0 sA ""5"5"55HHS!"5 - . united states mails. uum ."i i THR Hfll 7iniH,r fliW!Vtl iuu Bii7 JliKPIn,' TBT'fP BiTimnAT Itowmr&lM TWilU MM MKBK1 asHsTH&SaiLHE j!S Tko SatHFwf For general ituormatiea m wHy, tho fears of our friends at' a distance, wo publish tho names ol nil tho small pox cases that have occured hero since tho discasoimado its appenranco: Tho sovero cases of tho confluent typo shat have resulted in death arc, John Walker, Joseph Martin, John Martin, James Hubbard, llcrtha Droit barth, Mrs. Drawer, Sophia Love, Isaao Cowan (colored), and thrco squaws. , Tho cases that have recovered are, six members of the Iioundtruo family, four of tho Martin family, John Stowc, Chas. Harris, J. T. Hunt, Win. Thomp son, Geo. Ilibbard, Smith, Mit 'hell, StovVo Senior, and one squaw. There arc nt present under treatment in tho two hospitals and in various res idences. Wm. Gilmour, Tom More, Chris Wintjcn, Jesso Iltiggins, warrant Thomas Brown, Lake, Kd. Pitts, Jno. . y, how Atkinson, Chas. Williams, T. Gaston, its own party Chas. Bryant (child), Xauoy Dews, II. Hoover, Joe. Gray Geo. P. Funck. -Orer the ' Oresronian's" INsOulden. Rto frot out .if it verv n- ttitwiiioii, tho Unionist firos WelJHowing shotjat tlio Orcyonian : '"JXhttOrtgonian copies with words efapproT.nl an articles from tho Jack sonville Sentinel which contains assor tons concering our course in relation to an extra session that are noi true, and tho Oreyonian is awaro of their falsity. . Liko tho ways of our Salem coteni porary his gun barrel seems to bo quite tortuous, and we suppose his only show to hit tho Sn.VTiNKt. was to shoot at tho Orcgouian. In tho issuo of Deo. 1 8th tho Unionist remarked thusly: It is not our design nt this time to criminate, or chargo tho responsibility of tho present anomalous condition of tho State and its financial interests to tho rccroancy or misconduct of any party. Thereupon we rcmarkad that tho Unionist was afraid or unwilling to charge tho responsibility where it be longed and tho foregoing certainly arrantcd that opinion, Subsequent- dor tho scarification of press, that paper was forced to charge tho responsibility where it belonged, but it was done This makes forty-live in all, eleven . with so bad n grace as to bring it a ol wntcu, or ncnny on lourut nave ter minated fatally. This is n tcrrlblo per cent of mortality, showing that tho discaso is of a very malignant typo and admonishing tho people of any commu nity to use extraordiiw y vigilance against it. In addition to tho above, there have beon n very fow cases of very light var ioloid reported, which have been cured without other treatment than caro and attention to diet. Just as wo uo to press Pitts and tkineon both died and a now case, gico tilt. telegraph operator from this terriblo bootiug from its Democratic cotemporaries. Like a school boy caught in a mean trick, our Salem friend squirms mi d wiiggles, from ono dilemma to another and naturally is in a vary bad humor. IIu need not pitch into tho Oregonian howovcr, on our account. Wo can light our own bat tlos, novcr dodgo any shots cither from friend or foe and there is no necessity for shooting around a comer nt us. I.v a Tkiiit P.Acii. A low days 'A Good Thins;. Two of our citizens, McLaughlin and Ivaroweki, who started for San Francis co last week, writo from "Quarantine," near Yreka, as follows : FniKNn Skntinki,: Wo arrived hero about half past two o'clock when, tho