'"""""iv-wsaiBwta MfeD Jfflrj; FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, orrosun THB Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. -Travelers d1 resident bsarder will fln - -MADAME D' ROBOAM'S BUDS AWD BBDDZZfO Placed In firl class order, and In erery Way superior to any In thl section, d1 surpassed by any In the SUIe. HER ROOMS ARE XEWLY FI'RXISnED, And a plentiful snpply of the best of every thing the market afford will Ix ob tain td for HER TABLE. No troubled wrtl !) spared to deerre the pat. ronagr of the traveling aa well at the penna nat community. Jack'onrllle. Mrcb 31, 1866. tf SPKOIAL NOTICES. STAR OF THE UNION 5 CELEBRATED I iSTQMACHBITTERS! Tf itublc, uit Urc trvra ftlcolioli til Of ry t.ut i t ( TRY i JUDGE I THEM! I FOR YOUR SELF! TRY THEM! ipriL dInV tn.Jl'rt I- f ll villi ( tirtMltV I '- !- f -- - - ft ,fmnlh purr-l riti. I uMlu !' Koto. 1 ( r. J hf 1 1, arr 1tulrlljr l.tttt to II r i nrr i (,l.itlri"ottt.c Mranwh. Uitn-T,1 liirnJ K..iAHttkiiiiiMitii.i tinl"Illlt l.i't-s mid fliOlTtl. T II " J'JFIll. ..!. I'M! lir. ILom of Anjx-IH. ' '" '' '" '" "" A. IXNKtlAl'Sl. hot r. '.yrrnrri . :J I mr 'r.-'lr; Jr.k.Cll, lI 1 rM ' BOUND TO DO IT! D. C. MILLER IS BOUND TO WO UK ACCORDING TO TUP. TIMES. HOUSE SHOEING lat-. At redurd urlc for eah. Ten or ent. iVvnunt trill lw made tin all llndi of work hrre eah l pMd. March SOtb. ISf.S. rarUCItf T o DF'oxaxa.clrs'm.on. AMD BLACKSMITHS. CxmltritB.! u4 LLIli CO At, i,J r!0 IRO.X X.OOO Tone, 1 llrii ifi'tl, f.r ! t ,i. r. onvi.n, 411 ud til VtMt It, n 1Vi--(.m. r,t-ii7 SOLDIER'S BOUJ:iZF,S. I iiiVr iircmvK!) fiiom tiii: r f. Trrur ilr.fl for lite ImiuhIit uf tU follow tan narartl irriillfiu-n : ticorif W. Altl-r. CliirlM H. IJ.iti.l. C. 0 llnly, Clmrli K. IiuihM. (jn'irtl CinrL't, Jm M. IIoxp, Win. A. A. lUiuiliiiii, Jn 'Jih Moran. Ilavid A. 'I'uylor nd Jmni Wrarrr. 'Ilirre gentlcinrn will pleme call undpt 'h'lr par. U. F. DOWKLL. -cVtnnrllle. Sept. M. 16C3. Diasolation of Fartacrship. 'piIE partirrlitp heietofnre rxlttii; lK'twtn 1 E.-H.aml Wm. C. Gn-fiun n If ilUrolrHl tut uar. Hid account w Pr. lir'eninan hair t.rnillnoilortn U'. R. RfMimm. nrf I Imui-dlate tctttemeot Ii rMiulriM K II. ORKRXMAN. W'.O- ORRRNMArC. Auir, Cth, 18f.Jt. aiigBtf SKE1D WHEAT. THRunderl;;c!barorfal at Mi ranch on Wajrnrr Creek, a iiianllly of p1endld ,il wheat, of the white variety. It ha bten elranrd with e"pecll care, aud raNM on ntw fruund on purpow for wikI. IV, 1IRRSON, Wairuer Creek, Nr llth ISi.R. llnowt Zfetice Positive. 'P1IR nnderilKiied Hndlnj; II nrceraary for L them lo collect all outticudlne notn and ecouut due Ibein In order to meet Ibi-lr own liabllitle, take thla mrthod of notifying all pcrtoo InJebteil to tutm lo come forward Im lutdiately aad pay up, or their notei and ac ronnli wilt be put In Ihe band nf an offlcr for tollectlou. 6-UTTuN & TEARNi DisMlattoa f rartaership THE partneriblheretofore emitting between J. G. Adama and Wm. II. Wilt, Galle Jftt)c Oregon, I. tbla day dlolred by mutual on.,it. All Ihe account will b eltlc-d and Ihe builneu continued by J. G. Adam. J G ADAMS. WM. II. WITT, Sept 21M, 18C8. cU7w3 u - TMJkOOVMM. IIMVE for aale near .4liland, a few pair of peacock In aplendld condition. Tbe beau VLu)bLrda are Ihe only one In Oregon, andto JJoaa applying aoon. barealnn are ofiVrea. Tbey will be told either lu ptr or lu Iripllt. "28" W. C. MVRlt. XOROl. I HEREBY glre notice that ray note and ac aceounti bare been placed lo tbt baud) of lJuwell & WaUon for colb-ctlon. , V. C. GREEM1N. LAUGHTER LOVING LOQUlTOR8GKT tba AMERICAN WIT. 60 ceuU a year, Addreat AaJMtlOAN WIT" CO, 59 Cedar St. t.. P o. Box 6693 LJPOH WHILE VOU LIVE, AND T.4KE axa iWUON WIT. oae year 5J cenU, tfet.N.y. P.O. Box 669 J W, " V - fj VOL. XIII. BUSINESS NOTICES. Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Ambrotypon, Photographs, Cartos do Vislto ioxe ix the finest stvls of art. l'ieturrs Reduced V.". EXI.AROEP TO LIFE SIZE. DR. A. B. OVEltBEGK, Physician & Surgeon, JACKSOXril.LE, OREGOX. Office t lil residence, In the OIJ Orerbeck llo-pUnl, on Oregon Street. DR. E. H. GREENMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Coruer of California nnd Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. lie will practice In Jackion ami adjacent counties, nnd attend promptly to profflnn1 call. frhJtf " DR, A, B, OVERBECK'S BA.TI-I EOOMS, Zn tlio Overbook Hospital, WARM, COLD & SHOWER DATIIS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. f. GRum:, .m. i)., PHYSICIAN &SURCEON, OFFICE removed to California Street, Sonth tide. Jacl'onilllr. Dtc. IUt. 1SC7. 3cc21-tf DR. m:vis UAM'NC., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON AND Ol3totrlolxt, WT'II.I. altcn.l to any ho miy rrnulre M l Mrlct. Ofllee nt II. K. ItonriOi'a oRlee. on Ihe Hint iMf S.1 .5tnrl. JnckniiTllle.noi2lf II. F. POWtLt.. K. n. WATSOM. DOWELL &. WATSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JnrlitoiMltlr, Urron. D. L. WATSON, ATTOflNEY AT LAV. n.ns!rx Clij-, Coos Count)-. 0?ti. Yarren Lodce No, 10, A. F. & A. M JL HOLD their rogulnr communlcatlont Vjf on tho niUiienlay I.venliiK or prcced Ar Inc the full tnoou. In jarKNovriM.K, im-ioon-. A.MAUTIN, W. M. C. V pAVior-.P'y. notice T ''UK book and nccount of ihe Pkntinti, are X In Ihe hand of Mr. b U. Hntwii. Tuoo Indchtol connti. ulll iilcaii; call and pay thlr nc U. F. DOU'JXR. Toams Wanted for Camp Waraer. OS. ami after the flrt day nf OetoW, UCf. Ibe iir.(lT-Itruetl bare determined to ell fur catli riciulielr i-xcept upon ptclal con tract. Tboe linKbtid lo the lirm must potl tltely pay up, m all uceounl will I cloned 0: toberUt. GI.CN'NimUM.V(-0. ipl2tf. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. NOTICI3. Having d!po'l of our Fac tory, we nie now prepared to ghe our whole alteutlon to ou' Leather arl Finding buiiiiv. (n hand, direct from France. Calf 4 Kip, Uomcitic Leather, Root Ig. etc. Jous G. Hki.v. I k. I'avKR. I Jons niur, Kew Vork. Pari, Eau FrauclKO. Addre. HEIN & I1UAY, .n Frauelco, 41K lutifry Street .EL DORADO, .K.Cur.CI.&Ogii.iU.Jackonlllr,U. S. M. FARREN. ATTENTION FARMERS Gang Plow. TIUVEpurcuacd the patent right of Jack ron and Jovohlne ceuntl. for Ihe celebra ted rtiel GANG I'M)W, and am now prepared to Bll order, and will guarantee thai thla plow will do better work with leta powtr. and Lire more r-atUfactlon than any yet offered to (ho larmern of southern Oregon, 1'low warranted In ever respect, and all kind or black'initbing done at ten per cent. dUeouut forcaab. oct!0m3 P.DONEGAN. FPN FOR FUNNY FOLKS,Tu; MERI CN WIT. 60 cents a year. Aiit-t ,MMERICNWlT'CO.,69Codar Hreet, N. Y. P, 0, Rox 6C93. 'ttmn JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5. 18G8. TUG JBEOM IKSTUBL I'CIILISHKD ETcrr Snturilny Moruliirx b B. F. DOWELL, OFFICE, CORXEll C S? THIRD STfEETS. TKIIMS OP sunscntraoxi For one rear, In mlrance. four dollars; If mi ,iu nimin uif iirn ix inonuis or thn year, no dollars ; If not paid until lb iplrstlon of the year, six dollars. TEltJH . AnvEii-rmxoi Oneronare'lO Itnca or letO. firt lncttlon ' dollar. A dlfconnt nl flllr niT ecnl. will b. inrre iioiiart : eaen BiiiL,rntifnt infiriinn unn miile lo thoe who ndrcrltrc bj Ihe year. .Ba-Legal Tcndcn rreelred at current ratei. rrom Ik tn:,in fpMtolor. Tho American Flag;. Flint; out the St.itry Kla;, Men of the klnleoland. The hour of duly Ii tolllnp, II ready heart and hind. Kaco all who dare deride It, Clap all who loelc In ihid. If need be, die lcl lo It. Tor thocouatry It ha maj. They cotno to you In m'lllopi A once they came to Herat Give every man a welcome, Glre each and all a horn. Dut rend them all thli leton They In return mint Maud, Ready lo tlay for tho Starry Flag-, Ordlefor the llnglri liud. Letter From