Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 05, 1868, Image 2

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Iitcbdjlt Monxixn, Dec 5, IPOS.
Vols of California.
Tha rote of California wa officially
csinr..ed on Tuesday. Tho Demo,
cratsliatl everything fixed to count the
Republican out, and lind in fait done
b; but their plans were discovered and
foiled in time. A full bench of theSu
promt Court of that State decided that
tin Totes the Democrats propoed to
throw out hhonld be counted, and or
dered that certificates be iucd to the
Republican electors. Ujmn a count of
all the vote, the tnnjority for Grant
ami Collar was five hnndrcd and eight.
The Electors met on Wednesday, eat
the vote of the State for Grant and
Colfax, and appointed Charles West
moreland, messenger to deli er the vote
to the President of the Senate at Wash
ington. Vote of Oregon.
The vote of this State wa counted
at Salem on Tuesday, and a majority
of one hundred and sixty-four wa
found for Seymour and lllair. The
Democratic Electors accordingly met
on Wednesday and cast three vote? for
Nxw Pjiri:n. Mr. Eugene Scmple of
Portland, pased through here yeter
day on his way to &m Franeieo ti
purchase material for a new Democratic
daily in his City. This S evidence that
the eyes of the Democracy are owd
to the fact that they mut throw oil"
.their treason latned garment, rani: and
-ronsty with old fogyim, and drift into
.the current of pro;rciic idea if they
expect to win. Mr. T. l'nttcrxui lor
nierly of the Oregon JferaM'it aln M
be connected with it and Iierinli
'might as well pack hi "Carpet bag"
and emigrate to Africa with hi pro-sin
renr doctrine. No parly in America
. has any longer uc fur cant and drixcl
the world mows too tat.
The Albany JJemocrut man is evi
dently laboring under some stranze
hallucination, and it till pegging a wax
at nigger suffrage and nigger quality
Abbot will (oon dicover two things it
be it vie. Firxt, that the only plate
where Democrat' can be generally sin-
: cessful it in the States whire niggc.s
vote and ircond, that the surent way
, to. avoid the datigci of "nigger equali
ty" is to choose hi conijmny. It
he will perit iu marrying a "nigger"
it ii hik own fault.
The Polk County Sitnat pays Gov
Wootls a doubtful compliment. Ii
" rompares htm to Ilriek Pomeroy, ami
' adds that he i a brick." Imo-muuh
at" the great light of Democracy stl
' ways has a brick in hi Iml and out
Governor never ha, the comparUou i
;.i. The Democratic papem of Oregon
aro continually denouncing "carpet
baggers," but never allude to Pip
Price' knajttaekeri. A number ot
these gentry emigrated to Jackson
county and were bcirning for oflice be
fore the dust of the Plaiut wan khukeit
from their feet.
A paragraph is going the rounds of
tha Democratic papers, stating that
. among the expenditures of the Senate
for 1607, is an item of 1,200 for jtoeket
books for "loil" Senator. Of course
Democratic Senators rcfu-ed their 'u
dignantly, the people hnvinjr to pa
for them '" " .lo-v ditl !
Tlie 7.'tu.v i i uuuiitlr not potcd
on the plans ot its party. Il think it
very dangerous lor the County Treat
urer to pay the State Revenue into the
Bluto TreaVurj', while W. W. Chap
man says, fcend it along at once ! Iit-ml
his letter, neighbor, and inform your
Pooc Success. The ftrongest prnel
that the American people nre nlove
the iufluence of hUcli publication ju
the La Crosse Democrat, lien in tin
fact that no Democrat t-ijoyn nu otlii
withiu a nidius t !" Inm Ired mile
of the place ot its publication.
The Albany Democrat "believes n
paper currency to be n nuisance." A
abort time since it advocated the isuc
of three hundred million more in green
backs which hows the editor's polili
eal ideas to be fluctuating.
Abbot of the State JlighU Demccrat,
thiuka '-the negro us a race incapable
iaf ttaing the ballot aright." We mih
poae the individual "niggers" who u.
' td their ballot for Sej uioiir and Jilaii
ommund his lugheht renju-ct.
Wivloyt SrKt.voB. Jlr. Win. Bilgcr
( liaa. purchased the Stnru nud .goods: of
" Morris Caroat this point. Mr. Ii. haa
a t?ood Stock and scllb't.t Jauksouv ille
The following intercting letter was
handed to ti b Mr. Mnller. the Treas-
urc-r td this county, who happens to be
anything but a Democrat:
Salem, Nov. 28, 1803.
