Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 23, 1869, Image 1

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    vW.j t;tf..rWi
" Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
Cartes dot, tito
doxk ix rtiR fixrst srrw of art.
Picture Itrriiit'i'il
Physician & Surgeon,
Olflci,illil,ri'Mnicr. In llic ()M Otcrlrck
Itoipliixl. on Ori'isnn Slrri-l.
OFFICE-Corncrof California and Fifth
Street, Jacksonville, Ojn.
He will practice In JcJo.f ami niljncpnl
cnunllci, nj nttcml promptly to prnno'lun!
rait. M'lt
Zn tho Ovorbock Hospital,
r. ciurtin, n. .,
OFFICE removed to California Street,
South tide.
Jiek'ontlllc. I.c. 2li. Ii7. ilfoit-tf
iit. u:vis :A.t;.v;,
UT.t nllniil In mty txlm ttm iwpilre li'
rrtjce nir? nt II r lift. T nv.re.
id ll. IUt M' T Mn f I. Jitrkimii ill-, tint ;i
i r UOWKI.I., Ufl Xt.TOV
JeUitttt Htr, llirgmt.
Umpire City, Coin ('utility, Orb.
Warren Lodeo No, 10. ATr7&"A.:.l
JL IIOUMlHr rccutir I'miiiiiiinieMii'ii
Tfyon llm tt i-iJni'iMl.i.r KvrniiBiirpnciJ
V lug the full moon. In Ji H'iii i .. "
,,,. A ilAIUIN, W. M.
(', tt SivwK,bin'j.
illinl Lull i .nl '
I' I, II Hit A DO, i
.i:.'ut. I.AOjli.l..IrHomni,lT.
yiri - m---i
iv ..I........ I .....II..' k
ftilUr,niiillirofuiiil.-ilrtil 1. 1 1 liii.l .
1 ""
fell lncrr.!li nl.
A v'r' rl t
.1 A tt Ml !
IJM.iiiiii.ri"li'iil.iHii.untll lli.it .nul't
..M-...I m ilflti T . ... i-.l 1.
I till
atiiL", muncIiulM I) M'.j'i'.i "t uiiri't I
JIff.cll"niifll.WHii4 Ii, Ivli'i' ..I iirn,'
lloni'. ii II I')'l" I''. litr. I" i j
UrftofA )lllr, f". lr. .r.lrrr t. .r j
A.riNKIIXIHI.V. fmrJJjt i' imp. '
t .tim; J.l.i ll I lr I ,
tmn P inti ii'i.ihimi.i tumm t-
i I o VoixtxcXvyxxxotx
CutnWrtiiut nnd l.hlcli OOAL titl I'lfS IHON
1,000 Toxiw,
In ftore mi ndoat, fur mt y
j. n. iioyi.t:.
113 nd 413 raalllcSl., 8u KmiioUco.
To the Reading Public.
R Imvc ntleit up ft comrortittilii Rrnilliia
will (jlvueurjoim xxhoxxUhi'itoriinl tt cliuuci.
For prttculra eunulm Hllhf City Drun M'jri'.
decStf 8UTTD.V X STKAllSsj
Itoum mnl UlrtjiilikiniK i.iumr;. wm...
Tbi puWIc rc lii-rnliy imtinl tlmt my wife.
Mtrtln Klluoiu. h tvlnu IfH oy tx'ii l"ol
vrlttiout Jiil cann) or provocation, I will pity no
ueliti ot Iter coiitrncttoii. AW M-rn)in are
wtrucd not lo trurt Iter on iny nccmiiiti ,
JatcVtonrllle, Decrmlicr I2ili, mi),
IIIF.REBV We notice that my iiotei tinil
account! bve Uen pltetd lu the btnUi ol
Dowell WaUou for collicllon.
V, 0. GltEKN.NMN-
lo tbe MKUItMN WIT. ftO cent. jr
A.i .'MKRIOaN WIT" CO., M Ct-dw
ntwil, N. Y. r. O, Uox BMS
-----------.- - ft
tin Work riMtlly MHtd t tbe imri.
