fM&mmmmmmm,mmmm---. 1IU.SINKS3 NOTICKS. Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OREQOX. Aabroty pee, Photographs, Cartes de Vislto DONB IX THK F1XEST Sri'LK OF ART. l'lctiircii ItcriticiMl OR EXLAROEP TO LIFE SIZE. DR. A. B. OVEltBECK, Phys ician& Surgeon, JACKSOXVlf.t.E, ORECUX. Office at liH resilience. In (bo Old Orerbeck Hospital, on Oregon Street. DS. E. E GBEENH1N, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON, OFFICE Corner of California And Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. IIW IT III I'lnwiuc li. KBC.npii win. .it.ini.clll t. -Ill -...if.,. I I..L. .i . .minllM .ml attend t.rtii.u.tlr l.i i,rf....l..i.l .-...,.., , , . (- '- --.- ........ lit. fii.str DR, A, B, OVERBECK'S BATH EOOMS, Zs tho Ovcrbock Hospital, i WAKM.COLD it SHOWER MATHS, I SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. r. unum:, m. i., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, viiiujt rcniuven to vaiuorma Direct, South side, JacktonTllle. D.c. 21. 1. If7. ileciU-tf .- . . . nit. m:vis oamww, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON AND Otoatotx'lolau. w ril.t, atlMid In any ttlio mty iniulrf ht ' m lb H4H side 3d .Sinrl. l.tkontlllf.nor'Jlf ! . .... I i, r. bun i.i.ts ii ii haisv.s. tervirM. lilllrr nl II. I. luiril uiilcu. i DOWELL &. WATSON, ATT0RNEY8 AT LAV, JelloiiTlllr, (Irruiin. d". L. WATSON'," ATTORNSY AT LAW. Kmplrr t'lty, Cmi Cotmt v, fsw. Warren LoiIko No, 10. A. F. d A. l A HOLD ilirlr r"i;iilitr ruiiiuiuiilnillon. fron lli WiiIih-mIut Urutituc or iirrciil. V luc the lull moon', hi ji hnvii.i.k. ok- qo. A.MAUTI.N'. W..M. 0. W SiTAiir.Sec'y. Eli DORADO, S.K.t'or.Cal.iVOEii. Sti.JarhKiuvlllf.O S. M. FARREN. STAROFTIIErXIOXi CELEBRATCD STOMACH BITTER8! ThM i).li., IHllrn re rutirljr ' f tiutl., tml firr fn-iii .huliul tu I utcry liurl- TRY . 1 JUDQE THEM! -Awr FOR TRY i WT I YOUR THEM! f 'SELF! Tut liicrr.lliit. A iViMiit Innl.', trd a nio't (ntthU .lilnV. nutlit I' II --lcl will, lMlMiiiiiiriiiiiiiu.U lull I III M.bllli L.iuailf fr.mlli. piroti iiikIx (4.iimII Iwrl ' inlh.rlM. ninliinril.lniljtliil MlliPii ii-n! ... . . .. . .. .. .. ii..ii.ii"(IIi himu.i ii,iiiiiii.).i iiir.niij now,'... . illll l,firlil, )Oir. IUIII, f Aviirlllr, rU'. rlr. I it mlf fi vl rif.t XNKIIltKIN., for f.n-rin k JnlHui, fan I i.iiini' Lonf J . A. ...1 . . l V t for I i.... .. 1 1 'O Woxxix&x-yixxoix AND BLACKSMITHS. CiaUrland and Ltblb COAI, anil PIG IRON 1,000 Ton, In itori and afloat, for tale by J. R. DOYLE, 413 and IIS I'aalllc St., Ban Fmuoltco. ftlil-ly. Zfotice. The nnilfrtlrrnid tikta tills method of In- ormlog all thoie Imlrbtrdt o the in by bonk aa coont or itherwlnii, to come lorwam immeni ttly aod settle their accounts, tod also those who bare dsmandi a(ralnt n. HQPK1NS & CO. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby glten to persons Indebted to us to come forward by lb 1st ol Janu ary, 1869, and settle their accounts. W roust art money. 8U0H5 DROS. SEND FIVE OENTg FOR SAMPLE COPY cf the AMERICAN WJT. Addr "AMERICAN WIT" CO., 69 Cedar tri, . Y, I, 0. Uox 6693 WK WNT KVKRYBODY TO 5UB80RIDB to tb MKRICitN WIT, 60 eenU ayw AUtm 'UMERION WIT" CO., OUv mt.K.Y. f.0, Box 6111. GOOD FOR THE aOUTY.TnE AHVh 04N WIT, 60 Mb 7r. AMn "4MW0iN WIT" CO., CMtr srtt t m lhs nm 0 ttmn VOL. XIV. THE OREGON Emm, ITUI.ISUKI) Every Srtttirtluv Mouilus; by B. F. DOWELL, OW'W, CORXKIl 'C THIRD STREETS TKHMI UP UCIISCUIPTIUM For one rear, In ailvMice, four dulWr ; If not 'iM wlihln (lie llrrt fix mnntbn of llm year, fire dollars If not t'IJ until tin eijilr.tlan cf the year, ill dollar. TIUtMl OK ADVKItTlsrXU i One nntnro (10 line or li-l. flrnt Insertion. three itoilat. : etch nilniiteiit In-crllnti. ou I "". . iii-muiii m hut iwr cent, ill! in I .iii. . .it:- . ... . .in . i ... ..I- ... .1 ..I... -I !