Ti:r.tr.ER tr .UU.S.ON Cul.vrv:
Dear Mr: The Democrat of the
a I.ecilature recommeiided the
.ut.tvTreauror to .lcluv paving in
ate iicvenuea long n poide.
Uimiij mature reflection 1 am satifi-
l iinlitv 1 riin.tlll-i.t--i til ili..-lf I
State Kcvenue a long a poible.
.......... ..... ..... ... ....... ........ - - -
I pn mature reflection I am satffi-
ed that the Count yTrcunt el cannot
I take thi opportunity to cor-
govcrnmeni, may uimui
.1 - t-..t t- 1. .1 1 : .. . ,1
throw a little light on the designs ol
the Democratic mniuritr. A careful
rending of the letter, which Chnp.nan
iippocd lie wa iml it ittir to a fellow
Democrat, dioloo the fact that their
object wa plunder a we'll a place.
It ecm from the supBrlutivcohl tool'
ndi.ii'siiiii that the Democrat. tf the ,
ht-t l-gi-lntttrv undirtook to intt-rfeie
with the liusine-s of the County Treas
itrer. nn 1 advised the... to witholtl the
-, . ...
Mate Heveime a Ions a piHstble, so
., , ... ...,.,-', .. .,
that when it suited their plenuro tin
whtde mi-iht be paM iu nt once, the
Governor utiMed, the State iioveritme.it
dcorga.iiZed, and a glorious haul made
i. ... -.t .1 It ! f i.
tmaplvthorfe rea-ury. L,H.n,u.
ture retleclinH, howevet, the plan I
el.anc.Nl ntter a -Vonsultatio., will.
minv Democrat," ami It is ctmeln.led
.,..,..,., . i
i hat the tim for the jtav ttiei.t ol th.
Uevettue into the Sute Treasury I, ,-
etimc and a aWM,. ....n.N.ii...H i given
110tt1.nfIerCuHi.tr Warrant, to tin
Slate Trentirer thee would Itc Dun.
ix-rnlic rubber want hard eah ! Wt
would like to know who or what power
givt-i. to W. W. Chapman, or any tithe,
legislator the ticeue to interfere with
a county officer or direct what hclml.
ur shad toil do. ' would like tt.
know who gives thi venerable, as or
itny ot his coadjutor-, in criiue the right
in iiiiluei.ee the myuieiit or tnut-pav-
1. rill ui uii iiii.iiT-.n iiitv illl7 .jkHii
. ., ;
rreaxure, or diutate iu nitv manner to
... ,,. ,
Cou.it v lnmsiirer. v c tin not won
ment ot uttr tniiuevs into the Stall
ler that tlu-If.'pHU'.iujin minority brok
up their UhiBoii plan by reigniug
It wii an act ol juiiuc to the ieupl
iih! n aty t the State finances. Wt
tk the people tt. raid thi teller ami
reflect on it, o that lliey may prtiln
the deign tt the itfliilitvilyvl Iivmi
vrites uhverv :t bImiiU the terribh
laxnlitm ami upprvrMon of lite potn
i.td are alwayri ooiieoeting plan I.
rub them. A for the old -ru.iiir wlu
lake m much 0.1 himself, wo think n
iuutard plntcr mid a straight jacket
aot.14 ha be...8v:l to I ; 1 adv,,
h-.n to le carelul who he write, to in
A Political Tniuiivr nc warded.
It is now certain that Dr. J. II. Dai
ly of Corvnlli, has received tho ap
poinimu.it of -uperviur of Internal
lit-veiiue for Oiegou, Waihiugtou,
Montana and Idaho. Ii U not quite
clear why there hould bu any necvsi
ty for thi appointment, ami if there
were it eem hurdle just that lliiler
li.'iild he the appointee. A iMtorious
political trimmer :d ways ready to eli.U I ,
over to the stro..get party, and neve. I
to be trusted when he olTers hi nllei
aiiee; it heeinsurjiriiiithat lie should
be selected for nu important and lucm
live appointment. When in the legi
lature iiijJfrOU he voted with the Dem
ncracy agdiio-t the fourteenth Conti
tutional Aiueiidineut, and under the
vireiimhttiuven liis prelerineui to Kt
publicans, whose services havo liren
more ei.iilient, and devotion to priuei
pith mure lea lat, i not utrict party
jiii-licc. We hold thai the appoint
ment ot politician ot B.iiley'i. stripe,
to otlieei. ol trout is bad policy. Men
who cannot be trusted by their party,
and who are notoriously slinky iu po-
litical .riiicipto are iiono too good to I
ht-trii) tl.etrtiJlici.il trut. Our party
iu this Stale will hardly stand inaur
such itppoiiitme. its. It leip.iiu strength
filing, and we want no spies mid trai
tors among us to sell us out.