VOL. Xlr.
lliW UUIitlUA IHi.M I.MiiVi
rnr istir.D
KTcry Sntiintuv Aloniliit hj
Tr.HM UV Ht IIM Itll'l IIITl'
Tor one trir. In Ir-tncn. fn'ir d.11 r : If
not imM w'iMii llio tlrl U timiiili nt On' iir
fin' .' I! it ; if ii it inl.l uhlil td rXiirilUn
uf III- y r. n dollnrt.
ii:ro tir auvkhi'ihiui
O i ii Mfi" i In lln or ! firt Imcrllon.
Hiriv i! ill ii I rirli ili'iiilit I'itiImii iiiii
ilollnr. iliTiiiml l illrnr nl tll Is
liMilf tiTtWi' u'lrt 1 1rell'!) lit iln' if
r-iTMjril T'iiil r r1"il nt cmri.i rtr
Lcttir Tiom D. F. L'owll
Wasiiinciov, C, j
December I Mb, C.
'I'lic firht week of C.iii2ioiiiiil Ic
Nlntinii In niiicixillv bun spent
ariiiiisjiiijthe rnuimiltce, introducing
bilU to nun ml the mitiira'.UJtinn lawp, thercol n:ill be coiiclu-'ne aud llioou
the teadinj.' and di-cii-piuj; the Pre!-. y proof of the nnttirnli7itiuu ol the
di nlV mi hnjjo, nnd the inliodnctioii pviion theniii naituil,
oll'dnt i Itnl.-ini tonmend the Ked-' n Suitublo nnni-'ioii i mado in cac
eml Coii'tlti.lioii .( a to eteitd ninii -
boot 'iifiinv to t c i y adult citizen
tho United States
Tin: M:.ir. roMJinTttr.
And caucti bad :i waim time in nr
ram:iiig the 'lin!nn:uibip filled by ny alien who hat. hcicloloie ducl.uel
IIcinleron, I'owlernnd Ko, who 0'J ,i' iiu,.,tion to become Mich citixen
ted ntaiiivt iitipo.ichment. and who, i,,:iy bo admitted to fiii.-n-lii :t lu-rc-
haxe in xarioii way remit nd tlfin- Mn picN'iibcd niter lint expiration ol
elxcn vcit obnoxlonto many of the' two year- Irmii tho lime of tiling siid
Kepnblie.xni. It wa netted thnt ! declai.itii u or a duly certified copy
lIindeion bnd oppo-d the HrptiMb' thfrcol in the oincu oi the Uei. ol tho
mii iiAimtinimnt iii MlMiniii l.Ht fa'l ' t'niied Stiiiik IHitiict Court of the
xml that he wa Hint m thy of tho name
ol a ISi'ptibliiT.n. Similar iruitmcnloj itir. riti.siint.'ci'h MrMxr.t:
weiemadca.Mlii-t Kowbf and 1!; w.i i,..t fKlixend until ihe thiid day
let t-. mib ibnnr.'uxeinMimdpininlM'it t he rCr,i,., U wd Mvc bccii
Jn.k.i. Ti'iiinbiiU. who Maud at the', ,.. ,i... '..i;, ,r ,i... P,k:.i...
head ol the. ludiiinry rominlttee. H-, ,l(. v,,.dii ,,( the l)cinoemlir parte, nd
tiallv the cant n areed to fnrtfit ' ilmtm rMr the llniiclnl t-wdlt ..I ilw rM;u 1
f..r pat ..fTiiirp. and to allow litem to'. Sltrf jm ! rx,r been wiittpn.
relaln Heir plan ttntil tl.pv do f o! Ut. J. bolder and plniui r on iiinulki
oiber mean net. Hen leroon'- time it
.v o tl... Ith ol March, ?u.l miles'
'he olhrr
-t m
rp l..vinotil.iu.ly I bey
i!l be ttiLi-n from tl.phcid and i l.iced
ri!'l nltrllw
1rKMrrn.iu..iM:. ..vn '.