- !. . ' u""v ,u U'"K """ """ "J ""- Jr. I.el Tomlcra received at current ratci 5-; You'd Do so Too. I flitted little, one time, wllli n gtrl All woiwti arc girls till ttn-y'rc married you know Wbo'd n "U'nin ill's ltli;!il" mind, and un eye mi llm world Of dominion, be'd Lic e'er Lit early drilled bcAU. fliM tium and liitM cunt, like IMrlUi nsjje, And ttnud n' elect in lln) Ivy htii'i'i.l lml ! She cnillil ttdl nf llic minder of irtery uC, And fi-ckn.'icd berelf uf-Ajr cit tiia o!i-. tftiv mnlKsl nnd hc tlioti.lit I would fall In irmice, CI... Ilful.lxil flint t.1l.t.ltl I Ulilllil fl.ll .itl my ; km-ec, 1 Sti frowned, and be thought I would humbly . V!V,"ce, , , ,. .. , , ' And I wvll, I nikid lirr n'liiluii of lUail And I Ude Itlllo cupM Lilnic b-k lit keen dart, And Icavthcr to lute her own vMuni oftlr ; So I wiped her chalk linen by a itruko Iroui my tirurt. And cu pld mid I went . bunting cliovtbero. Then itdleu MIIm bp ntcr-Iiul let mi mltl-f, ' '" u"'' nii,-".ui.,r win iiiniijmi k"u, Ilemwntwr Ihil anhr ttholMi tor it iiru-. Mum Uini; oul a bale .rurtli ulOMIu. almil I'ur Letter From B. F. Dowell Pinky MiU'Main, Ai.nuM.vitLi.Co. December 2-lh, ISO'.. This placu is fituited foiiitceii miles net ol IJor.luiisulle, and fuurleou iiiili.-i north of Ch irlotisville. This county was iuu uirtn pi.u-ooi iuu niiiiciius m tnu uiiuuu ct.iiv ntm uppiiiu . .. .... thorol this Icltei, ami tliu luitli ami residences ol two Prexideuts, mid ol I.uwi-, one ol thu firnt exploiersul Orc-.fiom the political i-tbrio ol thu uation, conin IS0I-5-0. After his return luunu. an 1 a di.solulioii ol thu Church of Kug- lrom Oieu.m he iiuliliihud'a full ac - I count ot the iwplur.iliou of t ,ol tiiic. Clark to the I'.ieillu Coit. Tiiu book ' Whllu tills ijuustion was under ilis- vvasulargu and costly edition, and (cusion .Mr. Newdegate, ouo ol iho ! notwithstanding he wns in allluiutrlr-.nieiiibci's of the House of Commons iu eunistaiifes pi lor to his travels in Oro- last October said: L'on tliu iieu'lecl nl his I'triii an 1 no 'iocs, "Washington desired thuro should ' dur ng hi voyagu and thu publication ol his travels ttrtcr ho returned , .. . , I... l. ..,.i : .i.,!,. noma onuigiu mm " ...- IU found but little sale for his Looks. Hoai.i.liud llrst to tho Government to i.i. i iu ,,l !. i,.ak few coiilt s. i..." i.i. i!.r. I., nnnlior ., UUl tllin Mill ivik i'"riw I 1......1 ll ii..... nnnliiMl to thu . Co... t of this county to buy some ol, them to pay lortlieirpu for their publication. Tho ' Court relused to bllV Oil tho ground that they did not need them, and that thoy hud no power to u thu rovuuuo ot tho county fuY any hucIi purpose (le rcturuud liomu and loaded down with debts uud disappointments, iu a moment of dlspair hu ui.od his razor and cut his veins in both aruiH and ho bled to death. Tims ended onu ot the highebt intelloota and greatest travel lers ol modern times. His latu tdiould bo aiad warning touts countrymen nqi to get iu debt! Ho was really tho path finder, and Frccmont had tho book lor n guide which cost Luwis Ills lire. He, with only 31 