DirruEittA. This dangerous disease
is so prevaliut iu this ralley nt prex-nt
or to be almot eiideinic. Whole lam
lies of children havo been prostrutcd
with it and several cases have ternliua
ten laiany. iiappeart. 10 ue um,.,j
combined with croup, and our phyci -
cians say it is very difficult to'treat.
.... 1 ,.
rect ine same, i nave eoii-imeo many m.- ;i hh...mv inn. .. ,,. ... ....... ,,,,,11 to meirccr.uion in me v. ouniy MISCIuLXjAInEOUS
Deinoenits ami they concur with me. than five dollar, and that, iu his opin- tj1( for some tutt or three iimiith-.niid T . -
Innder.tai.danMlierdodgeoflheHi-- , Wl vM'my lo ,,n!l. I the J le and appr-.r helt.re the Co. nil c-fc f.ail. cr brtwHu 10 J-cbtior.llt
miblicH,, , to tn-cnie the ton.. ir f , g , lh(,p , ,ie T1W Cimlt tlt .h.Jeu term ..f Curt. And J.ef
..mTth." Char er ,u-s the Itecordcr the same ImU! lW--l .lujiT. aided by
S in 'h I ff" i..ridictmn ni.ely as a J.Mico o, i'T "": "r '1 " W 'lUinNKS,
-,,- ,?!!m!,. the Pence, and in the next place it i i,is: nl,4 , n,,.,.!.,,..!-.., ..I the rni. It. M t vc I m "
-W . . U1AI .MA.V BIMni.,,ns I1UU. for a public functionary thi per.... t.. Imil it. the ..... of thiee . ' ' ? ' '',
The above, coming from the chief l0 n.fue'io do his dutv becttwo hi httmlretl tloll.tr. and in . Ielat.lt the. eof ' ! ?X-t ii
rheadero, the ,dot to overtlu-ow ; ,, t lIlllf . -J: ' miSHlS
Have Wo any Town Gor9rn ment t
The citizen of Jacksonville are be-
cinninc to make this pertinent enquiry.
Lat week they discovered that for
I pttrpixes ol taxation we hive, but for
J protection and public order we have
.,.. It is auite evident that the inn-
(. . , 0XL,rtimcuX n t,- ,,!,. j, i
... .- mm t
n ' of .l.orga...r..tioit. ll.c I.
cordcr, il we have one, i a cyphei
Lut week t wo oll'ciiccs weie couiinii
.... . .
confer, H we Have one, i a cypher,
Lut week two ollciiccs weie commit -
tetl tiiraiu-t tlic public peace, neither
that dignilnrr. Hi oxen
, , . v ,i...t l... .-.ill -...
:!-. .v. ....., .- ...... .. ..... -
, ,. . . , , .,
tlerly becane he has not the poer to
hang the ofleiidcr. The oouqnwiee
u -nun iii'iiuii I; iiiiti iiiu 1 it 11 1 n.-
. 1. ...s.... :.. .1.-. .1... i- !......
u -y i empty. Ofieinlers are taken he
lore a Justice of the Peace, fined, ami
the nmnnnt which should nsit to pav
' the expenses of the town goverumeut
' , .-, ... ,.
t:ocstoMVe!ltheL..iii.iy Ireasury. It
ii time that the so called Keeorder of
'.1... ..I t.l -I I 1.1 ...1 1 ..I
iiiii ninee ein-r iiiitirint-ii imii-vii w
- ' .
' his tlutie anil jiirisdiotiun or reMgtietl.
... , ... i . . .
III petijHe are lrriiHibling about Imiv
. '
taxes to support a eitvovenitneal
" I.i... : ..l. . i . .! .1...
""" '" " ,K " , " ' l'",lw' " ,r ,m'
prcseivatiitii of order, and to inve-l
; t,mt
, , '
,h?? "r l"" ,WrV r 'S"OPa,,t l Uf
lBI" l'ro'""'v-
, ju.uw impant-
h ., .i,,," t(Hl w,,rn ; tltt
,, , ,,
L , ,, .- -,, . , , . , ,
trjt to the ill gitlty ot over-eer, in i.tMi
rwti always kee.ter and more .eadv
than that ot the dominant nica
Il i
crude human
11 II t lit.. Illlll
imturo reimviif like
iv.ng heavv interest.
w 1, ha liimaell ha
woo 11a 1.11111.111 iir
.... .b M.a. ..
mi, w hen a man
ull the anoid id jutiee, i by ciruiiin-
lancecallel upmi to vv iuhl it, he make i
ita edge uupatiig and inti.ivo. I..'
