Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 12, 1868, Image 2

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.. '' ' I I II .1 l.l ! .1.. . .
lATOTtiuT'MoiurtXO, Dec. 12,18(18.
'hcYreka Union observes "that it
, becomes mi interesting question
at to xvlmt tlie radicals propose to do pvacU-il, and iho wholesale perjury in
in rcliuiou to tlio suffrage question in ijlu.t.,j iy partisan zeal in tiini's of in
itio loyal Stutes." We piosume it is tl.,c j,0jiit.nl excitement, naturally
to thu Democracy. Whatever course i,,vi mw 0 enquire il public order
is pursued by the Republican party in nUli tic common wellnre do not do
reUtion to any now issue, -be it good, miind n modification ol the iiiitiinillriv
bad or indillcreut, the opposite will be (fau'lawi. In our opinion they should
adoptud by thu Demooraey ; and they K, nlfurni, nnd unixersal in their n
arc naturally noxious to know wlmru nitration. A citizen of one State should
to stick thuir "pegs." ' enjoy all nnd everv right and imiuuiii-
. ." TTr .T7..'.. ml;, A tv cnuived hv ihoo ot nnv other State,
A Democrat in this town rcmarkio: . j . . .
i ...t . :i i. .;i,t m.lv write n"'1 l,t' n cltlscii ol the 1 nited States
this week, "that il he count onix writi
. i i . !.. t.i. l... u-milil " " To-day a fnreiiruer may, upon n
what he thought xva tit him no xxuitiu j - '.' .
I p theiMc to pitch into us." probation o only one year, enj ,-x ...
LkeJsl.I3illing'.uan who was nl- th.tate the highest pnvlleges known
Ways telling "what he would do if hu , to the ..nllvc born c.mci, mcludtug
waxa idling ". , , ,. ,. I,.,.,....., ,. , the ritfht to vote; but it lie erodes the
Ji.nl been there,' but ntxvr happen it i ... ..
" ' . , , ,, ... ...I.,,, jhoiimnrv hue tol nlifoinri, hei-dms
to be on hand, people xvho boast wlnit i '
io ut on ii. hi , j i , ted o the hitter v tr it until he com-
tliey wotiiu uo n mey "" wu.., -
ly do it.
" In Dau Cojii'ai.i
mi' editor of.
t'.c Democratic organ in Vmnlittl com - ( thrlegal ux eni.es tocit?r.ciihip are gu..r
ty ncknoxvledgcs that he ha bicii in did i becoming it scrintf exit and c,i
s'carv company saxs he is ashamed ol diluted to dcHiox the moral sense ol.
the "standard of morality and Mates the people. In our opinion the stand
manship ol the ninjority of the legis-, arilo' qimlHli-rttiMi shntiM be elumgetl
lature nnd pronounces thci'n aprettx ci.t ri'x. Shorten tho time of probn
pjicciuiens of n white man's party." j turn and fix n measure ot intelligence
We concur with .Imp r W., but xvel intcitd of iit-ideucc. I'lider ceitalu
were reallv unawarejhat thevhadai-y e lilioii one l.ueigner might be eh-
TOorality o'r statesnuu-hiptohVashan.. j gible tneiiizuii-hip in one year while
i Miiothu uiiiild siiil be unfit in ten.
i I Willi i.iiiti ii ftinii"!.. tln ill. flit I V I'M. to
The mileasre ol ... ...iwigor rvho j l.1;jtirv xv till be lessened nnd the bid
Tries the Electoral vote of thi- Sn.U (l'i."collt., , ,1IM. n, j.,,,1 iu..
to Washington i about fl.BoO in cur
renev, which will barely pay expenses. !
We expect the Democratic mes-Migei
"iSwho ollVrs the forlorn vote of Orego.
at the crumbling shrine of Democracy,
won't have so much to y about lie
publican extravagance by the tinw he
The Albany Arfpis states that "tin
bonds of the Staleol Nexv York, which
niatiired.oii the fust instant, though tin
loan was maibi in gold huvi-ji.st beet1 ,
paid in ciirrenuy. ' Ixexx lork iscn ai.i inoroui-n ici:ii'-v ssj.mn t nice-
Democratic. State, and il thai ,-trtx -'?T- -N'j"ralizati. r, l...iil. be taken
, ,' . , ',. V iiixvind tin- scope o; in i-rior courts, too
canuotmnnd the practical result ut ;, npMlil,w ,y p.,r.iz,n Lin-.. .....!
tbctr own doctrines xvhocan? j ve-teil m ly in il!o-c xthose jud-ri' t.n
, . , . . , , ., . . , r ! not eleetixe. Without mhm ehangi
Tlii. old definition of the Lntif h I r 1( lu, tlut,tl),(,..,lU.! nniditiim of oitir.f n.
hainent will r.j ply xery xveli to tin
late I.cgMatiue ol Ongon: "An il
cousli tided prate which gives out
smoke 'enough to fill a nation; but not
heat enough to xvnrtn two rooms n
number of men assembled to prevent
each other frum doing anything.
