M 'JVlt"tHA i :crrsM'5K: aKstnz "?, 'n1 -iM$.. r W "? FRANCO-AMEIUCAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, OITOSITK THS Odd Fellow's Hall, " - Jacksonville, Oregon. Tnrelcrf ud resident boarders will fine MADAME D" ROBOAM'S fcSDS AlfD BBDDZZTO i Placed In first cla.? order. and In ersty Way superior to any In tht section, aua mrpasscd by ny In the Stale. MR R0O.MS ARE .ETLV FURNISHED, And a plentiful snpply of the best of ercry . thins the market afford wlll be ob tained Tor HE 11 TABLE. Ho troubled will l spared ,0 deserre -he pat Venice of the traveling as well M the perms- lint community. Jacksonville, March 31, 15G6. tf SPECIAL NOTICES. iSTAll OF THE UNION ) ' CELtBKAItU (nVftiinil BITTCDOl! Ol uniHun ui i i biiui .-.. j.iirlnti. .imiucli r.lllfru sr rntlrtlri T.l.uUt.aml tits trum'cebiuiitlocrjr hurt- TRY JUDGE t THEM! TRY THEM! , FOR YOUR , SELF! fiU lnrrurX A jlsiit tout. and a rnt ifrrt.tlt ililuV. T lu.ll.tt l C ..'! with nclKDutrnuiuiil)liulTIHI.U!tcr.iaile ,..thrmrrUr&trattlcf a!ula (Ot.brk lu.il h-rb. are 'mitaUj- siLiMed lo tl e turv ot (alicUoilU.Mrrach,lSTirv,llrariJ (noK 11 n S Jjri-pu. l rm, I'ani ira, ITU. J H . f Ai nrtlte. eVr. ric I pr t-Mf rw.! , it vLirAlilN. Knii;l!xirrAtTLt)iL. " - - - - - . . ..! BOUND TO DO IT! D. C. MILLER IS BOUNI3 TO WORK ACCORDING TO T1IK TIMES HOUSE SHOEING U ui ' At reduei-d price" for cah. Ten or ciit .1 Wini nt will les made ou all kinds of n-hik vbrr!yi;h li paid. ilntcbSOth. IbC-l. md-'ltf rpo aj'otxaa.dx'yxsa.oxi. I. AND BLACKSMITHS. CmuUrUnd uj LeLi;U COAL ul T:0 ir.O.V X.OOO Touo, 1. Si. auJ ABudt, fir ul tj .i. i:. dovi.i:, ita nj it; I'Mik tt. rn i SOLDIER'S EOTJKTZSg. tiiivi: uECKivi:! rnoM the i . 1 Ti'-aMiry ilmrt fur the "mui ty of t lullo ij anted ciitlem-n t li.wee W. Alib-y. CiwrlM H. Il.nr.1. C. V Il4y. Charles 1. Ulmrll, Unntlt Cnrakt-i, Jms M. Ilux c. Win. A. A. Ilitrmlinn, Jo- "ii'i Mumu, lid A. Tuytor hr.d Jams Wiitfri. Hi se qeiitlerrfi will please cull ui.d H 'III Pay. II. I. DO WELL. -acksonvill. Sept. lt. JbOS. dissolution of Partnership. 'PHE parlw-r-btp heretofore exl-tlni lielweeti 1 K.-II. and VVm. U, Grernm a l dUohvd 1 i dr. Tin aceaunta of Dr. Orecmnau b I .i durwiu-d or to W. C. Grceimiau, and an 1 um-;iliJite p-Ulvmeot U riulrcl- E. II. HRIXSMAN. W.O. GUEUSMAX. Aii Clb, lhCK. aupfctf SEED WHEAT. (PIIE underdgned has for rale at bli rane X ou Wuuor Crrtk. a iianiltr of pltiidW fl wheat, of lh wblte rk-ly. It lia Ufn .ilea iti with opcl I care, and ralH on new ;r ik id on piirpow for rrn , W IJEUSOS, W'.tiiier Creek. Nut Mtb 16'.?, 14now Zfoico Positive. 'PHE.undcrtlcutd finding It neetary for L tbemto collect all ouUtendine nol- and aecount due ibein In ordvr to invet their own Jiah.llti,4ke tills method or notifying all lr dm indebted to them to come forward I in et.ate!y and pay up. or their units and e counts will be put in th" bands of nu offlcrr fpr t K-vilon. BUTTON i tiTK.Ut.N'j lusolttoa rtaerskip , ' PII E partnership liertttafore xtsttnK between 1 J. G. Adams and Win, 11. Will, Gallo ek Oregon, i, till, day dlolved y nnilual ci-nent. All lb acco'iula will ! teltled aud lu! builneas eon t tout d by J. G. Adams, J G. ADAMS. WM. II. 'VITT. Sept- 21st, 18C8. ocil73 JfOTISE. ''PJIEOfflca of the County Treasurer Is at L t Jobo Ortlj's, on Oregon Street. MAX UUM.F.R, . . County Treasurer. 7cksonllle. Nor. Htb 18CS 14now3 hides; iiidls: f-nilE HIGHEST CASH PIUCES PAID FOR Hides of all kinds, delivered at tbo market w W.HBdersfgoed, u Jacksonville. ..n. '. i JOIINOUTH. tsjaber Rtb 1M. If - (J.OTO.THB OUT PRUG 8TOKK ltta,,.j,MrBtsjB bTONK. J Jj M,t,.T buM at the SfJ't. 1iu ttgm VOL. XIII. BUSINESS NOTICES. Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSO.VVILLK, ORMOX. Ambrotypcs, Photographs, Oartos doVislto DOSE IX THE FIXEST STTLE OF ART. Pictures Iteiluccil PA EX.ARQED 7U LIFE SIZE. DR.A.B.OVEttBECK, Physician & Surgeon, JACKSOXrLl.E, OREOOX. OQlee at his residence, In the Old Overbeck Hospital, on Oregon Street. DR. E. E GREENMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SUUGEON, OFFICE-Corncr of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. lfo villi practice In Jackson and adjacent counties, and attend promptly to trufeflouM calls. rebzir DR, A, B, OVERBECK'S BATHEOOMS, Zn tho Ovcrbcck Hospital, WAKM.COLD ASIIOWEU HATHS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. r. ant in:, 31. o., PHYStCIAN&SURCEON, OFFICE renoved lo Calirnla Sftet, J.ck'oi.vlIIe. I).e.:i. li.7. decJMf I)il. LfrtVIS G.VNf.VG, PHYSICIAN & SUHGEON AND Olsatotriclniii ,"7"II-T- ntl-etnl Iri" aiiy Ti5"nty uniilie hl l Kivlce.. i(Ii at ii 1. Don ell's ofllc. 11 1 be ll side 3d .Mr. el 'urkfonnlle. liJlf v. v. ixtveut, DOWELL K. n. WAT30.V. &. VATSON, ATTOEKEYS AT LAW, Ji. Lioi.vlllr, OriKuo DTL. WATSON, ATTOrtNEY AT LAW. KmjiIri'I Gliy, Cooi County, Ogu. "VarrenLo'tke No, 10, A. F. & A. M fl II'iI.I) tblr regular commiiulcatloiu vwron the Wtili.enlay Erculup or prtrced 'v In.' tb full muon. In JarK(inu.s;. nn ,.oon. A. MA HI IN, W. il. C. W. STAor.te"y. Notico. ' I1 ''HE liooks and account of the Sk.ntimei. are L In tbu band of Mr. E U. Watson. Thi)f i liai Mill indebted Plea., call jyo$& cuuut. Teams Wanted for Warner. Camp ON. and after tlw first day of October, IEC8. the uudeisiirufed have deteroiliied to sell for cttibraelu.lwl) ejtcpt ujK-n prdal com iract. Tboic liideUed lo the llrm inu.l -oi-lively pay up, r- M uccouuls nil! U cloud Oc tober 1st. CLENNDUUMACO. sepl2tf. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. NOTICi:. HavliiK disposed of ourrac lory. e are now prepated to jjlMour tt.Ie altrjtlon to ou' Ecttber nud I'iudins buslmss. i)ii baud, duect from Fnsucc, Calf A' Kip, llome.tlo LeatbiT, Hoot Legs, etc. Joux G. lleix. L. FsVhK. I Jouk Hnir, New York. Paris, Fan Francisco. Adiliew, JIIIIN .t lilt AY, Sau FrantlKO, ill! battery Street EL DOKAIX), S. E.for.Cul.&Ocn.ts. Jackson vllle.O. S. M. FARREN. ATTENTION FARMERS Gang Plo'wis). I1MYE pnrcbaed the patent right of Jack sun and Joveublne ccuiilles. for the celebra- ...J t.lt. I f A ? f III tfU ... ..A.U prepared to till order, and wilt guarantee that ibis plow hiii uu iiener Horn wiiu eu oer. aud xlve more tatlnfaclloo than any yet offered lo (bo farmers of southern Oregon. Plows narr.ioted la ever rei-jncl, and all kinds of black-nillbliiK donu at ten per cent. diKouut for cub. octlOmS P. DONF-GAN, ifforzoa. T HEREBY glvo notice that my notes and e- of thirty wiles an hour, and vainly at 1 accounts have been placed lu the bauds' pf I temptine to rally to his support tfje Dowall . WUoo for collection. . r ,.' i i,'. .., rrn W 0. GBEENJUN flviog rtmnaDts pf his party. Fright JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2S, 1S03. Till: ORBDON ffiffiBL. rUDLISHED . Ercry Satunlnr Morning by,, B. F. DOWELL, 0FFH7E, CORXER C S( THIRD STREETS. TEIUI1 UP HVHJtntPTIOXl For one yer, lu ndranoc, four dollars ; If not paia wuatn ids urti six rnontns or me year, Bte dollars If not paid until tbs expiration of the year, six dollars. TKKM UV ADVKRTISISU I One Kjuro (10 lines or leu), first Insertion) Ibrets dollars ; each subsequent Insertion, one dollar. A discount of fllty per cent: will be made to those who adrertlse by (he year. ' A"l'CEl Tenders recelred at current ralea. Up Salt Hirer. During the speech of Hon. Honry Edgurton, delivered at Santa Cruz, Oct. 22d, says the Timet, tlio following verses were read liy the speaker as a political doxology, entirely original. which were responded to with rouuds applaimo: Not a sigh wai hsard nor a tuneral note, As up gall Hlver vru