1 ... .11
Mich wise jusiioe i niiiipuHl and inut-
liable. Lust week a MHr devil of n
, I 1 .1
itraii-Tcr coinuiittvil a Ineadi of th-
, . . , ..,.,,
I panee, and jutiee rode a "high hore.
1, , ., , ,, . ,,
I n tend ot bait.g fiuetl br our eitv I!i-
curder he wa hauled up by Uic Dit
.iorncv aim iMtuiiu over ut n coin-
....-:. ..I.. ..... ..... .. ..- i.-. j.-
H....., i...?i,r..., .
c'.1-ye l,t tU HtMt Ui..d Jury. Tin
twas tompout-atiic ja-twe! Oa .-
tho w.nhM! wa lint. I five tlolUr, h
tin l.eetiitltr for lionli-rly toiidtte I
a viar or two rince and its ilia line tv I
..H... to llti .lav o,t the a1.wl.arC UMh,U , I
, ,, , , , ,. , . ,
.e prolmhly oo.telude.l to lieh out ja-.
iee eiioui:h to pn.iih the priuuur anil '
iiiicel liia ovv n uldigiiiiiiii nlit. Wheal
.. it... I.M...I. ..I i.i.l ....... .1......,.-!
J ,,,, ,, ,,s:ril,U, Ul .,,'
j ll,I,1IlimlM, ,Vlt.,tv ,vn..,., Ju.titH
i. .i il i
li.tl.ii ......am. IIim nuiikifiMn itiMi.iii. I.. ..
i.tl.ii i.ii.-rfmi It... ii.iiit?i..i ii til.. . i I.. i
. , " , , . , ,.
.Mtliiucc, niiu brfuimu). intolerable.
Public economy and puldiu outer di
maud that more cute clionld lie um-H I
in the heleulion of olliuers and tin
iilmiiiitr..tioii ol the law houhl uevei
if ejitruleil to narrow miu.:ed amt
iiniijuiin-eit ineii wtio win stmiu anv
ptdul tor a ten.
Port Klamitb.
We are indebted to Captain Timma
vjefiicgor for the lollotviu-.' iiitellii'i'iiei
Vbit Klamath, under date of Nov
10th :
i ii ... ; .. ii ..i -.. . . t i r i
Kverything is quiet here. It ha ply ol Ph.rt.i-rHpt, Albums, Orwuu.n.
bieii hiiowniv for the last week, more . , - . ,. , . , .
ir lesa. but i now clear and cold. l"' ""'" U'vU ","1 ",iUI i,lUVK ai 1 1-
Mr. Iliintingti.ti.Siipt. Indian AfTiir f ,;,,'', which niejuM lie thing for II..1i
for Oregon, tin been here for the lat ! ,'!,.v lveiits. J tend theii new mlvi t
week. He iued borne lew articles o j ""'inetit.
clothing, and two or three thouaud 1 ... . ";.''0; . , ,r .
ooiind ot flour and beef, and p.ireh.t ' Anot,,h" uniM.-Liille Mag e,
-t Mime 40100 lb, ol fl.nir, and I be ' l tereting uhilil of Col. John foR'
tieve ha inlvertied for about 20,00fl I fell a vietiin to diplheria this week.
Il. of beef for the Indian this winter She was Kick but a few d,iVs, but the
The day belore yeterdny the Iai.lt pro-jrei-s of the disease wiU o r-tpid
niiB tiiloriuetl us that an Indian iium-d Hut luediual kill w.i ituavailiii".
pick, huh iiit't neeu itiii.eui iriiu. in '
Ivl.iiuitlh tiilie fur about ten year, w.i. ',1, away, .... .ur. wu.uingi,,,,
Kiisiii-cteil that t hero wa miiiii-i Inii" I
i , ... . -.'"""'" in pnnii. ii von Hunt tic-
wrong he was brought in u.M question- vvv jt ,,... lK.IM
...t i. n. I tut. I .o in on- i-iiiiflii-t in.r .t.it-i... .
tml we U!llltJ to VitUomu c W:Xh
t-laa Indian who ec.tpel limn the civil
lauthoriiies at Oregon City, where he .
lial been (lolllllietl tor nrmm. Dllllllg I
the quetin.iing lie jumped otT tin- j
.'round and ntarted to run; .Mr. Hunt- !
iiigti.u Hied nt him but without efLct ,
But he was mh.ii ecured, placed in '
irons, and is now iu the guard houo i
to wail until wo eau hear liom the
.1 -.- . . I I II . I r. "
uuiuuriiie oi uiat'h.iiiian unuuiy.
aulliorittes ot uiack.inuin Uouiity.