Errroni.xt Cit.x.voi:. Ilvriah Hrown
mWhe Oregon jrmthl hns ruiiied
from the field of Oret-on polities. With
his carpet-bag it. one hand," fragment
of the shuttered Constitution" in the
other, and hi back covered with Salt
RNcr IWuacles, the old chief lin
made his retreat, and will prolmhlydic
next heard ol in the Ft jev Islands.
Heard Fitoii. The Unionist says
That Titoa. Greenwood, alias Dixie, ha
been heuteiiced to the Penitentiary foi
ten years for shooting a Niirhl Wateli-
man nnined Coflly. .Mr. Dixie xvas up
before the Recorder lieiu some t wo J
years since, and was allowed hi liber-1
ty on condition that he left thu conn-,
TitERKfL'nucAS IUuotfci.sc. ATllA.trr- Union SfierilV of .Multnomah county,
koup, (Ct) A Plkaslmt. Keatit.!:. i but is now what is called a "bread and
Hartford, Ct., Nor. 4, A pleasing lea-j huuer" copperhead, and like all reiie
turc of the celebration bete to-nighi , , ;, .l!irtit.m.v vj,m.nt V!i..i.
was that the hevmntir and Islair Club f ' , . .
came out with torches and ioin.'d ,,,. this place last I-..II we heard hi...
procession, bearing baiiner inscribed I declare that he would see ad d black
Let us be friend." "They were given ' Jeiublica.. starve helorr he xvoubl
the head ol the line and icceixed tti-j u.., i,-,,,,. jt. Jh m. 0 the iiifauion
multuouB cheers. vir.ua ring" in this Slate vv ho have
antipathy of Democrats to. the
se is easily explained. Deiniicia-.
f?litncii la noail t ovikl
WHIHl. IV rvrj SVIIIIHMi Mi !' ' 1
cy is the great "unwashed" party of
Ameriea,"nnd the Chinese are said to.
bo xvedded to cleanliness, then-fore the
antagonism is imlitinl and pardonable. I
, .. ,.. : .
The temerity of Calilornians is aston ,
... . ... ,c r . .
ishing. A coinniittecof San Franciscans
(of which L. Sachs is one) have the.
., i i .1 i i t. to
great earthquake in their hands. Jt is
.1 ...It 11
not yet known what they have done
to keep it quiet so Jong
McClellan refuses to come to Cali-
fornia. Nnture, in that Stale can up-'
heave dirt so much footer thanlu-.tliut
licuwOuld.l0 in a vo'.tiuual atate ofjStlll.BO t,,nt K maliy )l!1,10t.nililt.il
The Central PaciITu Hailroad Com-
pany aro making arningeinents to keep
four or five hundred men in the auowi
country thia winter,
Tlio date of G'raiit'a comniissfpn as
V . . . ... .,.r- . ,)
ieneral is July 25JJ1, 1850, lhat of
General is July 25JJ1, 1$$ luat ot
Bbwwan' 8 Weut. Oenei-al is dated
n tie aamo day. '
TtcISufTrngs Cncttlcnr '
Evcrx thing indicates that the Hifl
rage question will bo n li e isue in
American nolitics within a short time
T,t, j-Uj. 0j uniformity, the facility
with xrltieh the naturalization lawsnre
plies with the full icquiieieiit of the
iiiitiiinHzalinii laws ol "the United
States; The eiinlcsncs with which
,jgcm.c 4.on:j, u, ,ln. jt v u,.uld
( Vji firtj-.r AM, r wrUxH jH.,i.
j.;w, i,v tilfL. C-m-lIi tilion, wt- iMiltl
lislraiichise exerv A.uericau whocouhl
not read nnd xviite, lor the reason, that
miv u.iii. rented in a cou.itrv wiih so
umiiy edueatioiinl iiieilities ns ours,
-liuiilil have piide enough to niNehiui-
clt at Ifii -t one step in the scale ol
iliteltiS'Miee, Ifhc I'll- nut. he sli.'til
nut be allowed to partiebitite in a ?ov
eriimeut tounded on the pride and in
irlliu'emv of the people. A eomdett
,j.( , i, pi, , r t. ie iiiiivef-ul
llllllii-e tile -llliple lolicli ol Allien
can soil investing with the rights oi
the citizen to the lax nilmiiiNtratioi'
ol i he law that i debauching lh
courts an. I eoriupiing iliiies.