, Wl!l be nmen.lcl fr the pnrpo of;
I 'pxi mil ; ruph xxh.le.:ilit IramU a
' were piactl I in New York City """!
l,,' ,n-,,u 1,,rK,lvni",',,(ml...iiil-. Ilo.trtha lxi.i' xil'iio
V county at the lute Piidenti;il
li.ln . Jib.ni of lho Unit il State, and
... , , ,
.!... It I. Ltd inl.iiilliiii to lieentnu a ClL
"- .'-
izi.n thereof, and renounce foievcr nil
in. n 11 n in- "
allegiance nnd fidelity to any foreign
Government whcicol uttcb iilicn may
"i - .
at the tho time bo a eitireh nr nubjcct,
wtieli oath or alllrniation, kuburrib
and ceitilled-by the officer before whom
it i taken, under liir. seal, aball will in
hix iiionllia of ilH dato bo lilcd in the
Cleiks Ofllco of tho United States Din
diet Court of tho dibtriot in which
said nlien realties, awl "nl'1 ('ll'lk
shall koep nn alplabctical Index hhow
lug tllo name of lho affiant, tho date
of tho oath of affirmation, and tho time
ofilf filling. l
C. Ilut rticlt nlien, nftor llm expira
tion of fivo yearn from tho dato of the
oath of ufili inntion filed as nfoicoald,
may tako an oath or affirmation before
an officer, as. in tho previous .ration,
in effect that lo do renounce all alle
giance to the foreign government wlicr
ol he was before a cltUcn, that ho will
support the Constitution of the United
.1...iinit I in I mmi l.e.v.Mie nl .New, .... , i i:. .i i.i I... . ., .
Yo,W. ,!.. n. bought grave-? Wil yon dishonor
,,..,.. il lh,f T ' y- i l- "ril'toy'romtwohuudrpdtho,... the nation by repudiating hat debt,
here nil U ..r,.!..K Cnpi'. .. to inakc forg.t hit i due to the ut.fMs nl ilir lifi'oli :no Deiimerat. mt I C4ti t tltiiik ft1j u, ti,ri.e mum thoutiand dull.ir. i and dcelarin..; Unit you will not pay
an iuxvti-xtinn A cnmniitt.e w ill M"- h may Iw nmiiimtl lint the it,ey are to blind to party a to di-cido That property wa probably tmld to Vour portion ol tho taxe, when wo
lK..1t,.,ob.te,lbx',Con-.M'M thl wi.k ! ' ," ",",,n,"' M,,',"I,"'H 'W; "'"Y tko lp4l lender Uw lo h uneonMilii. t,o.c who It-id not faith in iheGorcru-! imVe given our blood and our lives te
a.., i... R........I tdii. 1,'tv,. ' .n.ld t.iti.latd. limn tl.i M.ilciueni ciMuu-ol t alifornia and Ou-gon and oll.r ,,. thUtlcbt. Some ofhi friend , Sir. when I think of these thinffe.
been introduced and Seintor Williaiim nl lett it would eem but j.it an I cinpcl Iute county to pay her taxes ,,il( l(, ,ni. i'You will never get a cent vvhen I think ol tlu young men who
will iniindure n'liood oi.p to-drv. Il I 'l"'''!; "' J1'1' ;.K l,pr rtf" ,'ul"Hi ' ll1 ur "i,n'r' , . of ll... money ll.at you loan to the Uni- ,.ne died ill defei.KO of the nation,
u;;:!;1,; -p;;!. .l .X niirj; iti:zT: .ir:::,:::;;;-: r,lc 'Vhz t1--r litiT lheir
paiienCnn.l liaml- In tho con,. and I .,,, ,i annual i..M,.lu.eutN wbiel, htturc condemn. ng be ator N . Mums ,,! nol ,;Ul, the Govci.ncnt, the forutu.lr, their Hicknew, aud their was-
II ( Lbeiionn Tho followinir'tn -ixtcen ve.im and eight inmilli and Cot belt lor being Uepiiblicans, and KI, who m,ru I10l f.-vorablo to carry- .tinaxvay in tho rebel pens that I tU'
" f. , .' , 11,tllllli tUoithl Ibpti'l ' the entire nalioiiil asking them them to reidgn, have been ' j 0 t,.. Mar nIi ,VK) ,vere oppofed ,t., j tl0 South; when I think of
a..'theimmitantpointH eoniaiiiiu " (Ullf ;u ,,, eeut in gold would, at nn, the lltuie. Tho IIoii.c, by toaiii.iingtl.pGovcrn.eiil in that hour ' ,10(se ,)CI1, with tho liltlo boles they
Senator .Hi un lull : ,,, , r,K.llt i.mi, lm . .pu to i,l,u. ,.... ,,...,., d.-.rterki'd them a oa.,. , ,u M rcil bought hi real estate Jug i( the earth where many of thenr
tliopitxioUHaciriniayainnj in , a riia.,io.i b-than hexentceii yea... and orderedthem to bo returned to nd noxr here is a propoMtion from tho ' aIlll B.av,.h 0 men whoso deaths were
tcr l.o nerouicB a ic nun i 11 i TiN in rniyiii-liiiii xtlllMlii'iiUirr a I- tluir authoM. Thee ri'ol.itioiiHHhoxr ivlent of tho United States to tho CtHWtH by Marvntion by tho enemies ol
tnl States take nml .ubM'r I c ait ot. .,,,,, 5,, ,n ,h, mxeM on their face the bitter hutied ol tl.u lri,II(U of tho Government, tho men lllU Govcmmci.t-aud then xvhenl ...
