Tin! OREGON SENTINEL, SATirmuT Monxt.vn, TVb. tf, 1600." Msaoa-...' j.iTTt1..' rrvaU mc An InfomQui Outrage' . i Tho patience ol the community has" been enrcly tried, several timea bIiicq' tlio epidemic; but novor beyond lorbea rnnco 'tilt thii week. It aeonta thrit! there inn female impostor named Round tree among ua, w ho pretends to bo n small-pox doctor nnd the disease is not .eprondir.g rapidly enough to satisfy her cupidity. Not content with the most gross carelessness with regard to her person niter visiting Buinll-pox hou ses she must make the pest-house it sell a place (nr the g Miuration of tho ter riblo diaoaso. On Moudny oho was bin' I ! iiiimo a young lady who had bron taken Rick out in the valley nnd, without making nny examination what ever, at onco pronounced tho caie amall pox nnd had tho pnticnt conveyed to thu peat-house. This sho did against the nd vice ot Dr. Grube, a rcgular'prac titioncr,w!io hud been called; had tnade a thorough examination, and was quite pofitivo that tho caso was not small pox but nd vised delay Until thu disease wno further developed. Dr, Grube ex pressed himself willing to stake his re putation on his opinion in this caso nnd on Wednesday, at tho urgent solicita tion ol a number of citizeiH, he nnd Dr Oveibtck, visited the pest-house nnd found that the patient had measles. Was there ever a more infamous out rige committed in a Christian commit n'fy? Can anything more honiblc, thuit of actual minder, be imagined than tlu' cxposuru ot an innocent, help, less girl to the dreadful infeptio 1 of a house, where e cry atom of ntmopheru cotnnius a death for all n ho are tiupro' tected against tho must loathsome and appalling of human maladies ? If this act was done wantonly it is criminal, if only thi! result ot ignorance it is none "TMis to fee Kept in Remembrance. Laborers and mechanics, keep this in romeinbranee;thnt Colonel Chapmat., a Democrat, introduced in tho Legisla ture a'bill to prohibit tho employment of Chinamen in fnotniius nnd on rail-' roads: and that n Democratic Lenisla- turo passed the bill- and it would have become, a law, but that tho Governor, 'Chinese suflinue ot couisii a Hcpiiblican Governor, vetoed the bill; , . 1.1,ui,irnti,111 nn.ltl... ..,,.,...;.... ni......i.t: tur t consideration endorses and appiovea the act. C'owi- l,ot'n I'fltually disposed of by tho merciaU 'Senate nmeudmeut to the Into Chinese Universal Snflrnge. Tho peoplo in tho Stnto of Nevada are taking a step in the diicction of universal suffrage. An ninondmcnd men t. to tho State Constitution is to be submitted to them by th i legislature at tho next election. "Tho question ol so does not on- that having Laborers and mechnnies, keep this treaty. It is proposed to grant the in remembrance, thht Col. Chajimaii.a frniichNc to all who arc born on Amer Democrat, jn introducing a bill to im- i,, soil, and not debarred by lenwti pose a special tax on Chinese in this ' . , . ' ... . . . , - State, proposed a measure which was fof l,IBf rMt lJiiig subjects of a for in coutliot with the Constitution of the eigu empiie. This is right. It isjust. United States, which was in opposition, We do not believe in making flesh ot a to the settled policy ol the nation, as do- IIIIU1 j 0IIU Statc n j fill, ol , jm u nn. clmcd by tho Supreme Cnurl.and which, ' , , .... , had it been enacted and its enforce-, otl,t'r- believe in a uniform rule ment nttempti'd, would havo been throughout tlu wliulo domain of the thrown out i a y Com t in tho Statu ( United States, and that if a black man or nation Peiliaps we have gone n j good enough to bo a voter in Now little too far in this statement: lor no I v , -it , . .. n . . . J....1.1 1I..1 1.1-1. n .... 