, Congress at il next .session will ie
xiew tin.-.whole stihjict, and will prnh
ubly pic-cut nil hum n Inn ill in the Con
lit'iuiou, looking to the piirifirntlnn ot
the ballot-box ami the better seenritv
ot the clcclh'o fraiichioe; and whatev
er amendment is otfoied wilt iloiihilvs
uuu be part ol the Constitution.
- .
Pralty Spoclmsu.
Speaking of illegal voting in tjit
Easteru. counties, the Orcgvniun has
the lollowiegr
"In Grunt, Hob I.add had a largi
lot-til teamsters, let ot whom were en
titled to vote in Oregon, hut who all
nexerlheless voted. We make thi
statenie.it on authority of H"pnuihp
,,. hlJlll t;r!Ult tM.uiiir. The Demo
cntti- expected to loe that county, nnd
the Hi publicans certainly vvonl.l have
"'"" i,tl",,, U '" ''' '"f.'1'"1' ";,
...! ...i.ui lit tlin I liiiniiiiititiM nt tiL'k '
.ttl HV VIIMI 1 illl 4'IIIIWV IIHIX iiiiinn
This man Ladd was foimerly the
been tubbing the Government lor xeur.s,
and like all hU kind 1 always crying
"Taxation, robbery, plunder, corrup.
lion and the tippies-bn. ol thu pooi
man." Il is nuiorioiis thai all (lie fat
contracts .uro iuvarialdy secured by
these lellow a who have st mined every
. . , , .,
tioiullu cripple-the Government, ami
, , . ' ' -, ,
tinite so-coiisiiiciious, as a new onlerol
, , , , ,
i i.i.iigs is coming aim iiiuir u.ij'a ui jiiuii-
llllliun in i:..ii
(jL,,,mt. jt.M,
'I'iik ltni..-ini!v Lisi' We wore in
h liat ll(. ,illu 1(MV (...j, nl bu.
r , r,,i ...11i1i
1. 11 (-I'll U I 1 "1111 ! U !( ( II '
""" - a . '
have thrown Cottonwood into ihi
! izens 'might have enjoyed the-great
blessing ol being in a Democratic State.
The Yrcka '' was likewise troubled ,
J know xvl.ai to do w.th As .hind w he,,
it should be taken into Ctilitornia : httl
' we xverv both slightly mistaken. The
1 anpi'ft. mr. T...ri Iitiri iiiive l'(nel.e(l
",rv;3 'g V
the stagu.roud
tIL. tHmiiilurv 1
id and il is ascertained thai
.1... i.lll.ll(i11,.v,il)e6,il,t vnrv iniiuh lrom
uhero' Truax-locatwiaJt, uud throwa
'-Cole'a ranch into Caliloiuui.
(' H- . -Eu-JnEts, Kot Tcuto.
It is surprising but true that there are
s-me Democrat who do not like the
SK.N'riN'L't. Frequently ..their iudignv
,tion finds vent, nnd they wonder why
their party b.ethern, will persist In
j patronizing u. To such we would ay,
that it is not a .antler of friendship or
tante but one ol limine. Demnerats
. support us not that wo may live, but
I that they may. proGt thereby. Tlutse
, who .uhertise know that they am do
ing so in a pnjier haviiig a large circu
lation, popular with I.cpublicnuo, and
.read bv Pemoernts with nviditv in
, spile ol theiinclc. II we desire to
purchase an article of nierchandUo we
never enquire il the seller is n Dem
ocratit it is to our ulvautagfto pur
ehne we do it and nk no iiiilfstious.
The relation between us nnd our Dem
ocratic pitroim is purely a business one.
We niriee to ndvertise and reeeo.nu.eiid
their mcrehaudise and give their busi
ness nolorietv we do it anil titer par
us tor it. Dciuouruts buy our ndtcr-tisiug-pacc,
not our political opinion-;
and iliheyever become illiberal en-
oii"h not to bur the one hcc.iuse 'thex'
dilike the other, il will he but a poor
it v.
..i ....!.. ....... ... ...:.. ..j l:t......i
L'l trie: School.
We attended an examination of the
suhohirs in huth (lepirtiueuts ol the
District School on Tliuisilny and 1'ii
day, ui.d n.ii-t express gtatiticalion at
lliuii'imn.itirst iuiproveme.it in every its
pent. Uolh in llie depaitinei.t ot Air.
Manley anil that of .Mian Wall there
seems to be an exeellent uniler.-.lundiug
liittxxueii the teauher nnd the pupil!
and ihe order and ilNuipliuc ot the
I whole school is worthy ot i email;.
! I he Algebra ulas . r-in.ill, mill liol yet
lar iiilvnueeil, out wi.at tliey liaxe
learned they liaxe aequi.ed thorough.