men besides hinisolf, nsceudud the Missouri river boon lifter its purchase from tlo French to n point where ft foot could bo placed on each nldo of tho river; uud ho heard ono of his party, in a fit ot enthusiasm, thank God that ho had lived to bestride the Missouri. He, undismayed, crossed tho plains-crossed tho mountains where no white foot had avor trod. Ho deucendodtho Colnmidaltiverfrom its source in tho Uooky ilountains to its mouth, and returned homo tho saino route through tlio midst of the untutor ed and barbarous savages, unharmed. In his journey totheoliimbUrlverho entirely exhausted his provisions, and starvation stsred fcltm In thu face. They killed and eat their riding horses, but they were too meagre to keep soul and body together. -They were com JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, JANUARY A Clark and tliuir compaulonj by the opi robr'ious name ol dog-untew. Poor Luuris br.ivud everythinjr but ilobt,ntul nn unr.ttoful and tmrnioious constit uency who did not utjpruciato hi ar duous labors. ItUfOUMCAMitU, Has been beaten in the recent olectiuni in Spain. The liqiuhlicaus only cariiwd SevilU and U.irculu; but truu republi can piinuiplcs nra ndvauuiti in Ktig laud and thu United .States. The peo ple oi thu latter have been cugrosied with the nuro qtiuntlon, while the for mer haro bcuti in a stalo of uxtr.iordi nary cuufiuiou on tho subject ol church and state, with no welt delluud princi pies to dUliugtiiih thu p.irtiuioue Irom , thu other. Thu most duiltiitu distinc tion ii (tGlai1sluuLV thu I.iboral chief tain and "Disraeli,1' the leader of tho aristocracy. Gladstone is olio ol the most giltcd inun ol the nyo, In thu Into elections in England tho ar'utoura- cy wuru uuaten, nnd thu Libur.ils, alias Tories or, have 110 majority in the IIoii'u ol Commons, which coin polled Disraeli to resign tho premier ship to Gladstone. Thu Liberals real ly doservu tho credit of passin-j the great ltcform Act ol the last syssiouof Purliamuut, which extended milTragu to tho poor Irish like Congress extend ed HUlTr.igo to thu uogrocs. They nru also in f.ivorof thudis-ustabliihineiitof thu Irish Church. Disraeli and his fol lowers oppose this -is bitterly as tho Oregon Democracy oppose negro sulT rage. Disraeli lour yearn ago opposed the extension of suH'rags iu the ISritish 'isles, but hu lived to nee it quietly I yield to the public clamor. The De mocracy of tho South and many of ihv unrepentant rebels North and South, now lator or pieteud to lavor negro sutlrago. Disraeli still bitlerlroppuics j tho division ol church lrom stalo iu . huglainl and irt-laml, and tu Democ uaoy North and it fw illibural Itopub ' .. . . .... .in. i nogro Milirage. iuu pusvui paruu- incut will sever the Church ol Iu-lniidl I .land mil lollow. It is only a question le an established Church iu the Amor- !lin Hcpublie, and ho vras ouly defeat- led bv aiiiiiiishintrii'UP. Cairoll work- . - - - M P Ji'llcwoii, who wa. n disciple N Voltilrc, and who succeeded in pro- venting America irom naviug nn csiao- ! Hsliud Chiiroli In connection with tho ,, , ,. Hepubho, Carroll had a brother w'.o was rrm. and he was reward J "c" K ' " " " omau ualnolic Uisuoii in thu United Slates." I never Iiutrd bulore ol Washington uxpiessiiig'any such opinions; but If it bu truo it is only another illustration nf thu workings of Dtviua providuueo iu using tho combined powers ot Iiifi dolity and Uomanisiu for tho further ance