Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 09, 1869, Image 2

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axrunnxT MoitxtKo, .Tnn. 0,UH0
7 ho Epidemic
."We are lorry to sty that since our
last -issue, the small-por lint spread
hart at an uUrmhiR rate. Sincu lust
Saturday two deaths have tnken place
and twelve new cnsss have been re
ported iu the town nml vicinity. At
present thorc nre thirteen very severe
casss under treatment, and there seems
to br no indication tlmt the course of
the epidemic N checked. Silica tlie
first ease Hindu its nppcurnnec we can
count thirty-HP I'll etui's tlmt have
spread Iroin it, live ol which have let
minuted fatally, nineteen ol which un
considered convalescent, and thu thir
teen rcforred to under treatment. At
the County pi6t-houe there aie nine
cases under treatment, and on Kanaka
Flat four ; the hitter aie all ot the con
fluent type, and two ol the former me
dangerous and uiitieal. The exposure
him been fo great that we expect to
rriord tlie continued ravage ol the ter
rible disease, but tiust that luiihliil
nursing vv ill nave the most ol those w ho
have been unfortunate enough to con
tract it. All business has been by gen.
eral consent, unbended execept in two
instances. In those, the pecuniary ben
efit realized will probably bo of a
doubtful char icter, as public opinion
in times of publio calamity is power
ful; anil .thu people will not soon for
get the mercenary motive that prompt
a defiant exhibition ot selfishness. We
hope tin- worst has come but we an
nul justified in saying that it has and
we auain urie evcrvouo to avoid ex
posure, and it not vaccinated to be so
at once.
St. Mam's Acadiuv, )
Jaikkt.uvinv, .ill", .tli, 18Uf. I
Sir-. The sisters of the Holy nimes
of Jesus and Mary most willingly off
er their services to attend on the p.i
ticnU in the hospital, it the Hnaul ol
Health wish to accept of their offer.
The Sisters would bo happy to give
this slight token of their sincere grat
itude to the citizens lor the numerous
benefits received at their hands.
To Mr. David I.inn,
President Hoard of Health.
J.VCKSONVIM.K Oo.v., Jan. T, 1800.
The board ot Trustee for tho town
ol Jacksonville, beg to acknowledgi
tlie receipt ot the note this date ml
dieted by the Sisturs of the Holy
n uics nt J ecus and Mary to thu Presi
dent, in which a tender is made nt tin
Sisters for tho iurpon of taking charge
of the small-pox hospital.
The Hoard, while must gratefully ne
knowleilgiug the Christian charity am)
humanity which ptnmpl the unble mm
generous offer, begs to hay that for tin
present the attendants mi the atllictcd
although not numerous, are deemed
sufficient for the emergency, nml an
therefore unwilling to expose tho gen
erous ladies ot the sisteihnnd to tin
contagion until an imperative necessity
reqiitr s it I', hotvovcr, thu epideinii
ehonid i outturn. its ravages, ot w'Jticl.
therein every indication at present,
the limit d will most gladly avail itscb
of the tender made by thu sisten. in
the note icfuir-'d to.
Tho board takes thi occasion, foi
itscll and in behalf of the cituens, to
reiteratu thu thanks due for an ollii
which only springs from the verv
highest dictates of i cliginn nml human
President Hoard ol Health
If .the Salem Unionist is so extreme
ly.,niixious for an extra session of tin
lygislatnro why docs it not advise tin
"ellish and iutreguiug men" to
resign so that a new election may be
called and their places filled with de
cft members ? Such a course might
if suit iu benefit to the State, but the
assembling nt the present Irgisluluu-
cm bo of no poadhle use.
(crotch a Democnit mid you'll find
a rebel under tho Bkiu. JVT Y, l'rll
ificratcb n Hndical and vnti'll find a
nig ger under the skin. DispuWh.
'Scratch a nigger and ten to one you'll
fjgd a Denincr.it.
The U. . Graml Jury ot Washing
ton have li .miil the Sttrrat caae, on
thavgramtd .that it U .covered by the1
President's Amnesty proclamation.
j j '
TJie Jacksonville Sentinel comnirn-cea'-tw
nrticlo on Christmas: "Fellow
citizens -and wayfarers, wo greet you
again." PvttUiwl Commercial.
You'ro a no audi thing !
i -
fii'RBADiMa. Oiu t-ase ot small-pox
wa rcporlud in Salem on Weduesduy
Klamath Aoknct, OnKnox, 1
Dkc. i!7th, 1808. J
Fiukni) Si:xti.vi;i. : Wo nic now
and havu been for some time past, eu
j tying the finest weather I have ever
witnessed iu this eotiutiy. To-day has
been like Spiiug, and although it is
now dead ol winter, it is hard to real
ize the fact.