stngo was stopped by about twelve quarantine ofliecrs who requested tho Jacksonville passcngcis to alight, as an order to that oflcot had been issued by tho board of health. Wo are very comfortably housed and have partaken of a very good supper, which was fur nished Ireo gratis to tho distinguished guests. Wo aro promised a warm cup of cofleo before leaving in the morn iug, when wo will ho taken from ltere without stopping in Yreka Wo aro under many obligations to the commit tee that received us and to tho gentle man who has charge of this house, for kind treatment. If any of our Jack sonville friends want a good thing, let them tnko tho Yreka stage, bufbo sure and bo out of reach of small-pox before starting. Tho pcoplu of Yreka are very sensible in taking extraordinary precautious against tho introduction of small-pox and their courteous way of enforcing their ordinances is very commendable. J letter FroaB. F. Dowen. """ iWOWry UHiiuuntt A . . i tiSSS Henry Gctchcn, under treatment. - OnKaox. Tho Copperheads of Ore gon aro laboring to induce tho Gover nor to call n special session of the Leg islature. The Governor wilt bo nblo to stand tho pressure, nnd tho rebels will fail of a chance to reply to the rebuke Congress gave them. Appall. Wo aro sorry to say that nt least ono Republican paper in this State, laying claim to respectability has joined in tho "Copperhead" clamor. The Appeal is right however and it tho Governor can't stand all such pressure, he is not tho stuff wo think ho is. PoonS.vr.RS.. Bcriah Brown is about to start a Democratic paper thero the small-pox has appeared in it and its legislative Halls aro threat cued with invasion by "a riotous ring of irrespon sible ruffians." Perchanco tho voci ferous cackling in the Unionist ofllco may savo the Capitol. If not alas ! for the beautiful city of theplaiu. Attornoy General Kvcrts has dir ected all IT. S. District Attornics to discontinue all prosecutions for treason. It is now quite apparaut that tho fra , tners of tho constitution were a set of old fogies who in providing a punish ment for treason contemplated a crime which it was impossiblo to commit. m Aftek Us. An old humbug in Portland called Chapman, has put on his night-cap and spectacles and "gone after" us in the Herald, His most se rious chargo is "that wo fear neither God nor man." We must confess to fear rt tho "riotous ring of irresponsible rufflans" who were) tho majority of tho last legislature with regard to the place was out repairing. into en deavoring to reach n suitable plnco on n largo oak to nail his insulator, n tnnu drove by in a wagon. Telegrapher was nearly tuckered out. The tree was wet and slippery, his pockets were full of tools and hu know if ho dropped any of them, it would bo hard to des cend and again reaoli the desired point. "Hnllo, stranger I" said ho. "Hallo," said the stranger. "Please stay there a minute," said telegrapher, "I might drop something." The stranger stop ped his team mid gar.ed up tho tree with a frightened look, nnd enquired, "Bo you from Jacksonville?" "Yes," responded the telegraphist, who was now climbing for dear life. "Save this world!" ejaculated Itho traveler. "I'll jnst bet 'you've got tho small-pox, its breaking out on you, nnd they do say its allllrcd catehiu. Gcloug thar bally, I'll bo darned if I want any ol it." Oil' ho drove nt n good round trot while tho telegrapher sat in a fork of tho tree convulsed