-, '
At Wouk.TIiii new Siu ...ill
AT M0I.K. il.e iilvv baw-mtll of
rr... .fc OoV. nilioiniiiir llw. n....i,...
, llu Quartz Mul, mliard at work, and
. turning out tho hot lumber to be
found In tho market ,
... .. -- ... -- -j p. ...w .. w.iii-ii-
our City Marshal unvoted n Mr. Stu-
nit lor ridinc or leading (I am not
aware whielOhi horeJnto a saloon;
nod he wn confined over night tu the
Station IIoikc. The next tnuruinirfor-
sooth, this man was taken out of the
in hand nt the eitv autli'iitie. and wa
e arraigned he hue Jus. H. Wade, a
. .
i Justice ol the Pence on the charge ot a
1 "gro violation of the public pence; a
Mnrtling nffeii.-, and theru appealed
. -.- . .1.
iitenuors Mien a ri.iiitu 011 MiiewiiK,
,,,..,,,. l-, irili..l..w. a.,1 .a.
line an v pt-ron ttuttietvtl ol Mioh 11
n.ideiiieai).ir, frv.u five to twenty five
."'11.11-. in in ....-. ,
:, lll,.M,irt,.,n, ,, DUti . -t Att-imcv mid
.l..iii.iiii.iriui.riilKiiitlll uv llliriiiTiii it i -
? ii.i ... i..,.
.1 n-t te. i f the Pe.terinton hiirh grade
"I eriiiw, tije-iltitr l)n r Hiitrtu-
"'";'"' '"' M-4 ,
ml our eontii v to great t. n-e. ltit
lo ,lill!r tl,i. ,;,(ll,.r ,W Mata.e and f
Imj.,. tt t. "-, pnrt h thf of-
i- .1 .... . 4l. -U .JA....A..
-i-iim' iiii-v --I.II-.I nnvi i.i- -wi-i ...-..-.i
i --.:. tW tM,r l ih w Ti.i
"'' 'w "W'e w ttif aw. i i.i
tttt e.iai je i n ctiioe lit iim-u, aii'i e it-
, , "i , ..j.i .. ,i.. . i, ....
t;.K iKur iiMta-1 nf b.-i.ijr made
.- .- -i . . . i " t
"'"T. " m', I n
, .M.mtod wiih the ei.m.ltint h i
Ii.riu A.fr, t raak, t th.,,,..
; -ltar"e f a "tfrott rlulithM.otthe pub
, lie ,,-.,,-, " a a ra m. he n.......t
! The me..f tyro In h.ef r i.i l,w
noiill never Uuve etHjutrurd our Mat
( . , ,. HAl9m( .j, ,MI, ra,
. vmi... Milt Mt4irr iIm te.UlktitN. ..I
. ..Iir t.. ., Haider, jwh , . ..-....
rernM4a mi couti mj.late l.
,i1B c,, a -wu Hi oMnnt . m
' t.mee none of t worat lealnn nf ih
erime. attd the evle 'l-ndl Wy Ull' tr-l
I rw tlolaimii, M-et.Ht- thrw. may
I w . ... ,. , r .... mul
I "V" 'mi'Ut "'"'"'. "" "
1 ,lv a .iti.li'...i'a.ir and "ion. ti.a tbo
' nit-tith'toil. The Dlrrlet Atnr-'
if ltiaafi rrv -!
ae-l lu-awl ;e Jntik-j wfc
i-t.4iin. niui-ii ruiru jii 1111 n'.mri,
,,,,7 . 1 .1 ,.. t .' , u. J 11,
llctalorhlptn nrle tin itrn, U th.
ueide allrtW thtit. to d tt. !
AiuRtt Awts.
1 Ovkhlvsp I-'ahi.. The roat it travel
i'ig 'Vi-r'aitd l.r railroad ad siapi
'r.i-n Sin frii '.. in Cl.'untt.t l 4"6fi 1
.M , .irr, , . $2 S0 to T
v,t m ' ,., aw, ....n...
'.,..,.:,.., , ,J . .,,(- B ,,.,,
j,, W,H" ,,.,, 'ne faee ftWH SVmweii
to to Salt I.tW la fit J In ecln,.i4 t-
A"'" . lf Virawia U -A4t-ii
,,UT l" .f"-' )? ," U"M"
I ote, the.iear Miva.ra-lo.up.'O. nien
j, ,HU 6,0 , , tn,j,,
i,ig overland.