Considering our resources and the
many disadvantages to overcome, wo
did pretty well iu celebrating Christ
mas, both hero ami at thu Fort. The
Indians were all here early Christmas
moining, and received their regular is
situ ot buel'siud Hour, returning to their
houses with ample means lorn holiday
least ; all appeared to icalizu to some
extent this fact that they wcru celubta
ting "big Sunday."
The people here all enjoyed a Christ
inas dinner given at the"Liku House,"
alter which ufl icp.tiicd iu a wagon to
the Laku and made a shoit voyage iu
thu evening.
This vtas not enough, and thu day
vva still lurther observed by Mr. N.
L. Lee, presenting hur husband with u
fine boy, and his name is Jihtidt
The soldiers had a grand compiuv
bill Christmas night, an I trom what I
can learn managed to enjoy themselves
hugely most ot the day nml night, bu
no serious consequences, as are often
the result ol such celebrations unionf.
soldiers. This is due to tliueouiiiiaml
iug olliccr'a good management and di
apliu, fur it is a tact generally uilinil
teil that while Capt. McGregor is no
null seven on his men, they urcuuvi-.
seen straggling around drunk, as is to.
nllcn the case around military posts.
Lieut. Small will piobably lenvi
Ft. Klamath about Jauuary 1st. Hi
absence will be much regruitvd tor It.
has many friends.
Thu (Jutise Lake excitement stii
keeps up, and nearly every man yoi
meet out hero is going out there iu tin
dpriug, ami judging trout present iml.
cations there will bu a strong sctth
lueul early hcximii liner. Summer urn.
Silver Laku valleys are begiuuilig t
cuiue iu tor their share ot thu geiiem
excitement, and from the best in tot int.
tiou 1 am able to obtain summer Lal.i
valley is the most desirable couitif;
uow open tor sutllemeiit.
While population is bound to sin
cred. Wu liavo ul ready two lulm
out ii this wild wilderness, lur Cupi
McGregor was thu happy tecipvut oi .
Hue buy on the Mill till.
Washington City Items,
We clip the following from
Waxliiuglou Vhrunklc ot thu 0th o
Dei ember.
Thu foolishly impudent resolutions o
the Logii-laluiu ol Uicgnu unking Hit.
.son.Uuir, illmuis uini Corlxti to n
oign licc.nife ol their auiiuii iu voiin,
or the leeulirttl liction titUol Cullgt
and which weru prvneiilediiitlieili.it
tihlvitlitv, met Willi the tutu 1 1 ivy s
richly merited. They weru leturm-i.
to tliw lioiiy lurwuruing ilium, eimnu
lerieil a "ftcauUaluus, iiujiurtiiiuiiiuiK
Director Liudcriuau, of the Mint,
rathei einhiien lite opinion ol thu llrii
ih CoinminMoii to the Flench lutein;,
tioual Ciiiuage Cougicss, which did n
rcrommcinl tlmt u gold coin of ilievu.
tie ul twfut.v-live liiiucs sliottld lie sin.
ttituled fir thu sovereign.
Hon. Schuyler Coll.iv, Vice Pui
lent elect, Inst night leeched a eoi
uratulutory Nit from the ciljiciis n
iiidiami resident in Win-hiugtnu.
II. F. Dowell, the iinpiieiiir nml cd
iloroflhe On-gou hiiMiMii., ntrivc.
heie vcsienl.iy iu liflceu davs linn
Oicgiui, ami twelve d.iy fnuu Sacr.i
iiieutu. He st Its tha't tlteie is u
snow or ice on the routo west ot tin
Hummil ot thu Itucky Mountains; lur
on tin Plntte and Ctmucil Hlutl's tin
miou is eight inches deep, and tiit-Mi
MMtri liver lias been frozen over lor two
weeks. Tlteiu wns no ieeiu lliiiulioMi
or Hear i'iviih, nor iu uiiy of thu Inker
m the route. This vvntild indicati
that Iowa is the coldest country in tin
mimic latitude on thu continent. Tin
mads aie iu excellent condition, nml
ihi-Paciliu railroad is a smooth a
any iu thu United States.
Paciflo Coast Urtvities
The mill-pox is said to havu disap
peared from Victoria.
Thu Napa Junction Railroad Is near
ly complete.
They have the unall-pox near Lin
coln, Placer county.
Smallpox hat dinppared from
Much fencing; anil hay' have been
destroyed by prairie fires in Prickly
Paar Valley', .Montana
Dr. Mack, raiding in Kaat Port hind
was robbed and vr4y hsjndlH ly
three burglurs.uu the night ul thu ith
The Post oDloe in Union count v hith
erto willed Forrest Chvu is now known
as Cove. 1 he origianl nami was ol
HUB Ol-.
w. '
ta confounded with Forest Gn
Oregon Branch Paciflo Railroad.