of trim republican principles, and tho spread of tho gospel ol Christ in that political aid. Washington was a devoted Christian and a member of the Church ; and ho and other distinguished politicians at tho time of tho formation of the Constitution may havo been in favor ot a union between ohiirch and state; but at this day and timo it would bo almost a miracle to Uud an Amoricaii politician who would dare to express such sentiments. Tho oxamplo of Amsrioa is oxorting a powerful Inlluonco iu Kngland. The combined powers of nirstocraey, holl and the dovil can't prevent the exten sion of suffrage in England nor the aep eration of cburoh and stato no moro than tlio Deraocraoy, anstooraoy, cop porhoads and rebels combined with ig I'orant, illiberal Republicans can pre vent the extension of suffrage in the Uuited States. A clergyman was attending a sol dier on his death-bod in a hospital dur ing tho war, when observing a drum mer in tbo same ward, whom he took for an invalid, lie exhorted him to join with him n prayer. "Thank's" said the hero of the drum tick. I no net require it the doctor mlmd 30, 18G9. rrj iCJn ICvtimnnlctUd. Tho Pcstlleneo. "In thonitdst of life wo nro i How appropriate these words today, e i i . in .i .ii i Suruly and Head y the pustiicne is '. i.i . weeping over tho land, covormg it ..m' .i- , HU.iiilw-iuiuKiiiiHiuuiiiuK ...... to embrace their children even on thu portals ol tho tomb, return to dust, nnd witli sorrow. "Terrible as nu army their hostility. Therefore buforo pub ... oa. iicr.,- ucati. comes ... mo .or.u ( i.s.iing our peage oi eienia enmity , wnUli, ,,,, iU frotn n Ile, b. o a fearful con agio... F.w who are, o ardent spirits w-e submit the follow-;borl ',,,,, (loW1 J stricken by it. hand can hope to live. , ing we I acts for the eon-1 ,,,, ,:lrtl,,lg BM(, , a niJ,1ml0 Wflfc The gray-haired siro and tho vigorous. Eidcratiou of al caudd men: . i .i . t . in., i i hi ii . .i t .i i ii i I- i . , . , ,, wp in tho tree ngain, greedily devour- child (all together. Mothers, fearing Alcohol is a destroyer of the bodes , , ..!!. 1 (its) .i ..i i ... ill . st . , youths mid maidens, full of lifu and.efit to one; it dwarfs and perverts tho spirit, radiant with liope, and to whom! mental energies of m u, and destroys thu world is an Kdcu, xtricken by thuj tlia uoble&t impulncs nf their hearts; hand ol remorseless pestilence, fill tiu-i it is the fruitful source of every crimu timely graves. When a land is itiva- and the iusplror ol villainy known to dud by u hostilu foo, then the people lisu with alacrity, and prompt nnd en ergetic measures aro iusliluluu to ru pel the l.o-ader, for only on such mcas- every one sea thu danger and r o.lixr. thu necessity of inimudiatc action. His ' long lines of bayonets come gUan.ing1 on, his banners wave, the thunder ol his , artillery arousu thu laud. All e and hear, and all are up lor immudiate and t ! I ...!.... -.. I t ,.. .1... ieu'1 lumen iieiuni. jii iuu ui m'uitj blinds tliu uyes of many, and bunco with nlmHt unaccountable recklcsk ness tlioy go on. Iteasjii would dictate immediate, decisive action. Stringent regulations iu regard to intcrcourso nnd prepara tion, bliould bu iuitiated and enforced throughout the whole country. What if a linn must sacrillcu kuniethiiig ol comfort, something ngrucablo and c,ccrj, ,g jjf0( or a fuvr dollars ot nitliv luuri.? Am thu.u thiiiL'i to bu comptred to lilu itself? Would they prolit a mm