1 101k.JIass.1ch1 setts or Georgia, no s noulit the nigh Courts ptcidcd over .' , by JiiHticos iJull rind Work in Ihiseity, JB0,, iBh to bu a voter .any where, wolild have aflirmed the eonatitutlona- Wo havu been intlexibly opposed to lily ot Uiapmnn h lull, Liboiura and , Uie exercise ot tho electiro liaifchise mrnmnHrp m.s a so 1, leiucm- , j ,a , 0, wlU!Vl.r t.0r brnnce, that Goveruoi ooK 111 veto ' , , . , . , , . ing shis bill, stood on the highest an-1 UHl luv igoram wimes aim inoignor thority in tie United Stntes, and tluit ia"1 ''lacks in a mnjuiity of thu States his position in 1 espect to tho bill is ah-(now enjoy the light, and it will he Bolutolv unasiailal K: that bv thin no- 1 .....!. . .. . .1. . .. 1 .1 . 1 , ... , , ... ', . , , 1 uimcitii. 111 iiiiiu ii awny iiuin mem. tTon ho killed n lull which was n sham . . . , , , nnd farce, which never could have been 1 l''""i'li " thu class of coloied jieo enforced nnd'uhich would hate resu. I plu who would bo made voters by any ted 111 nothing utii trouble nnd liliga- leoiistitutional aiueudiiieut. uro ironcr- igeut aut immpasur.ibly but- 1 to vote than ihoiiiiaiids ot accordance with law, and because the lKlu"t whites, wo say make tint rule Uregoman knows itlmt.oeiy attempt , uniform, mid give the right ol sutlr.ige to enact and eiilorcU suiih n law as that n nil men alike. Tim Constitutional lT,V"r.lS. "U,li",l"' l "r" j" an.cudmentoUered bv Co,,B,c c.,v the Legislature, will bo deleuteil by' , , , .' , , , the judicial tribunals. Slieh ,t.',. ,'''- wjiole question, and excludes gogues an Chapinau may iiiimbti" a ,1'10 Asiatic lacu, and tho action ol the untisaii Lvitislaiiirv, buuthey enifuot , Nevada Lcgiidat lire is indicat'no that !t,? S! ClIm,ls-U;l.y',' ,,J Ti' l11"-' lcoloof that State will accept it. excepting the honorabli'CouUs of J u.v J ' tices Mull ami Work, iilurMiid. In 1B07, II. TI. Hniglit, a Denirtciat, was elected Governor of California. lhu iiiuiii arcuuii'ui iui lea in noming nut trouiile nnl liliga- constitutioiiii tinn. Keep this also in leinembranee, tlllv iutullii:e that the Oregon ian approies the Uo-j, ' ,.,. , vemorV net beuniiu that a t was in ' "' tl,"u,,ll',l Tho Epidemic. Since our last issue we havo only to !.. . 1 . . . .1' iiiiiiii iirciimi'iii used nv 11111 urn ' ,.t i, ... 11 n.. .. i. , . 1 . . , 1 iiiiui 11 iuiii urn niwii m ruiiiiiMiiu, lull his friends in the camnihrn. w.m tiU' ... .....' the leas inexcusable, for no ignorant same "Chinese queMiuii." II.,H,t was ' , uu,""-an "w"ititHMr.Miiloinno ' ruiriiif t urn in ik on fi.iiii ........ -1? 1 1 uvwiiiL- oiL'uun. mtve tiruurrim 111 liii ftorle lunicittvcl tlio nnd coudi. ' nllev. One ol thu ntlivm. J. Wnll. . i . 1 . - , . . 1-- u .qua ifiedopinionjof both these respect j "" ?"!?." !"" J'n """" 1 " h ' "' 'T,,cl80n Cn,ok ,,",, h ,0"h W,n' -I!.1. .., t..:' .i:. i.i. ..,...,.. MS Ipiced to eoi k-Io Willi "aluion- vjr,1 n..A i !- ,1... firat appearance of tho fearful scourge, J we.rount sixty-five, case, fifty eight ol en in and near Jackson- lannu in tho oouutrv. person sliuttlcl lit; allowed to trille with terribly bitman life and health. Even after tho I T'1'1 ''i'1'1 .......,,.,. .. . 1 turn of u u iqun iliedopiniun,of both ttieso resiiect ..., i. ii. . , -'!