The following is from the Washing
ton correspondence ot tho San Fran
cisco Jiutletin. It is identical, ornealy
so, with Mr. Mallory's hill ntid the
correspondent seems to think thnt the
ii.rpmi... - "" I UOIM1MII 111V UIUIVII Ul.llV W .'V i""H" ' p , , till-. .1...
road is to cross thu Cascades near the lor thu same mile ol road ; and the said rlml aufflnge ami foibhbling the
Klamath lakes which would bring it bonds ol the Company Hindi constitute granting ol piivate privileges to incur
.. ii.iu W..II..V V i.v-n tw.t v.. the first lien, and ihe said bonds it the poratiuus also leuiiiriug tho passage
fore cannot say that such is the case. Cl! VuK ,i, Alh5 -5i'k i.il , U.Ui l i;rtWrVtlo.. ol llib more
The.rob.ibility is that it will bo op- appuiteiiaiices, ami upon the Irnnchisu valuable fur beat big auiunils. Duller a
.! 1...1.1. .i i.i...i.t...-.. i. :..i. mil estate ol the Comiiaiiv. to be en-, linancialifiieeeb will bu ilelivered ut an
VIOilill III! I llv niiHniiumri r inuii iipi.ii-
from the Klamath basin will be selcc
led. We have s;
, , . . , .
aid much on this sub-
tie of this county have
jeet and the peo
failed to co-operate with us; should the
rotnl then, be finally located over the
"Diamond Peak" loute, we will not
light it, "but accept it as tho best that
could bu done for the people of South
ern Oregon, in the absence ot any e lib it
to help themselves:
Senator Williams has introduced n
uceu ii
bill to aid iu the construction ol the
Oregon Hraiich Pneillu Itailro'td, an
enterprise which has dniihtlcvs at'.rai-t-d
cousidetable attention on the
Pacific Ci
W"1!! 'I iH'lleye.l ny ".,-, l0 he ejuiiinuuicated by him t.i
friends uiim side, will receive tiniis
it illy l.tvorablu notice from Congress,
as promising to luriitsii close umi con
venient connection with one ot the
lurthcst outlying sections ol the Union,
mil open up a viiluable section ol coun
try not benefitted by any other ot the
Dimerous lines which ute, and will be,
cckiug similar nid. Whether the
topes ot I lie present applicants are well
lo.imled, or illusorv, il is yet to early
ii the seskiou to detvrmiue. Iu the
uenutime, us a matter ot probable in-
erest to your n tilers, I tninseribe the
,.re Important features of the bill. It
s provided that" tor the purpose of mil
mg in thK construction ui aniiinmuami
etegraph wiie trom u point on tin
Vutral Pacific Hailroad,at or near the
lorth bend ot thu Humboldt Uiver, iu
heStatu ol Ne.ada, to, and over the
'ascadu inuge uiouutaliis iu thu vicini
ty ot the Klamath lakes, and hence by
he most eligible route to the navigable
utters ot the Columbia river, nt or near
ihe city ot Portland, there shall be
ar inted to the Oregon Hraiich Pacific
.'ailroad Company, a corporation
irguuued pursu.itil to the laws ot tin
Mate ot Oregon, lor the purpose of con
tracting said railroad and telegraph
lues, by articles ot agreement dated
Inly 0, 1808, the right ofway.rte., ten
illeruati.' sections ut public laud per
idle on each side ol the road, umluNo
0 per cent, tbirty-yuar bunds oi the
United Sttitis to tho ntiHiimt ol .TJ.iiOO
per mile from the point ol depititiircnt
the Central I'aclllu Kailio.-ul totlicct-l-eru
busuol the Cascade Moiuitaius. $IH,
100 per utile lor 1 00 miles ot in til, the
nn-t mouiitiibious umi dilliciilt ot con
-traction, nnd $10,000 per mile for tin
residue ut the line.