. ( ll o"m eem'Jt bat beUaboua f!," tin-Lo., ,,eir coital, and w.,h p.rty, and they ore we I calculated to t.!iriy 0 ,, war for tl. . benefit of the lho (lt.bt of tho Government, and I ...
i,s,!'u,' aml lo t," bl"'1 o ,,i !,''ililil'3
(t)(,ni1 iU)(j j,,,,,, ,1P (Jnxcriitiiiitt
lliricnf, ng:iiiit :ill itn enclitic, foreign
nml dntiivtin, which ontli or alV.itua-
lion, Mihu'iihcil and rcitified m afiiie-
t-niI( hnll I e filid in tin- iiiiec of said
cleik, who thull kup mi alphabetical
Mulex theuol, xxlnili in addition -to
id.oxving tin- name r.tnl diitiK n ufnie-
Kinl -imll uliow v lni any u'ltilicntcoi
n.ituianntion n iM.n; ns iie'eattcr
ptou.ii.i. imii upon nun;; mic wi-.ii
irniliriiiHiiniimiit ntiy lm Uiwwil -
u r Uiiiii n;'iiRiiiiiii in 'u niivu it
inv oiii ntiiiiorui'i! by him, mid uiior
the picM nt Hii'ii ol paid tun nnlln or'lnm -nt o-n illitMi." .
ntliiuiiitioii", ulciibed, ceitillcd nnd 0"? CSovcriitneiit La's all the '.and,
lilcd nr sifou'p'iiil, nnd willmtU mnv
j iuu or ii ttiriti niiy other or limber
esiiliiii'i', Miid uiiiil Fhnll nduiit nu Hon. H applied to to people to bun
alien to be a citixui ul the t'ldted il hundred .l milliuns of ililhim, and
Slitcc, by an oiiler to bo recorded by t plcdned the honor oS tho nation to pay
MiM clerlviii .t bonl: lo bo hept fur thi'jthc piinclpal mid interest. The man
purpose, ami .t copy ul micb oi ler, ccr-
i tilled bv oaid clerk, tindei' the mm! nl
( rriiil couit nnd nttcftcd ly tho jo'ltfc
i . . .
l.. ,..,i,val diirSi the iirocso orniib-
"IJM-iiticiit to italiirll-itloiT. All alien
who may lieu-alter become citixeii ol I "iiim.'ii iuhmimhuk imti, mciin.nj:
the United SttiUK nr itipiiicd to .' lb1 luiiiiunitie nl clfreii nnd .'tiaiiiu.
natiimlixi-l a ben-iii nieieiibed: but !'' " lopnbliean form ol "overn-
I)itriot in whieb he i video.
j ,() bn Put llvii'tt.
Ptii'llctou pro
;..--, .-.-,.. ---. -- t
,., .., ..... lLl. , ,:,., .j ,( ,.,, t
. . ,i ' , :,. 1 r,.,.u ::..t tliu 1m!