B. F. Dowoll. Sin' Feaxcisco Nov. S.ltl, 1808. tiii: no ads. Detivccn J.icksonvillo mul Sacramento aro improving. The Oregon Stri''; and tin- Railroad, nro makiny quicki-r tunc tuan vcr licfore at tliii hc.ioii ol il -. T 1i T. 1 ft t me vinr. i icti juugo ioimann lu Oregon, on llic lfitli, nud I nirived here on tho 1 6t.li int., being only three lay and nine hours on the route Tlifii' is a gap ol a milu and a liulf at Maryiviilo bctivoen tho Sacramento and Orovillo Rhilrondo. .Titro ii u large force building a bridge acro.tlie river at alary ville; and by tho lt of January tlioy ctpect to tnalco the con nection. Tliii will avo thico or four bourn time; and a many more might j uo eaved at Sjacraniento if they would change tho time of tho starting of the ear. If tho owner, would do thi the mails would arrive in Oregon in Ioh than three day, after the Railroad i connected at MaryHvillr, without any acreage in me upcou ol llie cars, lioatt or Htnge. It could bo done without iucrcacing tho actual rxprnxe a cont. The jirfHent ilelay at Mary.vilIo and Sacramento only nerve to ium t the ho tl kiPtrH find grocery keopor to mnko a fow dollnrs out ol tho pawn- ger. lheir accommodationn aro very poor, and the traveler would faro bet ter if they only had to May fifteen minutes in place of sevcrnl hour. In behalf of tho cilicn of Noitliein Cal ifornia and Oregon, I earned! y nolicll the Senatois and Rcprcicdtative of Oregon and Californit to aik and de mand n chango in tho time at theso two point. TIIK I.ATK nAnTIIQUAKK Cut fomo fantastic trick which nru still viaible. Near tho Railroad dejiot there is a chimney which i turned half around. The back now tnndn rhcro tho -flue stood before the rdiock. Tlio damage dono to property i cry great. Probably two or thico millions of dollars would not repair tho actual damages; but good hotiH'S with good hard brick and good cement received no damage. It was only wliero poor soft brick or poor cement was used that tho bouses wero cracked or thrown down. Tho heavy fire ivalib wcro (re qunt1v thrown down, and in wooden lionises the plastering wan more crack ed and torn to piece than in the brick house. On tho main land near tho Ray Borne of tho houses sunk four and fivo feet, and a few poor walls were demolished in various iilaces. Theno are being now rclmilt with bolter uricK, wider foundation and with good ce-, ment and light cornices. This, many think will socurolthem from a similar, suock ' f. Mini ' "--- Oakland stand, on firm ground l'lJS fA mediately north of the Bay of San Fran- cisco. It is a lively town and the borne of many wealthy citizen of San Fran- s!'tyjbti!frl' &, TTTt. cisco, yet it is estimated that tho dam ages in this city does not exceed ten or 1 fifteen thotmnd dollars. The San Jo." Mission wa demolished which wan I erected upwards of eighty years ago. jYhat has been done may possibly nev er como to pais again ; but I nm of the opmiou such nn carthquako has not visited this section of the country since the first settlement of the country by the Spanish in 1781, and nothing of this kind will occur again in tho next twrnly-flve yean. There nro two thoorirs abont tho cause of earthquake. Tlio old sup position was that t'lev wcro caused by volcanoes and internal eruptions. Tho new theory i. that they arc tho effects of electricity which surround tiio surface' of tho earth ; and that the superabun dance of electricity fi caused bv the particular portion of tho planets. At tho time of this earthquake and nt tho time of tho moH noted earthquakes that have been described in history, several of tho most noted planets were in juxta poMtlon between us and the inn. This will not occur again iu twen-ty-fi vo years. Hence, il tho now theory be truo we will have no heavy shocks of electricity iu tho next twenty-four years. One proof of earthquakes br ing on the surface is that