in t!w gravo, or make hi eternity brightor bayond thu tomb ? If Uh'sj rtigulatioiM are striugent and null obtoi ved. thev norlians may not bo ni'edi'J long. To a mm of good principles ami hiimauo sentiments, the welfare ot others is a pleasure; and in a emu like iIi'h, In which wo are now called to act, such a pursuit would wil lingly saurlllcc ni.ieh for thu good of the whnlo community. It thu people decide that houses ot business should bo dosed In your town until there is danger no longer, and iu disobedleuco to this you keep yours open, hoping to gain a few dollars even at tho prico of introducing tho contagion Into the com munity, you deserve tho most scathing anathemas of tho people, and when tho danger is no longer, their patronago should be wilhuld as a just recompense for your reckless cupidity, Let us re joice that there is a means at hand to juatorially curtail tho power ol tho con tagion. At last iu San Francisco they have turned to vaccination as tho only hope ol ultimately checking tho dread malady. Thousands can testi fy that after vaccination thuy have laced thu pcstlleneo with impunity, nursed ita victims, smoothed their brows in death, and laid them away In their last resting place, aad yot havo wont on their way without falter ing. A small proportion ot vaccinated persons havo died with small-pox. Is their any cvidenco that they expori euced thu coinplelo cfTcots ot vaccina tion ? To bo effectual thu vaccination virus must bu puro, andproperly ap plied, and tbo vaocinatod'porsoii Bliould observe that the effect on him is deci ded by physicians. It is a consolation to know that vaccination has had its proper effect, and that the soreness is not morely the result of tho wound. Let us act in a spirit becoming a hu mane, stnsiblo and energetio people. Pilot Hook. Ashland, Jan. 20 I8D9. "Oh mother do send f or the dootor I" said a little boy of three year. "What for my dear?" "Why. there's a gentleman In the parlor who aaye he'll die if Jane dee eit marry him, and she says the won't" . ( is oven moro terriblu than a visiblo ar-J "ct ana comiert;-li semis ins cull- .. m - ...y, because thousands are ao klow to ln-n into thu world as beggars, ci0Hi Willi trmiiiliant chuckle, proecod.d arise to a realization of the danger, and or idiots, when, but for alcohol, they ! "" ' '. the necessity ol prompt and mlfiln liaio been ...en and women oil i'l lonc, he uanied the two picked mea.ures. They cannot s tho enemy, education npd respectability ;-it i, thu ' ; '' ,'a;1 ' ' Jnl Sociability and oonvlvlnlily are !.. the Irultlul source of idleness and neglect , H-MtUnotl air, w hie I, seemed to ryc-ol.o...f,indl,,o.LAU 'l"ty; medium of bribery '. ""rc aro it,o bads, .ir-JuU NO. 2 j ' Tyl'I'l J" I1"'. mC r'ji!"i'J l Declaration of War Against Alcohol. When, iu tho judgment oi any num- n,cath.",berolmen,lt becomes a duty to wa gcr war against any cause, ageut or . . m i . , i Bybtetn ol oul, a decent respect for thu i i p i. i i . . opinions of mankind riuuircs that tlioy .i' i ....,,..!.! ,' ...i ju.k uuu .uiiieieiu rcaraus lor I of men, injuiing nnd ruining the con- stitutious. of thousands where it is a bun- man; it leads to insanity, paupurism ami moral degradation; it is tho 11 rut born unomy of virtuu and the harnl mM ol every ice;-lt makes its vota- conluinpt iu life, and sends him to tho Kavc "'r- his time, "unwept, uiihoii- "red and unsung ;"-lt leaves his w,l. w in helpless poverty n hopeless toll - r by thu mid.iight lamp, spending in wnl and sorrow a life that, but foral- rnlinl. mii'lil Imi'ii lnxm niiunt in -.., ....... . ...... ..