrr.Vrio.v of oua.nt Will be a grand nfl'.iir, nnd at nii;ht there will bo a magnificent ball in tho capttol. S. (J. Eliott, J. II. D. Henderoii, J. H. Mitchell and C. Temple Emniett. of the firm of Hulliday tfc Co., aro all here looking alter the interest of the Ea't-side Railroad ; and Judge C)rtts Olncy, S. G. Heed, 11. J.IViigratutd J. H. Underwood nru advoeatinir the rotlfjO to Humboldt. Hulliday tfc Co. nio-il; ling for a chatter to b graittetLtoTajn. gni it Co. from Humboldt, tlniirrsect theii line at Jnckvonrllljjro 'JEupene City, by way of DiaiuniMPenk, but not to Portland. Theiroppodtlou w II have a tendency to ;ftat' the charter to Humboldt nltogctlYcT, pr to send it by Diumcid IV.-.l A don't varo vho builds the road, but I shall iusirt on the charter compelling iUfpo thiough itogue ltiver Valley. alH A.r x l" i l- I III.VC10.V, u v., (itiary li in itjuu. :uaio.N'At. : Co'a spcculatioiii nie ttunlioit of Congress. if lllinu'ts introduced aoluton ; IGlh December 1 0de d to ihu committee, Pos' mister General, suhitfuii of ihc loitse, atraetforcatrvinglhe nd whereas it nppears i atiou Iron) xpcciul ii, Gooige W. Mel.eil- ant ruMinasler lieu- Wells, Fnrgo it Com tori for the iruiispor- il, have not piovided ivs, anil iiiav cjni,a aiTted to tho exclti- m liich Were left on the r ami week after week- ItiJ; and that, on the r,ii tiiuoHaiHl pounds eie piled up in an oiieti fw.hereas it is reported -'lit tl at the employees 1. 1 i. '....'i ... i m "iiji.uiy nave nan he letter mails; theru-1 it.. TV-.- n.... Government. The old sea-dog is ven n infill. minute in hi "log," and the icport i tt Company until it graphio and coiunichcfiivo. e ill.KH inin Mm i-nn r ,'i'i.mii iri -dBMlB 'i niiiaaak- iik-l- m.v.. ."" - " - "-'a- ....-, I.. i,.i.. Co'l)n,ir. Hus been held on the uruTtw.Llon ol i. in ma li,ii-.ri nl . ... . ... m nl tlm l.. Sn.u benntor liilniunils. to tno eiiect mat "- " - tl I lllliaii lectins the "ieii,,.,,,.,,. the five-twenty bonds ought -to bore In carrying tie nixh tiwlwi n gold. The debate on tli .i i: .in.i " liiopositioii took a wide range. It was ' MllkVll.ll fa I ,,,. , . . ., .... ii up and offend K., ur,l,um'u u ,n liau,l,B ""ui'' House, nnd ilu :.. and (ipnosed by othera. It is evident fnly of it shouh.he horn the course of tho dobato that it iiaHte, General, wh.h will be diflimilt to concentrate a major- "lattlio Postnu. ,. ... .. - corop ,. ny oi lite .jOiiato in any meaauru nun ind ihat L!!L'?,?m1 ,'' before the Senate. Tho currency oues- H"'nre been ndA'"n w'" 'e liKly to go over to the 6im8ioru.,.i .. ... o . ppivy-iiinv vyi'iiirai. Senator Williams will mako a speech oi-this epiestion at tho first favorable opjftrtunity. lie wjll advocato the findti(r of the debt, redeemable nt tho plonsut) of tho Goveriiment, without egard to any fixed time, and nu in- ease ofthe tariff. Taclflc CoasfBretfeT Indian depredations are on tho in- croKic in Colorado Territory. A vein of iiiuc'.silvcr has been tlia- covetcil iu SnUnn county, Cal , sereti milt'E ftoin ullejo. yalt LnLii city is now within four lays oi Chicago, by mage and rail road. A r.tilioad is projected but w. on lfea dlesburg nnd Ueiioinn, a distance, of lif-ly-flve tirtler. On the 23d the Lltion Paoitle J.'ail road wa laid to tho one-thousandth mile post, A bill hr..i p.iscd both houses of the .Mont.ui-i iegiilutttre, rciovingthuraji ilul from Viigiuia City to Montana. Il is reported that a woolen factory, to cost ninety thousand dollars, il to be erected nt Eugene City. Sivty-llvo niariisL'e liei-'iiBo were is sued iu Lane county and eighty in Ma rion during the year 1608. There are thirty Ihu vessels en loute fur this conxl, loaded with rtilio.td iron and rolling .clock, iiieUulinj; eightaen locomotives. Up to this time thera lias been no snow in the Willamette valley, ami veiy little on the hill within sight ol tho valley. There has lceii no dee. mg nt nil. We believv IhiaUthe mild est winter over known iu Oreguu. Oriioiiian, Frotsctlon to Kovrtptner 1'ubU.aori. Tlie following are ibo laws of Con- not' deter- con- eso- o sek to baTU !thefact.X'7'; yment unflo di'rired that Adopted and psaieral i .nnA tl S::. ---...nun 10 u, .A i .. i .iro tne Driw.J 'natter, it was ahiwn winot Uottjbwi.n 'ousdtolaMUiX" v. . , 'Zir-f't -yuuu, qa b4B OH KUPD, Wh MAI I'til a 4ln Tint 'Pa! tltVrial ftal acctWkrj afUr th faot lor th ainssi- gre.s, touchiog'the liability of substri hers to r.cn'.t)Cf. 1. Subscriber who do not give ex. press! notice to the contrary, are cm- xldervd us wishing lo continue theii imbiciiptioh: 2. II subsurihers who hare not psil, order their' papers stopped, the publish er uiny coiilinuu lo seird tliim until paid. 3. If subscribers refute or neglect to lake their papers from the office, they aro held repousihlo until they have settled tho bill, and ordered ihu paper discontinued. i. If snlpicribers remoro to other places without infrfrmitig tldtblislirrs nnd llietr paers aro oonttnued to the former direction, they can be held "res ponsible. . 