with laughter, and rclloctiug how extremely sulllsh nnd unaccommodating folks uro in small pox times. Ho says if over ho catches that "husky" in n tight placo ho will bo apt to play oven. Hi Suvkiii; Oi'kiiatio.v. I' or some time, Mr. Hymaii Abrahams who suffered amputation of tho lug suveral mouths ago, has been experiencing excruciat ing pains in the stumps. On tho lOthDr, I'luniuicrjot Koscburg, Carpenter of Sa lem and Grubo of this place, cut the leg opeu and Buperatetl botnu of tho tendons and nerves. Tho operation Piir.vii.YNO.v Of Sm.m.IPox. Tho fol lowing rceipo for the prevention of this terrible dixenso is from Dr. Agnew of Pittsbuig, who is known as ono of tho most successful practitioners in the United States. Tho cleansing proper ties, of cream of tartar and sulphur, arc well known and in cases of small-pox they were the only medicines ho would administer. He says that if a small pox patient had used the recipe ton or twel vo (lavs urior to coiitractiiif thu dU- .in hn would iimiru nx-ovrrr wlfli nn i CliailCU,lS. almost certainty of having nothing but . ' TJUt t,,M? lrau,h were co";hctf . , ,, ,. : .i.i . . by Democratic managers, niiled by varioloid. It is worth trying, coMij .u1)0crat0 j,,,, , coIiniiH by but little and cannot fail to do much tho proclamation of tho Democratic .Mayor, who was himself to be helped thereby to thu Governorship, and skill- Wasiunoton, D. C, I December 22d, 1808. j tiik rrniTTjoF the fiuncihsk. Is indispensiblo to the perpetuity of our Itepublioan institution!. The com mitteo appointed by the Republican club of Now York have made their re port in tho shape of a petition to Con gross, to amend our naturalization laws. The petition shows that frauds in New York were greajarthan tho ballot-box stuffing in San FRncisco prior to tho dnysof tho Vigilant Committee. It compares tho last voto for President with previous olections in Now York, and proves that tho Republican party was stronger last Novembor than over before, yet with tho frauds practiced by Democrats they werobeateti 10,000 votes. Thcso infamous frauds aro thus sum med up: "It is shown : 1. That, as comparative statistics abundantly demonstrate, there was a fraudulent vote of about twentr-fivo thousand in Now York City. 2. That tho frauds began in enor mous illegal naturalization, under thu sanction of the local Court. 3. That they were swelled by the wholesale peddling of fraudlcut natura lization papers to all that wanted them only providing they wciu known to bolong to a certain parly. 4. That fraudulent regUtrationswcro next secured so shamelessly flagrant in their character that for a single house in Hayard-st. thirty voters were registered where absolutely only one resided ; torsovcral on Baxtcr.st,, thirty to forty were reifislered where only fifteen resided ; and for five named houses in tho Bowery, ninty-two weie registered where only ten resided, 0. That repeating voters weronbund ant on election day, and that violence nt tho polls was employed to prevent good : Take one ounco cream of tarter, two ounces flour of sulphur, nnd mix well in ono pint of molasses. For adults tho dose is ono largo teaspoonfull on going to bed. For children ono half tea- spoonful. Take for ten or twelvo days i and renew tho medicine after two weeks. It will then have cicansod the system effectually. Pitoii.uii.u Ilosuani:. Wo learn that an altercation took plnco on' Tues day Inst nt Uuiontown between a man named Johusou,n blacksmith, and a per ton commonly callod "Bally Smith," in which the former was badly stabbed in tho breast. Smith was examined by Justico Mco and discharged.