several men in thin city who were nt tho bottom ol deep well did not feel tho shock, while thoo on tho top of the ground near the welh were sevoroly aliaken. Science lias made, and il in utill making rajsid studio. I seo no reaion why scientific men and philosophers Hhould not acouiit for earthquake? with ns much accuracy and precision ns tbey have for the celiptet of tho sun and moon. With John I'lioeiiix 1 am ready to exclaim, "that tho wiet men iu England and America during our revolution were very ignorant mm compared to those of tho present day. Washington, Jeff. ..., . . . erson and I-ianklin wcro very ignorant compared to very common men of the preent genvration. They knew but lit tle of the power of atearn. Nothing of Railroads or telegraph, nnd but littlo of the wonderful power of electricity; therefore I am not afraid to adopt the new theory that earthquakes are cane ed bv heaven! v bodies, ami not by in- tcrnal commotion. Earthquakes may make volcanoes, but volcanoes do not make earthquake. XK'lllO BCrFIUfIB Has been defeated iu .Missouri by 8,000 mnjoiity; but it lias been earricd by upwards of 0,000 iu Minnesota, and by 50,000 majority in Iowa. I am by na- tttro ami education inclined to trace everything to its fountain, source or root. The mot or first causo of loii" oppreuion of tlio poor or of any race of men, has been nnd ever will bo tho (act of free suffrage. Give the negro or any poor raco tho ballot nnd you make him not only free in name but iu fact. Without it he would tlll bo a slave. I am in favor of negro wiflrago. A large poition of tlio Union party favor it, and lhoQ that don't liko it can lump it, as tho dog did tho cold duinpliu, Vc have established it in iffitthtrict ol Columbia, in nil tho TeirHH, and in all tho rebel States except Missouri. Tho liberals of Franco havo established universal cufTragg all over tho Empire. Tlio Republicans of Spain proclaim it at tlio head ol their platform The English havo extended it to tho op pressed Irinh, and by and by citizen manhood sulTrago will bo tho watoh word of tho 'Republicans of Missouri and Oregon. Tlio principle is not dead, it only sleeps to gather froth lam els nt a more proper senton. VKKSOXAL AMI VIKCKU.IH7.0VK. I). W. Douthett is hero practicing law. E. C. Sessions is hero doing a good bualness selling ical estates nud collecting rents, W, W, I'owler res ide in the southern part of tho city; and John Anderson still further south east of tho oh M Union. General (). II. Tagninge In spoken of a,s tho elec tor most likely to be chosen to carry- t0 Washington tho olcctoral voto of California. Senator Casserly has gone jnHt q'no telegraph says Bishop Kip has sailed from New York to Califor- ..I.. !,... II W Xfnrrla nl Hm-lna,.- ors stair m, ,..,,,, r.hurfhmrm un, nihU gdjjg another vote to the Demooratio party in tho House of Bishops, to NO. 40 An intelligent miner from Australia informed mo this morning thnt qunr.z that yields iu Australia $8 nud 10 n ton groas is estimated rich pay and one and a hall to two dollars ntott cov ew the nverage cost of mining. When quart r. can be worked this cheap here tens of thousands of veins may be work ed successfully in vnrious parts of Ore gon. Mr. Fowler starts to-morrow on a visit to tho White Pino Silver mines in Nevnda. I start East ovoilandnt three o'clock P. M. Hniit.VDTiii Aok. Thero appears to bo one littlo district iu tho United State, whoso inhabitants nro incapable ol bocomingt'ulightcncd, notwilhstaiid, ing tho ndvautage of fluriouuding re fliicmuu,t and civilization. Whether this is owing to extraordinary perver. ity of i1ipoition or to natural uttipid ity on their pari, has not heun deter mined. RarbnraiM I nvs and inhuman custom, such a nourished during the dark nge. nud which havo been long 'luce abolished by huinntio and Intell igent people, still prevail thero in all their ancient