It The leading cia-ses ale becoming
pVi'iicii-ul, and eousidcrabli! ndvanci
mint has Won made in arithmetic. On
Friday uttetiiouii the exeioi-e- wt-rx-gouerul,
iiiiti iit-ai ly all thi- scholars
-pol;e their piece" in it xery eimlita
nit- manner. The uxerage alteiiihiui;i
oV the hist term lias been hliy I pons
.mil iweuty-niue girl-, uiaking'a loin,
ot sex eulx -nine ; and the general de
port. ue.il it tit I good behavior ot the
. liil.lten iniisl he veiv yialilviiig to
ue I curlier, wlm haxe evntenllx in
Miiliii-ed eoiuiutiu politetii" as an tie
ueiilary branch. 'I here wilt be a a
cation until the lir.-t .Monday in .Intm
try, aii'l on thai day wr iiopr to so
veil in. .re llllle leel toiling up the pull.
I knov. ledge, ami exeii agriutei inter
t liikeu in a School that ts a eteoil
.o this place.
llovr the Volt co:Tnure.
Aeeotiliug to law the electo.s m l on
.helloi Wediies.lax in Deeeinber, at the
-Mule Capital ol the several tUalfi-.uml
al the vote ot siicii blaie tir 1'ieri
lent ami Vice I'u-suleiit. A tertilicat.
il the ictilt ot the vote 3 ih-'ii mad)
iinlerthescaloltn.j3i..te. As to how
he xole gets to Washington City hit
not been quite plain. The San l'lau
i-uo Jj'ulni ii a l.-vv davxtiiucf contain
led an editorial saying, the law lequi.
nig i lie vote io ne iiaiisiiinirii ov n
me-.seuger. xvas lepealed, and that it
was now sent by mall. ThU is a litis
take. Tlie following telegram turn.
Washington, to a'cerclary May, ex
pluiin the Hindu. vjmrttmU :
Waiiii.m.iun, lJcc. :t, 180B.
IIo.V. S. lv M.XV, "eu. ot Stale. Selio
one cei'tlliciilv lX mesneligur to Wash
Hilton. Cumpeus.itioii, tvvelveaiid om
halt mi) eeiicsporiniie. Sell luuothei
or ni.iil to Washington, Deliveriir.ro
to U. S. Disiriui .linlgu in Oregon.
Wit. 11. auw.xnu.
1 uur oeignoor was sauix 0111 01 nil
j .nor last week, and evidently spoiling
air a "physical iliciisiou, thai h.
loii't really want and can't pi.ihlx
et out ot ns iniNciilur exertion not be
ing our style. Secondly thereis no oc
casion tor it. A peisoiial encounter
might only profit the undertaker mid
it a man is killed, his iiseluluess is
gone, We preler to live and tortuie
nt r enemies jet a little longer. Last-
iV, the vv(i.(lsskttlkers and cowards"
v ere used specilically, and not applied
to our neighbor. Mindly, our "alius
iinih" aie seldom vague. They arc u
(lallV in pointed that thu shots aie
"dead eeiiier" and enquiry as to w ho
they are iuleudud for quite siipeillu.
otis. Now Mr, JicvtilU it the aiueud
uie'iit suits you sjieil
Tut: Nkw Euitoii. Mr. Pcnnoycr,
thu new doctor ol the Oregon JlaitlU,
U evidently opposed to a sudden
change uf treatment, llv limb De
mocracy greatly prostrated, feels its
pulse with immense gravity, and pre
scribes a continued treatment of "nigger
in a mild form and broken dunes, so as to
not disturb too bcriously tlio fixed habit
of lliu patient. So lar, his management
of the Jftfrahl is to Ileiiah's as variol
oid is to small-pox similar but not as
Lottor rrom-Ilnniath VlgaDey-! - -
Kt.iiiATii Aoi-vcy, Ogn ,
Kov. 29th 18(18.