- At last accounts Johuou was sWl alivo tully calculated upon by the Democra tic Statu Committee as a certain means lor Itirnishing whatever number of otcs might lie found necessary to overcome tho Republican majorities in tho interior." A committee of investigation has been appointed by tho House, nnd I have no doubt they will giro it a tliur- , ough sifting. tiik ri:K.sin:::TS mkks.mik Proposing to redueo tho principal on our national debt, has since my hist been censured by tho Senate in nearly the same langungo as the resolution of the House. While the resolution was under discussion in the Senate, Mr. Corbctt gives it his unqualified con- Post Omen Dxr-iKMiiST, . I Washington, Xov. t fSfifi. J PsonwiM for conveying (lie malls of the United States from July 1. 1800 , lu Juno 30, 1870, on the tallowing routes In tlio Bute of Oregon, will Iw received nt llio Coiilmot Of Oct) of tlit Department until 3 it. m. of Febru ary 2ti next, to Iw decided by March (i follovr Intr. No. I5M2 From Fnlrllold, (n. o.,) by Saint I.otik Witcondn, 1'nrlivrsTlllo, Monitor nnd Newly, tu Oregon City, 20 miles and back, oncua wuek. Lowe Kalrllcld Tuitdny at 7 a in) Arrlrcat Oregon City by 6pn( I.eaTO Oregon City Wednesday at 7 n ra) Arrlre at Fairfield by 6 p m. 13143 From Attorla, by Ulntxnp, Snmmcr Homo, (n. n) l!lk Creek, (n. o) Nclin-i lem, (n. o.,) Miami Point, (n.o,) Chllcbei i'olnt (a. o,,) ami Notraeli Landing, (n. o.,) to Tillamook, tiO miles and back onco n week. Lcato AMorln, Tuci-ilny at 7 n hi; Arrlre at Tillamook next day by 6 p r.i; l.earu Tillamook Thursday nt 7 a in; Arrlre at ,llerla next day by (I p m. 13111 From DalUr, by Salt Creek nnd' Hall' (n. u.,) to (Irani! Uonde, 20 tilllut and, bsek, once n ncek. Leave Dallas Tnetday at fi n mj Arrlre nt Grand Hondo by 12 p m; l.enrc (J rand Itondu Tuesday ut 2 p in; Arrlre at Dallas by 8 p in. 13I4S From Portland, by Taylor's Ferry, (n v.,) U.t)loii, Amity, Itlckrral, and Moii- once u week. monlli, to Corvallla, HO miles and back but tho wound wnul.l i.ro...,l.lv n.,.v,J "vimiauon. Aliespeeni is so nppin- j.Uaa ! priatn I send it entire for publiealiou I In the Su.vti.vki. former "the scripture tenches us to "bo was Mtremely severe but app.irautly just and foar not." JrsT Right. Tho Houso of Repre sentatives, on Wednesday, passed a reiolutionjby n voto of 123 to 27, "that all females in tho employ of tho Govcr ment bo allowed equal pay, where thoy perform liko services with thoinales."If this resolution is confirmed by tho Sen ate, it will gladden tho heart of many a poor woman employed on govcrment work. Tho Polk County tiiynal contains tho following important item: A man in Rochester sold his voto for a barrel of flour and unon onenincr the barrel found it to contain only saw dust this part of tho county to thu Ueserva- gavo immcdialo relict and spasms which had become very frequent and violent, ceased. At last accounts Abraius was doing well. Dkstitutk Lvuiaxs. Since tho small pox broke out hero there havo been several squaws in an almost desti tute condition not being nllowed to visit town. On learning the facts, Agent Applogato authorized ono ot our citizens to seo that thoy did not sulfur for food or become a chargo on tho county. It is to bo hoped