--- '.le physicians, this tcmale charlatan ' Pyt.,l ieathens." J)ul almost the iiist had the impudence to insist that the 1 olHcal act ot this wliite man's clinui- .case was varioloid and objected tp the i,lo"i n,t"r '" inauguration m (over atient being vaccinated. It is with I ;'r, as to preside n.t irbauquet given n-liiali have bee. iflicul.y that the people choke down , 1"' fL - vlll. am. thu b. their indignation at this shameful out-1 inirnoso of ustnlilinliimr ri..Mil.iii,,..- 1,. ''There have been eightutm deaths un to ii. . c - -e - 1 . . . popular I Dung about- it Ireer coiuuu-uial and ' thistune,.tour p-itiouts aio now undo rage. There is a citrrnet ol wrath stirring and if ibis miiortufi.it I personal iniercouiM- between this rouii-1 tieatment, nnd the remainder nio eon vnung ladv flhouhl contract small pox 1 1,1";,"'"1 '"i"'1 WlIl"1c1,,tl,.,H ''''"" I vnleK out. Fo le.irlullr maliginnl Inn :',., , ' ., "islMiico of the remarkable cons stenuv .. ,, ... ., . " ." , by reason of her unnecessary nnd cru.-l t Denlocrnlio profi-siioiis and pnietia. -- lii been that not n hingle eon exposure, or tho convalescent patients on this Mihji-ut. lluie lliieiit caso has recoicred. There is uiioiher in at the pest-house tako the measles from staucer bucliapan s treutns hi ought 'one encouraging fart however niuoiig bcr, it will be hard to answer for the l,, l'' I'W, nnd now tho Demo-1 mi much sorrow mid death, none ol consequence. We are loth to war with XI lhl I co!& tiTJK '"" ' "" 'M.wll a woman but it is oilrduty to warn tliutwtt1iCliineBe!" JJm'i Ungui,utntan. ,'"r tn'rlJ' or ,,,r,y y03" '"' there i public 'against imposteni and quacks, !26fi. ' innuh doubt whether nny ol them bad (linugh they ahoiilil beforty times dis guised in petticoats or claiming tho deference supposed to bo due to femi ninity. w Tho Unionist say: "Secretary May has taken the very proper prec.-iutiiiu to employ a night watch, ami is determined thut the State treasury shall lie Hiirrounden with ev I he Oregouiau could havo added: UVL'r "vn v.n-ciuited at all. Thi- That since tho introduction ot Ohinuie ' I '',v,'(' conelusivly thnt vacciuilion i labor into California thu Democratic l01"' "'v hope. PersNt in it continue leaders in that State, both in the Legis Iituie and 011 the Supreme Ilonuh, have bitterly opposed any iizatiiuliun on Chiueso immigration. In 1803, the Chiueso l.ibor question was agitated in California, nod the .....:....!..:. .;.ii ii'i.! 1 .1 i-iy iiuici;iiuii lur no iii.-nciuicuuni.j, i it nig Mriy vucueuiieil III iroutirill ; till' '. Secretary May's precaution is a very 1 pass.igu ot an aut imposing a capitation 'win one, and woi'tnmend him for it. tax of titty dollais on every iiniui"rant "The eyes ot 1 ho "riotous ring of irres- not competent to become u citizen of ponihle rufhans," and thoso of a few mciccnary Republicans are on tho strong box of tho State, and it is well ' to watch it. , Wo tako the following items from the Unionist of Jan. 20th: , SIr.F. N. Wood worth, of Ilowdl Prni rie, a few days siiioc.sold eiuht hnirs to Mr. Cross, weighing in the aggiegate 2,208 'pounds. Tho average weight was 324 pounds eiob. The extreme -weights were 300 and 2P2. We doubt if thfio.o.tn be many such lots otJiogs .obtained in tho country. The material of Iluriah 'iirnu-n'a new paer arrived hero yesterday. it 'until NatMii'd that tho nutter will not "lake,, betoie fi oling secure. Soine otour citir.enshave tiied vaccination n trequenlly ns twelve nnd lilteen tinms without Mtcccss and at last Miccccdcd in getting a gi-unino vnceino sou-. Never bo