It the route, however, shall be found
imiii thu line nl any othcrrailioad route, j
oaul lutlii'ciiiislriicliou ut whicli laud
nave been heietofore granted by thu
'idled States, then, as funis the mutts
re iiiou the same general line, the
mount ot laud tilieady giuuted shall
e lUdiicieo trout thu iiiiioiiui giauted
i thi- Otegoii Hiaitch lto.nl, as above
noviiled Thu eoiidiliotis iitlached to
he loiegoing grants me us lollows :
Thu said company shall lilu their
cceplaucc ol the grants in minim r
ilorcsaid within ouu year lioin thep.is
igu ot this Act, and shall complctc-lii
idles ot railioad ami telegraph within
wo yeais from us passage, nnd -10
idles each year theiealter until the
hole shall he completed; they shall
nuke the iraekot said railroad iiuiloim
iu width with that ot tin-Central Pacific
Itailmad, ami shall-keep the same and
thu said telegraph in good icpiir umi
use, mid shall ut all. times transmit des
pitclies nnd carry thu mails, troops,
iiiiiuilious ot war, supplies, stoics ami
Height tor the United stales ul icusnu
able rates ot compciis.ttiiiu, uulexciwd
lug Ihu tales paiil by pritule pcrniis
lor the like service; ihcy shall pay thu
uiteiest nnd priueii.il ot the said liotnU
ol the Uuileil Slates as the satne shall
tall due; ami the lauds so granted, ex
cepting such as the company ( my re
kcrve tor itiibcr, depoisaud other need
till purpo-es, shall Im subject to sell le
nient Mini sale under thu preemption
laws, at the rate ol S2 CO per acie, or
such less price us thu company shall
iirescribu ; and the moneys accruing
iroin suuh sales, mid trout the truuspur
Utiou ami other business to be done
by th company tor the United Status,
hall soasaiu in tho l'muury of the
UuiUHltUty a.NitMl to pay the, in
terest m principal ot the said bonds,
mill II the said liiiul shall not be sulH
cinut to pay the s4id iuleiest and Jirin
Mil.sumhtf saine shall fall tine, then
ouu-hall ul tho net earnings ut ilw said
nillriMil ami teiearaph, ur so muuh ,piac
thcieafas may lie nesy. shall bo
i eserved tor and applied tu such py-
u"" " 'i"-. . aiwii ly-
rue.ii; tAii.the twvraurjr i this bitW-1
! lor mav prcu'itbe louns nnd regnla-
..... !. I I.I. ...111. il. tli.i
Cpanl. n ;.nt t;.;ii,;; .asuch Chicago, Jun Mh.-A JtWcan
time as fie shall reqtilie, the eondilion special says: ihe lUmse ciuimillcu on
ol its albilrs; and the Company shall Tun itonis ill report u bill in a day
not iue mine of Its own bonds tor1,,,. lwo p,-oidiug lor a Teriitoiial
i'M'te! yrtlii!rJ .iftL SI Oomnmuiil tOr. Alaska, remuring in.-
t ---.
' ",rm ".' lh" TV"V'""' !1 " ""
I UiiU'" uvLMrrii iiiinmi 'i"'"
j" Tu. Kl, ri! tiUtt tll,j-ot.
jiollouiug i-ouditloiis, vi.:
to thu
1-ii -t Hint whenever, alter their
entile line slmll be eeuipletcd, it shall
iiiiiie.ii- that the net enriiiui's ill the
11 i i ...i... I. j. ...I... I!.... .I...i
""" ""' "'c ",'J:, .
amount ullovvcd lor sei vices to llnl
I'liiled-Slates, tiller deducting all ex
pciidilurcs. iiieliidlug icpoiis mid the
turiiisiiiiiir. iiiniiing, ami maiuigemeui
j nl' said aoid, shall exceed ten pcicculi
! , ...... ,.i
l,,t. la ,. , 1IU. ,iud height tin-icon il
lllll 1111 111 1I TOM. VjltllLIII'.'-n HUM n '
iinicaoiialile.iii itiiiouut, and may fix
nun etaoiisii ine satni' uv iinv,
That the said cotiiorhtioiit
liull make to the Sccietary ol ihe
'cougiess, uu tiiinuai icporl wherein
shall beset loith
First The names of the sluckhuld-
ers, anil their places ol ies.ieiiee,asmi
.... . 1 i
as lilt1 same lliny i,' aseeriaiuen
Second The iiiimes nml residences
nl the directors and other ollleersol tin
Third The miioiint ol slock subset i I
.,,. ,,,. the auiouut ll.erco. actua.lv
-til Hi. .it-!
I'liurih A tlescnption ol the li.it
adopted furlhe colistiuctlou id the.
siiii load. 4ti
-illli The iimoiiul received tor tin
traiisnoitatioii lesneullvely ol pnssen-1
.'.. irt-iiflit. nml mall on sunt mud.
, r,1B rVcei.s trom all other sources, am,
, the amount ol eivice lemlen-il lor tin
)iu eminent id the Uuileil Males.
Sixth A stateinenl ot thu cost
construction ol said road and telegrhph
lute ami ot its expenses mid maiuleu
uiicu for each year.
Who will havu lnflubnco with Qui
Urnut I
There is n great deal of speculation
on this subji ct, just now. Some people
think that Mr. F. H. Washhurue will
control him ; mine say lliat hu is iu
frequent and confidential conespotiil
euce with Mr. A. T. Stewart, thu drv
outls man j some say that Gen. Haw
tins is ull-powerlul with him; ami
others th it Gen. H.idcau wields a won
licrlul iulhi' nee.