Fr.ir.vi) Sr.sn.Nut: -Klumnth Ageti-
Icy has been lively place or the lat
j week. Supt, Huntington arrived here
on the 20th tilt. The Indians vvcrcim-
' innliately collected, and receixed some
! Hour, beef nnd some ictus in shape of
dry goods, made up' clothing &0- Ihe IK-spenaii shore, the limit ol the course
tiibution ol articles ntuong' the ladies i tl(. Star ol Empire'-arc no less re
was quite 'interesting; nndlt xvns re-, jiiicedjjiatrioliu and enthusiastic,
markable with what an ajijndtc call- On las.t.Wedpesdny, the Cilth iust.,
cdeiltttiil lliinnels were reui-iyed. (I xx'js Jl,.f.m-.s. I. S. 5loirison and -Marion
selectedasoiietowr.it upon the fair, jj(.n g,viii arGniit .diiiir 'and ball,
sex, and iintiirnlly In-itijs n Htllc pniml, J xtt'iiiirj''i!ii 1ii iluttotr to lill good
this distinction hightened in an iui- IJiiimi f nun to-intend. Ibsjiitr the
utilise degree tnv xniittx. Well it is ((i-mr xveathef, there v.i5 the 'la'rgest
all over; the Jiulian leiitsl ale stiuek, uiu most ctithusiiiAicgtillieiiiig of men
uiiil quirt letgns siipieme. No mote women ami children ever wiine-sed in
grand war dances at night aroniul big ('lliry county. There vwtre irNo tt few
lires, getting niul7.7-i,7d ilog, sing- uiiicetPiistrii:'cd Deniticrats present, to
ol Mjitaxvs crying i jr onuses &u. ' nr.vhatrl.pi,d ol a. tling a 'jubilee"
Last evehiug alter ilnrh, a Kliegade' WH. us they never had occasion, and
Indian fnVn Oi'egon Cily,whogavehi.s ,m. x,..,; in t,j county, to make
name ft. Dick was arrested and put in-) (,nc of their ilwu'. OnV was a ilexoled
to irons to itvValt investigaiioiis. He J (,lh,vvt'inndiViiderol",15rick Pomeioy
cutne on thi reservation some lourj ulm seeniid so out ol place, that the
weeks ago, and hi.s been secreted' by , l.njsttriell toihiljit Up a "Ja CrOssc to
the Indians. The Agent line xvns in- ..in idUm n n Democratic banner, ex
hirined ol his arrival and whereabouts, j.kUc ot jDemocintio. MtijimeiiJlJ'ut
bytjcnituot.the.Indiaiicmployet.'s ol mv n pi ccixr, contrail with the'senii
thi agency. Wheii "Dick''1- saw our' twl 0 vr .iai:tur, the red whilo uinl
iisiu!s he made a da'sli lor the bruh i,n,. j
and was imnicdiatelr fired at, but onlx With feast and sing and dance,
ran the .aster; b,it Use, ,he XMf ffXXC
Agent y boys xvere too well kept to-be jtlvf V,. were murb iiiiiiul as the
out ran bv an Indian, and he xvas soon choir 'xrh singing' 'Mienimn's larch
rale in thcii hands. thr.iugli GcoiHia," at the renintk ol nu
The Superintendent stntts on his re-' honest Democrat, wlm mM, "J b V
., i ..i.i. that tunc; it n'liiids soli'olish! Hut
turn trip this morning, "r.y, J ,,, ',w flt . ,,,
ami inys.lt go with him from tln ngeti. ,n.t ..,llMn t,, the cn" inspired
ey ; we go xia. Warue., Harney I'mti- -ttt-h enioliins in 1'imeentie booins
ti'lln and Dalles; and now that thi-trip.! the ('. S. A.Melt tin Mine to the hcait,
:....! 1 !.. !.., .I.tl. land the rtiiiff'TeiH'xxi bllti r niguili
,, ' . .... ,.
eld and barren region, it is lu.turol to
tiiuigiiic that xx e will enjoy but little
pleasure. Exerythiiig is progret.s..ig
is well ns might he expected on this '
,.serve,the Indians ate preltv well ,
i i -ii . ,r i
clothed and will not suirer lor .rtv.-
tons this w inter.
I mil willing in much ha-t-, an I e.m
.av no more i.ow-wil write you nt
lltlmeiit tiniti-. as 1 "swing round the
''"',, '' ,. , , .11
1 diend uiv pilgrltiiftgf up thmugh i
Web loot w o,-e than all the snow and !
barren xi-nt'sot moiintuiti-and desurtM
lietxvcHii here and Ilurut IJlver. !
t.x-Xox. I
G..M, I'l.oxvh. Iii noticing the gang
plows nminilactiucrl by J. Domgan,
in this place, the Yt'cka Union maks
the following ciquiry :
"Haxe tfni'ir plows Wvn intiodueed
et in eiiher shala 01 Scott Valley-y
We hav lint heard of then.. We
would call il.e all. i.iion wl our larv'e
i i : ... ,1,. I....J"..
ihiick il Li.iiliiif nu will, the ilium.. t -
uiciils ot'the age
It the fanner of that section ml!! ..,,j j... Mi-f H--at ":vt.x-i r
ue the common b w tin van certain- j Y )' -, 1" Thr' ri....'
v behind the age and would lu will j uniting in tnnoimr was une o' il..