satii-fie I until a compctem physician, prononucci vaccination pur-lect. A Handsome Letter. California. Iu the subtiodueut vear. three ,ory promiuciit Democrnts ( Asiilanp, Oo.v., R'b. 3d, 1800. Murrajr.'IIeydunloldf and Terry occu-1 Eihtoii Sit.N'n.vui.i -l'lease necept 1 led tlleSupmue Uenchtof that Stutv: J" "t,V,nl,',y,"B fpeyjineu of manu- '(j.;c7,;y''1iia: Court, as to tho validity of!thonct,'and ' pliincuts of tho Co. fceath of1 a Pioneer. The last ictitn ot small-pox among us was Col. W.T'Nault, who died fit It, p. in., on Thursday. Although in the fullness of old age, being 02 years old, it is painlul to retjuct that.afler a busy lifu and prominent services he should be struck down by ho dieadltil n malady that not n single mourner dared follow him to the grave. Mr. T Vault was one ol tho caily pi oneers of Oregon, and hns tilled a prom inent place iu its Territoiial rind Statc history, lie was a native of Missouri, mid came ncross the plains ns captain of a company ol migrauls, iu '845. To him is duo the honor of editing tho fust newspaper puhlitdivd on the IV ciliu Coast, the Spectator, whieh was fiialisaueit.in Ki'linwy 1840, at Oregon City. Col T' Vault was connected as edi tor w ilh tho Table l!ocki)eitiitclho firrt papi r publiihed iu SoiitheruOregou and alterwards published and edi:a 1 thu Jute ligencer, which was suited on the material of the Crescent City Herald, iu this county, lie also published and edited thu Index al Silver City, Idaho, and was Dlntiict Attorney torn short lime iu that Teiritory. Mr. T'Vault was a member ol thu piovUioiuil legis lature of Oregon. He was a 'member ot the first State Legislature ot Oiegon, from Jackson county, and was elected Speaker of the House ol'liepiesetitalives over lien Harding, Hllurwniils U. S. Senator, which posi tion was tilled by Mr. T' Vault with hon or and and ability. He took an actit e pail iu tho Indian war ol 1830 iu this valley, having led a company in the last battle that took placo before Gen Lane's treaty. Mr. T'Vault was a prominent polit ician, having acted uniloimly with the Democratic party and tit tho time ot his death occupied the position of Dis' trict Attorney ol thu 1st judicial dis-dinr'u-l, to which he was elected iu June U'OS. Like nil piomineiit men he had many hitler enemies and wnrm Itieuds. lis was a man ol strong and yenctoiH iiupuNcs, waim iu hit friend fhiji, poMtiio in his opinions. What erer limits he may line had are now torgotlon covered with t!Tu clods ol thu grave, nnd all that was good and generous iu hiuikhould only be remem bered. He was baptised into the Catlmlio Church a few months since.nn.i in his last hours was fitithltilly uuimmI hyihu Ciilholio Sineis ot chaiitv, leceiting the last ollie.s ol tho Chuu'li nun lhu hands of Father Mum-licit. His remain.'' lie in the Cntholiu 1 cmeier v and let us hoputhat liih ciirit is at 1 cbi. Tin. D...M11 Hi nor In.nojunci:. One ol the most touching, the saddeet, jtt lhu hullost scenes ot lite is the couch' of a dying child. Just 0110 week ngo, us the List hours ot thu day weie eb bing, and tho hand of Time turned to ihuiuidiiighthour, thBKpiiit of little Maggie. Line joined its mother's In the belter laud, and lhu scene Is de&cilbed by Ihosit who Mitmwd it as peculiar ly touching, liven the hhadow ot hope had vanished, and the heal ot thu den trover was on the littlo biilferer, whuu shu biighlened tip and coninieuced talk ing to her mother. No ouu was in the loom but the two nuii.cn, but tliechil.l iniited that her mother was standing in the loot ot thu i.ed and had come inounlaliislbiforu Ioiil'. 