5. Tho Courts havo decided that re fusing to tako a paper from the office, or .removing mid .leaving it uncalled for is prima ncfu evidence of inten tional fraud on the part of such sub scriber. Two boys aged about 18 each, bad a prite fight at San Francisco on Sunday. signs ot various klr.ds to hang outside corner groceries, saloons, etc. Sinco it was recommended by the' board of Henlth that a sign inscribed "Sinnll-pox' should bo suspended in front of houses where that disease prevailed, one ol the most enterprising of tho eheaji-sign dealers prepared n quantity of them to bo ready for an expeoted demand. Yesterday morning he tailed with hit assortment nt a largo beor saloon over the canal, "Want any signs?" he inquired o tho portly proprietor. j raw, .tin nans, -i vntiiu a s Sawdust Vnitted," 4 Iff .-- f. t. ., ..,4l .. a iirre ii, u, nam ma dealer, who wan n bit of n wag, handing him on of his smail-pox signs; and receivibV I.! , . f. ".. iii pay iiepartvii. p'W ijp ti. .. .i..w 5?? .- u u,iaiiFivuiin Actiioti, suppeving it was all right, atid'iioi Wtiif ablo to read Pnglish, liuiij-UMo 0f his door. Puojile nafefcff3ri tho walk, saw tliepignHr'Mdl ntj ,urrr,j to tho othriilaajifjf the atrcet. He. gular ousHoiWerii cams, caught sight of the otaJWulMuscription. with a hand ofitlitfiTior-knob, nnd Mole away, re marking that thfy guessed thor wr- mi'i very dry that morning, inyltow. An importunate creditor, whom noth ing could daunt bo lore, blanched, at the sight of '.ho sin, and, rjolng JiOme,'' ho went etrniht to bed. In tho meantime the saloonkeeper was wotiduriugat the absence of his customers. 'ilia reuulnr forenoon lunch was fljiruad ttoifp, boiled tripe, llolotm sausMi'ejt'oiyod liver and on ions, snuer kraut and hi own-bread- but no oitu lo partake ol il. Jteing of a social ilisrojlliou this soliltide was optri-hMivo to him, aside from Luiug un profitable. At length one man did conio lis and call for a trlacs of beer. Hi. facu was Veni d.oply pilled. Ilu had had it, "1 seo by your sign out therp," said llie man with :. niolloaxif his I.cmI to- wrt.'.' ibo froiit door, "that yo'a1 have gut it here." "N'eiu," replied Hans, supposing that lie alluded tocawdn.t wanted; "I don't have jjUl 'cm now already, I yoosl puts out itiiuo cigusol gctch 'em veil iliv gomes dis way, all the vile!" 'You Wont to catch Hr" said tho ciisUiiner In aiifaxument. Yaw, thr.t'j what'u the madder. I vanis whole loids ot '(.'in. Good ting tu have mil er liouee, I pauks em up mit der cellar tint sbrittgles the floor mil in' mloon nil over 'em. It gleans out a ho'iac bully, inliid I tell you," "1 on re light," said the stranger, "II mull-pox Won't clean out a house, I don't know what will," "rchmall-box," tsid the astonished Dutchman; "vat you tileuu by -jhuiall iiux, hey?" Kxpluustioni, or cr.u i re, ensued, and the wmth of that l.-a'jjrker and lunch xctler was fearful lu Uviiold. Could he litre tustcned his cm brace on th. t painter at that time, hu would -have "died nnd made ro i'.ni" more. Tht Start and Stri (publisW al Auburn CaL) is responslbU 1W the fol lowing: The, old saw thkt "the court true Jove nins not amouthly," received aa exemplification last Sat unlay ev'tajng uyuncxrectcdlycausingtheiutceptibU heart oi at least ont ofthe partita t flutter like a wounded aige heti. It haf. paned tliusly: One Dr. II a, of our town, and who, by the by, list beea the sulijeot of some startling and co mical ndvef.lurcs'dtirlng his residence In Auburn, ilh the gallantry which made hlin'faWcm. laid siege ts the heart of a fair'ilaughlcr of the chief ci ty of Suckeftlolii, and poured hie lay tl love into liljr willing cart. But "therVa many a slip 'twixt the cup and thelip,' and tho dpctor's derolnjn was