that tho Agent will roinovo every squaw from and sand The fellow voted tho Democratio ticket; so the voto and its considera tion were about a "stand oft" Rich. Tho Salem E7moiuf stigma- tlzestthe Democratio majority of tho late legislature as "a riotous ring of irresponsible rufflans" Tho al itera tion of the Unionist is exquisite, its picture truthful, but the want of enw that prompts that papor to clamor for tbo re-assembling of a "ring of ruffi ans" at the State capitol, is very pain- . ful U contemplate. . Tho State Journal closes a sensiblo article on tho "extra session" in the following pointed manner: "We are of the opinion that tho inter- ''ests of the Stato demand that the Leg islature remain adjourned as long as possible." tiojuttstton as safo and practioable andlsBt not doubt but in so doing ho wrWneet tho wishes of all our re spectable citizens. Masonic Installation at Chescb.vt City. On tho 28th ult., tho following named persons were duly installed as officers for Crescent City Lodge No. 45, F. & A. M.: Juo. A. Chaplin W. M.; Chas. W. Gardner S. D.; Thomas BaxterS. V.; Augtist Fischerman J. D,j Elibus N. Magrudor J. W.; Ewald Vorlander Mar,; Joseph G. Wall Treas. P. IL Povoler Seo.;0. L. Harison,J, R. Niokel Stewards; Juo. C. Richert, Ty- iur. Tho Polk County Siynitl congratu lates the pcoplo ot tho State; "that tho appropriation bill, which was prepared and ready to pass, showed a saving of a hundred thousand dollars." Had tho Democratic majority been as ready to pass the bill as it was to bo put through, Democratio economy would havo beon apparant in practice, rather than on paper, where it generally is. Anotiieu Gonk. Mrs. JohnS. Love died this morning at 8 o'clock from small-pox, the most appalling of all hu man disease. She was a woman of inestimable worth, beloved by n large circle oi acquaintances, anil lur Ueatli has inailo deep sorrow and gloom in this community. Sho leavos four little or phan children to mournfor a mothers smile and care, and to meet her again only in a brighter and better laud. Rumors aro rifo that tho Supremo Court is about to decide that the legal tender act is unconstitutional To those rumors Chief Justico Chaso has given an unqualified denial, and states that ho does not beliovo that a single ono of the Justices had given thu slight est indication how ho should act upon it. IIujikaii fou Jahi'ek! We mean tho editor of tho Yamhill Courier, Ho has ovidently abandoned tho Demo cratic party ; having como out in a lo ider headed "Hurrah for Jaokson I" and concludiu with a tribute th the "horo of Now Orleans" which of course is intended tor Ben Butler. Nkw Volume. Next week the Sen tinel enters upon a now volume. Our subscription list shows that we have met with public favor and it is tho sur est iudox that our efforts are appreciated. Nubsxs Wantmd. If there aro any lady nurses in tho .'alloy, not afraid of small-pox, thoy can get rood wages here, and aro inuoh needeif. Oabuolio Acid. A supply ot this muoh praised disinfectant just received nt tho City Drug Store. TKLXanAPK OrPICK. This iustitu- Hannibal Hamlin has bean eUaLail lion has been removed to UioSsntinb!. U. S. Senator from Maiue on a compli Office. mentnry vote. Judas betrayed Christ yet Christian ity triumphed. Arnold betrayed his country but we secured our Indepen dence. So Andy Johnson betrayed tho party that elected him to power, so half a dozen Arnolds nnd .lud.ws in tho Senato