. i - -.- I--.
i : . . - . , . i
T "L11'0,. '"m" "r ",H,7;:.
UL'IH. I in- i iri''ii (.i.ijM-vr' x. j- .j
, i( ,.,..,., ., ,,.. r . .,,,,., or I I-I
, , ,.,,.i ,0 the
tn j rat'
xlnde "I lb
aitii'iiut ol the piimipil
. ,, . ,..,.,,.. He ,.K-ik-thu
in r tin- ii". ,,.-. -I. 1 -" :
litis tney Miouin ....MUMtf... -"'
t 1 .111.! II ... I -. .. I. . j
...Iu .., ,,., ,i.ikT riniiiiiniii ine it'iiiit'i
on 01 lite ii.ii ttniin'ii'-ii i'i i""'
. .... ' n ... i ......... .1
111:11 11 14 1101 XXI'll 111 nv in i'i'.iiii"'"-
!. e.tiiptiit'' from tl.p boriowcr liuidl
1-" c-" .. . . .
complianco Willi
uiti uiiwr 01 1 i.i'
Tho won! xillian i a mild term for
mieb Infamous r.thcnlil). He me
- " - -
robbing open nnd iiolotiou rmtiouilj
repudiation ot nil honest legal Ueht.
It might be npprop.utcly ll utlratui
in the ordinary trniisaetionc ol lifu be
l ween man and man, tin): Suppine
an iittoinuy ngripi to defend ii iniui
who i iudinted for murder, and if ho
clears the priboner tho prisoner agters
to pay him two tboti-and dollar. and
If tl.u planner ia cou.ietcd tho attotn
cy is to gut nothing, and tho prisoner
acquitted. Unr nuieli ought tho pris
oner to pay ? Should he pay ouo or
two thousand dollars
Ai'iiiii! Suimoiio a man drawn into
a difficult Jnwruit abou; tra.ct of , tho advantages ol lho loan by tho cred
in,l of o rent vuluo nud tho land xvns.ilorlo tho Government, he says:
wn .
nil ho had in tho world, and in tlio
language ol Ulr, Greely, V W'1
ip'ww ' ii ii?i oiwiypitimw. ipwtf pii --,
,0 !' t,l,:".v "IghUr f r ivo, hiing
in nhinlutc want nl that rum to prost-
rut'.1 his mit, to judgement. The iru.
dent capitalist inquire a to tin
rteuiity, nii'l 11 pnintid to theeMat in
litigation. "Yes, but i( joti Ioc the
t it, yiii v. ill Imro no itatv.' "Will,"
l? tcK)t.il, "il I hue 1 lie mit, von
mint loc lliu "ilclil ; Init if I win it, I
m p,.v y.ii doiil.le." "Ayrenl, pny
u. eapiMUM ; "t will tanc Me iisk."
cv uc noriowmi.c iik,i nun w.in u
. 1i. iIm? miii. Wo-.- much doe he
vnu ; . now iihk u nupiii nu o I"'?
Yii'irf "inf dicidcw ulutUi-r yoti are
nnd tin' ict-y ciisteiirc ol the natural
pivtrnmcnl at suite during the rebel -
( ho now prop.iM' to icpi: Into cith.'r,
I i n inf...i Imrpn-lnccd !ll.iiii,ninl
. .. ........ ...
hmm tho contempi nnd s.-oin ofal
honest moil.
' M:ottostTPi:oc.
I diiilyaininjj more fiiend. On tlie';n ;,, tKtcvii or tweutv i-.it , in a
Hint lar ol the rp.oximi .Mr. Sumner in-
Ifwncvd ii blllluto tfcc Senate to on -
lioc the mmctoI proUionol the Con-
""'"l "' 'ecuriii thi'clietivo fnnch to
i '" oitijo'im in every Mate where they
J nu" 'b'piMod ofit by inco or color, or
prcvioii-. eondition. .Mr. Sifinneriimt
( t'H-cxpoiiciit nlrntir p-irty ami hi bill
, -tnd no chance to become a law.