hurried, ' But we looped to depart from our wetry boxt And Hl'hcd our leader was burled. Hens killed sodradjon election day Uy the Grant and Colfax lloni, Tb it naught i Urt his frleiids but to pray His 1 Jul from the Infernal rogloni. Aud thns In the dark and gloomy night. Ofdifcat and de.palr nc hurried, With bis city-clad corp'o concealed from sight To the place where our d;ud arc burled. The coCln tras ready 'iai ndrnont' best And lu rcbvl gray ai ue fouud blm, He Uy like n traitor taking hl rest, With the Confrdi rate rn g around blm. ) Cy tho side of JlcClellan wo made bit grarw; 'Villi our lurches dimly burnbiK J Aud lbs nmi old spadi or lliut Kalhut brae Wr ud fur the roll turf larulng. ' A at) tbrra be I to, In the uoonlljht cold, ' On Ue biik of ike lonely Sl Hirer T- N4tiK' -ri.to4 tho tsla to unfutd Our d. ad aru lorgo'.ten forever. m And ucrTh ttitoitlc v,tn Hod rilk-f ; The offices, ah 1 arc departed J With Serniour aud IlUIr nc hare conic CrUf, And heocc trs arc nil broUu hearted. to Letter From Washington, rcou out: rucuL conncsro.vDU.ST. Wasiiixotos Nov. 2d, 1808. THE yiiW DKJJOCIIATIC ICIIKI.LIO.V. The new Democratiu ruhulllou btill conliniio in the South, hut tho clue tion (if Grant ami Collax to-morrow liy an ovtrwhelnitiig tnnjorltr of the Amcr cau people will sodu put u quietus ou it. Since thu nominutiou of Scymuur and Dlitir hundred of prominent white Union men, and a still greater number (if necmi'i.. linvu been atsasbiuated bv j llie Ku Iv'ux Democracy ol tho South. Within a fortnight they have murder ed the Hon. James Hinds, member of Congress from Arkansas, who was shot by tho Secretary of a Democratic coun ty cuniinitUe, near Little Hock; killed an (itHcvr of tho Kreeilmun's ISurcati, alio a Captain in the IT. S. Army, aud two iiegroe, and wounded a sheriff, near the arne place; killed about fifty negroeit in St. JSunard Pariah, Louisiana !ftu( tooJ( ,oll$esiou of New Orlcaus; i . y, ... , A , killed MX men in Crittenden, Arkansas, in two uiffhts last week; besides kill ing aud wounding scores of others all Over the South, aud committing othf r depredations too numerous o men tion. political su'nr.Rs. Tho great political cauvAts of 1608, the most important and cxciteirig in our history, closes amid unbounded enthuoiasni on the part of the Ilcpul. licans, and rieppair and confusion in the ranks of tho Democracy. Up to tho wry day of the election many ol j tho leading organs of the party contin ue to denounco Seymour and Dlair and clamor for a change of candidates. Tho National Inlellijtncer pitches into Seymour and Ulair and the Tain, manv riiiL' in unmeasured teira. Ill the midst of all this wrangling and confusion, the American people have witnessed tho extraordinary spectacle of the Democratic candidate for Prcsi dent of the United States rushiugover the country in wild despair at the rate ened at the revolt of the State elections, J The Ooote Lako Couutry. Seymour hastened from his retreat at j FroU A) CnKe7one of thu procpee "pent tip Utica," and mado a pilgrim- tois who have just rctttrued from a two ago to Chicago, harrnngutng the pco- monl,v trj,, j M.arci, ot got(i wo tior. pie in sea-ou and out of season at nil ,ivo some iulormation about tho Oooso the principal points along tho route, LAe and Pitt Ulver country. Tho goint; and returning. On tho other pr,v Wl,nl)y vvay ofCampO.P.Siuith hand the ltcpubllcans nro confident of ,oCamp Alvord, nnd thouco traveled victory, but they ar nevertheless ne l)ruws r0.,d acios tho niountaius to tivo ami vigilant. Last week tlicy oM CiUll,, Warner, and from titans held neatly threo hundred political Lcr0Mllu Vttoy t0ll0W Cnm, wnrilor. meetings in the Stnto of New Wk, T, . ..