dtstlMsl of be rewarded only with bUsted4rjp and the bitter gall of disappointment lor while tho lady fair found it very convenient to havo a irallatit caraFer toxaeortjicr to ChiirchitJonessotrcea, IIM.tKe hymn for her at church and f.to whWt nway tho long Winter eBinfjtfcr a gamo of whist, she had 1 Mfrff bestowing upon li e man of hWrhe strove. Not much. That mm incomprehensible ol female wo nan's charms, safely hid from mortal gnre, beat lor another and quickened with every thought ot him. The ab ent dear at length put in aa unexpected and, to tin doctor iinwelconio nppearanco Inst as ho and his treasure were about itartlng to iittrcii. i he fair one dropped our Aa biifiisfrlend. nnd with a little scream of feminine delight, threw her arms around tho stratigcr'arncvk and planted spot, lii niuiiiy men una oi most uitngs with which JttdAS betrayed theaMtr. !. versinc.. In- was iitltil(,.-(l)1t,hf . cientnd Hoss!, Order of K CI a a. jIsnsTltug Was tlm doctor morVatt nlshed than at this meeting of lw W paroled kindred spirits. Without wah ting for an .introduction, ha sloped uw v trough a a k passage, and later it tho evening, Mtless and costless, U golden locks streaming in the wind, he was discovered iwrambidmliig a back street, ringing tbatjrlld song called "I don't tare a d n," which Is mac by tho boys ol Chicago. There was 1 happy wedding in town last Monday The doctor was simply "a looker on la ce.' Wo, l.iCB. The editor ut a umn .muy paper says the young ladies of that town me the neckliis ot their male friends for .v'trl,. Wnt-.iti-r l:nr flm wrh li ........ kiuvvs, Gold is tuuud in lvitij ii io counties in Noi ih Csrolina, raid llioa.nuual )!tld u intimated nt SOO,000 pu the Char lutlu Miul Stipt-riuteiideul &.iys, . 'i a . Tbeiv aru VO.OuO oil vvlls on the eaiAern i-hore ot the Can pi an Sea, that yield ft,0o0,000 barrels ol the fluid annually. c A Louisville pnuier, Wm. McMahon, was ialelr iutormed that a fortune of f 10,000 iu gold had been lelt hitu iu Knglaud. To do the thiug properly in New York at wedding, the bride mnst'haw eight bridesmaids, and a hundred dol lar poodle nobles toe one sue ruarrus. During the eillvniul ot an estate iu Sn Krocico recenily, U was discov ered that a brother f dectd bad oastved lum tor loss of Urns bi at- ta4tag the luaoraU loys AndOlrls. Though brothers ami sisters, yet what a iilkiuji'dlfieieiico in thu naturo arid dispositions of buys and girls How llku it tender floweret, depending i a mo upholding support, Is the one how bold, headstrong and independent thu other. Hoys tend naturally to fun in out-of-door life leaky boots and hocs, nnd torn trowsers, Girl tead tu thu sober proprieties pensive poe try, hemming handkerchiefs, and a low calls on the neighbors. Hoys grow; girls come tip. Hoys are eusr gelle, and llku a brush ; girls efTetnl natc ami run to soft words lusttad of hard blows. A boy of ten has seen a ijood deal of Inside life on the outsldo hoi Id; n girl Is as innocent ot it as she is of ii kuuwledgu ol the liiliabitants of ihu iiiouii. Hoys laugh: gills simper. Hoys run ; girls hop ami skip, Hoys c thu elephuut ; girls do not know that such nu animal oxislsin thu cities. Hoys have a long vision; girls have a short one. Hoys have a chest with a pair of active, working lungs in it; girls liavu a valise with something like i squeezed sponge, which israrsly used, mil then only iu a trifling way. Hoys travel; girls suy at home Hoys ars wild ; girls tunic, Hoys are indifferent is to whether school keeps or not; girls ire keenly seii.itivo oil that point. Hoys never make thu acquaintance of Mrs, Grundy ; girls aro early at her teet and always her slave. Hoys like lirs, but they don't liko to be ike them. Neither a girl-boy or a hoy-girl is fancied by either boys or irls. A true boy always stands by a i rue girl, and a true girl always has aa ibi)ing faith in a true boy. Hoys and irls are very clever and necessary W ililuiious; but the world is more ia lebted to and depends more on beys thau girls. A New Papkk. It will be seen Ibj in advertienint in this issue that D. William Douthett intends to commearn the publication nf a paper, cither ia tins place or Hamilton, as soon as tha naterial and printers, now oa the war here, arrive, Wa haye heard (Utata. paper is soon to be published at fUivec Springs. TruuT4 Oity JVai. . ri f -1-4.1 kJi-w' .." J-"- -