enormity. Thnt little di-.trict, when it Is alluded to, which happen very seldom, is called Dela ware. Lato diapatehes from Newcas tle in that benighted Statu furuUh the iiuformatloii that seven perions convlo ted ol vnriima petty olleiices wero lied to posts in the jail yard of thnt place recently, nnd whipped, beside, being subject to other brutal puniahmout. One nl tho victims wns an old man ol aoveuty years, who received twenty Inshe on his bare back; tho poor un fortunate cried bitterly during tho in fliction ol this punishment. Another niirnou was placed iu tho pillory until lie was helpless with cold and wns then whipped with twenty lashes. Such brutality has been practiced thure for many years nud attract littlo atten tion or comment, notwitlistniuliiiir it ; . "'"3n"KT. "'" ... r... a- .1 ,i- , V.IIIIIIHIIWHP IVIMMHIl, IUIIWII HCHI NIU' ,im.( n ,,jM,,i0 ian cj .. impurtimce I .. ,1. .,... ., ...I,,', . . or iiihiiuciinii nun wuieu is noted for nothing except such al)itirt as the above, exercise as much iulluciice, no far as votes :uo concerned, an cither of the largo and distiiiguiahcd States of New York, Ohio, California, etc. It is sin gulnr that the various religions denom inations will pcrxiht In Rending their missionaries to AfiYicn, China, nud oilier foreign commie, whon nucli it vast amount of good iiiigut bo ac complished nt homo lu tho littlo field of Delawnri) by reforming nnd Chris tianizing their inhabitants. Laiiou, Labor, honest labor, is mighty nnd beautiful. Activity is tlio ruling element of life, and its highest relish, Luxuries nnd conquests nro tba result of labor; wc can imagine nothing with out it. Tho noblest man of varth I ho who huts hand cheerfully ami proudly to honest labor. Labor is n biiaiuvb and ordinance of God. Suspend labor, nnd whero is the glory nud pomp of eaith tho fruit field, and palaces, nud tho fashioning of matter for which man strive and war? Let tlio luborscor ner look to himself, and learn what are. tho trophies. From tlio crown of his head to tho solo nf his foot, unless ho is a Carib, naked ns tho boast, ha is tliu dfhtor and slavu of toil. Tho labor which ha scorns has tricked him into tho staturo and nppcarauco of a man. Whero gets ho his garmenting and cquipagu? Let labor answer. Labor which makes muic in tho mine, aud tho furrow, ami tho forgo. O, scorn labor, do j ou man who n'ivcr yet earn ed a morsel of bread I Labor pities yon, proud fool, nnd laughs you to scorn. You shall pass to dust, forgot ten, but labor will livo on forever, glo rious in its conquests and monument. A Pmj.vquk.nt'b Uiirau. I dreamed a dream tho other night when every thing wasNtill;I dieamed I saw old lielzebtib coming down the hill. My printer' bill was in his paw, aud blood was In his eye; says liu, young man, your "weasel'' draw, or eli prepare- to dio. I gazed old Sooty in tho. fapo and read my only chance, to aval my self of saving grace ,Twas pay up in, advance ! "How comes it. Michael, that these boots are rjot tho samo length " I y don't know, sir ; but what both- So the most is thai tho fair down am in tho snrno fl v " rs nro in the same fix. really i When von aro ruiiuiiiir noma mad bull, or oatohing a Pea,tob slow Isn't pe sure, A lofty Mm' ",Tff tfasj Iftgy nun is nttrlj always W natnrcd. He nster flies let - ftn ion. Ho mlohtf crate into oat. ITtlas war possible, but tho Idea of hit ly ing into anything is jirtpdtWotu. Whoever hoard of a lazy, rM break ing into a bank, where a .crowbar had to bo used, or drilling luto safe Nobody, Not that ho inightnofy covet Ida neighbor's- goods taenia) contnliied, but his horror of liandlinsr. crowbars' nnd drills, would always da. tcr him from nctuaHycominittiusr burs glary. Ho never run nwar with him neighbor's wile, simply on account .of. tho horror he has of running. If ha over known to run it is ruu to re.cL;- Ho