We have hci I. Iieipiuntlv asked vvlitit
' we think .tiiotii the mutter, ami toMive
the tioiiblu ol luillu-r luquiry we mav
,, uell state our views.
. On one occasion when fieu. Gu.v.si
tvasiiduig with us behind ri:i:t:i.i:ss,
nt iptiitly iciiiaikcil: " Jmiilil tiht
:i take Imlit tin) J-kii."
Now, we lather think Gen. Grtittl
iu ill hold the leius hiiusell the nex
i ourycuis. He has been eleeled Pier
' t.lciit and hu will he President.
llistruu thai he litis Mild that In
should oulv carry out thu will of tin
people, as declined by thu laws ol Con
gress; but then hu will cany it mil
We shall have an atliniuiKlrulioii. lb
will do his duty, and men under him
will have to do llicii duly.
Thcieloie, wucoiicludulhat the moi
iulliieiiii.il man with the Adtuiiiisli.i
lion, lor the next lour yens, will In
Ui.Vobiis i). Cham; Jeavr.
Tin: Fuirn I'liioi Com.i:u$. Tin
Cougicss now III session leniilliahh oi.
thu :id ol Muich. 'Il i itob.ildu l'ic-
idciit Giant will couveiiu ihu Furu
liist Cougicss iitiuiedialuly idler his
inanimation, unless ull uvcessaty bui
ueos shall havu bcuit uliu.idv il(alcli
cd. Thu lolls ol thu House will be.n
ihu iiaiucb ol '2'2ti licpiofiilnliics, in
cluding all the Suites except Viigluia,
tlisissiiml and Texas Kcniesellta
.Uississtipi anil iiziis. in jnestuia
lives li'oul these states wotihl swell i
the nuuiber to 'J IU. Thu membership
ol thu Pottieth Cougicss, buloiu the
success ol lecousiiiiclioii, was only 1UU,
Thu Itepiiblicau paily will lemaiii
hugely in the in.ijntiiy, nnd many ol
thu inuiiibeis havi-scrvud beluie. Tin
ue.xt Senate w ill contain (IU iiictuheis
whiuh is uu increase nt 13 sincu the
Southern Slates weru admitted, unit
within six ot thu whole number belong
ing to a lull Senate of ull the Siulcs.
The Itepubliuait majority is iuureaseit
by the change made mid by the South
em uccessiuu.
Small-pox has muUe no .tj.pcuruucc
nt the Stale Capitol. It is almoin as
great u calamity us an extia session, ol'
the "rump" Legislutuie would be,
A Qiiarmitiuu bus been established
otYieka, mid no citiseu ot .Itiukson-i
villu will he ullotvud tu enter that
ulufcu leeku seeun. to be um ot luuk.
A Qiiarmitiuu bus been established
Woineu lire now ullowkd to vote iu
viun ii nun uuuwvu n turn m
i)oHh by uetot LaUhHur.
i -
rlrly. Inuddilion ton.aininiuiugh.
policy, he vvill revieiv 'oiioii's plan
nnd imike it viguioiis assault on the
ide.i ol specie as the lm-is lor cuneiicv
nml htaiidaid ot values, liiihliiig tint1
euiieiicy, like our gicen.meUi, liusid
upon tl.uli.ill. ola gieat nation, nml
J?. .
J'"' the scuiitlty ol which nil propeily
pledged, is mote desiiablu than spe
u ,.
Augusta (Me.) .Ian. fith. The IcgN
. .... " ... .1 ...I
, ' " '" M '" wiiir..iieiii'miiieuiii.
I hi' ipicMimi ol tlie Uulteil Mates Sen-
uuiimihi ii .iiiracutig gieiu nueiiiini..
i'iIl. I.i,.-i j-,.!,,,.. ,ciecn Hun. L.
1 M. Moirill ami ll.iiiuib.il Haiiiliu vviih
the chances iu lavor ol'iln littler.
SMAl.l.d'.X ItKtli.lU, .. .tJMllitlt HI nl
tli riuiTinii. niii Union s:
' O uuil
llU.w,, !,,.,, H.h, wj,c, ,ml
ixil in my kniiHlcluc Iu IkiihIikH i.r c.i-. H
I will pit v. nt i,r cure ill" nimll pMX ilmucii
tli" iiuiiis mc tt.liuu. H'i-ii .liiin.r d pcv
''"' Isttv-p'X III Mnulniil lie nrlil nl s-
l,,,iv h'"M '" vla.M f nic upn lis
tl ili s iciiH- in. it iiiiiiiccii lur siiiiill-iiiix
,,4. ttl..,... , , uiiriiiltf . ,,
l i,iit r- hi emv hImisv. It is liurin'if
w'"'n 1"''11 ''.v " Wl' I r""a 1' "I' "'""
cnri- scirlci lever Mm- is ili.- rt-ilp u I
''' u-eu It m cure tin- snitll-p.xj wli.n
"",l W'sei.i..s .ml the i urn iiumI u.