-,.,., .......a tliueauntrvtlior. aud havo averaged about tho same number each week timing the past two months. The same spirit has prevail ed in nearly all the Slates particular ly Pennsylvania, Ohio, nnd Indiana. Secretary Seward made n speech at Auburn day before yesterday, in tho course of which he scolded the Repub lican party in onlcr to justify his own courso, but came out it is said, in favor ot its principles and candidates. OFFICIAL VOTi: 01 TUB OCTOllUIl ULtC TION:!. The total vole ot Pennsylvania at the State elections on tho 13lh ol Oc tober, was 052,700 about 155,000 high er than the veto over reached before. The Republican majority lor John P. Haitrault for Auditor-General is 11,077. Last year Shanwood, Democrat, for Judge of the Supreme Court, had 022 majority, showing a net Republican gain of 10,5'J.. Sixteen Republicans and eight Democrats wero elected to CoUglVeS. In Ohio thu total vote wits 510,750 all but one county ollleial. Tho Re publican majority for Isaac II. Sher wood for Seeietary of Slate, is 17,372. Last year the Republican mnjoiity for Governor Hays was 2,030, showing a net Republican gain of 1-1,38". Thir teen Rcpiib'.rcuns and six Democrats are elected to Congress. The Republican majority lu Indiana for Governor Raker is 1,059. Lam year there was no State elections, hence :o ccmpiiisoii can bo made. Seven Republican and four Democrats art. elected to Congress. In Nebrnka tho Republican major ity was ovr 2,000. John Tulle, Re publican, is elicted to Congiess. In West Virginia, on the 22d of Oc tober, tho Republican mojority for Governor Stevenson was about 5,000, and three Republicans were elected to Congress. Mt.SIISSAI. OP CI.I'Kltli. About 100 male clerks, and about 75 females, were dismissed from the Trcnsury.on tho 1st of this month, most ol tho former from the 2d Audi-' tor's olllce. Want of work was the came. moncv itixovr.iiKD. A safe containing $204,000, belong ing to Adams' Kxpi ess company, which was lost in the Mini.iippi Ricer by the burning of tho steamer Jacob Car ter, was recovered by wicckers, and has been forwarded to the Treasury Department by thu express company, in order to have thu contents examin ed and such notes as can be identified redeemed. Tho contents nro so char ed nun mi men mm a cousioeraoio por tion of It ran never bo identified. The officers have been at work ou it about n mouth, nnd up to the present time havo identified about $-10,000. It will probably bo six months'beloro thu ex amination will be completed, If. Till" Octouku Votk. Tho following is tho official oto of Pennsylvania at the State election held ou the J 3th of October: Hailrunfi (Republican), 332, 800; Boyle (Democrat), 323, J01 Re publicans majority, 0,885. 'Iho aggro gate voto was 168, 027, larger than ov er belnre thrown in tho State The on ly placo wheio tho Democrats gained over the Republicans was in Philadcl phia, and this was accomplished by traud. The Republicans of Pennsylva nia in November quadrupled their ma jority of October. . -,! US I IS I - The cars on tho Pucilio Railroad aro now running from Vallejo to Saciamen to, and tho bridgo aeross tho Yuba at Jlarysvillo is nearly ready for the ties and rails. Oroville will aoon have rail road connection with the Bay of San Francisco. . i ' Tho greclan bond Is snjended for hunting pins and nose bleed, but it's aw ful for studying astronomy. 