t'ln' Kt'ublicau put y hold that tinder
our pivcnt cnnMiliilioii the iiiH'-tloti
bil.inj; to thv Slatxs JJut llcpubli
l'"1" ''"V1' bilrol'icul t-excial joint iv -
!ti"JwM,lMi W"li'wt t. tliu
,',",rn' ('""ti ,tll,"i ,M,t, ,,0lJ'kl
I "' Coi.rpM. It Ulnidly poibte Con -
h'1" ,,,J" ,,1,'"';i l'11' ""''J1'1 ol M'11, a ood lo them n old, and rmiio ol
1 ' to the people ill tho bhaic of mi them, I know, Mil, their property in
' a"ll',,,,"""t ,0 l,,. ,.rc,,e,al C""M '"'ordrrtoenablothem tolielptheGovern.
!'l'!1, ' Iav' "" ,,BM l" :',"'"'',z',,im'..t. I know ol one citken who .!!
uvrop nr Chin imusi, hut oxcry man
, .. . ...... ...... . I. .. ... .
"' ' ." u-""- " " "
nl tiw .t I twenty one yi.iii lnr
' " n""" n-ji.iM .r
p sneii-oui.no u no ii.eiipiij.i m-,..
l-au-lmxc. i more uni.'oni, system o.
.... ..- .....n ,. ...- ...
nattttalUalion, uid tiui vers il wn'ivty
an I ui.ivei'iil m i.thiMil citizen .ullrago.
jiiv kii an'i:u .
Tip nirciuu Court li-i In en oecit-
pud dining Ihu week on the legal tet.
i?r rjutioii. ucinucMi coiiuiciiuaf
, . .. , ... .... ...,, 1
HiuirilV Sir ll'I'II fcvltll IMS llllllirilL U III
" - -
ijiei-nn nun ner iiii'iniiern
1 iienii mnl nvi iu in-tin ... ......
1 .. .m . .... .... ... .,-......,
. . 1..1I 1.
1 11 iim-h 111 v.oni;nr'. rw iw t'ivin
litem (torn ucttiui: nny piibiidies
1 .. . - .
r.tilioulor any other uecesiary mi -
proiei.ientol.tr Urcgon. iiu-so rt'so-
orlutioiiHHe,eouceIxed in Iniquity .in.l
ihex cm In ug nith no good Irnit.
n' ,...-. i...r :". ,,.,..
IIIVII Hlllliilir MUMl ovv iM ikH"iiriif tun
'wm ,Mitiz,iis who haxo no r-gurd
; lor the publio weal nuliilool Uicir !
, 'J- l,uJ "ru "MU,v tviiwitr
publio confidence.
.T -
fJpoeohofH. W.Corbett.
iXTiinsnxATKorTiiKUXiTr.i)FTATr.sos!thrceand ouo-thlrd percent, would l
. iiitr,i:r.i'tiitni;uiNTiir. oroimoPTint
18ti( oruKO., 1808: '
Mr. Piesidcnt :oio r .nnicnda -
tlon of lho Piesident of tho United
Slates to tho Congress of the Unitedifivo or slxtysocn in the market,
states is in theso xvordst relerinc
1 " --.
"TMi in connection with all the
J rigid compliance with th. letter of the
.,.,.).. A.-.
other advanlngM deried from their
iiivr-tnunt, would afl'oid to the public
creditor a fair and libciat rotnpciiM.
lion for the upc of their c-ipital, and
with this they rdmuM be balNfii'd."
Thur Inttnutinp lo the Con jr. rem of
the ITnitDil Staten that w o Miould enact
.a 's
i ch a Jnir a to compel theoieditorto
accept tln ti'rini he indicates, lie then
"TIip Imwhi-of llio j.it ndmonMi
th? lender tint it N not well to buovcr
jnxj0l., 0Jactillj: jrom t10 bummer
.build, .