Stf Zt S"Z
, )( ivjnrt n)'iJt w( ,W1( t It, ....M
Ill's !
.iii-r, I uhe n Iiii'immhiIiiI i'Vitv li.Mir I-.
lu-r dilute tvill il yinr ill twelve limits,
l'ni ii clillil, smillcr il.Hes, iicrnrihii to uf.i
I. mil is mniiiIiI i iiin I t Ii lr ili)sieiMii o
ie ill in llicri- viiiiilil Im- tin lie. 1 1 ol ss'.
mil-.-. If jruii nlii.. iiilviv nml exsrh'iiL-.
use llil. ur imI If-rillile ilinn'f.
.iil.Vli; VKAIj'II--.)' llm n sliWucu ol th.
rii V l.i'hirr. la-Mr Ciuyiiillu. Ii) Ki'Vi J. Ji
I, ii iiiijllie ,'. Iii.t, Mr. i.lu. CnWn; l.
l Klur i.ci Vi-ncli,
II .1 I.I. -On ihu llli In. I., tu ihe vtilu ul A. t
ll'.i'l it iliiiihliiD.
T.7"t'. nf lli.-k-uil. Cviiiuly of Jaclt.uii.
O Jii.iiuf Cuiirl im the 'H unci nf .fiiui.t.
l 1 'IiiIiiiuii . .lull, i ft. Ueinhnii,
vti iioinm in n (.uti r iiiune
it uell uli i.ijuit. it ,i Ik' nnr) wip.-iir it.
l.ll l.llllll III! 'IlllKl.lV, . ., lU.l III I'.llll.
),..!) lo'ti wiul uu. . i ii u luiujiUait llliil
Ml S.I . I.,.. ), I,, ,,,, ..,..,.4 .. !!
l.. lliUSIIIII.il PIMrui ItulialH. Willi iwi Hul,
vtn.u.is ul the cil.t.
1 i. ii.iUi.iii ii) iiiuvimri Umi iiiiilloiilun iu
- niiiiiiiiis Iw iii.nl lur ok rikc i uf six vviak
..i uu iirihuu bHtliiitl, u Hivitiy ..u.,...(.ii
..llllllll III JJCrt.vllllllUUllX"".
.Villi tuu ure iiutiil.il l.ial ii )iiii l.i.l tu ,.s
ivu a,il ciilujiuiill us ulsjvt! uiiii.i, tuu ,iu
i, ll niii uik im tin; iuIiv, Usui i.nii il im.n.1,1,
..... J. Ci. Illllll.l.l, 'lui.llll
.WIiI.iijcI, Junius .'uu, Isi.u,
ItS 33JUND TO V0..1v
A' fiilucul pruvs fur cj'Ii, 'Im u-r cm
li.isiiui m h he mull im ml k tula nl niiik
I e.i-li s i,ill,
.Mu'iii'.'iiiii. ihi;h tnuc'j i
Administrator's Notice.
NOIIli. Is hmli jnvtli IhitU. ilits in hu
llilulrlllll nil liuvu Lull yliillul dv i
o'm.il) Ouiiii ul JiicUmiii l'uIiiI), Uli wu' i. u,
li.v oliilc ul Jii.luh HlhIuii, Ule nl null cuiti.
ly.Un.rus.il. All !4illus li.it liijtliiiiuiij(ai,.
aui Mum-, uro iuiik.iu o. (ir-stni in. t. tt,i
n,,,,,,,,,,,, tuiiclin, vtlilun .1 uimui,. lllU
Ihu Uutuul llii" noiite. it ni n sun mi, uu u.
lul diiic ul Ituulle Itttil.sil milts uliUtr lit
Imi'i liiir . Hi.il ull n-iruu Imli'liuil tu rul(4 ,',
lutekri r.illlltsl In III ike lliiiiiuliiiie ihjiiiiii
Llwllli.li) Ullu HTll,.iuiiiiiikUHiur.
Iitciiuis-r liiih. is lis.
Executors Woiico.