15 ana j ouj-lily between Albert Lake r.ud thu Xorth end ol Gooso Lake, whero n lino and extensive agiieultural disttict wits found. They then travoletl tlown tho West sido of Gooso Lake, finding only lava plains in some places covered with stunted juniper. At the South end ol tho laku wero iotiutl furtito and well watered farming lands, which, in our informant's opinion, cannot bo excelled between tho Rocky .Mountains and thu Sierra nnd Cascade Itnnge. Game, such as deer antelope, rabbits, aud sago hens were found iuabuudituco. Lnrgu aud delicious wild plums were found in prolusion in the country around Gooso Lake and ou Pitt Itiver. Thesu plums aro ot two varieties, ted aud yellow, as lurgu its hum, eggs, aud grow on bush es from three to four feel high. The party had supplied thtmclvei with titled fruit, but threw it away alter fir ming lu thu country v, hero these plums abounded. Heiuhjuarlers were estab lUhed on Davis Cieek, n short distance Kust ol thu South cud of Goose Lake, nnd a party was sent to Camp Hid well, in Surprise Valley, for n fresh supply of provision, which being procured the party prospcctcil both sides of Pitt Kivur down lo the Hlg Ileud about fif ty miles fuiyt Port Crook, without ti tid ing murj than onu color to thu pan. On the North sido ol main Pitt Itivcr ucaily where il is Joined by the South Folk, AI. informs us that they found a human skeleton which to nil appear aiiocs had 1st t;ii dislntuired by thu sav nge. A bullet hole was fouud in the left temple. There was but littlo llosh ou the bones, which thu parly gnthei. ed togather and burled iiguiti. Thu lollowiug extract from one ot ,JoeV, letteikto tho Aoulancho n year ugo, makes it almost certain that thu romaius weie those ot Lieutenant John .Mud igau, who was killed timing Crook' three days fight Villi the Indians near the South Pork last Pull : "About two tods North ol thu main stream (i'itl River) nnd thirty below thu junction of thu South Porlc, Lieu tenant John .Mudigaii, ol Company II. First United States Cavalry, was bur. led, .Madigiin was shot through thu left temple, le.iiiug n hole trough his head an inch in diameter." Near tho big Rend on Pitt River, about fifty miles from Port Crook, the arty disco voted extensive beds of ex cullciit coal, which in a few years is destined to be valuable beyond compu tation at piesent. Tho river has cut a channel trough ouo of these beds, and shows a coal strata of several feet hi thickness. From tho coal region they tra eled Southeast to Mndnlluo Creek and thence across to thu head watcia of thu South Fork, which they prospec ted, mid then explored the country along thu eastern slope of the Winner .Mountains, Noith as tar as Camp Pitt. The parly then turned homuwnrds aud traversed tho Alkali Lake country to Citmp .Mi G my, fiom which place they followed thu Chico ro.td va Camp Smith to tho Owyhco Ferry. On tho Wesl side of tho road, between Camp Mo Garry and the Pueblo Mountains, a, largo quartz ledgo was observed crop ping out for several miles. It was fouud to contain gold, silver and copper, lint whether those niotals are in paying quantities or not icuiains yet to be dem onstrated. Surprise Valley is repre sented as being a tine farming country It is estimated that 7,600 tons of grain were raised thore this year, of which 760 tons wero required at camps Bid well and Warner and tho remainder must seek un outside maiket. Return teams are now transporting grain to Oreaua, Tho boys speak ill complimentary terms of tho olllcurs at vatjous military camps which they visted, especially of thu Camp Bidwelloomiaauder. Captain Munson, who took special pains to show NO. Ibis charts' and impart nil n'ceMrjl ' formatiou Sn relatiou t th country. Tho Captain is of opinion thai valukbls mines will be discover near Badgtr'i Meadows, it few miles North wis 4 Camp McGnrrvv Tho country in the vieinltj ot tkm old Lassen Bond, East of Goom iLsJas, nppvars to bo filling up with WAttfi Localitits that oight or ten yir j wero dry alkali lints nrt now covsns with water to a depth of several fees, forming oxtonsivo takes, where fish and fowl abounds. No hostile Indians were seen, and, In fact none of any ktnd, except on two ocensjon. Once, Captain Jaok and ft small baud from Hot Springs, on Pitt