.0 substitute any "gang nut moie es-l '"-' ""1 "kxb,lge to b- .nc o
. ..... . ' ! most elilhtl-insili! mrctllis ex'et
prcially "Peil s" patent, for them. I ,(,.j, j ,j,jfc ,.j,v It was eal.etl to or
Quite a iiunilu rot tanners weie pre-j ,er by Mr. llliyibn. Spneelns wen
utalewdaxssiu.ie.it thr trial ol one made by Hon. S." W. Urovvtiaud otheis.
.,1 Donegan-i plows in the field of .1 ! Tb"."un.U f aei.s of land in .and ml
v p M-n 1.1 1 -. I"ii'iiig the eitv ol xanconxer weie
,N. I. .Miller, and they ptououneed al ,u,mlZ, ,,!. rit,..l company, prox
ue i.guiesi riiiimiig ami most, peneei
wot king plow they had si en. Wesnw
it running this week, and although not
uiich ot an agriculturalist, thought its
working admirable. With four horses
hey will t tit is up lrom ihiee to thiee
11, il a hull acres ot oidiuary ground
with ease, while the plowman eujoxs
he pleasure ol riding. Thll old lasle
.oued plow might 11s well be housed
.1 cautiol compete with the ''gang"-
A Goon Citizk.v Go.N't:. Wc learn
.y a p.iv.,u. (Uspateli lrom uusulmru ;
that thu Uev. Thomas Croxton died in
the L'uipqiiu x alley on Thursday, anvil
is to he buried at Giant's Pass 01, Mun ',
.11 r. uroxton was a man ol i.x
emiilarv lite, and a .mkmI eilmen. lie
1 .. . f: ....
Ntcu Yot'Tii. Prom the Albany (
JicjUttr, wc learn lhat a hoy nained j
Con.lev stabbed another iniuiL-d Xixom
, , ... , , ,
in that city oil I uesilay ot last week.
There icspective ages ten and thirteen. I
The atub although dunueiotis was hot '
Sheritl Van Ilitreii, ol Douglas cqun-
ty, paised tin ough.heie this week rn
his way to Kerbyxille, He probably
knew his biuiuesn and kept il to him
elf. c 1 1 i .11 i- ,
Some of our suhsurihcrs will hid
leceiptseucluscd in this issue they will
,, '' 1 .1 .. . 1
please scud in thu amounts iccciplcd
" " .
vv..s at one lime .'..., .M.m.nistrntor j;-.-,;, "Tr. j, L.c.MlrJto Mwl
ol .loM-pipnw county, and was run by ,,M1. jni.,tti i j(.k. ,),.
llm Kepuhlic.ius ol this county lor the; in;i?-S-.MLU.KU-.().i .M.,.l,.r. il.e 7m.
I.egishitu.e 111 1804. He xvm. a nalive i n i.r aifrct.niiV iri..tl.-iuv. in Jmksavnle,
ot tugland, having emigrated to the thy, I U.' Ifot. , .1. I'., J .lin V1 to Mrs.
L'uiled Slates iibiuit twenty years ago, ' Kl.z-tWib M)ilcr. all nl .I.uK'.im(V)U.-. ,
ihe tax levy in Jackson county for(
this year is ihirtcen mills on the dol-1
ur '
' ' I
VlS-lJUXlJiL JWL.S. .A,ah;!'JJcfc,.
Letter rr6Sik,ElRKi)urg?
1. -' ft -vN"' '1 'i".
EntTjiiHKsn.vifi2I-iWhile other po
tiotia-ol oiti country are juhiMint oxer
tbo Imppy o&nelusion,ihalGen. I'. S.
Grant is our President elect the choice
ofn xrise and loyal ipvnp'lo we xvoubl
wUh our lellow litizens to 'understand
that the hardy mountaineers ol the
vvhenex4r It is, boiinl. Ihi' ineetiiig
j,, j, M, ,..-, l0ri,lU i,f, a-t;faSi
...tjunl three tloers lor General ami
IV.itrfirvOrtiiit.v,JhV flitfnli" Vf our
p"iy f- due .nil mrn wl..e hosj.iuli
' mI liberaltiy nri..-!. i he iliuniia to
'elebuiti. its xieVyii'rrnl.r xtclmij-s o
Trmi .,. fi, , iJlXtt:,v M,r
TreH-i'ii. ol I'togtis- nt d r're.-d'om and
,,. Hiu.ttMl' iiltt ol man.
, Ct tiuv Cot.T.v..
'...u.ww.-wt -' '
, CiuiitriA:.x.sTiii:K. The manager il
, , r. . e . ... ...
,m' MA'"ih M'iv ,K,"M'9 UU'
hal tbeie will be a "C'hnslums 'Ini"
fur the Utile people on Chri-imas Eve.
Mis Xaii. J.iuu, Mis Kate llmTinnn.