Tbffr'ncia very utronly of a threat
to t!if iii'initiolilei that it he doci not
necont the term" Coni'rcri will nact
' j i .,..., n ..ill enmtn'1 him to nceetit
J them. Tlicv lriiii nrv u-ry ilil'iVrviit
(rn tl.iic propord f the Conjfren
,,f the 1'niled State at thehit .epcinn.
j'u, CommUt,.,. ,, Kbriucc tlicn repur-
'u,, ;i i,! uivinio ttio bondholder ihe
optioti ol'luinliii" hi debt into a lony
linil t (mn nr Tour mnl n Imir imr
' crni., ulviuc bi.n a loiit iieriixl in which
. ". i :
Iie ,, Kny,y thnt lutcrc!, proxided
!hu would fund hi fhort bund, nutnr-
loir' loan. It wa Mniiioni'd that this
;OI1K 0flH would comiieiiatc the bomb
,o,l.'M to a cpi tain extent lor tho r -
iniu-tttnfiit ot their prcM-nt iioiid,
baviup but a hort time totim,aln l:ir
'.er r'4.p ( ,Crni. Cuti-eoucntlv.
,)(1 potnniittic reported a bill jjivinj;
the option to the bondholder to fund
hi bond into Mich a loan il hu dcMred
j,. nthcrxie, be could hold tb.it bond
UI1,ij jt matured nud thwn receive hi
j In ihi conneetion it may not bo im-
nroner to refer to ourcitiren who have
inx vied in thee loan. Tho pitrlotic
' proplo who came forward at the com-
mcnciment o tin. nbelli.m with their
me.in. to Mi-fiin the Goxerment held
' al c.tate and olhir proi city that wa
pxed id .100,000 worth -nl property
a 1
liml He .ul.t noi.t tlio t.overnn.cnioi
tl.e Lnitr.l Mate llo n.vvte.l ti.at
,ny m tlio Immlt ot tliu Lnlteil
sulci ....I mM. "It the Goxernuient
ni.nrit, fiiiii. il tin- viut riiiun'iii jy(j ((, jt'Ctl IIICIII, XO vioitiu tiivui,
,,,. down lit my bond go, but if it t Kuppoit them in their ellorl ton
1 CVur able to tnr, then I exnect it'taln this Union. They would
' will pay them in full in gold." lie
Hl,, rt.,',j iul!,t0 j iN',Mr x'orJ: dty
which ha nineeiiicrea-e'l in value from
(.v i,,,,,,),,.,! t tlireu liiindred pet'cent.
. ' . . . . , .. .
I.. I. .. a... .w.Iumi it IIiuih
miny ...r tn ,ii..ii.r.i.. "
.. 1 1 .. 1.- .
ivc ami proiici ty, iiooiuu'ir xo rcitu
I I "
A tt tliu aiiitirit ilodlL
" "
. Sir, there nro many other securities;
-,h,r!i are paying a largo an interest,
,,rmint ,,., 0( tho United;
',... T, , . , f , , 1
States. Ihe Prcsldeiil nguiing tlois ,
. . ... .
not appear to tm oxautly ngiii. "
linmlr, on wio r.xerage,. 111 me unncn
aiatti uiai nre ucnuug bi per cunt, m-
tert aro worth about 0110 hundred nnd
ten at thi ti.no. Gold in nour at about
thii ty-fivo tier cent, pruniitim. Thirty-
)"t "I'M w cont. per niinum upon
.. .La ...1.1 TIiuii. liiinJa nl otin linn.
"" pt"'" ""' '" "
drcd and ten would give about soven
and thrcs-tonths por cent. Interest in
;Curronoy. Tho bond oftho fJtato of
Tennessee ore now worth about sixty-
tohoso bot.iU nre now paying six per
. .it.
eor.t. in enrroncy on their par ralue.
Would tho Probidcnt, who is a oltUon
of thatbtate, reoptnmenao me mate
of Tennessee saeh a proposition as
, tlii? Would he say to the citirem
(thcn, "After you hac paid the nmounl
of your bomh In interest you iliould
repudiate the balance ?" Thoecbondf
aio paying on themarkct valuo' about
nine per cent., one find cne half per
rnnl. at ifi trrrftvr tlinn llm ItAn.ta
of the United .States. Many of our oit
i izem havu iuetcd in tlivao bond. If
I tho President, on rvturnin to TennM
iRie, should ueomineud cuoli aincntura
I....I.!. !.. .1.... o...... ..I... .1.. .
i xi una in ui.ii i.'iaii'. nunv nil iuu iuv
p(o would he the prieo of TeuneiMt
' bonds In the market?