Ulver paid tho party a visit, nnd at an other time a party of squaws and chll (iron, were found gathering plums ota Madeleine IUvor. The boys christens tho place Squaw Heaven, and it is re ported that tome of the company were with illlilcitlty restrained from taking up their abode among the dusky msld bus and plums. Qwyhte Journal m ' A Quaker's Letter to his Watchmaker. I herewith send thou tuy pocket clock, which standclh in need oi thy friendly oomctlon. Thu last time he wat at they friendly school ho wm la tio ways reformed nor in the least ben efitted thereby ; for I peruelvo by the Index of his mind that he is n liar, and thu truth is not In him; that his pulse Is sometimes slow, which bctokenelh not nu uveu temper, nt other timet It wnxeth sluggish, iiotwlthstaudin g I ficqticntly urge him; when ho should be ou his duty, ns thou kuowotU LU usual hand deuotulh, I find him slum hcriug ; or, as tho vanity ot human reason phiases It, I catch him nappingi I beseech thee, examine thoroughly, thnt thou mayest, being acquainted with his inward fnftuu and disposition, draw him from thu error oi bis way, mid show him thu path wherein he nhould go. Il grieves mu to think, and when 1 ponder therein I am verily of the opinion thul his body Is foul, and the whole mass is corrupt. Clean him, thereloie, with thy charmtng physic, from ull pollution, that ho may vibrate and circulate according to the truth. I will place him for a lew day under thy care, nnd pay for his board ns thou rcqulriat. I entreat thee, liieiul John, to demean thyself on this occasion with judgment, according to the gift which is lu tine, and prow thyself a workman; and when tho Inyest thy correcting hand upon blm let it bu without pasiloo, lest thou shtiuliltt diivo him to destruction. Do thou regulate his motion fur a time to culite, by thu motion of light that ruleth the day; and when thou find tat him converted Irom thu erior ot hU ways, and moiu couformablu to the above mentioned rules, then dp thott send h'nn home with a jiikthill ot char gen drawn out in thu spirit ot modera tion, aud il shall be sent to thio in the rout of all evil. m I'oou Ohkciun. Tho IfirfoiiUt says: "Last Spring Oregon eleotod Iter. J. S. Smith, a lifo-lung copperhead to ft seat in Cougiess. That body has ft Iwo-third Republican iiia'orUy. lit Senate is ot thu same political complex Ion. Now whut do the people of thie State expect of Mr. Smith ? Wbat la llueuce will he possess, except with lew miirmers for tlm Lost Cause, whe, like hlmsclt, have been elevated t po sition by thu votes of 'Pap Price'e boy' Poor Oregon! Your fault la u greviutis one, btitgrevlously will you answer for it." Thu Roicburg J-Mtign In an article ou (ho same subject, saya 'The State will cast its three votea 1st the F.lectornl College with tho party, and for thu candidates which havukeea discaiiled by the American people. I'liiis wu nro politically at war wit the dominant powor in tho Govern ment to which we aro forced to look (or aid and encouragement In the imrror incuts upon which wu dopond for a de velopment of thu resources ot our young Statu. Our Suiiator are tho only sue ilium through which we ran how ex pect to bo heard at the National1 Cap. ita, and wu aro indebted to our late' Democratic Legislature for an effort to destroy their Influence and power in the body of which they are mem' ben." A letter Uj Uolpass' '(Nor. MS) says ; PrdKf on to twenty roinntef past twelelock last night, tier was an uncommon mcteorio display at this place. The meteor were -ami nniuorotis in the East 'and passed ai most due West, without a tingle M caption.' fhoy were of' waoemaUa slzo and brillianoy. Va it an ega'ti of Naturo to aid in the WepwbHeaa Demonstration at Salem on the ovonln? Will somephUlotopneri wi-r this query t