1 I"" tor her. A lew convulsive breiithbuud the little heart btuod still thu we.u v little lect had ciossed liiu biiuk ol A Word to the Homeless. EniTOii Skntinku As there is a geucial movement being uindo through out Oilgon to rneourago emirntiou, and show what inducements our young Slate nllbids, as n desiiablc place to locate, 1 would liko to any iik'tc words to the homeless about their chances in our, nltnoMt isolated county. ' Cuny county lies on the eoaBt, in thu exit cine south-west of Ocogon, is apaiaoly populated, is broken wild and, mouiilaliioiist nnd ponsea thu most de lighllul and hcalllitul climalo of Ore gon; indeed, it is much to bu doubted whether any other spot of tho globe surpnsxes it tor health', and even tem perature of climate. The wind blows hard here, some winter ; but never iu whiilwinds nnd hurricanes, nnd not a whit harder than it sometimes does in Web-foot. Along the const wo never have to contend with snow nnd ice, and their siisequciils and alternates; thaws and slush,, heat nnd cold. Thegrcat body of the land can nev er bu occupied, as it is heavily timber ed mountains; but there are tnnny places, yet vacant, that will make pleas ant homes, nnd, iu time, bo valuable. Along the const nio broken, hilly prni rii s, adapted to grazing ; w bile along nil our mountain streams ni email) rich, but small bottoms, often lonienient to some good stock ranch, that can be inclorcd, and Hindu into hotuc6. Our county can never bo nn agricul tural region, for we hnvc few exten sive fiel-li; but there ate innumerable tortile plner-Hj where men can cultivate a lew noes, make nn independent liv ing, ami be nil rounded by the hlcus ings of that inagiu word, "Home I" I wou'd say to those men uhodesin1 to locale, come nnd seu our coast conn try; but mine (list without your (ami lies, ami judge for yourselves. We have no wagon roads, only n trail over whie.li the settlor must puck his tamil) iumI Im tunc on hoticbnck. Tho trail iu places might (lighten a man of weak nerves, and no want you to come and try your ncrus; for this ia no fibre tor the timid, and tho mi enterprising, to settle; besides we do not want boll you, and ouisulies imposed upon wc wnu't men to know whnt they ate do ingand w e w ant men J A Strni.M'M Klloiubuig, Jan, 20th, 1800. I'llot Kuck furuishia us with thu fol lowing: Mr. A .1. Huruett arrived at Ali- hind yestenlay troui . ink Klver. lie came iu on the I'Jttti 'rant toad without d flletilty. He Hates that lhu wealhvr has not bun ut nil tcciu iu the Lake eounirv, and that iheic is not miom xulh'i-ieut to prevent thu htock fiom do ing well on the raiigo. 1'woplu at Klamath confidently look for an caily i pi ing. - 'I Durnett Mart on his return on Tlimsdiiy next. Agent ,Applegate, Trot. Stanley uud Maj. bverlon, Ktarl lor Klamath to day. They go ton the Immigrant mad. Thu inot bci ions epidemic raging hem now is tho Goobu Lake fever, which is likely to curry off tunny ol our eilui'iif, iu boon spring opens. It is teaied Uncle Iko Miller has got it, ami that ho will break out (over the s,niiftBi ".j, t M ' "U. MM SsturdiW 'rnTSXi' r.nM '4 j '?' ' mlLJZBiSPPWii to flV ,7-w I'Sll. 1! I t r &hy&i) A petHUn. tmmJjj Konln.,, I, ui, ilLu.L'.WIfc 1'srJoa.oHUaWl t , n I j"S' It llAU.Kh, D. V fv. ,1. moulbila lbs eonst. i-t "" thr i-q.i. .,r ii.. ti.i. .. WH4 - uinwasiiidt, En 1 '"Iwliodpoafta ,,!