permitted him to still diigracn tho American nation ; hut tho causoof liberty, law and equal justico will surely triumph. Judas delivered his Lord and Master into tho hands of cruciliers; Arnold caused tho massacre of his loyal countrymen, and Andy Johnson may still tarnish tho good name of America abroad, and compol us to pay exorbitant interest, but as stiro as tho American peoplo nreyjuit ; so sure will tho principal nnd interest on our national debt bo paid ; and so sure as God is just, will tho nauio ot Aiitiy jonnson and all of his repudiat ing followers go down to poiterity covered with infamy. Loyalty nnd honesty will bo hondred. Traitors and repudiators will become powerless. Through tho loyal leader tho whole debt will bo paid ; treason and repudi ation will become more odious. Thoy will ho more odious than tho crucifio tiou of Christ or tho.vilUny ol Heno diet Arnold. Lenru l'dtllaml Tui'uliy nt C n in; Arrltv nt Corrullls next day by 7 ! m: I.vavu Corrnllls TliurnUy al (i a m; Arrive nt I'orlland next day by 7 p in. 131 tC From tVnterrlllo lo Fnrrcil drove,.) ralU'H and back, onco n week. I.oavu Urntrnlllt' Monday nt 1U n m; Arrive at Forrctl (iron; by 12 in; Leave Forrvil (iiote Monday nt I p in; Arrive nt Uentcrvlllu by 3 p in, 131 17 From I'orlland, by HtlliborouKli. For reit drove and Weil Ulielmletil, lo Lain) cite, 47 miles uud back, twice t uvk. Leave l'orllind Monday mid Tliuriday al 7 am: Arrive al linfuretlu next day by 1 p m; srjI.fucU,nrm.ttuTuridtty and Friday al 1' p m; Arrlro nt Portland next daya by H p m. 13118 From Salem, by Lincoln, lo Wlieatlund, 27 miles and back, once a urek. Leave Silem Wrdnoday at H a m; Arrive al IVIirutlmid by A p in; Learo WliealUnd Thnriday at Ham; Arrive al Salem by A p m. 1.1113 From Auburn, by roca'aonta?, (ii o,,) llliwrllK n. .,) fllrcli Creek, (it. o., and Italy's .Slallon, (n. o ,) lo Umatilla, th n branch to (iranlte Creek Minn, (n. o,) tulles and back, onco n week. Didder to Itute dlilaucu and propuie n rcucdtlle ol deparliir!) uud atrlvalf IJl.'.U From The Daller, by Seiucuc, (n. o.,) lo Ihurp'i, (u. o.,)!H) miles uud back uucv u Meek. I, cue The Dallci Monday ill 7 a m; Arrive at 'luorp'jt Wrduvtdty by 7 p in; Leavu Thurp's Thurrduy al 7 a in; Arrive at 'I lie Dallrt Saturday by 7 p in. Wlnttr rchedule six da;t. 13131 From Umallllit, by lliu county feat ol Vuklnu county ami thu i3iioiualmlo 1'asMo Seattle, Whlnloii Territory, "'.'.I miles and back onco n mu k. Leavu Uuutllla Monday ut B a u; Arrlro nt SraltloSuuday; at C p in; i.vtiu .7e.iiiic jiuuuay nn in; Arrive al Uuutllla Sunday by U p ni. 13132 From Ktpiesi Itanch, by Ilyu Viill.r, (u o) lo lliinilwldl llailn, (ii. o.,) is bilUs uud back, unco a uvek. Leare bxpreas lUucli Wedued.iy at 12 m; Arrlre at Humboldt llatlu by 7 p m; L au Huiutoldl lUlu Thurnlav at h a m. Anlvit at Kxpri.i lUucli by t p m. I3I3S From Tn Dalle, by Itockiaiid. (n. o) Wuiuluulou 'ternlory, llloek House, (u. o) ttr.dSlmcoe,(n.o.,) to VuHlmu,(ii.o.) UO luilvi mid back, once u vicels. I.ciwe the Dalles 3louiUy at 7 n in; Airnu al Vakluia WidiuMluy by 12 in; Uavu Vuklma Tliuixi.iy al i u m; Artite nl The Dalles Saturday by 12 in. 13131 From Albany, by lloilou MUD, (n. o.,) lo llrown.vllle, ii mile aud back, oucu a week. Leare Albany Monday at a in; Arrive al Drouimllle by (i p m; Leavu llruwntrllle Tuesday ut a a m- Attlit ut Albany by li ;i ni. 13133 From I'orlluuU by Jldditeporl, (n. o.,) and Cluhalem (iap, n. o lo Dai lon,30inlleii and back, oucu u vsevk. Leavu l'orllaiid Wedntiday at 0 a ni: i..iv.. ... ii........ i. ., .. .... ' ,imiv m wiuii uj ui u: ISS? prepared to nil Jrder ,. ffi1 2 this p ow nlll do Wtti'rworT. JWH&fi and Rlve more Mthfcfli Wii lo (he farmers, of X n !