-.. -rr- 1"tl corruption ;-lt is the most powerful existing enemy of free- lotn;-by besotting tho mind ntid blunting the moral perceptions, it rcn tiers a man totally and absolutely unfit for sell-government ;-it Is the moving agent iu brawls, i lots, strcet-fights, and midnight contentions ;-lt is the " tabling (cuter around which cluster the gambling device, the card table thu bono race, and thu bawdy houses; it robs our own nation every year ol 30,000 11 res ;-it usurps tho highest seats ot power, pollutes tho Ucucli ol Justice, and stnuds mocking it! tho hall ol legislation ; it iced the lust of the seducer, lights thu torch of the iucen diary' uud whets tho d'ger of the assassin; it produces moru .sorrow than war, moro dcatli than pestilcuc, moro muery than famine. And what can be said more ? It an individual chould bo proven guilty of theft, robbery, murder and treason( would not tho huo and cry bo raised upon his track ? And shall wo not swear eternal enmity to that which from tho beginning, has begotten ev ery crime known to thu laws of God or man, and every misery known iu tho world's dark cxnerienco ? a...,...i i.n-i,- ,. . - above set forth as tho grounds for our declaration, we do most solemnly do claro that wo will henceforth, bv our - - - - - ---f 4 example, by our teaching, and by our aIau a atil star as a ft 1 jiif t I mi A a IrVtilllU . ' .i . in our power, oppose tho manufacture . ' , , ,1 it i saiu or uso ot nieuiioiio uijuura na it uur ' erago. Wu will oppose it In peacoand I in war, in sickness and in health, as tho most dangerous enemy oi man, mUamtitt Wfiw, To, 7, Aro. 1. United States Legal-tender Notes Tho following, entitled "an act to regulate the value of Uuited States legal-tender notes in coin and provide for their redemption," was introducod in tho Houso a fow days sinco by Hon. J. M. Broomatl, of Pennsylvania, nnd referred to tho Committee ot Waya and Mean : le it enacted, Ac, That the Secretary of thu Treasury shall causo gold coin to be exchanged for Uni'ed States legal tender notes wheuever the same shall be demanded at the Treasury of the United States in sums not less than ono hundred dollars each, and the rato ot such exchango shall bo as follows : Ono hundred dollars in coin shall be riven during the first month for ono mndred and thirty-five dollars in notes: during tho second month for one hundred aud thirty-four dollars ; during thu third mouth tor one huedred and thirty-throe dollars; and so oa. the amount of notes decreasing one dollar per month until the same shall reach oae hundred dollars, when there shall be no farther deerease, Provided, that nothing herein contained eball author ise the retiring or canceling of United States legal-tender votes. Tho Monkey and tie Hawlc The cook oi a French nobUaiao, 't whoso chateau is in the south of Franc, I had a monkey which was nllowod the frco rango of tho kitchen, and whioh was so intelligent that by scvero train ing, its natural propensity to tnischiol had been subdued, and it was oven taught to perform curtain useful scrvi ccs, such an plucking fowls, for instance, at which it was uncommonly expert. Uno fine morning a pair of paitridgo was gi en to it to pluck. Tho monkey i tttP llifkttl t hll nlmli ttItrl a rxt flu. - ,., . .... . . ' , .... ,,. ., . . ! . . . , . . . ... . the park, and went to work with great t ,.., . tt r t i i ,fi diligence. He noon finished one, whioh , .. , , ., , , ,, , ho laid oMlie outer wIro ol the win- ,,,. ,, .. .. nll!,iv ..i, '-'i .