&,;; Jj wsiitolUILnuiiia i:. f W'B.F.Glltuw'.nd'JiiiIS Hu.x) Irsm-Tli K.Lk h.iIWm.. rK,"r,"ril,8l'AMll.,slffi'J '.Ur,u,.,lonw,l)nMd.y,CHlJJ Uberlh..u.vWW.;j.3ST blllufS.,erfWjll(l),,bjnMr-' IUtircc t)tucT..-tyclc.rn 'tWiL llreb.. it.rtha ihrugb )rtw froa fi$ lu tl.u other, wins outlWt-df.Wr, ,W 2 , Milling !01 vililmui uiug proptrlj ut It In ulj, br Imn routii) uiro.ci emsili thtttf linen uti whhli Hinnunt til kbuat $JO,l)U0,tfc IIih unonse. Wo luru tbat tli nnti trooitu iSonlliii Oregon,, yinfl6m ft TlieiU-liitlre, wliniTir Immhij U, wj, lirDII 1,-ih.iJ llilugnul ortMi.'Mtij&n Ui tlio flutrn imiMi.ul' lwum'ij. t C "AnExp!anitfon-,J & 'Mr. tuiTna.-lti t.c Imi hrat It itth tinki mii mlii If nimHil tiiitUr liii ripiiua ( UIU t'hj lotk la iii (.mb trf CbriAtaa'jifcick I ui.n.f uh in il In nijn.ll, uijf"bim. M liven iicciiniil li) llieviiiluw iIhoiu ipukca if vt lilt li Liiiiliiililil.l.itHdVuli lUl wen miit. j Ulnv anil tin1 Ut ilin.tini luuiitlirtt upun tbrta uero l!tf lnu Rhd tcuiiittliiiu ni Uk' Ulrfti. I hid rt'rt-M.iiltr7ti.iiitilii;Jultii tic i of tliuili'iiuriiiru ol .Mr-.Ciluiiiru- nj Ormittj r.'ii. ilnit '-flu' liluiil ).ntL-iiv Mlii) IHkiI iu -liii-Miriililc," nil of which ! Itl.e. Ibe trou li .lit r liu-Uhd wim luilrlniil iu mn Inr himUt unit riMil.iiinl Unit I ui ut I lie Imu-e jmt Uloit Iiit d'iuilnre, tlit lic ttl'd lu .ll Ut Cvcr mnl litoc-rli iul(rn ut tn trnl tioiii Ul cnnlil mil mi citil; hi f.iit 'li ItN lu tlllbra ul 1111 lutitttMil mill ulitr licr Imlatf ,'ki'Hll rtiC it-k. O nil- II 1 wnulJ Uti-tin Ul I d'dw, mnl tli l lit Itiv In .ill suil loul uImj im1ii(. I 1II1I I.Ot ih-liiuml lid1 Ti'UI, raik'li lei iuiS M urytiJty imfvrtwit MriTi'tiUd. 1 ioi(illji i'... lui tn.iut- lli.nr iiuid li tbi'hnj 'uaCt rf Kiui'irU-. which rlientlil'd mi ud cunld M .oil. The arlicld alutvn lUl'-n nutuwet offa. mils' B'-mriiiul Inrnvtrvrai 4tUi cunlnfr led I.J Iit lil builiand, 1 furwit MltJ; it Jurjtr U lit ll.aii nnjr i.ljilit mV't.'fciiM lli.ru i- mini Uilni; 'Jill due in. id Ucim I hcc j.Ud Minn, (iri.lliti.l, 'ttuitU.tc ui liellhiri'. II Mir luku ultiPijnil tU-Mtf, Iml'iJ ul imvili); nii'in u iiuiluPlll'jiu.jHui inui v ntl,; vl. T i n tui'Xi'n; lur y maI-ic It IU mil hum in mm injum r utiniv mc yvm untl I a.k (luvl Ibi.. t'jqiluliulluH luttalitti ymir culuimio. L. !' Uma ' rnoiKfxJiN,:iiu im. Wbnauf. Die nil 1" x l-ln-w UV4.!i thu ItiVli t.r JaCKO'lOUtr, Ul iu uiuai nwiijiu luriii. Mlienilril wlih u"Mti(!ti)itd utl r.lrlv liid.cilin!: tt tiichlr Inla-tluu. i4t d tnic cliuiKiltr 5 llaMere we lt Wt a H"t'd CUZi'ur el 1 liiHtl X. uud ticliiilr, (kw mrii"u ul milium i.drrt.iuhdu.lluiK ihu inllluliuii ulu iiMitcd tu act va alli iiiiiiuiilUc lu mlutiL uli.u.iuluUuliJWifr iiUturn. t,i dull, il.c nint.eri.iTa at luailiMiiia nllii'nt", A .'i whilw.JI. J1W ut JuiUiiivilfftWharxJu Vbojii-nM i.l ll.ucilircti.nl 1'iiui'iiiX aim antrm' liCtl l'f III nl-ili.uil uf all bu-lucai ! iZLlla lur tun I allien. MirOIJUI i-uiim- kiliiliitliiriUiiu LIIU Jalt.nuuTini'Uiwij' IHi val' lite ul Mitull-liiix tlKru, Im, IMufif" .I..H..I.I . ii.utluii iii imr ntiticu 10 lit r-. il.UU Jail"' kiaatll IIW "T! iwtu nur'et.itna. "nr it vvaa pionolincetl null ami oid. "end you tlua m n token of our cluriiily ! If it be Hue that invisible Why? Ueciuao in the opinion of the nirt cinlloii ol yoiirryinimihjr uiul .Ih bplllJclU8lt.,. 0I, tbl, llok, . . Court it waa clealv uuciiiifliituti......l. ''Hicem our tiiigglen in atari ug the '- , ' , .... lHOl,,lU i, .! i i ,? f . filUulul i euteiipnte, and hoiw you may havo ii i,lr wf, C,IU ' l,,u ull''' J'l "t aeo it violated tho npint of tho law. which ,iLt. ,...l !,.'