NOIIlih hrn ) s'vu. Ilmt lull. i ot ml
lil.illrll.l. mi lultu hiiu KlnnliiJ iy ,r
Ciiu.l. I.uiiii ut JiiMihinu tuuiil), Kit nun, ut,
llmirUI-ul I'olrr.t.. ll'lli-jisti, lutit ul Mill
ennui), iitni. All i'irilia hsvuiK olsiin
UHl-i mat umie, urt rniit-Uil lo pirs.ni
liaiu. tvuli llm uiuinr viiuclins. ttlllua six
iiionlli lr iu lli Jul,, ur ihi, niilltr, m iiiv uu
ilruce in Knhytllh-tull (irr.oiis lnilelil.il I,
the esuiv a ruplir. U In in he itiiiiuilisle ust
iiii-iii. AI. UlldPMAN Kx-ciilur.
Ki-rlijvillc, A'gvcuiutrxIih.aU Umi
,11t,!l; AJIUtlOAN WU'. At.ir..
.tllUIKMN nil 'CO.,dl UtUsr sliot, t.
X, V. 0, Jinx ObUJ
&.$''& 'l Aut-v.lui.ln ihu AiUIMHMN
BM3 ......
... ... , ......
J oltv!' ' W,q' U"' fikT4,
TII.IVKnnlm..ililiBPBieiii rlKht of,W,
1 sun utiU .)u. bliliiv ci-utitli-f. roriht . w'l
tel Pll,IGANO lL(W N.it
m-.urt., iu nil orders, m.U wlluruh. oS
this . u will .Iu letter work whl, lmZX
si.U kIvc more sntlslHdtlmi thnti .,. . SJIiv
lu llnr lurniers ur suullurii Ort'ifun li
ttiirrmiiiaiii ever rispiei, and tt kind. I
l.liiuksi.illhluK dune ut let. ptT ccn dil"
iivvi: uw;kivi:h kiiom tiik'ii
1 Trisisitry ilnills lur Ihe Imuuty uf tlie lull',,;
ii i iiuiiiisi uviiiii nii'ii :
Ufiifue S. A-hint. Clnrli-s S. tlulnl fj n
ill). Hiii ties V.. Umiii.., lir,et ('IOcl'
i ' i , '" ,V.""l,l,o. nttr.eti (,'IOcVe
.1 in.- M. lint e, Win. A. A. llin.lt,,,,hJ
till Mil ill II.U.ll 'It... I. k .
- c" .... it. iiivior.uhil Ja
i uivri,
'I'luVe Ki'lltli'iiieti w
I. ir i'hV.
plisss mil ,hj'
n. r. nowniL
.iiifltsiiivilli.. Sqii. lt. lHliH.
Toams AVantcd for
ON. nml iiTirr th.- lirsi il.iv iirOelol.iiM
llii-tliiili-rstiiiiiil hut.. irl. ruili,r. tn Ji
'ur nisli evclil-lti It i tci il in m,.i ""
ir.tu. t hull i.i. .1 n. ii,,. tinn ,,ll,l;.,' 5;
lltclt m Up. tisull IIP.-IIIIIU. trill lschJu,
mis r l.i. ' GI.C.N'N IMtUM Ai;o,
KOTICK.- IlitriiiLr ili.mn,., nriuirfV
inry. r rs imw irrp,tr,l In wire our M.'
allpiilliiii In mis hititlivr mid KIiuHuk lsilimt
in hmnl. ihniii inmi Krunn-. t-'slf A kiT
Humr-tlo l.i iln.-r, Hunt I,,.,.,, tU.t " ""Fi
lutiMI Mux I.. P.t.iw. I J.nix Mr,,.
New nh. I'srk j ftm l-VwelJeo.
A.l.lre... lli:i.V.UlU.VV toiPnwm
-lis. It iii.-rj- Sln-si
Wotico Poiitivoi
J1'"! Iir.lifi.nl iiniliin: Ii iemi, .
t lli-m iii vi.IIm'I .til niit.u-nillin: ,mi ,J
i ci.ii.il- (In. Hk-iiiIii unlrrlu ni..fi t,rr ,,
Ml.llltiis, tH- this iii-iIuhI ul unilriiiu .ii
rums Ihi, hull in th. in in enme rnrniint in.
iflnili!) Mini p,iy up. ot il..r ii,i,..
..mills will In-put In Hu-lunula nf miLife. fa.
ollvtiiliiii. sWl To.N A STKAKSj
2iielatioH of VartBenUp
f pilKpiriiiershlp li-r.'ii.rurs f ilsllhn lrfa
I .1. (5. Ailiiin. nml Win . Win, Ctlw
I'ifrk l)n-f.iii, I. this iIiit it..i-s, , mnmi
e.i'H-.il. All lh- neon nil will ). sdtNik
'hv liii.hu ss cuiilliniiil liy J. u. a,litm.
WM. ii. 'vin.