-... -,...-. .j - ...... .. .. .. .....I tno oincr. a nawK, which nau oecn ina his jiroy Tliu coiistei nation of tho monkey at this untoward ndvcutuie may bceasily imagined. He knew he would bu u verely whipped for losing itflfu hoj- ' ped about in great distrust for soinu ' missiles, when a blight thought struck him. Sicziiig the lAnaining parttidge, hu went to work with givat energy, ami etrippeii on me laatiiei J. lie men ,'1 !l, "J1 H'o ledge, j.JVvhcu he had lI' J"""". ff MM Mind . 'i hawk, which by this nine had , AimlieJ Ills meal, very boon airooped ' jlowi. uyon thu parti.dge ; but hardly '' '- f hu bird, hcn Jl.u monkey M,rung upon him rou, be- ,-" nnuvivi. inu ii.iiik a iivau I WuJ 'ou Savo ",B J Wl,at ll,u cook "U, " fil,dll,K onu 0 ,c partnut-ea com ertcu Into a Uawler m0l than wu aru ablu to tell. Tho AJh 0, tIl0 revisory survuy ot ' tIl0 Unlol, 1,lclfio niro:u. nro glven which, at tho time ol tho commission ior visit, had been built 800 miles from lOmaha. Kverybody is inteicsted in ( lho tirirjy nn,j lirj)Cr COII1,,olon of lU WQrU aml lhU art of lQ wp0rt wj u0 ,,or,wi with great interest. Tho cost of constructing nn I equip- tng t10 U put down at an averago 1 0j cnt,977 32 per mile. II it connects, jas intended, with tho California Com pany's road at Groat Salt Lake, it will j bo 1,110 miles long, at nn aggregate (cost of $.1B,82 1,621. The deficiencies uoUd by the commis sioners iu the construction of the iod aro such as aru incident to all new roads. Thu subsidy and first mortgage bonds aru waid to exceed iu value the actual cost per milo nouio $10,000. Thu subject of building a new jail for this Distiict is adverted to, and at tcntion is invited to thu expodienoy of creating a court for tho summary trial of minor ofl'uiicos. 1 Ku:Tiiir Clocks. Elect rio clocks nro ,10W maJc- 1,,0J nro drlren b7 I4"0 curre,,t, ), n carlh battery, and quiro no winding up or attention for ong periods, varying with circumstan ces. The pendulum rods aro made of rosewood satin ated with paraffiuc. , ....! i i. .u do not afiect the regularity of the ( and regularity of tho clock by contraction or expansion. The bat- tory Is composed of zlno and gas car bon, which nro burled in tho earth, and generate thu elo -trio current regularly and. steadily for a long time, the mois ture of the earth being sufficient to produce tho action needed without tho uso ot acids. The whcslwork is of the simplrtt comtt u tion, and whta once adjusted, needs no moro attention' except occasional oiling. The whole aparatus is inclosed to prevent injury from dust and is elegant and reliable, A young lady Sunday school toaeber ptopounded tho following quostion to her scholars: Whomade youV Tho oldest boy oi the class could not tell, neither could any of the scholars, till sho questioned tho smallest and1 youngest in the class. He answered promptly that God made him,. JTHe teacher turning to the largest boy said: "Aro you not ashamed not to know what this little fellow knows?" "Hoi" replied the big one. Thnn derl I think he might know'laiai a fortnight since he was raado I" Philadelphia is to Import f ve hun dred dollars, worth of sparrows tf tho measuring werm.f ' r : i vl HI 3 I23E to'-.i-f-fts.wa.-