.. L: f i .1 "ili. ' hue ...oil V 'l. .... II - w W..I. .J llllb 11 II UH Gamiilixg. A Eugene paper atntra thnt they ha vr a concern there at which the boya apend much money. They call it the "Tiger." At last, accounta (it wna at laigp. x, I And arrange to Bay, the more tho boy tickle the animal tho larger it grows. 4j, , Bkwaue or VAitioLoia Wo bag our citizens not to treat varioloid light ly. Shun it na you would a coufluent caBc. Ono of tho most terrible, inalfg- nautand fatal caaea of variola contin ent weibuve had, wna contracted from a case of varioloid, so light, that tho per roji who had it waa a subject of deria ion no one believing that lie bad more ttian a'acvero cold. it ' . i, -. . ."Weekly-CoMMKiiqiAi, Wo Ijave rewivpi Iho firat copf of tlis' paper ptiiiHtflieiTby Dull &Tfoxr' in'Portland. It ia a neat looking aheet, but ita Dem ocracy ia rather "undiluted." I'U'Arlt- finrniiitim.fi i. ..!.. ...... .l I. !.. .1 . .... F o" jjiuiuii, nun in nir ii us iiiu proiiuciion 4vacur abrogated a aoleinn treaty ol comity hoiiio iiiaiiulaotury, of which you noted and iriendHhlp with tho Cluneao Em-1 !10 i'looimiduublo part 111 nabiating to pire; eutured into by the treay.makiug 1 "m"K"utot ..-..., 1 . .. " . with reanect puwer, ruiiiieu oy a aemocrauc senate ' T nm v..n- tn.i.. v...- nud aigned by a democratic Pieaident. J. M AIcCail Plea Co. It waa held by thu CourUhnt tho inten 'With tho above haiidaouie letter wu tionofa tax waa prohibition; that it I received enough cloth .ot Aahlaud ma- Ahhlaid, Feb 2, 1 800. from waa equi v a't nt to prohibition, and 1 hero fore contrary to .be-apiiit of our Con alitution, and in diiect .violation oi n boleuin iiitvniatioiiul obligation. Uero 'it. a conatitutfioual wnitaiit Jur a inon- grel race niuong ua an inturprefed by a rtcwiocraacisupieine Com t,no imposed on na by ia camocrrtfio AdniiulHtriitiou. ' In 1857, a prominent lteiiiiblican niitactui-o to irinko a full suit. It ia a apleuditl urticlo ami good enough for a millionaire We will bo proud to wear it and while thanking lhu Company lor their generous iiikuowledgineiit ol our efforts iu behalf ot an important iudua- uiaioniurjir.ee, no may bo permitted to oxpruas'lliu hopo that the public will appreciate its importance to Southern member of tho California Legislature, ' Oregon and Hiixtain it liberally, May Jir.'Georjre li Tincrlv. introdiieeil I thu uioneeranindles of Snnilini-., r... w. "- '- "I - .."..w. .. WIV .yt of Olii j gi nevtr ceaB humming ind may jibvery oitizonfof Jackson Ouuiity soon .w n....niiu in uiu npiuumu pro,umjt ol thu Ashud looinfi, ( In ou'r'reilfaVka oh "Week-day relig ion" a'ahort lithe ainoo weintoudod no refletili6h oifRev. Mr. 'Villlarna. That gentleman kindly Toluntcored hia aer- vicea,m any capaolti.''but na bo twk not a r'eaiflont ot tho town they ware doolinwl. . " uni, iiiieiiiieu 10 Hton mo mill ncae immigrnnta into Mint Suite, which nun ujjpweu unu acjeaiea oy tho De mocracy, on thi gruund of uncomttitu "a(i1!, ;foui the fjra ngkatipu of thonucHtipn, to this day, the moHtpio ntiii6nt KepublicHna i.n California havo raised iiieir-voicea ngninst Chinese la bor and Immigration (unconstitutional. Iy,.wqduit)anbyet. in tlio laoe ot '.miqowtrpertublo Jiaota, tho Uepiubljcuiis ra uuargeti wiwi "mongrc.lizing"' the country, not given to childhood to pieieo tho veil ot the liiliuile, and 8eubeyolid,iio glory and the bijglmmsa that ia only vouch aafed to huintiu dieams? Sad as such ccencB are, they have their