Mi-J Hattie Thoinpsou ami the Mief
Owen nre tile ciHiimittee to whom it
is chtnifttHl, and thr inrrntn an in
loriiud iliwt thiy xx'.. 1 U glad u take
eliHtoe t Hrv iprn-si-lit h I lltirhililA-i
Tbo-e VW Imxe ALT to mule ill' rr
I V'l'-sU l to ., -.v ,- if. . s: t,. ,w ., ..
,; ''' '. "',' '' "' "
M.tfliulwi t b-irrl. iw . em"c-kir
, '''re (ibrbHiaiik,
W j' arcttiii is
SO OtM? of 11." t'otiitn-.tu v .
,,, , n.v htingjjicir track acio.s 11.1
('i.lnmliia rivernt nucniixt-r. Neallx
every piojierlv holder donated hall In
piop'erty. Il is 'elieliilly lielievnl that
the rail!oad will cross at Vancouver
Quite a number ol m xv meis iurfb.
ealiug heir. Pioijuty is iiieieilsliTg'lt
xalne. ' '
Goi:s Kakt.-IIoii. S. K. Chadwicb
joes IJnst tiu'iist the electoral vote ut
Oiegou .for Seymour and lilair.
Heir Aiideisot. the Danih storx
teller is to xisit Caliloruia in I'ebruarv,
S(1(. ,,,,,5,.,. -"Hi Cattle Wanted
in to'day's issue. '
UelNIIKK- JONC- On Mnndir, ih- 7lli
.... . .1... ....... .t........ .. 1 II... 1 A? w tti.i. -
J5.,'ki;UmU,,i y n9 '.' '"l V"?r' "''f
(.rii-K, ol liiiriiiuc I11ll1n11i11.it of the brum,
Touiinv. son 01 thn l.Uu Jam,,. SK-urs, in lii
nw.ncl x,nr.
IIKMMUl' On llip 4tl, lnm near ll-in
(JiM-k, nl M ueiiaiiiiiiii Ci.oiip, ,Mury Aliuy
ll.-iidrie, hu'iI 17 inTn.lliif. '-
iiiijiiifj $$mi
A iiiimbsivierj'itiiJlriiKt.Hi jJufTlIijllnillsl
Clnncli, l Jncl.nii.vill. Iu Mmiil.'iy evening
Ullll forin,i n sIiikIiii; obls. il vim IUMHH' i.
Ihl iiilbm-i, .hinild iii,io1iimi llck.l niii)
lliu ,ui1I,-j 1.1 1. j ....!.. .. . .. . r. .
""'"' 'w - 1 nine i. 10 m.i'nii il,.-.
ItMionci iimi ..nu., imidn in uh.,i ....1
! ,'mt "'I'Jf w1!' hirtucn llm pMiibnntn m miuitil
?''; "'"lii. will ImVH lliu HilvnnhiKs ol
)r Lnncll li MhmiiiV tlumott. Hum., l.'imil In
oniciice iiom, A iiii'Ikhioiiiv will lie lixil Io
' IIHIICUI, I III- II mil In klnir I.r. Ml,, Kln.,1..,.
Lr.i.t ii,.1 u ill I... .1... t..i..i... n... . ... ...i.i
m.viBt tl,o Mutl.witHi t'laireli nt luuT-im-t six
".'' u'li;ds; ad:mi(Uy (uiIuh; comaita.
cl,'lf Snndj evening lec. 13lb.
E.j nnooKa
-. .aoi, wattle vyTant
I ssbli.rrr.;h bca.M ll,.,KlHm..hnLT
l,i. n:.v, 11 ,, il.e JM r n(cmljr lug, "
tlMbWlc-.it llifntfehcy lri ),...'", tfeUiS
. .1 ciir..l llniOMi In One llmuuud u,!
II Iw ttqtilr.-J at i-ncli .MUtrZon Ue Jm
l.xvntli, add livwity-nist of i I, month. Tw
tiinnllly nnil time of ik-Ku-r; tm; U-'tfi'mJ
I., the dl-crrtlun of th sub netil In durw
tin ttiiiii-iliitcinlfni. but mi cli.ng, n J
uncle riqn ring tv Urs'Mot! umvm uf Iw
iii llit"vritiii uf !ibi cniiturl. fe(JS
lliccuiilrncl will exlsiid rn,ra u,, ,f
iKci-inbcr to lliu lllli of Jli.ril.aiiJlhpiW.!
fad riK-irct. tin vtlxilefo of txWud:;. j
ti.t iiiiintli longer, nt Inn niton.
Hid inief Mitic 1 lie .ric In CurtM,. t.
i.inle(llllij lur coin n II tint I. roii:jertJ
Tlit-y miil bi-tKsllcil to tin nii.Ur j.nJ .'
l.m On-t'im: "
Sup't. Indian Amiiriii.'OrsjjoiL
Nov. sd, 1B08.