Sept. 2lsl, 18C6. ii"!
tiotico to DoUBqaaitiT
i:iii.n l.y uli iilp't. tu all who i U-
di'litiil nil iti'euuiit. new ill nnr hasj'frf
rnlleotlnn. tlmt iH sum.- miKl lie ssllhsl imass
illuli. . nr they tvill Im mi-d iipuii nml eullll
mI iiy liiw. Alan lluxn Imh'liinl in the s'mi
Ml. will ilu tts tu soltlu th,.r Hicuimti oik
Il tr Imve crnwii lireil r Uttiiiilnx, hutiUtl
iiilenO lu Imw unr ihn-a.
Diisolatie of VartMrshlf.
1?ll K purliii r-hlp hiTrliilurr rii-lliip Irliri
1L-II. ittnl Win. 15, (Jr. turn ii ludissiiltsl
t 1'iUv, TIih nrcnimu nf Dr. (im-mnanluii
I. fiiillp.,i"il ul in W. u. Grutiinisn. .r.J u
I .ntvillAiv K'ltlpinviit l r.niifrsi.
Am.' Alii, IKfifi aiiKttl
ii ivt: i ii . ,n .i tiiu.i.i. ,i (-. r r
I p lll'lieli Mlsplllillllll iiullllull. Tlirarl-tl-
lllnl . i.. mi the mil; hi ts In Uiy im) l
h r .in- npltiii. ..inn, Inruiiis nip I'S'fi
Th mil In mill .Hint III lulls ur Iii Irliillli
iin-.'Stt W. c. -jni.il.
I'iIl! tiMli.i!iiiil Iihs lur mli- st Iii- riK
. mi IVhj;iisi' Otcek, ii ipiniillly ii(,iiiiI
il tthe.il, ul the while Viirh-it. Il hi- t"
I ennui tttlh iuhcUI line. itnil'r.tll uu
I iiiiihI ml piirpu-e lursi'iil. W IIKMSIlN.
iV'itifinrCi.uk N.v I ltd IHiH. Ihig.l
nillKllllJIIUSI 0A-.II I'ltlilKiSl'.tlUil,
I llnl I .III klillls. llelitl-ml ill til' unit') ,
ul thu iiiiiluisiuiitit.lii Juck.uiiville.
JOHN man.
O'ssi-mlHT Hih IHHli. f
l . '
To the Reading Public.
U"l.'.mte hlllil up it uiiiiiKlUlilr li,J"l
Ituulli Ii, .ll l.ncill.illliu- hililSI). '
till (Jll.i t'ltuie ll Im lll-lii s III I s.l sens"1
l'r pirlii'iilarscuii in nl Us (Mi I'Ms' '''""
il.- IU .-L'l r '.V A.VIUII.
I'lie pllhllu lire h'lel.j iiulilinl llnl "ij ".
vlnrili.1 Klu .hit lux hit -.) Isil ml "'
ivnliiiii' ju. uiui-u urpi.ti.Mlii.u. 1 tia";"'
niiis ut iiui c ititrncili.il. .Ill pr'u- "
.uiintil nui in tiu't iter uu ni nct"ii 'i
KI.I.IX Kll.tJtiUfc.
Ju.iukmnt III.', Diet nils I liln, lood.
NMTIOi: Is In lull) gitili lu -isin
III US III Cillliu linttmil li uw l
Dim iisif""
. . i, j
lot J"'
,.,1)lli9, llliil svlllu Ihltr Ml'tuMUlS,
We W
ilUtl III lll'V,
sMUtlX H'1"8-
Viieti vmr I, us (t i
ili mill in the iim
ur I, s on tu. i.e. H, .t"1 ""' .'
i.ni uu- it'l"";
iu .iinie Im iil ut uiitv i.tiii scill'.it"'"
lioie ui cn-li. 'I In v tun I In ii s " '" '"ii
' W.M. HllXi't.H-
H'tllut Siirhitfa, .Inn. l.t. 1M'J.
'SHE Iss.kii nnd Mu.iu.iu nf be'''Tlliili'J
1 in tho hands 0f Mr, K. U. Waiwo. ,?
.,.KI.ll vtill pls4si call and lV f
counts. . luw-
Ilie uwk-rsiKiusi iasw uus ",l,,"-T1 .c
rmiiiiUK ll '"' iiKlH'iitllu'lii'ni ! ",,.
i-i.iuil nr tlliersiiir, tu on- .fursrsrU
Th.. ui.i..nt.'i,sd ikM this meibud " .
. . . Is.
aUl) and still llir aiwiuns, ai
srliu liaeeutimuu- "ggJjNB J. C0.
f HRREDV ! nutlcu Ibal J 3 0i
1 Mcsouiila have loou placed lu ItM """
Duwell Wuou lor ""