' Mr. Punidcnt, i ills necfuary to
pioteet the credit of a Stato hor groa
Iter and more impoilntit is it that vf
.blmtiM guaiil and jnotect tho credit of
the l.'nitc-i htate '! If the credit of s
'Suit? in above the credit of the. United
State, then ivu may expect tho 0iiur!
tioi c.1 that State to taVu precedence of
ihc H-eurilic) of the United State nnd
,drie ilirm liuin the Miirlit. It it u
mury toi un to maintain, nbovo erery
thiii'r cli-c, the orvdil ol thii nation. If
we arc to linvo niintl'r icbelliou, M
we uiiiy .it nume lulitic time, il will b
iuiimiliiiiL lor m that wc K'inrd tho na
.!.' !. .'...!... I....L!.... i...
tt'' ciedit at tliii tiine, looking lor-
! w.nd to tin future in tho expectation
' that wo may call lor loam hnreaftcr.
' Lnlei wedo thi what guarantee
' have wc for the I tit ire of the lucccal
'of our trim? I nppr.dicnd It it wai
""l ''" fxpcet.iMon of tliosn who invci
ted in t'le United State bond that
'.IfV hould nceie their money In
.... ...
SJ"1,1 '" l,,c fH" l' rebellion wouli
never have been put down; your Union
would buwbeeiiKcattcred to tho windi,
ami cncli Mnlu wount no leirmminff
'in it3 own beball nt thU time, nud yo
' ould be iiiaMntcof nnarehy cqualltd
only l.y thnt of .Mexico.
' Such n propn-itioii, emanating from
the President ol the United State, hai
a teudenry to depreciate the credit ot
1 tin United State and to destroy th
future pro'pect of obtaining money
tlinne people xx ho who miemies to th
(iox eminent in time of xvarlrom taxoi,
I and it n peal lo tho prejudice of that
da ol people who xvero oppoied to
the war for the niiinreiilon of the r
hellion to join xvith him in repudiating
ihi debt, that xvo may lono tho ben-
cflU which xve bnxo derived in rualn
taiiiiug the Union. Sir, if wodo not
maintain the credit ot thU nation our
dlbrt have been in vain; the efforu of
I(,m gallant ouni; men who went
lorlh to battle and .aeriflee.l their live!
on tho allnr ol our country have bcea
in vain. Wlnit would they nay II they
. . A
coll, ri ,, before you to-day 7 lUef
wotilil nuk you if you wero going to
.pU, ale tho debt wlticli wae coutrac-
, J, ,0 feed .hem, lo clothe them, am
"Are you going toboiiopicayunUli nor
, to rcjiudium the debt contracted ill
tlio gloilou cause for which we laid
down our lixennu(lnoxv lieiuourolooa'
. . ... .
incut and to mako il inefficient in every
way possible, this to me is tho great-
I ' "J I '
()liluc (( ajti 'j'ho Kxccntivo of th.
i..ii1-tii. t.m.,n.M hr .t
' . , ' , .cuove(i
this juuciUK, wiitu wo nno acniovea
wi..,nrv ttllli i(irtf iia erixurnnd nnr
wm miii j nun fii"'j .. -. -,.--.-
I Mrm n,j these men are enshrined in
, ,(l0 K.aits ofthoir country, to repudl
,,u, t10 ,Uwt ,i,,0 t
to tliose loyal mea
w,)0 M0ld their farms and their property
j ft (, lnvt.ile,i the proceeds in Govern,
, .,.liri.iti to .......ort this Govern.
1 intfnt nml to support their children and
l)ulr brcti,rcn j,, ti,is war to putdow
the rebellion.
Sir, I think it is only necessary to
bring this Question to a vote. I ca
not sco how nny loyal 'man can vot.
otherwiso than tc censure tho President
lor no monstrous a proposition, I can
not see boxr nnv ot our Demeoartb)
frond, on t,,u floor caR rofuM to
n ,,,, a ro,0jution. j trust, sir, that
t this resolution will be adopUd
j imonslr wjtkont any nisfnclrafifc.