rarely lies about his neighbor, lor it would bo too much exertion, bar ho can lio about a bar-room nil day. , He is of inestimable service (o a bil Hard saloon, keeping tho chairs warn and watching tho game, for few would caro to play wero thero no spectator). I'ho fact that ho does this without pay, day in nnd day out, shows theuniolfish- lies of his nnttire. What, an Industri ous, man who considers his time worth, something, would want pay for, th,a lazy man generally doe for nothing, showing n freedom, from mcrcena,rf motive thnt should go far to his credit, Tho Inzy man never gel tin revolu tion, insurrections or other popular excitements, and don't make a nuis ance of himself by tramping nround tho country mnklug iricoiuli.tr spoech e,s to promote public discontent. ' In his own neighborhood bu is'noy era busy body iu other people, affairs, for tho very lilen of being n luiy-iio&j nt any thing would drive him oulbfHU head. Ry the way, if ho ovor got out of his head, you would havo to drive him out, for ho wouldn't havo' the 43- ergy to go out of his own accord. T No lazy innii ever ran mad. , If ha went crazy it was becauso ho couldn't go anywhere elso without walking. Lazy men dixit disturb tliu quiet- bt peaceful neighbors by putting up' fa tories furnaces and such nbouiiuqt'ona. Finally, lazy men don't gat up base ball club, whiuli, if nothlug elsacoold bo said in their favor, ought, in th,s days of excostivo baiebawling, to en title them to public gratitude , Diti.VKi.NO.- Within twenty-firo year wo havo imried throo generations of young men, who went to early grates through tho baleful iulltieucoof branUy and whiskey. Somo of theso yoUiig men gavo promiso at greut usefulness somo wero cxtrnoidinarlly brilliant some wcro tho Iiopo and prido of tholr families. Rut brandy nud whis key wcro too much for them, aufldpwa they went, hcntlloug among the dead men. Happily whiskey is beiog voted a vulgar tripple, nnd when the present raco of drunkards havo gono the' way of nil drunkards, the uow generation uow coming on tho stage will discard it altogether. Whiskey and brandy may bo taken ns medicine, but they aro psinloloii as beverages drsadfu". i , r A Sad Riui'vSroiir. A Now York paper of October 16th says; While laborers wcro demolishing mi obi build' ing on Twenty-Soveiith street, recently, thoy discovarvd iu nil old rat's nest, a roll nl bills, amounting to $250, 'About eighty years ago ouo of the: iccHpauta of tho house lost tbo money. At'tho lima of this loss, a young man named "illiam dimming,' clerk in a dcwn town tea store, was boarding al the house, and as ho was tho last ope seen In tho room prior to tho-losa, he was suspected of tho robbury, and oil being arrested, was convicted of tho .crime nnd sent to prison, with character ruin ed and borclt of friends. Ilogsvo way to dissipation, and eventually died on Black well Island. " Sl itr-itiHKi, 1'liu Idaho Statetnian is suriirisod that tho Democrats of Idaho and Washington Territories wore con tent to let Oregon glvo Seymour' only 100 majority, when they might Iiava made H '-'.OOOjust ns woll. It, does look a littlo singular. Probbaly pny a few bundled of them followed the advice of the Walla Wulla Siateunan. That paper, it will bo remembered, urged tho Democrats ot tho Trj Uprjes fot to mil jo (.otiio to yrvjjon. to oie,-j- ur Voniw, "" .Tuatflo. -A Democratic paper afCal ifornin says that "more than mot. ten the of the Demooratio party beliuvo to-day that the recent war was wrong in ita inception, wrong iu its) proaVotttion, and wrong in its results.'- AW iwe"3 ooratio paper of Oregon ay) tM(tl"th l,"r,,y "tUuh woujU -.ccert -wcajaalon "' ' a ,w" p J'f fffl.In'- together, can never control tho destiny of thi Kat couutry." Hoik are right. And this full v ex nlaJaa wbv tlnDeQj ooratio partyls iMsigaaJy,qYfrjirow. vrgontm. , , , - tq fc- fl' i : M hi