' " - -
SlIt A.UMVINO I WllVt- vaia..ii
, '-- "J J-' - k W
I '"'r" 'r'"" llVi J"r ""? J'
' 'i.gHt davs sreli luw li inaia
I '". trhhiiiit -ueeea, and lb Jul'
mi w".v ! i in- imvui-Miii bijai mi v
have been stolen and run into Ciillto.
Raii.iioaji Mat. km. We learu.rhiii
i- it ;i iii.ii m ' i. ; . . .. ; ...a.... i... - !
- mail lir a lllirn crime, miujitumi; iiil- - .(.,.;
'he oklaei.s ol AMad iHU'iel to l.aVtJCfeHiiaS'eiw.T
me or two mitre .Nt of the "Cii.
i I il . i ii.l
! -ado' m. ....Hums -mhhiiihI MMll Wll'1
I '.M up a iemiMitrauae tai our Senaloii. i
iml IifMi'e..ta.vi, asaiiixl ilivfitiii
Hie lihilniitl Inin its proper route
tluoujjli thi valley.
Hot.lU.VY PKKkK.NTa. SaUtjjx fc
Stent ns Imverjiist iiceived a lhrte nqt
Ski.uxo Otr.--S mli Hro. nr. sell
illsr , M ,, ,,. , . , ,
n' ,'.. r... " . .. .
' m TrTui r:r: '
.: m . , , , ,
H'.I.LI A.M- iil.lfn- ,i.i c, ,. m ti.e
,J "" ' "in r iy. l..n,.i , irijunm I..
''' ' ' ' A I)- nil ..f J. kim hhii.ii,
'IiAllK- VAUK-X..- SO ii.nl n.- 0.
s ""'"' "'"' ' l "' ' M Almim Sa
'""' "" "f l'll-""l"M C k ,I...t..i.M (! hv
.itiiris v.., i i, " '," ,,,..,
"'-s-A"'r .l.-k...1.v.(i..iiii. Ui,.j AI, in
SI' .'" """ 'Hifurei, umni'ial douli ir
.fji,: ! Kib.ili lt, Bg 1 vear.
I iim-ili i.n.l 7 .I .w '
t ..... : - '
VA'VU"-'; ' it. re, V-e-uh-r 2)
Jf'" J-t;'. BAs n- 0 ,, l,
" 2 th ..J
Walk In, Gentlemen & Lntllcs,
And sre ilia
Jut .yi.l nt tits
.. )f n, ., ,,, ,,,Itlt lUl wt ,Ul,
,uli.inei,i.ij n urn rt Utile l.mlrr tlit-
ur ewnir uiuer waning fieri u ;uar
tght in mul ate llw moil
a fiUh.-j,
lite , t-.ic.
Vim nil) fled nmo-ii: elder iuirclldiieu. caeds,
G0!l.DPEKS, y
GkH.ULS t'ii.Nrf,
' STIilii. PJi-NS, 'l
Pii.NUl.., UL1.L.KS,
Al.liC.Us, HIM liOUKS,
:.MJ JiOUUs i'O JlJijH:
S AA K It A S JiAltlv, '
bl'O.N lili.i,
(JKliAJll Ul-'
bvj l).,
1 1- 1. D
Jarkson'd CpifbraJcii
-aleh Iiwm W JWrrar af Ike "iisr !)
lit., tun hi. I r ii-. Mr t'niiinl nli rTe'J llin.il
Hcttiit Ut AW KMStll'lnill. I. vMf " ail
ia rU m u
ml cei ii ; ttr .r i m
e.Mv ta .t. ..xj.q.Hr . c.l .aatd.
- tL 1 U)2n A SILAIINS.
. j.mhw . Ir. UK. JkM.
,, ,
Masquerade Bali!
tFrwiri' AUrnm ) cvit litu,)
llm ea Wfcd u uUe.x lot of
!i:i:iu'ii.i'M npc.
- " ".. m-a i !.. Bit vr.r.
rati r. i. a.
lylW eVTbUi- utaulfy Upt, hi u Stall
a'V-Miji sSii. I
nit) blate.
' -t . ,
A ! aM ell at irtcj Hn& of 'Vujt
QJbdsinuis prcscnis:
'! an (lie lli Judge a cull,
.Vm Door to GUnu Dram it Co'.
Juiiucatorj rjjtics.