lesion, and tenon us mat autuly: all n r0t vacant beyoud the giave. JBcTbk Noticea The new inngiiziue oi Wayne TJeid. Qnoard, ia uceived. It is entirely filled with original .matter from the pens of some ot the first wijteia iu the country. The fii st number eulillea it to a high innk iu tho literary world- published by G. W. Cai'let'on, 07 Uioadway N. Y. Vick'a l-'loial guide for 1809, has come to baud. It coiitaiija a coinplote catulogticof tho most choice flower and garden eeeda, and should be in tho hnnds qf al who have a taste forfloW eia. Addren Juines Vick, ltoohester.. Tho New York 'Teacher and cduoa. tiounl monthly should bo procured by everyone having an hitereaidn jioiiillur education. Prjco II 60 In currency per annum J. V. ohoinnwliprn" ,C Co., H.llondSt., N. Y. Pacino t'oatt Havities. The San Joso jail ia crowded. Smnll'pox has iluapneatcd Stockton. 'J'hecaisnovv run to Elko Station four miles east ol Sacramento. Mr, New m.iu has fifteen looms weav ing filk at San J use, Cul. Los Aiigele!, Cat., ia taking d -lively interest iit the bilk cul lure. '' Tho Is'aynjt) Indiana uro ut ivar with the Apaches iu Aiizoun, Tho' removal of thu Capita! from Carson ia being agitated iu the Neva da Legislature. ' ' Fittteii luucinlrt of victims "of the small pox totik placo in Milwdukco in one day leceutly. '' Tliniligh truys by rail from San Fran claco io Nvvvoik may bo uuutitius ea( ly us May. i, ,4 The Sun Frnnciaco Hoard i-Police ComiuissioiiersliuveiippoiuttiduujHteeu now noliceiueu. lL- Theie niv eight Cases of smSM-pox in the Custro tttntily near Yrvka, all in one room. The house is candidly guarded. - - a Tlioacho(iUtmaotMinifesoti4,Baputs luJittoai',OQU, lit Athrottdmill ii H6yoki (Masa.), strings out 23,000 diuen apools daily. iIn California there, is, ono. wai) to threo wen; fn Nvdij ou to iglitt in Colov.-vdo.ooeto'twvnty, ,, ' I. i.lk IA lltallllll III" ill W -" ' i. .illlliutillia Uid o'u-i'O liii .line I'lJ Jt. M.i.l m ia Lia'cMf lu'lne iiW-hos.--;- .nonit. llmt lliiaCuiuimtK WirlcoX vuo.HOUiul4,b it llKal"J'l,l,j lit lirwliiililiofiiutf lifiU'Ufi, l( ?$( iitiiU(iiiAl)ltl.lirWtiJis iiii.iay. ii.Kiivil, T, ,ft auijr, J. T CJ Jimi Lli JtoLnu.un. .m'Mir,J.AI'-f7 N. K. i(,i. i . li )ii dj.j.VJ.! iw i h. t.ore. L, A It. e. rf 1.1... 1 1 v, B-Cl'i' V lad I...C & a.i).el, K.K AiftJ.I, O W lullv. Wm lluuir.i. eil '" If Hub r. ,A by,J.'Uuatjnal.fcl,i num. i: .a; Ijiiiui. iimaiK i.vit Jiihn'C'ieiby. S. Jl. J.utni.-AW2 Jikei.lt alct.ulliilc,'. Klu.rhi WW . ti' a i.-.'l, I V Aiuatiltt. r ' llienr. Jobu J'uliiiniii. lias. !. J7 1'l.uniton, Jlwiri Axlttl, ft ..VT Itot.lit.oa.Jubullulilii-ou.W.U.JWW' j. u. Urotvii, ai. arjio, s- tuun. f-rz liuris. U.ll tJjUTl O. '',. VI W. Ullr.-r, 1. Uutuburc, C.Ui.i-f dal.ti. r'mrujf. vv e, tuu tuurctiuw " ,",,w .Vvaniit M, i.eui r. iu ile.M Irym iVtf'K Hto tie pmf uluueu ul nuall-'X lit "'Jil ii.urUlliire luiwnJjfIWrjnrs' iKjmupll aiiutiilutl i W ty"f uuonlilH'. ' T i ' Aahl7u(Brf,i Ed. Se.NTi.NEb: At a Vrji ing ot tlio ciiizeiia ot AshWS ll.Ts date, tho foHf 3fll were' mianimougly adupM hLy Wri' Thai lw rijjtW Hie Inlmhllanuu y &," iall ilculurly JMkevi I'llSrVf'Sir f iiixi anil vW"lt : TfSm fe v en tu A.hlai.il. nfc ".JTaWr aawasr u, his. lliruuiiu f",P'TJ,tiSwi aflFp eTtly luhUl" ua PhKiiw WW : Ur who are rroin W" "tsoQJL Jtaulit IM "'"0,"d.or..f7wioH?f ... .....ui.i.l b kummury an'"-' -La&j Kill? nai ! J . J wm tr ...j,,... ... . AM ''l1' ... i-HllH, O -Q. Arptsemia ; Aah lailll ttmiLua- nm p ? d vf-''niJtWco.tt tsr wVrf .mm ,.!