&ft warranted Id CTcr rfsocS " uW- ftH blacksmlthlug dono K W Wil forcMh. L.oc?lOn.!? tf.t aoiabxsITBoiJfieSi 1 1IWE IIEOBIVto FROM w" J Treasury drali, Tor the ffi 3 E I ucorgo w. AHilr y, C'hsrlM Run ' illy, Charles K. CtaJMnStti6 J imts'M.'iloxle, Ww.'a "a n l0" xph Morun. nM a- :&$ m-.i , S" ... ' ---.. .1,-iBr.fw zj . ii raver. ' " " 'hb ngcntlemen Wf . Jkio0e,8,pi.u,1,i&DOtfm Toams rw V-' llio for ciiih tract wautod for Waraer. i nndnflcr the first clay cfOtlil, io undersigned haruJelVrpOT ll cjicluslr y-swvpt UMn iJii t Those Indtbi, ,1 7 VwM?.B ' a lively pay up, ftaull afco.,,.i.W iTIJ tolwr lt. lll.rs'X iinif H . W BOOT AND SHOE MAKErT lory, wo are no;r pwpsrri lo ilifJA .i nun iu our Miiucr ana Flndlor U& On band, direct Irom France. .Cslfil DomcJtlo Lealher, Doot I.eic , ' ,fw. , t I' ITIIK, "'IUU, SwFrmtu. ierrons Indel.tnl lo llirni locenifsfijf .ledlaicly mid piy up. or Inrlr totti nj .""' "in uv pin in I in- hinds of ss ollectlun. .S?.Vk HUm h John (i. Hki.v. New York. Address, HIJIN A ntlAY,3asFrW. lBIIMIeryBlrttl , Iffotice Pusitite. Plli: underslptnrd llii.llnj (t B(ttmt, L Hie in lo ciillect all onlsiindloi tJZ a cniuiti. due lli.in In onlrrlo meet it.rU- . .U 111 rA.L. .VUTTUNlSTUUj Dissolution of Farticrihie 'pili:iiirlnorhlpli-relofertjltl(bti,w J J. (i. Adams and Win. II. Will, CiSci li'irek Ori'trou, I, ltd' day dlolrMlr utul consent. All the nccinile ntltbi Kitftswl I lie business continued by J.U.AIiim i 0. .D.IV.. WV.11.T1TT, Hcpt. L'ist, tens. jctiiii Wotico to Doliaqajiti. WII hereby ttlvuimllcc lo all tit ink debleil on iiccotiiits tmThmrUiM collection, (hut lliosHincmuit-kitlWIsr dlalely, or Ihoy wlllUisue.1 ofoauluk! ed by law- Ali I'iom Iidebtedtoiiicsn NKl. will do well lo rclllc llicir .areotsU rj It as wo have Rnmn 1 1 rid uNaao!i(liJ Intend lo have our dues. DOWKMiAtol Oisselation of rartMnUi, pilK jinrlnrrshlp hs-retoforir ekltJsVt I j:.-H. nud Wm. 0, (Irrenss a hWM I Isiluy. Tln account of Dr. GRnsnUsi b enillsporril nT lis W. 0. Oretiiaiu, isl u ' I iMiedlate settlement Is rniulrcd. K. II. GREEtW. W.C.CRE0H1. Aujr. filh, MH. K rSACQOKV, I II.IVi: for salo near .lihknu.ifr; ftti III pi'itcocke lu splendid couilllleo, Tt ..I i.u.i.. .... ii... n.ili in. In Orfcos. IHS pi-rums npiilylni: soon. barslns ilH'V lllll UU UIII VIIMCl , l'".. ' ."L. MARRIED. JUSTIOK UOIIKIlTS-nn Dm I in. i.r by Iter. M. A. Williams. Mr. John Justice to Miss. Mary J. Hoberls, both of Jackson county. HKNUiiix-Mii.U0N-0nDec.3l. br Her M. A. Wllllar.. Mr. F. M. Hend rik and Mil.' Martha Million btb of Ashland. BORN. FARBEN-On Ike Jlh n,t., lo the wlf, 0f 8. M rerrenasoo, WKmitEU-Oa Sunday the 10th Inst., lo ihe wife of Joseph Wellerer a daughter. IIELMS-On lb. Hth lost., to th. wife of Her. wan Von Helms a daughter. DIED. tbSuWr.."" U,b' ,ohn M",la. child of H.ury and Julia Urtllbarlb. UUIIDABD-Oii ll.n agca about to years. 