JVT0TIC8U Iter -'jr Vr- itmt le't-re nf rt-
m.ii'-nj .in mi. dm ginHl.il lr In
""')- iiril. (l iiiiwu n.- u u
ttl Kl t-.ate. mr r.iiiiiv . ntm i,i
,... Klk Uw ,1-r ,!ICIW.'. UJ,'"
M",',,M' 'r'',' '" '. Hit tmiioe t twl
iht nirii;inw,iii mixH tlllH-l-llll tu
(l-li i.ihIb nrt r.qiiitvI l iu ke lintti-.lii.lv ni.
tw-til. M M. CfJ.ll'JI VV Kveiinlr,
K riijvlMe, .Vui-wtiur till . .1 D lH
il-eAirJ "
1. 1 thatlwIitMif UnimiUr!jsnpl to Intorm
lit" Ultd-. tlMI lli. i.ilili oW)i) rth i Ihlun
JUrJU J'ulUmf .lfutm cim.k mil, n,
lAle. Iii liMHiiiruii .i. S -vraurj nf rubl ut.o
II ulilhl bnVim.' Imfl llnlur,d to Inm u,ul ....... ..
I il l.v Umi Uuttiil l tlimciur nt n m- -tiH i. t
a"" , .. T.1'a77I.U.V.
1'ui limit), AW. 17. 1KUS. ltiliVw
Tli-nUire 6'nil vin. irtf-vilJ In IIik fraU
iur i iiiiiuhiiuii. hihi ii;nnil lUirrrort!,
null tliitMi..t u.i. itluio). T
"Dr.'iHinV'uailiigtBn, ami Idaho iiaiHre,
JllliH C-"IJ.J. '
;; J. ' rr.Uisq..'
1HAKKS. -"1
We, thi. iiiideiMgueil, tenderour sin
e tiiuiiks iu Mi I ..in. ii... i...
tl. t. ll1lUlo Mt .,
. .. . ... .. "'
t - ..--... .iiiiii,- j i ,.
pnelpi ot pie Ciiiteil &talth Hotel tor
the lioJiiiuililv i-Meinletl to u dmii..r
ourM.i) tu Jitvkhoiivilte. ,
LUlII-. J. KUtiu W.M. JAfOll.
lU-AMi. J. ULItL'llAtM'."
Jyiuv VljUMl.V,
To.thejReading Public.
Vl'Kl.KV-eliilnl up h tonrwtl.ti.lv Kt-Hiluig
Ku.nu ui.il tircuiniiiiji ll.iaj( ub.e
tt!iv. inriiiii, uliwtte-n-rl.il uLiiLnflte
rurj.iriicumUt-iKjuir.- i llu- 0 tv Hriiw nmo-.
JeiAif cfiruA'AVTKvllN.
't Aiirn u-im .-. '.. . .. . '
I "''ji Hllll.i; Miu UV. tN 'l AM.
' - '. "" .UI.yN IV! r.rnia vi-ur3 len..
"'r-vit:ittC.IN W.I I - CO., iJ CvOar
lrol,ft 1, 1. U. tint (.I.U3 '
W ., Vif.Mvn ,m W,-T?1,'SU1lfCIMI
MjxtVj-&& &
Plli""l fl.r.lllil. I Irti iUm-ji, IT
-eh m r.1.1 ., rv.,r mi tX'ST ETh' .
riiAMWl'ltlV .1111 Kit..
Tlil .plmi.1.1 T. n c I. l, .- n.,,1 h, lt t
Il t ..f II I, Ikl. I larttall.iti ll-li... .
w -bik ''"'llllr..mlil,r.w,na,;?.J!,7
IllC .JlHjW. T... triHrn , f t,, M.l,,iT1'''1
-n-IMr II It I,. twlp , ,llru .nfc , K",,r,'U
Important C'entncnlct.
W.Vu.UV"'W,b1.1 '" U""
J.n. VI. it. WAtliH).NLn, lititU, n. t
iui. .-. n, ....ua,, AMy'faMy
-,4atSbwit.IM.,li,, 7lu72
. , J: UV . J. . CATIIOKX. r.Ku,t x I..
...". . . I !,,.- .-,MMh ,H
iLVtSll " '"'''", "'" ,u ii -Si!
, f iT.rtul.L. . i iur, 11. ,j.,S5; tv
J2&lVl'!L.n '"n.i" .trwc ik, w.