JacLsonxille String mid TJraas Bioj
siililvd. '. ,
Hall R'cwly Dcrornratcl,
Cottm Lvctybodyl
Tic iii1ihV'"1 I ti' Hi'' inrir,dte"IViti
ili.-rii -iis ol JiirkK.iivllle lor lln-iMTii-;,
l-ti.t.r.-In e.tuif.liirlilii(; il fln .f liH daI.
.-Illos. .V. M.lAltllD-.
JckKinvtli lirrn.V-r I tl. Isi.
Zxlotico! "
Tli.' 1 iil.tic sri Is n b nollflul Hint mj m)U.
l .Nil I tvilfi.'lr. 111 net bit ) IhiI tv) ,j
tri.tbui Jil'l cill-e or Jrii'CMl.'li. I sill ii),
.1 Olp 01 tier c ..ilr.,L ..ii. .Ill t.fum iii
xui.ii .1 tii.l tu tm.l l.ci on asmi.
. . v I'ir.lXiKIICOIIC.
Ji.nch-oi.il!), 1. c llii. r Uli, Is. 3,
v , Krtlicc.-.( q
Nrnfp,i:i"b.tii.; J.U1. H inspMiiniiTjvM
Ie Its ! eH. '.i h illl I) tli, I .In iut
i. IS t.H, uml ritl tli.'ir sri'i-iirli. XV kh
uaxi'iiKii.t. ' htUH.f lik'OS
.ItToticoi ,"
lin' Hn.lsrT;in'i intei. lliu ni'lnh1 (i '
billli nit nil P 'H'- lo.liliiiill oll.i in bv Uln
is.ii.it or tln-Mio.,, to ioiii, fiiusol ntvtt
llt'l; and F.-llli" llmr nui nil's, bid situ tStct
vi'i b.ixe diinaii'li. ..en ii-' ii-
Walk in, ('c nlh mm & Ladles,
A ltd Ml llif
i v i.'i1
Ta. j'L,iCJB.'sa.-ac:3E:a
!!! o)."tMii nt Ihr
Ton .! f.,.lj.it lit, tlusc tlitt wi'l M:l
'IUWHi.imoo, iLM:V,,'E!J -,,u' "$'l
.fcltttv itfMi ufttjiU erfJ;e
., n. i
Walk tijrbi in unci nt tin ui-.it i
ck ol simslf ever biotitlil t" Ji.rtlJj'.'.
. mmh.i. u. j;. i.nsl el M
lUlUUS & I'A'M.NT MKUirlMi.
, ,- PAI..N IjS.i UbUjff
CUUKl.NU hXl'ltACIS. .,..
J -A.NtV nutl'S, '
btMCiiS, !
i;.( . Kte.
Vou wlb Oi.il uiiiniPi; niliir iiiifCi-llsiiWSig'
Gll.Uli.N 1-li.NS,
STj-.hL PJiNS,
Ph.NCtU, ULLEltS, - -PUHClU.AtiN
V A&lid ii t 1 ATUJiTJ'S, ,
AJ.IiL.i&, Ull'T bUOKs,
A.NU J.UUlvi. 'IVJiAJip
bPuN UKb,
a u d a,
q..: S-,AUl!.rtl9IB
Jackson's Cclclirale. T
which turns lliu hvrrou of ihe ""It
1. 1., tun uml Iruiic. HV Crtiaioi lrll eTrJ"1
u buvv in oik hutah u:e. ll )u uJa
.. .. . :.. .i.. V..U iB,urtl
Illl'! VUII III mill Jil'l n, i.r-..- L1l
eiwncr p. tiaxi- nil I'jUft. iiuHI cull imS.Hi f
uill l...iw ..ii tnl I live in ii. Ini tl rf4 v A
JML-kfctniviiV, Hie. Oil', itiCcl,
Sxocntorti Woiice.
coll.ll, lUdttkcll. All I""" "V',7 nitKl'
aj,Hl...t mid e-Ule. r riH-w.lwt J'
iiii-idi wiih lliu ui-oi.fr vuucliirs. , "' n.
inuntlK lrom thu Uie "f diU biiluie. m v
.l,ou In Kb.Uetall pcr.uus M,
.Wi v. ..-.. - ' A.,a
Kirbjtllle, A'oveuibor Z7,-M tH
NOTICE U b.'r.)Jrcnih4l Utur of
iuliii.tr4ib.il bv Ut-u vtirhJ a
uuui.i Uourl of jopb,nu CVumij, KUJ
;.... ,.rn . .. . (I'll. ,...ii. law ,ul f .
' IIU II tl.k' ui i .-in.