131b, Jtjmes Hubbard DUEWEtt On th mi. un. i. i, John Ursw.r. w"v""' """ M of John S. Lore sged :s years. Leave Dayton Thursday ut U a in; Arrive al 1'orlUud br ii p ui. I315U From Corrullls, by KIuk's Valley, J'hll oiuutu, Sumer's, n. o.,J Summit, Hup tousull'a lu., o., J'loueer Uily, Littiu Klk, Yaipuuu, Oyslerville, u. o ,1 Nw tou, ami Toledo, lo Nuwpurl, 70 miles and back, lhriilmcawvek from iluy to Nuveinber, uud oucu a week the resi dua ol Ihu year. cilule May to UTaveinber.) Leave Corurllls Monday, Wednesday, nod Friday al C a mi Arrive at Newport next days by C p in. Leave Newport Mouday,T'iesday,uudThurs day ut 0' u in or al ti o. m: ArrlvotttCorulllsTueday, Thursday, and Saturday by H p w. (frovembtr to May.) Leave Curtallls Monday al U a ui; Arrlvu at Newport Widneaday by C p in; Lemo Newport two hour alter arrival; Arrive at CorrallU Friday by 8 p u. NOTES. Proposals rnnst bo lo carry the mall with "celerity, cerlaluly, and security," using tho terms of Ihu law, uud they must bj guaran tied by two rispensible persous.cerlllltil lo.as such by a postmaster or judge ofa court or re cord. No pay will bo made for trips not performed aud for each of such omissions not satisfactori ly explained three time the pay of tho trlii may bu deducted. For arrivals so far b:hlad timu as lo break couuection with depending malls, and not sufficiently excused, one-fourth of the compensation for tho the trip is subject to for- tenure, vines will do imposed, unless me ut) lioqueoey be satisfactorily explained, for neg lecting lo tako the mall Irom or into n post of fice: for tattering It lo be injured, destroyed, robbed, or lost; and for refusing afler demand, to convey the mail aa frequently as the con tractor runs, or It coucerued In running vehi cles on the route. Tho Postmaster General may annul the contract for disobeying the pott ofllcs laws, or th. Instructions of ihu Depart ment. He may alter the tcaedule of depart ure and arrivals, aud also order an Increase of tervloe by allowing therefor fto rata increase on tbt contract pay. He may alto curtail or discontinue the service in whole or In pert, al pre rata decrease of pay, allowlup one months, extra compensation on tne amount of service dispensed with, bids should bo addressed to the "Second Assistant Postmaster General," tuperecrlbed "Proposals, 8lle of Oregon, and tent by twit. For forms of proposal, Ac, and other Infor mally, sea advertisement of Ibis date, lo pam phlet form, at the principal pott offices. ' ALBXVW7RANDALL, J'ottmatttr Gtmru, iv. am SEED WHEAT. rllt: undersigned hat for sale ' !l ' j on Wagner Crock. nipiMlU ',tf 'd wheal, or the wblttt.TsrMr.J'1" f iteancd with especial care. T n iiiiiiii mi miritdx rurreiii n " , Wnirner Creek. Nov. 1 lib W- niiJ8vl IIU" inms! HIDES! rnin: iiioiiEST oabii raiM 1 Hides of all kinds, delivered! UH" or the underslgued.ln JwllMays 0ITH. iicemir nin innu. NOTICE NOTICK Is hereby given lo PfWrl to usjlo come forward by ibe 1st ry, 1863, and to Die hlr "$', J Anew year liss ciio.meDced, sJ Jjj debtrd lo Iho ondeillgBrvU" gP to come forwurd ut oni-c and ,VTrt note or cash. '1'hcy cat. then M H'illotr Springs, Jan. lit.-lg- TothHtadinfP WE havo niteil up a wf',', will a vo everyone whu "'-v,;., Dniis" I ForrUoular'seuqutroU I liotica. . Tho public nre r$&SfM Martha Kilgore, biting Jell W ' "fH without just oause or PfoMeiK?' J debU of her e""'..! warned not to trust her J.,xplflOs i-..vnm December 1Hl', tf MIVvHt eue" .KOT'flSRpflto MB VfAM EVBBVnODVWSfg W to tho MEKHM W'fa i ztddret ,,l" n. iiil. traat. N. X. " """ WZ. f r -T7h monJS IXTBEtf PAQW "iVriM'MffiB ! . s WIT WIT'1 CO.. 69 Cedar 1893, . ...i i i f-sM itlBWorknwtly w" ( J' OM. "-'