CMMMMMt,k4.tf rtlNm.lMl N,t..r1 mS nitmt
TV MlA m, tr. ..,4 ,lM it, n.. n7 ifli al
Ci? JIT ' "In I UNTATlOMiirriiJ
-!f.'trw""fwl '' r''''MiMii.iio,MW
wAJ!i,wrlf "P iri statics mmti
kiiTlTr!i'"", ";m "5 ''-s
CaMITII.l,i ! t,tjf ftlv. '"
jKlMjUlirta-t1 Om.ni ..J :.Un ll,..,Ul
P. II. DltAiCi:, kCO.,
.New Voi It, Sole I'ron'r.
UIUI..T() .V CO., 410
nntl -lt, I'.oi.tMieri
.son i'miicUco
AfpaU fcr Oalfernsa asd Ktvad
JS1 '' "" W U
V.?.lill"rlr? Htlnir in ttcii Kit.U.uv
S' ' " "MIMC II. lail.nt ,'wtl, uImii.i
7 l""ip MMHllw In iMUktlMl l'J d.lL.IIK IUI
II at W hihatM r rilM lrti liit.iin,t ji un u,
iMtluac; pmiIumiI ih iikui.hii il.rnn.U llu Ha
rat.i: riiou rotio.v
X rtwW Ui r r'n iml rltir lli'titln la at
ll -Tj.-lM.ui. u s-.n ktn. It u illi ik4 tali
Uj.iuiiiwisj itii, Si.inUtna
Th ewia. wm tu ia-ii,ii if ):. t.iot.uiikii
. .t.. . I., JU 4 C Anjll.lnrfua
k.M-t.wlmiH.Mtt4Mi.)MH, J,iuul.Ur
.-ma tWanaltruaj.iMlln UttiHiVllar
avid it n SiuxcMi a4 s.-ltli ts lLa l-uliicaul
j iTA.ia
. It h M 4aUfi4 hllUl III Mikr KwitrtLii
.nl Ifil-in. - mi in a I. -tin i.m, v u ul
aaaat, Umbui ajiatl. um. mtd
i.WWIff " "' l" "J" f--l aiS
UttMAiAtwM, jiwi.v Tiisoar,
trrn Mkac Jourra, lhaf
Maait. j;AB Ami,
.tTMAIMi bWII U0l.
rrrjit ciTt'K tti,tji
Ol ai iU iaai4l(ta triiMiiicn iiltiulajtiBUa
ioa tt 11414
'Ilia A u-H-fiaa.JaUaaiuIialu.1., irmri la tioM
an.i, n-.mi, i in, iW,t,V im ulli,Uahnlt.iu
' i'Vi, In.iiiHr) la liim.1. . r.T "" "'
hl-l,lnrrl tfll..U.I.,:,itaM!l O.r5 "',ft
Ni.w. II 1. 11 r.rt j. -lil.t ,.ti.i fl Vn -n it.., .1
Tl.tMMUlnfk.ilxLi. .... ..i.'.U. 1 W
I VHL a. w ti-Uii- '- -i 1
" 4'iitu . iJO VI, HiUuJi. i I4.i.aii4iun.iii
v. -.., -riut.Asivi-N.bX( i.iai.
Ab ii l. bM un -, i ncatt -tt t iU a ita?
.aBMrlBHsTT ICI-rtl 'l.i
a-i7 !l I iubi.uail auiiiitff;L.MWB'
ftistoras Ball
I.. IInri.t-uuiiMo ci- tu lb public lUl l
"ill s"r aGruml Uall
Tin- Ja k'unrltUt Rnt Jl.l h " '
-iV l atil.iio ijIii will l sjund to prea'
tliu Jilcaiiift el lliei;aeiivl'C
nir 5 Sw, g. SW.
Atiotlii-r mII bi)Keunt Hit anna place. K'
itj i r M-r.itmii In b--i in-i'l" ,
the imi.vr llu? lineal ett-r ail Iu J.lCu"!',K
1 .
rTlCIviyj'..t ..,,.,,.."
Jarlcoiivlllo Nov. I81I1 1WH
f ll.tvr; (or wi nrar-tiUH. tfJ'r
,1 i.ttcntfkf iiplifiiilflciiiilUluii. T'jJ,
lilill lr. wru llm only oli IU urrj:w.fi "i
Tir.vi .iiiii.l.ijiii: .1.111), barcBtiui '.
Tli j will U- toIJ lllir hi Pl"' 'V,Ki
uty8al W. 9-
If wfflWt
r IIKKBUY BiToii.iiiOBili.vi y aVj1 (i
I ic-ciuii'iilittU.-i alsoctii. lusf"1"
Po.aU WaUau "lggiilfatl'-
i ... a.i - . ' i
L,k? i.i ' fS
ZZ?f(& ro? h f 'fi m